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一、擅自采伐国家所有的枯死木并据为己有如何处理 [基本案情] 2020年7月,村民耿某未经林业主管部门批准,驾驶三轮车,使用油锯在某林业局某管护所施业区70林班4小班内采伐落叶松枯死木3株,用做烧柴.经查,3株枯死木立木蓄积0.64m3.  相似文献   

森林种群结构与空间分布格局研究是生态恢复和生态水文研究的重要组成部分。采用空间代替时间将祁连山排露沟流域青海云杉林分布区划分为4个海拔区段,并在不同区段内设置样地进行调查,分析青海云杉种群结构与空间分布格局。结果表明:青海云杉种群垂直结构表明,不同海拔区段乔木层中层木均最多,海拔2 900~3 100 m和3 100~3 300 m上层木居中,海拔2 700~2 800 m下层木居中。种群径级结构表明,小树和中树所占总体比例均达到76.3%以上,大树个体较少,青海云杉种群更新较好,处于恢复阶段。种群空间分布格局表明,海拔2 700~2 800 m、2 900~3 100 m和3 100~3 300 m的青海云杉种群呈聚集分布格局,海拔2 800~2 900 m的青海云杉种群呈泊松分布格局,2种分布格局可能分别受制于气候因子和自身的生物学特性的影响。  相似文献   

清理松枯死木对松褐天牛数量影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据浙江省仙居县、衢州市柯城区两地的蛀干害虫引诱剂试验表明:松褐天牛的成虫活动期为5月至9月,在活动期内有一个明显的活动高峰期,并伴随着几个活动小高峰;而在已清理松枯死木的林分,没有明显的活动高峰期,但松褐天牛的数量很少,只占未清理松枯死木松林的10.3%~26.9%。通过试验证明,坚持长期并彻底清理松枯死木,是当前揭制松材线虫病蔓延、切断松材线虫病传播媒介最为有效的措施。  相似文献   

为预防松材线虫病发生,降低松墨天牛数量密度,德化县林业局于2009-2010年,开展了清除松枯死木试验.以诱捕器诱集的松墨天牛成虫数量为指标,在松墨天牛中度危害区,开展了松枯死木清理对松墨天牛种群数量的影响试验.结果表明:清理松枯死木可以有效降低林间松墨天牛种群密度,对当前遏制松材线虫病蔓延、切断松材线虫病传播媒介具有现实意义.  相似文献   

以海南岛霸王岭热带天然山地雨林原始林为对象,实施了择伐强度为0.0%(未采伐)、30.7%(低择伐强度)、45.3%(中择伐强度)、53.5%(高择伐强度)4种试验,观测和分析了择伐后13年间各种试验类型的乔木总碳储量、枯死木碳储量、进界木碳储量、保留木碳储量、树种组碳储量和径级碳储量的变化趋势.结果表明:高强度择伐林分枯死木碳储量比率最大,中强度择伐林分枯死木碳储量比率最低;低强度择伐和未择伐林分的保留木碳储量增长率、总碳储量增长率高于中高强度择伐林分;进界木碳储量比率随择伐强度的增大而增大;45.0%左右采伐强度是树种组碳储量增长较理想的强度;45 cm及以下径级保留木各径级碳储量增长率随择伐强度的增大而增大,45 cm以上径级保留木各径级碳储量增长率与择伐强度关系不明显.  相似文献   

【目的】研究不同强度森林抚育采伐对温带针阔混交林群落结构、生物多样性及生态系统功能的影响机制,为温带针阔混交林经营管理提供科学依据和理论指导。【方法】以吉林蛟河4块1 hm2的针阔混交林采伐样地为研究对象,样地于2011年7月建立,2011年12月进行抚育采伐作业,并于2015年7月对保留木进行复测。采集、测定叶面积、比叶面积、叶碳含量、叶氮含量、叶片碳氮比和最大树高6类植物功能性状数据,根据物种之间的性状距离和谱系距离构建功能性状树和系统发育树。通过Blomberg’s K值法检验植物功能性状的系统发育信号;利用功能多样性指数和最近邻体性状距离指数计算2011年采伐前和2015采伐后不同空间尺度上(10 m×10 m、20 m×20 m和50 m×50 m)群落功能多样性和功能结构的变化情况;利用谱系多样性指数和最近亲缘关系指数计算群落谱系多样性和谱系结构的变化情况;通过树木4年间平均胸高断面积的增长量来量化保留木的生长差异。【结果】除叶面积外,其余5类功能性状均表现出显著的系统发育信号;抚育采伐前后,群落功能结构和谱系结构的变化具有尺度依赖性,在10 m×10 m尺度上,采伐后群落的离散度上升,聚集度下降,在20 m×20 m和50 m×50 m尺度上,采伐后群落的离散度下降,而聚集度上升;功能多样性和谱系多样性对采伐强度的响应同样存在尺度效应,中低强度抚育采伐对群落多样性的影响仅体现在小尺度上,而高强度抚育采伐即使在大尺度上也会对群落多样性产生显著影响;经历不同强度的抚育采伐后,样地内保留木的生长差异表现为中度采伐样地重度采伐样地轻度采伐样地对照样地。【结论】中低强度的抚育采伐能够优化群落的功能结构和谱系结构,从而达到促进资源利用、加快保留木生长的目的;高强度的采伐会导致生态位空间过度释放,不利于资源的充分利用以及树木生长,也会对森林生物多样性产生严重的负面影响。因此,从调整群落结构、促进保留木生长以及保护生物多样性的角度出发,对温带针阔混交林的抚育采伐作业应控制在中等强度以内。  相似文献   

