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中华绒螯蟹成熟卵巢的脂类及脂肪酸组成   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
中华绒螯蟹成熟卵巢中的脂类以2种形态存在,即脂肪滴(L)和卵黄体(Y)。脂肪滴为中性脂,卵黄体主要是磷脂。成熟卵巢的总脂含量约占卵巢湿重的17.78%,且中性脂(NL)大于磷脂(PL)。成熟卵巢的NL依次主要由甘油三酯(TG)、胆固醇(SL)和胆固醇脂(Es)组成;PL主要由卵磷脂(PC)和脑磷脂(PE)组成,且PC含量高于PE。中华绒螯蟹成熟卵巢的NL和PL脂肪酸组成明显不同,PL短链的饱和与不饱和酸(<18个碳)含量显著低于NL(p<0.01),长链的多不饱和酸(>18个碳)含量显著高于NL(p<0.01),而一烯酸含量在这2种脂类中基本上无大变化。PL和NL的主要脂肪酸组成皆为:C16∶0、C16∶1、C18∶1、C18∶2、C20∶4、C20∶5和C22∶6。  相似文献   

用四种试验饵料,其中分别含有1%高纯度的ω-3及ω-6不饱和脂肪酸(亚油酸C18∶2ω6、亚麻酸C18∶3ω3、花生四烯酸C20∶4ω6、二十二碳六烯酸C22∶6ω,DHA)以及一种对照饵料含有5%棕榈酸C16∶0和油酸C18∶1ω9混合物对中国对虾(PenaeusorientalisKishinouye)幼虾进行了为期32天的投喂试验,从成活率、蜕皮次数及增重等实验结果可见二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)对中国对虾幼虾具有最高的营养价值。同时,对海捕和人工养殖的中国对虾的脂肪酸组成进行了比较,两者都含有大量的ω-3系列的高度不饱和脂肪酸;但是与海捕虾相比较,人工养殖对虾的DHA含量较低,而亚油酸含量较高。上列结果表明在对虾饵料中补充富含DHA的脂肪源将有效地促进对虾增产。  相似文献   

在中华绒螯蟹卵巢快速发育阶段(9-12月初),经三个月饥饿后,卵巢指数从平均3.23增加到8.19,卵巢总脂含量略有增加,绝对脂肪含量每只蟹从开始的191mg增加到513mg。但饥饿后的卵巢与正常的成熟卵巢指数及脂肪含量相比,显著降低,这说明饥饿较大影响了卵巢的正常发育和成熟;肝胰腺指数从5.85~7.48降为0.75~4.13,其绝对含量也显著降低,每只蟹平均降低1270mg,大大高于卵巢在饥饿时增加积累的脂肪,说明肝胰腺的脂肪除了转运到发育的卵巢中去以外,大部分脂肪应作为能量被消耗。饥饿期间卵巢对来源于肝胰腺长链多不饱和脂肪酸,尤其C20:5和C20:4优先选择利用,暗示这些脂肪酸是卵巢发育必需的脂肪酸,但对来源于肝胰腺的C18:3利用最低,显示C18:3不是卵巢发育的必需脂肪酸。  相似文献   

季文娟 《水产学报》1998,22(3):240-246
用高度不饱和脂肪酸组成和含量不同的四种饲料饲养中国对虾亲虾以研究高度不饱和脂肪酸对中国对韪亲虾产卵及卵质的影响。试验采用脂肪酸组成模式不同的Ti鱼油,亚麻油,玉米油和猪油为脂肪源配制的饲料对产卵前的亲虾进行60天的投喂试验,测定了不同脂及到脂肪酸组成的饲料对亲虾产卵量,孵化率和卵脂肪酸组成的影响,并经回归分析结果表明,卵脂肪中的20:5ω3与产卵量,22:6ω3与孵化率有相关关系,表明了EPA,D  相似文献   

