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根据2016—2018年刺葡萄平行观测数据,分析刺葡萄发育进程、落果坐果、果实膨大生长等生长发育规律及气象环境因子关系。结果表明,刺葡萄从萌芽到成熟平均时间为189 d,整个生长季平均积温为4 402.4℃,降水量为938.0 mm,日照时数为918.4 h。刺葡萄2月下旬日均气温稳定通过7℃后开始伤流,伤流约10 d后即3月上旬至中旬芽膨大,3月中旬芽开放,芽萌动期间逐日气温大多高于10℃。刺葡萄3月下旬至4月上旬开始展叶,展叶期间逐日气温大多高于15℃,4月下旬至5月上旬初开始开花,开花期要求日均气温≥20℃的晴天;6月上旬生理落果基本结束,7月中下旬进入着色始期,开始糖分转换积累,9月上中旬成熟可采摘。坐果率易受开花期至坐果期的强风雨、连阴雨天气、强南风等不利天气影响,中期落果较少,而进入糖分积累期后有一定落果。果实横径增长呈现出3个阶段:花期结束后至6月上旬的快速膨大期、6月中旬至着色前的生长停滞期、着色营养积累期的缓慢增大期,着色期易受高温干旱的不利影响。  相似文献   

野生葛根的特征特性及人工栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 一、特征特性 葛根适应性强,对气候、地理条件要求不严,易于栽培。适于温暖潮湿的生长环境。葛根喜温耐热,日均气温达12℃左右时,开始萌发,适宜生长的日均气温20~33℃,25~30℃适宜块根形成,15~20℃适宜块根内淀粉的积累。在我省的气候条件下,3月底4月初开始生长,5~9月为生长旺季,11月中旬停止生长,下霜后枯萎,露地可安全越冬。葛根喜光,也较  相似文献   

<正>葛根性喜温暖湿润的气候,在海拔2500 m以下的地区均可生长,以海拔1600~2100 m居多,特别喜好在年平均气温12~16℃,相对湿度在60%以上的背阴、温凉、潮湿坡地生长,但也耐寒、耐干旱、不耐涝。2月上旬,日均气温达10℃时,腋芽开始萌发,腋芽萌动较一般作物早一些,适宜生长的日均气  相似文献   

戴俊红 《农村科技》2005,(10):49-49
北五味子抗寒性很强。芽眼萌动比一般树木早(4月中旬),几乎不受晚霜的危害,能耐早春寒冷的气候而正常生长。5月上旬展叶,5月下旬至6月初开花,花期10~14天,开花的临界温度0~1℃。8月末至9月下旬果实成熟。  相似文献   

"尤力克"柠檬在德宏州的表现及栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
尤力克柠檬嫁接苗在德宏地区1月下旬萌芽,2月初现蕾,2月中旬初花,3月5日前后盛花,3月15日左右末花;并陆续抽生3月梢、4~5月梢、6~7月梢、9月梢和11月梢等,开放相应的夏花、秋花和冬花;果实成熟期分别为:春花果7~10月,夏花果11月~次年1月,秋花果2~4月,冬花果5-6月。  相似文献   

薄壳山核桃‘Mahan’生物学特性及落果规律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为掌握薄壳山核桃生长习性及落果规律,以‘Mahan’品种为研究对象,系统观测其开花结实物候期及其落果规律。结果表明,薄壳山核桃短果枝的芽一般为混合芽,芽体饱满,鳞片紧包,近圆形,萌发后长出结果枝和复叶,基部侧芽形成雄花序,并在近顶端形成雌花序。‘Mahan’花芽于3月中下旬开始萌动,3月底顶芽和雄花芽开绽,顶芽抽生结果枝,雄花芽抽生雄花序。4月初开始展叶,20 d以后基本达到叶面积最大值。结果枝、复叶、叶长和叶宽生长过程呈"S"曲线生长,与Logistic生长模型高度拟合。通过相关性分析显示结果枝、复叶、叶长和叶宽生长与有效积温呈显著正相关。‘Mahan’第1次落果现象出现在6月中旬到6月底,落果数占总果数的16.27%;第2次落果现象是在7月初至7月中旬,落果率达到68.75%;第3次落果现象是在8月份,落果率为2.2%。  相似文献   

