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以扬州市2002年、2007年、2013年的遥感影像为数据源,通过解译获得了扬州市湿地资源分布图,运用转移矩阵法及景观格局指数法对2002-2013年间扬州市湿地动态变化及景观格局演变进行分析,并利用主成分分析法对其驱动力进行探究。结果表明,扬州市2002-2013年湿地面积呈逐年下降趋势,2007年比2002年减少13.69 km2,降幅1.1%;2013年比2007年减少43.23 km2,降幅3.3%。2013年与2002年相比,河流面积稍有减少,降幅为5.6%;滩地面积增加73.2%;库塘面积所占比重由49.84%上升到55.37%,面积增加6.2%;湖泊面积降幅29.7%,所占比重由32.83%下降到24.14%。2002、2007、2013年,各湿地斑块所占景观面积比均为库塘>湖泊>河流>滩地。景观格局指数分析表明,湖泊、滩地及库塘呈现不同程度的破碎化,而河流湿地斑块形状趋于规则且连通性较好。扬州市湿地景观整体呈破碎化趋势,湿地斑块形状趋于复杂,景观多样性增加,各类型湿地呈均衡化趋势发展。社会经济发展、人口增加、第二产业比重及降雨量变化是导致湿地景观格局变化的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

2018年4月至2021年10月,对汤河国家湿地公园鱼类资源开展了调查。结果表明,收集到鱼类23种,隶属于4目7科22属。其中鲤形目16种,占总种数的69.56%,鲈形目4种,鲇形目2种,分别占总种数的17.39%和8.69%,合鳃目1种,占总种数的4.36%,以鲤科种属最多,14属15种,占比65.22%;鱼类可划分为中国平原区系复合体、晚第三纪早期区系复合体、南方平原区系复合体和北方平原区系复合体。对鱼类种群特征、影响鱼类资源的因素等进行了分析。提出,为了更好地保护恢复鱼类资源,应优化增殖种类;规范鱼类引种;打击非法捕鱼;截污,保证下游汤河生态流量;增放人工鱼巢,提高幼鱼种群量;科学动态监测,维护汤河国家湿地公园生态系统的多样性、稳定性和持续性。  相似文献   

水生植物种植是实现水鸟栖息地恢复的重要手段。目前面向湖泊的水生植物种植设计主要是针对水质治理,对水鸟栖息地的保护研究较少,且很少考虑植物种植对水位过程的适应性。本文将湖泊水位过程及植物生长特性相结合,提出一种满足鸟类栖息地恢复的水生植物种植设计新方案。以洪泽湖国家湿地自然保护区为例,根据当地鸟类栖息地的实际需求,将芦苇(Phragmites australis)等7种水生植物确定为种植对象。依据洪泽湖湖底高程,结合不同植物的生长水位要求以及植物发挥鸟类觅食及遮蔽两大功能的需求,探究了历史极端水位过程、历史平均水位过程及优化水位过程下的可种植水生植物种类及其可种植区域,并给出种植方案。结果表明:历史极端水位过程下,仅能种植芦苇1种水生植物,对鸟类栖息地恢复作用有限;历史平均水位过程下,可种植植物增加到4种,有利于扩展鸟类栖息地面积;优化水位过程下,能种植全部7种水生植物,并有效恢复鸟类栖息地面积。本研究面向洪泽湖湿地保护区鸟类栖息地保护,依据鸟类及植物对水位过程的需求提出植物种植方案,提高了方案的针对性,准确性,可为洪泽湖湿地植被恢复及鸟类栖息地保护提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为摸清林州市境内鱼类资源现状,我们于2015年至2018年,对林州市境内的河流、水库等天然水域进行了深入调查,共收集鱼类标本45种,隶属于7目13科37属(见表2)。其中鲤形目最多,30种,占总数的66.67%;其次是鲈形目,6种,占总数的13.33%;鲇形目,5种,占总数的11.11%;刺鱼目、合鳃目、鹤鱵目和鲑形目各1种,占总数的8.89%。分析其鱼类组成、特征、区系,以期发现优良品种,摸清本地资源,科学合理地对渔业资源开发利用,为林州市创建世界人文山水城市提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