汪小东 《水产学报》2000,24(2):123-129
雄鳗注射5-6次、雌鳗注射9-10次鲤脑体匀浆液(CPE)+人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)能分别诱导精巢和卵巢发育成熟。在雌雄鳗鲡,注射CPE+HCG可显著增加端脑、间脑、中脑和下丘脑mGnRH的含量,而对后脑和延髓mGnRH的影响较小;注射CPE+HCG增加雄鳗后脑和延髓cGnRH-Ⅱ含量,对雌鳗脑区cGnRH-Ⅱ则无显著影响。雌雄鳗鲡每次注射CPE+HCG后1天,血清促性腺激素(GtH)急剧上升  相似文献   

三种海胆性腺总脂的脂肪酸组成的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
童圣英 《水产学报》1998,22(3):247-252
本文采用了FFAP石英毛细和气相色谱柱,对光棘球海胆,虾夷马粪海胆及海刺猬的性腺中总脂的脂肪酸组成进行了研究。结果表明这几种海胆含有四十种以上的脂肪酸,分布十分相似。主要的HUFA为18:4n-3(3.2%-7.4),20:4n-6(6.4%-16.7%)及20:5n-3(6.6%-12.1%),并含有非常罕见的n-5及n-7烯酸。  相似文献   

羊栖菜多糖对高血脂模型大鼠血脂的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
以实验性高血脂模型大鼠为实验对象,设置3个羊栖菜多糖(SFPS)剂量组(0.3、0.6、1.2g/kg.d)和阳性,空白对照组,观察其调血脂效果。结果表明,羊栖菜多糖各剂量组均具有显著抑制高脂模型大鼠血中总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)的增长,降低其含量,升高高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)含量的作用。3个剂量组均好于调血脂药物肌醇烟酸酯阳性对照组;与空白对照组  相似文献   

当前,冷水性的鲑鳟鱼类已在全国推广养殖,鲑鳟鱼养殖依靠流动的泉水、河水,一般情况下水环境不会有问题,因此,病害防治在鲑鳟鱼养殖中就显得尤为重要,也是鲑鳟鱼养殖能否取得成功的关键所在。一、虹鳟鱼脂肪肝病(一)发病原因虹鳟脂肪肝病的原因是多方面的,但都与饲料和营养有关。原因有以下3点。1.饲料中缺少必需脂肪酸。鱼类能合成ω7族和ω9族脂肪酸,但不能合成ω3族和ω6族脂肪酸。因此,ω3族和ω6族脂肪酸是鱼类必需脂肪酸。2.氧化脂肪毒害。虹鳟饲料中的不饱和脂肪酸极易被氧化。其产物氧化脂肪本身具有毒性作用…  相似文献   

镉对罗氏沼虾组织转氨酶活性及组织结构的影响   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:33  
赵维信 《水产学报》1995,19(1):21-27
对罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachiumrosenbergii)成虾六种组织的谷丙转氨酶(GPT)和谷草转氨酶(GOT)活性正常值作了测定,其中心脏和绿腺的GPT和GOT活性较高,鳃和肝胰脏次之,卵巢和肌肉较低。不同镉离子浓度(0.37、0.74和1.48×10-6)对罗氏沼虾的急性中毒试验表明,受水中0.74和1.48×10-6Cd2+影响,心脏、鳃和肝胰脏的GPT和GOT活性显著降低;绿腺的GPT和GOT活性在0.74×10-6组显著升高。组织学观察显示,Cd2+中毒引起鳃丝增粗,鳃丝血腔扩大;肝小管严重萎缩,肝细胞解体;绿腺细胞解体,迷路结构消失。  相似文献   

通过对野生及人工养殖的中国对虾的肌肉、肝胰脏、性腺及卵的脂肪酸的分析比较,结果显示野生及人工养殖的中国对虾都含有大量的ω-3系列高度不饱和脂肪酸,这与其它海洋甲壳类的脂肪酸组成相类似;与野生的中国对虾相比较,人工养殖对虾的各组织及卵含有较高比例的亚油酸及较低比例的二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)。野生与人工养殖的中国对虾在脂肪酸组成上的这一差异,是由于它们的生态环境及所摄食物的不同所造成的。从我们先前的实验证明ω-3系列和ω-6系列长链高度不饱和脂肪酸是中国对虾的必需脂肪酸,其中尤以DHA最为重要,对于幼虾的生长及亲虾的成熟都是必需的。可见在人工养殖中国对虾的配饵中添加富含DHA的脂肪源将是提高人工养殖对虾产量和质量的一个重要途径。  相似文献   

