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黎强  叶进 《农业工程学报》2007,23(7):186-190
该文提出了针对中小规模养殖场废水治理的一种能源自给的中温UASB(上流式厌氧污泥床)工程系统。该系统中发酵温度高于常温UASB,并且随季节变化不大,反应速度快,处理效果好,产气率高且稳定。在设计实例的基础上分析了中温UASB工程系统工作的合理废水温升选择的依据和方法和废水加热系统的调节方法。为了适应重庆的气候特点,计算分析得出了适当的温升控制方案。研究结果表明:在年平均气温高于14.2℃的地区,不需要额外的燃料补充即可使用该系统进行中温厌氧处理废水,发酵温度可维持在28℃以上。  相似文献   

在用废甘蔗浆生产酒精的过程中,蒸馏塔底部浓缩废液的处理往往带来严重的环境污染问题。一般每蒸馏提取lin’酒精,就要排放12~15m’的废液。在印度尼西亚的莫佐克托,人们为了对酒精厂废液进行厌氧处理,专门研制修建了含两座反应器的系统,该系统目前已投入小规模试验运转。其中,每座反应器的容积约为50m’。第一座反应器是利用生物化学原理进行调节控制的带搅拌器的反应罐(BCCV),另一座是甲烷上流式厌氧反应器(M-UR)。MUR内填充有多级分层的聚氨基甲酸酯制成的隔板,其有效容积为总容积的60%。从酒精蒸馏港流出的废液,温…  相似文献   

基于改进秸秆床发酵系统的厌氧发酵产沼气特性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为同时解决农业秸秆和分散式畜禽养殖废水的资源化问题,以打捆秸秆为固定相,以猪粪废水为流动相,构筑秸秆床厌氧反应器,并在反应器后部连接废水二级厌氧反应器,研究秸秆床发酵系统的产气特性及可行性。结果表明:秸秆床发酵系统可同时处理打捆秸秆和猪粪废水,且不影响各发酵原料的厌氧生物转化率,秸秆床发酵系统中秸秆干物质产气量为394.96 mL/g,略高于秸秆单独发酵(382.11 mL/g);秸秆床发酵系统产气稳定性大幅提高,避免了单一发酵原料日产气量波动较大的问题,对产气中平均甲烷体积分数影响明显,秸秆床发酵系统、纯猪粪废水和纯秸秆发酵产气中平均甲烷体积分数分别为57.40%、60.37%和47.32%;与各物料单独发酵相比,秸秆床发酵系统平均容积产气率大幅提高,纯秸秆和猪粪废水单独发酵容积产气率仅为秸秆床发酵系统的69.42%和66.94%;试验35 d后,秸秆机械强度和孔隙度明显降低,秸秆互相粘结导气性下降,造成秸秆上浮严重及进水短流,反应器出水化学需氧量浓度快速增加并稳定在较高浓度,故在秸秆床反应器后部必须连接废水二级厌氧反应器以进一步处理秸秆床反应器出水。综合以上结果,采用秸秆床发酵系统同时处理打捆秸秆和猪粪废水是可行的,但需解决发酵后期秸秆上浮、导向性下降和进水短流等问题。  相似文献   

厌氧污泥发酵制氢工艺试验研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
试验研究了酸处理、碱处理、热处理、超声波预处理厌氧污泥发酵产氢的产氢量,选择产氢量最高的热预处理后的污泥作为混合微生物系,以葡萄糖为基质,研究了温度、pH值、底物浓度对厌氧污泥发酵产氢量的影响。结果表明,发酵的温度、pH值、底物浓度是影响热处理污泥发酵产氢的3个重要因素。厌氧污泥发酵产氢的最适pH值为6.0,最适葡萄糖浓度为5 g/L,最适温度为45℃。  相似文献   

