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刘静  成屹 《农业展望》2007,3(1):29-31
稻米是中日韩和东盟国家(以下简称10+3)地区居民日常消费中最主要的粮食作物,其生产和供需稳定与否,直接关系到这些国家的食物安全问题。除新加坡、文莱外,其他国家都将发展稻米生产、提高稻米供给作为国内粮食主要政策目标,而且该区域稻米生产和贸易在世界上占有举足轻重的地位,对国际大米市场影响巨大。同世界水稻总产量相比,日本、韩国的水稻总产量很少,仅占世界总产量的4%左右,但是日、韩非常重视国内稻米生产,都大力推行稻米国内自给政策,如日本,按照WTO的要求,要开放一定的大米市场,但它不想让进口大米冲击国内市场,将WTO承诺购进的大米转捐东盟。这种做法值得中国加以深入研究和密切关注。  相似文献   

水稻是世界上主要的粮食作物之一。属禾本科稻属Oryza L.,一年生草本植物。水稻是我国重要的粮食作物,常年播种面积和总产量均占粮食作物的首位。在全世界水稻产中,我国单产和总产都处于先进行列。中国稻作面积约占世界稻作总面积的1/4,占全国粮食播种面积的1/3,而产量则约为世界上稻谷总产量的37%,近全国粮食总产量的45%。水稻生产在国民经济中占有十分重要的地位。稻米含有淀粉76%-79%,蛋白质8%-10%(高含量品种达标12%-15%),脂肪0.2%-0.4%。稻米蛋白质中有营养价值高的赖氨酸等多种营养成份。在谷类作物中稻米所含有的粗纤维最少,各种营养成分的可消化率和吸收率均较高,最适于人体的需要。因而稻米是我国人民的主要食粮。  相似文献   

我国是水稻生产和消费大国.全国有8亿多人以稻米为主食。每年的水稻播种面积约0.3亿hm^2.稻谷年总产量在1.8亿t左右(居世界第一位).占世界年稻谷总产量的30%左右.占我国粮食总产量的40%左右。水稻在我国粮食生产中具有举足轻重的作用.是国家实施粮食安全战略的基石。水稻生产标准化已使我国新时期水稻产业发展的方式发生转变.为确保我国水稻生产发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

我国水稻免薪抛秧技术的发展与展望   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
我国是世界上栽培水稻最古老的国家之一,具有7 000年以上的历史,悠久的稻米生产孕育了灿烂的农耕文化,具有种植面积广、食用人口多、总产比重大、单位面积产量高、生态效应好等特点.南至海南三亚、北至黑龙江漠河、西至天山山麓,高至海拔2 695 m的云南宁蒗都有水稻分布,除青海省外都有水稻种植,常年种植面积在3 000万hm2左右,占世界水稻种植总面积的21.5%,占我国粮食作物种植面积的27%;我国有60%以上的人口以稻米为主食,每年直接食用稻米及其制品耗用稻米占稻米消费总量的60%~70%;我国稻谷年产约18 000万t左右,占粮食总产量的39%,占世界稻谷总产的36.3%;我国水稻每公顷产量达6 232 kg,排世界第9位,是世界平均水平的169%.所以,水稻已成为我国主要的粮食作物,承担着粮食安全的第一重任,稻米生产在国民经济和人民生活中占有十分重要的地位.  相似文献   

正1水稻生产现状在我国的粮食生产中,水稻具有举足轻重的地位。据统计,我国水稻种植面积为2900万公顷左右,占粮食作物总面积的27.2%;稻谷总产量达到1.8亿吨左右,占粮食总产量的39.2%,平均667㎡产量为410㎏左右,比世界平均产量高38.3%,在主要产稻国家中名列前茅,稻谷总产量占世界稻谷总产量的32.25%,为世界第一。水稻是中国的第一大作物,各级政府对水稻生产一直很重视。在解决人民温饱问题的基础上,实现总产量  相似文献   

水稻是世界上重要的粮食作物之一.尽管贸易量仅占小麦的10%左右.但是世界大米总产量一旦发生波动,那么全球约20亿人口食品安全将受到影响。中国是盛产水稻的国家.是世界上最大的大米生产国和消费国。入世以来.许多人对中周大米进口数量极为关注,但对近年来中国大米实际出口量下降.大米出口竞争力减弱这一现象却并未给予足够重视。事实上,随着人们生活水平的提高.中国量高质低型的大米越来越不能满足国际市场的需求.中国大米在价格方面的传统优势正在丧失。因而.在面对国际市场大米价格不断降低.竞争压力不断加大的情况下.如何利用中国稻谷生产大国的特点、主动发挥中国稻谷产业的优势.值得人们思考。  相似文献   

中国稻米产量和消费量都是世界上最多的国家.目前,全球稻谷年总产量约6亿t,约占粮食总产量的30%,中国年产约2亿t左右,是世界上稻谷总产量最高的国家,约占全球总产量的30%;  相似文献   

水稻是我国第一大粮食作物,其产量占粮食总产量的60%以上,65%的国人以消费大米为主。我国有超过一半的农民从事水稻生产,中国能以不足世界十分一的耕地,养活占世界五分之一的人口,稻米生产立下了汗马功劳。  相似文献   

