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转基因水稻的研发以及环境释放,外源基因通过花粉逃逸到野生近缘种中,可能带来的生态效应愈来愈受到人们的关注.本研究采用人工杂交技术将CrylAc/CpTI双价抗虫基因从转基因栽培稻渗入普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon Griff.)中,获得普通野生稻F1及分离后代F2、F3、F4、F5和回交后代BC1F1和BC...  相似文献   

本研究将通过低温(3℃~5℃)干燥处理花椰菜完全开放的花和不同大小的蕾,利用花粉活力测定、花粉萌发观察和杂交结籽率检测等手段分析了低温保存对其花粉活力及授粉效果的影响。研究结果表明,当天开放花的花粉活力和萌发率最高,分别达到91.3%和45.6%,授粉效果也最好,每角果平均可收获11.3粒种子。3℃~5℃干燥储存8 d后花粉活力和萌发率显著降低,储存16 d后花粉杂交结籽率显著降低,不适合作为花粉供体;开花前1 d和2 d的蕾,3℃~5℃干燥储存8 d的花粉活力分别为88.3%和85.2%,萌发率均为32.4%左右,授粉杂交结籽率分别达到9.8和8.3粒种子/角果。随着储存时间的延长,花粉活力及萌发率逐渐降低。3℃~5℃干燥储存32 d的花粉杂交结籽率仍可达到8粒种子/角果。本研究结果为花椰菜杂交一代制种和组合测配的花粉保存提供理论依据。  相似文献   

对甘蓝型油菜与芥菜型油菜种间杂交F1代杂种进行离体小孢子培养研究.结果表明:(1)F1杂种胚产量受亲本基因型的影响;(2)在F1杂种花粉可育率为30%~43%的范围内,F1杂种花粉可育率对有效胚产量无明显影响;(3)供体植株年龄对高胚产量的材料无明显影响,对低胚产量的材料有明显影响.(4)提出用花药颜色来选择适合的小孢子培养的  相似文献   

利用基因组原位杂交(Genomic in situ hybridization,GISH)技术,对栽培稻(Oryza sativa L.)与疣粒野生稻(O. meyeriana)远缘杂种二倍体(AG)及四倍体(AAGG)进行鉴定。通过对其主要农艺性状和减数分裂的比较和分析,探讨染色体加倍对杂种的影响、明确杂种不育的原因及其利用潜力。GISH检测结果证实了杂种的真实性,杂种细胞中来自疣粒野生稻的染色体有红色杂交信号,而来自栽培稻的染色体上无杂交信号。杂种四倍体的株高、剑叶长、穗颖花数、颖壳长/宽等与二倍体相比明显增加,显示出明显的多倍体优势。二者的减数分裂也存在很大差异,杂种二倍体减数分裂过程紊乱,杂种四倍体减数分裂过程则基本正常。染色体加倍明显改善了杂种的减数分裂,但杂种四倍体仍不能结实,推测杂种的不育性很可能与核质亲和性有关。但杂种在新品种(系)或育种中间材料选育上仍具有改造和利用的潜力,无芒特性使其在芒的遗传研究及多倍体水稻芒的改造等方面同样具有重要作用。  相似文献   

挖掘和利用广西普通野生稻中的优良、杭逆基因,创新水稻不育系。用高杭白叶枯病普通野生稻材料1-428与自育品种杂交,经过多代回交和自交选育,获得了杭白叶枯病的中间材料,利用该杭性材料与抗揭飞虱野生稻1-513杂交,获得F1,F1出现部分结实低的株系,通过连续多代的回交,转育出杭白叶枯病的不育新品系。该不育系株叶形态优良,分集强,开花习性好,花粉败育彻底,配合力高,米质优,高抗白叶枯病。通过野生稻核置换,可以培育出新的细胞质杭性不育系。  相似文献   

