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水稻穗长上位性效应和QE互作效应的QTL遗传研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
利用基于混合模型的QTL定位方法研究了由籼稻品种IR64和粳稻品种Azucena杂交衍生的DH群体在四个环境中穗长的QTL上位性效应和环境互作效应。结果表明上位性可能是数量性状的重要遗传基础,并揭示了上位性的几个重要特点。在本研究中,所有的QTL中只有两个没有参与上位性效应的形成,在参与上位性效应的QTL中,64.7%的QTL还具有本身的加性效应。因此传统方法对QTL加性效应的估算会由于上位性的影响而有偏。其它35.3%的QTL没有本身的加性效应,却参与了上位性互作,这些位点可能通过诱发和修饰其它位点而起作用。上位性的特点还包括,经常发现一个QTL与多个QTL发生互作;大效应的QTL也参与上位性互作;上位性互作易受环境影响。QTL与环境的互作效应比QTL的主效应更多次地被检测到,表明数量性状基因的表达显著地受到环境的调控。  相似文献   

【目的】水稻抽穗期、结实率、千粒重和单株粒重跟产量密切相关,且受低温影响较大。在冷水胁迫下检测控制水稻抽穗期、结实率、千粒重和单株粒重的QTL,为水稻孕穗期耐冷遗传机制及分子标记辅助育种提供理论依据。【方法】以粳稻优质品种东农422和耐冷品种空育131为亲本构建的190个重组自交系解析表型变异,构建了覆盖12条染色体,155个SSR标记的遗传连锁图。连续3年在水稻孕穗期进行冷水灌溉处理,考察始穗期、齐穗期、结实率、千粒重和单株粒重5个性状,利用SPSS18.0和GGEbiplot进行表型分析,利用QTLnetwork2.0,采用逐步联合分析法定位和性状相关的QTL,用超几何函数评价QTL间的相关性。【结果】冷水胁迫下,亲本和RIL群体抽穗期推迟,结实率明显降低,千粒重和单株粒重相继降低。始穗期、齐穗期和结实率互为正相关,结实率、千粒重和单株粒重也互为正相关。共有71个加性QTL被检测到,37个跟耐冷性有关,其中单环境分析检测到28个,贡献率大于10%以上的QTL有11个,单处理联合分析共检测到10个和耐冷有关的QTL,贡献率大于10%的QTL有6个。这17个贡献率大于10%且和耐冷性有关的QTL对性状具有增效作用。多环境联合分析检测到12个QTL,平均贡献率仅为3.56%,其中5个QTL参与了环境互作。检测到的20对上位性QTL中,有2个主效QTL区间参与了上位性互作,对性状的遗传起到重要作用。QTL相关性分析表明,控制始穗期,齐穗期和结实率的QTL具有相关性,结实率的QTL也同千粒重、单株粒重的QTL相关。经图谱比较分析,研究发现的部分QTL与前人研究处于相同染色体片段上,其中,q IHD7-2、q FHD7-2、q FHD7-1和q IHD7-1是在多环境下检测到的稳定存在的QTL,同时,q IHD7-1、q IHD7-2、q FHD7-1、q SSR7-1和q SSR7-2和耐冷性有关,这些QTL位点可为水稻抗冷分子育种提供依据。【结论】冷水胁迫下,结实率分别同抽穗期、千粒重和单株粒重存在相似的遗传机制,而抽穗期和千粒重、单株穗重的遗传相互独立。相比而言,冷水胁迫下选择结实率高的品种要比选择其余3个性状困难。  相似文献   

 【目的】对小麦成株期条锈病抗性进行数量性状位点(QTL)分析。【方法】以小麦重组自交系内乡188/偃展1号为材料,在连续两年田间充分发病的情况下,分别用病程曲线下面积(Area Under Disease Progress Curve,AUDPC)和反应型(Infection Type,IT)2种病情指标,通过复合区间作图,分析成株抗条锈性的加性QTL、上位性互作及其分别与环境的互作效应(QTL×environment interaction,QE)。【结果】两年共检测到9个加性抗性QTL,其中使用AUDPC和IT共检测到2个相同的QTL;9个QTL中,5个具有环境互作效应。还检测到7对上位性互作的QTL,其中2对具有环境互作效应。采用AUDPC数据,检测到的QTL能够解释表型的62.05%,其中主要为加性效应(44.32%)和上位性互作效应(17.73%),环境互作很小(0.42%)。采用IT数据,总共检测到的QTL解释了表型变异的37.53%,其中加性效应和上位性互作效应分别解释了23.94%和10.51%,与环境互作解释了3.08%。【结论】内乡188的抗条锈性是由多个位点控制的,在感病亲本偃展1号中也存在抗性QTL;位于3B和6D染色体上的QTL为2个新的成株期抗性条锈位点;非抗性位点间存在上位性互作效应。  相似文献   

