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[目的]为了解雷州半岛尾巨桉速生人工林生态系统的C、N、P分配格局及化学计量特征。[方法]采用空间换时间的方法,选取雷州半岛4种不同林龄(1、3、5、7 a)的尾巨桉人工林为研究对象,对尾巨桉叶片、凋落物及土壤的C、N、P含量及化学计量特征进行测定分析。[结果]表明:C、N含量表现为叶片凋落物土壤,P含量表现为叶片土壤凋落物,且3个库间差异显著;土壤的C含量随林龄增加而增加,N、P含量差异不显著,土壤C∶N随林龄的增加而增加,说明土壤有机质分解速率逐渐下降;凋落物的C∶N为54. 07 92. 18 ( 25),表明尾巨桉林下凋落物分解速率较慢,N元素成为主要限制凋落物分解的元素,凋落物的C∶N随林龄的增加先增加后下降,凋落物分解速度先降低后升高;叶片的N∶P为10. 80 12. 98,说明中幼林龄尾巨桉受N限制较明显。相关性分析表明:凋落物养分元素含量受叶片限制,土壤养分含量受凋落物限制,表明生态系统内部C、N、P元素在植物、凋落物与土壤之间实现了运输和转换。[结论]雷州半岛尾巨桉中、幼林龄时期土壤有机质及凋落物分解速率较慢;随林龄的增加,土壤有机质、凋落物分解速率下降,N元素成为其主要分解限制性元素,林分生长受N限制明显。  相似文献   

不同立地条件下华北落叶松叶凋落物的分解特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用凋落袋法,研究2种立地条件下不同林分密度华北落叶松人工林叶凋落物基质质量、分解速率的差异。结果表明:海拔与坡度是造成2种立地(地位级Ⅲ,Ⅳ)差异的主要因子,华北落叶松叶凋落物季节失质量率均表现出双峰曲线,且在秋季失质量率最高。2种立地条件下,叶凋落物半衰期分别为2.57,2.67年,完全分解分别需要11.09,11.24年。叶凋落物年平均失质量率、分解速率及初始无机养分含量均表现出立地Ⅲ高于立地Ⅳ。与立地Ⅳ相比,在立地Ⅲ下,C/N均值、木质素含量均值更有利于凋落物分解。经t检验分析,2种立地条件下叶凋落物初始无机养分含量之间并无显著差异性,而有机养分中木质素含量、有机碳含量之间差异显著(P<0.05)。相关分析表明:凋落物分解速率与全碳、C/N、凋落物层厚度呈极显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.735,-0.569,-0.758。叶凋落物质量指标表明:在立地Ⅲ条件下,林分密度为1675株·hm-2最为有利于凋落物分解;在立地Ⅳ条件下,则以林分密度1300株·hm-2最为有利于叶凋落物分解。  相似文献   

C、N、P元素的养分循环过程是影响森林生态系统结构与功能的关键因素。以广西不同林龄桉树人工林为研究对象,分析桉树幼龄林(1a)、中龄林(2a)、近熟林(3a)、成熟林(5a)、过熟林(8a)叶—凋落物—土壤的C、N、P化学计量特征及其内在联系,探讨林龄对桉树人工林生态化学计量的影响,为桉树人工林可持续经营提供参考。结果表明:1)桉树人工林叶、土壤呈现高C低N、P的元素格局,凋落物呈现高C、P低N的元素格局;叶的C、N、P含量从幼龄林到近熟林呈先增后减趋势,反映桉树人工林早期对养分需求旺盛,随年龄增大需求减小。2)不同林龄叶C、N、P差异显著(P<0.05),凋落物与土壤的N、P、C∶N、C∶P、N∶P均差异显著(P<0.05),凋落物C∶P与叶N∶P、C∶P显著正相关(P<0.05),凋落物N∶P与叶的C∶P、N∶P之间呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),说明凋落物养分源自叶,土壤与叶的C、N、P均不相关。3)与叶相比,凋落物中N、P含量偏低,C∶N、C∶P偏高;土壤C∶P、N∶P偏低,说明土壤P素分解较快,可适时施以磷肥来弥补土壤速效磷的不足;土壤C∶N偏高表明土壤有机质具有较慢的矿化作用。中龄林、近熟林和成熟林叶N∶P<14,生长过程受N限制;中龄林、近熟林和成熟林凋落物分解的主要限制性元素是N,而幼龄林凋落物分解的主要限制性元素是P。  相似文献   

