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根据大黄鱼网箱养殖区的实际条件和大黄鱼的营养需求,以提高饲料利用率、促鱼生长、减少环境污染、易制作为目的,将研制的大黄鱼软颗粒干粉料与常用的鲜杂鱼糜以8∶5比例混合,配以0.4%的鱼肝油,通过水产湿颗粒饲料压制机压制成软颗粒饲料,并用A、B、C、D等4种不同成分含量的软颗粒饲料与鲜杂鱼糜分别投喂大黄鱼进行养殖效果比较试验。结果表明:研制的粒径0.4~1.0 cm的软颗粒饲料,圆柱体外观光滑,无开裂现象,切口整齐;保持鲜杂鱼固有风味,无腐败、霉变及其它异味;水中稳定性良好,沉降速度8.3 cm/s;其诱食效果优于鲜杂鱼糜;投喂大黄鱼,其养殖效果及经济效益优于投喂冰鲜饵料,尤其是其中的D组料(相对增重率81.0%,饲料系数1.81),效果尤其显著,可推广使用。  相似文献   

利用美国大豆协会小体积高密度网箱养殖模式和海水鱼膨化饲料对卵型鲳鱼参在近海网箱进行养殖并评估其生长表现.卵形鲳鱼参以每箱1 000尾的密度放养于体积为8.0 m3的网箱中.卵型鲳鱼参从鱼种养至50 g时采用47%粗蛋白和15%油脂(47/15)饲料,50 g以上则以43%粗蛋白和12%油脂(43/12)饲料投喂.两饲料皆为膨化浮性颗粒饲料.卵型鲳鱼参在136 d内由7 g长至349 g.总的平均饲料系数为2.1︰1,平均成活率为92.5%.净收入和投资回报率分别为人民币5 511元/网箱(人民币689/m3)和90.1%.生产1 kg鱼的膨化饲料成本为人民币10. 08元,而投喂野杂鱼的饲料成本为人民币20元以上.投喂膨化饲料养殖的卵形鲳鱼参其肉质口感与投喂野杂鱼的一样,味道更鲜,没有腥味.  相似文献   

将平均体质量(453.6±46.91)g、已交配的健康锯缘青蟹饲养在36cm×26cm×27cm塑料箱中,投喂由鲜杂鱼糜加淀粉、电解多维粉末和卡拉胶制得的软颗粒饲料,培育锯缘青蟹"红膏蟹"。试验结果表明,29~31d育成"红膏蟹";投喂软颗粒饲料的青蟹肌肉占比(59.89%~60.84%)显著低于投喂冰鲜杂鱼和贝类的青蟹(P0.05),但培育成活率(96.9%~97.1%)、质量增加率(67.26%~69.47%)、特定增长率(1.39%/d~1.53%/d)、可食部分(65.67%~66.32%)和红膏占比(17.36%~17.68%)均显著高于投喂冰鲜杂鱼和贝类的青蟹(P0.05);软颗粒饲料组"红膏蟹"肌肉中粗蛋白、脂肪和水分的含量分别为19.9%、0.8%和75.1%,生殖腺中粗蛋白、脂肪和水分含量分别为30.59%、14.50%和54.69%,肌肉和生殖腺中必需氨基酸的含量分别为5.59%和8.14%,呈味氨基酸的含量分别为6.50%和9.90%,氨基酸评分分别为71.7和100,肌肉和生殖腺中饱和脂肪酸总量分别为44.0%和49.2%,单不饱和脂肪酸总量分别为24.6%和29.2%,多不饱和脂肪酸总量分别为27.9%和15.7%;投喂软颗粒饲料提高了青蟹肌肉中粗蛋白的含量和青蟹的营养价值。  相似文献   

在福建宁德三都澳大黄鱼主养区,开展全程分别投喂市场反馈好、销量较大的某3种品牌大黄鱼配合饲料及(鲜杂鱼糜+A)饲养大黄鱼的对比试验。经过2年多来的应用试验,结果表明:配合饲料的诱食效果优于鲜杂鱼糜;大黄鱼养成投喂粗蛋白含量≥46.0%的配合饲料的养殖效果、经济效益与投喂(鲜杂鱼糜料+A)差异不显著(P0.05),但大黄鱼成活率显著提高;粗蛋白含量≥46.0%的优质配合饲料可以完全替代传统的(鲜杂鱼糜+优质配合饲料),可在大黄鱼养殖生产上大规模推广应用。  相似文献   

