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2013~2015年,以马齿型玉米杂交种郑单958(郑58×昌7-2)、辽单565(中106×辽3162)和硬粒型玉米杂交种先玉335(Ph6wc×Ph4cv)为试材,在辽宁地区进行杂交制种。在授粉后35 d后每隔3 d不同收获期采集果穗,对不同品种、不同收获期种子子粒水分、百粒重、标准发芽率、人工加速老化、冷发芽及田间出苗率进行比较研究,评价种子活力。结果表明,在辽宁地区制种,辽单565在授粉后44~53 d收获的种子能够达到较高的活力水平;郑单958在授粉后47~56 d收获能够达到较高的活力水平;先玉335在授粉后44~56 d收获能够达到较高的活力水平。比目前生产收获期提前10 d左右收获,可有效回避天气灾害对玉米种子质量的影响。  相似文献   

玉米杂交种种子活力与成熟度关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以早熟杂交玉米品种新玉29号、新玉35号以及晚熟品种郑单958和先玉335种子为材料,测定授粉后不同时期种子发芽指数、活力指数、田间出苗率,分析种子活力与成熟度的关系。结果表明,在新疆地区早熟玉米品种在授粉后45~48 d(黑层出现前3~6 d)、含水量29.1%~34.3%时收获可获较得高活力种子;晚熟品种在授粉后54~57 d(黑层出现前3~6 d)、含水量34.7%~38.1%时收获可获得高活力种子。  相似文献   

啤酒大麦种子在成熟过程中品质形成的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以 4个啤酒大麦品种 ,研究啤酒大麦种子在种子发育过程中啤酒大麦品质的形成 ,结果表明 :啤酒大麦种子的千粒重随种子的成熟呈直线上升的趋势 ,而蛋白质的含量在种子成熟过程中变化较小 ,呈波状变化 ;抽穗后 36d内随种子的发育成熟 ,发芽率呈上升的趋势 ,抽穗后 36d是大麦种子最佳收获时间 ,此时收获的大麦种子具较高的发芽势与发芽率相对应的 ,此时收获的大麦种子活力、POD和a -淀粉酶活性也最高  相似文献   

以4个啤酒大麦品种,研究啤酒大麦种子在种子发育过程中啤酒大麦品质的形成,结果表明:啤酒大麦种子的千粒重随种子的成熟呈直线上升的趋势,而蛋白质的含量在种子成熟过程中变化较小,呈波状变化;抽穗后36d内随种子的发育成熟,发芽率呈上升的趋势,抽穗后36d是大麦种子最佳收获时间,此时收获的大麦种子具较高的发芽势与发芽率相对应的,此时收获的大麦种子活力、POD和α-淀粉酶活性也最高。  相似文献   

为了使成熟期棉花适宜机械化收获,以惠远720(晚熟)、6116(中熟)、新陆早13(早熟)、新陆早67(晚熟)、新石K10(早熟)五个不同熟期的棉花品种为试验材料,利用草铵膦和不同用量的乙烯利对成熟期棉花进行脱叶催熟效果和对种子发芽率的影响研究。结果显示:乙烯利的脱叶效果总体比草铵膦好,且以乙烯利3000 g/hm~2处理的各品种脱叶效果最好、种子发芽率最高;在品种上,脱叶效果为新陆早13新石K106116惠远720新陆早67;种子发芽率和种子活力以新石K10、惠远720、6116三个品种较好,新陆早67较差,品种的熟期与脱叶效果和种子发芽率没有明显的因变关系。乙烯利4500 g/hm~2在生产上具有推广意义。  相似文献   