采用凋落物袋法研究土壤温度和水分含量对不同立地条件下马尾松林凋落物叶分解的影响.结果表明:分解540天后,20,30和46年生林分凋落物叶干质量剩余率分别为63.57%,59.80%和65.50%,30年生林分与20,46年生林分差异显著;凋落物叶分解速率与土壤温度呈极显著二次函数关系(P<0.01),与土壤水分含量呈线性关系但相关性不显著(P>0.05),凋落物叶分解速率与土壤水分含量/土壤温度比值呈极显著三次函数关系(P<0.01);20,30和46年生林分土壤水分含量/土壤温度比值分别为0.91 ~ 14.99,0.49 ~4.57和0.63~11.25,且马尾松林土壤水分含量/土壤温度比值为0~4.0时凋落物叶分解相对较快,4.0~12.0时分解相对较慢.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨竹林与其林下植被凋落物叶之间相互影响的潜在机制,为合理经营管理毛竹林林下植被提供理论参考。[方法]采用原位分解袋法研究了四川长宁毛竹与林下植被芒箕凋落物叶分解和养分释放过程。[结果](1)芒箕凋落物叶初始C、N、P含量和羟基碳高于毛竹(P 0. 05),而C∶N、C∶P、烷基碳、氧烷基碳和芳香碳低于毛竹(P 0. 05)。(2)凋落物叶分解和养分释放速率芒箕整体高于毛竹,芒箕和毛竹分解常数(k)分别为0. 58±0. 03和0. 73±0. 02,C、N、P养分释放均表现为净释放。(3)凋落物叶混合对分解速率没有显著影响,但抑制了N、P元素整个分解周期和C元素中后期的释放。(4)凋落物叶分解过程中元素含量变化格局表现为C含量和C∶N比整体呈下降趋势,N含量和N∶P比有小幅上升,P含量有微弱的下降趋势,C∶P比呈波动性变化。(5)凋落物叶分解速率与土壤温度、初始凋落物叶N和P含量呈显著正相关(P 0. 01),与初始凋落物叶的C∶N和C∶P呈极显著负相关(P 0. 01),与土壤含水量相关不显著。[结论]单独分解过程中,毛竹凋落物叶分解速率低于林下植被芒箕,养分释放特征均表现为直接释放;混合分解过程中,毛竹和芒箕凋落物叶分解速率无显著混和效应,但养分释放的混合效应表现出一定负效应和不同阶段性。  相似文献   

森林凋落物分解研究进展   总被引:70,自引:4,他引:70  
系统评述森林凋落物的分解过程、凋落物分解及养分释放的影响因素、分解研究的方法等.森林凋落物的分解既有物理过程,又有生物化学过程,一般由淋溶、自然粉碎、代谢作用等共同完成.凋落物分解过程先后出现分解速率较快和较慢2个阶段,元素迁移一般呈现淋溶-富集-释放的模式.凋落物分解主要受气候、凋落物性质、微生物和土壤动物的影响,气候是最基本的影响因素,常用实际蒸散(actual evapotranspiration简称AET)作为指标.凋落物分解速率呈明显的气候地带性,与温度、湿度等紧密相关.从全球尺度来讲,凋落物质量对分解速率的影响处于次要地位,但在同一气候带内因AET变化较小,则起了主导作用.N、P和木质素浓度、C/N、C/P、木质素与养分比值是常见的凋落物质量指标,其中C/N和木质素/N最能反映凋落物分解速率.凋落物化学性质对其分解的影响作用又与分解阶段有关.凋落叶中N、P、K初始浓度高使得初期分解较快,而后期分解放慢.土壤理化性质及微生物区系也将不同程度地影响凋落物分解.尼龙网袋法(litter bag method)操作简单,是野外测定森林凋落物分解速率最常用的方法.除此之外,缩微试验也得到了广泛应用.目前普遍采用的衡量凋落物分解速率大小的指标主要有CO2释放速率、凋落物分解系数(k值)及质量损失率.在此基础上提出了指数衰减、线性回归等模型来模拟凋落物分解过程.尽管对凋落物分解在森林生态系统C、N、P循环、土壤肥力维持等方面已进行了较深入的研究,但未来研究应侧重以下方向:长期的定位观测;采用相对统一的研究方法,获得可比性强的数据进行综合;深化凋落物分解机理研究;探讨全球气候变化对森林凋落物分解的影响;评价营林措施(如林分皆伐、造林、施石灰和肥料等)对凋落物分解与养分释放的调节作用.  相似文献   