籼稻不同定位群体的抽穗期和株高QTL比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
 【目的】通过分析控制不同定位群体水稻抽穗期、株高和产量性状表现的QTL,挖掘同时控制株高与产量性状且对抽穗期影响小的QTL区间,为水稻高产育种提供参考。【方法】以杂交稻恢复系密阳46作为共同父本,分别与保持系协青早B和珍汕97B配组,构建2个籼籼交重组自交系群体,在同一地点多年种植,对不同群体抽穗期和株高相关的QTL定位结果进行比较。【结果】共定位到12个抽穗期QTL和11个株高QTL,其中2个抽穗期QTL在2个群体中都能检测到,分别位于第6染色体短臂和第7染色体长臂近着丝粒区域。通过与前期相同群体产量性状QTL定位结果比较,发现6个多效性区间,其中,1个同时控制抽穗期、株高和产量性状,3个同时控制抽穗期和产量性状,2个同时控制株高和产量性状。【结论】相对于共同的父本密阳46,水稻矮败型保持系协青早B与野败型保持系珍汕97B对抽穗期和株高的遗传控制存在较大差异,并以株高更为明显。第2染色体长臂RM6—RM240的QTL作用较稳定,对株高和产量性状作用方向一致,且对抽穗期无显著影响,对于通过“矮中求高”实现水稻高产育种具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

陆地棉产量、纤维品质相关性状主效QTL和上位性互作分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 【目的】为了能够较为全面地了解陆地棉产量和纤维品质相关性状的遗传基础,利用包含471个标记、总长3 070.2 cM、覆盖棉花基因组65.88%左右的遗传图谱对其进行主效QTL定位和上位性互作分析。【方法】以DH962×冀棉5号的F2:3家系为分析群体,用WinQTLCartV2.5进行复合区间作图定位主效QTL,利用EPISTACY软件对共显性标记进行两位点的上位性互作分析。【结果】共检测到9个与产量相关性状的主效QTL,和5个与纤维品质相关性状的主效QTL,整齐度和比强度在显著LOD阈值下没有检测到相关QTL。共检测到75对互作位点,大多数互作属于非QTL位点与非QTL位点之间的互作,互作类型以加性显性互作和显性加性互作为主。所涉及的性状中,影响衣分和纤维长度的互作位点最多,单株铃数和衣指的最少。在LG1上检测到1个同时控制单株籽棉重、单株皮棉重和籽指主效QTL。在两位点的互作对中也发现了同时影响单株籽棉重、单株皮棉重和马克隆值的互作位点1对,同时影响衣分和纤维长度的互作位点4对。【结论】除了主效QTL外,上位性是陆地棉产量和纤维品质性状的重要遗传基础。主效QTL的效应小和上位性互作将会使得棉花分子标记辅助育种更加困难和复杂。表型相关的性状是由相同的QTL/互作位点所控制,这有助于多个性状的同时选择。  相似文献   

To investigate genetic factors affecting wheat flour color traits, a linkage map was constructed using a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from Jing 771×Pm 97034. Main, epistatic and QTL×environment (QE) interaction effects of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling wheat flour color were studied by the mixed linear modeling of data collected from wheat RIL plants under three different environmental conditions. 13 QTLs with additive effects and 55 pairs of QTLs with epistatic effects were detected for wheat flour color traits. The additive-additive interactions (AA) involved all of the wheat chromosomes except 3D. Epistasis aocounted for more of the observed phenotypie variation than did the main effect QTLs (M-QTLs). Our results suggested that dual-locus interactions are widespread in the wheat genome and play a critical role in determining wheat flour color characteristics. In this study, 3 QTLs were identified to have QE interaction effects, one of them showing significant QE interaction in E2 environment.  相似文献   

