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杭州城市住宅区绿化植物的群落结构与多样性分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对杭州市13个不同建设时期的住宅区绿化植物群落结构和多样性进行调查与分析,结果表明:群落结构以桂花和香樟为乔木层主体树种,下层以龙柏和山茶为优势,绿篱和地被灌木以红花檵木和金边黄杨为最多,草本和草坪植物以结缕草和麦冬最为常见;乔灌草整合物种丰富度指数(Sp)在16~58,小乔木和灌木层的物种丰富度指数(Sp)、多样性Simpson指数(D)、Shannon-Wiener指数(H)及均匀度指数(JH)相对较高,乔木层、绿篱和地被灌木层次之,草本和草坪植物相对较低;多样性指数与住宅绿地功能区块多样性布局及建设时期有一定的关系,绿地功能区块布局多的住宅区的多样性指数较高,建设年代较早的住宅区的多样性指数较低.  相似文献   

为揭示阔叶红松林次生演替阶段群落多样性状况,研究生物多样性指数与环境因子的关系,为该区植被保护、植被恢复提供理论支持。运用物多样性指数、典范对应分析和次生演替的空间序列代替时间序列方法,以大小兴安岭过渡区阔叶红松林不同演替阶段群落为研究对象,设置33个网格样地数据,记录每个样地的物种多度、盖度、频度及土壤环境数据,测定12个环境指标。结果表明:1原始阔叶红松林群落经过顺行演替向逆行演替发展,演替趋势为:原始阔叶红松林→天然次生阔叶林→天然次生针叶林→次生裸地;2保存较好的原始阔叶红松林物种多样性指数最高,物种最丰富,其次是天然次生阔叶林,物种多样性指数最低的是次生裸地,群落结构简单。3物种多样性指数与纬度、土壤含水率、土壤全氮含量相关性最大。  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between forest succession following fire and the composition of bird communities, we investigated the vegetation structure, bird population density, foraging behavior and guild structure in bamboo grasslands (11 years since the last fire), pine savanna (41 years), pine woodland (58 years), old-growth hemlock forest (never burned), and old-growth spruce forest (never burned) in the Tatachia area of central Taiwan. Canopy height, total foliage cover, tree density, total basal area of tree, total basal area of snags, foliage height diversity, and tree species richness all increased with successional age. However, shrub cover peaked in intermediate successional stages. The vertical profile of foliage cover was more diverse in later successional forests, which had more breeding bird species and ecological guilds. All the breeding bird species recorded in early and intermediate stages were also found distributed in the late successional forests. Because Taiwan has high precipitation and humidity, and most forest fires in Taiwan are caused by human activities, forest fires and large areas of early successional vegetation were probably rare in the mountain areas of Taiwan prior to the arrival of humans. Therefore, bird species have not had enough time to adapt to areas with early or intermediate successional vegetation. Moreover, late successional forests host all the major plant species found in the early and intermediate stages and have higher foliage height diversity index, which was positively correlated with the bird species richness and bird species diversity index in this study. As a result, all breeding bird species and guilds in the area can be found in late successional forests. Efforts for conserving avian diversity in Taiwan should focus on protecting the remaining native old-growth forests.  相似文献   

This paper examines the results of plantings of the Mediterranean pine species, Pinus halepensis and Pinus pinea, in a degraded Mediterranean kermes oak (Quercus coccifera) shrubland in Northern Greece, which were accomplished in order to mitigate ecosystem degradation. Plant establishment and the vegetation differences between the degraded ecosystem’s previous state and the new state following reforestation were measured in order to evaluate the effect of reforestation. Monitoring of the seedling survival and growth of the planted species was carried out during the next five years. In the fifth year we conducted botanical inventories in 18 and 15 plots (50 m2 in size) from the reforested and control area, respectively. Plant community parameters estimated were: vegetation composition, total plant cover, planted species cover, native woody, herb and grass species cover, plant species richness, Shannon-Weiner index, community structure and dominant plant height. P. halepensis exhibited higher survival and growth than P. pinea. The reforested area exhibited higher plant diversity, higher vegetation cover, taller plants and more complex community structures than the control area, which concludes that plantings of pines can be successfully used in degraded ecosystem reforestation projects, in areas with similar site conditions.  相似文献   

