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采用定量浇灌的方法,在景德镇市研究了浇灌城市生活污水对银杏(Ginkgo biloba)幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,处理B (污水稀释60%)和处理C (污水稀释100%)对银杏幼苗的苗高增长有显著的促进作用,而处理A (污水不稀释)显著抑制苗高、叶面积、茎粗的增长;同时处理A的幼苗叶片叶绿素含量为2.65 mg/dm2,与对照1.938mg/dm2存在显著的差异,而处理B和处理C与对照之间不存在显著差异。通过以上实验结果分析,当污水稀释至一定比例,例如0.6:1和1:1时,都对银杏幼苗生长有一定的促进作用;污水灌溉能使得银杏的叶绿素含量明显增加,很有效地促进银杏的光合作用。    相似文献   

银杏树的审美价值与精神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合中国城市栽培银杏树的历史,探讨了银杏树的审美价值及精神。    相似文献   

苏州市干道银杏香樟大树移栽技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银杏和香樟是近年苏州市移栽大树的主要树种。现有的银杏大树移栽的成活率达91%,香樟大树移栽的成活率达87%。这两个树种移栽的初步城市绿化实践是可行的,但在今后的城市绿化大树移栽实践中还应进一步完善配套技术。    相似文献   

本试验以银杏、悬铃木、香花槐、金叶复叶槭和玉兰等5种乔木绿化树种的一年生休眠枝条为试材,通过五个梯度的低温处理(-10℃、-15℃、-20℃、-25℃、-30℃),测定丙二醛、可溶性糖与脯氨酸含量和电导率,研究低温胁迫对这几种乔木绿化树种抗寒性的影响。结果表明:不同树种之间抗寒性存在差异性,5种绿化树种的抗寒性由强到弱的顺序为:悬铃木 > 香花槐 > 玉兰 > 银杏 > 金叶复叶槭。    相似文献   

上海市现存古树1 369株,隶属36科51属63种,其中,银杏的数量最多,达485株,其中7株1 000年以上,年龄最长的达1200年。古树中,乔木类树种最多,其次是小乔木,灌木和藤木类最少;古树主要分布在机关庭院、公园、郊区和道路。上海的古树资源温带成分占总属数的49.0%,热带成分占35.3%,具有温带与亚热带过渡区分布特征;并拥有较多的孑遗种、古老种、特有种和外来种。    相似文献   

叶籽银杏嫁接及生长特性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文中对目前叶籽银杏的发展、分类地位、分布进行了简要的概述,以山东农业大学林学实验站嫁接的叶籽银杏作为试材,通过F检验、邓肯检验、聚类分析等对成活率、枝条长度、枝条粗度、单叶面积、单叶重进行研究,并进行了展望。    相似文献   

银杏的文化意蕴及其在城市绿化中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
银杏是我国特有的孑遗植物,以"活化石"闻名于世,具有独特的观赏特性,并具有深厚的人文色彩,在我国已有几千年的栽植历史。本文从银杏的生态习性、文化意蕴、资源开发利用以及在园林中的应用等方面予以介绍。    相似文献   

北京地区主要行道树树种适应性评价及病虫害防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过2009和2010年对行道树生长情况的调查,初步总结北京地区现有十余个行道树树种的生长、生态习性、主要病虫害发生规律及防治方法;考虑极端天气的耐受能力以及应用前景,特别推荐适应性强的传统树种"杨、柳、榆、槐、椿"以及栾树、白蜡作行道树,建议减少悬铃木、银杏等适应性差的树种的使用。    相似文献   

对插条长度和部位与杨树扦插生根性状和成活率的关系进行了研究。结果表明,不同长度插穗之间成活率有显著差异,插穗长度为16 cm时,生根率最高,为95%;插穗长度为10 cm时,成活率最低,为65%。插条的不同部位对杨树扦插成活率也有显著影响,中部插穗成活率最高,为94%;稍部插穗成活率最低,为63%。    相似文献   

