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针对蓝果树容器育苗及造林试验进行了研究,分析了蓝果树种子发芽、1a幼苗生长节律,造林后苗木生长情况。结果表明:大部分蓝果树种子发芽率在30%以下,发芽率不高;蓝果树1a容器苗高生长能达47.55cm,地径生长能达到0.46cm;造林3年后,高生长能达到463cm,地径生长能达到6.9cm左右。  相似文献   

宛田红花油茶播种育苗试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对宛田红花油茶的种子采集处理、种子主要参数测定及育苗方法进行试验和对苗木观测调查,初步研究了宛田红花油茶的育苗技术、苗期生长规律。结果表明:宛田红花油茶大田育苗播种量以420~450g/m^2为宜,1年生苗高平均可达35.2cm,地径平均0.55cm.根系较发达,可出圃造林;苗高、径生长高峰在7月下旬至9月上旬,期间应加强水肥管理,促进苗木生长。  相似文献   

研究了基质种类对核桃种子萌发及苗木生长的影响。结果表明:基质Ⅰ出苗率和成活率最低,分别为62.45%和55.32%,基质Ⅱ发芽率和成活率最高分别为76.83%和68.47%;基质Ⅰ苗木生长状况最差,平均苗高、平均地径和平均主根长分别为10.24、0.33、18.51cm,基质Ⅱ苗木的生长状况最佳,平均苗高、平均地径和平均主根长分别为10.24、0.45、26.49cm。  相似文献   

优良观果树种铁冬青播种育苗试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对铁冬青的种子采集处理、种子主要参数测定及育苗方法进行试验和对苗木观测调查,初步研究了铁冬青的育苗技术、苗期生长规律,结果表明:铁冬青大田育苗播种量以3~4g/m^2为宜,1年生苗高平均可迭56cm,地径平均0.52cm,根系发达,可出圃造林;苗高生长高峰在8月至9月上旬,期间应加强水肥管理,促进苗木生长。  相似文献   

红松播种种子不同处理方法效果的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张利萍 《防护林科技》2011,(3):43-44,72
通过对红松种子进行3种不同方法的处理,在播种后,调查和分析不同处理方法对苗木生长情况的影响.结果表明,不同处理方法对苗木的发芽时间、出苗时间及出苗率影响较大;对苗木的高、径等性状指标的影响较大.3种方法中最好的是越冬埋藏法,其平均苗高4.4 cm,平均地径2.49 mm,生物量全干质量31.14 g.  相似文献   

对椤木石楠的种子采集处理,种子主要参数及育苗方法进行了观测试验,初步研究了椤木石楠的育苗技术、苗期生长规律,结果表明:椤木石楠大田育苗播种量以0.035-0.040kg/m^2为宜,1年生苗高平均可达59cm,地径平均0.52cm,根系发达,可出圃造林;苗高生长有2个生长高峰期,分别在5月下旬至6月上旬和7月下旬至8月下旬,期间应加强水肥管理,促进苗木生长。  相似文献   

采用完全随机区组设计,对3种覆盖条件(切碎稻草、新鲜苔藓和地膜)下,南方红豆杉大田播种育苗苗木的种子出苗率、苗木保存率、苗高生长及地径生长的情况进行了研究.结果表明:3种不同覆盖条件对种子出苗率、苗木保存率、苗高和地径的影响从优到劣的顺序均为苔藓覆盖>地膜覆盖>稻草覆盖.不同圃地覆盖物对苗木的苗高生长产生了极显著的影响.新鲜苔藓覆盖下苗高生长最大,达到26.1 cm;而切碎稻草覆盖下苗高生长最小,为18.4 cm.不同圃地覆盖物对苗木的地径生长产生了显著的影响.新鲜苔藓覆盖下地径生长最大,达0.55 cm;而切碎稻草覆盖下地径生长最小,仅达0.43 cm.综合分析可知,新鲜苔藓是南方红豆杉大田播种育苗的首选覆盖物.  相似文献   

麻疯树种子应用高锰酸钾和吲哚丁酸不同浸种处理,采用大田和容器育苗,对不同的种子发芽率、苗木生长量进行观察比较,其苗木生长状况不同.试验结果:应用高锰酸钾浸种处理的种子平均发芽率92%、苗高36cm、地径粗0.35cm,应用吲哚丁酸浸种处理的种子平均发芽率97%、苗高42cm、地径0.42cm.吲哚丁酸浸种处理的种子平均发芽率、苗高、地径粗,分别比高锰酸钾浸种处理的种子平均发芽率高5.4%、苗高16.7%、地径粗20%.大田育苗的种子平均发芽率95%、苗高38cm、地径粗0.37cm,容器育苗的种子平均发芽率99%、苗高40.5cm、地径粗0.40cm.容器育苗的种子平均发芽率、苗高、地径,分别比大田育苗的种子平均发芽率高4.2%、苗高6.6%、地径粗8.1%  相似文献   