红水河龙滩水库鱼类资源调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2009年6月和11月对红水河龙滩水库鱼类资源进行了调查,共采集到鱼类90种,分属7目、18科、69属;其中,鲤形目(Cypriniformes)51属、64种,占总种数的71.1%;鲇形目(Siluriformes)8属、13种,占14.4%;鲈形目(Perciformes)6属、9种,占10.0%;鳗鲡目(Anguilliformes)、鲑形目(Salmoniformes)、鳉形目(Cyprinodontiformes)、合鳃目(Synbgranchiformes)均为1属、1种。结果表明,龙滩水库建设导致水域生态环境的改变是鱼类种类组成及其群落结构变化的主要因素;渔获物分析结果显示,龙滩水库鱼类资源呈现低龄化和小型化的趋势。  相似文献   

2010年11月、2011年5月对四川省九寨沟勿角自然保护区及其邻近水域鱼类物种多样性进行调查,共采集到鱼类6种,共182尾,隶属于3目4科。其中,土著鱼类5种,外来种1种;鲤形目4种,占鱼类物种数的66.67%,鲇形目和鲑形目各有1种,均占鱼类物种数的16.67%。保护区鱼类主要组成为老第三纪原始类群和青藏高原类群,兼有少量的北方冷水类群。其中长江上游特有鱼类3种,占鱼类物种总数的50%;属于四川省重点保护野生动物的有2种,占鱼类物种总数的33.33%。保护区鱼类在食性和栖息习性等方面分别属于不同的生态类型。掠夺性获取,水环境破坏,以及外来种入侵是保护区鱼类资源面临的最大威胁,针对以上威胁提出了相应的保护对策。  相似文献   

北江鱼类群落结构及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为详细了解北江鱼类群落结构,于2014年3月-2016年2月对北江鱼类资源进行了每月一次的野外调查。结果显示:共采集鱼类77种,隶属于8目16科56属。其中鲤形目44种,占总数的57.1%;鲈形目10种,占总数的13.0%;鲇形目8种,占总数的10.3%;其余的鳉形目、合鳃鱼目、鲱形目、鲑形目和鲻形目种数均少于5种。在全部77种鱼类中,只有(Hemiculter leucisculus)、鲤(Cyprinus carpio)和鲮(Cirrhina molitorella)三种鱼类属于年度优势种。典型对应分析(CCA)显示,水温(Tem)、溶氧量(DO)和盐度(Sal)是影响北江鱼类群落结构季节变化的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

于2009年6月和11月对红水河干流龙滩水库、岩滩水库、大化水库、百龙滩水库、乐滩水库、桥巩水库进行了鱼类资源调查。结果显示:调查的鱼类144种,分属10目23科93属,其中鲤形目66属100种,占种数的69.4%;鲈形目11属18种,占种数的12.5%;鲇形目同为18种,分9属,亦占种数的12.5%;其余鳗鲡目1属2种,鲱形目、鲑形目、鳉形目、脂鲤目、合鳃鱼目、鲀形目等6目均为1属1种。本次调查结果表明:红水河干流鱼类种类明显减少,渔获物中小型鱼类数量占优势。  相似文献   

鸟类对生态系统变化较为敏感,是衡量生态环境质量变化的一种重要指示生物。气候变化已成为栖息地丧失的重要原因之一,对鸟类的迁徙、繁殖有一定的影响。本文以洞庭湖流域为研究区域,结合收集到的382个鸟类出现点数据、遥感影像数据、气候变化数据等,基于Maxent模型方法,综合分析洞庭湖流域鸟类分布的驱动气候因素,并预测2050年气候不同情景下鸟类栖息地适宜性分布特征。结果显示:历史情景下洞庭湖流域鸟类的适宜性栖息地为多个集中分布区组成的带状区域,而在未来情景下栖息地由以前的带状分布逐渐演变为团状分布。2050年RCP 2.6、RCP 4.5排放情景下,适宜栖息地面积有所下降,占研究区域总面积的比例从历史情景的 9.43%分别降低到 9.26%、8.91%;而在RCP 8.5排放情景下面积增加,占研究区域总面积的比例增加至10.22%。但从栖息地适宜性分布而言,栖息地分布变得更加集中,未来情景下鸟类栖息地适宜性在三种排放情景下略高于历史情景,适宜性RCR8.5情景(33.12%)> RCR2.6情景(32.87%)> RCR4.5情景(32.74%)> 历史情景(31.33%)。本研究为气候变化条件下鸟类生物多样性保护提供重要的理论支撑。  相似文献   