厌氧氨氧化是一种高效的脱氮处理工艺,但其启动和运行过程困难,高效反应器是解决此问题的有效手段。本文利用改进的上流式双层厌氧滤器开展厌氧氨氧化启动反应的试验研究。在反应器填料上分别接种反硝化污泥、厌氧污泥、混合污泥,通过模拟废水提供自养反硝化条件,并逐步提高基质浓度和水力负荷,促使菌群向厌氧氨氧化反应转变。试验发现,反硝化污泥、厌氧污泥、混合污泥均可启动厌氧氨氧化反应,启动时间分别为42、54 d和45 d。以反硝化污泥为接种物的启动效果最好,启动时间较短且废水氮素去除率高,总氮去除率最高达到82.2%。双层填料的反应器有效提高了厌氧氨氧化的稳定性,该反应器中厌氧氨氧化菌对氨氮、亚硝氮的适宜浓度负荷为270、360 mg·L~(-1),废水中COD浓度不宜超过150 mg·L~(-1),系统中存在厌氧氨氧化和甲烷化共存的效应。  相似文献   

本文试验采用厌氧污泥床过滤器,中温处理猪粪两步发酵新工艺。其设备为二个100升的敞口酸化罐;一个100升密闭的产甲烷罐,内部装有三相分离器和毛刷填料。经过三年的运行结果表明,甲烷罐的平均池容产气率为2.5—2.7m3/m3·d,有机物去除效果明显,COD去除率平均达到76.2%。本系统操作方便,可控性能好,耐冲击能力强,是一种高效处理牲畜粪便行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

养猪废水成分复杂,所含悬浮性固体对其生物发酵过程影响显著;利用经过粉碎压实后的玉米秸秆对养猪废水进行负压抽滤,吸附截留废水中的悬浮性固体。再利用上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB,up-flow anaerobic sludge bed/blanket)反应器对过滤后的养猪废水进厌氧发酵,探究发酵过程中随着有机负荷的增加,化学需氧量(COD,chemical oxygen demand)去除率、pH值、产气量的变化规律,并采用高通量测序技术分析最优负荷时厌氧消化污泥中的细菌与古菌群落组成。过滤试验表明,在过滤压差为40kPa、滤层厚度为15cm、滤料压实度为1.6倍密度(148.8kg/m3)时有较好的过滤效果,此时总固体(TS,total solid)、挥发性固体(VS,volatile solid)、COD的去除率分别为33.08%、28.05%、23.01%。厌氧发酵试验结果表明,在温度为(35±1)℃时反应器稳定运行的最高负荷为11 kg/(m3·d);反应器处理效果最优的负荷为10 kg/(m3·d),此时进水COD浓度为5 000 mg/L、COD去除率为76.46%、容积产气率为1.51m3/(m3·d)。高通量测序结果表明,厌氧发酵过程由多种微生物菌群协同作用,主要的细菌群类是Firmicutes、Bacteroidota,主要古菌群类为Halobacterota,且高效产甲烷菌分布丰富。试验结果为利用作物秸秆过滤养猪废水进行以废治废的技术应用提供了依据。  相似文献   

为研究污泥厌氧消化过程中物理化学性质的变化对典型重金属形态转化的影响,对其农用的可行性及生物有效性进行评估,对取自某城市污水处理厂的剩余污泥进行了序批式厌氧消化实验,在试验过程中测定了污泥理化学性质,采用Tessier分步提取法提取了污泥样品中的典型重金属,并采用电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪(ICP-OES)测定各形态重金属含量及总量。结果表明,厌氧消化过程中重金属的形态发生了显著变化,由不稳定态向比较稳定的残渣态和有机结合态转变,某些重金属形态与污泥理化性质如pH、碱度、VS/TS及氨氮显著相关。厌氧消化可以有效地降低污泥中重金属的潜在迁移能力和生物有效性,经厌氧消化后污泥可以更好地进行土地利用。  相似文献   

