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以毛竹春笋为原料,对影响春笋笋脯品质的原料、切片厚度、护色液配方、淀粉糖浆溶液质量比等关键工艺进行研究。结果表明:采收时间不超过24 h毛竹春笋,选取笋头可食部位,去掉笋尖10~15 cm的过嫩部分,可获得最佳原材料;采用0.6~0.7 cm厚度的笋片能获得笋脯最佳的组织形态、色泽和口感;最佳护色液配方为0.2%CaCl2、1%NaCl、0.05%VitC、0.02%柠檬酸;最佳淀粉糖浆溶液质量比为30%。在上述最佳工艺条件下,制成的毛竹春笋低糖笋脯风味好,色泽自然。  相似文献   

对核桃雄花序烫漂条件进行研究,结果表明烫漂温度为95℃、时间为30 s,0.3%亚硫酸钠和300mg/kg醋酸锌组成的护色液护色效果较好。  相似文献   

核桃花干制加工工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对核桃雄花序烫漂、热风干燥条件进行研究,结果表明烫漂温度为90℃、烫漂时间为20s,NaCl组成的护色液护色,分段控温干燥较好。  相似文献   

对速冻黄花菜预处理工艺进行了研究,并着重对热烫时间、热烫温度和护色方法进行了探讨.通过在不同的时间和温度条件下热烫后,测定黄花菜中Vc的含量、过氧化物酶的活力、解冻后的褐头率,评价黄花菜的质地,并以此结果来确定最佳的热烫时间和温度,在此最佳热烫时间和温度条件下,用不同的护色液进行护色,最后通过对黄花菜的色泽的评价来确定最佳的护色液.结果表明:选用0.2%NaHCO3作为护色液,在95±1 ℃下热烫50 s的效果最佳.这样既可以保证在解冻后使褐头率尽可能低,又可以充分减少热烫中黄花菜的营养物质的损失,还能保证解冻后黄花菜的质地在有商品价值的水平.  相似文献   

提高毛竹林笋成竹数量和质量的技术措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
科学施肥、择优留笋、强化护笋和合理伐竹是建立合理的毛竹林群体结构,提高笋成竹数量和质量的关键技术,可供生产参考。  相似文献   

壮鞭孕大笋,大笋长大竹。护笋养竹是加快竹子成林成材、提高竹材产量的主要措施之一。竹笋从出土到长成新竹约五十天左右,称“笋期”,是护笋养竹的关键时期。一定要抓好以下几项措施:1、及时浇水。惊蛰以后浇迎春水;清明前后浇催笋水;立夏以后浇拔节水。2、增施肥料。春季解冻后施孕笋肥;进入幼竹生长期施拔节肥。都  相似文献   

修竹万竿值千万余邦西,文声陆检、法,建立护林护笋护竹组织制度,调处竹林纠纷,加强竹类病虫害防治。强化林政管理,形成严密护笋保竹网络。规定竹木一家进山收购,除县木材总公司外,其他任何单位和个人都不得进山经营。实行挖笋伐分“一本帐”管理,采伐限额严格控制...  相似文献   

竹笋一向以其特有的清香和鲜嫩,被视为蔬菜中的佼佼者。竹笋是竹的嫩茎,其种类繁多,但概括起来,可分为冬笋、春笋和鞭笋。 冬笋色白、质细、味清鲜; 春笋色白、质脆、细嫩、味美; 鞭笋色白、质脆、味微苦而鲜。 大文豪苏东坡当年在苏州,每餐必食笋,他曾诙谐地说:“无笋使人俗,无肉使人瘦,若要不俗也不瘦,餐餐竹笋焖猪肉。” 中国人以笋入馔,历史悠久。《诗经》就有:“其蔬伊何?惟笋即蒲”的记载。 我国以笋为主的名菜佳肴更是不可胜数。《红楼梦》作者曹雪芹的祖父曹寅与其妻舅李煦就曾用竹笋烧成整桌的“笋宴”,招待过南巡的康熙皇帝,深得康熙的赞赏。  相似文献   

福建松溪竹业开发和经济发展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文对福建省松溪县竹笋加工现状、产值、生产规模以及在改进基础设施和护笋养竹方面取得的成绩进行了阐述。近年来松溪县竹笋加工企业发展快、起点高、规模大、成效好,值得学习借鉴。  相似文献   

建设高效林业,提高竹林经济效益,就必须集约经营毛竹。笋用毛竹林示范基地建设,应着重从立地条件、竹林结构、全垦深翻、科学施肥、护笋养竹以及合理挖笋等综合培育技术措施出发,使示范基地达到高产高效的目的。  相似文献   