利用2个相关群体定位和比较水稻株高与抽穗期QTL   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
利用一个共同亲本构建的2个重组自交系群体对控制水稻株高和抽穗期进行基因定位和比较分析。结果表明:2个群体共定位到11个控制抽穗期的数量性状位点(QTLs)和11个株高QTLs。控制抽穗期的主效QTL在珍汕97/南洋占群体内位于第7染色体RM500-RM445标记之间;在珍汕97/德陇208群体内定位于第7染色体RMRG4499-RM445标记之间。而控制株高的主效QTL在2个群体中分别定位于第1染色体RM472-RM104之间和第7染色体MRG4499-RM445之间。比较定位结果发现,抽穗期主效QTL在2个群体内都被定位于第7染色体中部位置并且有共同标记RM445,很有可能是同一个基因。说明抽穗期是由主效QTL控制的数量性状,遗传稳定。株高主效QTL在珍汕97/南洋占群体内被定位于第1染色体接近末端标记RM104附近。在珍汕97/德陇208群体内则定位于第7染色体,与该群体控制抽穗期QTL共享RM445标记。  相似文献   

Sheath blight(SB) disease,caused by Rhizoctonia solani K(u|¨)hn,is one of the most serious diseases causing rice(Oryza sativa L.) yield loss worldwide.A doubled haploid(DH) population was constructed from a cross between a japonica variety CJ06 and an indica variety TN1,and to analyze the quantitative trait loci(QTLs) for SB resistance under three different environments(environments 1-3).Two traits were recorded to evaluate the SB resistance,namely lesion height(LH) and disease rating(DR).Based on field evaluation of SB resistance and a genetic map constructed with 214 markers,a total of eight QTLs were identified for LH and eight QTLs for DR under three environments,respectively.The QTLs for LH were anchored on chromosomes 1,3,4,5,6,and 8,and explained 4.35-17.53%of the phenotypic variation.The SB resistance allele of qHNLH4 from TN1 decreased LH by 3.08 cm,and contributed to 17.53%of the variation at environment 1.The QTL for LH(qHZaLH8) detected on chromosome 8 in environment 2 explained 16.71%of the variation,and the resistance allele from CJ06 reduced LH by 4.4 cm.Eight QTLs for DR were identified on chromosomes 1,5,6,8,9,11,and 12 under three conditions with the explained variation from 2.0 to 11.27%.The QTL for DR(qHZaDR8),which explained variation of 11.27%,was located in the same interval as that of qHZaLH8,both QTLs were detected in environment 2.A total of six pairs of digenic epistatic loci for DR were detected in three conditions,but no epistatic locus was observed for LH.In addition,we detected 12 QTLs for plant height(PH) in three environments.None of the PH-QTLs were co-located with the SB-QTLs.The results facilitate our understanding of the genetic basis for SB resistance in rice.  相似文献   

水稻(Oryza sativa L.)分蘖数和株高的遗传分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
水稻分蘖数和株高是两个重要的农艺性状.为剖解它们的遗传结构,本研究用一套来源于籼粳组合IR64×Azucena的DH群体对这两个性状进行了QTL定位分析.表型数据来源于两个生长季节,采用基于混合线性模型的方法分析.结果表明,分蘖数主要由普通遗传因素和互作遗传因素控制(呈现61.7%的普通遗传率和17.2%的互作遗传率),共有19个QTLs与分蘖数有关,其中9个和6对QTLs分别具有单位点的遗传效应和2位点的互作效应,QTL1-8和QTL 1-12的上位性效应由于在春季的贡献率达21.6%,因而认为是一对主效.株高主要由普通遗传因素控制,普通遗传率为92.6%,共受到15个QTLs的影响,其中8个QTLs具有加性效应,1个QTL具有加性与环境的互作效应,4对上位性QTLs具有加性与加性互作效应.QTL 1-15被认为是主效QTL,而其余的是微效QTLs.两个性状表型之间存在显著的负向部分相关,然而,性状相关的遗传基础仍需做进一步的探讨.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map consisting of 168 DNA markers was constructed based on a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a cross between a high yielding indica variety, Zhong156, and a low yielding indica variety, Gumei2. The markers on the linkage map were distributed on all 12 chromosomes and covered 1 447.9 cM of the genome. The parents and 304 RILs were grown in China National Rice Research Institute (CNRRI), Hangzhou, China, in 2001, over two seasons in a randomized block design. The statistic software of QTL Mapper 1.01 was applied to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and additive by environment (AE) interactions for yield traits, including panicle length, number of panicles per plant, number of spikelets per panicle, number of filled grains per panicle, fertility and kilo-grain weight. A total of 30QTLs with significant additive effects located on all chromosomes, except chromosomes 5 and 9, and two QTLs with significant AE interactions, were detected. Thirty-one interactions of QTLs showing significant additive by additive epistatic effects for yield traits were also detected. Genetic contributions were generally lower for QTLs showing epistatic effects compared with QTLs showing additive effects. No significant interactions between epistasis and environment were detected.  相似文献   