任信在  李宇新 《林业研究》2001,12(4):243-246
在南韩东北部,1997-1998年间,自4月至12月对人工林和无枯死木生境及采伐后保留地被物的落叶次生林中的小型鼠类种群特征进行了调查。在两块林地中各选择1 hm2(100m100m)样地作为控制区和处理区。两块研究地的中上层林冠结构基本相似,但倒木及地被物的数量及比例却显示控制区大于处理区。两区域中共捕到两种小型鼠类,其中棕背 (Eothenomys regulus)211只,占总数的55.5%,大林姬鼠(Apodemus peninsulae)169只,占44.5%。这两种鼠类的丰富度及种群稳定性在控制区明显优于处理区。两地小型鼠类的不同捕获量主要来自两地鼠类繁殖率和居留率的不同。显然,森林地被结构对小型鼠类的生存具有重要意义。因此,采伐迹地中保留枯死木及地被物是维持小型鼠类种群所必须的。  相似文献   

于2004--2005年对云南元谋干热河谷捕食性昆虫多样性进行调查,报道元谋干热河谷捕食性昆虫89种(含待定种10种),其中印度暗带螳为中国新记录,云南新记录有11种;步甲科种类最丰富,占所有捕食性昆虫种类的19.1%.元谋干热河谷9种生境捕食性昆虫群落多样性的排序为:桉树印楝林>多树种混交的人工林>印楝林>明油子--扭黄茅灌草丛>云南松林>桉树新银合欢林>桉树林>牛筋条一黄荆林>余甘子一明油子灌木林.许多人工植被与自然植被捕食性昆虫群落之间相似性较高,反映出人工种植的乔木尚不能影响植物群落发展.人工封育措施对桉树印楝林的多样性保护起到了积极作用;草本层和地被物不发达、地表裸露是制约捕食性昆虫群落多样性的主要因素.提出对分布较狭窄的自然植被及草本层不发达的人工植被进行优先保护和修复的建议.  相似文献   

武夷山国家级自然保护区植物物种多样性研究   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
兰思仁 《林业科学》2003,39(1):36-43
以植物群落调查样地资料为基础,从不同类型、不同层次的物种丰富度、多样性指数及均匀度指数对武夷山国家级自然保护区植物群落多样性进行了分析。本区植物群落多样性的变化规律为:物种丰富度、多样性指数及均匀度随该区植被演替趋势从针叶林、针阔叶混交林到常 阔叶林而增加,群落间变幅较大;植物生长型在物种丰富度、多样性指数及均匀度等多样性指数上均表现出灌木层>乔木层的规律。毛竹林作为一种重要的植被类型,其灌木层物种多样性高于其它3种森林类型,但由于毛竹是无性繁殖,其在林分中占绝对优势,故乔木层物种多样性明显低于其它3种森林类型。  相似文献   

To investigate the woody species composition,diversity and structure of Kuandisha Afromontane forest,vegetation and environmental data were collected from 53 plots of 10 m 9 50 m for trees and shrubs and 265 subplots of 2 m 9 4 m for seedlings were laid along eight transect lines. The local name, scientific name, abundance,DBH, height and percentage foliage cover of species were recorded. Environmental variables, namely altitude, latitude and longitude as well as disturbance levels were also recorded in each plot. Structure, basal area, importance value index(IVI) and species prioritization were analyzed using spreadsheet programs. Correlation coefficients, frequency, relative frequency, Shannon diversity index,Shannon evenness and vegetation classification were analyzed using an R package. Sixty-six species belonging to40 families were recorded. Fabaceae was the most diverse family consisting of seven species, followed by Euphorbiaceae and Asteraceae. In terms of habit, 29 species were trees, 28 were shrubs, and 9 were lianas. The overall Shannon diversity index was 2.5. The frequency and relative frequency of woody species with DBH C2.5 cm ranged from 1.9 to 92.5 and 0.1 to 5, respectively. Seedling density varied among species ranging from five to 9938 individuals ha-1. The total basal area of woody species having DBH C2.5 cm is 15.3 m2ha-1. The IVI of species ranged from 0.13 for Solanum giganteum Jacq. to 28.4 for Croton macrostachyus Del. The woody vegetation was classified into five community types. Species richness,diversity and evenness of communities were strongly positively correlated. On the other hand, the correlation between disturbance and seedling density, and species richness was strongly negative. Thus, among the recorded woody species, a significant portion was either lacking regeneration or selectively removed for various purposes.The lack of seedlings of those species is mainly attributed to anthropogenic disturbances particularly free grazing. As a result, 14 tree, seven shrub and one liana species were prioritized for conservation and management interventions.  相似文献   

