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第十一届中国国际宠物水族用品懂得会(CIPS2007)将于2007年11月15日至18日在广州中国出品商品交易会琶洲展馆揭幕。本届展会展品涉及猫狗,水族,爬行及两栖,鱼鸟,花园宠物为门类的食品,喂养器具,保健护理用品,玩具,药品,宠物书刊及宠物运输工具等上万个品牌。共吸引了澳大利亚,巴西,加拿大,中国大陆,法国,德国,荷兰,中国香港,印度,印度尼西亚,以色列,意大利,日本,韩国,  相似文献   

大菱鲆分类上属于硬骨鱼纲,鲽形目,鲽亚目,鲆科,菱鲆属,英文名为turbot,英泽名(兼商品名)为多宝鱼,它性格温顺,体形优美,肌肉丰厚白嫩,骨刺少,内脏团小,出肉率高,鳍边和皮下含有丰富的胶质蛋白,口感良好,风味独特,深受消费者喜爱。正因为如此,部分养殖户为了提高大菱鲆的成活率及追求经济效益,在育苗、养殖过程中违规使用国家规定禁用药品,  相似文献   

沈慧 《齐鲁渔业》2008,25(7):25-25
1池塘条件 面积3000m^2左右,水深2m上下,水源充足,水质良好(无污染、低盐度),大旱不干,大涝不淹,池边无高大建筑物和树木,东西走向,池中无藕、苇等植物,池底有一定比降,池底平坦,最深处有一个集鱼沟。这样的池塘比较理想,适应各种鱼类生长,只要苗种容易解决,饲料、肥料充足,管理科学合理,无论是生产鱼种还是养殖成鱼,  相似文献   

一九七九午全世界追船厂共建追了584艘渔船,总吨位为331,310吨。建造渔船吨位最高的国家有:波兰-76,423吨,比一九七八年增加58,081吨,东德-67.275吨,比一九七八年减少11,345吨,日本-54,188吨,比一九七八年增加9,149吨。  相似文献   

罗凯坤 《内陆水产》2008,33(3):22-23
鲶鱼(Anarhichas lupus)属鲶形目,鲶科,广泛分布于湖南的江河、湖泊、池塘中,是极为重要的经济鱼类。鲶鱼全身裸露,无鳞,皮肤富含粘液,体表光滑,头部前端平扁,后部侧扁,头宽大于头高,吻宽,口裂大呈弧形,背鳍短小,胸鳍较小呈扇形。鲶鱼喜群居,浅水生活,多数藏匿在大石头处或石洞中。  相似文献   

四年来,广东省海洋与渔业局按照政府主导,上下联动,专家负责,产业结合,经费配套的方针,高标准实施渔业科技入户示范工程,大力推广渔业科学技术,使示范县渔业生产效益和农民收入水平得到提高。四年来,累计培育示范户达3500户,辐射带动61000余户,举办培训班720余期,  相似文献   

铜梁县虎峰区辖5乡2镇,82个村,550个合作社,有农户24704户,农业人口86091人。全县共有渔业水域12734亩,其中:溪河水面10000亩,小型水库9座,水面1013亩。山坪塘395口,1712亩。水田面积43508亩,其中可利用养鱼田21754亩,约占水田面积的5O%。从历年气象资料看,全区气候温和,雨量充沛,且有绵壁公路自东而西,小安溪河由南向北从腹部纵贯而过,交通方便,水源充足,具有发展渔业生产渔优越条件。  相似文献   

当前,饲料工作发展迅猛,成集约化、规模化,产品系列化发展,市场竞争异常激烈,在激烈的竞争过程中,优胜劣汰,不发展自己,就会被市场淘汰,就会失去生存的环境。  相似文献   

眼斑星丽鱼(Astronotus ocellatusl,英文名Oscar,俗称地图鱼,猪仔鱼,分类上隶属于鲈形目(Perciformes),丽鱼科(Cichlidae),原产于南美洲亚马逊水系,分布在巴西、委内瑞拉、圭亚那等国家。该鱼体型宽大,色彩鲜艳,背鳍较长,与臀鳍对称。体色基调乌黑或黑褐色,散布着不规则的橙黄色斑块,间镶红色条纹,具有独特的观赏价值。  相似文献   