In order to understand the genetic basis for Zeleny sedimentation value (ZSV) of wheat, a doubled haploid (DH) population Huapei 3 × Yumai 57 (Yumai 57 is superior to Huapei 3 for ZSV), and a linkage map consisting of 323 marker loci were used to search QTLs for ZSV. This program was based on mixed linear models and allowed simultaneous mapping of additive effect QTLs, epistatic QTLs, and QTL x environment interactions (QEs). The DH population and the parents were evaluated for ZSV in three field trials. Mapping analysis produced a total of 8 QTLs and 2 QEs for ZSV with a single QTL explaining 0.64-14.39% of phenotypic variations. Four additive QTLs, 4 pairs of epistatic QTLs, and two QEs collectively explained 46.11% of the phenotypic variation (PVE). This study provided a precise location of ZSV gene within the Xwmc 93 and GluD1 interval, which was designated as Qzsv-1D. The information obtained in this study should be useful for manipulating the QTLs for ZSV by marker assisted selection (MAS) in wheat breeding programs.  相似文献   

不同氮磷钾处理大豆苗期主根长和侧根数的QTL定位分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
【目的】主根长和侧根数是重要的根系性状。通过不同氮磷钾处理,发掘大豆苗期主根长和侧根数的基因资源、了解其遗传机制,定位其主效QTL,分析QTL间的上位性和环境互作效应,对生产提供理论指导。【方法】用以栽培大豆晋豆23为母本、山西农家品种灰布支黑豆(ZDD02315)为父本所衍生的447个RIL作为供试群体,取亲本及447个家系各30粒种子,用灭菌纸包裹后,2015年和2016年分别放置于CK(模拟种植不施肥)、NPK(模拟大田正常配施氮磷钾肥)和1.5NPK(模拟高肥田块)3种生长环境下进行水培试验,每组试验设置3次重复,环境温度20—28℃,幼苗长到V2期,对幼苗期相关根部性状数据进行测量。分别采用Win QTLCart 2.5和QTLNETwork 2.1 2种遗传模型检测QTL,分析QTL间的上位性和环境互作效应。【结果】基于复合区间作图(CIM)共检测到24个影响主根长和侧根数的QTL,分布于第2、3、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、16、17共14条染色体中,单个QTL的贡献率介于8.52%—43.62%,QTL主要表现为加性效应。基于混合线性模型(MCIM)检测到影响主根长和侧根数的QTL各1个,2个QTL均表现出加性效应和环境互作效应。另有2对主根长和2对侧根数均检测出加性×加性上位性互作QTL,主根长和侧根数各有1对表现出主效QTL与非主效QTL加性×加性上位性互作,各有1对表现出非主效QTL与非主效QTL加性×加性上位性互作,2对主根长互作QTL分别解释了1.53%和1.95%的表型变异率,2对侧根数互作QTL分别解释了2.47%和1.13%的表型变异率。2个QTL能在2种分析方法中同时检测到,9个QTL能在3种环境下同时检测到。第6染色体在2015年NPK、1.5NPK和2016年1.5NPK 3个环境下均检测到主根长QTL,第5染色体在2015年NPK和1.5NPK、2016年CK 3个环境下、第17染色体在2015年CK和NPK、2016年NPK 3个环境下均检测到侧根数QTL。【结论】苗期大豆主根长和侧根数对氮磷钾的吸收影响较少,生产中尽可能减少氮磷钾使用量。不同浓度氮磷钾处理苗期主根长和侧根数参数间既有共同的控制基因,也有各自独特的控制基因,多数QTL不能在多个环境下重复检测到,控制其表达的遗传机制较为复杂。加性效应、加性与环境互作和加性×加性上位性互作效应在主根长和侧根数的形成和遗传中发挥着重要作用。主根长和侧根数各有1个QTL能在2种分析方法中同时检测到,Satt442-Satt296和Satt521-GMABABR是共位标记区间。  相似文献   