适宜原料压实度改善玉米秸秆厌氧干发酵特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
干发酵原料中固形物含量高,结构疏松,原料的压实度直接关系到发酵罐的利用率和生产成本。为了探讨原料压实度对厌氧干发酵过程的影响,该文以玉米秸秆粉为试验材料,研究了不同固形物含量(TS)条件下原料压实度对厌氧干发酵产气特性及物料特性变化的影响,结果表明:相同TS下,随着压实度的增加,日产气量(基于可挥发性固形物,VS)峰值降低且出峰时间略有滞后;原料压实度对累积产气量、日产气量变化趋势以及甲烷体积分数的影响不明显。基于发酵罐容积计算产气量时,原料压实度与日产气量峰值、累积产气总量以及累积甲烷产量均呈显著正相关。不同TS条件下的原料压实度对厌氧干发酵过程的影响程度不同,TS含量越高原料压实度对产气量的影响越明显。TS为20%和25%时,逐层压实发酵罐的单位容积累积产气量比自然填料罐分别提高了37.1%和60.2%。当发酵料初始TS为20%时,原料压实度的增加可促使物料中形成连续的液相,改善物料层间的传质,从而使发酵料上下层间的差异减小。当发酵料初始TS提高到25%时,原料压实度增加对传质特性无明显影响。综上所述,在该试验研究范围内,提高原料压实度可以保证玉米秸秆厌氧干发酵产气过程的正常进行,且可以显著提高发酵罐的容积利用率。该研究对厌氧干发酵原料压实度与发酵特性之间的关系进行了初步探讨,以期为有效提高厌氧干发酵罐的产能能力提供参考。  相似文献   

<正> 一、污泥厌氧处理厌氧处理能极大地降低某种废水产生的污泥的数量。适合于厌氧分解的废弃物,其有机固体(BOD,220g/L)相对丰富。厌氧处理需要最佳的细菌生长条件,通过调节微生物的停留时间、充分的混合、合适的 pH(6.5~7.6)、足够浓度的微量和大量营养物、并消除有毒物质来实现。发酵的效果通  相似文献   

Semillon and Shiraz grapes containing ochratoxin A (OA) were obtained by inoculation of bunches on the vine with Aspergillus carbonarius. Citric acid content was greater in the inoculated grapes than in healthy grapes. Samples were collected throughout vinification of these grapes and the OA content was quantified using a stable isotope dilution liquid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometric method. The mass of processed and waste streams during vinification was also noted. Reduction in the amount of OA in juice and wine occurred at every solid-liquid separation stage. The OA concentration (microg/kg) in white and red wine after racking was 4% and 9%, respectively, of that in crushed grapes. This corresponds to 1% and 6% of the total OA content that was initially present in the inoculated grapes. The OA content was divided between solid and liquid phases at each stage of vinification. OA did not appear to be transformed either chemically or biologically by yeast during fermentation, rather was discarded with the marc, juice lees, and gross lees.  相似文献   

基于层次分析法和模糊综合评价的沼气工程技术筛选   总被引:17,自引:11,他引:6  
不同沼气工程技术对地域自然条件、环境制约条件、原料种类等因素的适应性有较大差异,科学客观的沼气工程技术筛选方法,是保证沼气工程长期稳定发挥其最大能效的重要基础。该文提出了基于层次分析法(analytic hierarchy process,AHP)和模糊综合评价的沼气工程技术筛选方法和决策流程,构建了沼气工程技术筛选的指标体系;以领域专家实地调查结果为基础,通过AHP法获得沼气工程技术筛选不同指标的权重,然后采用模糊综合评价方法对沼气工程技术进行排序。利用该方法筛选的结果与武汉地区的实际运行效果一致。采用AHP和模糊综合评价方法相结合解决复杂的多因素决策问题,既能克服AHP指标不易量化的主观性,又能避免模糊综合评价方法对指标权重的忽视,可为沼气工程技术筛选提供科学方法。  相似文献   