2016年11月,河南鱼类资源调查队开展了对唐河县主要的河流水库的调查工作。根据唐河县的水系分布特征,共设置24个采样点。涵盖唐河、泌阳河、桐河等河流及其支流,并且结合当地的农贸市场收集鱼类标本。本次共采集鱼类标本47种,隶属于6目12科40属。其中鲤形目最多,占总数的74.47%;其次是鲈形目,占总数的10.64%;鲇形目占总数的6.38%;合鳃目占总数的4.25%;鳉形目和鹤鱵目仅一种,占总数的2.13%。调查结果显示:唐河县的鱼类在摄食、繁殖、栖息等生活习性等诸多方面表现出多种多样的特点。根据鱼类区系复合体系学说,禹州市鱼类资源可划分为:江河平原区复合体系、北方平原区系复合体系、晚第三纪早期区系复合体系、南方平原区系复合体系。唐河县鱼类资源主要以江河平原区系复合体种类为主。  相似文献   

Stream fish distributions are commonly linked to environmental disturbances affecting terrestrial landscapes. In Great Plains prairie streams, the independent and interactive effects of watershed impoundments and land cover changes remain poorly understood despite their prevalence and assumed contribution to declining stream fish diversity. We used structural equation models and fish community samples from third‐order streams in the Kansas River and Arkansas River basins of Kansas, USA to test the simultaneous effects of geographic location, terrestrial landscape alteration, watershed impoundments and local habitat on species richness for stream‐associated and impoundment‐associated habitat guilds. Watershed impoundment density increased from west to east in both basins, while per cent altered terrestrial landscape (urbanisation + row‐crop agriculture) averaged ~50% in the west, declined throughout the Flint Hills ecoregion and increased (Kansas River basin ~80%) or decreased (Arkansas River basin ~30%) to the east. Geographic location had the strongest effect on richness for both guilds across basins, supporting known zoogeography patterns. In addition to location, impoundment species richness was positively correlated with local habitat in both basins; whereas stream‐species richness was negatively correlated with landscape alterations (Kansas River basin) or landscape alterations and watershed impoundments (Arkansas River basin). These findings suggest that convergences in the relative proportions of impoundment and stream species (i.e., community structure) in the eastern extent of both basins are related to positive effects of increased habitat opportunities for impoundment species and negative effects caused by landscape alterations (Kansas River basin) or landscape alterations plus watershed impoundments (Arkansas River basin) for stream species.  相似文献   

Abstract – The blue shiner ( Cyprinella caerulea ) is a federally threatened cyprinid that inhabits discrete habitat patches, but whether the fish in these patches represent distinct subpopulations or a continuous population is not known. Movement patterns of adult blue shiners among habitat patches in the Conasauga River (Tennessee and Georgia, USA) were investigated to determine if movement among patches was unrestricted, or if each patch represented a relatively discrete subpopulation. Movement was restricted to a small proportion of individuals at any given time, and most fish that moved did so between adjacent habitat patches. The average distance moved by blue shiners over the two study periods (1997 and 1998) was just 130.7 m. Riffle and glide mesohabitats were not barriers to the dispersal of blue shiners, and fish moved both upstream and downstream in approximately equal numbers. It is suggested that the fish that are mobile at a given time are responsible for recolonization of habitat patches via cumulative, stepwise movements between adjacent patches, and that intervening patches must be present to maintain connectivity of the entire population. Blue shiners exist as relatively discrete subpopulations in the Conasauga River. This finding emphasizes the importance of protecting habitat integrity throughout the entire course of the river to prevent isolation of subpopulations. This species may be used as a model for the conservation of other patch-restricted aquatic species. Note  相似文献   