为探索杂交水稻种子田间快速干燥技术,选用两种脱水剂(以A和B表示),分别以4个浓度在杂交水稻制种组合‘H638S×R534’种子腊熟期喷施,以不喷施为对照,测定杂交种子田间含水量、种子粒重、发芽势、发芽率、活力及脯氨酸含量。结果表明:(1)A、B两种脱水剂均能使杂交水稻种子田间含水量快速降低。在喷施后连续5 d晴天条件下,随着喷施浓度的增大,种子含水量下降的幅度加大;同一浓度处理,随着喷施天数的增加,种子含水量逐日下降,并呈现出前3 d急速下降,后2 d缓慢下降的趋势;平均日脱水速率在1.5~1.7个百分点,田间种子含水量降低7.0~8.5个百分点。(2)在供试浓度范围内,喷施脱水剂对适时收获的种子粒重无显著影响;随着药剂处理浓度的增大,种子的发芽势、发芽率和活力均呈现下降趋势;同一药剂处理浓度条件下,随着喷药后天数的增加,种子的发芽势、发芽率和活力也呈现下降趋势。(3)在满足种子田间含水量降低至18%的条件下,根据脱水剂对种子的发芽势、发芽率、活力及脯氨酸含量的影响,两种脱水剂以750~1500 m L/hm2浓度处理,适宜在喷药后4~5 d收获。(4)在第6、7天遇连续下雨并延迟到第8、9天收获的情况下,各处理的种子发芽势、发芽率及活力均较喷施后的第5天有较大幅度降低,故应注意及时收获。  相似文献   

春播与复播油葵产量形成及群体生理参数比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新疆石河子地区,在滴灌、种植密度和田间配置方式相同的条件下,比较了春播与复播油葵品种新葵20号产量形成及群体生理参数。结果表明,春播条件下,生育期、生物产量、籽实产量、收获指数分别为97d、9271.9 kg/hm2、4349.0 kg/hm2、0.47,复播条件下则分别为 94d、14413.5 kg/hm2、4106.4 kg/hm2、0.35。春播和复播的最大叶面积指数(LAImax)分别为4.54和5.52。每公顷春播的光合势(LAD)为93.25m2?d,开花后占77.6%;复播则为94.12m2?d,开花后占82.9%。春、复播全生育期平均净同化率(NAR)分别为3.67、5.26g/(m2?d)。采用更早熟的品种,提早播种,使灌浆提前,加之使用植物生长调节剂以增强光合产物向籽实转移,有望进一步提高复播油葵产量。   相似文献   

黄河三角洲无膜短季棉轻简化绿色栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>短季棉是指生育期短、生长发育进程快、开花结铃集中、晚播早熟的棉花品种类型。近年来,我国短季棉育种取得巨大成就,育成的短季棉品种不仅早熟、丰产和抗逆,而且衣分和纤维品质也得到显著改善,较好地解决了早期短季棉品种存在的衣分低、品质差等缺点。中棉所50、中棉所67、新陆早42号、鲁棉532等短季棉品种的衣分可达38%,纤维上半部平均长度≥28 mm,断裂比强度≥28 cN·  相似文献   

不同生态区域玉米种子收获期与种子活力关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以辽单588亲本为试验材料,在3个不同生态区域杂交制种,研究不同生态区气象因子及收获期对玉米种子活力影响。结果表明,不同生态区与收获期的同一杂交组合的种子活力指标差异明显,不同收获期种子的子粒含水量下降趋势为海南甘肃辽宁,脱水速率平均为海南甘肃辽宁,灌浆速率平均为海南甘肃辽宁。制种区域的活动积温与活力指标呈极显著正相关;有效积温与活力指标呈显著正相关;降雨量与标准发芽率和冷发芽值呈显著负相关,与人工加速老化值相关性不显著;日照时数与标准发芽率和人工加速老化值均达到显著正相关,与冷发芽值相关不显著。辽单588种子在辽宁地区适宜收获期为授粉后53 d,甘肃地区为授粉后56 d,海南地区为授粉后47 d。  相似文献   

通过观测 ,获得培矮 64S与 93 11的开花历时、开花散粉一天内的时间分布和逐日分布、柱头外露率、开花后外露柱头逐日存活率等数据 ,运用数学模型 ,求得母本早 1d始穗花粉效率最高 ,为最佳花遇标准  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):226-237

