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通过对红豆树种子采取不同催芽处理方式进行育苗对比试验,结果表明:红豆树种子在播种前进行破皮+冷水浸泡处理,发芽率明显高于不进行催芽处理和单用60℃温水浸泡处理的种子,分别高出87.8%和41.9%;在出土时间上,破皮+冷水浸泡处理的种子比不处理和单用60℃温水浸泡处理的种子要早,分别早了24d和11d;发芽结束时间上,破皮+冷水浸泡处理的种子比不处理和单用60℃温水浸泡处理的种子少63d和30d;平均苗高分别高出29.2%和11.2%。  相似文献   

山椒子(Uvaria grandiflora Roxb.)作为一种野生果树资源,有重要的栽培和发展前景。本文探讨20、40、60℃温水浸泡种子对其发芽的影响,得出播种前用40℃温水浸泡种子1h可提高种子发芽率,缩短平均发芽时间,提高种子发芽能力,为今后山椒子播种育苗提供参考。  相似文献   

圆叶乌桕[Triadica rotundifolia(Hemsl.)Esser]是石灰岩地区次生林特有树种,该树种树形优美,叶形独特,秋季落叶前变红,是石灰岩山地极具应用前景的风景林树种。报道了不同种子处理方式对圆叶乌桕种子发芽率、发芽势和发芽势的影响。结果表明,应用98%H2SO4处理种子2min后清洗播种可显著提高圆叶乌桕种子的发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数,其它酸、碱、温水和人工破损种皮等处理方法虽然可提高种子的发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数,但效果不佳;90℃热水浸泡到自然冷却和10%硫酸处理种子12h等处理会直接伤害种子,因此种子萌发率低。该研究成果可为圆叶乌桕的开发利用及播种育苗工作提供参考资料。  相似文献   

奥氏黄檀属红木类珍贵用材树种,在常规条件下,奥氏黄檀种子发芽率相对较低,通过研究不同贮藏方式、不同种子处理及不同播种基质对奥氏黄檀种子萌发的影响,提高奥氏黄檀种子发芽率,结果表明,播种前,采用40℃温水浸泡自然冷却,再用冷水浸泡24h,种子发芽率为70.3%,高于其它处理;为保持种子有较高的活性,应将种子贮藏在低温(4-5℃)的环境中,发芽率较高,为69.3%;奥氏黄檀种子萌发适宜的基质为江沙+林地表土(体积比1︰1),种子在18d便开始出苗,完成出苗需33d,发芽率为72.7%,均高于其它4种基质。  相似文献   

不同预处理对酸枣种子发芽的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酸枣种子硬实率高达93.4%,自然条件下较难发芽出苗,进行一定处理可提高种子发芽率,有利于生产实践。本次试验对酸枣种子进行20 d和30 d层积催芽,60℃和35℃的温水浸种,浓硫酸浸种,4%NaOH浸种,29%H2O2浸种等预处理,测定不同的预处理方法对酸枣种子发芽的影响。结果表明:在发芽试验中,不同的预处理显著地提高了酸枣种子的发芽率,不同的预处理方法对种子发芽率的影响不同,低温层积30 d+98%硫酸带壳浸泡30 min+清水浸泡24 h+60℃温水浸泡48 h可以使酸枣种子的发芽率达到最高。  相似文献   

为克服秤锤树种子的发芽障碍,提高种子发芽率,试验小组采用酸蚀和药剂处理种子。结果表明:经过浓硫酸处理2 d,在裂口处理后,采用GA_3 500倍液浸泡24 h,低温层积至次年春季播种,种子发芽率为32%,苗木保存率为83%。  相似文献   

为了促进毛条种子萌发和解除休眠,播种前用热水浸泡种子,研究了不同水温浸种对种子萌发能力、胚根生长和内含物质转化的影响。结果表明:毛条种子播种前初始水温80℃浸泡种子24h后,各测定指标达到最大值,发芽率、发芽势分别为82.62%、48.24%,比对照(20℃)提高了38.31、37.19个百分点,发芽指数、胚根长、胚根鲜重、可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质含量分别为20.25、5.61cm、18.52mg/株、3.72mg/g和86.74mg/g,与对照(CK)处理水温20℃相比,分别提高了127.27%、82.41%、142.73%、659.18%和125.47%,差异均达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。建议毛条播种前用初始水温80℃浸泡种子来打破休眠和提高发芽率。  相似文献   