马尾松凋落物C∶N∶P化学计量特征对分解速率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以湖南省森林植物园马尾松林为研究对象,对马尾松凋落物的C、N、P含量及其化学计量特征对分解速率的影响进行研究。经过1年的分解试验,结果表明:马尾松凋落叶的C、N、P含量及C∶N、C∶P、N∶P均高于凋落枝的;凋落枝、凋落叶的分解速率分别为0.709 g/(g·年)和0.756 g/(g·年),凋落枝的分解速率也低于凋落叶的;凋落枝、叶的分解速率与C∶N∶P生态化学计量呈正相关关系。凋落枝的P含量以及C∶N、C∶P、N∶P与凋落叶的差异显著;凋落叶的C含量与凋落枝的C含量呈极显著正相关。  相似文献   

为探究氮(N)添加对油松(Pinus tabuliformis)人工林养分利用策略的影响及其随林龄的变化,以4个林龄油松人工林为对象,研究5个梯度(0、5、10、15和20 g/m2)N添加量对新生枝叶碳(C)、氮(N)和磷(P)含量及其化学计量比的影响,揭示油松人工林N利用策略及其对N添加的响应.结果显示,油松人工林新生枝叶的TC、TN和TP含量均随N添加量的增加呈先增加后减少的趋势,均在10或15 g/m2添加量下最高;枝叶的TC、TN和TP含量在不同林龄间均存在差异,枝的变幅分别为7.53%、13.37%和18.67%,叶的变幅分别为7.74%、13.67%和29.61%.新生枝叶的C/N、C/P和N/P均随N添加量的变化小幅变化,平均变幅为3.99%~9.91%;随N添加量增加,枝叶的C/N和C/P均呈先降低后升高的趋势,N/P持续升高;随林龄增加,枝叶的C/N和C/P均呈先升高后降低的趋势,均在37年生时最大,枝的N/P持续升高,叶的N/P先升高后降低.油松人工林生长受N限制严重;随N添加量和林龄增加,N限制有所缓解.  相似文献   

在弗罗里达州北部,对砂质土壤上的一组湿地松(Pinus elliottii)人工林年龄系列(3—36年生)的凋落物和分解动态进行了为期两年的测定。已郁闭的林分;(15—35年生)年平均总凋落物量为4993公斤/公顷。针叶凋落量随林分年龄增加而增加,峰值出现在15—16年,数量为4453公斤/公顷/年。然后随年龄增大而下降。针叶凋落物中N、P含量秋季最低,此时的凋落量最大;冬季凋落量最小,N、P含量最大。所有林分在试验的头18个月中,由针叶分解而引起的有机物损失量是相似的。24个月中林龄对分解率有显著的影响,老林的针叶分解时物质损失量比幼林低,2年平均分解率为15%1年,这比其它林型的分解率低。与其它林型相比,湿地松各林龄林分的新鲜针叶凋落物含木质素相对较高,而P、N较低。经24个月分解的针叶中,N含量保持相对的稳定,而P的含量比原来有所增加,增加率为0~90%。越老的林分针叶中P的积累量越大。养分贫瘠的立地条件下,缓慢的分解、矿化速度可能与人工林的建立、弱度林火频率的减少有关。  相似文献   