研究相同配方成本下,不同加工工艺以及投喂策略对鲫鱼生长和消化率的影响。采用配方相同的挤压熟化料和硬颗粒料饲养鲫鱼,投喂挤压熟化饲料相对于颗粒饲料,鲫鱼特定生长率、蛋白质效率和饲料转化效率显著升高(P<0.05);增加投喂频率可提高鲫鱼对颗粒饲料的利用效率,并促进生长,但对挤压熟化饲料组生长没有显著影响,但提高了饲料的蛋白和能量消化率。对于平均初重为(64.38±0.18)g的鲫鱼,投喂3.5%挤压熟化饲料,每天投喂6次可达到最大生长率,但2.0%投喂率,每天投喂6次的挤压熟化饲料组,饲料系数最低。  相似文献   

三疣梭子蟹配合饲料的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据三疣梭子蟹的营养需求研制生产了硬颗粒配合饲料,并与鲜杂鱼进行养殖效果对比试验。结果表明,用颗粒饲料投喂的梭子蟹,不仅生长,蜕壳安全正常。且生长速度与鲜杂饲料投喂相当,饲料系列相当于鲜杂鱼的4-5.8倍,生产1kg梭子蟹饲料成本节约23.6%。  相似文献   

利用美国大豆协会小体积高密度网箱养殖模式和海水鱼膨化饲料对卵型鲳鱼参在近海网箱进行养殖并评估其生长表现。卵形鲳鱼参以每箱 1 0 0 0尾的密度放养于体积为 8.0m3的网箱中。卵型鲳鱼参从鱼种养至 5 0 g时采用 47%粗蛋白和 1 5 %油脂 ( 4 7/1 5 )饲料 ,5 0 g以上则以 43%粗蛋白和 1 2 %油脂 ( 4 3/1 2 )饲料投喂。两饲料皆为膨化浮性颗粒饲料。卵型鲳鱼参在 1 36d内由 7g长至 349g。总的平均饲料系数为 2 .1 1 ,平均成活率为 92 .5 %。净收入和投资回报率分别为人民币 5 5 1 1元 /网箱 (人民币 689/m3)和 90 .1 %。生产 1kg鱼的膨化饲料成本为人民币 1 0 .0 8元 ,而投喂野杂鱼的饲料成本为人民币 2 0元以上。投喂膨化饲料养殖的卵形鲳鱼参其肉质口感与投喂野杂鱼的一样 ,味道更鲜 ,没有腥味  相似文献   

为探讨人工配合饲料中不同蛋白水平对方斑东风螺稚螺生长和体组成的影响。采用蛋白质含量分别是18.58%,24.30%,30.08%,36.44%,42.64%和48.86%的配合饲料进行了试验。试验水温(28.5±1.5)℃,海水盐度1.0178±0.0008,pH值7.9±0.5,试验期6周。结果表明:配合饲料各组中,当蛋白水平高于36.44%(IV组)时,方斑东风螺稚螺壳高和壳宽增长率以及增重率均显著高于18.58%~30.08%组;各组间成活率差异不显著(P0.05)。配合饲料中不同蛋白水平对方斑东风螺肉中水分、灰分和磷的含量均有显著的影响(P0.05),肉中蛋白含量各组间差异不显著(P0.05)。采用折线回归模型分析配合饲料中蛋白水平与增重率的变化关系,通过折线回归方程y1=5.573X-1.84(R2=0.922);y2=2.367X+135.33(R2=0.823)。可见,0.34~1.18 g方斑东风螺稚螺配合饲料中,适宜的蛋白质添加水平为42.78%。  相似文献   

(3)鳄鱼龟培育管理①投饵产前:可用人工配合商品成龟饲料结合鲜活动物性饵料如鲜鱼、鲜猪肝、螺肉等投喂,投饵率为龟体重的3%~8%。产中:商品成龟料40%可制成软颗粒饲料先投喂,鲜活动物性饵料60%如鲜鱼、鲜螺等后投喂,投饵率为龟体重的5%~10%。产后:商品成龟饲料70%制成软颗粒  相似文献   

