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RNA干扰技术在鱼类中的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)即双链RNA(double-stranded RNA,dsRNA)介导的同源mRNA特异性降解过程。RNAi的分子机制的研究也不断取得进展,目前研究得最多的是转录后基因沉默机制,RNAi发生过程主要分为起始阶段、沉默信号的放大和转移阶段、效应阶段。RNAi目前已经用于许多动物病毒性疾病的研究中,其中以在猪病治疗中的应用较为突出。  相似文献   

将构建携带H1启动子的肌肉生长抑制基因的真核表达载体,通过显微注射技术导入鲤受精卵核区附近,获得了一批具有RNAi表型的转基因鲤,PCR和分子杂交检测证实外源基因整合到受体鱼的基因组中,阳性率为32.78%;一龄鱼的生长实验表明,转基因鲤比普通鲤平均生长快0.99倍,其体高和体厚分别平均增长0.22和0.26倍,其中有31.82%的群体平均体厚是普通鲤的1.6倍。结果显示,该质粒表达的发夹环型dsRNA可以有效降解其转录产物,对阻抑肌细胞中同源基因的表达、鲤肌肉的再生能力增强起到了重要作用。这种抑制作用表现为鲤背部肌肉增厚、体质量增加,说明该基因经转录产生的双链RNA在鲤体内具有RNAi效应。RNAi技术为获得具有特殊功能的转基因鲤提供了新的手段。  相似文献   

为了解自噬相关基因Atg2在克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkia)先天免疫中的作用,本研究克隆了克氏原螯虾Atg2 (PcAtg2)基因全长序列。生物信息学分析显示,PcAtg2蛋白编码序列全长为9 966 bp,推测其编码2 189个氨基酸。组织定量表达分布显示,PcAtg2在克氏原螯虾的各个组织中均有表达,其中在肝胰腺中表达最高,在眼柄中表达最低。在白斑综合征病毒(WSSV)感染实验中,PcAtg2基因表达量在不同组织中均呈现显著上调趋势。RNA干扰(RNAi)实验显示,PcAtg2基因沉默后,WSSV在克氏原螯虾体内的增殖明显被抑制,同时,自噬相关基因的表达量上调。透射电镜分析结果显示,在WSSV感染后,PcAtg2基因沉默组中克氏原螯虾肝胰腺组织中的自噬小体多于对照组。本研究结果可为了解克氏原螯虾应对WSSV胁迫下的调控机制提供理论参考。  相似文献   

以刺参溶菌酶基因(lysozyme gene,LYZ)为靶基因探索构建刺参体内RNA干扰体系。构建了3个刺参溶菌酶基因特异性的RNA干扰重组质粒,以刺参体腔液原代培养细胞为靶细胞进行筛选;分别以口腔注射和腹腔注射的方式以及不同的注射剂量对刺参LYZ进行体内RNA干扰,并运用qPCR技术测定刺参LYZ的表达量;最后,对刺参LYZ进行体内RNA干扰,并分别运用qPCR技术和比浊法测定刺参LYZ的表达量及其酶活性。结果显示:3种RNA干扰重组质粒的沉默效率分别为40%、45%、0%;体腔注射RNA干扰重组质粒时,各组织中LYZ的表达量均出现了显著的上升(P0.05),而从口腔注射时,体腔液和肌肉中LYZ的表达量均出现极为显著的下降(P0.01),而在管足中未出现明显变化;当其注射剂量为0.5μg和5μg时未对LYZ的表达产生有效的抑制作用;当注射剂量为10μg和25μg时,刺参体内LYZ的表达受到了明显抑制,但是注射剂量为25μg时,部分刺参个体出现吐肠现象;在转染12h后,刺参体腔液、肌肉、体壁、疣足和管足组织中LYZ的表达量开始下降,到第四天后开始回升。表明:只有从口腔注射RNA干扰重组质粒且注射剂量达到10μg时才能有效地抑制靶基因的表达;刺参体内RNA干扰具有系统性,可以在各个组织间相互传导。  相似文献   

