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低盐度养殖的凡纳滨对虾体长和体重的增长规律   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
查广才 《水产学报》2006,30(4):489-495
通过池塘陆基围隔实验,研究了凡纳滨对虾在最适水温、溶氧、pH及低盐度(2~6)养殖环境的生长特性及规律。实验结果,低盐度养殖健康对虾体长和体重平均生长率分别为1.398 mm·d-1和0.169 g·d-1,对虾前期体长呈线性生长,中后期体重呈加速增长。非线性拟合结果,对虾体长生长为二次曲线,符合Quadratic模型,体重增长为S型曲线,符合Boltzmann模型,生长观测值与模型拟合相关系数R2均达到0.99;凡纳滨对虾低盐度养殖典型体长和体重生长模型为L=7.843+2.297t-0.0105t2W=16.541+(-0.621-16.541)/(1+e(t-54.809)/15.456)。低盐度养殖,对虾体长与体重呈立方关系,符合幂指数模型W=aLba值范围4.9~9.0×10-6b值范围2.9495~3.0716,相关系数R2在0.99以上,典型幂指数模型为W=4.9×10-6L3.0716。  相似文献   

2007年3月至2008年8月对象山港海区网箱养殖的岱衢洋、官井洋大黄鱼自交以及正反向杂交子代进行生长特性观察。结果表明:整个实验过程(0~526 d),官井洋大黄鱼自交子代(GG)和反交子代(GD)(官井洋♀×岱衢洋)大黄鱼较岱衢洋自交子代(DD)和正交子代(DG)(岱衢洋♀×官井洋)大黄鱼生长快,到526 d实验结束时,GG和GD体重分别达到330.514 g和336.694 g,而DD和DG则仅为278.975 g和243.297 g。对其各阶段生长速度分析,发现虽然一龄DD生长较慢,但过冬后DD生长明显加快,体长增长速度超过其他各群子代,体重增长也达到GG和GD增长水平,即有后期增长潜能。对比各群子代肥满度发现,526 d时,DD肥满度最低(1.675),GD肥满度(1.779)虽高于DD,但显著小于GG(1.933)。鉴于GD生长速度高于DD,与GG相当,而体型又优于GG,认为GD具有较大的经济养殖和优良品种选育的潜力。拟合各阶段体长体重数据,得出各群体生长曲线公式如下,DD:W=0.0206L2.9427, R2=0.9949;GG:W=0.0139L3.0994,R2=0.9785;DG:W=0.0229L2.9136,R2=0.9905;GD:W=0.0177L3.0079,R2=0.9949,拟合度较好,可通过体长估算体重,应用于实际生产。  相似文献   

观察了室内培育的条纹斑竹鲨自然生产的受精卵形态和胚胎发育过程。结果表明,条纹斑竹鲨受精卵个体较大,卵黄略呈椭圆形,长径为25.91~36.16 mm,短径为13.56~19.44 mm。受精卵外裹有棕褐色的卵鞘,鞘长75.25~107.30 mm,鞘宽33.39~47.70 mm,鞘厚15.82~24.65 mm,卵鞘坚韧而略有弹性。在水温28.0 ℃、盐度26.2~28.8条件下,受精卵经65~80 d发育孵出幼鱼,胚胎发育分为23期,参照硬骨鱼类胚胎发育各期名称给予命名。初孵幼鱼全长121.82~166.80 mm,体重5.30~18.22 g,已具成鱼的外形特征,但体内尚存卵黄,体外卵黄少许或消失。胚体长度(L/mm)与孵化时间(D/d)呈线性相关,L=2.1368D-11.175(R= 0.9862);胚体重(M/mg)与孵化时间(D/d)呈幂函数关系,M=0.0001D4.3763R2 = 0.9579);胚体重(M/mg)与胚体长度(L/mm)呈幂函数关系,M = 0.0005L3.4278R2=0.9822)。  相似文献   