投喂蚕豆对草鱼生长及肌肉营养特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别用配合饲料、浸泡蚕豆和发芽蚕豆喂养平均体重(1000±20)g草鱼70d,分析投喂蚕豆对草鱼生长及肌肉营养的影响。结果表明,配合饲料组、浸泡蚕豆组和发芽蚕豆组的草鱼增重率分别为79.5%、40.32%和50.10%,饵料系数分别为2.11、4.78和4.31,投喂蚕豆降低了草鱼增重率(P<0.05),显著增加了饵料系数(P<0.05)。与配合饲料组相比,浸泡蚕豆组和发芽蚕豆组肌肉中粗脂肪和粗蛋白含量显著降低(P<0.05)。浸泡蚕豆组和发芽蚕豆组的必需氨基酸含量、鲜味氨基酸含量、氨基酸总量比配合饲料组显著提高(P<0.05)。投喂蚕豆降低了草鱼的生长性能,但是显著提高了草鱼肌肉品质。投喂发芽蚕豆的效果要优于投喂浸泡蚕豆。  相似文献   

To assess the effect of dietary composition on growth performance and body composition of pike perch (Sander lucioperca), fingerlings with an initial body weight of 1.36 g (just trained to accept formulated feed) were fed three experimental diets in triplicate for 90 days. Two feeding groups were fed with formulated diets (CD, CD+7) containing varying levels of crude lipid (CL) of 14.65% and 21.94% dry matter (d.m.) with crude protein (CP) levels of 59.73% and 56.56%, and one feeding group was fed a natural diet (chironomids, CP = 65.93% d.m.; CL = 7.20% d.m.). Furthermore, pike perch of the same age caught in different natural habitats were analysed to determine their naturally fluctuations in body composition. Specific growth rate (SGR; CD = 3.36, CD+7 = 3.47) and feed conversion ratio (FCR; CD = 1.02, CD+7 = 0.93) of fish fed formulated diets did not differ significantly with rising dietary lipid content, due to high variability within the individuals of each feeding groups. In contrast, pike perch fed with chironomids showed a significantly lower SGR of 2.49 and higher FCR of 2.37 (on a dry matter basis). Body composition of pike perch fed formulated diets was affected by dietary composition and showed increased lipid contents [CD=6.25% original matter (o.m.), CD+7 = 9.00% o.m.] with rising dietary lipid levels. Pike perch of CD and CD+7 feeding groups showed significant increased hepatosomatic indices (HSIs) of 1.99 and 2.05 in contrast to fish fed chironomids with HSI of 1.11. Fish caught in the different natural habitats were characterised by low body lipid and dry matter contents of 0.64–1.88% o.m. and 21.08–23.75% o.m. Higher lipid incorporation of fish fed with formulated diets accompanied with poor benefit on growth performance at higher dietary lipid content indicated that pike perch ability to utilise lipids is low when dietary crude protein content is higher than 56.56%.  相似文献   