濒危野生白花兜兰植物生态适应性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
覃龙江  刘绍飞  欧忠喜  莫家伟  蒙惠理 《安徽农业科学》2013,(25):10226-10229,10235
[目的]揭示濒危野生白花兜兰植物生态适应性、生境特性.[方法]在2012年1月至2013年6月期间,采用P-2200温湿度数据记录器、DL-LOGGER型号HJX-RZ1编号0046602S01日照时数记录仪和M0DEL-ZDS-10照度计对原生境定期定点连续观测,采集其周围环境的土壤和石灰岩样品,观测、记录植株生长状况和物候期信息.[结果]白花兜兰植物原生境年平均气温15.49℃,最低气温-0.38℃,最高气温为29.5℃,平均相对湿度92.7%,最低33.49%;1月气温0.22 ~ 13℃,相对湿度92%,2月气温6~15℃,湿度85%以上,3月气温14℃以上,4、5、6月气温10 ~21℃,7、8和9月气温21 ~ 28℃,湿度96.2%,10、11、12、翌年1月由20℃下降到-0.38℃,平均湿度92%;日气温呈早低中高晚稳特点,湿度则随着太阳辐射强度和温度的升高下降,温度、湿度二者夜间趋势基本相似,波动性小,太阳辐射值为0;≥120 W/m2年总累计日照时数175 min,日照有效百分率0.006 67%,最高值273 W/m2,光照度≤1 720 lx;初花期为2月下旬至3月中旬,盛花期为4月下旬至5月初,始花期为5月上旬至6月初;生境基质的各种元素含量大小顺序为钙>镁>硅>铝>铁>磷>锰>锌>锶>镍>铅>铜.[结论]白花兜兰生境太阳辐射和日照时数与生境的森林郁闭度、坡向和地形密切相关,其日照时数仅为2.92h,且太阳辐射强度≥120 W/m2集中于白花兜兰花期季节,最高值273,是一种非常特殊的阴性植物.白花兜兰原生境空气温度和相对湿度特征与其特殊的喀斯特小生境有密切关系.其分布及生长于喀斯特岩石、悬崖与基质营养物质有关.  相似文献   

一、栽培季节小型西瓜适应性较强,气温在14℃以上均能正常生长。采用不同栽培方式,可从1月中旬至夏季7月下旬播种,5—10月均可收获。(一)早春保护地栽培2月中下旬播种育苗,苗龄35~40d,采用加温方式育苗,4月上中旬定植于温室内,6月初上市。(二)春季裸地栽培  相似文献   

对芍药在辽南地区从萌芽到花落的物候期,并进行观察,进行详细记录,观察发现:芍药在该地区冬季休眠时间短,仅有130d左右,3月下旬至4月上旬开始萌芽,花芽在4月底开始萌动,花序要经过15~25d的生长阶段,盛花期集中在6月初,约70%的花开放,到6月中旬进入落花期。通过这次调查,为以后芍药的相关研究提供了依据。  相似文献   

1发生 枣树龟蜡蚧在北方地区1年1代,以受精雌虫在枝条上或老皮裂缝下越冬.次年3~4月虫体发育后在枝条上吸食,4月中旬成熟.6月初开始产卵,气温在23℃左右时为产卵盛期.孵化后母体收缩干死在蜡壳内,6月中旬开始孵化出若虫.虫卵自6月底~7月中旬为孵化期,7月中旬为孵化盛期.  相似文献   

Web2.0,以个人为中心的互联网时代的到来   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文介绍了Web2.0的知识和背景,对Web2.0出现的基础以及典型技术和应用作了阐述,同时对其作出了前景展望。  相似文献   

【目的】 研究盐胁迫条件下,葡萄叶片中多胺含量、多胺氧化酶、多胺合成酶活性以及激素的动态变化,研究不同盐胁迫强度对多胺类物质及激素代谢的影响。【方法】 采用盆栽基质培养模拟盐胁迫环境,设置4个NaCl处理梯度:0 (CK)、1、2和3 g/kg。多胺和激素含量的测定采用高效液相色谱法,多胺合成及分解酶活性的测定采用紫外分光光度计比色法。【结果】 盐胁迫处理后,葡萄叶片中多胺含量和脱落酸含量较对照而言显著增加,玉米素含量显著降低,随胁迫时间的延长,Put、Spm、Spd、ABA以及PAO、DAO、ADC、ODC、SAMDC活性均呈先上升后下降趋势,在10 d及10 d后达到峰值。ZT呈逐渐下降的趋势,并随胁迫强度增大而减小;进行显著性分析后,叶片中多胺含量与Put、Spm、Spd含量呈极显著正相关,DAO、ADC、ODC活性与Put含量呈显著正相关,PAO与SAMDC活性与Spm和Spd含量也呈极显著正相关。【结论】 3种多胺经酶的合成代谢后和激素共同缓解葡萄苗所遭受到的盐胁迫,期间主要发生作用的是多胺合成酶,盐胁迫下多胺与激素含量之间的变化关系也十分密切。  相似文献   