采用主成分分析、多维尺度分析和聚类分析,对福建省2012—2017年间繁育的红锥1年生容器苗的地径、苗高、生物量比、根幅比、成苗率和种子千粒重6个指标进行统计分析,筛选苗木质量主要性状指标,并分析相关量化标准。结果表明:影响红锥苗木质量的主要性状指标是苗木地径、苗高、生物量比和种子千粒重;根据统计分析结果,并结合苗木繁育生产实际,选定苗高和地径作为红锥容器苗质量分级的性状指标,制定得出Ⅰ级苗质量标准为:苗高≥35 cm,地径≥0.30 cm;Ⅱ级苗质量标准为:苗高≥25.0 cm,地径≥0.20 cm。研究结果可为红锥良种优苗的选择及苗木繁育生产上的苗木质量管理提供依据。  相似文献   

利用GGR6号对日本落叶松造林成活率、苗高生长量、地径生长量、苗木根系生物量进行试验,造林成活率显著提高,苗高提高40.1%,地径生长提高33.0%,生物量显著增加,符合生产实际,操作简便。  相似文献   

Seasonal and substrate effects on first-year seedling establishment of major conifer species (Abies mariesii, Abies veitchii, Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis, and Tsuga diversifolia) were assessed in an old-growth subalpine forest in central Japan. Older seedlings (≥1 year) were more abundant on woody debris (WD), such as fallen logs, than on soil. It is known that this preferential seedling establishment on WD is determined by the first-year seedling establishment. The present results indicate that first-summer seedling survivorship clearly contributes to the creation of such seedling–substrate associations, because mortality during the first-summer was greater on soil than WD but that during the first-autumn/winter was not different. Although the standardized mortality rate of current-year seedlings on WD was not so different among the three seasons, that on soil significantly decreased in the winter; indicating that soil is not an unsuitable substrate for seedling survivorship during snow-covered winter. Thus, it can be concluded that biotic and abiotic factors enhancing seedling mortality on soil are most active during summer, and seedling–substrate associations seem to be determined mainly during the first-summer soon after seedling emergence. Furthermore, the first-year survivorship of P. jezoensis var. hondoensis, which has smaller-sized seeds/seedlings that are disadvantageous for early survival, decreased with progressing WD decay toward soil. This suggests that the properties of WD also affect current-year seedling survivorship, especially for species sensitive to substrate properties. In conclusion, initial survivorship affects seedling bank dynamics, and such early dynamics are greatly regulated by the highly heterogeneous substrate availability on forest floors.  相似文献   

红楠播种育苗试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红楠为中国亚热带常绿阔叶林区,处于Ⅱb层即第二林层b亚层的常绿阔叶乔木树种,在侧方遮阴条件下生长良好,被列为生态公益林树种及园林工程景观绿化树种.对红楠随采随播和芽苗移栽进行试验研究,结果表明:从起苗到移栽的间隔时间限于3h之内;从播种开始到移栽时的芽苗生长期30 d为最佳时间;采用50孔穴盘规格54 cm X27 cm x9 cm(深度),生产红楠小苗,较为合适.  相似文献   

水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr.)是东北地区三大珍贵硬阔叶用材树种之一,也是东北地区的重要造林树种。研究了不同育苗密度对水曲柳床播苗木生长的影响,结果表明,当密度达到100株/m^2时,为最优育苗密度,其苗高、地径、主根长、侧根数、生物量最优,有利于优质壮苗的培育。  相似文献   

Seed mass and emergence time may influence fitness of plants. The experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of seed mass and emergence time on the performance of seedlings of Castanopsis chinensis, a large evergreen tree species with limited tolerance of shade. The treatment consisted of three light regimes: 100%, 15% and 2% of full sunlight. Germination rate and germination time showed a significant correlation with seed mass. Germination rate differed among the three light regimes. Early-emerging large-seeded seedlings in 100% light produced the heaviest seedlings, while those resulting from smaller late-emerging seeds and grown under 2% light regime produced the lightest seedlings. Relative growth rate (RGR) decreased with seed mass in all three light regimes, and seedlings of C. chinensis have a higher RGR in high and intermediate light levels compared to low light. In contrast, the effect of emergence time on RGR was not significant. The growth of C. chinensis seedlings were significantly influenced by seed size, emergence time, and light conditions. For each month, the mean height of seedlings was significantly greatest for large-seeded seedlings and significantly lowest for small-seeded ones, irrespective of emergence time and light conditions. Regeneration success of C. chinensis appears to be regulated by the interactive effect of seed mass, emergence time and light regime.  相似文献   

本文在怀宁县皖河滩地进行了4个杨树品系:湘林77、80、90和南林95的引种育苗试验,供试面积6.67hm2;2008年5月20日至10月20日,在不同品系杨树苗木中随机抽取一个标准行苗木,每隔15天调查一次地径、苗高,以进行不同杨树品系苗木生长规律与对比试验研究。结果表明:杨树4品系地径、苗高生长均随时间呈线性增加;不同品系苗木地径和苗高生长差异显著,南林95和湘林80表现最佳。  相似文献   

