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精准扶贫的关键是识别真正的贫困户,找准其致贫的根本原因,因户施策,因人施策,真正扶到点上、扶到根上。本文结合个人驻村扶贫的工作实践,总结了在精准扶贫工作中,在驻村工作队和村委会的共同努力下结合乡村自然资源和村情村貌,开发特色种植、水产养殖、光伏发电等集体产业项目,提高集体经济收入,通过振兴乡村,惠及贫困户;同时,针对贫困户的不同致贫原因,实施危房改造、教育资助等不同的项目化帮扶措施,让贫困户得到实实在在地帮扶而脱贫。  相似文献   

精准扶贫政策的提出促进了扶贫工作的进一步开展,但仍面临着贫困居民参与意识淡薄、扶贫项目缺乏针对性、扶贫机构不健全、第三方考核滞后等困境。又由于农村致贫原因的多样性,精准扶贫的措施也应"对症下药",根据自然、经济、社会、历史、主体等原因采取相应的易地扶贫、产业扶贫、金融扶贫、社保扶贫和教育扶贫等,做到具体问题具体分析,使扶贫工作落到实处。  相似文献   

依据知识图谱相关理论,利用Citespace对1992—2015年来自CNKI数据库中的中文核心期刊和CSSCI期刊收录的乡村旅游文献进行可视化分析,绘制出相关研究的发文机构、发文作者、关键词的知识图谱。研究发现:相关研究主要集中在乡村旅游、农业旅游、"农家乐"、新农村建设,相关研究呈现出多学科的融合和交叉性,乡村旅游的研究水平和发展现状存在区域一致性,未形成核心作者群,各机构之间缺少合作与交流。提出未来应从基础理论、相关政策、乡村旅游文化内涵、乡村旅游产权制度、精准扶贫对乡村旅游的要求、乡村旅游的融合发展6个方面展开研究。  相似文献   

正Introduction Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere is the first Sustainable Development Goal(SDG) of the United Nations(2021a). Progress towards this goal has varied but also been fruitful. Between 1990 and 2015, over a billion people were lifted out of extreme poverty(World Bank 2018). From 36% of the population under extreme poverty in 1990 to 10% in 2015(United Nations 2021b).  相似文献   

Ending poverty is a top priority of the international development agenda, and governments worldwide have attached great importance to poverty alleviation measures. However, poverty reduction policies have mostly focused on men, which has widened the gap in productivity and income between men and women and increased gender inequality. This paper aims to determine the impacts of a multi-component program on women's empowerment and poverty reduction, and explore the role empowered women play in poverty reduction. The dataset used in this study was collected in nine poor counties of Ulanqab City in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China at the end of 2014, yielding a sample of 900 households. Recall questions were used to reconstruct the baseline data and build a panel dataset. Smaller groups of rural households were further identified to better target the women in the beneficiary group. To control the selection bias, propensity score matching, inverse probability weighting, and the difference-in-differences matching method were used to analyze the effect of the program and undertake robust checks. The results show that the program has positive effects on women's empowerment and poverty reduction simultaneously. Empowering women also has positive effects on poverty reduction, and the women who were the beneficiaries have contributed to increasing the incomes and living standards of households. Training, microfinance, and associations are common means or strategies to empower women to address poverty. This paper provides new empirical evidence that women can benefit from a gender-focus program through portfolio intervention such as training, cooperatives, and credit. Empowered women further improve the livelihoods of poor households and help lift them out of poverty. The results suggest that researchers and policymakers need to pay more attention to poverty issues from the perspective of gender.  相似文献   

随着我国社会的发展,科学技术水平不断提升,在农业精准扶贫中,科学技术得到了广 泛应用,为农民群众带来了真正的福利,并逐步成为扶贫工作中最为重要的一项环节。精准扶 贫的关键在于如何做到“精准”二字,要对不同地区进行量体裁衣式的扶贫,只有这样才能让扶 贫工作更加有序地开展。本文以甘肃会宁县为例,对精准扶贫视域下农业技术的创新进行探 讨,希望能够为相关从业者提供参考意见。  相似文献   

现阶段,农业科研单位开展产业扶贫、脱贫攻坚的工程。文章阐述了研究单位的举措,论述了科技精准扶贫的模式:科技服务支撑、技术培训扶持、示范基地辐射、科研项目带动和人才培养推动模式。文章分析了脱贫攻坚过程中遇到的困惑。对脱贫攻坚进行了思考:一是提高对科技扶贫工作重要性的认识。二是探索科技精准扶贫的主要模式。解决贫困地区脱贫致富中的关键问题,促进经济发展。  相似文献   

