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皇家嘎啦苹果与藤牧一号杂交后代果实性状遗传研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了皇家嘎啦×藤牧一号杂种后代果实的若干性状的遗传倾向。结果表明,苹果杂交后代果实的单果重、硬度和可溶性固形物含量均为多基因控制的数量性状,不仅存在加性效应,也存在一定程度的非加性效应。杂种后代果实单果重表现出向大果型方向遗传的趋势;果实硬度总体表现出向低亲遗传的趋势;果实可溶性固形物表现出超高亲遗传的倾向。果实形状的遗传变异较为复杂,但具有向近圆形和圆形变异的趋势。  相似文献   

苹果梨杂种后代亲本性状遗传倾向的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以苹果梨为中心亲本的7个杂交组合做试材,对228株杂种后代的童期和主要果实经济性状做调查分析,研究苹果梨杂种后代亲本性状遗传倾向。结果表明:苹果梨杂种后代童期长短是由多基因控制的数量性状,后代结果年龄广泛分离。成熟期均以晚熟为主,早中熟较少。果实大小受环境因素和非加性效应影响较大,后代平均果重小于亲中值。果实形状广泛的分离,但以圆形居多。  相似文献   

富士杂交后代果实内在品质性状的遗传   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘志  伊凯  王冬梅  杨巍  杨锋  张景娥 《果树学报》2004,21(2):95-102
通过对富士12个杂交组合、502株实生苗的调查,研究了富士杂交后代果实内在品质性状的遗传趋势。结果表明,果实总糖及可溶性固形物含量是受多基因控制的数量性状,不仅存在加性效应,还存在一定程度的非加性效应,通过杂交育种改善苹果含糖量是一条有效途径。苹果含酸量受一对主效基因和加性多基因共同控制,主基因的遗传效应表现为完全显性,以加性效应为主,但也存在一定程度的非加性效应,富士、东光、长红、锦红均为显性杂合体(Mama)。苹果果实肉质、质地、果汁及果心大小为多基因控制的数量性状,杂交后代果实分别呈现肉质变粗、质地变硬、果汁减少、果心变大的趋势。果肉颜色为质量性状,有色对无色表现为显性,杂交后代的平均果肉颜色级次略低于亲中值。  相似文献   

以黄金梨和砀山酥梨的杂交后代果树群体为研究对象,对其果实性状的遗传分布进行了研究,初步分析了杂交后代在果重、果色、果形及可溶性固形物的遗传倾向性。结果表明:杂交后代果重主要集中在150~300g范围内,整体呈正态分布趋势,属数量性状遗传;果色以传统梨的黄色和黄绿色为主,趋向于亲本的果实颜色;果形主要以圆形为主;可溶性固形物含量大部分在9%~12%之间,整体呈正态分布趋势,属数量性状遗传。  相似文献   

富士苹果果实外观品质性状的遗传   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
刘志  伊凯  王冬梅  杨巍  杨锋  张景娥 《果树学报》2004,21(6):505-511
通过以富士为亲本的12个杂交组合、502株实生树果实性状的调查,研究了富士苹果果实外观品质性状的遗传趋势。结果表明,富士苹果的果实大小是受多基因控制的数量性状,参试亲本存在明显的非加性效应,杂交后代果实普遍变小,平均单果重均低于亲中值,正交和反交组合间无明显差异,组合间平均传递力为78.6%。各杂交组合后代的果形变异较复杂,但多数后代表现为亲本果形,组合间果形指数差异较小,变异系数为4.23%~8.41%。果实底色遗传以加性效应为主,绿色对黄色具有一定遗传优势。果实的彩色表现为简单遗传,红色对黄色为显性;红色的着色程度由多基因控制,后代分离出多种表型;果色遗传与正反交无关;条红对片红显性。果实锈斑和果面光洁度受多基因控制。红色基因可能对果实锈斑和果面光洁度具有一定显性上位作用,表现为“一因多效”。  相似文献   

