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为研究饵料、家系及二者交互作用对中间球海胆(Strongylocentrotus intermedius)生长、摄食及变异的影响,利用两种饵料—裙带菜(Undaria pinnitafida)和配合饲料,对6个中间球海胆全同胞家系进行了60 d投喂,实验结束时测量了实验海胆的终末体重(FBW)和总摄食量,并计算了体重特定生长率(SGR)、饵料系数(FCR)和体重变异系数的变化(ΔCV),利用双因素及单因素方差分析的方法,检验了饵料、家系及二者交互作用对FBW、SGR、FCR及ΔCV的影响。结果表明,饵料与家系的交互作用对FBW和ΔCV无显著影响,摄食裙带菜的海胆较摄食配合饲料的海胆在终末体重(FBW)和整齐度(ΔCV)上表现出极显著的优势(P0.01),不同家系间海胆的FBW和ΔCV也有显著差异(P0.05)。饵料与家系的交互作用对体重SGR和FCR均有极显著影响(P0.01),在各家系内,裙带菜投喂下海胆体重SGR均极显著优于配合饲料投喂(P0.01);饵料系数(FCR)均极显著高于配合饲料投喂(P0.01);对于每种饵料,不同家系间SGR也均具有显著差异(P0.05),FCR亦是如此。两种饵料下家系SGR排位基本一致,说明家系与饵料在SGR上的交互作用是由于不同饵料下家系对SGR的影响程度有差异造成的,而家系FCR排位出现了较大变化则说明FCR受到交互作用的影响是由于不同饵料对不同家系的投喂效果不同造成的。本研究结果表明,家系选择可用于对中间球海胆生长、饵料系数和整齐度的遗传改良,饵料对这些性状的表现有显著的影响,对饵料系数进行家系选育时应注意家系与饵料的交互作用问题。  相似文献   

为研究胆汁酸对草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)生长性能、肌肉营养成分及消化酶活性的影响,选取初始体重为(13.11±0.58)g的草鱼540尾,随机分成6个实验组,分别饲喂胆汁酸添加量为0、75、150、225、300、375 mg/kg的等氮等能饲料(粗蛋白含量34.56%,总能13.54 kJ/g),养殖时间为60 d.结果显示,随着胆汁酸浓度的增加,草鱼的增重率(WGR)、特定生长率(SGR)均呈先上升后下降的变化趋势,且均在胆汁酸添加量为300 mg/kg时达到最大值(分别为281.18%和2.23%/d);饲料系数(FCR)则呈先下降后上升的趋势,且在胆汁酸添加水平为225 mg/kg时达最低值(1.26).由二次回归方程可知,WGR、SGR、FCR等生产性能最优时,胆汁酸添加水平分别为222.15、265.00、242.86 mg/kg.实验鱼肌肉粗脂肪含量随胆汁酸添加量的增加而呈先下降后趋于稳定的变化趋势,粗蛋白质含量则呈先上升后降低的变化趋势.肠道各段及肝胰脏的消化酶活性均随胆汁酸添加量的增加呈先升高后下降的趋势.由此说明,适量的胆汁酸能提高草鱼生长性能,促进其脂肪代谢,降低机体脂肪沉积,改善其肌肉品质.本研究考虑到草鱼消化酶活性、肌肉品质及生长性能等因素,其饲料中胆汁酸适宜的添加量为222.15-265.00 mg/kg.  相似文献   