The effects of six formulated diets containing different protein and lipid levels on growth performance and body composition of juvenile southern flounder were evaluated. Test diets were prepared with a combination of three crude protein (CP) levels (45, 50 and 55%) and two crude lipid (CL) levels (10 and 15%). Diets (CP/CL) were as follows: 45/10, 45/15, 50/10, 50/15, 55/10, 55/15 and a commercial diet (50/15). Southern flounder (1.10 g) were fed the respective diets for 42 d in triplicate recirculating tanks (20 fish/tank). Percent body weight gain (BWG) for fish fed diet 45/10 (413%) and the commercial diet (426%) were significantly (P < 0.05) lower than fish fed other diets (823–837%). Increasing protein level from 45 to 50% produced a significant increase in BWG for the 10% lipid diet (823%) but further increasing protein did not produce a significant effect on BWG irrespective of dietary lipid levels. Specific growth rate (SGR), feed intake, feed conversion efficiency (FCE), protein efficiency ratio (PER), and total lipid content in the whole body were significantly affected by different dietary protein and lipid levels. Results indicated that a combination of 50% protein and 10% lipid was optimal for the growth performance of southern flounder juveniles.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to find the optimum level of dietary protein and lipid that could produce the highest growth, best feed utilization, and body composition of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (9.5–10.3 g). Nine diets (three protein levels × three lipid levels) containing 25, 30, or 35% crude protein (CP) with 6, 9, and 12% lipids were formulated. Fish were fed one of the tested diets at the rate of 5% of body weight for the first 8 wk and 3% for the rest of the study. Diets were offered 6 d a week, twice a day (900 and 1400 h) for 13 wk. Fish growth increased significantly with increasing either protein or lipid levels, and the maximum growth was obtained in fish fed diets containing 30% CP with 12% lipid or 35% CP with 9% lipid. The lowest fish growth was obtained at 25% CP with 6% lipid. The optimum feed intake, feed conversion ratio, energy utilization, protein efficiency ratio, and protein growth rate were also recognized in fish fed the above diets. No significant differences in moisture and ash contents in fish fed diets containing different protein and lipid levels were recorded. The protein and lipid contents in the fish body tended to increase with increasing protein and lipid levels in diets. However, the higher protein contents were obtained in fish fed diets containing 35% CP with 6 or 9% lipid, while the lowest ones were obtained at 25% CP with 6 or 9% lipid. The higher lipid contents were obtained at 30 or 35% CP with 12% lipid, while the lowest ones were obtained at 25 or 35% CP with 6% lipid. The present study indicates that the increase of dietary lipid level has a protein-sparing effect, and the diet containing 30% CP with 12% lipid would be suitable for the optimum growth and effective protein utilization of fingerling African catfish.  相似文献   

饲料蛋白水平对宝石鲈增重和体成分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用5种不同蛋白质水平(分别为30.89%、36.67%、40.08%、44.90%、49.14%)的饲料分别饲喂宝石鲈(Scortum bacoo)幼鱼25 d,每组3重复(每重复30尾鱼),室内网箱饲养试验结果表明:40.08%组的日增重、特定生长率显著高于30.89%组(P<0.05),饲料转化率极显著高于30.89%组(P<0.01);不同组间的肝体指数、脏体指数和肥满度无显著差异(P>0.05);饲料蛋白水平对宝石鲈幼鱼肌肉水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、灰分及肝脏的水分、粗脂肪无显著影响(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

Abstract. Semipurified diets containing either 25% or 30% crude protein (CP) from soy isolate (soy) or 30% CP from casein and gelatin (casein) were supplemented with either of two levels of L-lysine HCI (0 or 0·5% of diet) in a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement and fed to fingerling channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), in aquaria for 8 weeks. Factorial analysis of variance indicated a significant ( P < 0·001) positive effect of lysine on weight gain, protein conversion efficiency (PCE) and feed efficiency. Fish fed the soy diet containing 25% CP showed increased weight gain of 24% with lysine supplementation while fish fed soy and casein diets containing 30% CP showed increases of 11 % and 3%, respectively. However, supplementing the 25% CP soy diet with 0–5% L-lysine HCI did not enhance growth performance to the level offish fed the unsupplemented 30% CP soy diet. Significant effects of dietary protein levels and sources on weight gain, PCE, feed efficiency, haematocrit, hepatosomatic index (HSI; % liver weight), intraperitoneal fat (IPF) ratio, dry matter of fillet and whole-body, as well as lipid and protein content of whole-body tissue, were also observed. Fish fed the casein diet containing 30% CP had the greatest weight gain, PCE, feed efficiency, haematocrit and whole-body protein values and lowest IPF ratio and whole-body lipid values compared with those of fish fed the soy diets. Supplemental lysine did not affect body condition indices or proximate composition of whole-body and fillet tissues of fish fed the different protein sources. Therefore, based on this study, dietary protein levels and sources significantly influenced performance characteristics of channel catfish and supplemental lysine was most beneficial at a reduced CP level.  相似文献   