为解决半夏生产中种茎的退化问题,为半夏的新品种选育及栽培技术提供科学依据。对三叶半夏和掌叶半夏进行自交与杂交,观测并比较其生物学特性、授粉、结实情况及出苗率。结果表明,掌叶半夏、三叶半夏的人工杂交、自交均能结实,但种间杂交表现不育;掌叶半夏与三叶半夏种内杂交结实率分别达65%和60%,平均单株结种子分别为37粒和17粒。掌叶半夏和三叶半夏的自交结实率分别为88.24%和62.5%;半夏自然授粉植株的单株种子数及其种子出苗率都明显高于自交和杂交植株,对异株的花粉有一定的排斥作用。半夏属于同株异花授粉植物,种间杂交不育;其种子不具有休眠特性,应趁鲜播种;半夏有性繁殖可以选育新品种,提高种茎的抗逆能力。  相似文献   

保持系稻株对孕穗期干旱胁迫伤害与补水修复的育性响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶龙兴  符冠富  宋建  熊杰  乐明凯  王熹 《作物学报》2010,36(9):1568-1577
以负压式土壤湿度计和取土烘干法双重监控盆栽试验的土壤水势变化,观测我国14个常用水稻保持系的孕穗期耐旱性,并以干旱胁迫指数人为划分钝感、耐旱、不耐旱与敏感4个等级,其中K22-B、金23-B为孕穗期干旱胁迫钝感材料,珍汕97-B、中9-B为孕穗期干旱胁迫敏感材料,比较研究它们对干旱胁迫伤害的育性响应与补水修复的特征。结果表明,钝感或敏感保持系稻株主穗耐旱性均强于分蘖穗,粒位间强势粒耐旱性均高于弱势粒。这一生物学现象似"植物顶端优势"的逆境生理学表现。比较孕穗期中花粉母细胞减数分裂期、花粉粒形成期与花粉粒充实期的耐旱性,花粉粒充实期耐旱性最弱,花粉母细胞减数分裂期耐旱性较强。孕穗期干旱后补水对结实伤害的恢复效果明显,尤其对耐旱性强的保持系稻株修复更明显,主要途径是降低秕谷率而不降低空壳率,表明干旱胁迫育性损伤是不可逆的。  相似文献   

水稻闭颖授粉遗传位点的发掘旨在研究其闭颖授粉机制。本研究利用闭颖水稻品系RV2429为母本,开颖授粉水稻品系Koshihikari为父本杂交得到F1代,F1自交得到F2,以双亲本及F2为研究材料,对双亲本的粒型及花器官结构进行比较,推测出浆片体积增加较小是RV2429闭颖授粉的原因。统计F2群体的开花表型和基因型,通过QTL IciMapping 4.1软件分析,初步定位到4个与闭颖授粉相关的QTLs,qCL4.1(4.75%),LOD值为2.559 3、qCL6.1 (5.12%),LOD值为2.999 1、qCL11.1 (5.06%),LOD值为2.799 6和qCL12.1(4.77%),LOD值为3.052 1,分别在4、6、11、12染色体上。本研究结果明确了控制水稻闭颖授粉的新基因位置,为以后的精细定位提供了实验依据,为加快闭颖授粉的育种进程提供帮助,对抑制基因漂流具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在云南高海拔冷凉自然条件下对两个粳型水稻披垂叶突变体品系(MR304、MR312)及其与常规品种的杂交后代(F1、F2)进行了苗期耐冷性鉴定,在抽穗期对突变体及其杂交后代的花粉育性类型进行了分析,并在成熟期进行了相关经济学性状和生物学性状的考察。结果表明,在苗期的耐冷性鉴定中,突变体及杂交亲本均为抗型(R);杂交后代F1中南40/MR312、滇粳优5号/MR304、Ansanbyeo/MR304为中抗型(MR),滇粳优5号/MR312为感型(S),其余均为抗型(R)。抽穗期亲本银光花粉可育率最高,为88.9%;杂交后代F1组合中只有银光/MR304的花粉可育率最高,为94.5%,超过对照(92.5%),组合Ansanbyeo/MR304的花粉可育率最低。亲本银光的结实率超过对照(70.9%),达到82.4%,突变体MR304、MR312的结实率低,分别为26.2%和5.0%;F1中两组合(银光/MR304、银光/MR312)的结实率均超过对照或亲本。该研究揭示了利用水稻披垂叶突变体产生的F1杂种优势可以增强杂交稻在高海拔冷凉条件下的耐冷性优势;抽穗期的花粉育性大小是鉴定杂交后代(F1)植株耐冷性强弱的重要指标。  相似文献   