为研究胆汁酸对草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)生长性能、肌肉营养成分及消化酶活性的影响,选取初始体重为(13.11±0.58)g的草鱼540尾,随机分成6个实验组,分别饲喂胆汁酸添加量为0、75、150、225、300、375 mg/kg的等氮等能饲料(粗蛋白含量34.56%,总能13.54 k J/g),养殖时间为60 d。结果显示,随着胆汁酸浓度的增加,草鱼的增重率(WGR)、特定生长率(SGR)均呈先上升后下降的变化趋势,且均在胆汁酸添加量为300 mg/kg时达到最大值(分别为281.18%和2.23%/d);饲料系数(FCR)则呈先下降后上升的趋势,且在胆汁酸添加水平为225 mg/kg时达最低值(1.26)。由二次回归方程可知,WGR、SGR、FCR等生产性能最优时,胆汁酸添加水平分别为222.15、265.00、242.86 mg/kg。实验鱼肌肉粗脂肪含量随胆汁酸添加量的增加而呈先下降后趋于稳定的变化趋势,粗蛋白质含量则呈先上升后降低的变化趋势。肠道各段及肝胰脏的消化酶活性均随胆汁酸添加量的增加呈先升高后下降的趋势。由此说明,适量的胆汁酸能提高草鱼生长性能,促进其脂肪代谢,降低机体脂肪沉积,改善其肌肉品质。本研究考虑到草鱼消化酶活性、肌肉品质及生长性能等因素,其饲料中胆汁酸适宜的添加量为222.15–265.00 mg/kg。  相似文献   

为了解大鳞鲃(Barbus capito)幼鱼脂肪的需求量。试验分为5组,分别饲喂脂肪水平为3.92%(L1)、6.25%(L2)、8.36%(L 3)、10.75%(L4)、和12.91%(L5)的等氮等能饲料,养殖56 d后采样。结果显示:当饲料中脂肪水平从3.92%到8.36%逐渐增多时,鱼体增重率(WG)和特定生长(SGR)显著升高,饵料系数(FCR)明显降低;当饲料中脂肪含量继续增加时,鱼体WG和SGR呈下降趋势,FCR数则相反,且当饲料中脂肪水平为12.91%时,鱼体WG和FCR与饲料脂肪水平为8.36%时差异显著。大鳞鲃形体指标受饲料脂肪水平显著影响,其中,脏体比(VSI)随着饲料脂肪含量的升高而上升,而肝体比(HSI)却呈降低趋势,且当饲料中脂肪水平分别为10.75%和12.91%时,大鳞鲃幼鱼HSI显著低于对照组。饲料脂肪水平对全鱼、胴体和内脏的水分、粗蛋白和粗灰分显著影响较小,但仍能看出当饲料脂肪水平为6.25%时,全鱼的粗蛋白显著低于其他四组;全鱼、胴体和内脏的粗脂肪含量随饲料中脂肪水平的增加而上升,而肝脏中粗脂肪含量的变化趋势则相反,呈下降趋势。此外,以饲料中脂肪含量为自变量,分别以WG和FCR为因变量进行二次回归方程分析可得,大鳞鲃幼鱼WG最大时对脂肪的最适需求量为7.99%,而大鳞鲃幼鱼FCR最小时对脂肪的最适需求量为8.76%。综上可知,大鳞鲃幼鱼对饲料中脂肪的适宜需求量为7.99%~8.76%。  相似文献   

为探索胡子鲶(Claris fuscus)生长的最适饲料蛋白质需求量,选择初始体质量为(83.2±1.84) g的胡子鲶共360尾,随机分成4组,分别饲喂4种不同蛋白质水平(质量分数分别为28%、34%、38%、42%)的饲料,在饲养50 d后,对各组鱼的特定生长率(SGR)、平均日增重(DWG)、饲料系数(FCR)和血液生化指标进行了比较和分析。试验结果表明:38%蛋白质水平组的SGR、DWG均为最高,FCR最低。蛋白质水平为34%、38%、42%的3个组之间SGR、DWG、FCR无显著性差异,但均与28%组差异显著(P0.05)。SGR与饲料蛋白质水平的相关曲线为y=-0.0074x~2+0.526x-8.290 2(R~2=0.689 6),DWG与饲料蛋白质水平的相关曲线为y=-0.0031x~2+0.237 3x-3.547 8(R~2=0.737 6)。经方程拟合求得,当饲料蛋白质质量分数为35.8%~38.0%时,胡子鲶的SGR、DWG均为最高。血液生化指标检测结果显示,各试验组鱼血清中甘油三酯(TG)、总蛋白质(TP)、谷草转氨酶(AST)无显著性差异(P0.05),42%蛋白质水平组试验鱼的谷丙转氨酶(ALT)含量最高,与其它3组差异显著(P0.05)。  相似文献   

