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江苏文玲是我国文蛤中的上品,是该省沿海滩涂中最重要的经济贝类之一,年产量占全国文蛤总产量的50Oh。随着文蛤增养殖事业的发展,文蛤苗种的需求量日趋加大。但由于滥捕、环境污染等种种原因,文蛤苗种资源严重裹退,已不能满足增养殖业发展的需要。为有效保护文蛤种质资源,防止养殖良种性状变异和退化,合理和充分开发利用现有自然文蛤苗种,推动文蛤种质资源管理走上科学化、规范化轨道,根据这个省文蛤养殖实际情况,经研究并报经省机构编制委员会批准,在启东市吕四港镇建立江苏省文蛤良种场。该场为全民事业单位,挂靠在该省海洋…  相似文献   

浙江和广西两种文蛤的分子鉴定及形态特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以文蛤如东群体(RD)和北海群体(BH)为对照群,利用线粒体COⅠ基因序列分析技术对苍南文蛤(CN)和北海白壳文蛤(BW)进行了分子鉴定。结果表明,苍南文蛤和斧文蛤的碱基组成非常相似,通过文蛤属贝类基因序列同源性比对和分子系统聚类分析发现,苍南文蛤CN1、CN2与斧文蛤的同源性分别达到100.0%、99.2%,在依据遗传距离构建的系统进化树上,2个苍南文蛤也与斧文蛤单独聚为一支,据此将苍南文蛤确定为斧文蛤,此结果将斧文蛤的分布区域向北扩展到了浙江南部沿海,修正了现有文献中记载的仅在我国南海诸省分布的说法;而白壳文蛤与其它6种文蛤的基因序列同源性都不高(79.6%~85.3%),在系统进化树上单独分出一支,明显是独立于这些文蛤之外的新种。斧文蛤、白壳文蛤与文蛤群体COⅠ基因的遗传多样性分析显示,文蛤BH群体的变异位点数、单倍型数和核苷酸多样性指数均最大,斧文蛤其次,而白壳文蛤10条基因序列完全相同,未发生任何核苷酸位点变异,说明其遗传多样性很低。应用方差分析和Tukey多重比较,分析了斧文蛤、白壳文蛤与文蛤群体的形态差异,发现斧文蛤的壳长明显大于壳高,且SMW/TW、IW/TW 2个参数与文蛤、白壳文蛤群体差异显著(P<0.05);而白壳文蛤的壳宽指数大、壳型相对膨胀,SW/SL和SW/SH值均最大,与文蛤和斧文蛤群体差异显著(P<0.05)。本研究结果可为文蛤属贝类种间鉴别、种质资源保护及系统进化研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   

为探讨日本文蛤与中国文蛤属2种贝类的形态差异及日本文蛤的物种有效性,采用多变量形态度量,结合传统分类方法,获得日本文蛤和中国大陆文蛤属2种贝类8个形态比例性状,并做单因素方差分析、聚类分析、主成分分析、判别分析及Mantel检验。结果表明,(1) 单因子方差分析显示,日本文蛤与中国大陆文蛤属2种贝类,在8个比例性状中存在着5~8个显著差异(P<0.05);(2) 聚类分析表明,6个文蛤地理种群距离相近,且呈现南北分别聚为一类,而日本文蛤与长乐丽文蛤相近;(3) 主成分分析构建了3个主成分,其贡献率分别为34.88%、18.61%、16.89%,累积贡献率为70.38%,三维主成分散布图进一步表明日本文蛤与丽文蛤均独立于文蛤不同地理种群重叠区之外;(4) 判别分析构建了8个判别函数,判别准确率P1为39.09%~100%,P2为47.06%~100%,日本文蛤与中国大陆文蛤属2种贝类的综合判别率为70.60%,其中日本文蛤判别准确率为100%,丽文蛤判别准确率高于91.67%;(5) Mantel检验结果表明,各种群间的地理距离与欧氏距离之间存在显著相关性(r=0.623 7, P<0.01)。研究认为,日本文蛤属于丽文蛤,与长乐丽文蛤属于同一种不同地理种群;根据MAYR等提出的75%规则,8个比例性状中有5个性状大于1.28,两个丽文蛤群体已达到亚种水平。  相似文献   