The global community has committed, as the first priority of the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs), to end poverty in all its forms everywhere. While the decline of global poverty continues, progress has slowed and remains uneven through different parts of the world. To ensure that no one is left behind in China and beyond, research will be critical to inform paths out of poverty. In this regard, it is valuable to take stock of international experiences and the various pathways out of poverty with a focus on agriculture. Africa's agricultural growth has been largely driven by land expansion and poverty reduction has been the slowest among all regions. South Asia agriculture has been led by diversification of smallholder agriculture and its poverty reduction impact has been large, but its future poverty reduction is limited by rural–urban migration and lack of formal jobs in urban centers. Social protection programs have been used by many Latin American countries as the region is more urbanized than any other developing regions. China's agricultural and economic success was driven by agriculture-led reforms and rural development. These changes brought significantly higher incomes among rural residents, which accounted for highest initial levels of poverty and hunger, and in increased availability of food at affordable prices. Investments in nutrition, health, education, clean water, and good sanitation also complemented progress. The foremost lesson is that smallholder-led agriculture growth in land scarce countries often have the largest impact on poverty reduction. Secondly, nonfarm employment and rural–urban migration must follow once agricultural productivity has reached a certain level. However, premature exiting from agriculture can do more harm. Thirdly, even before large scale poverty reduction through sectoral and regional development is exhausted, social safety nets must be established to cover those who have not benefited from growth and development. Productive social safety nets have proven to be cost-effective in many countries. Urban poverty should also be part of the protection scheme when large proportion of rural population moves to cities.  相似文献   

This paper explains and offers a criticism of the technical solutions that have been proposed in recent years to address Africa's hunger problems, summarizes selected results of some of these approaches, and suggests a more useful conceptualization of African hunger for policymakers. Hunger is a problem with multifactorial causality. As such, it is not given to solution by the sequence of reductionist approaches that have been applied in recent years. Widespread adoption by African governments of ultimately unsuccessful reductionist conceptualizations of hunger has had much to do with foreign aid dependency, the general absence from central policymaking circles of senior government officials with responsibility for hunger-related policies, and political preference for centralized bureaucracy. The paper concludes with some recommendations for community-based strategies of hunger alleviation.Barrett is an assistant professor of economics at Utah State University. This paper was written while he was a doctoral candidate in the Departments of Agricultural Economics and Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Previously he worked for four years as a development economist monitoring African economies for an international institution in Washington. His research focuses on agricultural development strategies and rural poverty alleviation.  相似文献   

This paper critically evaluates the transition from crisis to development in northern Uganda from the perspective of agricultural service provision. It contributes to debates on how efforts to link relief to rehabilitation and development may bypass the underlying challenges in linking humanitarian aid to prevailing national development policies and structures. This paper is based on research into agricultural services undertaken in Pader district, northern Uganda, between 2010 and 2012. It studied the interplay between humanitarian interventions and the parallel development of the government’s agricultural departments and services in northern Uganda. The article brings out how Ugandan agricultural policies do not suit the post-conflict realities of northern Uganda. The evolving policies affect power relations and processes of inclusion and exclusion in northern Uganda. As a result, at the time that the government is ready to integrate northern Uganda into the mainstream development of agricultural policy, the gap between addressing humanitarian needs and development has become larger.  相似文献   

李燕  张鹏鹏 《安徽农业科学》2014,(18):6125-6128
在对江苏地区6个文明村调查的基础上,呈现了农村居民对乡风文明建设在重要性和内容上的认知水平,并探讨了个人因素、建设活动的开展情况以及政府相关制度的落实情况对于农村居民乡风文明建设认知的影响,由此得出相关的建议,认为需要因人制宜,从多方面提高农村居民的认知水平,开展丰富活动,切实有效的落实相关政策。  相似文献   

Exploration of ways to improve the subjective welfare of residents is an important area of current academic research. Using data from the China Family Panel Studies survey conducted in 2010, this paper investigated the impact of clan culture on the mental health of elderly people in rural China. The results demonstrated that clan culture can significantly decrease the depression score of the rural elderly. Further, there was no gender difference with respect to the impact of clan culture on the depression score of the elderly. At the same time, the positive effects of clan culture on the depression score of the elderly have gradually weakened with economic development. Exploration of the mechanisms involved indicated that in areas with stronger clan culture, older people receive more social support. This study enriches our understanding of the impact of informal institutions on the welfare of rural residents. At the same time, it can also provide a certain decisionmaking reference for the government to formulate relative poverty relief strategies in a new stage of poverty alleviation.  相似文献   