于2012年5月至2013年11月,对池养中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)全程投喂配合饲料,观测扣蟹和成蟹阶段的生长规律、成活率、早熟率、性腺发育速度、产量、规格分布和饲料系数等。结果表明:(1)扣蟹阶段雌雄生长差异不显著(P0.05),增重率(WG)和特定增长率(SGR)为先上升后下降,整个扣蟹培育阶段的平均SGR为1.9%/d左右;平均成活率和早熟率分别为10.0%和4.9%,雌体的早熟率显著高于雄体(P0.05);一龄早熟蟹和正常扣蟹的平均体重分别为19.8 g和7.5 g左右,一龄早熟蟹和正常扣蟹的平均产量分别为229 kg/hm~2和2433 kg/hm~2;扣蟹培育阶段饲料投喂主要发生在7—10月,占全部饲料用量的80%以上,饲料投喂量与扣蟹体重及池塘水温具有一定的关系,扣蟹阶段饲料系数(FCR)为2.15。(2)成蟹养殖过程中,自6月份起雄体体重大于雌体,整个养殖阶段雄体的SGR显著高于雌体(P0.05);雌雄成蟹最终平均体重分别为126.1 g和181.1 g,雌、雄及总体成活率分别为61.30%、53.47%和58.4%,产量分别为412.20 kg/hm~2、536.10 kg/hm~2和950 kg/hm~2;成蟹养殖的饲料消耗主要发生在7—10月,其中育肥前期(9—11月)的饲料用量占50%左右,整个成蟹养殖阶段的FCR为2.63。(3)池养成蟹的生殖蜕壳主要发生在8—9月,雌体比雄体早20 d左右;雌体的性腺发育主要发生在生殖蜕壳后的9—10月,雄体的性腺发育时间跨度较长,生殖蜕壳前性腺指数已达0.8%左右;雌雄成蟹性腺发育期间肝胰腺指数均呈下降趋势。综上,全程投喂配合饲料能保证池养中华绒螯蟹的正常生长发育,可大规模推广应用于中华绒螯蟹养殖产业。  相似文献   

孙颖 《水产学报》2006,30(6):740-746
家蚕多角体病毒表达系统在家蚕体内表达基因重组的草鱼生长激素(r-gGH),具有与天然草鱼生长激素(GH)相似的免疫原性和生物活性。为了节省基因工程研究中的下游工作 (基因产物的分离和提纯),本研究将含有r-gGH的家蚕直接作为饵料源,冻干并磨碎后拌在饵料中投喂草鱼鱼种,通过养殖实验及生化测定分析对比r-gGH促进草鱼鱼种生长的剂量依存关系,筛选活性强的处理剂量和处理时间,期望为鱼类养殖生产提供一种较为经济、来源容易、方法简易而又切实可行的促进鱼种生长并且可以大规模应用的方式。实验结果表明,投喂含有r-gGH的家蚕,有相当一部分被鱼体消化道吸收,进入血液循环。投喂2 h和6 h 后,草鱼鱼种的血清GH水平均显著高于对照组(投喂基本饲料)和投喂正常家蚕组;每天投喂和隔2天投喂,均使草鱼鱼种的血清GH水平显著升高,并对草鱼鱼种生长都有明显的促进作用。短期(3 d)和长期(42 d)投喂含有r-gGH 的家蚕,无论是低剂量(10 mg·g-1饲料)还是高剂量(20 mg·g-1饲料),均极其显著地提高草鱼鱼种的血清GH水平;长期(42 d)投喂亦对草鱼鱼种的生长有显著的促进作用,鱼体的相对体重增长率、相对体长增长率、食物转化率和肥满度显著增加。  相似文献   