为了评价伊犁河流域的健康状况,应用鱼类生物完整性指数(F-IBI)建立了伊犁河流域河流生态系统健康评价体系。2012年-2014年在伊犁河流域设置了6个采样断面,进行鱼类资源调查。从36个候选指标中筛选了8个核心指标用于构建伊犁河流域F-IBI评价体系。通过分析评价,结果显示有1个采样断面处于极好的健康状态,3个处于好的健康状态,2个处于一般状态。伊犁河流域生态系统健康整体上处于好的水平。基于FIBI体系的健康评价结果与其他方法评价结果基本一致,这表明构建的F-IBI体系对伊犁河流域的健康状况评估具有良好的适用性,可作为伊犁河流域水环境监测的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

Flooding river valleys following construction of dams restrict fluvial environments to reaches that were formerly headwaters. Whether remaining habitat is suitable for all life stages of fluvial species is poorly understood. A fluvial species, Arctic grayling Thymallus arcticus, showed a dramatic decline following flooding of the Upper Peace River and the formation of the Williston Reservoir. We related landscape and field site‐specific features with occurrence of juvenile Arctic grayling using an information theoretic approach. For the landscape model, an association was identified between stream order and Arctic grayling occurrence although stream order alone was a poor predictor. A positive association between juvenile Arctic grayling occurrence and distance from the Williston reservoir and stream order, as well as a negative association with water temperature and temperature variance, was deemed important for the field site model. Both modelling approaches indicated size of stream system to be an important influence on occurrence of juvenile grayling in the Williston watershed. River length required for suitable river habitat for salmonids has not previously been identified, but should be factored into future management plans when evaluating the impact of proposed hydroelectric dams and subsequent flooding of river systems.  相似文献   

  1. Habitat loss and degradation together represent one of the five major factors contributing to the rapid decline of the Yangtze finless porpoise in the Yangtze River. Protecting key habitat patches and maintaining migration corridors between habitat patches are major conservation objectives to ensure the in situ viability of the Yangtze finless porpoise. Baseline information essential for addressing these two objectives includes that pertaining to distribution and habitat preference.
  2. To investigate the distribution and habitat preferences of the Yangtze finless porpoise, five transect surveys were conducted in the Anqing section of the Yangtze River, which has the highest porpoise density among all sections of the river. Porpoise abundance estimates were calculated, and preferences for different habitat types were evaluated.
  3. The calculated porpoise abundance in the Anqing section was 181 (95% CI 125–239) animals on average. The inter‐annual and inter‐seasonal differences in porpoise abundance estimates were not significant. The natural river banks and sandbar shores were the most preferred habitats, representing 46.3 and 29.8% of the porpoise observations, respectively. In contrast, 8.1% of the porpoises were observed in habitats along reinforced river banks, which account for 38.7% of the total coastline. In subsections with natural habitat patches, porpoises were observed in almost every survey, while porpoise occurrence became highly stochastic in subsections with long reinforced river banks. These results indicate a significant tendency of the Yangtze finless porpoise to prefer natural habitats with natural river bank or sandbars but to keep away from reinforced river‐bank habitats.
  4. According to porpoise density in different subsections, free migration may be impeded or only one migration corridor remains in some subsections.
  5. Although protecting finless porpoise habitats has become a primary conservation objective, this study highlights the need to protect frequently used habitat patches and migration corridors, particularly those near natural river banks and sandbars, and to restore ecological environments along reinforced river banks.