Growth, yield and quality of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in a rotational paddy field were compared with those in an upland field. In the rotational paddy field the growth was significantly suppressed and the seed and oil yields were significantly lower than those in the upland field. In the maturing period, oil accumulated in seeds until about 25 d after flowering (DAF) in both fields, but less in the rotational paddy field than in the upland field. Differences in oil contents (per seed) between the fields were seen from about 25 DAF onward. The fatty acid in seeds changed with maturing of plants. In mid-oleic hybrids, oleic acid increased remarkably until about 25 DAF and then decreased slightly; linoleic acid content decreased until about 14 DAF and then tended to increase. In linoleic acid hybrids, oleic acid increased until about 14 DAF and then decreased; the linoleic acid content tended to be low until about 14 DAF and then increased. Although the temporal patterns of fatty acid compositions during seed maturation were similar in both fields, the oleic acid content tended to be lower in the rotational paddy field even under the same climatic conditions and ripening periods. The differences between the fields were seen clearly from around 25 DAF. We discuss our findings with regard to physiological changes in developing seeds and the effects of high or changeable soil moisture content on sunflower growth and quality.  相似文献   

以京科968为试验材料,分析授粉后35~62 d的不同成熟度种子的5个物理特性和8个生理生化特性。结果表明,随着收获期的推迟,5个物理特性和蛋白、淀粉、油脂、SOD酶活性逐渐增加,然后达到平台期;糖、MDA、含水量和电导率则随之下降。采用标准发芽率、人工老化发芽率、冷冻发芽率和冷浸发芽率分析不同成熟度种子的活力,结果表明,随收获期推迟,种子活力不断提高,在授粉后59 d时4种评价方法的活力指标均处于最高点,为该品种的最佳收获期。相关性分析发现,种子活力指标与种子物理特性和生理化学特性之间均存在显著相关性,这些指标也有可能用来指示不同成熟度种子的活力。  相似文献   

以京科968为材料,2013年在甘肃分析授粉后35~62 d的不同成熟度种子的5个物理特性(长度、宽度、灰度、百粒重和容重)和8个生理生化特性(糖、蛋白、淀粉、油脂和MDA含量以及含水量、电导率和SOD酶活性)。结果表明,随着收获期的推迟,京科968品种5个物理特性和蛋白、淀粉、油脂、SOD酶活性逐渐增加,然后达到平台期;糖、MDA、含水量和电导率则随之下降。采用标准发芽率、人工老化发芽率、冷冻发芽率和冷浸发芽率分析不同成熟度种子的活力。结果表明,随收获期推迟种子活力不断提高,在授粉后59 d,4种评价方法的活力指标均处于最高点,该时期为该品种的最佳收获期。相关性分析发现,种子活力指标与种子物理特性和生理化学特性之间均存在显著相关性。  相似文献   

为确定新疆主栽春小麦品种新春31号的种子活力与穗位、成熟度的关系,分别在花后15d、20d、25d、30d、35d收获穗上部、中部和下部种子,测量种子长、宽、厚、千粒重等性状,并通过发芽实验分析发芽率、幼苗高度、干鲜重等种子活力指标。结果表明,花后35d收获的穗中部种子发芽率、发芽势均最高。在同一部位,随着收获期的延迟,种子长度、宽度、厚度、千粒重、幼苗干鲜重和种子活力指数呈明显的上升趋势,种子活力指数表现为中部穗位下部穗位上部穗位。经逐步回归分析,种子活力与千粒重和籽粒宽度的相关性最好,因此这两个指标可用作筛选高活力种子的主要指标。  相似文献   

The okra seeds of variety Pusa sawani were analysed for protein, non-protein nitrogen, total free amino acids, lysine, and tryptophan from the 7th day to the 42nd day after flowering. Starch, total sugars and oil percent were also estimated in these seeds. During the early stages of maturation, the soluble components (non-protein nitrogen, free amino acids and total sugars) were found in higher quantities than in the later stages. Protein, oil and starch contents increased gradually from day 7 to day 42. The rate of accumulation of oil was found to be at the highest level between 21–28 days after flowering, while the rate of protein deposition was greatest between days 35–42. Inditiation of seed maturation seems to start 21 days after flowering in okra seeds.  相似文献   

