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2005年8月产自我国台湾省的菠萝、香蕉、番荔枝、木瓜、杨桃、芒果、番石榴、莲雾、槟榔、柑橘、柚、枣、椰子、枇杷、梅、李、柿、桃、柠檬、橙、火龙果、哈密瓜在大陆市场销售。台湾产水果登陆大陆销售,能够促进台湾果业的发展,对大陆水果市场又造成一定影响,但短期内冲击不会太大。  相似文献   

植物正常生长需要碳、氢、氧、氮、磷、钾、钙、镁、硫、铁、硼、锰、锌、铜、钼、氯等营养元素,这些元素在植物体内是同等重要的,相辅相成,缺一不可.通常人们把氮、磷、钾称为大量元素,把钙、镁、硫称为中量元素,其他为微量元素.但在水果生产中,有些品种对钙的需求量有时超过钾,由此可见钙在水果生产中的作用非同小可.我们应该加强对钙的研究,注重对缺钙的原因进行探讨,采取积极的补救和防治措施.……  相似文献   

通过对冀中南部的果园的调查,发现果园常见的杂草主要有:马唐、狗尾草、牛筋草、稗草、香附子、黎、苍耳、马齿苋、龙葵、刺菜、看麦娘、大碗花、荠菜等.现根据生产实践经验,将果园杂草的化学防除技术介绍如下.  相似文献   

火龙果冬季大棚栽培管理技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>火龙果俗称红龙果、青龙果、仙密果。其营养丰富,含有大量维生素、纤维素、胡萝卜素、脂肪、葡萄糖、氨基酸以及人体所需的磷、铁等矿物质,具有解毒、滋肠胃、降血压、降胆固醇、防血管硬化、便秘、贫血、口角炎、感冒等功效,同时还有美容、养颜、延缓衰老的作用。作为一种绿色环保果品和具有一定疗效的保健营养食品,深受广大消费者的喜欢。近年来,我国北方成功的把  相似文献   

<正>桂林市花卉主要病虫害有立枯病、白粉病、煤烟病、黄化病、蚜虫、红蜘蛛、粉虱、介壳虫、地下害虫(线虫、蚯蚓、地老虎、蝼蛄等),根据各种病虫害的发生危害特点,及时采取针对性的预防措施,就能取得较好的防治效果。  相似文献   

桦褐孔菌Inonotus obliquus化学成分及药理作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桦褐孔菌的化学成分包括多种三萜类、木质素类、黑色素类、叶酸衍生物、鞘氨脂类似物、甘露醇、多酚类、半单宁化合物、类固醇、生物碱、芳香物质等。桦褐孔菌可被用于治疗和防治多种疾病,主要药理作用包括:抗癌、抗氧化、降血糖、降血压、降血脂、治疗心血管疾病、抗菌、抗过敏、抗炎、增强免疫力、止痛、抗失眠、保肝、治疗消化系统疾病,还可用于治疗胃炎、胃溃疡、胃癌等,具有很高的药用价值。  相似文献   

我国果树生产的现状及发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
果品是人们生活的必需品,它含有人体所需的糖、有机酸、蛋白质、氨基酸、矿物质、维生素等多种营养成分.营养学家认为,保证人的健康发育,一人一年要食用35 kg~40 kg(公斤)果品.在一些发达国家如意大利、西德、美国、英国、法国、瑞典、丹麦,人均年消费果品55 kg~110 kg(公斤).  相似文献   

海花 《花卉》2015,(1):35-35
观赏与心灵 自然美的树姿与虚心的感受,进入了您全家的生活范畴中,使您全家的生活,充满了喜悦、快乐,与充实感。不要忘了常跟您那些盆栽聊聊! 素材 1月的素材,除了杉、松、杜松、黑松、赤松、紫杜松、桧等松柏类外,还有榉、枫、榆榉、槭、椈、赤杨、姬桫椤等杂木类。花类方面则有皋月、梅、木瓜、石榴、海棠、长寿梅、深山海棠、杜鹃等。果实类有姬苹果、亦紫檀、落霜红等。装饰物有松竹梅、福寿草等。  相似文献   