The dynamics of the seedling population of the pioneer tree, Betula maximowicziana, were studied for 6 years under various site conditions, with special reference to mortality and mortality factors, in order to better understand their seedling bank formation process. We found that current year seedlings suffered high annual mortality of more than 80%, but that mortality fell with age. Canopy covers and cohorts maintained strong influences on seedling mortality during the first 3 years after emergence. The open site with disturbed soil surface was best suited for 3-year seedling survival. Since the seedlings of B. maximowicziana emerged regardless of canopy covers, high seedling mortality was thought to be the main factor that interrupted their regeneration under a canopy. The occurrence of various hazards together caused high seedling mortality. The major mortality factors, regardless of site conditions, were drought, cold hazard and debilitation, though occurrence of the three factors varied, dependent upon the climate of that particular year. Annual mortality and the occurrence of each mortality factor at a fine scale of 0.2 m2 quadrate each showed certain spatio-temporal variations within the same site condition. The extremely high mortality of B. maximowicziana seedlings should be attributed to their inherently small, initial size. The poor root system of the small seedlings may be responsible for their low resistance to various hazards, such as drought and frost heaving.  相似文献   

安徽省毛竹实生苗造林苗木标准的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以不同规格毛竹实生苗造林3年生试验结果为依据,综合考虑毛竹实生竹苗的生物学特性、生境地区性、苗木优质性、生产可行性、经济许可性、综合代表性等因素,制订了安徽省毛竹实生苗标准。生产实践表明,该标准对促进和提高毛竹育苗技术水平具有较大的激励作用,促进了毛竹实生苗造林质量的不断提高。  相似文献   

小叶锦鸡儿1年生播种苗的生长规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小叶锦鸡儿1年生播种苗苗高、地径的生长变化及生物量组分分配模式的研究结果表明,苗高、地径的生长规律符合S形生长曲线,可用Logistic方程拟合,整个生长期可划分为4个阶段,即出苗期、生长初期、生长盛期和生长后期,其中生长盛期苗高、地径的生长量分别占年生长量的63.7%和54.5%。小叶锦鸡儿播种苗根、茎、叶的生物量分配比例为:23.8:25.2:51.0,地下部分与地上部分生物量之比(R/T)为0.312。苗高、地径与生物量呈线性相关。且地径与地上部分生物量和总生物量的相关系数分别大于苗高与两者的相关系数。  相似文献   

The Rothwald forest in Lower Austria represents one of the few never logged old growth forests in Central Europe. Here, the influence of windthrow pits and mounds on tree regeneration in a spruce-fir-beech mountain forest was studied. Two main factors for recolonisation of sites after disturbance were investigated: (i) the trapping ability of microsites for seeds and (ii) the ability of particular tree species to establish and grow on different microsites. On two one hectare permanent sample plots, pits resulting from windthrow with existing tree trunks were recorded. At each windthrow three microsites were determined: pit, pitwall and undisturbed forest floor. If the windthrow plate already collapsed and formed a mound, this microsite was recorded as well. Furthermore, a control site was established at each windthrow. For two years the development of seedlings at four different microsites and the according control sites were monitored. To describe the variability of environmental factors possibly influencing seedling establishment and survival, litter, humus and soil attributes, herb vegetation cover as well as light availability (GSF) were assessed. In addition, soil temperature, chemical soil properties and water content were recorded at randomly selected windthrows. The distribution of the seedlings was assessed with a Redundancy Analysis, its occurrence modelled with a logistic regression and the mortality analysed with the Kaplan-Maier lifetime function. In contrast to the assumption of seed accumulation in concave microsites because of secondary dispersal, the pit microsites show comparable seed rain to the control site. However, pits have the lowest seedling numbers and by far the highest mortality rates of seedlings. The thickness of leaf litter was identified as a major driver of suitability of a microsite for recolonisation. Through its thickness, it inhibits germination and smothering of seedlings poses a particular high hazard during the winter period. Also different establishment patterns of the investigated tree species were detected. The results indicate that windthrows create microsite heterogeneity and plant species richness but limit tree population size and spatial distribution of the occurring tree species.  相似文献   

播种前对雨豆树(Albizia saman (Jacq.) F. Muell.)的种子进行了5 种预先处理,研究种子预先处理对种子发芽和苗圃种苗发育的影响。实验是在孟加拉吉大港大学林业与环境研究所的苗圃进行。研究结果表明,在种子末端修剪(处理4)提高种子发芽率50%,在冷水中浸泡24 小时(处理1)提高种子发芽率42%,在开水中浸30 秒后再在冷水中浸泡24 小时(处理2),种子发芽完全被抑制。处理4 和处理1 的种子发芽率、种苗初期形态生长和生物量都明显高于对照组。因此,这2 种播种前的种子预处理方法,可用于提高雨豆树种子发芽率和促进早期壮苗生长。图2 表3 参30。  相似文献   

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