首先运用PCR-末端加尾法克隆了团头鲂(Megalobrama amblycephala)脑下垂体糖蛋白激素α亚基(Pituitary glycoprotein hormone α subunit,PGPH α)基因5’端侧翼序列;然后利用生物信息学理论对该序列进行了序列分析;最后在序列分析结果的基础上,构建了荧光素酶质粒表达载体。序列分析结果显示,克隆所得到的团头鲂PGPH α亚基基因5’端侧翼序列长1399bp;其序列中包含潜在的TATA盒、GC盒,以及ERE、TRE、CRE、PGBE等对PGPH α亚基基因转录调控起重要作用的转录因子结合位点;启动子区域位于-40-10bp处。利用PCR方法扩增得到了全长1439bp以及1120bp、532bp、173bp均包含转录起始位点下游40bp序列的缺失片段,并将其连接至pGL3-Basic报告基因载体,成功构建了团头鲂PGPH α亚基基因5’端侧翼序列的表达载体,为进一步研究、分析其转录调控机制提供了基础。  相似文献   

半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制因子(CST)是一种能够可逆结合并抑制半胱氨酸蛋白酶类的活性的蛋白,为了明确日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponense)CST基因(Mn CST)序列及其在日本沼虾卵巢中的作用,本研究利用RACE方法克隆获得日本沼虾Mn CST全长cDNA序列,利用qRT-PCR分析了其在不同组织和不同发育阶段的卵巢中的表达情况,并利用RNA干扰(RNAi)技术初步分析了Mn CST在日本沼虾卵巢发育中的作用。结果显示,Mn CST cDNA序列全长6199 bp,包含1183 bp 5′非编码区、2304 bp 3′非编码区和2709 bp开放阅读框,编码903个氨基酸残基,其氨基酸序列上有6个cystatin-like(半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制因子样)结构域和42个磷酸化位点;Mn CST基因在各个组织中均有表达,肠中表达量最高;日本沼虾不同发育阶段的卵巢中均有Mn CST基因表达,Ⅳ期卵巢中表达量最高,Ⅱ期卵巢中表达量最低;Mn CST基因在日本沼虾卵巢中的表达变化与组织蛋白酶B(Cts B)和组织蛋白酶L(Cts L)基因的表达变化基本是一致的,但对卵黄蛋白原(Vg)基因的表达没有直接影响。Mn CST在日本沼虾卵巢中的作用可能主要是抑制Cts B和Cts L的活性,在日本沼虾卵巢发育过程中对Vg的水解起间接的调控作用。  相似文献   

利用改进的锚定PCR方法克隆了团头鲂(Megalobrama amblycephala)促性腺激素Ⅱβ(GtHⅡβ)亚基基因5′端侧翼序列,并在生物信息学方法分析的基础上构建了荧光素酶质粒表达载体。序列分析结果显示:克隆得到的GtHⅡβ亚基基因5′端侧翼序列长度为1354bp,其中包括TATA盒、ERE、ARE、PRE、GRE、LHX3、SF-1、Sp1、Pit-1、NF-Y和AP1等可能对GtHⅡβ亚基基因转录调控起重要作用的功能转录因子结合位点;转录起始位点位于-40~10bp。进一步利用PCR方法扩增得到了811bp(-771~+40bp)、601bp(-561~+40bp)、386bp(-346~+40bp)、239bp(-199~+40bp)和98bp(-58~+40bp)的5个缺失片段,并同全长片段一起分别连接至pGL3-Basic报告基因载体,成功构建了团头鲂GtHⅡβ亚基基因5′端侧翼序列的表达载体,为进一步研究、分析其转录调控机制提供了基础依据。  相似文献   