印楝种子寿命较短,在自然状态下,随着贮存时间的延长,生活力逐渐下降,其发芽能力也迅速降低。贮藏3周时,种子发芽率在80%左右,后迅速下降,尤其在第4周至第7周,每周发芽率降低约10%,至第8周时,其发芽率降到20%以下。在播种前采用1%H2SO4浸种15min或65℃温水浸种30min对印楝种子进行浸泡处理,可有效提高印楝种子发芽率和发芽势,其发芽率可达90%以上。育苗基质以50%大田土(苗圃内本土)+29%腐质土+10%河沙+10%厩肥+1%的复合肥的育苗效果较好。  相似文献   

通过采用不同温度处理、预先浸泡处理、不同浓度GA3处理等3种种子预处理方法进行柳叶水甘草种子萌发试验,结果表明:柳叶水甘草能够萌发的温度范围为15~30℃,最适萌发温度为25℃;预先浸泡处理对种子萌发率影响不显著,但显著提高种子发芽指数,浸泡时间为24时,种子发芽指数最高;预先用GA3浸泡有利于柳叶水甘草种子快速、整齐发芽,最适浓度为1 500×10~(-6)。  相似文献   

对影响海桑种子发芽的因子即光照、温度、海水盐度和pH值进行了研究.结果表明:海桑种子为需光种子,种子萌发需有光敏素的参与.缺乏光照是造成种子发芽率低和不整齐的主要原因,播种前将种子在湿润状态下用700lx的光照射24~36h或用体积分数为10-3的外源赤霉素(GA3)溶液浸泡36h,即可显著提高发芽率和发芽势;实验室发芽适宜温度为30~40℃,最适为35℃;海水盐度在10‰以下有利于海桑育苗,最适盐度为2.5‰;酸碱度对种子发芽影响不大,种子在pH为4~11时均可正常萌发生长.  相似文献   

Albizia saman (Jacq.) F. Muell. commonly known as rain tree seeds were treated with five pre-sowing treatments to study the effect of pre-sowing treatments on germination and initial seedling development in the nursery.The experiment was established in the nursery of the Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences.University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Results revealed that Nail clipping in one side of the seed (at the distal end of the seed) (T4) provides the highest (50%) seed germination. The second highest germination (42%) was obtained for the seeds treated with immersion in cold water for 24 h (T1). Germination was completely inhibited when the seeds immersed in boiled water for 30 s followed in cold water soaking for 24 h. Other germination parameter and initial morphological growth and biomass production of the seedlings was also higher for the treatments T4and Ti in comparison to the control (Ta)treatment. Pre-sowing treatments of T4 e.g. Nail clipping in one side of the seed (at the distal end of the seed) and T1 (Seeds immersed in cold water for 24 h) may be recommended for maximum germination and initial vigorous seedlings growth of Albizia sarnan in the nursery.  相似文献   

We investigated the morphology and germination of Tamarindus indica seeds in order to discover the effects of variation in seed sources and pre-sowing treatments on germination. The experiment was carried out in the nursery of the Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh. Seeds were collected from different but healthy trees from various locations in Bangladesh and subjected to four pre-sowing treatments, i.e., control, immersion in cold water (4°C for 24 h), immersion in hot water (80°C for 10 min) and scarification with sand paper. Seed germination was carried out in poly-bags with a mixture of topsoil and cow dung in the ratio of 3:1. The average length of the fresh seeds was 1.35±0.26 cm, their width 1.07 ±0.20 cm and thickness 0.69±0.11 cm. The results revealed that pre-sowing treatments affected the germination process of seeds, which significantly increased the germination percentage with the cold water (81.67%) and scarification with sand paper (82.33%) treatments, compared with those in the control (58.33%) and hot water treatment (59.00%). In all treatments germination started on average within 5 to 7 days after the start of the treatments and were completed from 13 to 19 days later. The greatest success in germination (82.33%) was found in scarification with sand paper, followed with 81.67% in the cold water treatment. The results of analyses of variance (ANOVA) showed significant differences (p<0.05) in germination closing dates, seed germination periods and germination percentages among the treatments but no significant difference among seed sources. However, the effect of the interaction between seed source variation and pre-treatment differed significantly in seed germination closing dates and germination percentages. We recommend cold water treatment (submersion of seed at a temperature of 4°C for a 24-h period) for seed germination of T. indica in rural Bangladesh.  相似文献   

