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本文利用非线性模型-双对数函数模型,使用TSP软件对1985-1998年期间我国城镇民民的水产品年消费支出与年可支配收入进入系统的定量分析,旨在对收入在调整水产品消费状况中的影响及作用做出判断。为我国经济发展战略及有关政策的制定提供更为科学的依据。  相似文献   

采取自收自支管理办法的苗种场(站),都必须按企业管理,进行成本核算。其会计基础与全额预算管理单位不同,它不是收付实现制而是权责发生制。收付实现制是以收到或付出资金为标准来确定会计报告期收入和支出的一种方法。权责发生制则不受实际资金收付时间的限制,而是(?)凡属于报告期内的收入  相似文献   

020382印度科钦家庭鱼类消费状况=Fisheoneumption profile of Coehin households[刊,英]/GopalN,Annarnalaiv// Fish.Teeh.一2001,38(1)一62一65 鱼类消费已成为喀拉拉邦非素食人口饮食的主要部分。文章参考不同收人等级研究了科钦家庭的食物消费状况。中等收人水平的家庭其平均消费支出为最低收人家庭的2倍多。随着收人增加,总的食物消费支出趋向于平稳。收人的最前四个等级所花费的食物支出不到其收入的1/6。在肉、鱼、奶、蛋四类食物中,鱼类为人们最喜爱的食物。收人最前三个等级在鱼类上的花费与在主食上的花费几乎相同,表明家庭收…  相似文献   

水产专项资金是财政预算支出中的农村水产补助费,支援农村合作经济组织资金,是国家和地方财政根据预算收入安排一定数额用于扶持和巩固渔村集体经济,发展渔业生产和渔业经济的专项资金。如用于外海捕捞渔业的作业调整,渔具渔法改革更新,渔业生产设施更新完善,渔业新技术的应用和推广鱼塘修建和改造等方面的资金。  相似文献   

<正> 鱼苗运输的成败直接影响到苗种场的经济效益。舒城县水产养殖场是一个以家鱼人工繁殖为主的苗种生产场,随着苗种生产量的递增和销售市场的扩大,鱼苗运输已成为制约该场经济效益的重要环节之一。为此,作者对该场鱼苗运输的情况进行了分析和研究,为改善其鱼苗运输状况、提高经济效益提供了决策参考依据。  相似文献   

为了解我市池塘养鱼的生产、经营管理、经济效益情况,在前两年调查的基础上。1989年又对朝阳区、通县、平谷县9乡26个商品鱼基地5819亩水面的生产量、产品结构及收入、支出盈亏情况进行了调查.  相似文献   

江苏宿迁市洋北乡渔场是1988年新建的淡水商品鱼基地,共有水面165亩,其中,成鱼水面110亩,鱼种水面55亩。该场由于实行适度规模经营,当年建场就取得较好的经济效益。1988年生产成鱼56735公斤,平均亩产515.8公斤,生产鱼种13387公斤,平均亩产243.4公斤。总产值29.63万元,纯收入10.17万元,全场21个职工平均每人创纯利4842.86元。实现了当年建场,当年投产,当年见效益的目标。  相似文献   

介绍了IMPCACT软件的组成和功能,并运用该软件对小农户农牧生产系统活动中现金收入与支出、食品安全、营养流、劳动力等方面作了分析。  相似文献   

1996年,我们承担了江苏省水产局下达的“池塘鱼鳖混养技术”重点示范区建设项目。项目合同主要技术经济指标为:建成省级池塘鱼鳖混养技术示范区500亩,亩产商品鱼500公斤,商品鳖25公斤,亩纯利润3000元。经过一年的工作全面完成了上述各项技术经济指标,取得较好的生产效果和经济效益。一、示范区实施基本情况示范区实施地点在涂沟镇水产养殖场,该场位于高邮湖畔,环境安静,水质良好,进排水配套,每口池塘  相似文献   

水产养殖业是国民经济发展的基础产业,转变水产养殖业的生产方式,发展绿色种养模式,走出一条产出高效、产品安全、资源节约、环境友好的现代化道路,是我国水产养殖业供给侧结构性改革的任务。为了给我国的淡水养殖户合理安排要素投入提供参考,以农业部1万户渔民家庭收支情况的调查数据为样本,对2013—2018年我国高、低价格区间鱼类养殖户的成本、收益情况进行了比较分析。结果表明:在成本构成上,燃料及加冰费用和塘租费等渔业税费是增长幅度最大的两项支出;饲料及苗种费用是支出的最高项,占总成本的78%~79%;高价格区间鱼类养殖的各项成本均高于低价格区间鱼类,其总成本约是低价格区间鱼类的6倍,具有高投入、高风险等特征。在经济效益方面,高价格区间鱼类的平均收入、净利润、成本利润率、销售利润率等均高于低价格区间鱼类,且获利能力逐年上升。建议增加对饲料研发、鱼病防治的科研投入,加强技术推广工作,构建智慧养鱼产业体系,以降低养殖户的养殖风险,提高经济效益。  相似文献   