为探究隐花色素基因(cryptochrome,cry)在甲壳类中的节律调节功能,本研究根据脊尾白虾(Exopalaemon carinicauda)转录组序列,利用RACE技术获得了脊尾白虾cry1基因cDNA序列全长并对其进行功能分析。脊尾白虾cry1基因全长2190bp,开放阅读框1845bp,5’端非编码区为241bp,3’端非编码区为104bp,共翻译出614个氨基酸,预测蛋白质的分子质量为70.5kDa,理论等电点为5.09。同源性分析显示,脊尾白虾cry1基因与凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannameiS)的同源性最高,为71.6%。荧光定量分析结果表明,脊尾白虾cry1基因在眼柄、鳃、心脏、胃、肝胰腺、性腺、肌肉、肠道和腹索神经中均有表达,其中眼柄的表达量最高,性腺和心脏次之;不同时段的表达结果表明,其表达量在日节律(24h)中表现出先下降再上升的趋势。不同光色条件下RNA干扰(RNA interference,SRNAi)结果显示,注射后3~6h蓝光光照下脊尾白虾cry1基因的表达量显著高于白光光照,9~24h蓝色和白色光照下的表达量无显著差异,而RNA干扰组的表达量显著低于对照组,此结果显示cry1基因可能主要响应蓝光周期节律。目前对甲壳类生物钟的研究较少,该研究为深入探究甲壳类生物钟基因的调控机制提供帮助。  相似文献   

稀有鮈鲫是一种新型的模式实验鱼,具有利用转基因技术培育开发成为观赏性鱼类的潜在可能。本实验采用PCR方法,从稀有鮈鲫基因组DNA中分离得到大小为1584bp的β肌动蛋白(β-actin)基因片段。序列分析表明,该片段包括长为1507bp的启动调控区和77bp的部分转录区序列。启动调控区包括一段长为109bpβ-actin基因上游调控序列,不翻译的外显子1和内含子1。上游调控序列中含有TATAbox,CAATbox和CArGbox等与转录活性密切相关的作用元件,并且在稀有鮈鲫β-actin基因第一个内含子中也含有1个CArG调控元件。将该启动子片段克隆到绿色荧光表达载体(pAcGFP1-1)上,显微注射入稀有鮈鲫的受精卵中,通过荧光显微镜能观察到绿色荧光蛋白的表达。本实验成功分离了具有驱动活性的稀有鮈鲫β-actin基因启动子。  相似文献   

The white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) remains the most devastating viral pathogen of shrimp culture worldwide. Gene silencing by RNA interference (RNAi) using double stranded RNA (dsRNA) has been considered a powerful tool for conferring protection against WSSV when viral genes are silenced, as documented in several shrimp species. However, this effect is not long lasting. Our results provide the first evidence that long‐term silencing of the LvRab7 endogen produced antiviral effect against WSSV, which endured at least 21 d after dsRNA treatment (dat). Until now, the most efficient way to implement RNAi with dsRNA into the shrimp is by injection. Consequently, its application to broodstock in hatcheries is possible, minimizing the risk of vertical transmission of the virus. We show that the expression of Rab7 in hemocytes is lowest at 2 dat and finally recovers to basal status. In contrast, in gills and pleopods, gene expression silencing continued for at least 21 d. We challenged Litopenaeus vannamei broodstock with WSSV at 7, 14, or 21 dat reaching mortality rates of 0, 40, and 27%, respectively. In conclusion, the LvRab7 gene silencing is progressive and effective against WSSV. However, further studies are necessary to elucidate the functions of Rab7 in shrimp cells before applying this methodology at a commercial level.  相似文献   

White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is the most aggressive disease affecting cultured shrimp. One possibility to tackle it is by means of RNA interference (RNAi) induced by the presence of double‐stranded RNA (dsRNA). Normally, dsRNA is a product of the cellular machinery to gene regulation, but it can be produced synthetically and introduced into specific tissues or cells and thereby induce RNAi. Although in vitro production of dsRNA is possible, this is high cost. An alternative is to produce dsRNA in vivo using biological systems such as bacteria or yeasts. In this regard, Yarrowia lipolytica offers distinctive advantages for dsRNA production. The objective was to develop a Y. lipolytica strain able to produce dsRNA‐specific against WSSV and to evaluate its antiviral activity in the white leg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. From the 0.4 and 0.6 Kb fragments of the ORF89 gene, a dsRNA‐ORF89‐producing construct was built in the plasmid pJC410; the resulting construct (pARY410) was used to transform Y. lipolytica to drive the specific expression of dsRNA‐ORF89. Yeast colonies positive to the WSSV‐ORF89 gene were selected. The expression of dsRNA‐ORF89 and RNAse III was measured being detected at 32 and 48 hr. Subsequently, the antiviral activity of dsRNA‐ORF89 was tested in a WSSV challenge bioassay. The results showed survival in dsRNA‐ORF89 shrimp (25%) compared to control organisms treated with total RNA from the yeast P01‐AS harvested at 32 hr. In conclusion, Y. lipolytica is a convenient host to produce and deliver dsRNA‐ORF89 able to protect WSSV‐challenged shrimp.  相似文献   