[目的]以吉林省汪清林业局金沟岭林场4块天然云冷杉针阔混交林为研究对象,探究不同采伐强度下[重度(采伐强度21. 21%),中度(采伐强度11. 22%),轻度(采伐强度6. 29%)和对照(未采伐)]凋落物半分解层现存量、含水率与林分郁闭度的空间异质性。[方法]采用地统计学方法,对各样地凋落物半分解层现存量、含水率与林分郁闭度数据进行普通克里金插值,得到3个指标的空间分布格局图。[结果]表明:在10 100 m的尺度上,采伐使得凋落物现存量由离散型分布转变为聚集型分布,而对凋落物含水率的空间格局影响不大;所有样地的郁闭度均表现为聚集型分布,采伐一定程度上影响了其在中度采伐与重度采伐样地的空间异质性;凋落物现存量与林分郁闭度之间不存在相关性,而在对照样地,凋落物现存量与含水率存在显著的负相关,但相关程度较弱(r 0. 3)。[结论]采伐对凋落物半分解层含水率空间异质性影响不大;中度采伐与重度采伐样地的郁闭度异质性可能是由于采伐不均匀所导致;采伐使凋落物现存量空间异质性程度降低。  相似文献   

人工林下天然更新种群特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用红松、长白落叶松人工临时样地资料,分析了帽儿册地区人工林下天然更新种群的数量特征、水平分布、垂直成层结构以及天然更新种群枯死木状况。两种人工林林分中,水曲柳更新种群数量占绝对优势,且呈聚集分布,平均拥挤度m^*=5.1;水曲柳在林分的更新层、演替层、主林层均有合理分布,水曲柳在帽儿山地区属于巩固种。  相似文献   

沙地樟子松天然纯林的结构特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]为了解红花尔基地区沙地樟子松天然纯林的结构特征,指导沙地樟子松的保护与经营。[方法]在红花尔基地区设置2块100 m×100 m的樟子松天然纯林固定样地,利用样地内每木定位调查数据和分析统计软件进行一元分布及二元分布特征分析。[结果](1)樟子松天然林纯林直径分布为单峰或多峰山状分布,垂直结构简单,只有乔木层和草本层。(2)樟子松天然纯林的林木分布格局为均匀分布,接近随机分布,林木分布格局类型与林分密度无关;林分中樟子松个体竞争激烈,多数单元中林木呈较密集状态。(3)2块样地中随机分布状态下的林木多数为中等密集或比较密集,不同分布状态下的林木优劣性差异较小;低密度樟子松天然纯林中多数密集状态的林木为绝对优势木或优势木,而高密度林分中林木密集度分布与林木大小无关。[结论]红花尔基沙地樟子松天然林结构不合理,应选择病腐木及聚集分布的个体作为潜在调整对象,进行密度调整和结构优化。  相似文献   

福建江南油杉天然种群分布规律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对福建省江南油杉天然种群的调查研究结果表明:福建省有20个县(市、区)39个乡镇有江南油杉天然种群分布,分布海拔范围为300~900 m,其中86.5%的海拔高度位于600 m以上。属于鹫峰山脉的有22个点,占56.4%,属于武夷山脉的有15个点,占38.5%,属于戴云山脉的仅2个点,占5.1%。种群以群落形式存在的有12个点,以零星散生或孤立木形式存在的有27个点。  相似文献   

The road effect on small rodent population is investigated at 8 fragmented forest areas in the Baekdudaegan moun-tain range, South Korea in September 2001, We especially focused on the distribution and body condition of small rodents near the roads, Korean field mouse (Apodemus peninsulae) seems to be more sensitive to the existence of a road than striped field mouse (Apodemus agradus), Korean field mouse prefers interior forest area to around road. Striped field mouse is a habitat generalist and has wide distributional range around road, but Korean field mouse is forest-inhabiting species and their distribu-tion is limited in forest area. These results suggest the effect of road is different on each small rodent species and their habitat preferences.  相似文献   