不同林分密度下叶凋落物基质物质、养分动态及分解速率研究对人工林密度管理具有重要的实践意义。2009—2011年应用分解网袋法对不同林分密度等级下叶凋落物3年间的分解速率、养分动态及化学成分的变化进行测定分析,结果表明:1)凋落物叶失重率年际变化为倒"V"型变化;高密度林分Ⅰ失重率在第3年与其它林分密度存在极显著差异,说明密度对凋落物分解的影响有时间效应。2)分解速率所体现出的林分密度调控效应与失重率及木质素与氮的比值在试验的3年内均保持负相关的变化规律,故木质素/氮、失重率可作为凋落物分解速率的预测指标;可用灰分含量作为周转时间的指示指标。3)N,K的养分动态为释放—固定循环模式;P为平衡波动—固定模式,Mg为持续固定模式,Ca表现出单一的释放—固定变化模式。  相似文献   

We investigated decomposition and nutrient release patterns of leaf and sheath litter of two important highland bamboo species (viz. Phyllostachys bambusoides Sieb. (Zucc.) and Arundinaria racemosa Munro) by using a litter bag technique. Our objective was to improve understanding of the addition of organic matter and nutrients to soil from the litter of two abundant highland bamboo species, species that support the local population of the region in many ways. N concentration and N/P ratio were significantly higher (p<0.01) in leaf litter of P. bambusoides. Significantly, larger values of lignin concentration, C/N ratio, and lignin/N ratio were found in the sheath litter of A racemosa. Weight loss of both leaf and sheath litter was strongly positively correlated with N and N/P ratio, and significantly negatively correlated (p<0.01) with C/N ratio. Lignin/N had a negative correlation with decay rate. In both species, only lignin concentration of the litter showed strong positive correlation with N release. Litter decomposition and N release patterns were similar for the two bamboo species, whereas, P release rate from leaf litter was higher in P. bambusoides and differed significantly between sheath and leaf litter for both species. The complex pattern of nutrient release through mineralization and immobilization during litter decomposition ensures nutrient availability in both managed and natural bamboo stands subjected to anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   