草鱼幼鱼肌醇营养需要量的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以酪蛋白、明胶和鱼粉为蛋白源,配制含肌醇水平分别为0、50 mg/kg、100 mg/kg、200 mg/kg、400 mg/kg8、00 mg/kg、1 600 mg/kg的7组实验饲料。每组设3个重复,连续投喂体质量(4.78±0.18)g的草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idella)幼鱼9周,通过测定生长指标、部分血清生化指标和全鱼营养成分来评价饲料肌醇添加水平对草鱼幼鱼的影响。结果表明,饲料中肌醇添加水平≥200 mg/kg使草鱼幼鱼增重率(WGR)、特定生长率、血清中总胆固醇(TC)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)含量与对照组相比有显著提高(P<0.05),而血清甘油三酯(TG)含量比对照组有显著降低(P<0.05);200 mg/kg和400 mg/kg肌醇添加组草鱼幼鱼饲料系数(FCR)比对照组有显著降低(P<0.05);饲料中添加肌醇对草鱼幼鱼存活率、血清中高密度脂蛋白胆固醇和全鱼营养成分无显著影响(P>0.05)。对WGR、FCR、TC、TG和LDL-C进行折线回归分析得出饲料中肌醇添加水平为166~214 mg/kg对草鱼幼鱼的生长比较适宜。  相似文献   

本实验探讨以猪肉粉为动物蛋白源的草鱼日粮中添加鱼溶浆粉和鱼油以补充鱼类所需的部分生长因子,对草鱼生长、肝脏脂肪含量和血清理化指标的影响,以期达到节约鱼粉的目的。在实用配方模式下,设计6种等氮等能饲料,分别是添加6%猪肉粉(6P)、3%猪肉粉+3%鱼溶浆粉(3P3SW)、6%鱼溶浆粉(6SW)、3%猪肉粉+3%鱼溶浆粉+2%鱼油(3P3SW2O)、6%鱼溶浆粉+2%鱼油(6SW2O)和6%鱼粉(6F,对照)。在池塘网箱中饲喂(80.0±2.0)g的草鱼72 d。结果表明,6P和6F在SGR、FCR、PRR、ERR和HSI方面均无显著差异(P>0.05)。添加鱼溶浆粉后,3P3SW、6SW与6F相比,SGR提高了9.1%~9.6%,FCR下降了8.5%~11.2%,差异显著(P<0.05),但3P3SW和6SW无显著差异(P>0.05),同时,在PRR、FRR和ERR方面,3P3SW、6SW均有一定程度提高。添加鱼油后,3P3SW2O、6SW2O和3P3SW、6SW比,SGR分别下降了9.7%、15.4%,FCR分别上升了6.9%、31.1%,除3P3SW2O和3P3SW的FCR之外,其余差异显著(P<0.05);在PRR和ERR方面,3P3SW2O、6SW2O均有一定程度下降;同时,3P3SW2O、6SW2O的FRR和肝脏粗脂肪含量都出现不同程度增高,HSI增大,血清TBA、CHOL、HDL和LDL与肝脏粗脂肪呈现出相同趋势,且上述指标均是6SW2O组最高,与其余各组均存在显著差异(P<0.05)。此外,在对饲料中游离氨基酸和生物胺与FCR和SGR的相关性分析中,发现游离Lys、Tau和Put与FCR和SGR的Pearsion相关系数都大于0.8,且符合二次函数关系。因此,鱼溶浆粉对草鱼的促生长作用优于鱼粉,在无鱼粉日粮中添加少量的鱼溶浆粉能满足草鱼需求,节约鱼粉用量,这种促生长作用与饲料中游离Lys、Tau和Put的关系密切;由于鱼油促使脂肪在体内和肝脏沉积,加重肝脏脂质代谢负担,加上其易氧化变质特性,限制了它在水产饲料中的使用。  相似文献   

