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象甲科昆虫性信息素与聚集信息素研究及应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
象甲科 Curculionidae是 动 物 界 中 种 类 最 多 的 一 个 科, 其 中 红 棕 象 甲 Rhynchophorus ferrugineus、油茶象甲 Curculio chinensis 和棉铃象甲 Anthonomus grandis Boheman 等昆虫是我国经济作物 上的重大害虫,因此研究和应用象甲科昆虫信息素进行害虫防治具有重要意义。目前研究应用较多的昆 虫信息素为性信息素和聚集信息素,因此文章针对国内外象甲科昆虫性信息素和聚集信息素成份鉴定、 信息素合成及应用等进行汇总,综述了国内外学者对 30 种象甲科昆虫信息素的相关研究和应用进展,其 中 4 种昆虫性信息素和 23 种昆虫聚集信息素成份已鉴定确认。  相似文献   

昆虫信息素在害虫防治上的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
昆虫信息素在害虫防治上的应用 ,具有作用广泛、选择性强、不杀伤天敌和益虫、无残毒、无污染环境、不会引起害虫产生抗药性、对人畜安全的特点。昆虫信息素作为害虫综合防治的一个组成部分,已获得越来越多的重视。害虫种间信息素都是昆虫化学通讯系统的媒介物,都存在着应用的潜力。但目前应用较多的是性信息素和聚集信息素,特别是鳞翅目昆虫的性信息素,只在最近才有对小蠹虫等害虫应用聚集信息素的研究。研究应用昆虫信息素,一方面可作为虫情侦察的工具,另一方面也可作为诱捕法和交配干扰法直接消灭害虫。1发生预测上的应用用昆虫信息素作…  相似文献   

国内外对于鳞翅目昆虫性信息素的研究最为详细。本文阐述鳞翅目昆虫性信息素活性组分的最新分类进展,根据其化学结构可分为TypeⅠ、TypeⅡ、TypeⅢ、Type 0 4类。其中:Type I为分子结构具有末端功能团的C10-C18醇、醛、醋酸酯类化合物,分布于多个鳞翅目总科中; TypeⅡ为C17-C23的不饱和碳氢化合物以及相对应的环氧衍生物,广泛分布于尺蛾总科中; TypeⅢ为携带1个或多个甲基分支的C17-C23化合物,仅出现在少数的鳞翅目昆虫中;而Type 0为与植物挥发物结构类似的短链仲醇或酮类化合物,分布于进化上较为原始的昆虫中。尺蛾总科作为鳞翅目昆虫的第三大科,目前共计93属158种尺蛾的性信息素组分得到鉴定,其性信息素组分中除了姬尺蛾亚科以TypeⅠ为主以外,灰尺蛾亚科、尺蛾亚科、沙尺蛾亚科、花尺蛾亚科、星尺蛾亚科均是以TypeⅡ为主。尺蛾科昆虫性信息素组分碳链较长,结构复杂,多数为不饱和烃类化合物(TypeⅡ型),严重影响了全球尺蛾类性信息素组分的化学鉴定及野外应用,通过分析对已鉴定的尺蛾性信息素组分及结构特征,明确其性信息素组分化合物的双键位置、环氧结构和手性构象,以及在各亚科、属、种之间的分布特征,并探讨我国重要尺蛾(茶尺蠖、国槐尺蠖、银花尺蠖、油桐尺蠖、春尺蠖等)的性信息素研究情况,可为今后鉴定未知尺蛾性信息素活性组分,以及利用昆虫性信息素对尺蛾类害虫进行有效的绿色防控等提供参考。  相似文献   

昆虫性信息素人工合成技术研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探索和研究害虫防治的新途径、新技术, 其中利用昆虫激素, 特别是利用昆虫性信息素进行害虫防治的研究正日益受到人们的关注和重视。文中从昆虫性信息素的化学成分、人工合成等方面综述了昆虫性信息素的研究进展, 并介绍几种常用的昆虫性信息素合成方法, 以期为昆虫性信息素的科学研究和最佳合成方法探索提供理论参考。  相似文献   

概述了尺蛾科昆虫性信息素、植物-尺蛾-天敌三者关系中的化学联系等方面的研究进展,以及利用昆虫化学生态学原理对尺蛾类害虫进行治理的现状,展示了该研究领域的应用前景.  相似文献   

