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Chlorpromazine or imipramine disrupts a pigeon's performance on a discrimination between a vertical and horizontal line only if the discrimination was learned with errors. Errorless learning is obtained if training starts with an easy-to-learn discrimination of color and shifts progressively to the more difficult horizontal-vertical discrimination.  相似文献   

为挖掘“商薯19”的增产潜力,以商洛市农户常用的竖插法为对照,采用单株水平扦插法、双株水平扦插法栽培“商薯19”。结果发现双株水平扦插法总产量最高(3 037.81 kg/667 m2),与竖插法产量(1 838.7 kg/667 m2)差异显著(P<0.05)。进一步统计不同扦插方式的大、中薯数量、产量及大、中薯率发现,双株水平扦插法主要通过增加大薯产量和中薯数量来达到增产效果。双株水平扦插法能够同时适应生产淀粉和鲜食的需求,有必要进一步试验、示范和推广。  相似文献   

对预处理之后的二值图像沿水平和竖直方向投影并截底,然后对结果投影图进一步搜索处理,可分割出具有水平和竖直方向,且成直线分布的物体特征.类似的方法可分割提取出倾斜的物体特征.它是基于全局信息,有极好的抑制噪声的性能.  相似文献   

The origin, termination, and length of axonal growth after focal central nervous system injury was examined in adult rats by means of a new experimental model. When peripheral nerve segments were used as "bridges" between the medulla and spinal cord, axons from neurons at both these levels grew approximately 30 millimeters. The regenerative potential of these central neurons seems to be expressed when the central nervous system glial environment is changed to that of the peripheral nervous system.  相似文献   

Contraction of the ciliary muscle during marked accommodation causes the leading edge of the retina to advance as much as 0.5 centimeter. Near the posterior pole of the eye, the upward and downward extensional strains on the retina should be reasonably balanced. In the horizontal meridian an asymmetry is introduced because of the nasal location of the optic nerve head. Observers were asked to bisect the space between two parallel lines while fixating a movable line lying near the midpoint of the two lines. The test was conducted with the target far from and near the subject, in the horizontal and vertical meridians, and was repeated with accommodation paralyzed by a cycloplegic agent. Marked accommodation induced significant spatial distortions in the horizontal meridian. The effect is largely retinal.  相似文献   

Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) with lesions of the cortex and the dorsal portion of the hyperstriatum (or " wulst") showed a considerable deficit in ability to reverse a learned discrimination between horizontal and vertical stripes. Two birds that had been run on 25 such reversals before ablation showed the same result. Lesioned birds did not, however, differ from controls in the Original acquisition of the discrimination. Analysis of performance indicated that the reversal deficit was not due to difficulties in discrimination, interference with motor ability, or lack of motivation. The deficit appeared to be based on perseveration of response to the previous positive stimulus during reversal training.  相似文献   

胡适承继杜威实用主义,重视“行”,更有结合中国传统文化突出“知”即“思想”的价值层面。其“思想”论,说白了是“方法论”,的核心就是“大胆的假设,小心的求证。”这里有杜威的影响,更有胡适自己的创新,“思想”论的意旨也是很明显的:为再造文明之故,“思想力”的训练在胡适看来是再重要不过的事了。  相似文献   

Y两优5867是用Y58S与恢复系R674配组而成的高产优质杂交一季稻新组合,具有米质优,高产稳产,熟期适中,熟期转色好等特点,于2010年3月通过江西省农作物品种审定委员会审定。介绍了Y两优5867的选育经过、特征特性、栽培及制种技术要点。  相似文献   

[目的]以氯化镉(CdCl2)为供试污染物,通过人工模拟试验研究重金属重大污染事故发生时CdCl2污染物在土体中沿横向及纵向的迁移过程和特征,为重大环境污染事件的快速处理提供理论依据。[方法]采用柱淋滤装置,模拟2阶段降雨条件下CdCl2在土壤层中的横向与纵向迁移分布特征,试验周期16d,采用便携式手控负压泵抽取土壤溶液样品,溶液中Cd含量采用原子吸收分光光度法测定。[结果]在整个试验期间,重金属Cd呈现明显的横向和纵向分布特征,CdCl2在投加后0.5h即覆盖表层横断面,146h覆盖整个纵剖面。Cd浓度的纵向相对变化速率分析表明,不同深度Cd污染物快速通过的时间不同,15、35和55cm深度处Cd污染物快速通过的时间分别约为48、117和266h。[结论]该箱体模拟装置可以同时考察污染物在土壤中沿横向和纵向的分布及迁移特征;较大降雨条件下重金属Cd污染物在土壤表面先以横向径流扩散为主,纵向迁移相对滞后。  相似文献   

