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为探究三峡库区支流垂向水环境的分布特征及其影响因素,采用2018年2月(高水位期)和7月(汛期)对三峡水库典型一级支流——神农溪回水区水质监测数据,分析和对比了神农溪不同季节的溶解氧和叶绿素a等指标垂向分布特征,讨论了影响其垂向分布的环境因子。结果表明,神农溪高水位期与汛期的溶解氧含量在0~12 m和0~6 m水体分层现象明显,其表层水体的溶解氧饱和度(SDO)分别为104.04%和171.96%,已经达到过度饱和状态(SDO>100%);中层水体溶解氧浓度存在分层现象,底层水体溶解氧浓度较稳定,无分层现象。高水位期与汛期的叶绿素a含量在0~10 m水体分层现象明显,表层水体的叶绿素a浓度整体上表现为中度富营养化(5 μg/L相似文献   

冬季天气寒冷,水温低,鱼类主要集中于池水底层,由于耗氧量增加,易造成底层水体缺氧,使鱼类窒息死亡,降低养殖成活率。下面介绍几种鱼池冬季补氧的办法。1.生物增氧 浮游生物在进行光合作用的同时放出氧气,是越冬水体溶解氧的主要来源。在冰封前,要有意识地向越冬池注入部分含浮游植物多的肥水,但注水量不要超过池水的1/5。如果越冬池水质清瘦,可以施入尿素和过磷酸钙各0.5kg/亩~1.0kg/亩,提高水体的肥度,但不能施用有机肥,以免污染水质。施肥时间不宜过早,最好在封冰前进行,以免藻类过早繁殖,降低越冬后期水体的溶解氧含量。2.注水补氧 …  相似文献   

<正>增氧:池塘水体溶氧决定了水体中生物的代谢活动、物质的形态和价态、氧化还原状态及微生物的分布情况。水体溶氧具有周期性变化,一般白天多,夜间、黎明前少;晴天多,阴雨天少;养殖动物密度过大,水体过肥,有机物多,可造成水体的呼吸作用加剧,导致水体阶段性缺氧;高温条件下,水体溶氧随温度升高而减少,但水产动物的耗氧增加,造成缺氧;水中还原性物质如硫化氢、氨氮等含量超标,也会造成缺氧。缺氧状态会造成毒性物质大量积累,增加毒性,对水生动物造成极为不良的后果。  相似文献   

溶解氧(DO)是衡量生态状况的重要指标,对生态系统的平衡至关重要。为探究深型水库DO分层的规律及其影响机制,于2022年监测了九龙江万安水库的理化指标及营养元素的垂向分布,并分析库区的DO分层规律及影响因素。结果表明:2月属万安水库混合期,呈贫营养状态,DO垂向平均浓度高达6.70 mg/L,DO变化受浮游植物分布及“翻库”影响;5月属热分层形成期,处中营养状态,水体在内源产氧减少和原位DO消耗驱动作用下出现温跃层溶解氧极小值,36 m以下水体处于缺氧状态;8月为热分层稳定期,处中度富营养化,表层DO最大浓度达12.00 mg/L以上,在35 m深度出现DO极大值,水体热分层阻碍DO补充、内源产氧减弱是造成热分层稳定期水体上层大范围缺氧的主要原因;10月为热分层消退期,呈中营养状态,DO垂向平均浓度仅为0.77 mg/L,水深2.79 m以下水层皆处于缺氧状态。热分层时期DO垂向变化受到水体热分层、营养水平、污染状态及浮游植物生长分布等因素的影响,热分层从物理角度影响DO分层,营养水平及污染状态可以影响DO的产耗机制,而库区水体浊度通过影响浮游植物的垂向分布进而对DO浓度产生影响。本研究探明了水层缺氧及变温层DO极小值等现象出现的原因,深入探讨了DO变化规律与营养元素生物地球化学循环间的关系,为维护库区水生态健康提供科学依据。  相似文献   

侯仕营 《齐鲁渔业》2011,(11):43-43
1强降雨对海水养殖业造成危害的原因 1.1大量淡水进入池塘,使得池水上部形成较厚的淡水层,阻截了水体上、下溶氧的流动,导致养殖水体严重分层。 1.2大量杂藻腐烂变质沉积池底,有害物质含量升高,增加了有机耗氧量,使底层水体严重缺氧,导致海参缺氧窒息死亡。 1.3强降雨导致外海表层水盐度大大降低,限制了池水的交换量,导致养殖池塘水质变差。  相似文献   