昆虫信息素的化学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王惠 《陕西林业科技》1990,(1):21-22,29
昆虫信息素是由昆虫分泌而释放到体外,并能引起其它个体产生行为反应的物质。也就是说,昆虫信息素是昆虫间传递信息的化学物质,它包括性信息素、聚集信息素、追踪信息素、报警信息素以及离散信息素等。其中性信息素是目前活性最强的一种。用信息素引诱害虫可达到歼灭害虫的目的,在森林资源保护方面有重要的应用价值。近半个世纪以来,大多数昆虫专家已将注意力集中在信息素的研究方面。到目前为  相似文献   

昆虫信息素在森林害虫测报中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
昆虫的信息素,是昆虫腺体释放的一种化合物或几种化学物质组成的混合物。经空气传播,使其它个体嗅到后,产生行为反应,是同种昆虫个体间传递信息的化学物质。科学地使用信息素测报方法,能准确地预测林间害虫出现日期、种群数量及分布范围等,为防治森林害虫提供可靠依据。本文对信息素的测报害虫方法、测报技术和影响信息素测报诱捕器准确性的因素以及常见的测报问题,分别作了阐述。  相似文献   

昆虫性信息素具有生物活性高、使用简便、专一性强等特点,利用性信息素作为害虫防治新技术越来越受到重视。本文对昆虫性信息素的概况、生物学研究、应用研究等方面的研究概况进行了综述,并对其前景作一定程度展望,旨为昆虫性信息素科学研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

天牛科昆虫是危害严重的林业害虫,给林业生产造成重大损失。昆虫信息化合物的鉴定及应用,在害虫综合治理(IPM)中发挥着重要的作用。到目前为止,已从100多种天牛科物种中鉴定出信息化合物质,天牛亚科(Cerambycinae)、沟胫天牛亚科(Lamiinae)和椎天牛亚科(Spondylidinae)鉴定出雄性天牛的聚集信息素组分,花天牛亚科(Lepturinae)和锯天牛亚科(Prioninae)物种主要是鉴定出雌性天牛释放性的性信息素组分。这些信息素组分在不同亚科、不同属和种之间重叠率高,同一种组分可以在多种天牛物种中发挥作用,调节昆虫行为活动的信息化学物质在害虫治理中具有应用潜力和广阔的前景。对国内外已研究的天牛科信息素组分进行系统分析,可为今后鉴定新的天牛科信息素组分提供依据,加快我国天牛科信息素组分鉴定和应用进程。  相似文献   

新疆伊犁地区苹果蠹蛾性信息素监测效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用性信息素诱捕器监测新疆伊犁地区苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella L.在不同管理水平果园的发生期及发生量,评价性信息素诱捕器作为苹果蠹蛾监测预报手段在该地区的可行性,分析温度和湿度对苹果蠹蛾成虫捕获量的影响及果园管理水平与苹果蠹蛾危害程度之间的关系。结果显示:伊犁地区1 a可见3代苹果蠹蛾成虫。捕获量与温湿度之间都存在明显的相关性(P0.01)。果园管理水平与苹果蠹蛾发生程度密切相关(P0.01)。性信息素诱捕器对苹果蠹蛾成虫有一定的诱捕效果,对发生期监测具有良好的准确性和有效性。  相似文献   

天牛信息素的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天牛是对林木健康生长最具破坏力的重要蛀干害虫之一,对天牛信息素的研究是探索基于化学生态学和行为特性的防治技术的重要方面。雌雄二性天牛受寄主植物挥发物,特别是幼虫危害诱导的寄主挥发物的吸引,聚集在取食地点附近。雌雄二性天牛都可释放性信息素吸引异性。雄性在触角接触雌性天牛后,对雌性产生的接触信息素产生反应,识别雌性后才试图和雌性进行交配,雌性天牛表皮蜡质层的烃类或雌雄二性表皮中相对含量比较多的物质成为特有的信号物质。雄性天牛产生聚集信息素吸引雌雄二性。随着对天牛信息素的深入研究,使用信息素复合技术将有利于提高天牛林间诱捕量,对监测天牛种群动态和无公害防治天牛具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

Pheromones and attractants of click beetles: an overview   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The study of pheromones of click beetles was started with the objective of applying similar methods in IPM strategies for the control of wireworms, based on the similar experience gained from the widely used moth pheromones. A brief overview is presented on the identification of click beetle pheromones, new questions arising in the categorization of these pheromones into sex or aggregation pheromones, options for the development of female-targeted lures, and application perspectives.  相似文献   