The present work is a systematic approach for valorization of wine lees regarding the recovery of squalene, a bioactive lipid. Such a study is presented for the first time in literature. Separate examination of squalene content in "light" and "heavy" lees from different vinification processes by RP-HPLC demonstrated that these waste streams can be used as a source for this lipid, despite variations due to technological or genetic effects. Next, ultrasound assisted extraction of squalene from the "industrial waste" (the mixture of wine lees generated from different wines) using n-hexane was optimized with the aid of response surface methodology (independent variables: sonication duration and duty cycles). Autolysis was monitored through optical microscopy. Squalene yield (0.6 ± 0.08 g SQ/kg dry lees) was comparable to that of recently examined potential sources (0.2-0.35 g SQ/kg dry olive pomace and 0.06 g SQ/kg olive leaves).  相似文献   

葡萄酒生产废弃物与剩余污泥厌氧共消化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
厌氧消化技术被广泛应用于多种行业废弃物的处置。然而,葡萄酒生产废弃物浓度高、pH值低以及季节性变化的特性容易造成负荷冲击,导致反应器微生物流失、运行不稳定。同时,剩余污泥组分复杂、水解率低导致产气效率低。厌氧共消化具有均衡营养素、减缓抑制效应、丰富菌群多样性和提高甲烷产量等优势,也逐渐成为一种重要的葡萄酒生产废弃物与剩余污泥的处置方式。尽管已有二者在不同运行策略下共消化性能的研究,但仍未有报道阐明其共消化的影响因素以及基于葡萄酒生产废弃物特性建立直接种间电子传递的研究进展。因此,该文介绍了葡萄酒生产废水与剩余污泥、葡萄酒生产固体废弃物与剩余污泥的共消化进展,并分别归纳了2种体系中影响消化效能的主要因子;随后总结了共消化体系中基于乙醇建立的直接种间电子传递的研究进展;最后,围绕以上内容展望了共消化技术在葡萄酒生产废弃物与剩余污泥协同处理的前景。  相似文献   

Utilization of industrial solid wastes for the treatment of wastewater from another industry could help environmental pollution abatement, in solving both solid waste disposal as well as liquid waste problems. Red mud (RM) is a waste product in the production of alumina and it poses serious pollution hazard. The present paper focuses on the possibility of utilization of RM as an adsorbent for removal of Remazol Brilliant Blue dye (RBB), a reactive dye from dye-contaminated water. Adsorption of RBB, from dye-contaminated water was studied by adsorption on powdered sulfuric acid-treated RM. The effect of initial dye concentration, contact time, initial pH, and adsorbent dosage were studied. Langmuir isotherm model has been found to represent the equilibrium data for RBB?CRM adsorption system better than Freundlich model. The adsorption capacity of RM was found to be 27.8?mg dye/g of adsorbent at 40?°C. Thermodynamic analysis showed that adsorption of RBB on acid-treated RM is an endothermic reaction with ?H 0 of 28.38?kJ/mol. The adsorption kinetics is represented by second-order kinetic model and the kinetic constant was estimated to be 0.0105?±?0.005?g/mg?min. Validity of intra-particle diffusion kinetic model suggested that among the mass transfer processes during the dye adsorption process, pore diffusion is the controlling step and not the film diffusion. The process can serve dual purposes of utilization of an industrial solid waste and the treatment of liquid waste.  相似文献   

该研究设计的立式连续干发酵装置的几点特色包括搅拌升温调节罐、多点分布式进料、立式连续干发酵反应器和熟料回流混合过程,形成一种高固体浓度有机废弃物制取生物燃气的工艺方法及其发酵系统,可实现沼气工程的快速启动、厌氧发酵罐内无需搅拌、且节能,节水,减少沼液沼渣的排放量,保护环境,降低成本。采用上述设计的反应器进行发酵试验,研究熟料回流对产气特性的影响得出,应用回流的各组挥发性脂肪酸(volatile fatty acids,VFA)都有所降低,且回流比为1:7的VFA含量最低,氨氮没有累积,C/N接近25,产气效果最好。回流比1:9组,VFA含量累积最高,同时出现氨氮抑制产气的现象,所以得出熟料回流量过多,厌氧发酵系统就会受到抑制,且熟料回流对沼气中甲烷含量没有显著影响。  相似文献   