Rates of weight loss and nutrient (N and P) release patterns were studied in the leaf litter of the dominant tree species (Ailanthus grandis, Altingia excelsa, Castanopsis indica, Duabanga sonneriatioides, Dysoxylum binectariferum, Mesua ferrea, Shorea assamica, Taluma hodgsonii, Terminalia myriocarpa and Vatica lancefolia) of a tropical wet evergreen forest of northeast India. Nitrogen and phosphorus mineralization rate and decay pattern varied significantly from species to species. In general, the decay pattern, characterized by using a composite polynomial regression equation, exhibited three distinct phases of decay during litter decomposition—an initial slow decay phase (0.063% weight loss day−1), followed by a rapid decay phase (0.494% weight loss day−1) and a final slow decay phase (0.136% weight loss day−1). The initial chemical composition of the litter affected decomposition rates and patterns. Species like D. sonneriatoides, D. binectariferum, and T. hodgsonii with higher N and P content, lower carbon and lignin content, and lower C:N ratio and lignin:N ratio exhibited relatively faster decomposition rates than the other species, for example M. ferrea, C. indica and A. grandis. A slow decay rate was recorded for species such as M. ferrea, C. indica, and A. grandis. The initial N and P content of litter showed significant positive correlations with decay rates. Carbon and lignin content, lignin:N, and C:N showed significant negative correlations with decay rates. Soil total N and P, and rainfall, soil temperature, and soil moisture had positive correlations with decay rates. The rapid decomposition rates observed in comparison with other different forest litter decay rates confirm that tropical wet evergreen forest species are characterized by faster decomposition rates, indicating a faster rate of organic matter turnover and rapid nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of Ips typographus (L.) damage on initial litter quality parameters and subsequent decomposition rates of oriental spruce tree species [Picea orientalis (L.) Link]. The needle litter was collected from highly damaged, moderately damaged and control stands on two aspects (north and south) and two slope position (top and bottom) on each aspect. The litter was analyzed for initial total carbon, lignin and nutrient (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and manganese) concentrations. The variability in nitrogen and calcium concentrations and ratios of C:N, lignin:N and lignin:Ca was significantly affected by the insect damaged levels. While nitrogen concentrations in needle litter increased with increasing insect damage (and consequently the ratios of C:N and lignin:N decreased), calcium concentrations decreased (and consequently the ratio of lignin:Ca increased). Aspect and slope positions explained most of the variability in carbon, lignin, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and manganese concentrations and lignin:P ratio between all studied stands. Litter decomposition was studied in the field using the litterbag technique. The litter from highly damaged stands showed highest decomposition rates followed by moderately damaged and control stands. The mass loss rates were significantly positively correlated with initial nitrogen concentration and negatively with C:N and lignin:N ratios. The effects of microclimate resulting from canopy damage on litter decomposition was also examined at the same time using standard litter with the same litter quality parameters, but they showed no significant differences among the insect damage levels indicating that alteration of the litter quality parameters produced by I. typographus damage played a more important role than altered microclimate in controlling needle litter decomposition rates. However, changes in microclimate factors due to topography influenced decomposition rates.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to identify the differences in the decompositions of leaf litter, lignin and carbohydrate between coniferous forest and broadleaf forest at 20℃ and 30℃ in Huangshan Mountain, Anhui Province, China. Results showed that at 20℃ mass loss of leaf litter driven by microbial decomposers was higher in broadleaf forest than that in coniferous forest, whereas the difference in mass loss of leaf litter was not significant at 30℃. The temperature increase did not affect the mass loss of leaf litter for coniferous forest treatment, but significantly reduced the decomposition rate for broadleaf forest treatment. The functional decomposers of microorganism in broadleaf forest produced a higher lignin decomposition rate at 20℃, compared to that in coniferous forest, but the difference in lignin decomposition was not found between two forest types at 30℃. Improved temperature increased the lignin decomposition for both broadleaf and coniferous forest. Additionally, the functional group of microorganism from broadleaf forest showed marginally higher carbohydrate loss than that from coniferous forest at both temperatures. Temperature increase reduced the carbohydrate decomposition for broadleaf forest, while only a little reduce was found for coniferous forest. Remarkable differences occurred in responses between most enzymes (Phenoloxidase, peroxidase, !5-glucosidase and endocellulase) and decomposition rate of leaf litter to forest type and temperature, although there exist strong relationships between measured enzyme activities and decomposition rate in most cases. The reason is that more than one enzyme contribute to the mass loss of leaf litter and organic chemical components. In conclusion, at a community scale the coniferous and broadleaf forests differed in their temperature-decomposition relationships.  相似文献   

Decomposition dynamics were compared among green tree leaves, partially decomposed tree leaf litter (i.e., decayed tree leaf litter on forest floor) and a mixture of the two in a warm temperate forest ecosystem in central China to test the influence of litter chemical quality on the degree of decomposition. The study was conducted in situ at two contrasting forest sites, an oak forest dominated by Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata Maxim., and a mixed pine and oak forest dominated by Pinus armandii Franch. and Q. aliena var. acuteserrata. We found marked differences in the rate of decomposition among litter types at both forest sites; the litter decomposition constant, k, was about 39 % greater at the oak forest site and more than 70 % greater at the pine-oak forest site, for green leaves than for partially decomposed leaf litter. The decomposition dynamics and temporal changes in litter chemistry of the three litter types also greatly differed between the two forest sites. At both forest sites, the higher rate of decomposition for the green leaves was associated with a higher nitrogen (N) content and lower carbon to N ratio (C/N) and acid-unhydrolyzable residue to N ratio (AUR/N). We did not find any non-additive effects when mixing green leaves and partially decomposed leaf litter. Our findings support the contention that litter chemical quality is one of the most important determinants of litter decomposition in forest ecosystems at the local or regional scale, but the effect of litter chemical quality on decomposition differs between the contrasting forest types and may vary with the stage of decomposition.  相似文献   

