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富麦668是江苏省农业科学院宿迁农科所与安徽省创富种业有限公司以济麦22/泗麦1108中间材料F4为母本、高产多穗型中熟小麦品种淮麦18为父本杂交,经系谱法选育而成的半冬性小麦新品种,全生育期214.7 d,较对照济麦22早熟1.0 d左右,株高71.2 cm,分蘖力较强,成穗率较高,有效穗561.8万个/hm2,穗型较大,穗粒数34.6粒/穗,千粒质量46.5 g.该品种中感赤霉病,中抗白粉病,感纹枯病,具有产量潜力高、成熟落黄较好、综合抗性好等优点.富麦668于2021年通过安徽省农作物品种审定委员会审定(审定编号:皖审麦20211009),适合在淮河以北及沿淮半冬性麦区推广种植.  相似文献   

为揭示气候变暖下春季升温对小麦抗晚霜冻及产量的影响,在田间条件下,以黄淮海北片广适主栽小麦品种济麦22和山农28为试验材料,在返青-拔节期以塑料温棚日均增温0.86~0.9℃,连续增温28 d左右,至穗分化为药隔期前揭棚,研究不同气候年型下小麦产量对晚霜冻的响应,并以小麦叶片抗氧化酶(SOD、POD、CAT)活性、相对电导率、MDA含量、净光合速率指标综合评价抗冻性。结果表明,春季增温后小麦幼穗发育加快,抽穗提前3~5 d,生育期缩短2~3 d,开花期干物质积累量提高18.97%~23.50%,花前营养器官贮存干物质转运量和转运效率以及株高均显著增加。在霜冻发生年(于4月6日晚霜冻,温度为-2.6~-1.1℃,持续时间5h),增温处理的叶片相对电导率、MDA含量较对照明显升高,SOD和POD活性及光合速率显著下降,穗粒数和经济系数显著降低,减产6.8%~8.2%;在正常年份,增温处理的穗粒数和经济系数显著增加,产量提高10.5%~11.3%。这说明春季增温会导致小麦抗晚霜冻能力降低;春季适度增温到药隔期,利用自然低温霜冻或人工霜箱低温胁迫可对小麦抗晚霜冻性进评价。  相似文献   

为给安徽麦区旱播条件下小麦品种类型选择提供依据,通过2年多点(蒙城、阜南、濉溪)试验,比较分析了早播下不同类型小麦品种的叶片光合性能及籽粒灌浆特性。结果表明,早播下冬性品种烟农19和济麦20的叶片叶绿素含量最高,半冬性品种皖麦52和周麦22次之,偏春性品种豫麦70-36和周麦23最低。冬性品种叶面积指数和群体干物重显著高于偏春性品种。相同类型小麦品种间叶绿素荧光参数Fo、Fm、Fv/Fm、ETR和ΦpsII差异皆不显著,但冬性与偏春性品种间差异显著。冬性品种平均灌浆速率高于偏春性品种,穗数、穗粒数、千粒重和产量皆以冬性品种最高,其中蒙城点冬性品种烟农19产量比偏春性品种豫麦70-36和周麦23分别增加了37.6%和38.4%,济麦20的产量分别比豫麦70-36和周麦23增加了37.5%和38.3%。  相似文献   

花后持续弱光对冬小麦光合特性及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为给弱光条件下小麦持续高产及耐荫性筛选提供一定的理论依据,在大田条件下,以济麦22和济核916为试验材料,于花后设置3个不同的遮光处理(不遮光、遮光30%和遮光60%),分析花后持续弱光对小麦光合特性和产量的影响。结果表明,济麦22和济核916旗叶叶绿素a、b含量在花后0~25d保持较高水平,之后迅速降低。遮光后两品种旗叶的净光合速率下降,济麦22的干物质积累量和花前贮存干物质在花后向籽粒的转运量及两品种的经济系数显著降低。花后遮光改变了小麦籽粒灌浆进程,显著降低了两品种的平均灌浆速率和最大灌浆速率,延长了济麦22的渐增期和快增期持续时间,减少了缓增期的持续天数,遮光60%处理显著降低了济核916渐增期持续时间,推迟了其灌浆高峰的来临时间。遮光30%和60%条件下济麦22分别减产27.7%和35.4%,济核916分别减产29.49%和64.39%。遮光后冬小麦的穗粒数和千粒重随遮光强度的增加而降低。说明花后弱光会降低小麦光合能力,不利于植株干物质积累和籽粒灌浆,最终导致减产。  相似文献   