QTL Analysis for Plant Height with Molecular Markers in Maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plant height has become one of important agronomic traits with the increase of planting densityrecently and the rapid developments of molecular markers have provided powerful tools to localize importantagronomic QTL at the genomic level. The purposes of this investigation are to map plant height QTL with mo-lecular markers and to analyze their genetic effects in maize. An F2:3 population from an elite combination(Zong3 × 87-1) was utilized for evaluating plant height in two locations, Wuhan and Xiangfan, with a ran-domized complete block design. The mapping population included 266 F2:3 family lines. A genetic linkagemap, containing 150 SSR and 24 RFLP markers, was constructed, spanning a total of 2 531.6 cm with an av-erage interval of 14.5 cm. Totally 10 QTL affecting plant height were mapped on six different chromosomeswith the composite interval mapping. Seven of 10 QTL were detected in two locations. The contributions tophenotypic variations for the single QTL varied between 5.3 and 17.1%. Additive, partial dominance, domi-nance, and overdominance actions existed among all detected QTL affecting plant heights. A large number ofdigenic interactions for plant height were detected by two-way analyses of variance. 107 and 98 two-locus com-binations were found to be significant at a 0.01 probability level in two locations respectively. 23 of them weresimultaneously detected in both locations. They accounted for phenotypic variations of 4.5 -11%. It was no-ticed that a locus, umc1122, had digenic interactive effects with other four different loci for plant height,which distributed on three chromosomes. A few of plant height QTL was involved in significant digenic inter-actions, but most significant interactions occurred between markers that are not adjacent to mapped QTL.These results demonstrated that epistatic interactions might play an equal importance role as the single-locuseffects in determining plant height of maize.  相似文献   

水稻叶绿素含量的QTL及其与环境互作分析   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
 研究的主要目的是通过QTL分析对水稻叶片叶绿素含量进行遗传剖析。应用由247个株系组成的珍汕97B/密阳46重组自交系群体及其含207个分子标记的连锁图谱。分别在2002年和2003年考察亲本和重组自交系群体剑叶、倒二叶、倒三叶叶绿素a和b的含量,采用QTL Mapper 1.6统计软件进行QTL定位、上位性分析及其与环境的互作效应分析。在4个标记区间共检测到控制不同叶位叶绿素a、b含量的8个QTL,单个QTL的表型变异贡献率为1.96% 9.77%,其中2个QTL与环境之间存在显著互作;检测到9对影响叶绿素a、b含量的加性 加性上位性互作,其中1对具有显著的上位性 环境互作效应。与该群体产量性状QTL的研究结果相比较,发现每个产量性状都有QTL与控制叶绿素含量的QTL位于相同的染色体标记区间。  相似文献   

控制水稻种子休眠和抽穗期的数量基因位点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以Nipponbare(japonica)/Kasalath(indica)//Nipponbare BC1F10的98个家系为材料,连续2年进行了水稻种子休眠和抽穗期基因的定位分析。用WinQTLCart 1.13a软件从全基因组角度检测了休眠性数量性状基因位点(QTLs)。检测结果显示,2003年分别在第5、6和7染色体上,2004年则分别在第4、5、7和11染色体上检测到控制种子休眠性的QTLs位点;贡献率分别介于8.91%-11.09%和8.70%-11.80%。表明第7染色体上位于标记R1357~R1245之间的种子休眠性QTL位点是一个在年度之间稳定表达的控制种子休眠性的基因位点。抽穗期的QTL定位分析表明,4个控制抽穗期的基因位点能在不同年份稳定表达,其他位点受年度间的环境条件影响较大。此外,除第6染色体R2171-R2123间的位点延长抽穗期的基因效应来源于亲本Nipponbare外,其余稳定表达位点的延长抽穗期的基因效应皆来自亲本Kasalath。分析表明,种子休眠与抽穗期没有直接关系,它们分别为不同的基因所控制。  相似文献   

Stomatal density and size affect plant water use efficiency, photosynthsis rate and yield. The objective of this study was to gain insights into the variation and genetic basis of stomatal density and size during grain filling under drought stress(DS) and well-watered(WW) conditions. The doubled haploid population derived from a cross of wheat cultivars Hanxuan 10(H10), a female parent, and Lumai 14(L14), a male parent, was used for phenotyping at the heading, flowering, and mid- and late grain filling stages along with established amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP) and simple sequence repeat(SSR) markers. The stomatal density of doubled haploid(DH) lines was gradually increased, while the stomatal lengths and widths were gradually decreased during grain filling stage. Twenty additive QTLs and 19 pairs of epistatic QTLs for the 3 traits were identified under DS. The other 20 QTLs and 25 pairs epistatic QTLs were obtained under WW. Most QTLs made more than 10% contributions to the total phenotypic variations at one growth stage under DS or WW. Furthermore, QTLs for stomatal density near Xwmc74 and Xgwm291 located on chromosome 5A were tightly linked to previously reported QTLs regulating total number of spikelets per spike, number of sterile spikelets per spike and proportion of fertile spikelets per spike. Qsw-2D-1 was detected across stages, and was in the same marker region as a major QTL for plant height, QPH.cgb-2D.1. These indicate that these QTLs on chromosomes 5A and 2D are involved in regulating these agronomic traits and are valuable for molecular breeding.  相似文献   