三峡水库小江回水区叶绿素a与环境因子时空变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
于2013年1-12月在小江水华暴发的敏感区域高阳断面开展了水文、营养盐、叶绿素a等指标长期、定点监测,分析库湾水体叶绿素a及环境因子的时空变化特征及其相互关系。结果表明高阳断面水体在1月、10-12月处于混合状态,3-8月则处于弱分层到稳定分层状态。水体在混合状态时各理化因子、营养盐及叶绿素a分层变化不显著;而处于分层状态时,各层水体氮磷营养盐呈现较显著差异,时间分布上冬季略高于夏季,干流倒灌对高阳断面营养盐的季节分布影响显著。叶绿素a浓度呈现明显的夏季高、冬季低的趋势,水体分层对叶绿素a垂向分布影响显著,当水体处于分层状态时,表层叶绿素浓度明显高于中、底层。高阳断面各层水体叶绿素a浓度与硝氮和可溶性磷酸盐呈显著负相关,表明营养盐是小江高阳叶绿素变化的限制因素。表层水体叶绿素a与硝氮、磷酸盐、溶解氧、透明度、水温、表底温差等呈显著相关(P<0.01),表明表层叶绿素a与环境因子相关性较强;中层叶绿素a与硝氮、总氮、总磷、磷酸盐、水温、透明度、水深、水体稳定系数等呈显著相关(P<0.01),表明水体的扰动是影响中层水体叶绿素a增长的关键因素之一;底层水体叶绿素a与硝氮(P<0.01)、磷酸盐(P<0.05)、水深(P<0.05)呈显著相关。  相似文献   

随着养殖业发展,人们为了追求最大利益和最高产量,水产养殖投入品的数量逐年增加,使得水体中残饵、排泄物、生物尸体等有机物质大量积累,水产养殖业的自身污染日趋严重,养殖池塘环境逐渐恶化,致使病原微生物大量滋生,病害频发;再者,底层污染物大量消耗水中溶解氧,直接造成水体溶解氧(DO)降低或缺乏,导致养殖动物产生应激反应,免疫能力下降,直接危害养殖动物健康,出现缺氧浮头、发病、死亡等现象.  相似文献   

关于池塘溶解氧及缺氧防治对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在水产养殖管理中 ,水质的管理首当其冲 ,管理好水质溶解氧是其中心环节。然而在以追求高产为中心的养殖模式中 ,缺氧是十分常见的现象 ,由于天气突变等原因引起溶解氧骤降而泛塘的事件时有发生。在水生动物生长高峰的夏季 ,池塘有机物含量升高 ,池塘底部由于有机物的富集 ,使池塘底层和中下层水体处于缺氧和半缺氧状态 (低于 3 .5mg/L) ,对养殖鱼类有很大的危害。但是现在仍有许多养殖户对缺氧的认识不够 ,甚至无法知道自己的池塘是否缺氧 ,从而造成了不必要的经济损失。针对这一现象现将池塘溶解氧及缺氧防治措施介绍如下 ,供广大养殖户…  相似文献   

<正>在投喂配合饲料的池塘养殖生产方式下使用投饲机进行饲料的投喂,养殖鱼集中在投饲区摄食饲料。在摄食过程中,养殖鱼类在局部区域高度集中,会导致该区域水体溶解氧显著下降,到投饲时间点后期就会出现溶解氧不足而影响鱼类摄食,鱼体出现短时间的缺氧应激;同时,由于局部区域水体溶解氧的不足,也会影响该区域水体浮游生物、水体理化因子的变化。本试验选择江苏大丰华港养殖区、华辰水产养殖公司的池塘,在池塘投饲区底部增加了压缩空气底部增氧设施,在饲料  相似文献   