在基础饲料中添加0.5%的壳聚糖,采用3种不同的投喂方式(方式A:连续投喂基础饲料,对照组;方式B:连续投喂添加0.5%壳聚糖的饲料,连续组;方式C:先投喂0.5%壳聚糖饲料再投喂基础饲料且每15天间隔投喂,不连续组)饲喂初始体重(19.46±0.04)g的草鱼60d后,对草鱼进行饥饿胁迫处理[各投喂方式分为投喂组(feeding,F)和饥饿组(starvation,S)],以生长、一氧化氮(nitrogenoxide,NO)含量和溶菌酶(lysozyme,LSZ)活性为指标考察壳聚糖不同投喂方式对草鱼抗饥饿胁迫处理的能力。结果显示,(1)连续组和不连续组60d时草鱼增长率和增重率显著高于对照组(P<0.05),15d饥饿处理后也呈现投喂组和饥饿组的增长率和增重率高于对照组的趋势(P>0.05);(2)对照组头肾、肝胰脏NO含量和血清、头肾溶菌酶活性饥饿组显著高于投喂组(P<0.05),连续组除头肾外NO含量和各组织溶菌酶活性饥饿组显著低于投喂组(P<0.05)或与投喂组无显著差异(P>0.05),不连续组除脾脏外NO含量和除肝胰脏外的溶菌酶活性饥饿组显著低于投喂组(P<0.05)或与投喂组无显著差异(P>0...  相似文献   

Empirical growth models have widespread application in the field of aquaculture. These models allow estimates of harvest size and waste outputs in addition to nutrient and feed requirements. In an effort to increase the ability to predict shrimp growth, the specific growth rate (SGR) and thermal‐unit growth coefficient (TGC) models were fitted to 15 datasets encompassing growth of Pacific whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Shrimp were reared under commercial conditions in Southeast Asia with weights ranging from 0.01 g to 34 g. Growth rates were regressed against body weights to identify changes in growth pattern across life stages. Analysis identified two distinct patterns of growth, with a break point between stanzas at 7.5 g. The body weight exponent of the TGC model, traditionally assumed to be (1 ? b) = 1/3, was solved for iteratively in each identified growth stanza in an effort to improve the goodness of fit of the TGC model. Average body weight exponents in the first and second stanzas were 0.416 and 0.952 respectively. Projected growth trajectories using these exponents resulted in significantly better fits in comparison to the traditional TGC and the SGR on the basis of statistical measures of goodness of fit.  相似文献   

Fish feed constitutes one of the largest costs in aquaculture, therefore inefficient feed management will have a negative impact on fish farm economics. Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) is a relatively new candidate for freshwater aquaculture, however little is known about the energy requirements of this species. The aim of this study was to develop an energy requirement model for intensive culture of Eurasian perch reared at rational temperatures. Data on growth (the thermal unit growth coefficient, TGC, 3√g · (°C · days)?1) and digestible energy need (DEN, kJ DE · g?1) of Eurasian perch at a size range of 20–180 g and at temperatures of 17–23 °C were used. Regression analysis revealed that both TGC and DEN were affected significantly by fish size (P < 0.001) but not by temperature (P > 0.05). Two models including body size of the fish were developed: (i) an inverse TGC model for evaluation of the daily theoretical weight increment (TWi, g · day?1) and (ii) a linear DEN model. The TGC model was validated by comparing theoretical data with data obtained from a commercial growth trial. By combining the TWi and the DEN, a model describing the daily theoretical energy requirement (TER, kJ · day?1) at different temperatures and for Eurasian perch of different sizes was successfully developed.  相似文献   