迟贵富  张昱  李亮  钟子琳 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(12):5585-5587
以抚顺地区3个国家基本站50余年气象资料为依托,采用Microsoft Excel工作表实现由气候和农业气候2部分构成的气象与农业综合信息处理系统的基本思路、方法、内容、用途和使用情况。为了实现气候分析及应用的科学化、客观化、系统化、规范化、程序化及连续化的业务目标,按业务流程设计与实现的,包括资料处理、气候趋势模拟、气候预测、气候鉴定、季节性信息化处理、农作物产量预报、气候生产潜力分析等一系列内容在内的系统建设。关键是解决了大量的计算问题,建立了区域性通用模式。  相似文献   

Urban water consumption has some characteristics of grey because it is influenced by economy, population, standard of living and so on. The multi-variable grey model (MGM(1,n)), as the expansion and complement of GM(1,1) model, reveals the relationship between restriction and stimulation among variables, and the genetic algorithm has the whole optimal and parallel characteristics. In this paper, the parameter q of MGM(1,n) model was optimized, and a multi-variable grey model (MGM(1 ,n,q)) was built by using the genetic algorithm. The model was validated by examining the urban water consumption from 1990 to 2003 in Dalian City. The result indicated that the multi-variable grey model (MGM(1,n,q)) based on genetic algorithm was better than MGM(1,n) model, and the MGM(1,n) model was better than MGM(1,1) model.  相似文献   

Campylobacter species are a major cause of foodborne bacterial infections in both developed and developing countries worldwide. Campylobacter jejuni is responsible for the majority of infections. This study was conducted to identify virulenceassociated genes in Campylobacter species isolated from livestock production systems in South Africa. A total of 250 fecal samples consisting of cattle(n=50), chickens(n=50), goats(n=50), sheep(n=50) and pigs(n=50) were randomly collected from livestock in Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces of South Africa between April and October 2018. The samples were analyzed for the presence of virulence genes in Campylobacter species using molecular PCR-based methods. It was found that 77 and 23% of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli respectively were isolated from all the livestock samples. There were positive significant(P0.05) correlations amongst all the virulence genes that were investigated. Chisquare and Fisher's exact tests were implemented to test for the effect of livestock species on the presence or absence of virulence genes. The study demonstrated that most of livestock species can potentially cause zoonotic infections and food poisoning due to the high prevalence of Campylobacter. The high prevalence of virulence genes highlights the significance of Campylobacter in livestock production systems in South Africa. This requires the implementation of one-health approaches to reduce the impact of foodborne and zoonotic diseases for the welfare of human and animal health.  相似文献   

选体重约38公斤的长白(♂)×成华(♀)杂交猪20头,随机分为四组,饲予四种不同的饲粮,研究饲粮中添加铜和/或喹乙醇对猪生产性能和某些血液生化指标的影响。结果表明:基础组、加铜组、加喹乙醇组和两者同时加组全期日增重分别为674、761、796、678克,日采食量分别为2.50、2.65、2.74、2.40公斤,饲料利用率分别为3.73、3.49,3.44、3.54,添加铜和/或喹乙醇对试验第65天血清铜兰蛋白、尿素氨及屠宰率、背膘厚和眼肌面积无显著影响(p>0.05);添加铜使65天血清碱性碱酸酶活性极显著增高(p<0.01),添加喹乙醇有使之升高的趋势,两者同时添加时,碱性酸磷酶活性降低。  相似文献   

不同施肥水平对木薯氮磷钾养分积累、分配及其产量的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
 【目的】通过比较不同施肥水平下木薯氮磷钾养分积累、分配和产量的差异,探讨粤北坡岗地优质高产木薯氮磷钾养分的最佳用量。【方法】以木薯品种南美119为材料,采用“3414”方案,在粤北翁源进行大田试验。试验共设14个处理。【结果】施肥处理的氮素主要分配到地上部,不施肥处理的氮素则主要分配到根部;不同施肥处理的磷素均主要分配到地上部;不施肥处理和不施钾处理的钾素主要分配到根部,不施氮处理的钾素在根、冠间分配较均衡。在木薯不同生长阶段,植株氮磷钾含量均呈下降趋势,但施氮、磷、钾化学肥料处理植株氮磷钾含量的下降速度小于不施氮、磷、钾化学肥料的处理。处理N2P2K2的氮、磷、钾含量和积累量在各生育期均为最大,不施肥处理(N0P0K0)的氮、磷、钾含量和积累量在各生育期均为最小(P<0.05)。产量最高的是N2P3K2处理,为22 694.06 kg·hm-2,其次是N2P2K2处理,为21 417.87 kg·hm-2。【结论】木薯产量、氮磷钾养分积累及其在根冠间的分配,对施肥水平高度敏感, 适当比例的氮磷钾肥配合施用既可以显著增加木薯植株的氮磷钾含量和积累量,又可以提高产量。在粤北坡岗地木薯生产中,氮素最重要,在氮素得到满足的条件下,磷素较钾素更重要。在本试验条件下,氮磷钾养分最佳用量为358.80 kgN·hm-2、89.10 kg P2O5·hm-2和187.50 kg K2O·hm-2。  相似文献   