共轭二烯性信息素在2种载体上的释放速率和异构化效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了开发释放速率稳定、持效期长的仿生诱芯,有必要评价性信息素成分在2种最常用的释放载体(聚乙烯管和复合橡胶)上的释放速率和异构化效果。本研究在风洞条件下采用吸附剂PorapakQ收集6种共轭二烯性信息素成分在2种载体上不同时间的释放量,正己烷洗脱后进行气相色谱定量分析。发现6种性信息素成分在聚乙烯管载体上初始释放速率较低,从第16天开始迅速上升,在第29~43天内达到最大释放值,随后释放速率逐步降低到低释放状态。6种性信息素成分在复合橡胶载体上从点样起释放速率最高,15天后显著下降,第29天后释放速率一直处于较低的释放水平。在聚乙烯管载体上E5,Z7构型的十二碳二烯醛、醇和乙酸酯的释放速率大于相应的Z5,E7构型的释放速率,且醛和醇类性信息素释放速率大于酯类的释放速率。释放高峰期内聚乙烯管载体上性信息素成分(除顺5,反7-十二碳二烯醇外)的释放速率高于复合橡胶载体上的释放速率,差异显著。复合橡胶载体上的性信息素残留量显著大于聚乙烯管载体;2种释放载体对共轭二烯性信息素成分的异构化率也有显著差异。性信息素成分在2种载体上的比例变化可解释松毛虫林间诱蛾效果的差异。最后,对聚乙烯管载体和复合橡胶载体上性信息素成分的释放速率和异构化效果方面进行讨论。  相似文献   

In sterile insect technique (SIT) programs, the released sterile males are important for their effectiveness. The use of sex pheromones to collect males is economical; however, pre-exposure to sex pheromones may affect male mating behavior, and would thus reduce the effectiveness of the SIT programs. Males exposed to sex pheromone may become attractive to other males due to pheromone adsorption on their body impregnation, prevent mating and reduce the dispersal of sterile males. We examined the effect of pre-exposure to sex pheromone on the mating behavior of male sweetpotato weevil Cylas formicarius. Pre-exposure to high-dose sex pheromone for 24 h did not affect the male mating behavior of C. formicarius, and the exposed males did not attract other males. These results suggest that male C. formicarius that were collected from a mass-rearing facility using sex pheromone can be effectively used in SIT programs.  相似文献   

实小卷蛾性信息素的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
实小卷蛾为鳞翅目、卷蛾科、小卷蛾亚科、实小卷蛾属害虫的总称,其是危害针叶树枝梢和球果的一类害虫。本文从实小卷蛾的化学通讯以及其性信息素、引诱剂害虫综合治理等方面进行了论述,并对其今后的研究方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

Pheromone-mediated mating disruption (MD) is currently considered an effective strategy to control the European grapevine moth (EGVM), Lobesia botrana, with a successful interference on natural female calling during the male searching flight. However, little is known on the impact of the hour of the day on EGVM male flight. While various models forecasting the day of maximum presence of males per flight have been developed, field research on the male flight activity over 24 hours is scarce. Hence, we used video camera-assisted pheromone traps to allow a continuous monitoring of EGVM flights over daylight and night hours, quantifying captures of males. Experiments were carried out in three vineyards located in northern Spain over two years (2016 and 2017). Results showed that EGVM flight mainly occurred between 21:00 and 23:00 h (GMT+1, daylight saving time). Furthermore, male catches significantly differed over the study year, annual flight period and vineyard. Most of the dispensers used worldwide for EGVM MD continuously release the main sex pheromone component [(7E,9Z)-7,9-dodecadien-1-yl acetate], except for some automatic devices releasing puffs of sex pheromones at selected time intervals. The findings presented here can be useful to optimize the MD technique, identifying selected time intervals when the release of EGVM synthetic pheromones can be concentrated, boosting MD efficacy against this important pest, minimizing the release of synthetic sex pheromone molecules in the environment and reducing application costs.  相似文献   

天牛是一类在我国危害严重且防治难度较大的林木蛀干害虫。虽然其种类众多,经济和生态价值大,但国内外较少有对天牛繁殖交配行为的总结报道。梳理国内外对天牛交配行为的研究,发现天牛交配行为可分为求偶、性冲动、交配前准备、交配四个阶段,每个阶段都不可缺少,且有其阶段特征性的行为。在交配后,一些雄性天牛会表现出配后保护行为。天牛交配行为受多方面因素影响,包括雌雄两性个体分泌的挥发性或非挥发性的性信息素、聚集信息素,寄主植物,羽化日龄,交配时间,雄性天牛体型大小、体色和斑点等。在对天牛交配行为机制研究的基础上,可以采取一些抑制天牛交配的控制措施,降低其下一代种群密度,以达到控制天牛后代数量、防治其危害的目的。  相似文献   