Yellow head virus (YHV) is a viral pathogen of shrimp that has caused high economic loss in the Thai shrimp farming industry, and the RNA interference mechanism has potential as a virus control strategy, as previous studies have shown that injection of virus specific double‐stranded RNA (dsRNA) can inhibit viral replication in shrimp. However, to date, complete inhibition viral replication has not been achieved. This study sought to determine whether cationic liposomes mixed with an antiviral dsRNA (YHV‐Pro‐dsRNA) were able to enhance protection against YHV. The results showed that injection of a YHV‐Pro‐dsRNA/cationic liposome complex markedly increased protection against YHV as compared with naked YHV‐Pro‐dsRNA, suggesting that cationic liposomes enhance the uptake of protective dsRNA into shrimp cells.  相似文献   

White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a major threat for farmed shrimp worldwide. RNA interference (RNAi) is the most recent tool against viral diseases. Rab7 silencing effectively inhibited virus infections in juvenile shrimp, but the antiviral effect in brooders remains unknown. This study found a homologue Penaeus monodon Rab7 gene in Litopenaeus vannamei brooders from Mexico. Sequence identity was >99% to a Thai LvRab7 sequence and >94% to Rab7 sequences from P. monodon or Marsupenaeus japonicus. Animals treated with a partial (494 bp) or a complete (618 bp) LvRab7 dsRNA sequences and challenged 48 h post treatment (hpt) with a high WSSV dose showed 80–88% mortality respectively. Shrimp treated with 4 or 20 μg LvRab7 dsRNA and challenged with a WSSV high dose had 80% mortality each, but it was reduced to 33% and 40%, respectively, with a low dose. Efficacy of dsRNA to reduce shrimp mortality was dependent on virus dose used regardless of dsRNA concentration. A significant reduction in LvRab7 mRNA levels was observed at 120 hpt. In conclusion, silencing LvRab7 in brooders showed a mild antiviral effect against a WSSV challenge at 48 hpt.  相似文献   

The ability of domesticated Penaeus monodon, Black Tiger shrimp, to spawn following tail‐muscle injection of dsRNA was examined. Ablated domesticated female broodstock infected subclinically with gill‐associated virus (GAV) were injected with saline or a cocktail of five‐dsRNAs targeting different regions in the GAV ORF1a/1b gene. To track changes in GAV infection loads, TaqMan real‐time PCR was used to quantify mean viral RNA amounts in each of three pleopod clips collected at the time of injection (Day 0) and either immediately after a female spawned or on Day 11 when the trial was terminated. Over the trial, 4 of 19 (21%) saline‐injected shrimp spawned and 12 of 25 (48%) dsRNA‐injected shrimp spawned, with one spawning twice. Egg numbers varied from 25 600 to 459 800 for the saline‐injected shrimp and from 4900 to 213 900 for the dsRNA‐injected shrimp. Of these, one of the four egg batches hatched from saline‐injected shrimp and 9 of the 13 egg batches hatched from dsRNA‐injected shrimp. While variable, egg numbers and hatch rates recorded were typical of those obtained from domesticated broodstock at the commercial hatchery and particularly among females previously spawned. Mean GAV RNA amounts detected in pleopod samples increased in five of the eight saline‐injected shrimp tested by 1.6–227.4‐fold and decreased in 12 of the 15 ds‐RNA‐injected shrimp tested by ?1.1 to ?45.1‐fold. The study demonstrated that tail‐muscle injection of GAV‐specific dsRNA does not adversely impact the ability of P. monodon to spawn.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) mediated by double stranded RNA (dsRNA) has emerged as one of the most promising techniques to study gene function of non‐model protozoan parasites. We have previously demonstrated that bacterially expressed dsRNA delivered by immersion elicited successful knockdown in Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis, the non‐infective species closely related to the causative agent of salmonid amoebic gill disease (AGD). However, considering that amoebae naturally feeds on microorganisms, direct ingestion of bacteria designed to express dsRNA could allow rapid and low‐cost analysis of gene function on a large‐scale. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to investigate whether ingestion of bacteria‐expressing dsRNAs would also induce suppression of N. pemaquidensis β‐actin and EF1α. Despite effective bacterial uptake, no significant variation in EF1α relative copy number was triggered by dsRNA ingestion. β‐actin, on the other hand, presented similar silencing efficiency to what was observed in our previous soaking study. However, the observed RNAi response was delayed by at least 72 h. The present work provides evidence that delivery of bacterially expressed dsRNA through feeding can be successfully achieved in N. pemaquidensis, albeit not as efficiently as by soaking. Therefore, further investigation is required to develop more efficient and specific RNAi delivery systems in Neoparamoeba species. To our knowledge, this is the first time that RNAi‐mediated knockdown through ingestion was attempted to manipulate gene function of a marine amoeba.  相似文献   