为研究香格里拉市高寒山区工程边坡迹地植物群落结构,以香格里拉普朗尾矿区工程边坡迹地为研究对象,研究其植物群落的物种组成、物种相似性及物种多样性。结果表明:工程迹地乔木层的优势种主要是丽江云杉,灌木层优势种以川滇高山栎为主,其次是滇西北小檗和西南蔷薇,草本层优势种以苔草、蒿等植物为主,未受破坏的自然林地植物优势种更为多元化;工程迹地1年自然恢复样地与自然群落样地物种相似性指数较小,为0.03~0.30;工程迹地多年自然恢复样地物种与自然群落样地物种相似性系数较高,最高为0.43;F1样地草本层Simpson多样性指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均较大,但不同工程迹地之间差别较小。草本层自然恢复较快,在演替早期,草本植物中的蒿、苔草、野青茅及西南鸢尾等植物,可作为工程迹地植被恢复的先锋植物。  相似文献   

南京紫金山春季蛾类多样性研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用灯诱的方法对紫金山4种不同植被类型鳞翅目蛾类资源进行了调查.共收集蛾类1182只,隶属于9总科、21科、155属176种.应用Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、均匀度、优势度、相似性系数等分析了紫金山不同植被类型蛾类的多样性.结果表明:紫金山阔叶林蛾类多样性较高,种类较丰富;针阔混交林、针叶林、竹林等植物群落正处于演替的某个中间阶段.蛾类多样性指数不受均匀度影响.植物群落及生态环境的差异是导致蛾类群落结构差别的主要因素.蛾类可作为环境变化的指示物种.  相似文献   

通过对南方山地不同林龄水杉人工林生态系统进行全面调查与群落特征的比较研究。结果表明:不同林龄水杉林林下植物种类数量表现为27年生水杉林>32年生水杉林,27年生水杉林的多样性指数均大于32年生水杉林,27年生水杉林林下植被发育较好,有利于林分群落结构的改善和水杉人工林生态系统生产力的维持。  相似文献   

The joint and independent effects of dominant tree species, forest patch spatial attributes, and forest structure and management as drivers of plant species richness and composition in small forest patches scattered within an intensive agricultural landscape were addressed.In a landscape with scattered urban and intensive dairy agricultural areas in north-west Portugal, within which small forest patches (dominated by pines, eucalypts, or both) represent semi-natural habitat islands, 50 small forest patches, with areas ranging between 0.3 and 3 ha, were selected and surveyed for vascular plant diversity, within dairy farming landscape mosaics dominated by annual forage crops. Explanatory variables were composed of three datasets derived either from GIS mapping or field observations: forest type (dominant tree species), forest patch spatial attributes (patch area and shape index), and measures of forest management and structure (diameter at breast height, tree density per hectare, and percentage cover of vegetation strata). Variations in these forest patch attributes were assessed across forest types, and related to measures of plant diversity (total, native, alien, woody, and herbaceous species richness). Redundancy analysis with variance partitioning was applied to evaluate the joint and independent effects of the three sets of variables on species assemblages. The recent shift in canopy dominance from pine to eucalypt observed in the region appears to be related to a (nonsignificant) tendency for the increase of patch area and to the decrease of patch complexity, as well as several changes in forest structure and management, expressed as a trend to denser tree canopies and lower cover of understory plants. Dominant tree species and attributes related to forest structure and management were the most important factors determining plant diversity. The joint effect of the dominant tree species and forest structure and management resulted in lower levels of plant species richness in eucalypt plantations. These were also more prone to invasion by alien species, probably due to decreased biotic resistance from unsaturated native plant assemblages. Our results draw attention to the importance of dominant tree species and management practices for the maintenance of plant diversity levels (species richness and composition) in dairy landscape mosaics, highlighting the importance of the remnants of semi-natural forests as refuges for plant diversity in the landscape context. Nonetheless, forest plant diversity could further be fostered by promoting naturalness of pine stands and the regeneration of native oak woodlands in some forest areas. This would also diversify the range of ecosystem services that could be provided by forest areas in these peri-urban farmlands.  相似文献   