为了对4种不同开口大小的六边形开口方形人工鱼礁在4种迎流角度下数值模拟和水槽模型试验的阻力系数进行对比验证,分别利用水槽模型和数值模拟试验方法对4种不同开口比(γty=0.0625,0.14,0.25,0.39)六边形开口方形人工鱼礁在4种迎流角度(θ=0°,15°,30°,45°)状态下的阻力进行测定,并计算两种方法的阻力系数。结果表明:(1)在数值模拟和水槽模型试验中,人工鱼礁模型阻力均随着开口比的增大而减小;礁体迎流角度的变化可改变礁体阻力,且在4种迎流角度下,人工鱼礁阻力在θ=30°时最大。(2)人工鱼礁数值模拟与水槽模型试验中,当θ为15°、30°和45°时,阻力系数均随着开口比的增加而增加,具有明显的线性关系,且阻力系数在迎流角度θ=30°时最大。(3)数值模拟与模型试验阻力的相对误差在0.12%~17.18%,平均误差7.43%;礁体阻力系数的相对误差在0.03%~14.64%,平均误差5.26%。阻力及阻力系数误差均在20%以下。水槽模型试验与数值模拟阻力和阻力系数相关系数R分别为0.99和0.80,P<0.001,具有极强的相关性。因此,利用数值模拟精细化研究人工鱼礁水动力性能是可行的。  相似文献   

长江刀鲚(Coilia nasus)国家级水产种质资源保护区安庆段(简称"保护区")位于刀鲚洄游区间的上段,生态环境优良,为掌握其刀鲚资源现状,于2018年4-7月进行调查研究,结果显示,保护区刀鲚资源密度分别为(0.09±0.07)尾/(104 m3)和(4.46±3.43) g/(104 m3);刀鲚体长优势组为250~300 mm,体重优势组为<50 g。整体上,保护区刀鲚资源现状不容乐观,刀鲚小型化趋势明显。刀鲚洄游的时间特征显示,长江安庆段刀鲚主要洄游期为4月初至7月,高峰期为5月中旬至6月下旬,洄游后期刀鲚规格有增大趋势。空间上,刀鲚资源密度表现为保护区核心区高于实验区。此外,刀鲚性别和性腺发育情况抽样结果显示,整体上刀鲚雌雄比为1.02:1,但时间上雌雄比变幅较大,早期雄性个体较多,后期雌性个体较多,雌雄性腺主要发育期均为III期,6月开始出现发育至V期的个体;此外本研究捕获到摄食刀鲚,其数量占比为6.38%。本研究积累了长江禁捕前保护区刀鲚资源的系统数据,旨为后期刀鲚资源恢复评估和保护区管理提供重要依据。  相似文献   

王淼  周轩  洪波  徐开达  张亚洲 《中国水产科学》2020,27(11):1325-1332
为掌握安氏白虾(Palaemon annandalei)的生长特性,根据2018年2月、5月、8月和11月于杭州湾北部(30°37''N~30°47''N,121°26''E~121°59''E)进行的张网调查数据,利用幂函数、相对体重和单因素方差分析等方法对其体长与体重关系、肥满度等进行研究。结果显示,安氏白虾的体长、体重组成均具有显著的季节变化特征,从春季至冬季,平均体长和平均体重均呈现逐渐下降的趋势,平均体长和平均体重的季节差异显著(P<0.05)。体长与体重关系参数a为条件因子,反映出安氏白虾种群所处环境的优劣,a值夏季最高,冬季最低,从春季到冬季呈现先升高后又逐渐降低的变化趋势,参数b为异速生长因子,可用来判断安氏白虾种群是否处于匀速生长,b值表现出与a值相反的变化趋势。协方差分析表明,安氏白虾体长与体重关系参数仅春季和夏季间无显著性差异(P>0.05),其余季节之间均存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。安氏白虾的肥满度从春季到秋季逐渐上升,秋季达到最高值,冬季又降至最低值。方差分析显示,春季和夏季间的肥满度无显著性差异(P>0.05),其余季节间肥满度均具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。研究表明,杭州湾北部安氏白虾体长与体重关系参数ab具有显著的季节变化特征,并且这个变化受捕食关系、捕捞压力和环境因子等方面影响。  相似文献   