1轮虫对成鱼的危害 首先轮虫具有超强的繁殖速度,在短时间内就会形成优势种群,吃掉大部分藻类,使光合作用降低,产氧能力减弱,同时也消耗大量氧气,结果极易引起鱼类缺氧,甚至造成鱼类死亡;其二,由于需要经常杀灭,造成养殖成本上升;其三,由于在池中不易彻底清除,造成池水经常缺氧,  相似文献   

网箱养殖大黄鱼溃疡病的预报模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
倪海儿  王国良 《水产学报》2009,33(2):334-341
本文以舟山市网箱养殖大黄鱼Pseudosciaena crocea (Richardson)为研究对象,根据对2001-2005年间网箱养殖大黄鱼发病情况的观察分析、养殖水域环境因子的监测及其收集的气象资料,对大黄鱼溃疡病的发生规律和养殖环境的状况进行了全面分析,结果表明大黄鱼溃疡病的发生不仅与季节有关,而且还与环境因子的状况密切相关。在此基础上,进一步研究了环境因子对大黄鱼溃疡病发生的影响程度和影响方式,筛选出与大黄鱼溃疡病发生密切相关的环境因子,从而建立了网箱养殖大黄鱼溃疡病发生的预报模型。经检验该模型对预报大黄鱼的溃疡病是否发生及发生的程度有高度显著的效果,用该模型对舟山市2005年大黄鱼溃疡病的发生情况进行了预报,预报的正确率达到81.2%。为能有效、适时地对发病季节大黄鱼疾病的控制,本文还同时给出了网箱养殖大黄鱼发病季节溃疡病的预报模型。  相似文献   

The occurrence and pH dependence (pHe 7–8) of the adrenergic red cell responses of two salmonids, trout and whitefish, and a percinid, pikeperch were studied. These are all species that live in well-oxygenated waters. The responses were compared to those of carp, which tolerates oxygen-deficient waters.The adrenergic responses of trout and whitefish red cells were pronounced. In these species red cell swelling, the accumulation of sodium and chloride in the cell, and the increase in red cell oxygen content at atmospheric oxygen tension were maximal at pH 7.3. In contrast, pikeperch red cells responded to -adrenergic stimulation only at extracellular pH 7.1. In carp, the adrenergic response, occurring below extracellular pH 7.5, was small as compared to the two salmonids. In each case the onset of the adrenergic response coincided with the onset of the Root effect.The differences in the adrenergic responses between the two salmonids and pikeperch suggest that the occurrence of the adrenergic response is not directly related to the environmental oxygen requirements of the species, but may be linked to the activity pattern.  相似文献   

The reproductive activity of the fish assemblage in a large Neotropical reservoir was evaluated by surveying the occurrence of ichthyoplankton in response to spatial and temporal variation in environmental factors. Fish reproduction was investigated by capturing larvae along representative spatial gradients in the main body (longitudinal) and arms (lateral) of the reservoir. After identification, the captured larvae were classified into different groups according to the functional traits of their parental stock. Sampling occurred monthly at night from October to March over five reproductive periods between 2009 and 2016, using conical-cylindrical plankton nets with flowmeter. Water samples were taken simultaneously allowing the measurement of environmental factors related to reproductive activity. The relationship between the environmental factors and the functional traits was assessed using RLQ and fourth-corner analyses. An evaluation of 51,995 larvae revealed there was greater larval abundance in the lacustrine and transition zones of both longitudinal and lateral gradients. Occurrences often correlated with temporal instead of spatial gradients. Higher rainfall correlated with abundances of detritivorous and migratory species. Higher water levels correlated with higher abundances of non-native species, species without parental care, with external fecundation, and partial spawning. Dry periods, with lower water and higher dissolved oxygen, correlated with higher abundances of insectivores and sedentary species. Although the presence of a dam-free stretch of river upstream of the reservoir had a positive influence on fish larvae in the fluvial zone, the results did not show differentiation along either gradient. Thus, the composition of the functional groups of fish species that reproduce in the Itaipu Reservoir appears to be predominantly influenced by the temporal variation in environmental factors rather than the formation of spatial gradients.  相似文献   