为确定南昌地区某渔场草鱼出血性败血症的病原体及病原特征,从患病草鱼的肝脏病灶中分离出一株致病菌A1310。对分离菌进行了形态特征、理化特性等表型生物学检验、人工感染实验及对抗菌药物的敏感性实验,并对其进行了全基因组测序、基于多序列位点分型(multilocus sequence typing,MLST)的系统进化分析及毒力基因分析。结果显示,生理生化鉴定证明该菌为嗜水气单胞菌,当浓度达1.0×106 CFU/mL时,对草鱼有致病性;对供试20种抗菌药物中的青霉素等7种耐药,对卡那霉素等5种敏感;A1310株基因组框架序列共包含96个与毒力和防御相关基因,其中多药耐药性外排泵基因占大多数,约为22%;与美国斑点叉尾鮰分离株(S15-242、S15-458、S15-591、S15-700)聚类为同一进化分支;比较基因组分析发现,A1310具有一个删减版的Ⅵ型分泌系统(type Ⅵ secretion system,T6SS),基因数量为标准Ⅵ型分泌系统的80%,缺少vgrG和vca0109基因的部分片段。综上所述,来源于草鱼的嗜水气单胞菌菌株A1310,与美国斑点叉尾鮰分离株具有亲缘关系,含有多个已报道的嗜水气单胞菌的毒力基因。本研究不仅丰富了嗜水气单胞菌的生物学性状内容,也为嗜水气单胞菌的有效检验、防治和深入研究提供一定的参考,对草鱼的疾病防控具有一定意义。  相似文献   

Several fish species of the genus Salvelinus are used for stocking freshwaters in North and South America and much of Europe but there is little information about their growth and carcass composition. Lake trout (S. namaycush), brook trout (S. fontinalis) and their hybrid F1 splake (S. namaycush × S. fontinalis) (initial body weight ca. 2–4 g) were raised at 6.4, 10.6 and 14.9 °C to examine growth and nutrient deposition as a function of water temperature. In all species, weight gain and feed intake increased significantly with water temperature and feed efficiency was significantly lower at 6.4 than at 10.6 and 14.9 °C. In brook trout, Thermal‐unit Growth Coefficient (TGC) growth rate was significantly lower at 6.4 than at 10.6 and 14.9 °C, while in F1 splake TGC was only lower at 6.4 than 10.6 °C. Expressed in terms of relative composition a significant effect of temperature was observed. In all species, moisture content decreased while crude protein, lipid, ash and energy contents increased with increased temperature. Expressed in absolute terms, however, a significant effect of temperature was not observed. In all species carcass contents increased significantly with increased live body weight and were best described by simple linear equations. Gross energy concentration was significantly affected by both water temperature and body weight. These data indicate that the growth of these species is a function of water temperature and, in absolute terms, carcass composition is mainly a function of body weight and not water temperature. Also, such simple linear equations bode well for modification of existing feed requirement and waste outputs models; improving their applicability to these species.  相似文献   

Florida pompano Trachinotus carolinus is an important species in which the essentiality of taurine has been demonstrated, yet a quantitative requirement has not been estimated. Two experiments were conducted where a combined twelve diets were formulated with graded levels of taurine (ranging 1.6–41.6 g/kg dry matter) and fed to juvenile pompano (initial weight 7.73 and 4.37 g in trial 1 and 2, respectively). Dose responses were observed in terms of growth, feed efficiency and whole‐body taurine content, but there was no effect on survival. Several regression models were evaluated to determine the most appropriate one to draw conclusions from. A 4‐parameter saturation kinetic model was selected to model feed efficiency, while a 5‐parameter saturation kinetic model fitted the growth data (as thermal‐unit growth coefficient, TGC). A broken‐quadratic model served to estimate a breaking point in the whole‐body taurine content, although it also showed that whole‐body taurine kept increasing even at dietary levels in far excess of the requirement. The dietary taurine requirement was estimated at 2.5 g/kg (2.0–3.3 g/kg, 95% CI, dry matter basis) based on feed efficiency, while TGC was maximized at levels between 4.9 and 31.4 g/kg dietary taurine.  相似文献   