阶段高温对不同小麦品种产量的影响及其耐热性差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为应对小麦高温灾害,筛选耐热丰产种质资源,通过裂区试验,以阶段高温为主区(在开花期、花后5~10 d、11~15 d、16~20 d和21~25 d进行高温胁迫,分别用H_1、H_2、H_3、H_4和H_5表示,以自然生长条件为对照),以品种为副区(选用济麦22、矮抗58、衡4399、淮麦33、石麦22、山农20、郑麦7698和邯6172耐热性不同的8个冬小麦品种),于2016-2017和2017-2018两个小麦生长季,研究了不同阶段高温对小麦产量及穗粒数、粒重等的影响,并分析了不同品种的耐热性。结果表明, H_1、H_2、H_3、H_4和H_5处理的两年平均产量分别较对照下降59.7%、49.5%、26.2%、36.4%和34.5%,穗粒数分别减少17.9、14.8、5.9、1.2和4.0粒,千粒重分别降低0.3、1.8、7.3、13.8和12.6 g。从品种看,自然生长条件下郑麦7698、淮麦33和衡4399的产量较高,石麦22的产量最低;高温条件下郑麦7698、山农20和衡4399的产量较高,淮麦33为受高温影响最大的品种,两年减产幅度均最高;两种条件下郑麦7698、衡4399和山农20的综合产量均较高,淮麦33最低。阶段高温对不同品种的影响不同,且存在年际间差异。2016-2017年度山农20、衡4399和石麦22的H_2处理均较对照增产,但其他阶段高温处理均减产。高温胁迫后郑麦7698的减产幅度在2016-2017年度最小,而在2017-2018年度仅次于减产幅度最大的淮麦33。郑麦7698、衡4399和山农20的两年几何平均产量均较高,淮麦33最低。从热感指数看,衡4399、山农20和郑麦7698的热感指数指标大部分小于1,淮麦33、济麦22、石麦22热感指数指标大部分大于1;其他品种的热感指数指标有的时段高温大于1,有的小于1。综合产量和热感指数指标,衡4399、山农20和郑麦7698的耐热性好,淮麦33、济麦22和石麦22的耐热性较差。  相似文献   

为了解安徽省不同生态类型小麦在青海平安县夏繁自然加代的播期范围,于2013年在安徽省夏繁工作站(青海省平安县白家村,海拔为2 300m)进行分期播种试验。结果表明,在自然条件下,半冬偏冬小麦品种在3月20日前、半冬性小麦品种在3月30日前、半冬偏春性小麦品种在4月19日前、春性小麦品种在5月6日前、强春性小麦品种在5月20日前播种均能正常拔节抽穗,且能收获到成熟种子。在相同类型的小麦品种中,穗粒数对播期的响应一致,单株穗数、千粒重及株高对播期的响应不一致。根据供试品种的抽穗率及抽穗期推断出各品种冬性的强弱顺序为烟农19皖麦52(皖麦38、淮麦22、邯郸6172)济麦22泛麦5号偃展4110阿勃(CK)(扬麦158、宁麦13)。  相似文献   

不同产量潜力小麦品种冠层光截获特性及产量的差异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为探讨超高产条件下不同产量潜力小麦品种冠层光截获特性及产量差异,于2016-2017年小麦生长季,以烟农1212、济麦22和良星99三个产量潜力不同的小麦品种为材料,在山东省兖州市小孟镇史家王子村超高产田进行试验,研究三个小麦品种群体动态、叶面积指数、冠层光截获特性、花后旗叶光合速率及产量的差异。结果表明:(1)烟农1212的分蘖成穗率及开花后28d和35d的叶面积指数、冠层PAR(光合有效辐射)截获率均显著高于济麦22和良星99,而花后14~35d,PAR透射率表现为良星99济麦22烟农1212。(2)开花后0d和7d,烟农1212和济麦22的旗叶光合速率无显著差异,均显著高于良星99;花后14~35d烟农1212的旗叶光合速率显著高于济麦22和良星99。(3)品种间单位面积穗数无显著差异,烟农1212的穗粒数和籽粒产量均显著高于济麦22和良星99,千粒重显著高于良星99。在本试验条件下,烟农1212是冠层光截获特性最优、籽粒产量最高的小麦品种。  相似文献   