Black bream (Acanthopagrus butcheri) appear an ideal candidate for the developing saline aquaculture industry of inland Western Australia. However, current maximum growth rates of 150g/annum are too slow for profitable production. This study investigated whether enhanced growth rates of black bream would improve profitability and justify a genetic improvement program. A partial budget analysis was conducted for two different fish production systems; a commercial operation that incurred more operating expenses due to costs associated with farm initiation (stand‐alone farm model), and an existing farm that diversified into aquaculture using the saline water resources of established farm dams (integrated farm model). Sensitivity analyses indicated that a 33 per cent increase in growth rate to at least 200g/annum would allow either production system to return a profit at a farm‐gate price of AUS$6/kg whole fish, with fish survival rates of 98 per cent for the stand‐alone farm, and 65 per cent for the integrated farm model. These results are discussed in the context of the genetic and economic consequences of selection for improved growth rates, and for developing breeding objectives and a genetic improvement program for black bream.  相似文献   

90% of the income of sheep keeping is derived from the sale of lamb meat. Next to the selection by breeding, a series of management and hygiene measures can help to improve the reproductive capabilities of the animals greatly. This means that the lambing and breeding capabilities of a sheep herd may be accomplished above the mean.  相似文献   

半滑舌鳎的循环水养殖模式及经济效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年3月至10月进行了半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossuss semilaevis Guanther)生产性养殖试验,期间对一套循环水养殖系统的水处理效果及半滑舌鳎养殖模式进行了深入的研究。养殖水体经系统处理后,养殖池内水温18~21℃,pH 7.0~8.0,DO≥6.6 mg/L,养殖池进水氨氮0.017~0.178 mg/L,亚硝酸氮0.012~0.064mg/L。文中详细阐述了放苗前养殖车间消毒、苗种选择与运输、生物滤池的培养、苗种投放、养殖过程中系统的日常维护、饵料投喂、光照控制、水质因子控制等内容,并对养殖半滑舌鳎8个月的经济效益进行了分析。以期为国内工厂化循环水养殖半滑舌鳎提供技术支持和经济效益分析方面的参考。  相似文献   

Substantial economic losses of farmed catfish to fish‐eating birds such as the double‐crested cormorant, Phalacrocorax auritus, continue to be reported on U.S. catfish farms. An economic analysis was conducted of the on‐farm effects of both the increased expenditures to scare fish‐eating birds from catfish farms and of the value of the catfish that were consumed by cormorants. A survey was conducted of U.S. catfish farmers in the Delta region of Mississippi and Arkansas, to obtain farm‐level data on expenditures to scare birds. Estimations of the lost revenue from catfish consumed by cormorants were developed from a concurrent study on cormorant distribution, abundance, and diet in the region. The economic effects of bird predation in terms of both fish consumption and management costs were evaluated across three farm sizes and nine catfish production practices. Catfish farmers spent on average $704/ha ± $394/ha to scare birds, making bird‐scaring costs one of the top five costs of raising catfish. The greatest cost components of scaring birds were manpower (39% of all bird‐scaring costs) and the variable and fixed costs of trucks used to scare birds (34% of all bird‐scaring costs). Losses were greater on hybrid than channel catfish fingerling ponds. Industry‐wide, the value of catfish losses averaged $47.2 million (range of $25.8–$65.4 million). Total direct economic effects (including both the increased costs to scare birds and the revenue lost from fish consumed by cormorants despite bird‐scaring attempts) averaged $64.7 million (ranging from $33.5 to $92.6 million). Profitability improved by 4% to 23% across the farm size/production strategies analyzed upon removal of the economic effects from bird predation, with greater effects occurring on smaller‐scale farms. One‐third of the farm size and production scenarios analyzed changed from being unprofitable to showing a profit in the absence of such negative economic effects associated with bird depredation. Overall, the combined effects of increased farm expenditures to scare birds from farms and the value of the catfish lost to predation by cormorants caused substantial negative economic effects on catfish farms.  相似文献   

利用凉山半细毛羊核心育种场1997-2003年间的育种资料,系谱经过微卫星标记校正后,用MTDFREML软件估测了初生重(BWT,n=1 282)、断奶重(WWT,n=1 000)和断奶毛长(WSL,n=909)三个性状的方差组分和遗传参数。结果表明BWT、WWT和WSL的遗传方差、不相关的随机效应方差(永久环境效应方差)所占的比例较小,残差方差所占的比例较高。三个性状的遗传力分别为0.24、0.06、0.13,相应的遗传相关系数分别为0.87-、0.53和-0.52。  相似文献   

