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我国是农业大国,农村市场潜力巨大,农村电子商务在农村蓬勃发展,但是近些年农村电子商务的发展遇到利润低、人才短缺、农产品标准化程度不高等困境。针对当前农村电子商务发展困境,提出了政府加强支持、加快农产品标准化进程、培养农村电商人才、降低农村电商运营成本等对策。  相似文献   

农村生态环境是否优美宜居事关乡村振兴战略的有效推进。随着新型城镇化与工业化进程加快,农村生态环境遭到了严重破坏。农村生态环境治理的好坏与社会变迁有着紧密关联性。社会结构变迁、农村人口变迁、文化变迁及科学技术变迁等社会变迁对农村生态环境治理有着重大影响。基于社会变迁的分析视角,对农村生态环境治理困境进行了深入探讨。经研究发现,农村生态环境治理存在着多元主体不足、农民参与能力不强、农民环保意识薄弱、工业产品下乡冲击等诸多困境。因此,强化多元主体社会责任,疏通人才回流渠道,培育农民参与能力,加强农村环保宣传力度,提高农民环保意识,科学合理使用工业产品缓解下乡冲击。  相似文献   

略论我国农村文化转型的困境和突围   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农村文化转型是社会转型的重要组成部分,决定着我国现代化的最终实现。由于不合理的户籍制度的存在、农村经济发展的滞后、城乡文化的冲突以及大众传播的“城市中心主义”等因素的影响,农村文化转型陷入了困境。废除不合理的户籍制度,加速“三化”进程,加快农村经济发展,增加农民收入,改革大众传播体制,引导农村文化发展,以及促进城乡文化整合,是农村文化转型走出困境的必然选择。  相似文献   

根据四川藏民族地区农村经济存在的主要问题,本文认为要加快四川藏区农村经济的发展必须加强区域科学规划,积极培育增长极;根据各县综合优势选择和培育主导产业;加快发展农村工业,完善产品结构;完善技术支持体系,提高农业技术水平;建立和完善市场体系,推动市场化进程.  相似文献   

随着我国城乡二元化进程的不断加快,城市用地与农村用地的矛盾也越来越凸显。农村人口大量向城市迁移,农村闲置宅基地的比例越来越高。近年来,各地区都在加快完善和健全宅基地退出的政策,但是,我国实行的是土地公有制度,因此,宅基地的退出存在着许多阻碍。分析了我国农村宅基地退出的本质,以及一些内涵、界定、研究综述,并提出了我国农村宅基地退出过程中存在的一些问题和困境。  相似文献   

目前,我国农村人口城市化的步伐虽然趋于加快,但仍相对滞后于农村工业化、非农化进程和经济发展水平.因此,加快我国的城市化进程极具迫切性,应采取改革城市建设体制、实行城乡一体化的福利保障制度、加强城镇规划等有效对策.  相似文献   

当前,随着我国城乡一体化进程的持续加快,农村经济的健康持续发展,不仅对实现农业现代化具有直接影响,同时也与我国经济的健康发展具有密切关系。因此,要加强农村经济管理,切实开展各项经济管理工作。本文主要针对强化农村经济管理、壮大农村集体经济进行分析和阐述。  相似文献   

随着新农村建设进程的加快,农村生态环境问题日渐凸显。为有效解决农村生态环境问题,选取黄河三角洲地区核心区域为主要研究对象,对新农村建设中的生态环境问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的解决对策,即加强环保宣传、制定新农村建设规划、健全政府工作机制、优化农村产业结构及建立法制保障等。  相似文献   

加强农村社会治安综合治理,全力维护农村的社会稳定,对于推进农村经济社会的健康发展,保持农村长期和谐稳定的社会环境,使人民群众安居乐业,加快农村小康社会的进程意义重大。  相似文献   

中西部地区乡村治理困境面临着治理资源匮乏、乡村关系行政化、乡村生活失序和"最后一公里"四重困境。深入分析乡村治理困境的原因,加快城乡一体化进程,建构多中心主体参与的治理格局,重构乡村社会价值体系,加强乡村基层组织的建设将会成为破解乡村治理困境,维持乡村社会稳定,实现乡村善治的有效对策。  相似文献   