穗重型小麦的源库特征研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
穗重型小麦新品种选育一直是超高产小麦育种的主攻方向之一。为了更好地选育和利用穗重型小麦,明确其大库容与源流的关系,对不同穗型小麦源、库特征进行了比较研究。结果表明,孕穗期穗重型小麦群体矫正光合势(APP)、群体生长率及叶绿素含量均显著地低于多穗型品种(对照);每穗粒数、群体平均单穗粒重、总库容量等显著高于多穗品种;籽粒充实指数、灌浆速率显著低于对照;粒叶比过大或过小。说明群体源不足,源、库关系不协调,是影响穗重型小麦实现高产潜力的根本原因。  相似文献   

33个小麦品种资源的籽粒品质与面团质构特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了拓宽山西优质小麦品种资源,选用分别来自黄淮冬麦区、北方晚熟冬麦区、北方冬麦区的33个优质小麦品种,于2011年9月25日在山西农业大学实验农场种植,收获后,对不同小麦品种进行籽粒品质和面团质构分析。结果表明,三分之二的品种蛋白质达到强筋标准(14%以上);近三分之一的品种湿面筋含量亦达到强筋标准(32%以上),半数品种的湿面筋含量达到中筋标准(28%~32%),仅有4个品种符合弱筋标准(28%);而面团形成时间和沉降值普遍不足4min和35mL。筛选出适合晋中麦区的专用型强筋饺子小麦品种3个(临优6148,舜麦1718D,黑芒麦),优质专用型面条小品种麦4个(舜麦1718D,黑芒麦,040358,临旱538)。在晋中麦区品质育种中,应重点发展中强筋品种;而在育种手段上,重在攻克面团形成时间和沉降值的限制。  相似文献   

为了给小麦科学防病和抗(耐)病品种的筛选提供参考依据,在小麦黄花叶病重发区,以当地种植品种和黄淮冬麦区主推品种为试验材料,研究了小麦黄花叶病对不同小麦品种叶片SPAD(Soil and Plant Analyzer Development)值、春季总茎数、干物质积累量以及成熟期产量性状的影响。结果表明,感病小麦品种临麦4号和矮抗58于起身期(3月11日)开始出现症状,与无症状的临麦4号植株(LM4-N)相比,发病的临麦4号植株(LM4-S)的叶片SPAD值由52.4降至37.3;拔节后期(4月10日)所有品种SPAD值之间均无显著差异。然而,与LM4-N相比,拔节后期LM4-S单位面积总茎数减少51.4%,干物质积累量降低42.2%;成熟期LM4-S单位面积穗数降低21.2%,穗粒数降低24.5%,籽粒产量降低2 944.3kg·hm-2,降幅38.3%。而该病对本研究中的其他抗病表现较好的品种鲁原502、济麦22、良星99和烟农24均未产生显著影响。结合各品种的产量表现,建议在小麦黄花叶病发病地区种植推广鲁原502、济麦22等高产、抗(耐)病性较好的品种。  相似文献   

冬小麦霜冻害灾情田间调查分级规范的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为给基层农情工作者及时准确判断冬小麦霜冻害灾损程度,以及为生产者采取科学有效的补救措施降低灾害损失提供依据,通过对冬小麦受害地区进行灾情田间调查,结合当地气象资料、农情专家评定以及多年农情工作经验,依据受冻株率及减产率等指标将冬小麦霜冻害分为无、轻度、中度、重度和特重度5个等级。其中,小麦轻度霜冻害受害植株少部分叶片受冻,部分受冻部位可以恢复生长,一般减产5%左右;中度霜冻害植株部分叶片受冻,受冻部位难以恢复生长,一般减产5%~30%;重度霜冻害植株冠层大部分叶片受冻,受冻部位不能恢复生长,减产达30%~50%;特重度霜冻害植株叶片大部分受冻,数日后叶尖干枯,减产达50%以上。  相似文献   

Winter types of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) have existed for at least 200 years. Their superior use of the growing season confers strong yield advantages over spring beans. Nevertheless, yield increases have been slower than in many other crops. There are few sources of winter hardiness and efforts are in progress to combine favourable alleles from accessions such as Cote D’Or and BPL 4628 to increase the crop’s tolerance to frost. Vernalization requirements are quantitative, as vernalization hastens flowering rather than allowing it. Hardening is associated with increases in fatty acid desaturation of membrane lipids and increases in content of soluble osmoprotectants such as proline. Other osmotically active factors such as glycinebetaine, trehalose and antifreeze proteins have not yet been reported for faba bean. Frost tolerance increases after hardening and shows good heritability (h2 = 0.89). Three QTLs (3.6 < LOD < 4.6) have been identified for frost tolerance (explaining 8.6% of the phenotypic variation), and further QTLs for hardening response and cell membrane fatty acid composition. Information on responsive genes and the mode of their action is increasingly available from model plant species but most remains as yet untested in faba bean. There is clear potential for increasing the winter hardiness and yield of winter faba bean so it can be grown in a wider area than at present.  相似文献   