在孟加拉Khulna大学森林和木材技术学科苗圃,调查了预处理的苦楝种子的萌发情况。成熟的苦楝种子采自国家植物园内的健康植株,对种子进行了5 种处理(对照,冷水浸泡,热水浸泡,砂纸破皮和浓硫酸浸泡)。结果表明,除了冷水浸泡外,其它播种预处理的种子萌发率显著高于对照种子。砂纸破皮处理的种子萌发率最高(80%),浓硫酸浸泡和热水浸泡的种子萌发率分别是74%和69%。苦楝种子在第8~11天开始萌发,萌发周期是20~21天。方差分析表明,预处理显著影响种子萌发率,但对萌发周期没有显著影响。推荐用热水浸泡处理种植在孟加拉农村的苦楝种子促进萌发。图2表2参30。  相似文献   

Seed morphology, germination and seedlings growth of Acacia auriculiformis were studied. The experiment was conducted in the nursery of Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh. Matured seeds of the species were collected from healthy trees of road side plantation from different areas of Khulna District, Bangladesh and treated with five pre-sowing treatments (control, immersion in cold water, immersion in hot water, scarification with sand paper and immersion in concentrated H2SO4). The average length, breadth and thickness were found to be (0.58±0.017) cm, (0.44±0.007) cm and (0.20±0.089) cm, respectively. Germination was conducted in polybags with a mixture of top soil, coconut husk, coarse sand, and fine sand in a ratio of 3:4:1:1. Results reveal that pre-sowing treatments influences the germination rates of seeds that significantly increase the percentage germination compared with those in control (43%) and cold water treatment (52%). The highest germination success rate was found 83% in hot water treatment followed by 78% in scarification with sand paper, and 75% with immersion in H2SO4. Germination started from 7 to 12 days and completed between 28 and 35 days period in all treatments. ANOVA showed the significant difference (p<0.05) among the treatments in seed germination, but no significant difference among treatment with regard to starting day, closing day and total germination period. In case of height and diameter growth, seedlings originated from the seeds with hot water treatment shows significantly higher in wet season (from May to July). Hot water treatment can be recommended on seed germination of the species in rural Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Pre-sowing treatments are expected to increase seed germination. This evaluates response to pre-sowing treatments and the growth performance of two native and rare tree species, Garuga pinnata Roxb. and Vitex glabrata R. Br. The hard seed coats were treated by rubbing with sand paper, nail clipping, and immersion in water and acid (H2SO4). Results indicate that G. pinnata showed a 90% germination rate and 30% germination energy when seed coats were nicked with a nail clipper. Rubbing with sand paper was the best pre-sowing treatment for V. glabrata, resulting a 80% germination rate and 30% germination energy. G. pinnata and V. glabrata seedlings from seeds soaked 24 h in water resulted in maximum heights and collar diameters. These were significantly higher (at p < 0.05) than those of other treatments. The results indicate that scarification or nicking of seeds may have some negative impacts on seedling growth. Therefore, it is difficult to recommend a pre-sowing treatment of seeds for achieving both maximum germination and good early seedling growth.  相似文献   

在孟加拉西部的Pundibari地区,研究在4个采集(豆荚)时间,3个采集豆荚长度(〈10cm,10-20cm和〉20cm),以及进行的13种预处理对大叶合欢种苗生长和萌发率的影响。豆荚采集时间为2月19日,且没有任何预处理,大叶合欢种子萌发率为92.5%。这明确表明,在2月19日采集的种子具有非休眠,有活力和生理成熟的特性。从长度为10-20 cm豆荚剥离出的种子,2月19日播种,种苗生长良好。利用硫脲预处理种子后,种子的萌发率并没有表现出明显提高,但是当利用低浓度硫脲(100 μL&#183;L-1)预处理种子后,有利于种苗生长。  相似文献   