6种农药在温室和露地辣椒上消解动态及安全使用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用气相色谱和高效液相色谱技术,在北方露地和冬春温室条件下分别测定了丙溴磷、甲氰菊酯、吡虫啉、乙酰甲胺磷、啶虫脒、三唑酮在辣椒上的残留消解动态和最终残留量。结果表明,温室条件下丙溴磷、甲氰菊酯、吡虫啉、乙酰甲胺磷、啶虫脒、三唑酮在辣椒上的原始沉积量分别为3.13、1.11、1.23、1.29、1.67、0.38mg·kg-1,分别比露地条件下高74.9%、3.7%、17.1%、27.7%、39.2%、111.1%;施药后1d温室辣椒上的残留量分别为3.78、1.27、1.88、1.36、2.85、0.58mg·kg-1,分别较原始沉积量高20.8%、14.4%、52.8%、5.4%、70.7%、52.6%。丙溴磷、甲氰菊酯、吡虫啉、乙酰甲胺磷、啶虫脒、三唑酮在北方冬春设施辣椒上的原始沉积量明显高于露地条件下的相应值,施药后1d的残留量比原始沉积量明显增加。北方冬春设施辣椒按照推荐剂量使用啶虫脒、三唑酮是安全的,使用甲氰菊酯是不安全的;丙溴磷、乙酰甲胺磷、吡虫啉应严格按照推荐剂量使用。  相似文献   

苑迎旭 《中国蔬菜》2008,1(5):55-55
天鹰椒自20世纪80年代初由日本引入河北武强县以来,至今已有近30a(年)的栽培历史,由当初几个村几公顷,扩展到现在包括武邑、景县、阜城、故城、深州、饶阳、安平、河间、献县、肃宁、盐山、任丘、霸州、泊头、东光、德州、宁津、平原、南宫、新河等毗邻县在内的近3000个行政村10万hm^2,天鹰椒高产优质栽培技术日趋成熟。  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the levels of IL-18, IL-16, IL-8, eotaxin and the chymase activity in the sputum of asthmatics. METHODS: IL-18, IL-16, IL-8 and eotaxin levels were detected with sandwich ELISA procedures and chymase activity was determined spectrophotometrically (410 nm) by the rate of hydrolysis of N-succinyl-L-Ala-L-Ala-L-Pro-L-Phe-p-nitroanilide (SAAPP). RESULTS: The specific chymase activities in the severe and moderate asthmatics were higher than that in controls. Native protease inhibitors α1-antitrypsin (α1-AT) and soybean trypsin inhibitor (SBTI) inhibited 71.9% and 72.1% enzymatic chymase activity, respectively. The levels of IL-18, IL-16, IL-8 and eotaxin were significantly elevated in the sputum of patients with acute asthma. There were correlations between the levels of IL-8 and IL-16 (r=0.55, P<0.05), IL-8 and eotaxin (r=0.41, P<0.05), IL-18 and IL-16 (r=0.64, P<0.01), IL-18 and eotaxin (r=0.66, P<0.01),IL-16 and eotaxin (r=0.64, P<0.01), but they all failed to correlate with neutrophils, epithelial cells, lymphocytes and macrophages. CONCLUSION: The levels of IL-18, IL-16, IL-8, eotaxin and the activity of chymase were elevated in the sputum of the patients with asthma, indicating that they may play a role in the pathogenesis of asthma.  相似文献   