重金属镉在土壤中迁移模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]以氯化镉(CdCl2)为供试污染物,通过人工模拟试验研究重金属重大污染事故发生时CdCl2污染物在土体中沿横向及纵向的迁移过程和特征,为重大环境污染事件的快速处理提供理论依据。[方法]采用柱淋滤装置,模拟2阶段降雨条件下CdCl2在土壤层中的横向与纵向迁移分布特征,试验周期16d,采用便携式手控负压泵抽取土壤溶液样品,溶液中Cd含量采用原子吸收分光光度法测定。[结果]在整个试验期间,重金属Cd呈现明显的横向和纵向分布特征,CdCl2在投加后0.5h即覆盖表层横断面,146h覆盖整个纵剖面。Cd浓度的纵向相对变化速率分析表明,不同深度Cd污染物快速通过的时间不同,15、35和55cm深度处Cd污染物快速通过的时间分别约为48、117和266h。[结论]该箱体模拟装置可以同时考察污染物在土壤中沿横向和纵向的分布及迁移特征;较大降雨条件下重金属Cd污染物在土壤表面先以横向径流扩散为主,纵向迁移相对滞后。  相似文献   

微信已成为人们的一种生活方式。利用微信公众平台开展微服务,已引起高校馆的重视。通过对 “985工程”高校图书馆微信公众平台建设现状进行调查,发现微信公众号开通、服务内容与功能有待进一步改善。建议了解读者需求,注重用户体验;规范账号申请,加强日常管理;加强功能设计,构建微信息服务;加大宣传力度,提高影响力等方面进行改进。  相似文献   

超级稻“中优752”的选育与应用   总被引:5,自引:10,他引:5  
"中优752"是利用优质不育系"中9A"与本所自育的强恢复系"752"配制而成的中晚籼迟熟组合。该组合具有穗大粒多、结实率高、米质优、产量高、抗性强、制种产量高和株型理想等特点,适宜在长江流域作一季中稻种植。  相似文献   

用信息论的观点看启发式教学,不仅要把教科书中的信息尽可能多地传输给学生并使其接受,还要教给学生搜索、识别信息的能力,并最有效地贮存起来。为此,教师在教学中必须善于控制信息传输的方向与顺序;充分注意传输知识的频率与学生接受知识的频率同步;通过学科(课程)内外的纵向和横向联系,培养学生“举一反三”的能力,实现教与学向高一级层次的深化。  相似文献   

红心李果实生长发育的数学模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红心李自3月底幼果发育至6月底成熟,总发育约85天,核及胚的发育分别为70天及42天。果实纵、横、厚三径及果实鲜重、干重、含水量,均可以分二个急速生长期和二个缓慢生长期,二者交替进行。急速生长期以水分增长为主,缓慢生长期以干物质积累为主。核及胚各有一个急速及缓慢生长期,前期核的纵横径急速生长而胚为生长缓慢,核硬化后纵横径增长缓慢,而胚重增长极快。以发育天数为x,果实纵、横、厚、鲜重、干重、水分、体积、核纵横径、胚鲜重、干重10项指标分别为y,分别得到直线、S形曲线及乘幂曲线方程。其相关系数均达极显著水平。这些方程可以用来预测果实及核、胚的发育状况。  相似文献   

During development, formation of topographic maps in sensory cortex requires precise temporal binding in thalamocortical networks. However, the physiological substrate for such synchronization is unknown. We report that early gamma oscillations (EGOs) enable precise spatiotemporal thalamocortical synchronization in the neonatal rat whisker sensory system. Driven by a thalamic gamma oscillator and initially independent of cortical inhibition, EGOs synchronize neurons in a single thalamic barreloid and corresponding cortical barrel and support plasticity at developing thalamocortical synapses. We propose that the multiple replay of sensory input in thalamocortical circuits during EGOs allows thalamic and cortical neurons to be organized into vertical topographic functional units before the development of horizontal binding in adult brain.  相似文献   