STUDYAREAThefieldinvestigationofsmallrodentcommunitywasconductedinLiangshuiReservefromJunel0t0Julyl8,l992.LiangshuiReserve(El28o53'2OH,N47oI0,50H)locatedinDailingDistrict,YichunCity.Sixforestcut-overareaswithdifferentages(lyear,5years,l0years,l5years,2Oyearsand28years)wereselected.Inthecentreofeacharea,a2.5hm2sam-plesitewasmarkedout.Thetrappingdaymethodwasused.Fourtytrapswereplacedineachsampleareafortwo24-hourcyclesandwereexaminedonetimein24hours.Thebaitwasfreshpineseeds.Theseclear…  相似文献   

General decline of understory cover can result from increased abundance of and foraging pressure by deer.But population size and degree of aggregation can increase for unpalatable understory plants that escape foraging pressure.Clonal reproduction can enable unpalatable plant species to increase their population sizes while trending toward spatially aggregated distributions.However,the details of the relationship between clonal reproduction in unpalatable plants and their dynamics under intensive deer herbivory are not clear.We compared the population structures and spatial patterns of two coexisting unpalatable plant species,Arisaema ovale(with clonal reproduction)and A.peninsulae(without clonal reproduction)in a riparian forest intensively grazed by Sika deer,and examined the null hypothesis that the extent of spatial aggregation and local population size would not differ between the clonal and non-clonal Arisaema species.In a 0.36-ha plot,A.ovale had a larger population size(1087 individuals)with a higher abundance ratio of small plants(p<0.01)than A.peninsulae(84 individuals).Analyses of spatial point processes showed that both populations were spatially aggregated(p<0.05).The spatial aggregation of A.peninsulae,however,became weaker than that of A.ovale,when we excluded one dense patch originating from irregular seed dispersion.These results,excluding the aggregated distribution observed in A.peninsulae,suggested a substantial contribution of clonal reproduction to the expansion of the local A.ovale population following intensive grazing by Sika deer.  相似文献   

This experiment was carried out in a mature (>100-year-old) eastern beech forest in the Eastern Black Sea Region (BSR) of Turkey. The effects of experimental practices to control the woody plant Rhododendron flavum Don., including grubbing, manual cutting, and foliar and cut-stump spraying with imazapyr and triclopyr, were assessed on understory and forest floor biomass and nutrients, as well as soil bulk density and nutrient content. The cut plots had 5, 15, and 38 times greater competing vegetation biomass than did the plots treated with triclopyr, grubbing, and imazapyr, respectively. Because of the increased biomass, the amount of understory N, P, Ca, K, S, and Mg content on the cut plots was also substantially higher when compared to the grubbed, imazapyr-treated, and triclopyr-treated plots. Triclopyr and imazapyr applications brought about two- and threefold greater dead organic matter on the forest floor than did cutting and grubbing, respectively. As a result, forest floor macronutrient contents on the imazapyr- and triclopyr-treated plots were significantly greater than on the cut plots. Five years after treatments, soil bulk density at the 10–20 cm depth on the imazapyr-sprayed plots was about 14% higher than that on other treatments. Herbicides, especially imazapyr and grubbing were effective in controlling rhododendron. Macronutrients stored in the rhododendron were released to the forest floor after vegetation was controlled with herbicides.  相似文献   

Understory vegetation controls, in a significant way, the regeneration of overstory trees, carbon sequestration and nutrient retention in tropical forests. Development and organization of understory vegetation depend 3n climate, edaphic and biotic factors which are not well correlated with plant community structures. This study aimed to ~xplore the relationships between understory vegetation and abiotic factors in natural and planted forest ecosystems. A non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) ordination technique was applied to represent forest understory vegetation among five forest communities, i.e., a dry miscellaneous forest (DMF), a sal mixed forest (SMF), a teak plantation (TP), a low-land miscellaneous forest (LMF) and a savanna area (SAV) of the Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, located in northern India. Microclimatic variables, such as photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), air temperature (AT), soil Lemperature (ST), ambient atmospheric CO2 concentration, absolute air humidity (AH), physical and chemical soil ~roperties as well as biological properties were measured. Understory species were assessed via 100 random quadrats (5 m x 5 m) in each of the five forests in which a total of 75 species were recorded encompassing 67 genera from 37 families, consisting of 32 shrubs and 43 plant saplings. DMF was the most dense forest with 34,068 understory individuals per ha of different species, whereas the lowest understory population (13,900 per ha) was observed in the savanna. Ordination and correlation revealed that microclimate factors are most important in their effect compared to ~daphic factors, on the development of understory vegetation in the various forest communities in the north of India.  相似文献   