The riparian forests along braided rivers are dynamic, frequently rejuvenated by floods and channel changes, and thus dominated by pioneer to middle stages of succession; they are sites of high biodiversity in some regions. The Lower Eygues River (drainage area 1150 km2 in southeastern France) is such a braided river system with large alluvial forests dominated by Salix alba, Populus alba, and P. nigra. It was identified as a site of ecological interest by the EU under the Natura 2000 program. Such forests elsewhere in Europe have been identified as reference ecosystems. We documented the historical evolution of this alluvial forest from detailed (1:2500 scale) early 19th C parcel maps, early 20th C topographic maps, aerial photography from 1947 to 1996, and field surveys of topography and riparian vegetation in 1997–1998. Our results show that in 1830, the channel was wide, aggraded, and agricultural pressure extended literally to the channel edge. With decline in the rural population and reduced agricultural and grazing pressure in the catchment, erosion rates declined. Reduced sediment supply led to channel narrowing and incision. This channel narrowing, coupled with reduced agricultural pressure along the banks, has allowed riparian forest to colonize former active channel areas, especially within late 19th-century 20th century flood dykes. In recent decades, aggregate mining, and clearing for recreation and agriculture have fragmented the forest. Thus, the alluvial forest of the Lower Eygues is largely an artifact of changing human land-use over the past century, a context that should frame efforts for preservation and restoration.  相似文献   

Understanding the impacts of habitat fragmentation on dispersal is an important issue in landscape and conservation ecology. Here I examine the effects of fine- to broad-scale patterns in landscape structure on dispersal success of organisms with differing life-history traits. An individual-based model was used to simulate dispersal of amphibian-like species whose movements were driven by land cover and moisture conditions. To systematically control spatial pattern, a landscape model was created by merging simulated land cover maps with synthetic topographic surfaces. Landscapes varied in topographic roughness and spatial contagion in agriculture and urban land cover. Simulations included three different species types that varied in their maximum potential dispersal distances by 1-, 2-, or 4-fold. Two sets of simulations addressed effects of varying aspects of landscape structure on dispersal success. In the first set of simulations, which incorporated variable distances between breeding patches, dispersal success was lowest for all species types when anthropogenic cover was patchily distributed. In the second set, with interpatch distances held constant as landscape composition varied, dispersal success decreased as anthropogenic cover became spatially contagious. Both sets revealed strong main effects of species characteristics, interpatch distances and landscape composition on dispersal success; furthermore, scale-dependent patterns in land cover and moisture gradients had a stronger effect on longer- than shorter-ranging species types. Taken together, these simulations suggest that heuristic conservation strategies could potentially be developed based on important but limited life history information.  相似文献   

氮、磷、钾肥对红枣产量和品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了氮磷钾肥对6a树龄红枣产量和品质的影响。结果表明:新疆南部红枣最高产量施肥量为N691.5 kg/hm2,P2O5 577.5 kg/hm2,K2O 72 kg/hm2,施用比例1:0.84:0.11。采用平衡施肥能增加红枣产量,降低红枣果实中总酸度,并能增加红枣果实中水解还原糖和VC含量,从而提高红枣产品品质,增加效益。红枣果实中总酸度随氮肥施用量增加而增加;磷钾肥能降低总酸度。当氮、磷、钾肥分别控制在600、180~450、75kg/hm2时能显著提高红枣果实中水解还原糖和VC含量。  相似文献   

XIE Hua  HE Shao-heng 《园艺学报》2004,20(10):1942-1946
Many nnewly discovered interleukins have been implicated to play an important role in the pathogenesis of the allergic diseases, for example, human interleukin (IL)-17, a T-cell derived cytokine; interleukin (IL)-18, an interferon (IFN)-gamma-inducing cytokine; interleukin (IL)-23, produced by activated dendritic cells, and interleukin (IL)-25, a recently described T helper 2 (Th2) cell-derived cytokine. Understanding their characteristic and roles in diseases may help us to know better the mechanism of the allergic diseases and develop the strategy for treating the disease.  相似文献   