A germination experiment of pre-treated seeds of Melia azedarach was conducted in the nursery of Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh. Matured seeds of Melia azedarach were collected from healthy trees of National Botanical Garden, Bangladesh and were treated with five pre-sowing treatments (control, immersion in cold water, immersion in hot water, scarification with sand paper, and immersion in concentrated H2SO4) on seed germination. Results revealed that the germination rates of pre-sowing treated seeds were significantly increased compared to those in control, except for cold water treatment. The highest germination success (80%) was found in scarification with sand paper, followed by 74% and 69% in immersion in H2SO4 and hot water treatment, respectively. Germination started on 8–11 days and completed on 20–21 days of the germination period in all cases. Analysis of variance showed the significance difference in germination success among the treatments but no significance difference in germination period among the treatment. Hot water treatment may be recommended on seed germination of the species in rural Bangladesh.  相似文献   

雨豆树的苗木种植在容器袋的沙和牛粪的混合质上(3:1)。在播种前后一周施用不同浓度(0.1%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 5% and 10%)的有效微生物群(Effective Microorganisms )液。测定发芽和苗木自然生长参数(包括:茎根长度,活力指数,直径,叶子数量,茎根的鲜重和干重,总的生物量增长量)。估计生化参数如叶绿素 a, 叶绿素 b,类胡罗卜素,并观测了受有效微生物群影响的生节情况。与对照相比, 经不同浓度有效微生物群液处理的雨豆树,发芽率和苗木自然生长参数都明显增加。施用 2%有效微生物群液的苗木生长率最大,其次是施用 1%有效微生物群液的苗木。1%有效微生物群液的生节率最高,并随浓度的增加而下降。尽管经有效微生物群液处理的苗木叶中色素比对照高,但叶绿素 a, 叶绿素 b,类胡罗卜素并不明显高于对照。随着有效微生物群液浓度的增加,苗木生长表现出不同的效果,大部分参数在中等浓度范围最高。研究表明,有效微生物群技术有助与提高苗圃中苗木的生长,有益微生物与容器袋土壤相结合有助于改善退化的或贫瘠的土壤,有利于初移植苗木的营养和水分吸收。表 4 参 17。  相似文献   

Following dispersal from the parent tree, seeds of yellow-cedar (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis[D. Don] Spach) exhibit low germination, primarily as a result of coat-imposed dormancy. Dormancy of the mature (intact) seed is effectively terminated by traditional warm/cold treatments. A chemical treatment using the anaesthetic 1-propanol combined with a three day warm water soak (30 °C), a two day GA3 treatment and 60 d of moist chilling not only promotes high germinability of yellow-cedar seeds, but also elicits vigorous post-germinative growth following seedling emergence under nursery greenhouse conditions. Here we compare the effectiveness of the more traditional warm/cold treatments with the chemical treatment in terms of their capacity to elicit vigorous growth and establishment in natural stands following transplant of seedlings from a nursery greenhouse environment. Two seed lots (42313 and 43697) and open-pollinated seed from parent trees 13-6 and 19-8 showed equivalent seedling growth in natural stands following the chemical treatment and two traditional warm/cold treatments typically used for dormancy breakage by the forest industry and by the Ministry of Forests in British Columbia. The chemical protocol offers the advantage of reducing the time required to break seed dormancy. We have now demonstrated that it yields seedlings that exhibit vigorous growth and are capable of withstanding the vagaries of the environment.  相似文献   

采用3种不同的方法对杜松种子进行催芽处理实验,结果表明:相比于混砂催芽方法和温、冷水交替浸种催芽法,采用热水浸种、变温催芽方法处理的种子,播种后出苗时间短,苗齐,其1年生幼苗高生长、地径以及壮苗数量都较高。在育苗上,热水浸种、变温催芽方法要好于其它两种方法。  相似文献   

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