非洲的长雄蕊野生稻(Oryza longistaminata)具有多年生、抗病、抗虫、耐寒、耐旱等优良特性,可用于栽培稻的遗传改良。但其感光性强,长日照下不抽穗。为了在分子标记辅助育种过程中排除不需要的强感光性,须先找到长雄蕊野生稻中控制感光性的QTL。感光性是指水稻受日照长短的影响而改变其抽穗期的特性。抽穗期作为水稻重要的农艺性状,与产量有着密切的联系。本研究以长雄蕊野生稻(Oryza longistaminata)为父本,栽培稻巴利拉(Balilla)为母本杂交构建的F2群体为研究材料。对F2群体的抽穗期性状进行QTL定位分析,共得到6个控制水稻抽穗期的QTL,这些QTL分别位于第2号、第4号、第8号和第9号染色体上。在两年长日照下的F2群体中都检测到第8号染色体上的qDTH-8-1位点,但短日照下未检测到该位点,说明其跟感光性相关。qDTH-8-1是一个主效位点,对抽穗期表型贡献率最大,其中包含已被克隆的DTH8/GHD8基因。此外,我们还检测到另外4个已被定位但未被克隆的位点qDTH-4-1、qDTH-8-2、qDTH-9-1和q DTH-9-2,他们在本群体中的效应不大。结果表明,长雄蕊野生稻的感光性主要由qDTH-8-1控制,育种后代中要注意检测该位点的基因型。通过检测长雄蕊野生稻中的抽穗期QTL并进一步克隆到基因,这有助于深入了解野生稻强感光性的遗传机理,为水稻品种改良提供基因资源。  相似文献   

Drought stress is a severe threat to the sustainable rice production, which causes oxidative damage and disturbs plant water relations, while exogenously applied nitric oxide (NO) may have the potential to alleviate these effects in rice plants. In this study, the role of NO to improve drought tolerance in fine grain aromatic rice ( Oryza sativa L. cv. Basmati 2000) was evaluated. Sodium nitroprusside, a NO donor, was used at 50, 100 and 150  μ mol l−1 both as seed priming and foliar spray. To prime, the seeds were soaked in aerated NO solution of respective solution for 48 h and dried back to original weight. Primed and non-primed seeds were sown in plastic pots with normal irrigation in a greenhouse. At four leaf stage, plants were subjected to drought stress except the controls, which were kept at full field capacity. Drought was maintained at 50 % of field capacity by watering when needed. Two controls were maintained; both receiving no NO treatments as foliar application or seed treatment, one under drought conditions and the other under well-watered conditions. Drought stress seriously reduced the rice growth, but both methods of NO application alleviated the stress effects. Drought tolerance in rice was strongly related to the maintenance of tissue water potential and enhanced capacity of antioxidants, improved stability of cellular membranes and enhanced photosynthetic capacity, plausibly by signalling action of NO. Foliar treatments proved more effective than the seed treatments. Among NO treatment, 100  μ mol l−1 foliar spray was more effective.  相似文献   

Rice performance under drought stress is mainly impeded by oxidative damage and hampered plant water status, which may be improved by exogenous use of osmoprotectants. In this study, the role of glycinebetaine (GB) to improve drought tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar Super-basmati was evaluated. GB was used both as seed and foliar application. For priming, seeds were soaked in 50, 100 and 150 mg l−1 aerated solution of GB for 48 h. At four-leaf stage, one set of plants was subjected to drought stress, while the other set kept at full field capacity. Drought was maintained at 50 % of field capacity by watering when needed. For exogenous application, 50, 100 and 150 mg l−1 GB levels were applied at five-leaf stage. Drought stress greatly reduced the rice growth while GB application improved it both under well-watered and drought conditions. Drought tolerance in rice was strongly related to the maintenance of tissue water potential and antioxidant system, which improved the integrity of cellular membranes and enabled the plant to maintain high photosynthesis. Foliar treatments were more effective than the seed treatments, while among the GB treatment, foliar application with 100 mg l−1 was the most effective.  相似文献   