The oogenic cycle and biochemical composition of the ovary of raft-cultured great scallop (Pecten maximus) were studied during the period April 1990–July 1991. The ovary condition index (FGI) and stereological studies showed the existence of two principal spawning periods, winter and late spring-early summer. No sexual resting period was found. Oocyte lysis was high throughout the year. Ovarian lipid levels displayed a clear seasonal pattern linked to the gametogenic cycle. Total lipid (TL, 16–21% dry weight), acylglycerol (AG, 20–65% TL) and free sterol (FS, 2.8–6.4% TL) levels were, generally, higher in the ripe ovary and a decrease coincided with spawning. Protein (59–63% dry weight), glycogen (<3% dry weight) and phospholipid (PL, 26–35% TL) levels showed no clear seasonal trend. The TL and AG were a good index of ovarian sexual maturity. The TL % of dry weight) correlated well with the female gonad condition index (r s = 0.779, p < 0.001), and AG (% f TL) correlated well with the mean oocyte diameter (r s = 0.630, p < 0.01) and the female gonad condition index (r s = 0.443, p < 0.05).  相似文献   

Total lipid (TL), lipid classes and fatty acid composition of neutral (NL) and polar (PL) lipids were studied in the gonads, liver and muscle of gilthead seabream males ( Sparus aurata ) fed a control diet (diet C) or an n-3 and n-6 highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA)-deficient diet (diet D), at different stages of the reproductive cycle. Between pre-spermatogenesis (November) and spermatogenesis (March), the lipid content was high and particularly rich in cholesterol, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine in gonads from both dietary groups. At post-spermatogenesis (June), TL and especially PL dramatically decreased in the gonads from both groups. However, at this period diet C fish gonads were richer in triacylglycerides (TAG) than those from diet D fish. The liver lipid contents and particularly TAG were over 200% lower in June than in March for both groups. Nevertheless, the most noteworthy depletion of lipids during this period was achieved by the n-3 HUFA in diet D fish. Conversely, arachidonic acid (20:4n-6) did not decrease in NL or PL from gonads and liver in groups C and D. Muscle lipids from diet C fish were relatively insensitive to seasonal influences. However, in June, the muscle TAG content was significantly reduced in diet D fish.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss triploids are regularly produced in fish farms to improve growth because the triploid females do not develop ovaries during the reproductive cycle. In this study, the tissue fatty acid allocations in triploid and diploid females were compared during the reproductive cycle to determine whether the ploidy influences the fatty acid profile of fish produced in aquaculture. The ovaries, liver, and white muscle fatty acid contents of diploid and triploid females were analyzed during the reproductive cycle. Diploid females tend to accumulate more polyunsaturated fatty acids than triploids during some phases of the reproductive cycle, and this profile was compensated by an increase in saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids in triploid females. Arachidonic acid (C20:4n6) was the main n6 polyunsaturated fatty acid in the ovaries of diploid females during the most advanced phases of the reproductive cycle, and docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n3) was the main n3 polyunsaturated fatty acid. In triploid females, the percentage of both of these polyunsaturated fatty acids was lower than in diploid females during the most advanced phases of the reproductive cycle. In general, the lack of ovary development altered the hepatic synthesis of some fatty acids, mainly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, decreasing the content of the main fatty acids in the white muscle and, consequently, the mobilization of these specific fatty acids to the ovaries.  相似文献   

Wild‐caught and pond‐reared female mud crab Scylla serrata at different stages of ovarian maturation were collected from Samar and Capiz, Philippines. Crabs were categorized into five stages according to the external morphological and microscopic appearance of the most advanced oocytes. The ovaries, hepatopancreas, muscle and newly spawned eggs (NSE) were analysed for lipid class components and fatty acids. Total lipid was higher in pond‐reared than in wild‐caught crabs but increased with ovarian maturation in both groups. Ovarian lipid peaked at the fully mature stage, coinciding with a decline in hepatopancreatic and muscle lipids. Lipid levels declined significantly in spent females. The tissues contained elevated highly unsaturated fatty acids such as arachidonic (20:4n‐6), eicosapentaenoic (20:5n‐3) and docosahexaenoic (22:6n‐3) acids, but at higher levels in late maturing and fully mature ovaries and in NSE. The type of lipid class and fatty acid components in mature ovaries as well as in NSE are generally considered to be indicative of their importance in reproductive physiology and embryonic and larval development.  相似文献   