唐金玉  王岩  任岗  李由明 《水产学报》2019,43(6):1438-1448
通过93 d围隔实验比较了增加摄食配合饲料的鱼(草鱼和银鲫)密度和添加EM菌对三角帆蚌、草鱼、银鲫、鲢和鳙综合养殖系统中浮游植物群落和初级生产力的影响。采用2×2实验设计,设4个处理:LF0(20尾草鱼+10尾银鲫)、LFA(20尾草鱼+10尾银鲫+EM菌)、HF0(40尾草鱼+20尾银鲫)和HFA(40尾草鱼+20尾银鲫+EM菌)。所有处理中三角帆蚌、鲢和鳙密度相同,均为每个围隔内40只蚌、8尾鲢和2尾鳙。实验期间围隔内不换水,每天分2次投喂配合饲料;定期向LFA和HFA围隔内泼洒EM菌。结果显示,围隔内出现浮游植物超过81种,分别隶属7门、32科、73属;实验前期浮游植物优势种为微囊藻和栅藻,后期转为微囊藻、平裂藻和腔球藻;浮游植物生物量平均为3.2×108~8.3×108个/L;摄食配合饲料的鱼密度和EM菌对浮游植物种类组成和多样性无显著影响,但高密度草鱼和银鲫组(HF0和HFA)中浮游植物生物量和群落呼吸强度较高,初级生产力较低;添加EM菌可降低蓝藻在浮游植物生物量中的比例,增加初级生产力。研究表明,在蚌鱼综合养殖中放养摄食配合饲料的鱼密度不宜过高。  相似文献   

The design and testing of a feed intake monitoring system based on feed waste collection is described. The system was used in a study of feed intake and growth of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. parr in relation to temperature (2 °C or 8 °C) and feed composition (21% fat, 50% protein and 22.5 MJ kg?1 or 34% fat, 40% protein and 24.8 MJ kg?1). Fish had lower feed intake and slower growth at the lower temperature, but temperature‐corrected growth (TGC) was better in fish held at the lower temperature. There was an increase in TGC over time at low temperature, probably as a result of long‐term thermal acclimation. Feed conversion for an increase in body size from 19 to 38 g was better for the fish held at low temperature. Feed consumption of low‐fat feed was higher than that of high‐fat feed, and growth of the fish fed the low‐fat feed was better at the higher temperature. These data are consistent with the ideas that the fish compensated for differences in feed energy densities to maintain energy and nutrient intakes, and that lipostatic factors may be operating to regulate feed intake and growth.  相似文献   

胡凯  李双安  冯琳  姜维丹  吴培  刘杨  姜俊  邝声耀  唐凌  周小秋 《水产学报》2019,43(10):2256-2267
本实验探索了肌醇对嗜水气单胞菌致生长期草鱼头肾和脾脏氧化损伤的保护作用。实验选取平均体质量(221.83±0.84) g的草鱼540尾,随机分为6组,每组3个重复,分别饲喂含不同水平肌醇[27.0(基础饲料组,未添加肌醇)、137.9、286.8、438.6、587.7和737.3 mg/kg]的饲料10周。随后经腹腔注射嗜水气单胞菌进行14 d攻毒实验。结果显示,嗜水气单胞菌注射后,与基础饲料(未添加肌醇)组相比,饲料中适宜水平肌醇组生长期草鱼头肾和脾脏活性氧(ROS)、丙二醛(MDA)和蛋白质羰基(PC)含量显著降低,而超氧化物歧化酶(SOD/CuZn-SOD和MnSOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPx/GPx1a、GPx1b、GPx4a和GPx4b)、谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GST/GSTP1、GSTP2、GSTO1和GSTO2)和谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)活性及mRNA水平,谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量显著提高。此外,饲料中适宜水平肌醇上调了嗜水气单胞菌注射后生长期草鱼头肾和脾脏核因子E2相关因子2(Nrf2)mRNA和蛋白水平,下调了Kelch样环氧氯丙烷相关蛋白1(Keap1)a和b mRNA水平。研究表明,饲料中适宜水平肌醇可激活鱼类头肾和脾脏Nrf2信号途径,提高其抗氧化能力,增强抵抗嗜水气单胞菌致头肾和脾脏氧化损伤的能力。此外,以嗜水气单胞菌注射后生长期草鱼头肾和脾脏ROS含量为标识,生长期草鱼肌醇需要量分别为452.1和449.0 mg/kg。  相似文献   