Intensive forest management practices often disturb understory vegetation, and the recovery of these plant communities may depend on the type and severity of the disturbance. We examined the effects of stump removal and N-fertilization on understory plant communities and functional group (shrubs, graminoids, forbs, and introduced species) cover and diversity at five study areas in the Pacific Northwest of North America 24–28 years after treatment. Treatments at each study area included stumped and non-stumped controls as well as four levels of broadcast ammonium nitrate (0, 336, 672, and 1345 kg N ha−1) in all combinations. Stumping had significant effects on community composition at all sites, and several plant species were associated (p < 0.05) with either controls or stumped plots. Diversity of graminoids, forbs and introduced species increased in stumped areas region wide. Stumping reduced cover and diversity of shrubs at some sites. Cover of graminoids and forbs also increased in stumped plots at some study areas. Forbs like Viola sempervirens were often indicators of stump removal while shrubs such as Acer circinatum tended to be associated with non-stumped plots. N-fertilization affected community composition at only one study area, and had no effects on cover or richness of functional groups. Stump removal has lasting impacts on plant communities and may make them more vulnerable to colonization by introduced species.  相似文献   

选取河西走廊中部封育3、5、8、12、13、14年和未封育的荒漠植被,采用样带结合样方法进行野外植被调查,运用重要值、Levins生态位宽度指数和Pianka生态位重叠指数进行研究,分析了荒漠植被对资源的利用情况,揭示不同封育年限荒漠植被群落中种群生态位格局。结果表明,随着封育年限的延长和群落的演替,物种丰富度指数先增高后降低;物种均匀度指数和多样性指数呈先增高后降低再增高的变化趋势;物种重要值呈先降低再增高又降低的变化趋势。生态位宽度大的主要集中在盐生草、驼蹄瓣、刺沙蓬、苔草、沙蒿、画眉草、锋芒草、羊茅、红砂、青蒿等,说明这些植物适应环境能力强,能够充分利用环境资源,而且在群落中处于优势地位。  相似文献   

南京紫金山夏季蛾类群落结构及其动态分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
紫金山不同植被类型夏季蛾类分别隶属于10总科24科253属338种.应用多样性、均匀度、优势度等指标对不同植被类型蛾类的群落结构以及时间动态进行了分析.结果表明:夏季是紫金山蛾类的主要发生时期,紫金山蛾类昆虫较为丰富,蛾类的种类、数量与生境的复杂程度呈正相关;植物群落及生态环境的差异是导致蛾类群落结构差别的主要因素,蛾类可作为环境变化的指示物种;各植被类型的优势种差异较大,相似性系数处于中等不相似水平;多样性指数不受均匀度影响,说明紫金山针阔混交林、针叶林、竹林等植物群落正处于演替的某个中间阶段;不同时期蛾类的结构组成和多样性存在明显差异.优势种群季节性变化显著.  相似文献   