A 28-day feeding trial was conducted for comparing the effect of different dietary phospholipid (PL) classes on the growth of post-larval turbot and on the incorporation of dietary neutral lipid fatty acids into their body lipids. Prior to the experiment the turbot were weaned for one week on a PL-free diet. The nine experimental diets were isolipidic and contained an equal amount of highly unsaturated fatty acids in the form of ethyl esters. They differed by their PL content (0, 1 or 2%) and by the PL class composition of the added soybean PL fractions.Compared to the PL-free diet, diets enriched with phosphatidylcholine (PC) resulted in a better growth, a higher triglyceride content (% body dry matter) and increased levels of docosahexaenoic acid (% total fatty acids) in each of the examined body lipid classes (neutral lipid, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylinositol). The effects of the other soybean PL fractions were less explicit than those noted for soybean PC.The results support the idea that dietary PC plays a role in the intestinal absorption of neutral lipid fatty acids. This might, at least partially, explain the superiority of PC for enhancing growth. Abbreviations: DHA – docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3); EPA – eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3); HUFA – highly unsaturated fatty acid; PA – phosphatidic acid; PC – phosphatidylcholine; PE – phosphatidylethanolamine; PI – phosphatidylinositol; PL – phospholipid; PS – phosphatidylserine; PUFA – polyunsaturated fatty acid.  相似文献   

渤海银鲳成熟卵巢生化成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用现代生化分析方法,研究了渤海银鲳卵巢组织的生化成分。结果表明:卵巢水分平均含量为68.83%,蛋白质平均含量15.45%,脂肪平均含量12.37%,灰分平均含量1.21%,糖类(碳水化合物)平均含量1.82%;卵巢组织的17种氨基酸中以谷氨酸含量最高,天冬氨酸次之,赖氨酸居于第三位;卵巢脂质中的主要脂肪酸排列顺序如下:C18∶1(n9&7)>C16∶0>C22∶6n3>C16∶1n7>C20∶5n3,饱和脂肪酸(SFA)占脂肪酸总量的18.95%~25.28%,单烯酸(MUFA)占24.67%~31.87%,多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)占19.72%~24.26%,EPA和DHA之和占16.27%~20.08%。  相似文献   

After feeding female Eriocheir sinensis on an optimized formulated diet or fresh razor clam Sinonovacula constricta for 7 months, their reproductive performance and offspring quality were compared. To evaluate diet nutrient contents, the proximate, fatty acid and amino acid compositions of the formulated diet and the razor clam were analysed. The nutritional value of the diets was determined by assessing survival, gonadosomatic index (GSI) and hepatosomatic index (HSI) of female crabs from both diet treatments, together with the percentage of females that spawned, total egg production per female and fecundity (number of eggs g?1 female wet weight). Furthermore, the quality of eggs and newly hatched larvae from the two dietary treatments were determined using the following parameters: egg diameter, wet weight and dry weight, hatchability, proximate and fatty acid profile of eggs, larval carapace length, resistant to starvation and osmotic shock, larval survival and development to the zoea II stage. Higher protein, phospholipids (PL) and amino acids (AA) contents were found in the razor clam while the formulated diet contains higher levels of ash, total lipid (TL) and 18:1n‐9, 18:2n‐6 and 22:6n‐3 fatty acids. Although female crabs fed the two different diets showed similar reproductive performances, newly hatched zoea I larvae produced by the crabs fed the formulated diet had significantly longer mean carapace length and shorter development time to the zoea II stage under identical culture condition (P<0.05). Moreover, dietary fatty acid appeared to have more significant effects on the fatty acid composition of the hepatopancreas than it did on mature ovaries or eggs. This suggests that the fatty acid profile of mature ovaries is indicative of the specific fatty acid required for ovarian development in E. sinensis. In conclusion, our results show that the optimized formulated diet developed in this laboratory can totally replace the razor clam, a broodstock food widely used in E. sinensis hatcheries in China. This encouraging result should facilitate more reliable hatchery production of this important aquaculture species.  相似文献   