夜蛾科昆虫性信息素组分的结构及分布特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
夜蛾科(Noctuidae)是鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)昆虫中最大的一个科,全世界已知该科昆虫种类达25089种(统计至1985年),我国已经鉴定出2095种[1].夜蛾科昆虫大多是植食性,且多数又是暴食性,对农作物危害极大,因此,夜蛾科害虫一直是农林害虫防治的重要对象.  相似文献   

Several polyphagous coleopteran and lepidopterous species, presently known as storage insects, have presumably evolved from free-living ancestral species, being capable of growth and reproduction on stored, desiccated and often nutritionally deficient foodstuffs. These potentially harmful insect species have probably adapted themselves to the newly acquired storage biotope by means of a well-developed sensory equipment serving food acquisition, aggregation and mate finding.Information by molecules may be communicated among the individuals of an insect species by means of relatively volatile pheromones (Greek, pher=convey) being emitted by exocrine glands and mainly carried by moving air to the sensilla of responsive individuals, or among the internal organs of an insect by means of relativelynonvolatile hormones (Greek, horma=impel), secreted fromendocrine glands and transported by the haemolymph to the receptors of target organs. It was postulated that pheromones were among the first chemical messengers utilized during evolution of animal behaviour, and that the pheromones of primitive protozoans could have been precursors of the hormones of metazoans. Hormones of the neurosecretory cells and corpora allata were found to induce sex pheromone biosynthesis in femaleTenebrio molitor, while dietary intake of a juvenile hormone analogue was shown to significantly enhance the production of aggregation pheromones in the males of certain silvanid and cucujid species.Aggregation pheromones are usually produced by the longlived and feeding males of several coleopteran species (Table 2) which deposit those chemical messengers to the substrate, where they induce the formation of bisexual assemblies supporting feeding, mating and reproduction. Sex pheromones are mostly produced by the short-lived and non-feeding females of several coleopteran and lepidopterous species (Table 2); females of those species usually release their sex pheromones to the air space during calling, and thus attract conspecific males for mating (Fig. 5 a–c).In some dermestid species, pheromone emission differs from the above scheme. Females of the short-lived and non-feedingTrogoderma granarium andT. inclusum release a phromone acting as a sex attractant for conspecific males and—in synergistic combination with tactile stimuli—as an assembling scent for conspecific females (Figs. 1 a, b, 2 and Table 1), females of the short-lived and feedingAntbrenus verbasci, Attagenus megatoma andAtt. elongatulus produce a sex pheromone for conspecific males, while females of the long-lived and feedingAn. scrophulariae emit a sex pheromone which lures conspecific males.Males of the long-lived and non-feeding bruchid speciesAcanthoscelides obtectus release a sex pheromone which attracts conspecific females. Androconial pheromones are discharged during courtship from the alar scales and abdominal tufts found in males of several microlepidopteran species (Phycitidae) includingAnagasta kuebniella, Cadra cautella, Ephestia elutella andPlodia interpunctella (Fig. 6 b–c); those aphrodisiac pheromones are known to enhance the specific responsiveness of the females to their mates. Electrophysiological recordings revealed that aggregation pheromones elicit considerable receptor potentials in the antennal olfactory sensilla of both sexes, whereas sex pheromones induce high receptor potentials in the antennal olfactory sensilla of one sex only. It was assumed that aggregation pheromones may be the evolutionary precursors of sex pheromones.Pheromone-producingexocrine glands are essentially groups of modified epidermals cells which are found in different body regions of male and/or female storage insect species. A simple pheromone gland, consisting of a single layer of adjacent secretory cells beneath the endocuticle of the 5th visible abdominal sternite, occurs in femaleTrogoderma granarium (Fig. 3 a). A more complex design, comprising an intra-abdominal semiglobular pheromone gland with numerous secretory cells being connected to tubuli which lead to an invaginated cuticular cribellum, is available in maleDermestes maculatus (Figs. 3 c, d and 4 c). The cribellum, provided with a caudally curved brush of fluted brisles, occurs in the centre of the 4th visible abdominal sternite (Figs. 4 a, b and 7 b). An apodemous exocrine gland is found in the lumen of the second abdominal segment of femaleLasioderma serricorne (Fig. 3 b). This lobate gland comprises many secretory cells, being connected by numerous tubuli to a sheath-like conical duct enveloping a V-shaped skeletal apodeme, which terminates in the abdominal