Assemblages of plants were studied at 14 sites in northern Patagonia corresponding to localities at which we (Monjeau et al. 1997) earlier studied the relationship between small mammal assemblages and landscape classifications. This allowed us to test predictions that both plants and small mammals correspond to the more inclusive hierarchical landscape divisions but that plants track better than small mammals the less inclusive divisions. Species presence or absence of plants at each locality was used in a series of multivariate analyses and compared by correlation analysis with those generated from small mammal species data. Assemblages of both plants and small mammals corresponded to the upper divisions, which are based on climatic and geomorphological features, but small mammal assemblages did not correspond to the lower divisions of the landscape classifications. Three factors are considered as explanations for the observed differences between plants and small mammals: a) small mammal habitat is determined more by plant growth form than by plant species; b) trophic level differences between the two groups; and c) species pool size affects the resolution of microhabitat correspondence. Our data indicate that both plant assemblages and small mammal assemblages respond to climatic and geomorphological features, which is in contrast to the paradigm that mammal assemblages simply follow plant assemblages. We also attempted to reconcile classification systems in Patagonia by proposing a nomenclatural system based on a hierarchical classification. In the system proposed, ecoregion is the lowest division small mammal assemblages can recognize in Patagonia. Finally, we conclude that the hierarchical nature of landscapes based on a holistic view of environments reflects real entities that are not just the perceptions of landscape ecologists.  相似文献   

Girdling is widely used for many crops, mainly in order to improve the fruit set, size, and quality and to increase the yield of flower buds. However, girdling may damage trees, and permanent injury can occur if callus bridges are not formed across the ring. We determined the regeneration of vascular bundles and the healing process of wounds caused by surgical treatments. It occurred as follows: necrosis of some cell layers on the edge of the cut, callus formation and dedifferentiation of the parenchyma cells, callus proliferation, contact between callus pads, callus bridge formation, and differentiation into the mature vascular bundle; however, the innermost callus cells remained undifferentiated. At 3 days after treatment (DAT), several phloem parenchyma cell layers showed symptoms of necrosis. At 10 DAT, callus formation started in the phloem tissue below the periderm. Initially, the callus cells were uniform; however, the callus tissue pad was distinguished into 2 layers based on color and firmness. After callus bridge formation, the inner callus differentiated into the mature xylem and the outer callus, into mature phloem. In strangulation, xylem elements were formed from the inner callus pad before callus bridge formation. The callus bridge formed within 6 weeks, 20–25 days, and 14 weeks after girdling, scoring, and strangulation, respectively.  相似文献   

Fruits are important components of a healthy diet. They are a good source of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and dietary fibers. The study was carried out in the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria with the major objective to analyze the determinants of fruit consumption among students. A multistage sampling procedure was used to select 100 students and data were collected with the aid of a well-structured questionnaire. The mean age was 27 years and 52% of the sampled students were male with a mean stipend of ?14,511.77 of which about ?307 is spent on fruit consumption. Apple was most preferred by the respondents due to taste. The regression analysis indicated that marital status, amount of stipend received, parental education level, availability of fruits, and nature of study were variables that significantly determine consumption of fruits among the students. Provision of physical access by giving space to either the growers or sellers of fruits in the University campus and financial access with more stipends to raise what students spent on the average per months will significantly change their fruits consumption pattern.  相似文献   