Plantation forests comprise an important part of the forested areas in European countries. Intensive forestry management and short-rotation cycles of plantation forests reduce habitat diversity and change the composition of invertebrate assemblages, mainly by reducing the number of habitat specialist species. Here, we analysed the effect of vegetation structure, amount of dead organic matter (DOM) and plantation age on spider functional diversity and assemblage structure in short-rotation plantations of native silver poplar in Hungary. Three stages, representing young plantations, 6- to 10-year-old stands (five stands), middle-aged plantations, aged between 23 and 26 years (five stands) and mature, 35- to 37-year-old forests at commercial maturity (five stands) were sampled. Each sample consisted of the data of ten pitfall traps. Traps were installed 5 m from each other in a 2 × 5 grid. Functional diversity was positively related to vegetation structure. High functional diversity indicates a higher number of available niches and potential resources. The abundance of moist habitat species and forest specialist species was positively correlated with DOM. Furthermore, moist habitat species were also related to vegetation structure. The most important environmental parameters affecting spiders were factors attributed to trees (litter and DOM), understory vegetation structure and, to a lesser extent, forest age. Different-aged stands may be similar in terms of species composition of their spider fauna if they comprise the same habitat structural patterns. Our study emphasises that the simple habitat structure of plantation forests has a negative effect on spider communities.  相似文献   

Plant diversity plays key ecological roles in forest ecosystems, including influencing succession, resilience and nutrient cycling. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of livestock grazing and human uses on herbaceous species diversity. We surveyed 50 ha of protected area and 50 ha of unprotected area to evaluate herbaceous species diversity in oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) forests in northern Iran. We calculated and compared three indices each of diversity and evenness, and species richness between the two areas. Herbaceous cover was higher in the unprotected area while leaf litter depth and tree canopy cover were higher in the protected area. The diversity indices, H (Shan- non-Wiener index ), N~ (McArthur index), N2 (Hill's index), EQ (Modified Nee index), E,ar (Smith-Wilson index), E5 (modified index of Hill) and R=S (species richness) and species richness R=S were greater in the protected area than in the unprotected area, suggesting that protection from grazing results in increased numbers of plants and species. The effect of land protection on plant diversity was more pronounced for evenness than for species richness and the positive correlation between diversity and evenness indices was higher than that between diversity and richness.  相似文献   

基于MODIS-NDVI的乐安湿地植被覆盖动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乐安湿地作为长江上游生态屏障的重要组成部分,是大凉山生态建设的重点区域;也是高原湿地在海拔2 500 m^3 000 m典型生态系统。植被覆盖度(植被的垂直投影面积与单位面积之比)是反映湿地植物生长状况的重要生态学参数,在评估和监测湿地生态环境方面发挥着重要的作用。本文利用2011-2015年的MODIS归一化植被指数数据,应用像元二分法估算了布托乐安湿地保护区的植被覆盖度及其变化趋势,分析了乐安湿地保护区内植被覆盖度变化,旨在为保护区生态环境评价及管理提供科学依据。研究表明乐安湿地保护区植被覆盖度状况良好,中度及其以上等级植被覆盖区占研究区比重较大,超过50%;5年间,保护区植被覆盖度总体上呈现稳定状态,但是不同等级,不同时段的植被覆盖变化趋势不同;植被覆盖度在空间上呈现以万吨山、四棵乡一线向两侧降低的总体趋势。与海拔3 500 m左右的若尔盖湿地相比,乐安湿地植被覆盖度分布主要受地形、水热条件限制,以及人为活动因素的影响。  相似文献   

运用α和β物种多样性指数分析热带地区海南中部山区草地、灌丛、次生林和原始林植被演替过程中物种多样性变化规律。结果表明,物种丰富度指数、Margalef's指数和Shannon-Wiener指数能较好地反映不同演替阶段间的物种多样性大小差异;而Alatalo均匀度指数能较好反映物种分布变化。从草地到原始林阶段,群落α物种多样性呈连续增大趋势。Jac-card和Srenson相异性指数能较好地反映不同演替阶段群落间的物种更替,且呈单峰曲线变化,在灌丛与次生林过渡阶段最大。  相似文献   

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