吴红岩 《水产学报》2008,32(4):621-627
试验以硫酸锌为锌源,评价不同锌水平对奥尼罗非鱼幼鱼(Oreochromis aureus×Oreochromis niloticus♀)生长和抗氧化能力的影响。体质量为(4.13±0.32)g罗非鱼随机分配在18个水族箱中,每箱20尾,每3个箱为1个处理组,分别以添加锌为0、20、40、80、160和320 mg•kg-1的6种饲料投喂,日投喂率为鱼体重5%~9%。8周的试验结果表明:20mg•kg-1锌饲料组的增重率和鱼体蛋白含量显著高于其它各组(P<0.05),蛋白质效率、饲料转化率也明显高于其它各组;全鱼脂肪含量随着饲料锌水平的升高而升高,但320mg•kg-1锌饲料组降低;20mg•kg-1锌饲料组,脊椎骨中锌离子浓度达到最大值且显著高于0mg•kg-1锌饲料组(P<0.05);20mg•kg-1与40mg•kg-1锌饲料组的血液中红细胞数量显著高于其它各添加组(P<0.05),20mg•kg-1锌饲料组的血液中血比容显著高于0mg•kg-1组(P<0.05),与其它各组没有显著差异;肌肉中,硫代巴比妥酸反应产物(TBARS)(Thiobarbituricacid reactive substances)的量,锌为0mg•kg-1饲料组显著高于其它各组(P<0.05)。综上所述,饲料中锌添加量为20mg•kg-1饲料促进了罗非鱼生长,使鱼体抗氧化功能增强。  相似文献   

根据 2021 年 3?4 月在东海中部采集的日本鲭(Scomber japonicus)繁殖群体样本, 通过耳石轮纹判读、生长逆算和生长方程拟合分析了其群体结构与生长特征。结果表明: 日本鲭繁殖群体中雌雄个体之间的叉长和体重关系不存在显著性差异(F=0.376, P=0.54>0.05); 雌雄合计的年龄结构为 1~7 龄, 优势年龄组为 1~2 龄, 占比 73.63%; 3 龄及 3 龄以下, 雌性数量多于雄性; 3 龄以上, 雌雄数量基本相当, 但雌性缺少高龄个体。叉长与体重关系式为: W=0.8837×10–6FL3.47。线性函数关系是叉长和耳石半径关系的最优解, 其关系式为 FL=184.09R?112.73。利用 4 种模型逆算出的叉长和年龄数据来拟合 von Bertalanffy、Gompertz 和 Logistic 等 3 种生长方程并进行比较, 其中用 Dahl-Lea 模型逆算的 von Bertalanffy 方程的 AIC 值和 BIC 值均最小, 因此选择其作为最佳生长方程, 得到的 von Bertalanffy 叉长生长方程为 FLt=427.18[1?e–0.23(t+2.5)]; 体重生长方程为 Wt=1187.20[1?e(–0.23(t+2.5)] 3.47。经过二阶求导, 得到拐点年龄为 2.91 龄, 对应的拐点体重和叉长分别为 365.03 g, 304.09 mm, 可以作为今后制定日本鲭开捕规格的重要参考依据。  相似文献   

大口黑鲈形态性状对体重的影响效果分析   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
对大口黑鲈全长、体长、体高、体宽、眼间距、头长、吻长、尾柄长、尾柄高和体重共 10个性状进行测定,运用相关分析、通径分析和多元回归分析,剔除与体长存在显著共线性的全长、体高、头长,尾柄高及回归方程中不显著的吻长和尾柄长,计算以体宽、体长、眼间距 3个形态性状为自变量,体重为依变量的相关系数、通径系数、决定系数及相关指数,定量分析大口黑鲈形态性状对体重的影响效果。结果显示,3个形态性状与体重的相关系数(0.942,0.979,0.928)均达到极显著水平(P<0.01);通径分析中,3个形态性状对体重的通径系数亦达到极显著水平(P<0.01),它们是直接影响体重的重要指标,其中体宽(P4=0.599)对体重的直接影响最大。所选形态性状与体重的相关指数R2=0.980 ,说明所选性状是影响体重的主要形态性状。应用逐步多元回归分析建立了以体重为依变量(Y),体宽(X4)、体长(X2)和眼间距(X5)为自变量的回归方程:LgY=1.065 + 0.765 LgX2+1.441 LgX4+0.543 LgX5。以上形态性状对体重影响效果相关数据的获得为大口黑鲈选育测量指标的确定提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