The understanding of cross-cultural upon park usage is vital to be enhanced among public since findings that been discovered in the Western context are not own any similarities with the Asian context. In fact, it has been in a long run for the Western nations to primarily contextualized and conceptualized much on the literature of park usage. This study aims to look at how the people use and perceive urban parks in their daily life in the Malaysian cultural context, and also highlights the constraints faced by Malaysians while using the urban parks in the city of Kuala Lumpur. A survey consisted of 669 urban park users as the sample of the study (365 men, 304 females) aged between 18 and 73 years (M = 34.85, SD = 11.46) were conducted in five urban parks in Kuala Lumpur. Respondents were recruited based on a random sampling method, which composed of three main ethnic groups in Malaysia. Malaysians wanted to use the urban parks for multiple purposes including active activities and others. Most of them would visit the parks and spend their time in a group consisting of family members or friends rather than alone. The percentage of respondent with 74.7% stated their reason of visiting the urban park in order “to get fresh air”, followed by the factor of reducing stress and relaxing with 69.7%; and the latter reason would be “to exercise, play games or keep in shape” with 61.4%. More than 80% of the respondents claimed the parks in Kuala Lumpur are safe to be visited. This is because, majority of the respondents tend to visit the parks in group of family or friends rather than alone. In addition, most of the respondents would run their activities in parks during the weekends, which simultaneously make them to enjoy their day in such comfortable and secure way. The findings of this survey would contribute to a better understanding of the present park usage of Kuala Lumpur residents. With a better understanding of current park-visiting habits, various constraints faced by the residents related to public security and safety, the Kuala Lumpur City Hall have been suggested to develop more comprehensive strategy in order to provide engagement and urban parks stimulation for its residents. In addition, this study is also fruitful for Kuala Lumpur future parks in terms of its development, design and management.  相似文献   

A computer simulation model was used to derive estimates of the probability of extinction of populations of the endangered species, Leadbeater's Possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri), inhabiting ensembles of habitat patches within two wood production forest blocks in central Victoria, south-eastern Australia. Data on the habitat patches were extracted from forest inventory information that had been captured in the database of a Geographic Information System (GIS). Our analyses focussed on a range of issues associated with the size, number and spatial configuration of patches of potentially suitable habitat that occur within the Ada and Steavenson Forest Blocks. The sensitivity of extinction risks in these two areas to variations in the movement capability ofG. leadbeateri was also examined.Our analyses highlighted major differences in the likelihood of persistence of populations ofG. leadbeateri between the Ada and Steavenson Forest Blocks. These were attributed to differences in the spatial distribution and size of remnant old growth habitat patches as well as the impacts of wildfires. In addition, simulation modelling revealed a different relative contribution of various individual patches, and ensembles of patches, to metapopulation persistence in the two study areas. In those scenarios for the Ada Forest Block in which the impacts of wild-fires were not modelled, our analyses indicated that a few relatively large, linked patches were crucial for the persistence of the species and their loss elevated estimates of the probability of extinction to almost 100%. A different outcome was recorded from simulations of the Steavenson Forest Block which, in comparison with the Ada Forest Block, is characterized by larger and more numerous areas of well connected patches of old growth forest and where we included the impacts of wildfires in the analysis. In this case, metapopulation persistence was not reliant on any single patch, or small set of patches, of old growth forest. We found that in some circumstances the probability that a patch is occupied whilst the metapopulation is extant may be a good measure of its value for metapopulation viability. Another important outcome from our analyses was that estimates of extinction probability were influenced both by the size and the spatial arrangement of habitat patches. This result emphasizes the importance for modelling metapopulation dynamics of accurate spatial information on habitat patchiness, such as the data used in this study which were derived from a GIS.The values for the predicted probability of extinction were significantly influenced by a range of complex inter-acting factors including: (1) the occurrence and extent of wildfires, (2) the addition of logging exclusion areas such as forest on steep and rocky terrain to create a larger and more complex patch structure, (3) estimates of the quality of the habitat within the logging exclusion areas, and (4) the movement capability ofG. leadbeateri. Very high values for the probability of extinction of populations ofG. leadbeateri were recorded from many of the simulations of the Ada and Steavenson Forest Blocks. This finding is the result of the limited areas of suitable old growth forest habitat for the species in the two areas that were targeted for analysis. Hence, there appears to be insufficient old growth forest in either of the two forest blocks to be confident that they will support populations ofG. leadbeateri in the long-term, particularly if a wildfire were to occur in the next 150 years.The results of sensitivity analyses indicated that estimates of the probability of extinction ofG. leadbeateri varied considerably in response to differences in the values for movement capability modelled. This highlighted the need for data on the dispersal behaviour of the species.  相似文献   

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