福建省闽侯县、福清市两家淡水鱼养殖场先后发生了由粪便污染造成的鱼类死亡事件.通过调查证实两家养殖场受污染水体中的氨氮、非离子氨、总大肠菌群指标超标,其中闽侯县养殖场受粪便污染导致水中耗氧物质增加,消耗水中氧气致使鱼类缺氧而死亡,死亡区域水中溶解氧0.55~0.92 mg/L.福清市养殖场的养殖水体受粪便污染,水体中浮游植物利用大量氮磷营养物质迅速增长(9.58×107 ~1.05×108个/L),在白天光合作用下产生大量氧气,溶解氧超饱和,达180% ~ 183%,同时释放二氧化碳,引发pH升高(9.59 ~9.79).使得水体中大量NH4向NH3转化,造成水中非离子氨含量升高,致使鱼类死亡.本文分析这两起渔业污染事故养殖水体中各指标因子的变化情况,认为粪便造成养殖水体中的氨氮,非离子氨和总大肠菌群升高,但导致鱼类死亡的致死因素则是缺氧及非离子氨中毒.  相似文献   

Climate change is occurring rapidly in the Arctic, and an improved understanding of the response of aquatic biota and ecosystems will be important for this data-limited region. Here, we applied biochronology techniques and mixed-effects modelling to assess relationships among growth increments found on lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) otoliths (N = 49) captured from 13 lakes on the Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska, observed and modelled climate patterns, and individual-level fish and lake characteristics. We found that annual growth varied by year, fish growth slowed significantly as individuals aged, and females grew faster than males. Lake trout had higher growth in flow-through lakes relative to lakes that were perennially or seasonally connected. Annual growth was positively correlated with observed air temperature measurements from a local weather station for the period 1998–2014, but no clear warming trend was evident for this period. Modelled August air temperatures from 1978–2014 predicted lake trout annual growth (root mean squared error = 0.045 mm) and indicated increasing temperatures and annual lake trout growth over the period 1950–2014. This study demonstrated that biochronology techniques can reconstruct recent climate patterns and provide a better understanding of trends in Arctic lake ecosystems under a changing climate.  相似文献   

Abstract – In high northern latitudes, a wide range of geomorphic processes associated with fluvial, glacial and permafrost activity may interact with climate change to produce unexpected changes in lake thermal regimes with attendant effects on ecological processes. We coupled output from a hydrodynamics model of lake thermal structure to a bioenergetics model to assess how alternative scenarios of climate change, geomorphic evolution and habitat restoration in a shallow Alaskan lake may affect juvenile sockeye salmon bioenergetics and growth. In particular, we evaluated the metabolic costs of different thermal regimes and the potential for changes in consumption to offset those costs. Increased water temperatures associated with future climate increased metabolic costs which were partially offset if fish were able to maintain feeding rates, expressed as a constant proportion of maximum consumption. In this lake, water levels have declined substantially in the last 50 years. Simulated restored lake level had negligible effects on lake temperature and thus on sockeye salmon growth when compared to current conditions. Maintaining lake connectivity to inlet tributaries (cooling lake temperature) was crucial in reducing sockeye salmon metabolic costs particularly with further drops in lake level and climate warming. While considerable research is focused on predicting future thermal and geomorphic conditions in aquatic ecosystems, these processes are rarely considered together, especially for lakes. Understanding the biological responses to geomorphic–climate interactions will be required for developing scenarios for coping with ecosystem responses to global change and evaluating restoration alternatives, especially in high‐latitude systems that support economically and culturally important fisheries.  相似文献   

Water temperature strongly affects aquatic ectotherms, as even slight temperature changes can have dramatic effects on physiological rates. Water bodies receiving industrial thermal discharges can undergo dramatic spatial and temporal changes in water temperature. To quantify effects on aquatic ectotherms, thermal habitat quality (bioenergetic growth rate potential; GRP) for zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas), rusty crayfish, Orconectes rusticus (Girard), walleye, Sander vitreus (Mitchill) and smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu (Lacepède) was estimated near two power plant thermal discharges on the Ohio River, USA, from 2010 to 2012 using bioenergetics models. These results were then compared with GRP under increased base temperatures representing climate warming. Growth rate potential for all species was low near the discharges during summer and highest in winter, with increasing prey consumption minimising the negative effects of increased temperatures. In their immediate vicinity, thermal discharges had a more adverse effect on GRP than plausible climate warming but primarily affected GRP over a small spatial area, particularly within 400 m downstream from the power plants. Examining thermal habitat suitability will become increasingly important as rising energy demand and climate change collectively affect aquatic organisms and their habitats.  相似文献   