The emerging concept of food sovereignty refers to the right of communities, peoples, and states to independently determine their own food and agricultural policies. It raises the question of which type of food production, agriculture and rural development should be pursued to guarantee food security for the world population. Social movements and non-governmental organizations have readily integrated the concept into their terminology. The concept is also beginning to find its way into the debates and policies of UN organizations and national governments in both developing and industrialized countries. Beyond its relation to civil society movements little academic attention has been paid to the concept of food sovereignty and its appropriateness for international development policies aimed at reducing hunger and poverty, especially in comparison to the human right to adequate food (RtAF). We analyze, on the basis of an extensive literature review, the concept of food sovereignty with regard to its ability to contribute to hunger and poverty reduction worldwide as well as the challenges attached to this concept. Then, we compare the concept of food sovereignty with the RtAF and discuss the appropriateness of both concepts for national public sector policy makers and international development policies. We conclude that the impact on global food security is likely to be much greater if the RtAF approach predominated public policies. While the concept of food sovereignty may be appropriate for civil society movements, we recommend that the RtAF should obtain highest priority in national and international agricultural, trade and development policies.  相似文献   

中国实践表明,保险作为金融扶贫的代表性工具在脱贫攻坚阶段发挥了积极作用。“后脱贫时代”存在的返贫风险及减少相对贫困的新目标为保险反贫困应用带来新的挑战。对保险反贫困相关政策进行梳理,并结合实践成效予以评议,针对保险反贫困进程中存在的问题及面临的新挑战,进一步探讨未来保险反贫困的路径优化。在深挖保险反贫困历史应用的基础上,尝试解决扶贫工作面临的痛点问题,强调保险反贫困中国式应用的社会化、多元化、长久化发展趋势,为保险反贫困提供借鉴与思路。  相似文献   

生态脆弱区既是生态环境破坏最典型、最强烈的区域,也是贫困问题最集中的区域。然而,实践中试图摆脱"贫困陷阱"的成功案例并不多见。其中一个重要原因是鲜有协同生态保护与扶贫的研究,尤其是忽视了不同利益主体的相互作用过程与机制。从博弈论的视角,探讨生态脆弱区不同利益主体的两组核心博弈,即政府与民众以及政府与企业的博弈。研究发现,扶贫与生态环境保护相互作用过程事实上就是协调不同利益主体的目标与利益的博弈过程,博弈结果一定程度上决定了扶贫的效果以及生态环境保护的效应。研究为深入理解贫困与生态环境相互作用的过程与机制提供一个理论分析框架,并为中国生态脆弱区可持续发展实践提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

通过实地调研的方法研究了我国重点贫困片区之一的燕山-太行山片区农民创业与国家扶贫政策衔接的现实问题,从建立健全农民创业相关政策、打破农民创业资金障碍、提升农民的文化素质与创业能力、改善农民创业的外部支持环境等方面探索了河北省燕山太行山片区农民创业与国家扶贫开发政策有效衔接的对策,为相关政府进行扶贫体系优化提供参考。  相似文献   

大学生非正式群体的教育与管理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
名目繁多、形式多样的各种大学生非正式群体在高校已经成为非常普遍的现象,在学生当中起着日益重要的作用。对大学生非正式群体的特征、作用和形成原因进行了分析,并就如何正确对待大学生中的非正式群体提出了解决办法。  相似文献   

向长明 《北京农业》2011,(18):199-201
探讨了木里县扶贫开发的现状以及过程中面临的问题,给出了扶贫开发的建议。  相似文献   

精准扶贫作为思维创新的一种扶贫方式,给新时期扶贫开发工作带来了巨大的影响,是一项符合国情、顺应民生的好工程。青河县被列为国家级贫困县以来,积极响应精准扶贫各项政策,于2016年摘掉了贫困县的帽子,但仍需不断巩固脱贫摘帽成果,以保证在脱贫摘帽基础上的稳步提升。本文主要通过问卷调查的方式对青河县精准扶贫实施现状进行简单调查,并利用logistic回归模型分析精准扶贫实施效果满意度和样本特征之间的相关度,结合实证研究结果提出提高青河县精准扶贫实施效果贫困户满意度合理可行的建议。  相似文献   

为厘清中国农业水资源的研究现状和方向,探究农业水资源生产率概念区别、评价方法和提高路径,采用文献综述的研究方法,对已有研究进行系统性总结和梳理。结果表明:第一,农业水资源生产率的经济学含义为,在相同的技术水平和产出下,投入单位农业水资源量的经济产出,故需要控制相关变量的影响下,才能在不同个体间直接比较;第二,经济学评价方法包括全要素生产率指数法、前沿面模型法和演绎类方法等,前沿面模型法中,全要素农业水资源生产效率可以更加全面的评价农业水资源生产率;演绎类方法中,水文模型与可计算一般均衡模型结合的复合模型可以综合多学科的研究优势;第三,农业水资源生产率的直接路径包括农业水资源开发、灌溉节水技术扩散,间接路径包括市场化政策、农户节水激励和农业水资源管理组织,明确多种路径间的相互作用是制定综合管理模式的关键。因此,农业水资源生产率的经济学研究需要在综合框架下开展,包括明确研究目标、加强学科间合作、制定区域差异化提升策略等。  相似文献   

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