A nutrition trial was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary lipid levels and supplemental Ulva meal on growth performance, feed efficiency, nutrient utilization, and body composition of juvenile Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Four isonitrogenous (CP 40%) diets containing 0% and 5% Ulva meal were formulated to contain 10% (low-lipid; LL) and 20% (high-lipid; HL) crude lipid. Triplicate groups of fish (~10 g) were fed to apparent satiation three times daily for 16 weeks. Fish fed 5% Ulva meal showed an increased growth performance (P < 0.05) compared with fish fed non-Ulva supplemented diets, irrespective of dietary lipid level. In particular, the incorporation of Ulva meal improved specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and protein efficiency ratio (PER). Feeding fish 5% Ulva meal diets resulted in significantly lower carcass lipid content. The results indicate that 5% inclusion of Ulva meal at both dietary lipid levels improves growth performance, feed efficiency, nutrient utilization, and body composition of Nile tilapia.  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted to study the effect of six iso‐energetic diets containing 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50% crude protein (CP) on growth, survival and feed conversion ratio (FCR) as well as the protein requirement of an endangered cyprinid, Tor putitora. Triplicate groups of fingerlings with initial total length of 10.0–11.0 cm and weight of 12.0–12.5 g were reared in earthen ponds and fed diets at 5% of body weight for 120 days. Performance was evaluated on the basis of total length gain, body weight gain, survival rate, feed efficiency, FCR, protein efficiency ratio, specific growth rate, energy retention, gross and net yield in kg ha?1. Whole‐body carcass composition of fish was analysed at the start and the end of the experiment. Growth and FCR were influenced significantly (P<0.05) by dietary CP contents; higher growth and lower FCRs were obtained with increasing dietary protein. Dietary protein also influenced the whole‐body carcass composition of the fish. Higher protein and ash, and lower moisture and lipid in the whole body were observed with increasing dietary protein. Broken‐line regression analysis indicated that the optimum dietary protein level for maximal growth of mahseer lies between 45% and 50% (45.3%). Overall feed utilization and growth performance of the fish is comparable to that of other aquaculture species and the fish offers high potential for commercial aquaculture.  相似文献   

A 63‐day growth trial was undertaken to estimate the effects of supplemented lysine and methionine with different dietary protein levels on growth performance and feed utilization in Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Six plant‐based practical diets were prepared, and 32CP, 30CP and 28CP diets were formulated to contain 320 g kg?1, 300 g kg?1 and 280 g kg?1 crude protein without lysine and methionine supplementation. In the supplementary group, lysine and methionine were added to formulate 32AA, 30AA and 28AA diets with 320 g kg?1, 300 g kg?1 and 280 g kg?1 dietary crude protein, respectively, according to the whole body amino acid composition of Grass Carp. In the groups without lysine and methionine supplementation, weight gain (WG, %) and specific growth rate (SGR, % day?1) of the fish fed 32CP diet were significantly higher than that of fish fed 30CP and 28CP diets, but no significant differences were found between 30CP‐ and 28CP‐diet treatments. WG and SGR of the fish fed 32AA and 30AA diets were significantly higher than that of fish fed 28AA diets, and the performance of grass carp was also significantly improved when fed diets with lysine and methionine supplementation (P < 0.05), and the interaction between dietary protein level and amino acid supplementation was noted between WG and SGR (P < 0.05). Feed intake (FI) was significantly increased with the increase in dietary protein level and the supplementation of lysine and methionine (P < 0.05), but feed conversion ratio (FCR) showed a significant decreasing trend (P < 0.05). Two days after total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) concentration test, the values of TAN discharged by the fish 8 h after feeding were 207.1, 187.5, 170.6, 157.3, 141.3 and 128.9 mg kg?1 body weight for fish fed 32CP, 32AA, 30CP, 30AA, 28CP and 28AA diets, respectively. TAN excretion by grass carp was reduced in plant‐based practical diets with the increase in dietary protein level and the supplementation of lysine and methionine (P < 0.05). The results indicated that lysine and methionine supplementation to the plant protein sources‐based practical diets can improve growth performance and feed utilization of grass carp, and the dietary crude protein can be reduced from 320 g kg?1 to 300 g kg?1 through balancing amino acids profile. The positive effect was not observed at 280 g kg?1 crude protein level.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the dietary protein requirement by different analysis methods and to study the effects of dietary protein levels on growth performance and body composition in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus fed white fish meal and casein-based diets for 8 wk. After a 1-wk conditioning period, one of six isocaloric diets containing 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, and 60% crude protein (CP) was fed to fish at approximately 4–5% of wet body weight on a dry matter basis to triplicate groups of 15 fish averaging 13.3 ± 0.06 g (mean ± SD). After 8 wk of the feeding trial, weight gain (WG) and feed efficiency (FE) from fish fed 48% CP diet were similar to those from fish fed 42% and 54% CP diets, and were significantly higher than those from fish fed 30, 36 and 60% CP diets ( P < 0.05). Fish fed 48 and 54% CP diets had a significant higher specific growth rate (SGR) than did fish fed 30 and 36% CP diets ( P 0.05). Protein efficiency ratio (PER) was inversely related to the dietary protein level. No significant differences existed in hematocrit (PCV) and survival rate among the dietary treatments. Broken-line model analysis indicated that the optimum dietary protein level could be 44.0 ± 3.0% for maximum WG in Japanese flounder. Polynomial regression analysis of the dose-response showed that maximum WG occurred at 50.2% ( R2 = 0.94) based on WG, and the second-order polynomial regression analysis with 95% confidence limits revealed that the range of minimum protein requirement was between 38.9% and 40.3% based on WG. Therefore, these findings suggest that the optimum dietary protein requirement for maximum growth of Japanese flounder is greater than 40%, but less than 44% CP in the fish meal and casein-based diets containing 17.0 kJ/g of energy.  相似文献   