In Greece, deciduous oak forests usually provide both, wood production and grazing of understory vegetation. Grazing as a management tool was assayed in a deciduous oak coppice forest of 2000 ha under conversion during the management period of 1991–2005 in Central Macedonia, Greece. In this forest, 1340 cows and 3880 goats were grazing from May to October along the years. The impact of grazing pressure on forest growth was related to the difference of the overall wood stock in two sampling times conducted during the management period of 1991 and 2005. Three grazing pressures were distinguished in the forest: heavy, moderate and light. The moderate grazing improved tree growth and provided significant wood production during the management period. It has also resulted in a sustainable production of herbage and browse in the understory, supporting the maintenance of the livestock. It seems that the conversion of a deciduous oak coppice forest to a high forest along with livestock grazing in the understory is a very efficient management scheme for sustainable production in such a forest.  相似文献   

In response to concerns about the effects of traditional timber harvesting practices on biodiversity, we examined the effects of alternative silvicultural systems, including partial cutting and modified herbicide use on understory plant communities in an aspen-dominated mixedwood stand. These alternative silvicultural systems match disturbance rates that, based on the intermediate disturbance hypothesis, would support more diverse understory vegetation communities than uncut or clear-cut forests treated with a broadcast spray. Our results indicated that both understory vegetation cover and number of plant species increased at 5 and 10 years after timber harvesting in aspen-dominated boreal mixedwood stands. The highest amount of understory vegetation cover were found in the pre-harvesting herbicide spray treatment areas, likely because understory plants were not directly exposed to the herbicide, whereas the most species occurred in the partial cutting treatment, which represented the most diverse stand structure with both harvested and leave corridors. Understory composition by percent cover of individual species at 10 years post-harvesting was affected by all treatment attributes (i.e., level of harvesting removal, type and time of herbicide application, and mechanical site preparation); however, understory vegetation responded the most to harvesting level. Among treatments, the difference in understory composition was largely attributed to changes in understory species of different shade tolerance.  相似文献   

The effect of fires on Cerambycidae, Buprestidae and Lucanidae were studied at 23 sites within a chestnut forest in southern Switzerland. We compared six unburnt sites, two freshly burnt sites, eight sites which burned once at different times in the last 30 years, and seven sites where fires occurred repeatedly in the last 30 years. The diversity and the species composition of the three xylobiont families were related to various ecological variables at two levels of spatial scale, a small scale of 0.25 ha and a large scale of 6.25 ha. These variables were: fire frequency, time since the last fire, clear cutting after the fire, forest structure, amount of dead wood, and habitat mosaic. The fire does not have a direct effect on the xylobiont beetles community at small scale; however, fire has an indirect effect by maintaining a relatively open forest structure. The mosaic of forest areas burnt with different frequencies and at different times was an important factor influencing species richness and species composition at the large spatial scale.Data presented here supports the strategy to conserve the diversity and includes species composition of xylobiont fauna in deciduous forests: (i) at small spatial scale, to maintain highly structured and relatively open stands with large amounts of dead wood and big oak trees; (ii) at large spatial scale, to favour a mosaic of different forest habitats and successional stages. A forest offering a good structural diversity is important for maintaining landscape complexity and thus a high species richness of xylophagous beetles.  相似文献   

广南县岩溶森林保护及石漠化治理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
岩溶洞隙和孔隙、强降雨、土壤流失、较大坡度的地貌以及人为因素对森林植被的破坏是岩溶石漠化的主要原因。岩溶地区生态环境的脆弱与其恢复的难度决定了岩溶森林保护的重要性。要限制薪材及薪材树种的消耗,控制用材消耗,以达到保护的效果。以恢复森林植被为主题的岩溶石漠化治理包括半石漠化山地、耕地、工矿地的治理和石漠化土地的治理。  相似文献   

The eastern Canadian boreal forest exhibits a specific disturbance regime where forest fires are less frequent than in the western part. This particularity may explain the abundance of irregular stands with distinct ecological features. To ensure sustainable forest management, these characteristics require the implementation of an adapted silviculture regime. In this context, two selection cutting methods were developed and compared with more conventional techniques, initially designed for cutting more regular stands of the boreal forest (cutting leaving small merchantable stems, careful logging preserving advance regeneration). The comparison focused on the capacity of treatments to maintain the primary attributes of irregular boreal forests, including complex vertical structure, abundant tree cover, species composition, and an abundance of dead wood. Mortality and regeneration processes were also compared.  相似文献   

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