The influence of abiotic factors on ichthyoplankton occurrence was assessed in lotic stretches with and without dams in the Grande River basin from November 2008 to March 2009. Water transparency and temperature were the main abiotic factors that influenced temporal variation of ichthyoplankton occurrence in unregulated stretches. On the other hand, the best predictors of ichthyoplankton occurrence in regulated sites were water transparency and time of day. The catch of ichthyoplankton was significantly greater at low transparency and during night‐time in areas downstream of dams, which may be attributed to either adaptive behaviour of fish species in favouring greater protection of offspring, or the greater predation rate of ichthyoplankton at higher transparencies and during daytime. Results of this study indicate an association between abiotic factors and fish reproduction, but the nature of this relationship in regulated rivers contrasts with that found in stretches without dams.  相似文献   

家鱼池塘底泥耗氧率与理化因子的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用原位底泥耗氧测定法,研究了10口家鱼鱼池底泥耗氧率与底部水体理化因子(溶氧、温度、pH值、氧化还原电位)和底泥有机质含量及深度的相关关系。结果显示:池塘平均底泥耗氧率(SOD)为0.91 g/(m2.d),变动范围为0.76~1.09 g/(m2.d)。双变量相关性分析表明,底泥耗氧率与池塘底部水体理化指标的相关性均达到极显著水平(P<0.01),与溶氧相关性最高(Pearson相关系数为0.779),其次是温度、pH值和氧化还原电位,相关系数分别为0.587、0.557和-0.421;底泥耗氧率与底泥深度相关性达到显著水平(P<0.05)。偏相关分析结果表明,底泥耗氧率与溶氧和温度呈极显著相关(P<0.01),与其它因素均未达到显著水平。影响底泥耗氧率最重要的环境因子是溶氧,其次是温度。利用BP神经网络分析影响SOD的理化因子,以溶氧、温度和底泥深度为BP神经网络模型的输入变量建立BP神经网络模型对SOD进行预测分析,BP神经网络模型训练和测试相关系数分别为0.911和0.879,平均相对误差分别为11.6%和10.4%,预测值与真实值偏差较小,拟合度较高,可有效预测池塘底泥耗氧率。  相似文献   

2002年8月,在黄海北部大连湾棉花岛海域发生的丹麦细柱藻赤潮中,跟踪测定了赤潮生消过程的生物数量及各环境要素。用主成分分析的方法,分析该海域丹麦细柱藻赤潮与环境因子的相关关系。结果表明,pH、叶绿素a、水色、DO、活性磷酸盐、COD以及透明度是指示(影响)赤潮生物细胞总量的关键因子。  相似文献   

The theory of island biogeography predicts that the probability of a species occupying an island depends on a dynamic equilibrium between extinction and colonization. Epidermal papillomatosis is a disease manifesting as skin tumours on fish. We studied the factors affecting the occurrence of the disease in roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.), in 34 lakes. The results of discrimination analysis suggest that maximum depth, percentage of the drainage area of the lake covered by lakes in the vicinity and altitude best identified diseased lakes. Comparison of diseased and non-diseased lakes revealed that lake area could also be regarded as a variable contributing to the occurrence of the disease. The sampling date, proportion of males and mean length of fish did not discriminate between the lakes. The probability of the disease occurring was highest in large, deep, low-altitude lakes which had a high percentage of lakes in their vicinity. Thus, the results indicate that the colonization and extinction processes probably contribute to the occurrence of papillomatosis in roach, as predicted by the theory. Furthermore, the large natural variation in the occurrence of the disease could mask possible environmental effects and between-lake comparisons should be interpreted with caution when using the fish-papillomatosis system as an indicator of environmental stress.  相似文献   