醛缩酶(FBA)是糖酵解和糖异生中的关键酶,参与多种生物过程。本研究采用RACE技术,克隆获得中国明对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)FBA基因(Fc FBA)的全长c DNA序列,并对其进行生物信息学分析。结果显示,中国明对虾Fc FBA基因的c DNA全长为2496 bp,其中,ORF长1098 bp,5~′UTR长79 bp,3~′UTR长1319 bp。完整的阅读框编码365个氨基酸,分子量为39.8 k Da,预测的理论等电点为6.6。同源性及系统进化分析表明,Fc FBA与节肢动物的FBA聚为一类,与卤虫(Artemia franciscana)、家蚕(Bombyx mori)、沙漠蝗(Schistocerca gregaria)的相似度分别是86%、79%和78%。荧光定量PCR结果显示,Fc FBA在肌肉中的相对表达量最高,肝胰腺中最低。WSSV感染后,该基因在鳃、肝胰腺和肌肉中呈现出不同的时空表达特点。ds RNA干扰24 h以后,抑制效率达到最大。与PBS对照组相比,Fc FBA干扰组(ds RNA组)加快了对虾染病后的死亡速度。本研究表明,Fc FBA基因可能参与了中国明对虾生物胁迫的应答反应。  相似文献   

In this study, dsRNA specific to VP28 gene of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) of shrimp was synthesized in Escherichia coli in large scale and studied the immune response of shrimp to dsRNA‐VP28. The haematological parameters such as clotting time and total haemocytes counts, and immunological parameters such as prophenoloxidase (proPO), superoxide dismutase (SOD), superoxide anion (SOA) and malondialdehyde content, as well as the mRNA expression of ten immune‐related genes were examined to estimate the effect of dsRNA‐VP28 on the innate immunity of Litopenaeus vannamei. The activities of proPO, SOA and SOD significantly increased in haemocyte after dsRNA‐VP28 treatment, whereas MDA content did not change significantly. Among the ten immune‐related genes examined, only the mRNA expression of proPO, cMnSOD, haemocyanin, crustin, BGBP, lipopolysaccharides (LPs), lectin and lysozyme in haemocytes, gill and hepatopancreas of L. vannamei, was significantly upregulated at 12 h after dsRNA‐VP28 treatment, while no significant expression changes were observed in Toll receptor and tumour receptor genes. The increase of proPO and SOD activities, and SOA level and mRNA expression level of proPO, cMnSOD, haemocyanin, crustin, BGBP, LPs, lectin and lysozyme after dsRNA‐VP28 stimulation indicate that these immune‐related genes were involved in dsRNA‐VP28‐induced innate immunity in shrimp.  相似文献   

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