‘红玉’ב金冠’苹果杂交后代果实糖酸组分遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】探讨糖酸组分在苹果杂交后代中的遗传规律。【方法】以苹果品种‘红玉’与‘金冠’及其杂交后代的实生群体为试材,利用高效液相色谱方法(HPLC),测定‘红玉’与‘金冠’及其杂交后代果实糖酸组分含量。【结果】糖组分含量在‘红玉’与‘金冠’杂交后代中呈正态分布,符合数量性状的遗传特点。在亲本与其杂交后代果实中,果糖、葡萄糖、蔗糖是主要糖组分。亲本的果糖与葡萄糖含量比例要低于杂交后代中2者的平均比例。杂交后代群体果实中果糖、葡萄糖、蔗糖平均质量分数分别为39.86、15.46、23.02 mg·g~(-1),遗传传递力分别为71.59%、65.56%、182.55%;果糖、葡萄糖的遗传主要是加性效应引起的,蔗糖的遗传除存在加性效应外,还存在一定程度的非加性效应。果实中酸的主要成分有苹果酸、枸橼酸、琥珀酸和草酸,草酸、琥珀酸、枸橼酸含量都呈不连续变异,苹果酸呈连续变异,具有典型的数量性状遗传特征。杂交后代群体果实中苹果酸、枸橼酸、琥珀酸、草酸平均质量分数分别为0.55、0.04、0.03、0.02 mg·g~(-1),遗传传递力分别为90.09%、57.62%、84.26%、91.57%。【结论】果糖、葡萄糖、蔗糖、苹果酸是由微效基因控制的数量性状。草酸、枸橼酸、琥珀酸可能是由2对主效基因控制的质量性状,并受微效基因影响;分别控制琥珀酸、枸橼酸含量的2对基因间可能存在互补作用。  相似文献   

梨杂种果质量、耐贮性及果心大小的遗传倾向   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
果实大小、耐贮性及果心大小等是重要的梨果实性状。以龙香×早酥等4个组合的杂种后代为试材,研究梨在果重、耐贮性、果心大小等方面的果实性状遗传倾向。结果表明:梨的果重是受多基因控制的数量性状,杂种后代表现广泛的连续性偏小分布。基因效应为积加效应,并含有较大的非加性效应。梨后代果实的耐贮性呈明显的偏小分布,集中分布于30d以内,但有耐贮株系出现。梨后代果心大小遗传与组合类型有关,小果心出现的比例从高到低的组合类型依次为:小×小、小×中、大×中。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨越橘果实糖酸性状在后代中的变异和遗传倾向,为越橘品质育种中亲本的选配提供科学依据。【方法】以越橘半同胞系杂交组合为试材,连续2 a利用高效液相色谱技术对亲本及杂交组合后代成熟果实中可溶性糖及有机酸的组分和含量进行检测和分析。【结果】1)糖、酸组分和总糖、总酸平均含量在绝大多数组合中低于或接近于亲中值,存在一定程度的衰退变异;总酸变异系数大于总糖,各组合均分离出一定比例的超高亲单株。2)杂种后代的糖含量呈连续变异,趋近于正态分布,总糖的广义遗传力(H~2)和遗传传递力(Ta)平均值分别是0.74和0.93,主要表现为多基因控制并以加性效应为主的数量遗传;杂种后代枸橼酸和总酸呈偏正态或多峰分布,可能为由主效基因和多基因共同控制的数量性状,H~2平均值分别为0.69和0.72,变异主要来自遗传效应,Ta分别为0.94和0.86,表现为受加性效应影响大,而酒石酸H~2和Ta平均值分别是0.37和0.74,表明酒石酸的遗传效应小,受环境和非加性效应影响大,不能稳定遗传。【结论】越橘果实糖酸含量在杂交后代中均存在衰退变异,糖含量是以加性遗传效应为主且由多基因控制的数量性状,后代糖含量受低糖亲本影响大;越橘果实酸含量受父本影响,其中枸橼酸是主要有机酸组分,能较稳定遗传,而酒石酸受非加性效应影响大,不能稳定遗传。  相似文献   

网纹甜瓜果实主要性状的配合力分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
选用6份网纹甜瓜材料按Griffing方法Ⅳ配制杂交组合15个,对网纹甜瓜果实的主要性状进行配合力分析。结果表明,单果质量、折光糖含量、果肉厚度和果形指数的遗传均受加性效应和非加性效应的控制,其中单果质量、折光糖含量和果形指数的遗传以加性效应为主,果肉厚度的遗传则以非加性效应为主。M-14为综合性状较优,利用潜力高的亲本材料。选用6份网纹甜瓜材料按Griffing方法Ⅳ配制杂交组合15个,对网纹甜瓜果实的主要性状进行配合力分析。结果表明,单果质量、折光糖含量、果肉厚度和果形指数的遗传均受加性效应和非加性效应的控制,其中单果质量、折光糖含量和果形指数的遗传以加性效应为主,果肉厚度的遗传则以非加性效应为主。M-14为综合性状较优,利用潜力高的亲本材料。  相似文献   