The aim of the present experiment was to screen several biochemical indices in fish and their interrelations in order to select variables for future studies of growth rate and feed conversion. Several parameters [trypsin activity, chymotrypsin activity, free amino acids (FAA) in plasma and white muscle, and RNA and RNA/protein ratio in the white muscle] were measured together with specific growth rate (SGR), feed intake and feed conversion efficiency (FCE) in four groups of diploid or triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) reared under different light regimes. SGR was measured on individually tagged fish, whereas feed intake and feed conversion was estimated on tank basis. A principal component analysis (PCA) explained 80.6% of the variance in the data, using all measured parameters, regardless of ploidy and light regime. Muscle free hydroxyproline showed the highest correlation, alone explaining 55% of SGR variability. The SGR also significantly correlated with trypsin activity (r=0.34), the activity ratio of trypsin to chymotrypsin (T/C) (r=0.39), plasma essential FAA (EAA) (r=0.39), plasma total FAA (TFAA) (r=0.37), the ratio of essential to non-essential FAA (EAA/NEAA) in the white muscle (r=–0.45), muscle RNA (r=–0.45) and RNA/protein ratio (r=–0.41). Tank FCE correlated positively (r=0.97) with SGR, T/C ratio and muscle free hydroxyproline, and negatively (r=–0.90) with muscle EAA/NEAA. The groups reared under continuous light (LL) regime showed significantly higher SGR than simulated natural photoperiod (SNP) groups, and with an apparently higher FCE. A higher growth rate was associated with either a higher consumption rate and/or a higher feed utilization. A negative correlation between muscle RNA concentration and SGR may indicate that increased growth rate under LL regime was not caused by an increased protein deposition rate.  相似文献   

Six practical extruded diets were formulated to investigate the effect of graded levels of starch (17, 22, and 26%) associated with either 30 or 34% protein level on growth, feed utilization, body composition, and hepatic transaminases of juvenile grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella. Over an 8‐wk growth trial, survival rates (99–100%) were not significantly affected (P > 0.05) by dietary treatments. Independent of dietary starch level, weight gain (WG, %), specific growth rate (SGR, %/d), and feed efficiency ratio (FER) showed significant better response (P < 0.05) of fish fed 34% protein diet than those of fish fed 30% protein diet. Protein productive value (PPV) was only affected by dietary protein level, with higher values in the 34% protein level than their 30% counterparts. Irrespective of dietary protein level, lipid productive value (LPV), energy productive value (EPV), viscerosomatic index (VSI, %), intraperitoneal fat ratio (IPF, %), and whole body, liver, and muscle lipid level increased with increasing starch supply. At the same protein level, plasma triacylglycerol (TG), cholesterol (CHO), and low density lipoprotein‐cholesterol (LDL‐C) increased when dietary starch level increased from 17 to 26%. Neither dietary protein level nor starch level affected activities of hepatic alanine aminotransferase (ALAT) and aspartate transferase (ASAT). The overall results in this study suggested that the higher 34% protein was superior for juvenile grass carp and an increase in dietary starch level did not improve growth or protein utilization but enhanced whole‐body lipid deposition and liver, viscera and muscle lipid level. The diet containing 34% protein and 17% starch was optimal for practical production of juvenile grass carp.  相似文献   

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