可食雀梅藤果实色素的提取及理化性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用0.1% HCl - 70%乙醇(体积分数)水溶液从可食的雀梅藤果实中提取食用色素,并对该色素的理化性质和稳定性进行了研究.结果表明:色素得率为8.2%,色素易溶于水、甲醇、乙醇等极性溶剂,其颜色随pH值变化而变化,pH值≤3时,其最大吸收波长为530nm,有较好的耐热、耐光性,但耐碱、耐氧化还原性能差,葡萄糖、蔗糖、柠檬酸、食盐、苯甲酸、Mg~(2 +)、Zn~(2 +)、K +、Ca~(2 +)、Na +均使其色微减, Al~(3 +)、Fe~(3 +)、Cu~(2 +)使其变色;初步急性毒性实验中小白鼠无异常表现.  相似文献   

分别以浓度为0.05%和0.1%的秋水仙素溶液处理一串红植株3d和6d,研究秋水仙素处理对一串红生长的影响.结果表明:以浓度为0.05%秋水仙素处理一串红生长点6d,一串红植株变异率较高,而且保持稳定,同时处理后植株死亡率低;发生变异的植株花色红艳,呈大球型.  相似文献   

Element content and pH value in wood tissues of veneer grade logs of P. serotina Ehrh. were investigated with regard to wood colour variations, measured in the CIEL*a*b* system. The average pH value of heartwood tissue was about pH 4.0 and medium colour parameters of veneer sheets were determined at L* = 73, a* = 9.8, and b* = 23.5. Optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) analyses showed differences in the element contents between two regional forest sites coming from Pennsylvania and West Virginia, USA, respectively. The latter is mainly characterised by higher variations of micro-element content in the transition zone (influencing heartwood formation) and also pH value of wood tissue, which contributes to higher variations in colour response of industrially produced veneer sheets. Investigations under industrial conditions underline the correlation between length and intensity of heat treatment in veneer production and colour development: with increasing duration and temperature of hot water treatment, veneer surfaces become darker and wood colour is intensified (ΔL = 3.6, Δa = 2.1, comparing 12 and 72 h of hot water treatment at 60°C). However, no equalisation of wood colour was achieved by modifying the treatment conditions. Artificial radiation by UV–visible light, quickly and extensively darkens and intensifies wood colour (ΔL = 16, Δa = 3.5, and Δb = 4.0 after 15 h of artificial radiation), but variations in wood colour deriving from different treatment conditions during veneer production, were not reduced.  相似文献   

小黑山自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能及价值评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以小黑山自然保护区的森林生态系统为研究对象,采用影子工程法、机会成本法、市场价值法等研究方法,对其生态系统服务功能的直接价值和间接价值进行了评估.结果表明,小黑山自然保护区的生态系统服务功能价值达10.52×108元/a,其中直接价值为5 406.89×104元/a,仅占服务功能总价值的5.14%,而间接价值高达99 825.04×104元/a,两者之比为1∶18.46.间接价值中大小顺序依次为:涵养水源水土保持维持生物多样性固碳释氧净化空气科研文化.小黑山自然保护区对维持当地社会经济可持续发展具有举足轻重的作用.  相似文献   

花椒种籽油生产有机涂料的工艺   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
花椒种籽油主要由23.197%油酸,34.51%亚油酸、30.196%亚麻酸所组成,碘值高达32.5,隶属于半干性油酸和其它几种常用的涂料用油相比,具备了作为涂料基料的良好理化特性。研究表明,决定花椒籽油质量的关键指标是酸值和色泽,而花椒籽质量的优劣直接与生产出的油的质量与色泽有关。并进一步论述了花椒籽油作为一般与高档涂料基料的处理方法,及可用于生产涂料的类型、品种。  相似文献   