The effects of clear-cutting on the decomposition rate of leaf litter and on nitrogen (N) and lignin dynamics were investigated in a temperate secondary forest. Decomposition processes were examined over an 18-month period by the litterbag method and compared between a clear-cut site and an adjacent uncut control site using leaf litter from five dominant tree species (Clethra barvinervis, Quercus serrata, Camellia japonica, Ilex pedunculosa and Pinus densiflora). The decomposition rate for litter from C. barvinervis, Q. serrata and I. pedunculosa was significantly greater in the clear-cut plot than in the control plot, and there was no significant difference between plots for C. japonica and P. densiflora. Water content of litter was consistently lower in the clear-cut plot than in the control plot. Nitrogen mass increased after 6 months in the control plot, whereas no net increase of N was observed in the clear-cut plot. Nitrogen concentration increased with respect to accumulated mass loss of litter and was consistently lower in the clear-cut plot for all five species. The mass of lignin remaining in decomposing litter was generally lower in the clear-cut plot, but lignin concentration in decomposing litter was not significantly different between the clear-cut and control plots.  相似文献   

Biomass and nutrient transfer (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) leaf litter fall, as well as decomposition and nutrient release, were studied in four mature forest stands situated in Central and South Sweden. Bilberry leaf litter fall amounted to between 33 and 55 kg ha‐1 yr‐1 in the four stands. Only minor differences between sites were noted for litter concentrations of N, P and Ca, whereas K and Mg showed somewhat larger variability. Relative amounts of the five nutrient elements in the litter fall were generally in the order N > Ca > K > Mg > P. The amounts of nutrients returned to the forest floor by the annual leaf litter fall in the stands ranged from 0.4 to 0.8 kg ha‐1 for N, 0.4 to 0.6 kg ha‐1 for Ca, 0.2 to 0.7 kg ha‐1 for K, 0.1 to 0.2 kg ha‐1 for Mg and 0.04 to 0.08 kg ha‐1 for P.

The decomposition of the local bilberry leaf litter was followed by means of litterbags during three years. At all sites there was an extremely rapid mass loss from the litter (between 45% and 54%) during the first four to five months of decomposition. After this initial phase, the decomposition rates decreased markedly and after three years the accumulated mass losses of the litters varied between 64% and 78% at the studied sites. After two and three years of decomposition, three of the sites exhibited almost similar litter mass losses whereas at the fourth site the litter was decomposed to a significantly lower degree. The pattern of nutrient release from the decomposing bilberry leaf litter differed somewhat from site to site. Minor differences were, however, noted for P, Ca and Mg while N and K were more strongly retained in the litter at one of the sites.  相似文献   

The influence of stand composition and age on forest floor chemical properties, nitrogen availability, and microbial activity was examined in mixed and pure stands of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and paper birch (Betula papyrifera). Decomposition of Douglas-fir and birch litter over two years as well as annual litter input was also measured. Mixed and pure stands of each species aged 10–25, 50–65 and >85 years old were selected in the Interior Cedar Hemlock (ICH) zone of southern interior British Columbia. Significantly more total N was mineralized in the forest floor of pure birch compare to that of pure Douglas-fir stands while forest floor of mixed species stands had intermediate N mineralization values. When sampling times were pooled forest floor N mineralization was lowest in the young stands compared to the older stands. Stand composition did not significantly affect litter decomposition were found in litter decomposition, microbial respiration and biomass. Stand age, however, did affect these parameters significantly. More birch litter mass was lost in young stands than in their older counterparts while the opposite trend was observed for fir litter. Generally, lower basal respiration, microbial biomass and Cmic/Corg was found in young compared to older stands. Concentrations and contents of forest floor total N and exchangeable K and Mg, and pH under pure birch were consistently higher compared to pure Douglas-fir. While forest floor total C, available P contents, exchangeable K and Mg concentrations were lowest in young stands, no differences were observed for total N and exchangeable Ca. All litter nutrient concentrations and contents were highest in pure birch stands. No clear trends could be discerned in litter nutrient concentration data among stand ages, although when converted to nutrient contents, there was a general increase with stand age. Both stand type and age had significant effects on forest floor properties and processes suggesting that stand age is another factor to evaluate when assessing the influence of forest composition on forest floor processes and chemistry. In terms of the effect of mixture, the data indicated that the maintenance of paper birch in mixed stands in these forest may have some effect on nutrient availability and status.  相似文献   

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