【目的】探究杏果实主要性状的遗传倾向以及其在正、反交后代中的遗传差异,为杏育种过程中的父母本选配以及后代性状表现的预测提供依据。【方法】对‘串枝红’与‘赛买提’正、反交组合的单果质量、果面盖色、果实形状、果肉硬度和可溶性固形物含量等性状进行了调查,每株杂交后代调查10个果实。【结果】正、反交后代果实大小(单果质量与果实纵、横、侧径)均有偏小的遗传倾向;果面盖色属于质量性状,有彩色相对于无色为显性;果实形状(果实外观形状、纵径/横径、侧径/横径)果实形状表现为趋圆的遗传倾向;正、反交后代果肉硬度与可溶性固形物含量均呈偏低遗传的倾向;果实风味表现为偏酸的遗传倾向。【结论】‘串枝红’与‘赛买提’正、反交后代单果质量、纵、横、侧径多为累加效应形成,且正、反交组合果实累加效应相似,均完全解体;两组合可溶性固形物虽然存在加性效应数量性状的解体,但在子代中由于新的累加效应形成,后代出现超高亲株系。  相似文献   

为了探讨不同耐贮性黄瓜在室温贮藏条件下各项指标的变化特点,以耐贮黄瓜品种宁运3号和不耐贮黄瓜品种南抗1号为试验材料,于采后3、5、7、10、13 d,分别对其果实硬度、失重率、皮色指数、丙二醛(MDA)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性和呼吸速率等指标进行了测定。结果发现,从采后3 d至采后13 d:(1)宁运3号果实硬度仅下降了15.73%,南抗1号降幅达32.74%;(2)宁运3号失重率增加到2.49%,而南抗1号增加至6.17%;(3)宁运3号MDA含量提高了80.15%,南抗1号提高了102.88%;(4)贮藏1周后,宁运3号的SOD活性仍比南抗1号高出84.20%,而呼吸速率却低38.29%。随着贮藏时间的延长,大部分生理生化指标两者间差异显著。  相似文献   

套袋栽培对红富士苹果果实品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以采自甘肃省3个苹果产区的长富2号果实为材料,通过对采收期的果实品质及果实内含物含量的测定与比较,以及贮藏期品质的测定与观察,研究了套袋栽培对红富士苹果果实品质的影响.结果表明:套袋可导致红富士苹果果实的单果重、果肉硬度、可溶性固形物含量等品质指标的测定值下降;套袋后,果实水分含量略有增加,而有机酸、可溶性总糖有所损失,糖酸比略有下降,维生素C、全钙及硼的损失比较严重.套袋与否不影响果实贮藏期品质变化的基本趋势,但套袋果在贮藏期间更易失水,口感与风味都不及对照;因此认为套袋栽培不利红富士苹果果实的品质发育和采后贮藏.  相似文献   


The potential of using hot water (2.5 min at 45°C), 2% sodium carbonate or 2% sodium bicarbonate solutions alone or combined with hot water, for control of Penicillium digitatum (green mould) was investigated on commecially ripe clementines. The effect of such treatments on the post-harvest storage life of clementines was determined during two months analysing weight loss, increase in rind deformation and internal maturity. Carbonate and bicarbonate solutions effectively control green mould during storage but hot water does not. Compared with the control and hot-water treated fruits, clementines treated with carbonate and, to a lesser extend with bicarbonate, showed higher weight loss and lower firmness during storage. In contrast, lower increase in ripening index was found when the fruits were treated with carbonate or bicarbonate. Fruits treated with hot water alone or combined with carbonate exhibited no change in ripening during the first month of storage. Rinsing the fruit significantly reduces weight and firmness loss in the fruits treated with carbonate and bicarbonate, but did not change the ripening index. The primary finding of this work was that carbonate and bicarbonate treatments might significantly increase the loss in weight and firmness during storage. Rinsing the fruit immediately after treatment appeared to be a simple solution to avoid these losses in quality.  相似文献   

李莉  杨莉  杨雷  张建军  董辉  杨秋叶  范荣辉 《园艺学报》2016,43(Z2):2721-2722
‘石莓10号’草莓果实圆锥形,果面深红色,光泽度强;去萼较易;一级序果平均单果质量26.0 g,二级序果平均单果质量14.7 g;果肉浓红色,质地密且细腻,香气浓,风味酸甜;可溶性固形物含量8.6%,还原糖3.44%,可滴定酸0.9%,维生素C 0.49 mg ? g-1;果实硬度0.557 kg ? cm-2,耐贮运性好;丰产性好,平均株产492.4 g;适宜露地及保护地半促成栽培;果实适宜单体速冻加工。  相似文献   

‘福丽’苹果是以‘特拉蒙’为母本,以‘富士’为父本杂交选育的新品种。果实近圆形,平均单果质量239.8 g;果面光洁、未套袋果实全面着浓红色;果实硬度9.5 kg ? cm-2;汁液中多,风味甘甜,香气浓郁,可溶性固形物16.7%,可滴定酸0.28%,品质佳,极耐储藏。10月中旬成熟。  相似文献   