刀鲚(Coilia nasus)是一种江海生殖洄游性鱼类,长江口是刀鲚重要的洄游通道。本研究首次关注洄游至长江口卵巢发育比较成熟的繁殖群体的营养状况,并比较分析了其不同组织总脂和脂肪酸组成,为探明长江口水域刀鲚繁殖群体的营养状况及繁殖性能提供参考信息。结果显示,肌肉、肝脏和卵巢中的水分含量依次降低,总脂含量依次增加。饱和脂肪酸(SFA)总量在肝脏中最高,肌肉中最低,3种组织间差异显著(P<0.05);单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)中C18:1n9c的含量最高,其在肌肉、肝脏和卵巢中的含量依次为(40.88±0.19)%、(35.06±1.84)%和(42.85±2.14)%,肝脏中含量显著低于其他2个组织(P<0.05);多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)、n3-PUFA及二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)含量在肌肉、肝脏和卵巢中依次升高,卵巢中的含量显著高于肝脏和肌肉(P<0.05),而后二者间的差异不显著(P>0.05)。肌肉、肝脏和卵巢中不饱和脂肪酸(UFA)/SFA的比值依次为2.35、1.67和4.49,n3-PUFA/n6-PUFA的比值依次为4.94、3.87和5.13,2组比值均在卵巢中最高,其次为肌肉,肝脏中最低。综上所述,本研究发现,卵巢发育至IV期的刀鲚成体的脂类和多不饱和脂肪酸营养存在向卵巢中选择性积累的特点,这是对该时期刀鲚繁殖活动的一种适应,该结果为进一步探明卵巢不同发育期刀鲚成体的营养需求差异及必需脂肪酸的合成转化途径提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

The fatty acid accumulation in broodstock influences the fecundity of spawners as well as egg quality. A comprehensive understanding of the lipid and fatty acid changes in broodstock during the reproductive period can increase our knowledge of the nutritional requirements in artificial breeding programs. The study assessed the lipid and fatty acid compositions of muscle, liver and ovary of American shad at different stages of reproductive development under reared conditions. The results indicated that there were significant differences in lipid content among ovary, liver and muscle. Mean total lipid levels in ovary, liver and muscle were 15.92%–10.87%, 13.62%–6.89%, 10.39%–6.11% respectively. During the development season, the total lipid content in muscle in stages V and VI were significantly lower than those in stages II and III. The total lipid content in liver in stages IV, V and VI was significantly lower than in stages II and III, whereas the total lipid content in the ovary increased significantly as the gonad developed and reached its highest value at stage V. From II to VI stage, the liver content of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) decreased and the ovarian content of DHA increased, whereas the content of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) remained relatively constant. The content of C16:0 and C18:1n‐9 decreased in muscle and liver, but significantly increased in ovary. It is therefore suggested that the lipids were preferentially transferred from muscle and liver to ovary beginning in stage IV as the gonad matured. At stage IV, the lipid transfer accelerated, and saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, such as C16:0, C18:1n‐9, DHA, EPA and arachidonic acid, were selectively transferred to and conserved in ovaries.  相似文献   

The total lipid profile including the fatty acid composition and amino acid composition in eggs of Hilsa (Tenualosa) ilisha was studied in comparison with its muscle tissue. The eggs contained 30.4% lipid (on dry basis), which was 1.2 times higher than that of the muscle tissue lipid. The major portion of the egg lipid was composed of wax ester (about 47.6%) followed by triacylglycerol (TAG), phospholipid (PL), and cholesterol. The muscle tissue lipid contained TAG as the major fraction (41.8 ± 1.48%). Total amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) was about 43 ± 0.05% and 32.4 ± 0.24% in egg PL and body tissue PL fractions, respectively. Among fatty alcohols of egg wax ester, 16:0 alcohol is predominant (56.4 ± 3.02%). Both the egg and muscle tissues are rich in all essential amino acids. The results indicate that muscle and eggs from Hilsa are rich in essential amino acids, PUFA, and phospholipids which are essential for human health and membrane development.  相似文献   

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