张新明  程顺峰 《中国水产科学》2020,27(10):1167-1175
为探明星康吉鳗(Conger myriaster)形态性状和体重的关系,测定了体重(Y)及全长(X1)、肛长(X2)、尾长(X3)、头长(X4)、吻长(X5)、眼径(X6)、眼后头长(X7)、背鳍前长(X8)、躯干长(X9)、头宽(X10)、眼间距(X11)等11个形态性状,通过相关分析、通径分析、回归分析等方法研究了形态性状对体重的影响;通过曲线拟合获得4个形态性状与体重的最佳拟合模型。结果表明,星康吉鳗各形态性状之间以及形态性状与体重之间均呈极显著正相关关系(P< 0.01)。相关分析发现肛长(X2)与体重的相关系数最大(0.970);通径分析发现肛长(X2)对体重的直接作用最大(0.450),头宽(X10)通过肛长(X2)对体重的间接作用最大(0.431);决定系数分析发现,肛长(X2)对体重的直接决定系数最大(0.203),肛长(X2)和头宽(X10)的共同决定系数最大(0.172)。形态性状(X)与体重(Y)的多元回归方程为Y=-113.859+6.481X2+49.213X6+11.514X7+20.145X10R2=0.954)。星康吉鳗肛长(X2)、眼后头长(X7)、头宽(X10)与体重的最佳拟合模型为指数函数,模型方程分别为Y=1.466e0.287XY=1.435e1.328XY=1.970e1.974X,眼径(X6)与体重的最佳拟合模型为线性,方程为Y=-77.460+222.093X。结论认为,在星康吉鳗选育时,应以肛长(X2)和头宽(X10)为主要选择性状,以眼径(X6)和眼后头长(X7)为辅助选择性状。  相似文献   

为了研究黄(鱼安)鱇(Lophius litulon)生活史特征的异质性,根据秋(2016年10月)、冬(2017年1月)、春(2017年5月)和夏(2017年8月)4个季节在山东近海的底拖网调查数据,对该物种体长-体重关系的时空差异进行了研究。本文构建了广义线性模型和9个线性混合效应模型,用来研究黄(鱼安)鱇的体长-体重关系(W=aLb)及其时空差异。b的固定值(2.77)小于3,表示黄(鱼安)鱇为负异速生长,肥满度与体长负相关,身体趋于细长。根据AIC值最小原则,最复杂的线性混合效应模型(即水域和季节对两个参数ab均存在随机效应)拟合效果最佳;交叉验证的结果同样表明,该模型的预测效果最为可靠。根据最佳模型和广义线性模型的差异性分析结果,黄(鱼安)鱇体长-体重关系的时空差异是极显著的(P<0.01)。在最佳模型中,a值在春季最大,其次是秋季和冬季,而夏季最小;b值则与此相反。整体来看,纬度高的黄(鱼安)鱇个体a值较大,b值较小,而ab值与水深没有表现出明显规律。本研究表明,季节和纬度对黄(鱼安)鱇的体长-体重关系具有显著的影响,混合效应模型能把水域和季节的异质性通过随机效应在单个模型中更准确、方便地体现出来,从而进一步证实了此模型在数据来源异质性研究中的优势。  相似文献   

We examined the formation of annuli by marginal observations on otoliths of gunnel (Pholis fangi) in the Yellow Sea to validate the age determination method and to derive the growth equation covering from larval to adult stages. Gunnels, ranging from 46 to 173 mm in total length, were collected by a bag net fishery from the western coastal waters off Korea from November 1998 to October 1999. Marginal observations indicated that the translucent zone (annual mark) on adult otolith was formed during the winter, whereas the opaque zone was formed during the summer. However, a translucent zone was formed between May and June in juvenile otoliths. This false ring was formed when the fish transited from the inshore pelagic life of larvae to the offshore bottom life of juveniles. The observed maximum age was 58 months. Using observed length-at-monthly age, growth in length was expressed by von Bertalanffy growth curve; Lt = 144.0 (1 − e−0.11 (t+0.43)). P. fangi spawned in winter recruit to inshore, and grow quickly in the nursery habitats in spring. Gunnel inhabit the bottom offshore area during the summer season, and reappear inshore thereafter.  相似文献   