In light of concerns over climate change and increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere,it is of importance to investigate soil organic matter in Mediterranean forests at a profile scale.In-depth studies of the organic fraction are also of interest to improve understanding of carbon balance and to facilitate modelling of carbon fixation in forest soils.This research evaluates the relationships between diverse parameters such as colour,content,and form of soil organic matter(SOM).Two Quercus pyrenica ecosystems with soils classified as inceptisols with a xeric or dry moisture regime,and developed under a Mediterranean climate in Spain,were used to characterize SOM through the complete sequence of layers of the soil profile.The differentiating factor between the two ecosystems was slope gradient.Characterization was done using characteristics of humic substances(HS)as indicators of SOM turnover in inceptisols.Infrared analysis was used to further characterize the humic acids.As soil colour measurements are a tool for soil type classification and soil organic carbon prediction,the relation between HS colour measured by reflection and by transmission was determined in order to establish a relationship between measurement techniques.Infrared analysis and colour provided evidence of a different level of stabilization of HS from both soils,and between the different horizons.Oxidation of humic acids was found to be greater in deeper horizons than in the surface layers.An inverse relationship between HS colour measured by reflection and by transmission was revealed.Both soils showed a clear trend in which horizons presenting lower absorbance numbers showed higher figures of hue and value.A more marked accumulation of humified compounds was found in pedons,(the smallest unit or volume of soil that contains all the soil types),in the less steep slope.This might be explained in terms of the physiographic position affecting infiltration behavior and exposure to runoff.  相似文献   


The potential of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to estimate wood moisture content (MC), surface energy characteristics and adhesive bond strength were evaluated on aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) veneer subjected to different drying times. For samples dried progressively at 103°C, the best MC prediction model was for the total MC range (0–100%) with an R2 value of 0.68. However, exposure at 180°C produced surface colour changes, and the CIE L*a*b* colour parameters measuring colour changes were better estimated using the 400–900 nm spectral data than the 1100–2400 nm spectral data. Increased exposure time at 180°C resulted in lower wettability and, hence, larger contact angles, especially when ethylene glycol was used as probe solvent. Lap shear strength tests on veneers showed that adhesion by phenol formaldehyde resins was impaired by the high temperature exposure; however, the lap shear strength test had high variability so there was not always a clear relationship between contact angle and lap shear strength test.  相似文献   

The effect of heat treatment on the surface colour and hygroscopic properties of pine wood were investigated in this study. Boards of Scots pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) were subjected to thermal treatment at 200°C, for 4, 6, and 8 h. The change of equilibrium moisture content and density values of the specimens in order to facilitate the understanding of the treated material behavior. The colour parameters L*, a* and b*, used to depict the total colour change (Δ E) of wood surface, were shown to change proportionally to the treatment intensity. Moreover, swelling in the tangential and radial directions and absorption of the specimens appeared to be enhanced in great extent by the thermal treatment process. The mean value of swelling percentage in the tangential direction decreased 10.26%, 17.22%, and 19.60% for specimens treated for 4, 6, and 8 h, respectively, referring to the final measurement after 72 h of immersion. In radial direction, mean value of swelling percentage decreased 19.56%, 32.75%, and 34.65% for treated for 4, 6 and 8 h, respectively, after 72 h immersion, which attests the decrease in swelling and improvement in the hygroscopic behavior of Scots pine wood.  相似文献   

不同加工方式对油茶籽油理化性质及营养成分的影响   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
研究了CO2超临界萃取、低温压榨、普通螺旋榨3种不同制油方法对油茶籽油酸值、过氧化值、碘价、色泽以及维生素E、β-胡萝卜素、角鲨烯、β-谷甾醇、总磷、脂肪酸组成成分相对含量的影响。结果表明:在3种制油方法中,普通螺旋榨油其酸值、过氧化值最高,显著高于另外两种方法。维生素E、β-胡萝卜素、角鲨烯和β-谷甾醇含量以超临界萃取茶油最高,而总磷含量以低温压榨油最高,且与超临界萃取油表现出显著性差异。  相似文献   

A series of experiments were carried out to investigate the colour stability of chemically treated and thermally modified wood compared to non-modified wood during long term artificial UV light irradiation. One set of wood samples was vacuum-pressure impregnated with alkaline (pH 9.8) copper (II) ethanolamine aqueous solution, while another set of samples from the same wood block was thermally modified at 210°C and −0.90 bar for 2 h. The treated and modified wood samples along with the non-modified ones were exposed to artificial UV light with the wave length in the region of UVA (315–400 nm) and UVB (280–315 nm) intermittently for 500 h. Colour measurements were carried out throughout the irradiation period at an interval of 100 h according to CIEL*a*b* system, where the results are presented in terms of ΔE, ΔL*, Δa* and Δb* values. Better photo-stability in terms of colour changes was recorded for both treated and modified woods compared to the non-modified one. By means of EPR and DRIFT spectroscopic study it was shown that some degree of colour stability of treated and modified woods, achieved during artificial UV light irradiation, resulted from lignin modifications and monomers of phenolic compounds.  相似文献   

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