文中分析了合肥市新建城市景观生态林建设成本。共记录296个有效样方,提取22个树木组合类型。成本分析表明,香樟+黑松-蜀桧+金钟花、湿地松、香樟-石楠和池杉+雪松+重阳木+乌桕组合建设成本相对较低,雪松+蚊母树、银杏+蜀桧+栾树-红花檵木组合建设成本较高。    相似文献   

绍兴市古树名木白蚁危害现状及防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对绍兴市6县(市、区)古树名木白蚁危害情况的调查,查明危害古树名木的白蚁3科6种,其中黑翅土白蚁和黄翅大白蚁是优势种;古树名木受害率达25.1%以上;分析了易受白蚁危害的树种及古树名木受白蚁严重危害的原因;提出了相应的防治措施。  相似文献   

大家白蚁是东南亚地区危害活树的危险性白蚁,繁殖快、危害重、防治难,能对南洋杉、椰子、咖啡、橡胶树等多种珍贵树木造成严重损害,因此被我国列为二类检疫对象。另外,依照风险分析原则,斯奈德楹白蚁、爪泰乳白蚁和曲剑乳白蚁等在我国尚未发生但有传入可能的种类同样具有高度危险性。  相似文献   

Spatial distribution, abundance and assemblage of termites depend mainly on the local conditions and habitats in which they thrive. Striking differences are observed in the species richness, number of clades and functional diversity of termite assemblage between different habitats. This study aim was to examine effect of human interference in the diversity of wood destroying termite in forest areas as well as managed and unmanaged plantations in South India. Termites attacking trees and wooden logs were collected from forest areas, managed plantations and unmanaged plantations. The termites collected were identified and compared for species abundance, richness and species diversity. Results show that the species composition and species diversity of the wood destroying termites vary according to the conditions. The species diversity measures revealed that there is a significance variation among the forest fauna and plantations. The forest areas have the highest species composition compared to plantations. Species richness is high forest areas. Even though the abundance of termites are more in unmanaged plantations, there is no significant difference related to species diversity among the managed and unmanaged plantations.  相似文献   

经调查发现:武汉市城区古树后续资源有890株,分属30科47属61种,其优势种类与城区现有的古树优势种类相近,相同树种有樟树、珊瑚朴、朴树、桂花、女贞、银杏、枫杨、榔榆、三角枫、悬铃木等10个,但其乡土树种所占的数量比例下降明显;这些古树后续资源主要集中分布在武昌区,尤其是在东湖一带,在其它城区的古树后续资源分布十分零散。武汉市城区古树后续资源的生长状况总体上生长良好,但遭受白蚁的危害较为严重,占其数量比例的15·2%,有必要开展古树后续资源的白蚁防治工作。  相似文献   

Hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa) wood has been used as a structural material in Japan because of its superior mechanical properties, its excellent durability and the beautiful color of its heartwood. Variations of termite resistance and compositions of extractives among hinoki trees have been reported. However, genetic variation of termite resistance and the effect of heartwood color on termite resistance remain unknown. In this study, we report the characteristics of termite resistance and color indexes (L*, a* and b*) of heartwood of hinoki half-sib families in a progeny test stand. The survival days of termites and the mass loss of samples of hinoki heartwood differed significantly among hinoki families. Families with red-color heartwood had larger termite resistance than families with yellow-color heartwood. The termite resistances of individual samples from two families with yellow-color heartwood were as small as that of Pinus densiflora. Larger a* and smaller b* induced larger termite resistance of heartwood. The effect of DBH (diameter at breast height) of hinoki trees on termite resistance of hinoki families was small.  相似文献   