近年来因文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)异地移养频繁造成遗传背景不明, 对种质保护和选择育种工作造成了影响, 进而阻碍了产业的持续发展。为挖掘不同海域文蛤群体的种质资源状况, 评估子代群体的选育潜力, 本实验采用聚类分析、主成分分析、判别分析等多元统计方法以及 SSR 标记手段对 5 个不同海域文蛤群体及江苏子三代文蛤选育群体的亲缘关系进行联合分析。结果显示: (1)日本三重文蛤群体的表观性状与所供试的 5 个我国的文蛤群体都存在着显著性差异(P<0.05), 主成分分析及判别分析结果亦验证了该结果, 并且日本文蛤与我国文蛤的遗传差异也较大(Fst>0.1); (2)多元统计方法和 SSR 标记聚类分析所得结果一致, 江苏南通文蛤群体与其选育后代江苏子三代文蛤群体先聚为一类, 之后与广西文蛤聚为一类, 采自渤海湾的山东文蛤则与辽宁文蛤聚为一类, 之后我国文蛤聚类后与日本文蛤群体聚在一起。但通过 SSR 标记手段对个体进行鉴定的准确率(91.3%)高于多元统计方法 (62.78%); (3)江苏子三代文蛤选育群体与原种相比, 在遗传多样性水平上均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。本研究表明日本文蛤与我国文蛤的差异在形态特征和遗传水平上均较为明显; 并分析了不同方法分析结果存在差异的原因, 阐述了两种方法进行联合分析的必要性; 表明了异地移养对我国文蛤种质造成的影响, 并提出了相应保护措施; 进行了将远缘种群进行杂交选育的设想; 亦通过微卫星分子标记手段证明了江苏文蛤子代群体具有继续选育的潜力, 验证了通过群体选育途径培育文蛤新品种的可行性。  相似文献   

粪卟啉原Ⅲ氧化酶(coproporphyrinogen-III oxidase,CPOX)是卟啉类化合物合成过程中的关键酶,而卟啉是形成机体色素的重要化合物。采用RACE方法克隆获得文蛤粪卟啉原Ⅲ氧化酶基因(MmCPOX)的cDNA序列,该序列全长1490 bp,其中开放阅读框1173 bp,编码390个氨基酸,预测分子量为12.04 ku,理论等电点为5.05;预测该酶含有跨膜结构域和Coprogen-oxidas结构域;从构建的系统进化树来看,软体动物门的文蛤、加州海兔和太平洋牡蛎首先聚在一起,显示出较近的亲缘关系。qRT-PCR结果显示,MmCPOX基因在文蛤早期发育的各个时期均有表达,但在D形幼虫期以后表达量显著升高;在文蛤成贝的7个组织中,外套膜和血液中表达量显著高于其他组织,表明其与血卟啉合成和壳色卟啉形成相关;在不同壳色文蛤中,红壳文蛤、暗纹文蛤、细纹文蛤的外套膜中表达量显著高于黑斑文蛤和白壳文蛤,表明其参与形成红色和褐色壳色。  相似文献   

详细地阐述了文蛤的苗种培育及养殖技术的研究历史与现状,文蛤苗种规模化生产的关键技术及文蛤稚贝的室内、外越冬技术,大规格文蛤苗种的中间育成技术;指出目前文蛤增养殖存在的问题以及解决的途径和展望。  相似文献   

近年来,南昌市特种水产品增养殖业迅速发展,对进一步推动我市农村养殖小康将产生巨大的、新的动力。作者根据南昌市水产增养殖业的实际情况,为加快南昌市增养殖业步伐谈一点粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

为评估文蛤生态容量,实验根据动态能量收支理论,基于R语言构建了文蛤动态能量收支模型,采用线性与非线性回归法估算模型参数,通过对比围塘环境下文蛤壳长、湿重、软体部湿重的实测值与模拟值验证模型,并应用于模拟黄海海域滩涂区文蛤的生长过程。结果显示,文蛤模型主要参数形状系数、阿伦纽斯温度系数和单位体积结构物质所需能量分别为0.57、9 278 K和2 056 J/cm3;实测与模拟的文蛤壳长、湿重和软体部湿重相关系数R2平均为0.996,模拟值与实测值的平均误差为3.58%;如东沿海区域6月实测文蛤软体部干重为0.48 g,壳长3.12 cm,模型模拟的软体部干重、湿重和壳长分别为0.476 g,6.6 g和3.2 cm。研究表明,实验构建的文蛤动态能量收支模型的准确度较高,可真实地反映出文蛤在自然水域中的生长过程,为评估文蛤生态容纳量及构建文蛤相关的生态系统模型提供科学参考。  相似文献   