Summary Flowering and true seed production from different order inflorescences in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) were evaluated in two experiments. The number of flowers per inflorescence, berry set, berry weight, number of seeds per berry and seed weight generally decreased from primary inflorescences to tertiary inflorescences and inflorescences on lateral stems. The possible relation with carbohydrate distribution is discussed. Quality of the seeds produced from the different orders of inflorescences was a function of seed size; larger seeds showed better germination, emergence and seedling growth. Late harvest of berries increased berry weight and number of seeds per berry from primary inflorescences. Application of additional nitrogen during the flowering period did not affect flowering or differences between inflorescence positions in seed production, but it significantly decreased the number of seeds per berry. The practical implications of these results for true seed production are discussed.  相似文献   

砂仁是重要南药品种之一,在我国西南和华南地区广泛种植,而生产上种源混杂严重影响产量和品质。为了解砂仁资源‘湛砂11’的形态和品质特性,更好地对砂仁种质资源进行保护和利用,通过测定‘湛砂11’的株高、叶片数、花序长度、果实大小、单果重等形态指标,以及种子团挥发油含量,挥发油中乙酸龙脑酯、樟脑和龙脑等含量的品质指标,分析其形态特征和品质特性。结果表明,‘湛砂11’的株高和叶片数显著高于对照,分别比对照增加7.85%和23.04%;叶片长度无明显差异,叶宽显著增加,外侧叶面平行于主脉的突起线较明显;叶舌棕红色、长0.53 mm,比对照显著长23.26%。花序长度显著低于对照,小花数量与对照无显著差异;小花梗长、苞片、花萼和花冠管都显著短于对照。果实近圆形,单果重比对照轻21.40%;果实种子数平均46.7粒,千粒重9.24 g,分别比对照少17.64%、轻20.35%。种子团挥发油含量3.30%,其中乙酸龙脑酯含量明显高于对照;挥发油组分在不同材料中存在特异性,‘湛砂11’共检测出16种物质,与对照品种共有12种物质,另4种物质对照品种未检出。由此可知,‘湛砂11’的植株、花、果实和种子形态特征明显,挥发油含量及成分特异,可作为优良材料重点培育。研究结果可为砂仁生产中亲本选配及品种更新和选育提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Evening primrose (Oenothera biennis L.) has become a subject of agricultural interest because of the potential market for γ-linolenic acid, which is useful in medicine and nutrition. O. biennis has good potential for agricultural production, but due to its indeterminate growth it can not be harvested at once as seed are formed and ripened heterogeneously. As a result there is high seed wastage due to shattering. Field experiments were carried out to verify the influence of the harvest time (early, middle and late) and harvest method (conventional harvest method, defoliation by herbicide and defoliation by flame) on the seed yield, seed yield components, oil content, fatty acid composition and protein content of the O. biennis L. cv. “Anothera”. From the results of the three harvest times in the autumn-sown experiment, a significant influence on seed yield was observed in the late harvest. Of all the three harvest times in the spring experiments, not showed any significant influence on seed yield. However, the harvest method did produce a significant influence on seed yield in the first spring experiment. Different harvest times did not have significant influence on oil content except the second spring trial. The harvest method led to significant differences on the oil content when the plants were sown in autumn. In the second spring experiment seed protein content was significantly influenced by harvest time. In all experiments, the content of γ-linolenic acid (GLA) was influenced by harvest time. Based on obtained results, it can be concluded that 75–80 and 100 days after flowering could be recommended as harvest times for spring and autumn-sown O. biennis L. cv. “Anothera” in Germany, respectively. Desiccation as a harvest technique in some cases tended to influence on seed yield, PDM, SDM, oil content, stearic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid. Defoliation by herbicide was more effective than those of flame in our experiments.  相似文献   

低温对花生种子发芽及幼苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在室内培养条件下,以青花7号花生品种为试验材料,系统研究了收获后低温对种子发芽及幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,随着处理温度的降低,种子的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数降低,幼苗主根长度、侧根长度和侧根数量减少,根系活力降低,出苗率降低。处理温度达到-1℃即对种子发芽和幼苗生长造成明显不良影响,可作为花生种子收获后受低温危害的阈值。  相似文献   

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