任采妮  麻秋云  戴小杰  叶深 《水产学报》2024,48(1):019306-019306
为了评估银姑鱼资源开发状态,实验根据2016年在浙江南部海域底拖网的调查数据,研究了银姑鱼的生活史参数,并基于单位补充量模型对其资源状态进行评价,进而探讨不同自然死亡系数和捕捞选择性对资源评价结果的影响。结果显示,银姑鱼渐近体长估计值为25.36 cm,生长速率为0.32/年,当前开捕体长(13.52 cm)远小于其初次性成熟体长(17.79 cm);自然死亡系数估计值为0.74,总死亡系数为2.62,当前捕捞死亡系数为1.88。基于以上参数,构建了单位补充量渔获量YPR模型和单位补充量亲体生物量SSBR模型,随着F的增加,YPR先增大后减小,而SSBR则减少。银姑鱼生物学参考点F0.1为0.78,Fmax为3.43,F20%为0.66,F40%为0.33,可知当前捕捞强度远大于防止补充型过度捕捞警戒线F20%。敏感性分析结果显示,自然死亡系数的不确定性将明显影响单位补充量模型的研究结果和相关生物学参考点的估算值,而不同选择性系数,尤其是开捕体长,也直接影响单位补充量模型的结果。研究表明,当前浙江南部近海银姑鱼种群已处于补充型过度捕捞状态,为维持渔业资源的可持续发展,建议适当减小开发力度,增大开捕体长;为提高资源状态评价的准确性,建议减小自然死亡系数的不确定性。本研究可为银姑鱼资源的养护和管理提供科学建议。  相似文献   

王思凯  宋超  张婷婷  高宇  庄平  赵峰 《水产学报》2023,47(2):029312-029312
为掌握长江口日本鳗鲡的苗汛特征与捕捞生产现状,于2017—2020年在长江口开展了定点监测和走访调查,分析了长江口鳗苗的汛期规律、捕捞努力量及捕捞产量和产值。研究发现,长江口鳗苗旺发期为2-4月,主要捕捞区域分布在东旺沙、佘山岛和南汇嘴附近水域。长江口鳗苗捕捞努力量呈现下降趋势,有效网口面积从2017年的78.72万m2,下降到2020年的50.40万m2,下降了36%。长江口鳗苗汛期的单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)和总捕捞产量呈现波动变化趋势,2017和2020年较高,分别为(4 474±256)尾/100 m2和(5 220±1 063)尾/100 m2,2018和2019年较低,分别为(1 917±335)和(1 365±257)尾/100 m2。研究表明,长江口鳗苗生产值受到捕捞总产量影响,近4年来逐渐下降。建议进一步加强长江口鳗苗的资源监测和科学评估,指导规范鳗苗捕捞生产。  相似文献   

The natural mortality (M) and purse‐seine catchability and selectivity were estimated for yellowtail scad, Trachurus novaezelandiae, Richardson, a small inshore pelagic species harvested off south‐eastern Australia. Hazard functions were applied to two decades of data describing catches (mostly stable at a mean ± SE of 315 ± 14 t p.a.) and effort (declining from a maximum of 2,289 to 642 boat days between 1999/2000 and 2015/2016) and interdispersed (over 9 years) annual estimates of size at age (0+ to 18 years) to enable survival analysis. The data were best described by a model with eight parameters, including catchability (estimated at <0.1 × 10?7 boat/day), M (0.22/year) and variable age‐specific selection up to 6 years with a 50% retention among 5‐year‐olds (larger than the estimated age at maturation). The low catchability implied very low fishing mortality by the purse‐seine fleet. Ongoing monitoring and applied gear‐based studies are required to validate purse‐seine catchability and selectivity, but the data nevertheless imply T. novaezelandiae could incur additional fishing effort and, in doing so, alleviate pressure on other regional small pelagics.  相似文献   

The Patagonian longfin squid Loligo gahi undertakes horizontal ontogenetic migrations on the Falkland shelf: juveniles move from spawning grounds located in shallow, inshore waters (20–50 m depths) to feeding grounds near the shelf edge (200–350 m depths). Immature squid feed and grow in these offshore feeding grounds and, upon maturation, migrate back to inshore waters to spawn. The possible influence of environmental factors on L. gahi migrations was investigated using data from oceanographic transects, crossing the region of known L. gahi occurrence. They were made from the inshore waters of East Falkland eastwards to depths of 1250 m on a monthly basis from 1999 to 2001. Four main water types were found in the region: Shelf, Sub‐Antarctic Superficial and Antarctic Intermediate water masses, and Transient Zone waters. The inshore spawning grounds occur in the Shelf Water mass, whereas the feeding squid (medium‐sized immature and maturing individuals) were associated with the Transient Zone. The 5.5°C isotherm appeared to mark the limit of squid distribution into deeper waters in all seasons. Seasonal changes in water mass characteristics and location were found to be important for seasonal changes in L. gahi migrations on the Falkland shelf.  相似文献   