Drought stress encumbers the rice growth predominantly by oxidative damage to biological membranes and disturbed tissue water status. In this study, the role of salicylic acid (SA) to induce drought tolerance in aromatic fine grain rice cultivar Basmati 2000 was evaluated. SA was applied as seed and foliar treatments. For seed treatment, rice seeds were soaked in 50, 100 and 150 mg l−1 aerated solution of SA for 48 h and then dried back. Treated and untreated seeds were sown in plastic pots in a phytotron. At four leaf stage, one set of plants was subjected to drought stress, while the other remained well watered. Drought was maintained at 50 % of field capacity by watering every alternate day. For exogenous application, SA was applied 50, 100 and 150 mg l−1 at five leaf stage. In the control, SA was neither applied exogenously nor as seed treatment. Drought stress severely affected the seedling fresh and dry weight, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, plant water relations and starch metabolism; however, SA application improved the performance of rice under both normal and stress conditions. Drought tolerance in rice was well associated with the accumulation of compatible solutes, maintenance of tissue water potential and enhanced potency of antioxidant system, which improved the integrity of cellular membranes and facilitated the rice plant to sustain photosynthesis and general metabolism. Foliar treatments were more effective than the seed treatments. Foliar application with 100 mg l−1 (FA 100) was the best treatment to induce the drought tolerance and improve the performance under normal and stress conditions compared with the control or other treatments used in this study.  相似文献   

L. Marchais  S. Tostain 《Euphytica》1997,93(1):97-105
Crosses between pearl millet lines and Pennisetum ramosum, P. schweinfurthii, P. squamulatum or Cenchrus ciliaris were observed for the frequency and development of zygotes, the possibility of embryo rescue, and the fertility of F1 hybrids obtained. Eight per cent of the ovules from diploid millet × P. ramosum crosses showed small embryos which could not be rescued. However, 59% of the ovules from tetraploid millet × P. ramosum crosses showed well-developed embryos that were easy to rescue 14 days after pollination. F1 hybrids were male sterile but female fertile when pollinated by diploid millet. Both diploid and tetraploid millet ovules showed the presence of hybrid zygotes after pollination with P. schweinfurthii at rates ranging from 25% to 45%. The diploid millet× P. schweinfurthii hybrid zygotes often developed almost normal seeds giving, without embryo rescue, totally sterile plants. The tetraploid millet × P. schweinfurthii hybrid embryos were normal but the endosperm was severely defective. A hybrid obtained by embryo rescue was totally sterile. A diploid millet-P. schweinfurthii amphidiploid was obtained by somatic embryogenesis associated with colchicine treatment during callogenesis. This amphiploid plant was male sterile, but gave many seeds when pollinated by a tetraploid millet and few seeds when pollinated by a diploid millet. P. squamulatum pollinating diploid millets produced proembryos with large undifferentiated endosperms in 73% of the ovules. A normal seed set was observed on tetraploid millets pollinated by P. squamulatum and the resulting F1 hybrids were partially male and female fertile. Backcrosses of these hybrids were much more fertile when pollination was from a tetraploid millet rather than from a diploid millet. C. ciliaris pollinating a diploid millet showed, in 60% of the ovules, proembryos and endosperms similar to those observed with P. squamulatum and no hybrid could be rescued. Crosses with a tetraploid millet could not be attempted due to the pistil-pollen incompatibility of tetraploid millets available with C. ciliaris. Ploidy levels of mating partners do not seem to influence pistil-pollen compatibility, but play a major role in post-zygotic abortion. With adequate ploidy levels of parents, and embryo rescue, it seems that the pearl millet gene pool can be considerably enlarged by germplasm from many other species.  相似文献   

同源四倍体水稻与假稻杂交结籽的胚胎学机理研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用激光扫描共聚焦显微技术对同源四倍体水稻与假稻杂交结籽的特殊生殖现象进行了研究.研究结果表明,假稻的花粉粒不能在二倍体水稻的柱头上萌发,因而二倍体水稻与假稻的生殖隔离很严格.然而,假稻的花粉粒在同源四倍体水稻的柱头上能萌发,前者的花粉管能在后者的花柱中伸长并能将雄配子送入胚囊内.在同源四倍体水稻与假稻的  相似文献   