Effect of different concentrations of putrescine on post-harvest life of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) fruit, cultivar Selva at 5 °C was studied. Fruits were immerged in 0.3, 0.5, 1 and 2 mM putrescine as well as distilled water (control) for 5 min, then transferred into the fridge (5 °C) together with untreated fruits (dry treatment). The rate of weight loss, ethylene production, flesh firmness, soluble solids content, titratable acidity and pH of fruits were determined 5, 9 and 13 days after the beginning of storage. Flesh firmness, appearance, color change and taste of fruits were also determined in the same intervals using a taste panel. Storage life of the strawberry fruits was significantly increased by the use of putrescine, so that the untreated and control fruits had 6 and 8 days storage life, respectively, while the immerged fruits in 1 and 2 mM putrescine were still suitable to be exposed in the market 12 and 14 days after the beginning of storage, respectively. No significant weight losses were observed in treated fruits compared to controls and dry treatment at all determination times. Ethylene production was decreased significantly by the use of putrescine. Untreated fruits (dry treatment) had the highest rate of ethylene production and the lowest rate was occurred in 2 mM putrescine treatment at all determination times (5, 9 and 13 days after the beginning of storage). The use of putrescine also prevented the softening of fruit flesh during the storage and kept their firmness, so that, the 2 mM putrescine treatment caused the highest fruit firmness at all determination times. Distilled water treatment (control) had the lowest fruit firmness 5 and 9 days after storage, while this occurred for the dry treatment 13 days after storage. Soluble solids content, pH and titratable acidity of the fruits were not significantly affected by the use of putrescine, but the highest and lowest rate of titratable acidity were related to the 2 mM putrescine and dry treatment, respectively, at the three determination times. Overall, the quality of fruits was improved by the use of 2 mM putrescine in terms of properties evaluated by the taste panel.  相似文献   

An instrument is described for measuring the compression of tomatoes under a known weight. This has been used to study the effect of some of the many factors likely to influence the firmness of tomatoes. The measurements of compression were made along the axis from the calyx to the stylar scar.

The compressibility of the fruit increased threefold during ripening from the mature green to the fully red condition. The firmness of the fruits of two varieties increased with the number of locules per fruit.

Comparison of the fruits of eight varieties showed marked differences in firmness; the even-ripening form of Potentate (Potella) was the firmest variety tested, and Harbinger the softest. The compression readings were significantly and negatively correlated with the percentage of walls and placentae, and with the thickness of the fruit as measured along the axis of compression. Fruit size and the percentage of walls were themselves positively correlated.

Both lime and potash significantly increased the firmness of the fruit of variety Moneymaker. Phosphate had a slight beneficial effect, but no significant response was found to nitrogenous fertilizer.

Tomatoes of two varieties, grown with different combinations of shading, day temperature and watering, were examined. Fruits grown at a day temperature of 85° F. (29-5° C.) were 30% softer than those grown at 65° F. (18-3° C.). Some evidence was obtained that heavy watering softened the fruit, particularly under hot, shaded conditions.

Freshly-picked tomatoes of three varieties approaching the fully red condition continued to soften rapidly during storage (74° F.), the effect being highly significant even within three days.

The effect of fruit size on the compression readings, and on percentage compression, is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of inoculating ‘Maradol’ papaya plants with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) Glomus mosseae (GM) and Entrophospora colombiana (EC) was assessed. The results showed that both mycorrhizae species increased the number of fruits and yield in papaya plants by 41.9 and 105.2% for GM and 22.1 and 44.1% for EC, respectively, with respect to control plants. GM significantly increased plant height. Sugar content, firmness, color (°Hue), and ripening process of mycorrhized plant fruits were similar to those of the control. Weight loss of mycorrhized plant fruits was considerably less than that of the control. Inoculation of papaya with AMF is recommended, particularly with GM since it increases yield, and fruit weight (45.1%), furthermore, it reduced fruit weight loss during ripening.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was primarily to increase the storability of apricot which is normally a very short storage-life stone fruit. Polyamines are well-known to improve the storability of many horticultural crops. The effect of exogenously applied putrescine on the post-harvest storage-life of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) ‘Tokhm-sefid’ fruit at 2°C was therefore investigated. The rate of ethylene production, fresh weight (FW) loss, tissue firmness, soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), and the pH of fruit were determined 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 d after the beginning of storage. Overall, the application of putrescine caused a reduction in ethylene production, as well as an increase in fruit flesh firmness. SSC and pH were reduced, and TA was increased in putrescine-treated fruits. The loss of fruit FW was affected by putrescine in a concentration-dependent manner. Thus, fruit treated with higher concentrations of putrescine showed lower FW loss.  相似文献   

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