  • ? Tree age is one of the most important factors to affect the natural durability of wood.
  • ? The purpose of this study was to determine the natural termite resistance of heartwood and sapwood of teak (Tectona grandis Linn. fil.) for trees aged 8, 30 and 51 years. Reticulitermes speratus Kolbe was employed as a test termite using a no-choice feeding method.
  • ? The heartwood and sapwood of all of the trees tested exhibited antitermitic activity. Based on the mean mass loss due to termite activity, the sapwood and heartwood regions of 8-year-old trees are the most susceptible to termites while the heartwood regions of the 30-year-old trees showed termite resistance similar to the termite resistance of 51-year-old trees.
  • ? The mass loss is moderately correlated with n-hexane extractive content, total extractive content, brightness and redness of the wood.
  •   相似文献   

    天童山古树群白蚁防治试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    从2009年开始,在天童国家森林公园古树群以"心居康"灭蚁系统地下定点系统监测与地面树干调查相结合的方法进行为期330 d的虫情调查,采用2.5%联苯菊酯1∶80倍稀释液喷施和2.5%氟虫晴1∶40倍稀释液注药对白蚁进行防治试验。结果表明:浙江天童山危害古树的白蚁种类主要是黑翅土白蚁及黄翅大白蚁;采用联苯菊酯喷施并结合氟虫晴注药防治效果达74.4%~99%,地下监测虫口减退率为71.4%~100%,与地上调查防治效果相吻合,防治效果较好,且对环境污染小,适用于风景区白蚁防治。  相似文献   


    Lack of accurate tools for detecting insect infestation in timber remains a big challenge for pest management authorities. Seven non-destructive insect detection technologies were used to assess their effectiveness in detecting insect borers and termites in timber samples. These technologies were: Termatrac®; Tramex Moisture tester; Acoustic Emission Device (AED-200L®); X-ray, thermal imaging camera; a termite detector dog; and trained quarantine inspectors using standard visual inspection (VI). The timber samples of Acacia parramattensis and Acacia decurrens used for the trial were naturally infested timber branches; timber blocks inoculated with lyctine beetles; timber blocks naturally infested with termites; and un-infested controls. All timber samples used were destructively sampled at the end of the trial to confirm the presence or absence of insects. The detector dog was 100% effective in detecting natural infested termite colonies but was totally ineffective in detecting termites on artificially inoculated timber blocks. The moisture metre and the thermal image camera were 100% effective in detecting large termite colonies but ineffective in detecting other insects in dry timber samples. The effectiveness of other methods of detecting insects or termites varied considerably. The AED was 79% effective, Termatrac 70%, X-ray 40% and VI 35%. Implications of these findings for quarantine and inspection purposes are discussed.  相似文献   

    柳州市园林树木及城市建筑白蚁危害调查及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    柳州市城区危害园林树木的白蚁有3科4属4种,危害房屋建筑的白蚁有1科1属1种。调查23种园林树木中,有18种树木受到白蚁的危害,占78.26%,树木受害株率21.35%,严重受害株率4.16%;调查3 694家住户中,有861户受到白蚁的侵害,占23.31%,危害程度16.44%。台湾乳白蚁Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki是危害城区园林树木及房屋建筑的优势种,在272株受害树木中,有185株受台湾乳白蚁危害,在861户受害房屋建筑中,全部是受台湾乳白蚁危害。阴香、樟树、大叶桉、小叶桉、桃树等园林树木和房屋建筑内的木地板、墙裙、门、窗等木构件受到白蚁危害最为严重,建设健康"森林城市"必须同步抓好园林树木及房屋建筑白蚁防治。  相似文献   

    Studies on the wood preserving techniques against subterranean termites have been undertaken with a view to promote the use of inorganic indigenous pesticides in our country. The thin films of gelatine solution (glue of animal hides) containing 10% calcium carbonate or 5% copper sulphate as well as sodium silicate solution containing 12% calcium carbonate +10% zinc oxide coated separately on wooden stakes prevented termite attack in soil up to 2, 4 and 5 years, respectively. Whereas control wooden stakes were found to be severely damaged by termites within 6 months. Stakes coated with Solignum®-white used as standard wood preservative for comparison remained free from termite infestation for a period of 5 years.  相似文献   

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