Anatomical and physiological observations in monkeys indicate that the primate visual system consists of several separate and independent subdivisions that analyze different aspects of the same retinal image: cells in cortical visual areas 1 and 2 and higher visual areas are segregated into three interdigitating subdivisions that differ in their selectivity for color, stereopsis, movement, and orientation. The pathways selective for form and color seem to be derived mainly from the parvocellular geniculate subdivisions, the depth- and movement-selective components from the magnocellular. At lower levels, in the retina and in the geniculate, cells in these two subdivisions differ in their color selectivity, contrast sensitivity, temporal properties, and spatial resolution. These major differences in the properties of cells at lower levels in each of the subdivisions led to the prediction that different visual functions, such as color, depth, movement, and form perception, should exhibit corresponding differences. Human perceptual experiments are remarkably consistent with these predictions. Moreover, perceptual experiments can be designed to ask which subdivisions of the system are responsible for particular visual abilities, such as figure/ground discrimination or perception of depth from perspective or relative movement--functions that might be difficult to deduce from single-cell response properties.  相似文献   

The primary rocks are a sequence of titanium-rich basic volcanics, composed of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and ilmenite with minor olivine, troilite, and native iron. The soil and microbreccias are respectively loose and compacted mixtures of fragments and aggregates of similar rocks, minerals, and glassy fragments and spheres. Impact events are reflected by the presence of shock metamorphosed rock fragments, breccias, and glasses and their resulting compaction to form complex breccias, glass-spattered surfaces, and numerous glass-lined craters. Chemistry of the glasses formed by the impact events is highly variable, and the high iron and nickel content of a few moundlike features suggests that at least some of the projectiles are iron and nickel-rich meteorites.  相似文献   

R & D, through its effects on the rate of productivity increase, can significantly restrain the rate of inflation in the medium and long run. High rates of inflation damage the workings of the price system and impair the efficiency of practically all economic activities, including R & D. Findings suggest that the percentage increase between 1969 and 1979, in total real R & D expenditures, has been exaggerated due to the inadequacy of the gross national product deflator as applied to R & D.  相似文献   

Fiber, food, fuel, and fungal symbionts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Virtually all plants of economic importance form mycorrhizae. These absorbing organs of higher plants result from a symbiotic union of beneficial soil fungi and feeder roots. In forestry, the manipulation of fungal symbionts ecologically adapted to the planting site can increase survival and growth of forest trees, particularly on adverse sites. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae, which occur not only on many trees but also on most cultivated crops, are undoubtedly more important to world food crops. Imperatives for mycorrhizal research in forestry and agriculture are (i) the development of mass inoculum of mycorrhizal fungi, (ii) the interdisciplinary coordination with soil management, plant breeding, cultivation practices, and pest control to ensure maximum survival and development of fungal symbionts in the soil, and (iii) the institution of nursery and field tests to determine the circumstances in which mycorrhizae benefit plant growth in forestry and agri-ecosystems.  相似文献   

Zraket CA 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1984,224(4655):1306-1311
Command, control, communications, and intelligence (C(3)l) for nuclear forces are essential elements in the deterrence of nuclear war. The present C(3)l) system has vulnerabilities associated with its reliability, survivability, and endurance under attack, thereby weakening deterrence by increasing the ambiguity in our capabilities. Development of a reliable and enduring C(3)l) system would reduce this ambiguity. Its reliable, positive control of nuclear forces would give the national leadership more time to assess situations, ensure discriminate retaliation, and improve our ability to manage crises in general. These capabilities could help to stop a war rapidly should one start. A reliable and enduring C(3)1) system will be needed for a long time to come, even if a freeze on strategic nuclear forces is accomplished or other arms control successes achieved. Indeed, C(3)l) may be the best source today of confidence-building measures to reduce tensions and the threat of nuclear catastrophe.  相似文献   

Kroto H 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1988,242(4882):1139-1145
Although carbon has been subjected to far more study than all other elements put together, the buckminsterfullerene hollow-cage structure, recently proposed to account for the exceptional stability of the C(60) cluster, has shed a totally new and revealing light on several important aspects of carbon's chemical and physical properties that were quite unsuspected and others that were not previously well understood. Most significant is the discovery that C(60) appears to form spontaneously, and this has particularly important implications for particle formation in combustion and in space as well as for the chemistry of polyaromatic compounds. The intriguing revelation that 12 pentagonal "defects" convert a planar hexagonal array of any size into a quasi-icosahedral cage explains why some intrinsically planar materials form quasi-crystalline particles, as appears to occur in the case of soot. Although the novel structural proposal has still to be unequivocally confirmed, this article pays particular attention to the way in which it provides convincing explanations of puzzling observations in several fields, so lending credence to the structure proposed for C(60).  相似文献   

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