发展海水增养殖业是我国渔业发展的一个重要组成部份。农业部水产司钱志林带领其他同志深入江苏实地,对江苏省海水增养殖业发展进行调查,该谓查报告详细介绍了江苏省改革开放以来,海水增养殖业发展的基本情况和成功经验,值得一读。  相似文献   

大力发展海水增养殖业是渔业重点发展产业的必然趋势,国外许多渔业国家十分重视海水增养殖业的发展,并组织专家、教授进行学术论证,委托主管部门进行实施。东海区渔政局汲取国外的发展海水增养殖业的经验,最近成立了东海区渔业资源管理咨询委员会,拟定了东海区发展海水增养殖业的设想。现将设想全文刊登,供各地参考。  相似文献   

翁新 《福建水产》2006,(4):22-26
2006年5~6月对福州市琅岐云龙贝类养殖区的环境现状进行调查,调查内容包括水质、沉积物、海洋浮游生物和养殖贝类,结果表明琅岐云龙贝类养殖区环境现状基本良好,部分水质轻度污染.  相似文献   

Using the hard clam farms in Yunlin, Taiwan as examples, this study analyzes the effects of culture area, stocking density, and shrimp and fish polyculture on the cost efficiency (CE) of hard clam farming. A data envelopment analysis (DEA) is used to estimate the farms' technical efficiency (TE), allocative efficiency (AE), and CE values. The findings show that the mean TE, AE, and CE values of hard clam farms are 0.74, 0.57, and 0.43, respectively. The TE value is higher than the AE value, which indicates that cost inefficiency is mainly attributable to poor AE. Tobit regression results suggest that there are positive relationships between CE and both culture area and operator experience. Hard clam stocking density and age of the operators have negative effects on CE. Hard clam culture areas larger than 2 ha and a stocking density of 1.1–1.2 million hard clams per hectare have higher CEs than smaller culture areas and smaller or larger stocking densities. The use of sand shrimp, white shrimp, kuruma shrimp, and grass shrimp for polyculture and the use of milkfish and silver sea bream for polyculture are both associated with high CEs.  相似文献   

福建沿海文蛤产地和暂养地贝类素毒化状况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采集福建沿海文蛤产地,暂养地的文蛤,结合分析其所生长的个体情况,检测其DSP和PSP,结果表明:福建沿海文蛤产地和暂养地未出现的DSP,PSP毒化状况。  相似文献   

The knowledge of physical properties of food products is of fundamental importance for efficient design, dimensioning, manufacturing and operation of different mechanical equipment used in the processing of these products. Clams of different sizes are utilized during processing, thus, all the sizes must be given adequate consideration for efficient processing. This study was conducted to investigate the size-based physical properties of hard-shell clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) shell relevant to the design of mechanical processing equipment. The sizes of the clam shells were identified and categorized as small, medium and large; and its effect on the physical properties were studied. The parameters investigated were length, width, thickness, arithmetic and geometric diameters, surface area, sphericity, aspect ratio, moisture content, bulk and true densities, porosity, clam shell weight, coefficient of static friction and angle of repose. Increase in the length and width of clam shells increased the arithmetic and geometric diameters, and the surface area, but decreased the sphericity and aspect ratio. Moisture content, bulk and true densities, porosity and clam shell weight increased with increase clam shell size. Coefficient of static friction of clam shell was highest on rubber surface and lowest on glass surface, and was positively correlated with size; while angle of repose decreased with size. There was an excellent agreement between the prediction of the normal distribution and the actual distribution of the clam shell sizes. All the parameters were significantly different with respect to clam shell size at p < 0.05, which makes a strong case for the consideration of clam shell size during processing.  相似文献   

乳山寨滩涂缢蛏半人工采苗的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决北方沿海缢蛏养殖的苗种问题,在乳山寨滩涂建立缢蛏半人工采苗场,对苗坪适时进行翻耕平整,加强培育管理,1993年4h采苗场共采蛏苗8770万粒,平均2215粒/,平均壳长2.5cm;1994年40h采苗场共采蛏苗5亿粒,平均1428粒/,平均壳长2cm。结果发现,附苗前翻松平整的苗坪附苗数量远高于未翻松平整的苗坪。山东沿海移养缢蛏性腺于9月中旬至10月上旬进入成熟期,10月上、中旬开始放散  相似文献   