不同材料类型人工鱼礁建设的经济效益浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对不同人工鱼礁造礁材料的成本和投放成本的调查,从经济学成本管理的角度出发,对不同造礁材料的人工鱼礁产生的经济效益进行了初步的测算和分析,进一步阐明不同人工鱼礁造礁材料的优越性,为人工鱼礁建设事业的可持续健康发展提供依据。同时对人工鱼礁建设所面临的问题及解决问题的具体措施也作了简要的阐述。研究结果表明:钢筋混凝土鱼礁、石料鱼礁可以作为较好的增殖型鱼礁、渔获型鱼礁、游钓型鱼礁的建礁材料;工程塑料鱼礁可以作为浮鱼礁的建礁材料;钢制鱼礁可以将其作为石块或混凝土等鱼礁的钢制框架或筋材,做成增殖型鱼礁、渔获型鱼礁以及游钓型鱼礁;旧轮胎鱼礁建议不要作为鱼礁材料使用;木竹制鱼礁不建议大规模选用为建礁材料。  相似文献   

宁波市三疣梭子蟹主要病害流行特征及应对措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宁波市人工养殖三疣梭子蟹已有近30年的历史,近十几年来发展十分迅猛,其养殖规模迅速扩大。但目前,三疣梭子蟹养殖产量普遍偏低,且病害频发,严重制约本市三疣梭子蟹养殖业进一步的发展。在对近几年本市三疣梭子蟹养殖主要病害进行监测的基础上,分析了本市三疣梭子蟹养殖主要病害的流行特征及其发病原因,并结合本市三疣梭子蟹养殖实际状况,寻求有效的应对措施。  相似文献   

金武  栾生  孔杰  罗坤  孟宪红  张天时  王清印 《水产学报》2013,37(12):1770-1781
依据凡纳滨对虾多性状复合育种方案,模拟选择20个世代,预测和评估了目标性状(收获体质量(BW),存活率(SR)和饲料摄入量(FI))的遗传进展及经济效益。利用选择指数理论,估计目标性状的选择反应、遗传进展以及育种目标;并对影响利润(RP)和效益成本比率(BCR)的生物学参数(遗传力、育种目标是否包括FI),经济学参数(对虾价格、饲料价格、贴现率、初投资、年费用)和运行参数(首次回报年份、扩繁效率)进行了敏感性分析。结果表明,在基础参数值下,BW、SR和FI每个世代的选择反应分别为0.86g,4.70%和1.54g;育种方案执行20年产生的RP和BCR分别为862747.91万元和844.26;敏感性分析显示,在所有参数中,扩繁效率对RP和BCR的影响最大。基因型与环境互作的敏感性分析表明:重排效应(养殖环境对同一基因型个体在不同环境中育种值排序的影响)对RP和BCR的影响较大。规模效应(养殖环境对遗传方差的影响)对RP和BCR的影响不如重排效应明显。因此,从遗传学和经济学角度考虑,如果育种目标性状在不同的区域间存在较强的基因型与环境互作效应,应针对不同的环境设置多个独立的育种核心群体,以期获得更高的RP和BCR。  相似文献   

影响刺参室内越冬保苗成活率的因素及改进措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从越冬期间发病刺参苗的症状和病原、影响刺参室内越冬保苗成活率的因素(亲参种质、饲料营养成分、养殖密度、抗生素的使用、水环境的变化)及相应的解决措施等多方面进行了分析和讨论,提出了相应的对策,阐明了刺参的健康生态保苗技术是提高刺参室内越冬保苗成活率的有效措施。  相似文献   

An economic analysis of an in-pond horizontal floating bar grader for food-sized channel catfish was performed. Data from previously reported field trials were used to determine whether farmer adoption of this grader is economically feasible. Scenarios for four farm sizes (65, 130, 259, and 478 ha) were evaluated. Partial budget, payback period, net present value, internal rate of return, and Taguchi quality loss function analyses were used to quantify and compare economic losses due to deviation from the target fish size. Partial budget results indicated positive net revenue for all farm sizes. Net revenue increased with farm size, market price, and increased dockage penalties. Payback periods ranged from 0.1 to 2.0 years depending on the scenario. Net present values were positive and increased with increasing farm size. Estimated internal rates of return were higher than the current opportunity cost of capital and increased with increasing farm size. The value of the gain in quality from reducing size variation from use of the UAPB grader was estimated to range from $770 to $5575/year, depending on farm size. Producer adoption of the UAPB grader is economically feasible for the scenarios analyzed.  相似文献   

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