日本水稻干燥机械化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日本的农业以水稻生产为主 ,水稻种植面积占粮食总面积的70 %左右 ,稻谷产量占粮食总产量的90 %以上。1997年水稻种植面积195万hm2,单产6416kg/hm2,总产量达1 253亿t。70年代以来 ,日本的大米生产过剩 ,政府采取休耕政策压缩水稻生产面积。日本的谷物干燥机以水稻干燥为主。1955年 ,结构简单的“平型静置式干燥机”研制成功 ,成为谷物干燥机的开端。50年代后期 ,谷物干燥机迅速普及。到1966年在全国推广干燥机就达107万台 ,并开始建立乡村稻米中心(RICECENTER) ,它主要是从稻谷干…  相似文献   

水稻是我国最主要的粮食作物,稻米是我国60%以上人口的主食。目前,我国是世界上最大的稻米生产国和消费国,水稻种植面积约占世界水稻种植总面积的25%,产量占世界稻谷总产量的30%以上,居世界第一。自2003年以来我国水稻总产量连年保持稳中有升,实现了从严重短缺到供求总量平  相似文献   

Anatomical and physiological observations in monkeys indicate that the primate visual system consists of several separate and independent subdivisions that analyze different aspects of the same retinal image: cells in cortical visual areas 1 and 2 and higher visual areas are segregated into three interdigitating subdivisions that differ in their selectivity for color, stereopsis, movement, and orientation. The pathways selective for form and color seem to be derived mainly from the parvocellular geniculate subdivisions, the depth- and movement-selective components from the magnocellular. At lower levels, in the retina and in the geniculate, cells in these two subdivisions differ in their color selectivity, contrast sensitivity, temporal properties, and spatial resolution. These major differences in the properties of cells at lower levels in each of the subdivisions led to the prediction that different visual functions, such as color, depth, movement, and form perception, should exhibit corresponding differences. Human perceptual experiments are remarkably consistent with these predictions. Moreover, perceptual experiments can be designed to ask which subdivisions of the system are responsible for particular visual abilities, such as figure/ground discrimination or perception of depth from perspective or relative movement--functions that might be difficult to deduce from single-cell response properties.  相似文献   

The primary rocks are a sequence of titanium-rich basic volcanics, composed of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and ilmenite with minor olivine, troilite, and native iron. The soil and microbreccias are respectively loose and compacted mixtures of fragments and aggregates of similar rocks, minerals, and glassy fragments and spheres. Impact events are reflected by the presence of shock metamorphosed rock fragments, breccias, and glasses and their resulting compaction to form complex breccias, glass-spattered surfaces, and numerous glass-lined craters. Chemistry of the glasses formed by the impact events is highly variable, and the high iron and nickel content of a few moundlike features suggests that at least some of the projectiles are iron and nickel-rich meteorites.  相似文献   

R & D, through its effects on the rate of productivity increase, can significantly restrain the rate of inflation in the medium and long run. High rates of inflation damage the workings of the price system and impair the efficiency of practically all economic activities, including R & D. Findings suggest that the percentage increase between 1969 and 1979, in total real R & D expenditures, has been exaggerated due to the inadequacy of the gross national product deflator as applied to R & D.  相似文献   

Fiber, food, fuel, and fungal symbionts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Virtually all plants of economic importance form mycorrhizae. These absorbing organs of higher plants result from a symbiotic union of beneficial soil fungi and feeder roots. In forestry, the manipulation of fungal symbionts ecologically adapted to the planting site can increase survival and growth of forest trees, particularly on adverse sites. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae, which occur not only on many trees but also on most cultivated crops, are undoubtedly more important to world food crops. Imperatives for mycorrhizal research in forestry and agriculture are (i) the development of mass inoculum of mycorrhizal fungi, (ii) the interdisciplinary coordination with soil management, plant breeding, cultivation practices, and pest control to ensure maximum survival and development of fungal symbionts in the soil, and (iii) the institution of nursery and field tests to determine the circumstances in which mycorrhizae benefit plant growth in forestry and agri-ecosystems.  相似文献   

Kroto H 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1988,242(4882):1139-1145
Although carbon has been subjected to far more study than all other elements put together, the buckminsterfullerene hollow-cage structure, recently proposed to account for the exceptional stability of the C(60) cluster, has shed a totally new and revealing light on several important aspects of carbon's chemical and physical properties that were quite unsuspected and others that were not previously well understood. Most significant is the discovery that C(60) appears to form spontaneously, and this has particularly important implications for particle formation in combustion and in space as well as for the chemistry of polyaromatic compounds. The intriguing revelation that 12 pentagonal "defects" convert a planar hexagonal array of any size into a quasi-icosahedral cage explains why some intrinsically planar materials form quasi-crystalline particles, as appears to occur in the case of soot. Although the novel structural proposal has still to be unequivocally confirmed, this article pays particular attention to the way in which it provides convincing explanations of puzzling observations in several fields, so lending credence to the structure proposed for C(60).  相似文献   

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