The effects of four practical diets on growth, feed utilization, and body composition of wild‐caught juvenile and subadult black sea bass Centropristis striata (316 ± 113 g =±± SD) were compared for 221 d in a recirculating tank system consisting of 12 2,660‐L tanks. Salinity averaged 33.5 ppt and temperature averaged 20.9 C but vaned from 12 to 27.1 C. Diets differed in crude protein (CP) and crude lipid (CL) as follows: 1) low CP (44.0%), low CL (11.4%) trout diet; 2) low CP (44.8%), high CL (15.0%) trout diet; 3) midlevel CP (47.9%), midlevel CL (12.8%) Bounder diet; and 4) high CP (53.9%), high CL (15.1%) marine finfish diet. Energy: protein ratios (E: P) were 44.6, 45.3, 41.8, and 39.1 W/g. Survival to 221 d on all diets was 100%. Significant (P < 0.05) differences in growth rates were observed among diets. Final weights were higher for midlevel and high CP diets 3 and 4 (1,051 and 1,013 g) than for low CP diet 1 (873 g). Relative growth rate (RGR, % total increase in weight), specific growth rate (SGR, % increase in body weight/d), and daily weight gain (DWG, g/d) were higher for higher CP diets 3 and 4 (RGR = 223 and 221; SGR = 0.53; DWG = 3.28 and 3.16), than for low CP diet 1 (RGR = 181; SGR = 0.47; DWG = 2.54). There were no significant differences between initial and final whole body protein and fiber content among diets. Lipid and gross energy levels significantly increased (P < 0.0001) in all treatments while moisture levels significantly decreased (P < 0.001). Although these differences were not significant, feed conversion ratio (FCR = dry weight fed/wet weight gain) was lower for fish given midlevel CP diet 3 (1.49) and high CP diet 4 (1.52) than for those fed low CP diets 1 and 2 (1.60 and 1.62). Protein efficiency ratios (PER = weight gain/weight protein fed) (1.43 to 1.24), apparent net protein retention (ANPR = weight protein gain/weight protein fed) (20 to 25%), and apparent net energy retention (ANER = energy gain/energy fed) (53.3 to 56.8%) were not significantly different among treatments. The midlevel CP (50%), midlevel CL (12%) diet maximized growth rates and was also significantly less expensive per kg fish weight produced ($1.40) than the high CP diet ($1.94) which produced the second highest growth rates. These results demonstrated that wild‐caught black sea bass can be successfully reared in recirculating tanks from juvenile to marketable sizes with high survival and with good feed conversion and growth on commercially prepared diets with a wide range of protein and lipid levels.  相似文献   

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