1. Methods to assess the physical habitat available to aquatic organisms provide important tools for many aspects of river management, including river health monitoring, determination of river restoration/rehabilitation strategies, setting and evaluating environmental flows and as surrogates for biodiversity assessment. 2. Procedures used to assess physical habitat need to be ecologically and geomorphologically meaningful, as well as practicable. A conceptual methodological procedure is presented that evaluates and links instream habitat and geomorphology. 3. The heterogeneity of habitat potential is determined within geomorphic units (such as pools, runs, riffles) by assessing flow hydraulics and substrate character. These two variables are integrated as hydraulic units — patches of uniform flow and substrate. 4. This methodology forms a logical extension of the River Styles framework that characterizes river form and behaviour at four inter‐related scales: catchments, landscape units, River Styles (reaches) and geomorphic units. As geomorphic units constitute the basis to assess aquatic habitat availability, and they form the building blocks of river and floodplain systems, intact reaches of a particular River Style should have similar assemblages of instream and floodplain habitat. 5. An application of the hydraulic unit procedure is demonstrated in gorge, partly‐confined and alluvial River Styles from the Manning catchment in northern New South Wales, Australia. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

伊犁裂腹鱼(Schizothorax pseudaksaiensis)仅分布于新疆伊犁河流域,是该流域典型的土著种和生态敏感种。近年来,过度捕捞及水利工程开发使栖息地环境改变,种群数量急剧减少。本研究分析了伊犁河流域4个采样点共计54尾伊犁裂腹鱼线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因(长度为1109bp)的序列,探讨了伊犁裂腹鱼遗传结构及其影响因素。54尾个体共定义了16种单倍型,其中雅玛渡采样点群体(YJ)享有单倍型的数量最多,而恰普其海水库群体(YQ)享有单倍型的数量最少。单倍型分子系统树和中介网络图均分为两支,不同群体间单倍型交叉出现。平均遗传距离表明,4个伊犁裂腹鱼群体的遗传分化为种内个体间差异,尚未达到亚种水平。伊犁裂腹鱼单倍型分布的分化可能与大坝的阻隔效应有关。建议对两个类群伊犁裂腹鱼采取不同的管理策略加以保护。  相似文献   

1. The impact of land-claim on the intertidal areas of the Forth estuary, eastern Scotland is described. It is shown that in recent times almost 50% of the intertidal area has been destroyed for a variety of purposes, including agriculture, harbours and industrial development. 2. The loss of infaunal invertebrate biomass and production from the intertidal habitat has been calculated for each part of the estuary, and by summation for the whole estuary. The loss is discussed in relation to the total biomass and production, both intertidally and subtidally, of the estuary. It is shown that proportionately more biomass and production may have been lost than area. 3. The impact of land-claim on estuarine fish is calculated. Land-claim has removed 24% of the natural fish habitats in the Forth estuary, and thereby removed 40% of their food supply. 4. The impact of habitat loss on birds was observed for one area where observations continued throughout a period of land-claim. For individual bird species at Torry Bay, land-claim had consequences ranging from neutral to substantially negative. Significant declines were found for overwintering populations of dunlin and bar-tailed godwit. Comparisons of pre- and post-land-claim bird feeding usage of this area, showed that the impact of land-claim on local bird populations differed between species. The large scale loss of habitat on the Forth seems likely to have reduced the size of some shorebird populations which overwinter on the estuary. 5. It is concluded that when considering the impact of land-claim on estuaries that, as found in some previous studies, a simple consideration of area lost may be inadequate to describe the effects of land-claim, and the consequences for animals living within the estuary may differ considerably amongst themselves and from area to area.  相似文献   

黄河口及其邻近水域鱼类生物完整性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据2013—2014年在黄河口及其邻近海域进行的鱼类资源底拖网调查数据,并结合20世纪80年代和90年代的历史资料,依照黄河口水域鱼类区域组成特征,从鱼类种类组成、繁殖共位体、鱼类耐受性和营养结构等方面提出了12个评价指标,初步构建了黄河口水域鱼类生物完整性指数评价指标体系,并制定了评价标准,根据不同年代数据之间的差距分3个层次赋值打分,研究了黄河口水域鱼类生物完整性及其年代际变化。结果表明,20世纪80年代初期黄河口水域鱼类生物完整性表现为"极好"水平;90年代处于"差"水平;2013年处于"极差"的水平。与20世纪80年代初期相比,黄河口及其邻近水域的鱼类生物完整性呈下降趋势,人为因素对生态环境干扰较大,过度捕捞等造成黄河口水域鱼类种类减少甚至消失,黄河口水域生态健康状况下降。  相似文献   

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