国医大师孙光荣认为“知犯何逆”是对疾病辨证过程的高度概括,结合个人临床经验以歌诀形式阐述其内涵:主证切入莫彷徨,首先明辨阴与阳;表里要辨脉与舌,寒热要询便与汗;虚实须问眠纳泄,痛问喜按不喜按;逆顺必观纳和出,生死凭脉看神光;脏腑经络与时令,新病旧疾细参详;风寒暑湿燥火虫,痰瘀郁毒食性伤;审症求因明主从,知犯何逆必显彰。  相似文献   

[目的]研究不同授粉方式对苦瓜果实膨大的影响,为其设施栽培提供参考依据.[方法]以桂农6号苦瓜为试验材料,在设施大棚内分别进行人工授粉(套袋处理)和蜜蜂授粉,连续授粉5d,每天统计坐果率;于授粉后第1、4、7、10和14 d测量果实的横径、纵径、周径和单瓜重量,计算日相对生长率;在成熟期测定果实的可溶性固形物和维生素C含量.[结果]人工授粉的苦瓜横径和周径在整个生育期均较蜜蜂授粉苦瓜大,蜜蜂授粉苦瓜纵径在授粉后第14 d大于人工授粉苦瓜,两种授粉方式的苦瓜横径、纵径和周径相对生长率均呈下降趋势;授粉后第1~4d人工授粉的苦瓜横径和周径相对生长率显著高于蜜蜂授粉苦瓜(P<0.05,下同),授粉后第5~7 d则显著低于蜜蜂授粉苦瓜.蜜蜂授粉的苦瓜单瓜重在发育后期增重明显,单瓜重相对生长率在授粉后第5~7d迅速下降,此时人工授粉的苦瓜单瓜重相对生长率显著高于蜜蜂授粉苦瓜,在授粉后第10 d有小幅度上升.蜜蜂授粉的苦瓜坐果率较人工授粉低,但果实果型指数、可溶性固形物和维生素C含量高于人工授粉.[结论]人工授粉苦瓜前中期发育快,蜜蜂授粉苦瓜在后期发育较快,蜜蜂授粉可提高苦瓜果实品质.  相似文献   

跃丰202号是用不育系荣丰A与恢复系R99082配组选育成的籼粳交一季稻中熟组合,具有高产、稳产、适应性广、制种产量高等优点。作中稻种植全生育期133-135d,单产9.75t/hm2左右,并介绍了该组合的特征特性和栽培、制种技术要点。  相似文献   

Reexamination of horizontal geodetic data in the region of recently discovered aseismic uplift has demonstrated that equally unusual horizontal crustal deformation accompanied the development of the uplift. During this time interval compressive strains were oriented roughly normal to the San Andreas fault, suggesting that the uplift produced little shear strain accumulation across this fault. On the other hand, the orientation of the anomalous shear straining is consistent with strain accumulation across northdipping range-front thrusts like the San Fernando fault. Accordingly, the horizontal and vertical crustal deformation disclosed by geodetic observation is interpreted as a short epoch of rapid strain accumulation on these frontal faults. If this interpretation is correct, thrust-type earthquakes will eventually release the accumulated strains, but the geodetic data examined here cannot be used to estimate when these events might occur. However, observation of an unusual sequence of tilts prior to 1971 on a level line lying to the north of the magnitude 6.4 San Fernando earthquake offers some promise for precursor monitoring. The data are adequately explained by a simple model of up-dip aseismic slip propagation toward the 1971 epicentral region. These observations and the simple model that accounts for them suggest a conceptually straightforward monitoring scheme to search for similar uplift and tilt precursors within the uplifted region. Such premonitory effects could be detected by a combination of frequenlty repeated short (30 to 70 km in length) level line measurements, precise gravity traverses, and continuously recording gravimeters sited to the north of the active frontal thrust faults. Once identified, such precursors could be closely followed in space and time, and might then provide effective warnings of impending potentially destructive earth-quakes.  相似文献   

苹果果实生长发育数学模型研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以寒富苹果为试材,研究了苹果果实生长发育规律,通过测量果实生长发育期间的纵、横径及于、鲜重,建立了相关的数学模型。结果表明:果实纵、横径动态变化曲线为“S”型,果实重量的变化曲线为双“S”型。果实纵、横径生长进程数学模型拟合为对数方程,果实重量变化数学模型拟合为转换曲线方程,果实重量与纵、横径间关系的数学模型拟合为二次方程。  相似文献   

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