Oryza punctata, a wild relative of cultivated rice, belongs to the BB genome of Oryza. Interspecific hybrids (CW008, AB) between Oryza sativa (2n?=?24 AA) and O. punctata (2n?=?24 BB) were obtained using embryo rescue technique. Synthetic allopolyploid (DCW008, AABB) were produced through chromosome doubling by colchicine. Hybrids overcame many wild traits except the shattering and awn. The synthetic amphiploid plants showed obvious superiority in growth and production. Interspecific hybrids CW008 were completely infertile but DCW008 had better seed set after selfing. Genomic in situ hybridization investigations were performed on DCW008. The result indicated that the A genome was closed to the B genome and translocations occurred between some chromosomes of cultivated and wild rice. Meiosis was nearly normal in the amphiploid hybrid but was disrupted in the diploid hybrid, which resulted in different fertility of them.  相似文献   

水稻种子脱水耐性的形成及其与贮藏特性的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以3个水稻品种ZR02、株1S/ZR02和金23A/ZR02的F1代种子为材料,研究了杂交水稻与常规水稻种子的脱水耐性与贮藏特性之间的相关性。结果表明,常规水稻ZR02与杂交水稻株1S/ZR02和金23A/ZR02的F1代种子的脱水耐性形成较为一致,7DAA种子开始有萌发能力,缓慢脱水能明显提高成熟度不高的种子的萌发力。自然风干慢速脱水和硅胶快速脱水至相同含水量(0.11g/g(DW))时,前者提高种子萌发力的幅度更大。3个水稻的成熟种子在室内开放贮藏或硅胶干燥贮藏3个月后再经历15d的老化处理,然后进行萌发试验的结果表明,常规水稻ZR02比杂交水稻的种子更抗老化;两个杂交水稻的不同发育时期种子的抗老化能力也有差异,皆以17DAA种子的抗老化能力最强。  相似文献   

Summary In the synthesis of primary hexaploid triticale, a cross-incompatibility barrier exists when tetraploid wheat (4X) is crossed with diploid (2X) rye. Fertilization may occur, however, abnormal endosperm development usually leads to premature embryo death. Four selected tetraploid wheat lines were crossed as females with seven open-pollinated rye lines and the resulting embryos were rescued in vitro 13–16 days after pollination. The wheat genotypes showed a major influence on crossability (seed set), embryo development and plant recovery. The highest efficiency of amphihaploid plant recovery (18.3 plants per 100 pollinated florets) was obtained from one 4X wheat line originally selected from the cross T. carthlicum × T. dicoccoides. Some of the 3X amphihaploid plants (ABR) derived from two wheat lines showed relatively high level of partial fertility presumably as a result of meiotic restitution. Correlation analysis showed that crossability (seed set), normal hybrid embryo development in vivo and embryo culturability were independent of each other.  相似文献   

东乡普通野生稻全生育期抗旱性鉴定   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:25  
利用组合R974//东野/R974 BC1F5 BIL群体,设水分胁迫和非胁迫两种处理,在全生育期测定了株高、单株分蘖数、单株有效穗数、穗长、穗实粒数、穗总粒数、着粒密度、千粒重、结实率、单株产量、叶片相对含水量、卷叶级别等12个与抗旱相关的形态及生理性状,其中单株产量对水分胁迫影响最敏感。通过各性状旱、水相对值对抗旱系数分别进行单因素逐步回归、通径、灰色关联分析,结果表明,叶片相对含水量、单株分蘖数、穗实粒数、千粒重、株高、单株有效穗数等6个性状与水稻抗旱性相关显著,可作为全生育期抗旱鉴定指标。利用模糊隶属函数法对入选性状的抗旱D值进行抗旱性综合评价,更表明上述性状作为水稻全生育期的抗旱鉴定指标是可行的。同时对5种抗旱性评价方法进行比较指出,抗旱指数是最合适的抗旱性直接评价方法。  相似文献   

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