为系统解析凡纳滨对虾白便综合征 (white feces syndrome,WFS)的发生与环境因子、微生物因子、宿主免疫力和水体微生物群落组成的关系。实验利用水体理化因子、可培养细菌、对虾机体免疫酶活性以及高通量测序等检测技术对健康与患WFS的池塘养殖凡纳滨对虾进行比较分析。结果显示,与健康组相比,患病池塘的水温、溶解氧 (DO)、pH、盐度等水质理化因子波动趋势相似,波动范围分别为26.1~29.0 °C、4.26~6.08 mg/L、8.39~8.73和40~49,患病组DO和盐度比健康组高;健康组对虾肝胰腺内可培养细菌和弧菌含量为1.19×105~7.70×105和8.8×103~1.96×104 CFU/g,弧菌占比为2%~16%,患病组对虾肝胰腺内可培养细菌和弧菌含量在3.80×105~2.51×106和2.02×105~1.49×106 CFU/g范围内,比健康组高15~113倍,弧菌占比在55%~70%。碱性磷酸酶 (AKP)、酸性磷酸酶 (ACP)、溶菌酶 (LZM)、超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)和酚氧化酶 (PO)活性在健康组内为1.21~5.64、9.17~15.25、3.56~7.43、4.83~6.70及3.10~4.55 U/mg,在患病组内为2.12~5.39、19.22~26.96、19.73~26.85、3.00~4.14及7.76~9.21 U/mg。比较分析表明,WFS的发生与可培养细菌含量、弧菌占比、ACP、LZM、PO的相关性较强。高通量测序分析表明,患病组水体菌群结构的Ace和Chao指数呈一定程度下降趋势,PCoA指数偏离度较高,放线菌门、变形菌门相对丰度降低,拟杆菌门、蓝藻门相对丰度显著升高;RDA关联分析表明,盐度、溶解氧、虾体细菌、虾体弧菌、水体细菌是影响患病对虾水体菌群结构组成的重要因子。相关研究结果为解析养殖生产中对虾WFS发生机制提供数据支撑,并为WFS的临床防控奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

为简便而有效地研究池塘水体中叶绿素a(Chl.a)含量与环境因子间的复杂关系,建立通径分析方法将各因子与Chl.a的相互影响关系清晰化。利用上海地区38批次淡水鱼养殖池塘水质监测数据,通过通径分析筛选出影响Chl.a含量变化的关键因子。结果显示:影响Chl.a含量变化的关键因子是高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)、活性磷(PO_4~--P)、透明度(SD)和溶解氧(DO);CODMn和PO_4~--P是影响养殖水体中Chl.a含量的主导因子,它们的决定系数分别为0.426和0.325,占所有关键因子决定值的89.6%;利用关键因子对Chl.a建立多元回归线性方程:Chl.a=60.17+9.90 CODMn+100.30(PO_4~--P)-1.74 SD-4.82 DO(R=0.784),并通过检验。  相似文献   

Various ocean‐climate models driven by increased greenhouse gases and higher temperatures predict a decline in oceanic dissolved oxygen (DO) as a result of greater stratification, reduced ventilation below the thermocline, and decreased solubility at higher temperatures. Since spreading of low oxygen waters is underway and predicted to increase, understanding impacts on higher trophic levels is essential. Within the California Current System, shoaling of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) is expected to produce complex changes. Onshore movement of the OMZ could lead to habitat compression for species with higher oxygen requirements while allowing expansion of species tolerant of low bottom DO. As part of annual groundfish surveys, we sampled catch across a range of conditions from the upper to the lower limit of the OMZ and shoreward across the continental shelf of the US west coast. DO ranged from 0.02 to 4.25 mL L?1 with 642 stations (of 1020 sampled) experiencing hypoxic conditions in 2008–2010. Catch and species richness exhibited significant and positive relationships with near‐bottom oxygen concentration. The probability of occurrence was estimated for four species (spotted ratfish, petrale sole, greenstriped rockfish and Dover sole) using a binomial Generalized Additive Model. The models for each species included terms for position, day of the year, salinity, near‐bottom temperature and the interaction term between depth and near‐bottom DO. Spotted ratfish and petrale sole were sensitive to changes in near‐bottom oxygen, while greenstriped rockfish and Dover sole show no changes in probability of occurrence in relation to changes in oxygen concentration.  相似文献   

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