The growth of hard clam Meretrix lusoria in Taiwan was observed as it was grown at six different stocking rates (55, 109, 172, 244, 344 and 455 clams/m2), from November 1979 to September 1980. It was found that the stocking rate had more effect on the increase of the total weight of the clam than on the shell length. Under the environmental condition of the study site, the optimum stocking rate was 244 clams/m2. When the net production of the clam was lower than 1103 g/m2, the growth of the individual clam was not affected by the stocking rate. But when the net production was higher than 1589 g/m2, the growth of the individual clam seemed to be retarded. The average pH of the sea water in the clam culture area was between 7.9 and 8.4. The average dissolved oxygen content was between 4.2 and 11.2 mg/l. And the average water salinity was between 30‰ and 35‰. All these three factors did not seem to have direct relationship with the growth of the clams. Sea water temperature, however, showed great effects on the growth of the clams. It is shown that the growth of the hard clam was slow at a water temperature of 15–18°C, increased at 20–22°C, and accelerated at 25–32°C.  相似文献   

Soft shell clams, Mya arenaria, are found from Canada to North Carolina on the U.S. Atlantic Coast and from Canada to California on the U.S. West Coast. They are also found in several other parts of the world including Europe. The primary market for these clams on the U.S. East Coast is in New England. Clams are sold whole live or in one of the several cooked forms. Commercial soft clam shucking and processing is primarily by manual methods. However, physical properties data for these clams is lacking and is a constraint on the automation of processing. Several properties of soft shell clams harvested from five different harvest locations in the Chesapeake Bay are detailed in this paper and relationships between the components of the clam are defined mathematically through regression equations. The live weight and the clam length are related to shell weight, siphon weight, meat weight, total solids and free water in the clams. Meat yields under both standard processing methods and for clams steamed and consumed with only the shell removed are detailed. The effect of harvest area on the clam parts is also defined. Soft shell clams shucked manually result in a meat yield of approximately 29% of the live weight. If steamed and eaten the meat yield may be as high as 43% of the live weight, primarily because the siphon is often consumed in steamed clams.  相似文献   

试验结果表明,温度和规格对硬壳蛤同化率的影响不显著(P>0.05);饵料种类对硬壳蛤同化率影响显著(P<0.05).其中小球藻和湛江等鞭金藻的同化率显著高于小新月菱形藻(P<0.05),而小新月菱形藻又显著高于扁藻(P<0.05).  相似文献   

Clam shrimp, Cyzicus morsie , can occur in hatchery ponds in such dense numbers that they interfere with production of fish. Hatchery ponds are frequently left dry during the fall and winter and are filed in spring or early summer, simulating the vernal pools where clam shrimp naturally occur. Ponds left dry over winter and ponds that were full over winter, but were drained and dried for a period of time immediately prior to stocking, had the highest numbers of clam shrimp (P = 0.001). Few or no clam shrimp were collected in ponds that were full over winter and were not dried in the spring. High turbidities were observed in ponds with high numbers of clam shrimp; however, clam shrimp were not the only cause of turbidity. The largest number of walleye were produced in ponds which contained few or no clam shrimp. Clam shrimp were controlled by preventing hatchery pond substrate from drying during winter and early spring; however, the absence of drying may cause other problems that interfere with fish production.  相似文献   

Manila clam (Tapes philippinarum) culture and sediment interactions were tested by comparing two rearing areas, including an oceanic (‘Le-Ferret’) and a more estuarine (‘Les-Jacquets’) sites in the bay of Arcachon (France). The growth of a calibrated clam population (10-mm spat) was monitored in these two areas with a concomitant sediment-water interface survey over a 1.5-year period. Two sites per area, including control and rearing plots, were sampled on a monthly basis. The potential clam farming impacts by bioturbation and interactions were examined at three sediment depths: 0–1, 1–2 and 2–10 cm. Moreover, the main hydrobiological parameters were measured on a weekly basis to establish a relationship between these parameters and sediment-water interface characteristics. The existence of a gradient between the three depths was revealed for most of the parameters examined, with the exception of silt and organic carbon levels, and this regardless of the area examined. Clam growth showed a rate improvement in the oceanic area, which is characterized by a lower silt content. The clam effect was minimal and the activity identified at the ‘Ferret’ site was in fact due to the presence of a net which acted as a particle trap. No significant relationship was established between water column parameters and those of the sediment-water interface at the two geographical sites examined. These results demonstrate that clam rearing had only a limited effect on the environmental sediment parameters (i.e. water percentage, and phaeopigments and silt levels) from a spatio-temporal point of view. Therefore, a return to environmental conditions existing before the implementation of clam fanning is likely to occur upon cessation of this activity.  相似文献   

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