Favourable prices and new technologies have recently stimulated the adoption of wheat–soybean double crops in the south-eastern Pampas. To assess the largely unknown long-term performance of this strategy, we used CERES-Wheat and CROPGRO-Soybean with slight adaptations to account for double cropping. Models and climate records were combined to analyse management practices allowing for earlier soybean sowing, which was assumed to be the key for high soybean yield and whole-system performance. Practices investigated were: (i) short-season wheat cultivars; (ii) non-selective herbicides for faster drying of wheat before harvest; (iii) relay double cropping, where soybean is sown on standing wheat before crop maturity in contrast to sequential cropping where soybean is sown after wheat harvest.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to compare different field, laboratory and physiological methods for the evaluation of frost tolerance in barley; as well as to show both the possibilities and limitations of these individual methods and approaches. The tolerances of 39 barley cultivars and breeding lines were evaluated by four direct methods (based on the exposure of plants to frost) and three indirect (based on diagnostic traits and markers). The direct methods included the evaluation of: (1) field survival after five winters 1999–2004; (2) winter survival in a provocation pot test under natural conditions; (3) lethal temperature (LT50) of plants taken from a field in winter; and (4) LT50 of plants grown and hardened in a growth chamber. The indirect methods were based upon: (1) endogenous levels of abscisic acid (ABA); (2) water content (WC); (3) osmotic potential (OP) of the plants cultivated and hardened in growth chambers. All four direct methods correlated well with one another, and resulted in similar sequences of frost tolerance of the tested barley cultivars and lines. While it was only possible to distinguish individual barley cultivars based on field survival after the 2002/2003 winter, by using the provocation method it was possible to distinguish between barley cultivars after all of the winters. Moreover, the average winter survival of barley from multi-year pot tests was in correlation with the minimal LT50, evaluated in plants hardened in both the field or in growth chambers. From indirect indicators, the levels of ABA increased slightly, while WC and OP clearly decreased in all cultivars during cold hardening. No correlation was observed between LT50 and the ABA content. A significant correlation between LT50 and WC, and between LT50 and OP was found, but only after 1 or more weeks of cold acclimation of the plants had been completed, since both the duration and the rate of decline of these parameters differed in individual cultivars during the cold hardening. The LT50-values of barley cultivars not only accurately characterized their field tolerance to frost, but also were indicative of changes associated with the induction of frost tolerance in plants under the given conditions, when comparing the direct and indirect methods.  相似文献   

In cool-temperate regions, faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is mainly grown as a spring crop despite the higher yield potential of the winter type, because of the insufficient winter-hardiness of the present winter genotypes. The objective of this study was to assess winter-hardiness and frost tolerance, to quantify the hardening effect on physiological traits, and to identify auxiliary traits for winter-hardiness. To do so, 31 representative entries were tested in controlled frost tests for frost tolerance and in 12 European environments for winter-hardiness. Total fatty acid composition, proline content, and electrolyte leakage of leaves were analysed. Across all environments, five European winter genotypes were identified with superior winter-hardiness. Controlled frost tests indicated that frost tolerance is a significant, but not an exhaustive component of winter-hardiness (0.021 < |r| < 0.737**). These tests revealed the high frost tolerance of several poorly winter-hardy experimental lines and the limited frost tolerance of well-known winter types. Fatty acid changes due to hardening, proline content, and electrolyte leakage were more strongly correlated with frost tolerance than with field-based winter-hardiness. Although frost tolerance, fatty acid composition, proline content, and electrolyte leakage were significantly correlated with winter-hardiness, the rather low correlation values do not allow a general use of one of them alone to indirectly select for winter-hardiness.  相似文献   