We propose a method of estimating natural mortality of marine pelagic fishes, especially for early-life stages, based on their fecundity. To estimate size-dependent fecundity, growth and mortality of Pacific anchovy (Engraulis japonicus), the most abundant fish species in coastal waters off the Korean peninsula, we undertook a synthesis of results from past studies and data. Assuming that the growth coefficient K varies with water temperature, we derived a modified von Bertalanffy growth equation covering all life stages based on otolith analysis of anchovies collected from southwestern coastal area of Korea in 1996. By revisting a past study on spawning and egg production of anchovies in the southern Korean coastal waters, we calculated a monthly-averaged fraction of mature females spawning per day to estimate that an average female anchovy spawns 36 times per year, and that the mean number of eggs produced by an average female is ca. 160 × 103 yr−1. Accepting the ‘bigger-is-better’ hypothesis, we derived a theoretical mortality curve that assumes instantaneous natural mortality as an inverse function of anchovy body length. Assuming equilibrium status of stock, estimated annual instantaneous mortality of anchovy between egg to age-1 stage was 11.3 yr−1 and estimated size-specific mortality was 1.24 d−1 mm in fork length. The derived theoretical mortality curve fit well the stage-specific mortalities, which were estimated independently based on ichthyoplankton surveys and anchovy samples collected by commercial nets, but underestimated the egg mortality (0.89 d−1 vs. 0.83 d−1).  相似文献   

1. The relative abundances of two highly sought after spearfishing target‐fish species, Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus 1758) and Sparus aurata Linnaeus 1758, were compared using underwater visual censuses in shallow (<5 m) inshore waters along rocky shores inside and outside a marine reserve area in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea (Banyuls‐sur‐Mer region, France). 2. The relative abundances of these two species were consistently lower outside the reserve area, which comprised around 40% of the 25.6 km of inshore coastal waters surveyed. 3. The demographic structure of D. labrax was also different inside and outside the protected area, the proportion of larger fish being significantly higher in the marine reserve. 4. The direct and indirect impacts of spearfishing are postulated to explain the distributional and population structural characteristics of these two species in the shallow waters off this rocky coast. 5. Prohibition of spearfishing has favoured the persistence of these species during summer (the main spearfishing season) in the shallower inshore waters inside the area of the Cerbère/Banyuls‐sur‐Mer marine reserve. 6. These preliminary results indicate the need for additional work in this area and further surveys to ascertain spearfishing impacts on target‐fish species in the vicinity of other marine protected areas. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

鱼类早期资源特征对鱼类种群的研究和渔业资源的评估管理具有极大的价值.实验于2019年3月—2020年1月在黄海南部近岸水域设置47个站点,每月大潮期间使用仔稚鱼网采集仔稚鱼,揭示了棘头梅童鱼仔稚鱼丰度的时空分布特征和漂移趋势,采用广义相加模型分析环境因子与之关联.调查共采集到棘头梅童鱼仔稚鱼2385尾,出现在6—10月...  相似文献   

The habitat use of Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis; PBF) in nursery waters off the southern coast of Japan was investigated using archival tags over a 3 year study period (2012–2015), and the data were used to examine the free‐ranging habitat preferences of PBF and the relationship between their horizontal movements and the path of the Kuroshio off the Pacific coast of Japan. The path of the Kuroshio fluctuated seasonally, leading to changes in water temperature that strongly influenced the habitat use of small PBF (2–3 months after hatching). Most PBF were present in coastal waters inshore of the path of the current, and their habitat use changed in response to the distance of the current from the coast. The Kuroshio typically flowed along the coast from summer to autumn, and PBF remained in the coastal waters off Kochi Prefecture during this period. In contrast, PBF quickly moved eastward in winter when the current moved away from the coast. Throughout the winter and spring, the area of habitat use extended widely from the eastern end of the southern coast of Japan (the Boso Peninsula) to the offshore Kuroshio‐Oyashio transition region. These findings suggest that the seasonal habitat use and movement behavior of juvenile PBF are influenced by the distance of the Kuroshio axis from the coast, and the ultimate drivers are likely variations in oceanographic conditions and prey availability along the southern coast of Japan.  相似文献   

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