Analysis of genetic interactions between rice and its pathogenic fungi Magnaporthe oryzae and Rhizoctonia solani should lead to a better understanding of molecular mechanisms of host resistance, and the improvement of strategies to manage rice blast and sheath blight diseases. Currently, dozens of rice resistance (R) genes against specific races of the blast fungus have been described. Among them, ten were molecularly characterized and some were widely used for breeding for genetic resistance. The Pi-ta gene was one of the best characterized rice R genes. Following the elucidation of its molecular structure, interaction, distribution, and evolution, user friendly DNA markers were developed from portions of the cloned genes to facilitate the incorporations of the Pi-ta mediated resistance into improved rice varieties using marker assisted selection (MAS). However, rice blast is still a major threat for stable rice production because of race change mutations occurring in rice fields, which often overcome added resistance based on single R genes, and these virulent races of M. oryzae pose a continued challenge for blast control. For sheath blight, progress has been made on the exploration of novel sources of resistance from wild rice relatives and indica rice cultivars. A major quantitative trait locus (QTL), named qSB9-2, was recently verified in several mapping populations with different phenotyping methods, including greenhouse methods. The ability to identify qSB9-2 using greenhouse methods should accelerate the efforts on the qSB9-2 fine mapping and positional cloning.  相似文献   

The present study has been performed to understand the location of the virus, type of apoptotic cells, and their relation to lymph nodes of piglets infected with porcine circovirus type Ⅱ (PCV-2). Nine 32-day-old conventional piglets free of infection with PCV-2 were used, and distributed into three groups: control group (n = 3), piglets inoculated with PCV-2 alone (PCV-2, n = 3), and PCV-2 inoculated and KLH immunostimulated group (PCV-2 + KLH, n = 3). Superficial inguinal lymph nodes from all piglets were collected for histological examination after 32 days postinoculation, and immunohistochemistry for PCV-2 detection. Location of apoptotic cells was detected with TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) and cell cycle, and the apoptotic rates were measured by flow cytometry. The characteristic histopathological lesions of the piglets in PCV-2 and PCV-2 + KLH were lymphocyte depletions in the cortex and paracortex of the lymph nodes, epithelioid-like macrophage infiltration, and intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies presented in epithelioid-like macrophages. PCV-2 was mainly found in epithelioid-like macrophages by immunohistochemistry. In the lymph nodes, lymphocytes presented higher apoptotic rates in the cortex by TUNEL, special B-cell areas, and similar apoptotic cells were found in this compartment in the control. The apoptotic rates of the lymph nodes were 0.41, 3.34, and 4.88% in the control, PCV-2, and PCV-2 + KLH groups by flow cytometry, respectively. The apoptotic rates of lymph nodes for PCV-2 and PCV-2 + KLH piglets were significantly higher than those for the control group (P〈0.05 and P〈0.01). The proliferation index (PI) was 0.17_+0.01, 0.12_+0.01 and 0.12_+0.04 in the control, PCV-2, and PCV-2 + KLH group, the PI of the control group was higher than that of the other groups, but without the statistical difference. PCV-2 can induce lymphocyte depletion in lymph nodes of piglets by blocking cell proliferation and promoting apoptosis. This is one o  相似文献   

内脐蠕孢属、平脐蠕孢属和凸脐蠕孢属的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文报道了平脐蠕孢属(Bipolaris)一个新种,一个新组合,5个新记录以及凸脐蠕孢属(Exserohilum)一个新记录。讨论了内脐蠕孢属(Drechslera)、平脐蠕孢属、凸脐蠕孢属与长蠕孢属(Helminthosporium)的关系,并就我国已报道的长蠕孢属真菌按Alcorn等~([1,3,4,5,24])人的意见,逐个进行了订正。  相似文献   

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