In the western Sahel, indigenous plants become important staples when cereal harvests are inadequate to support populations inhabiting that region of Africa. The purpose of this study was to assess the nutrient content of several of these edible wild plants. The leaves of the following seven plant foods were analyzed: Ziziphus mauritiana, Cerathotheca sesamoides, Moringa oleifera, Leptadenia hastata, Hibiscus sabdarifa, Amaranthus viridi, and Adansonia digitata. The fatty acid, vitamin E, carotenoid, selected mineral and amino acid contents of these plant foods were determined. These same analyses were performed on the fruit of the Adansonia digitata. In quantitative and qualitative terms, Amaranthus viridis was found to be an excellent source of protein. Its amino acid composition compared favorably to that of a World Health Organization (WHO) protein standard. It also contained considerable amounts of the two fatty acids that are essential in humans (linoleic and -linolenic) and a number of minerals including iron, magnesium, calcium and zinc. The leaves of Hibiscus sabdarifa contained an appreciable quantity of protein the composition of which was comparable to the WHO standard. The mineral content of the leaves of this plant was also exceptionally high; noteworthy was its high zinc content. H. sabdarifa also contained significant quantities of the two essential fatty acids. Ziziphus mauritiana was an excellent source of the essential fatty acid linoleic acid and several of the metals including iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. Its content of other essential nutrients, however, was rather low. In general, Adansonia digitata leaves were nutritionally superior to the fruit of the tree; however, the fruit did contain useful quantities of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and -linolenic acid. The Leptadenia hastata leaves were an especially good source of lutein and -carotene. These data should be useful to the people who inhabit the western Sahel in helping them devise healthy diets during times when cereal staples are in short supply.  相似文献   

对造成福建省漳州市东山县的芦笋枯萎病病原菌进行分子鉴定,以期确定病原菌的属、种名,为防治该病害寻求理论依据。试验对分离纯化的病原菌核糖体DNA的ITS区进行测序,在Genbank中搜索其同源性并构建它们的系统发育树,结果表明:引起芦笋枯萎病的病原菌是镰刀属中的尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum),且病原菌之间的同源性高达89%,遗传差异不显著。  相似文献   

通过电解质外渗法和匍匐茎恢复试验对‘阳江’狗牙根及其12个通过形态鉴定选出的坪用价值高且花序密度低的诱变后代进行抗寒性鉴定。电解质外渗法结果表明:诱变后代间的抗寒性具有较大差异,其叶片半致死温度(LT50)的变异范围为-7.6~-0.2℃(最低值与最大值相差7.4℃);参试材料抗寒性由强到弱依次为M18>M4>M26>M28> M22>阳江>M29>M31>M10>M37>M16>M1>M25,其中,有5个诱变后代抗寒性优于亲本,分别是M18、M4、M26、M28、M22。匍匐茎恢复实验结果表明:诱变后代M1、M22、M26、M31、M25在0℃和-5℃低温胁迫后的恢复生长率都高于亲本,恢复能力均优于亲本;M10、M37、M28在-5℃低温胁迫下,恢复生长能力低于亲本,抗寒性相对较弱,M16和M4在0℃和-5℃低温胁迫下,恢复生长率都低于亲本,抗寒性明显弱于亲本。综合2种方法鉴定结果显示:诱变后代M1、M25的恢复能力较强;M4、M28的叶片抗寒性较好,青绿期较长;M22、M18、M26的叶片抗寒性和匍匐茎恢复能力均较强;M29,M31的叶片抗寒性和匍匐茎恢复能力与亲本相似;M10、M16、M37的叶片抗寒性和匍匐茎恢复能力均较弱,整体抗寒性较弱。  相似文献   

Mechanism of action of insecticidal secondary metabolites of plant origin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Insect pest management is facing the economic and ecological challenge worldwide due to the human and environmental hazards caused by majority of the synthetic pesticide chemicals. Identification of novel effective insecticidal compounds is essential to combat increasing resistance rates. Botanicals containing active insecticidal phytochemicals appear to be promising to address some of these problems. Therefore, there is a continuous need to explore new active molecules with different mechanisms of action. Secondary metabolites present in plants apparently function as defense (toxic), which inhibits reproduction and other processes. The phytochemical biomolecules could be used for maximizing the effectiveness and specificity in future insecticide design with specific or multiple target sites, while ensuring the economic and ecological sustainability. In this article, the current state of knowledge on phytochemical sources and insecticidal activity, their mechanism of action in insects, resistance, and promising advances made in phytochemical research are reviewed.  相似文献   

玉米产量性状配合力遗传分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过对8个中晚熟玉米自交系产量性状进行双列杂交分析,表明各个自交系产量性状的一般配合力与特殊配合力存在显著差异,玉米杂交种F1的产量构成受到一般配合力与特殊配合力的共同作用,用特殊配合力对F1的作用大于一般配合力。特殊配合力高低与一般配合力无明显相关关系。因此在玉米杂交种组配与自交系改良工作中,既要兼顾双亲的一般配合力与特殊配合力,又要保持杂交优势利用模式与选系模式的种质关系。  相似文献   

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