Abstract Global warming is expected to result in considerable changes in northern European freshwater fish populations, fisheries and aquaculture. Shifts towards cyprinid and percid dominance in fish assemblages are expected, together with a decrease and collapse of salmonid and other coldwater fish populations. Most of the evident changes will occur in shallow lakes, where no thermal stratification occurs. The potential ranges of some fish species will shift northwards but pronounced changes will occur in the relative abundance of individual fish species. Total fish production will increase but because of changed composition of fish communities the commercial and recreational value of catches will decrease. Salmonid aquaculture productivity will increase provided that fish farmers adapt to new circumstances and cold, oxygenated water is available in larger quantities during summer.  相似文献   

研发一种大水体太阳能自动增氧装置,为大水体的缺氧、水体污染提供一种解决方法。太阳能自动增氧装置由太阳能光伏发电系统、检测与智能增氧系统、自动化驱动系统组成。光伏发电系统充分利用太阳能资源,解决了电能消耗问题;检测与智能增氧系统实现了增氧过程中氧溶解浓度检测和智能感应运行;自动化驱动系统通过智能感应信号和电子差速控制系统实现增氧机原地转向、转弯和直行3种运动模式的移动,增加了增氧面积。使用太阳能自动增氧装置增氧试验表明,80 min内1 m水深处溶氧量增加0.79 mg/L,2 m水深处溶氧量增加0.78 mg/L,3m水深处溶氧量增加0.77 mg/L,4 m水深处溶氧量增加0.78 mg/L;改善水质试验表明能有有效提高水体溶氧,降低氮磷含量;养殖试验表明,增加鲤产量35.3%、鲢鳙产量31.2%。  相似文献   

  1. The largest changes in the circulation of the South-eastern Pacific resulting from global warming are associated with the southward shift and intensification of the anticyclone and with coastal surface warming. Coastal upwelling is projected to be increase off central Chile, due to an increase in equatorward winds, although increased oceanic stratification and associated enhanced nearshore turbulence will yield an onshore deepening/flattening of the thermocline.
  2. The overall increase in south-easterly trade winds of the South-eastern Pacific in a warmer climate are likely to increase the connectivity pattern between Juan Fernandez and Desventuradas islands, and along the Sala y Gomez ridge, through increasing wind-driven mean ocean currents.
  3. Deoxygenation associated with the warmer temperatures and changes in ventilation are likely to modify marine habitat and the respiratory barriers of species in the seamounts located in the vicinity of the limits of the minimum oxygen zone.
  4. In the South-eastern Pacific, the prevailing 2D understanding of the responses of marine life to climate change needs to be expanded to 3D approaches, integrating the vertical habitat compression of marine organisms as a result of ocean warming and deoxygenation, as climate velocities for temperature and oxygen have contrasting vertical and horizontal patterns.
  5. There is a need for regional biogeochemical-coupled modelling studies dedicated to the Chilean islands in order to provide an integrated view of the impact of anthropogenic stressors (e.g. deoxygenation, increased stratification, and climate shift) at the scale required for addressing socio-ecological interactions.
  6. A refined understanding of the large-scale biogeography and spatial dynamics of marine populations through experimentation with high-resolution regional ocean models is a prerequisite for scaling-up regional management planning and optimizing the conservation of interconnected marine ecosystems across large scales.

Rising temperatures caused by climate change are likely to affect cool‐water and warm‐water fishes differently. Yet, forecasts of anticipated temperature effects on fishes of different thermal guilds are lacking, especially in freshwater ecosystems. Towards this end, we used spatially explicit, growth rate potential (GRP) models to project changes in seasonal habitat quality for a warm‐water piscivore (largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides), a cool‐water piscivore (walleye Sander vitreus) and a hybrid piscivore (saugeye S. vitreus × S. canadensis) in two Midwestern reservoirs. We assessed habitat quality for two periods (early and middle 21st century) under two realistic greenhouse gas emission scenarios (a mid‐century emissions peak and a rapid continuous increase in emissions). Largemouth bass were projected to experience enhanced or slightly reduced habitat during all seasons, and throughout the mid‐21st century. By contrast, walleye habitat was projected to decline with anticipated warming, except during the spring in the smaller of our two study reservoirs and during the fall in the larger of our two study reservoirs. Saugeye habitat was projected to either increase modestly or decline slightly during the spring and fall and declines in habitat quality and quantity that were smaller than those for walleye were identified during summer. Collectively, our findings indicate that climate warming will differentially alter habitat suitability for reservoir piscivores, favouring warm‐water species over cool‐water species. We expect these changes in habitat quality to impact the dynamics of reservoir fish populations to varying degrees necessitating the consideration of climate when making future management decisions.  相似文献   