tip. In maleTribolium castaneum, the secretory cells of both pheromone glands are connected by tubuli to two cribella, being densely covered by fluted bristles, and found in the femora of both forelegs (Fig. 7 a). Females of the phycitid speciesAnagasta kuebniella, Cadra cautella, Ephestia elutella andPlodia interpunctella are equipped with an intersegmental pheromone gland, situated between the 8th and 9th abdominal segment near the genital opening. The exocrine gland of the four moth species consists of a single layer of columnar secretory cells, lined by a spongy cuticle which seems to be permeable to the sex pheromone (Fig. 6 a). The latter is disseminated by calling females (Fig. 5 a, b) while their exocrine glands are widely exposed. Males of the above phycitid species are furnished with alar and abdominal androconia which become exposed during courtship and discharge aphrodisiac pheromones. The base of each of the androconial bristles and scales is immersed to an underlying unicellular, pheromone-producing gland (Fig. 6 d, e). The aphrodisiac pheromones, being secreted by the above glandular cells, are passing the lumen and walls of the bristles and scales, and evaporate from the surface of the latter. For example, malePlodia interpunctella possess 2 pairs of scent tufts (a small and a large one) on both sides of the 8th abdominal tergiet as well as 2 pairs of scent tufts (a small and a large one) near the base of the costal margin of the forewings (Fig. 6 b, c). Females of several phycitid species respond to the aphrodisiac pheromone of conspecific males by a pronounced readiness to mate.In the course of time, about 3 dozens of insect species (3/4 coleopteran and 1/4 lepidopterous species) have undergone sympatric speciation by sharing desiccated food in stores as a common habitat. Fertile matings between such heterogeneous species are often prevented by morphological and anatomical incompatibilities as well as physiological and behavioural barriers. Most of the species living in the storage habitat are reproductively isolated due to the molecular structure and blend composition of their pheromones (Table 2). Interestingly, some species (listed below) deviate from the majority by sharing the structure of their main pheromone components (mentioned in parenthesis), and are thus poorly separated: the curculionidsSitophilus oryzae andS. zeamais ((4S,5R)-5-hydroxy-4-methyl-3-heptanone), the tenebrionidsTribolium castaneum andT. confusum ((4R,8R)-dimethyldecanal) as well as the dermestidsTrogoderma inclusum andT. variabile ((R,Z)-14-methyl-8-hexadecenal). Theinsufficient reproductive isolation of the above species is compensated, i.a., by additional availability of a sex pheromone in femaleTribolium confusum, by different calling periods and emission rates of (R,Z)-14-methyl-8-hexadecenal in females of the forementionedTrogodema species.Trogoderma glabrum andT. granarium areincompletely isolated by sharing (R,E)-14-methyl-8-hexadecenal as a pheromone component; they are indeed capable of cross-mating, but produce sterile hybrids. Moreover, maleOryzaepbilus mercator andO. surinamensis incorporate (Z,Z)-3,6-dodecadien-11R-olide as a common chiral component to their aggregation pheromones. The females of 5 phycitid species share (Z,E)-9,12-tetradecadien-1-yl acetate as their main pheromone component, while they are reproductively separated by additional emission of (Z)-9-tetradecen-1-yl acetate and (Z,E)-9,12-tetradecadien-1-ol as secondary pheromone components, by the production of different androconial pheromones in conspecific males as well as different circadian calling activities.In the course of their research engagement on pheromones of storage insect and mite species (during the past 2.5 decades), the authors enjoyed fruitful collaboration with several renowned investigators working in Athens, Berlin, Hamburg, New York, Pantnagar, Tiantsin, Tokyo, Wisconsin, Yokohama and Zürich (chapter 6).Motto ...In addition to the amazing range of physiological activities of which it is capable during the process of moulting and cuticle formation, the epidermal cell is potentially an embryonic cell, with latent powers of differentiating in several different directions. The ordinary epidermal cell may divide to give rise to a pair of oenocytes. It may divide into four and produce a dermal gland cell with associated cells that form the glandular duct. Or the four daughter cells may differentiate into the bristle-forming and socket-forming cells which give rise to the sensillum and into the sense cell with its neurilemma cell both of which grow inwards to become a part of the central nervous system ...V B. Wigglesworth, 1959With 2 tables and 7 figuresDedicated to the memory of Prof. Dr. Sir Vincent BrianWigglesworth who died on February 12th, 1994.  相似文献   

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