利用遗传作图群体对水稻抽穗期和株高进行QTL定位,以明确控制性状的基因,揭示性状的遗传机制。将粳型品种月之光与籼型品种明恢63杂交(月之光×明恢63),获得一个含189个家系的F2遗传作图群体;利用该群体建立含127个SSR标记的遗传连锁图谱,图谱覆盖12条染色体,连锁群总长度2 123cM,标记间平均距离16.7cM。F2群体抽穗期和株高均表现为连续的数量变异,呈正态分布,且出现明显的双向超亲分离,抽穗期和株高之间呈现极显著的正相关。以QTL作图软件Cartgrapher 2.5对F2群体抽穗期和株高性状进行了QTL定位分析,共定位到4个与抽穗期相关的QTLs,分别分布于第1、6、8、12号染色体上,第8号染色体上的qHD8 LOD值为10.70,贡献率达48.0%,是主效基因,与已克隆的DTH8在相近位置,可能是DTH8。定位到4个与株高相关的QTLs,分别位于第1、3、8、12号染色体上,表型贡献率为6.3%~21.1%,第1号染色体上检测到的qPH1能解析21.1%的表型变异,是主效基因,位于矮秆基因sd1附近,可能是sd1。定位到的这些QTLs是进行分子标记辅助选择改良相应性状的候选基因位点。  相似文献   

【目的】定位大豆粒形性状的主效QTL、环境互作和QTL间上位性。【方法】以栽培大豆晋豆23为母本,半野生大豆灰布支黑豆(ZDD2315)为父本所衍生的447个RIL构建的SSR遗传图谱及混合线性模型分析方法,对3年大豆粒形性状进行主效QTL、环境互作和QTL间上位性检测。【结果】共检测到7个与粒长、粒宽、粒厚以及长宽比、长厚比和宽厚比相关的QTL,分别位于D2、C2、J_2和O连锁群上,其中粒长、长厚比和宽厚比均表现为遗传正效应,说明增加其等位基因来源于母本晋豆23。同时,检测到3对影响粒宽和宽厚比的加性×加性上位性互作效应及其与环境互作的QTL。【结论】主效QTL对粒形性状遗传产生的影响最大,上位性次之,环境互作最小,说明加性效应、加性×加性上位性互作是大豆粒形性状的重要遗传基础。  相似文献   

采用强优势玉米杂交种苏玉16(JB×Y53)的两个亲本自交系,配置F2和相应F2∶3作图群体。利用154个SSR标记构建了分子标记连锁图谱,覆盖全基因组1 735.0 cM,标记间平均图距为11.3 cM。同时考察F2和F2∶3群体的株高、穗位高、抽穗期和散粉期等共10个重要农艺性状,采用联合F2和F2∶3群体的作图方法定位有关QTL。此外,采用QTL Cartographer V2.5软件分别对F2和F2∶3群体进行了有关QTL的重演性验证。结果表明,采用联合作图方法在调查的10个性状上共定位到93个QTL,采用QTL Cartographer V2.5软件共定位到96个QTL,其中56个能用两种方法重演验证。  相似文献   

Heading date of rice is a key agronomic trait determining cultivated areas and seasons and affecting yield. In the present study, five primary single segment substitution lines with the same genetic background were used to detect quantitative trait loci(QTLs) for heading date in rice. Two QTLs, q HD3 and q HD6 on the short arm of chromosome 3 and the short arm of chromosome 6, respectively, were identified under natural long-day(NLD). Nineteen secondary single segment substitution lines(SSSLs) and seven double segments pyramiding lines were designed to map the two QTLs and to evaluate their epistatic interaction between them. By overlapping mapping, q HD3 was mapped in a 791-kb interval between SSR markers RM3894 and RM569 and q HD6 in a 1 125-kb interval between RM587 and RM225. Results revealed the existence of epistatic interaction between q HD3 and q HD6 under natural long-day(NLD). It was also found that q HD3 and q HD6 had significant effects on plant height and yield traits, indicating that both of the QTLs have pleiotropic effects.  相似文献   

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