内蒙古达里诺尔湖水质现状调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过应用各种物理及化学仪器分析了达里诺尔湖水温、酸碱度、溶解氧、各种离子、总含盐量等因子,根据以往水质调查结果及这次测定数据比较,达里诺尔湖的pH有不断上升的趋势,这将危及到雅罗鱼及水中生物的生存,而其他各种离子均有小幅度的上升,溶解氧基本能满足鱼类的生存需求.通过水质的调查结果分析,使瓦氏雅罗鱼及其他水生生物更好地发挥在达里诺尔湖中生存的潜力.  相似文献   

  1. Limnological aspects of Amazon floodplain lakes are examined in the context of aquatic conservation.
  2. A prerequisite to detecting and evaluating changes that could threaten the ecological health and organisms in floodplain lakes is understanding variation under present conditions. Based on one of the few studies with regular measurements over 2 years, chlorophyll, total phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, transparency, and total suspended solids in Lake Janauacá indicate that the lake is naturally quite variable with a mesotrophic to eutrophic status.
  3. Direct threats to ecological health of floodplain lakes include mining operations that can increase turbidity and trace metals and reduce nutritional quality of sediments. Mercury contamination and methylation leads to bioaccumulation in aquatic organisms.
  4. Deforestation in uplands increases nitrogen and phosphorus inputs to floodplain lakes and can alter trophic status. Deforestation in floodable forests alters the habitat and food of the fish that inhabit these forests.
  5. Cumulative limnological responses as catchments are altered by urban, agricultural, and industrial developments, and as inundation is altered by changes in climate and construction of dams, have major implications for the ecology of floodplain lakes.
  6. To improve understanding and management of threats to the conservation of aquatic Amazon biota and ecosystems requires considerably expanded and coordinated research and community-based management that includes the spectrum of floodplain lakes throughout the basin.

太湖流域城市湖泊富营养化问题严重,研究不同营养水平城市湖泊底栖动物群落的差异及成因,可为丰富底栖动物生态学研究和城市湖泊生态系统恢复提供参考。本研究于2018年12月、2019年3月、6月、9月在太湖流域15个城市湖泊开展了四个季度的调查,结果显示,重度、中度、轻度富营养和中营养水体分别占10.03%、36.89%、42.07%和11.00%。随水体营养下降,透明度显著上升,浊度、总磷和叶绿素a浓度显著下降,大型底栖动物总生物量、蚌类密度和生物量上升,寡毛类密度和生物量下降。在重度富营养水体中,底栖动物总生物量显著小于其他类型水体(P<0.01);在轻度富营养和中营养水体中,蚌类密度和生物量显著大于重度和中度富营养水体(P<0.01),寡毛类密度则显著小于重度和中度富营养水体(P<0.01)。Shannon-Wiener、Simpson和Pielou指数随水体营养水平下降,先上升再下降,在轻度富营养水体中最高。结构方程模型分析发现,在轻度富营养和中营养湖泊中,水温、总磷和叶绿素a浓度是影响底栖动物群落的关键环境因子。总磷浓度升高会显著促进软体动物增长(P<0.01),对螺、蚌的路径系数分别高达0.414和0.440。总磷浓度与水温上升都能显著促进多毛类种群增长(P<0.01),抑制水生昆虫种群(P<0.01),路径系数分别为0.376和-0.423。本研究认为,城市湖泊水体中总磷和叶绿素a浓度对大型底栖动物群落结构有重要影响,对磷和藻类的控制,对城市湖泊底栖动物群落恢复和水生态系统修复有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

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