Pesticide residues in grapes, wine, and their processing products   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In this review the results obtained in the 1990s from research on the behavior of pesticide residues on grapes, from treatment to harvest, and their fate in drying, wine-making, and alcoholic beverage processing are reported. The fungicide residues on grapes (cyproconazole, hexaconazole, kresoxim-methyl, myclobutanil, penconazole, tetraconazole, and triadimenol), the application rates of which were of a few tens of grams per hectare, were very low after treatment and were not detectable at harvest. Pyrimethanil residues were constant up to harvest, whereas fluazinam, cyprodinil, mepanipyrim, azoxystrobin, and fludioxonil showed different disappearance rates (t(1/2) = 4.3, 12, 12.8, 15.2, and 24 days, respectively). The decay rate of the organophosphorus insecticides was very fast with t(1/2) ranging between 0.97 and 3.84 days. The drying process determined a fruit concentration of 4 times. Despite this, the residue levels of benalaxyl, phosalone, metalaxyl, and procymidone on sun-dried grapes equalled those on the fresh grape, whereas they were higher for iprodione (1.6 times) and lower for vinclozolin and dimethoate (one-third and one-fifth, respectively). In the oven-drying process, benalaxyl, metalaxyl, and vinclozolin showed the same residue value in the fresh and dried fruit, whereas iprodione and procymidone resides were lower in raisins than in the fresh fruit. The wine-making process begins with the pressing of grapes. From this moment onward, because the pesticide on the grape surface comes into contact with the must, it is in a biphasic system, made up of a liquid phase (the must) and a solid phase (cake and lees), and will be apportioned between the two phases. The new fungicides have shown no effect on alcoholic or malolactic fermentation. In some cases the presence of pesticides has also stimulated the yeasts, especially Kloeckera apiculata, to produce more alcohol. After fermentation, pesticide residues in wine were always smaller than those on the grapes and in the must, except for those pesticides that did not have a preferential partition between liquid and solid phase (azoxystrobin, dimethoate, and pyrimethanil) and were present in wine at the same concentration as on the grapes. In some cases (mepanipyrim, fluazinam, and chlorpyrifos) no detectable residues were found in the wines at the end of fermentation. From a comparison of residues in wine obtained by vinification with and without skins, it can be seen that their values were generally not different. Among the clarifying substances commonly used in wine (bentonite, charcoal, gelatin, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone, potassium caseinate, and colloidal silicon dioxide), charcoal allowed the complete elimination of most pesticides, especially at low levels, whereas the other clarifying substances were ineffective. Wine and its byproducts (cake and lees) are used in the industry to produce alcohol and alcoholic beverages. Fenthion, quinalphos, and vinclozolin pass into the distillate from the lees only if present at very high concentrations, but with a very low transfer percantage (2, 1, and 0.1%, respectively). No residue passed from the cake into the distillate, whereas fenthion and vinclozolin pass from the wine, but only at low transfer percentages (13 and 5%, respectively).  相似文献   

Pear juice obtained from pear concentrate was fermented at room temperature using Saccharomyces cerevisiae (BDX, ENOFERM, France) as the fermentation microorganism. During the fermentation process, total sugars were measured. High performance liquid chromatography analyses were used to monitor the fermentation process and to characterize the pear wine. The pear wine obtained was distilled with its lees using three different equipments: a glass alembic (a glass pot still coupled to a glass column), a copper alembic, and a glass alembic with the addition of 5 g/L of copper shavings to the pot still. The same distillations were repeated with the wine without its lees (separated by decanting). Several distillation fractions were collected, up to a total of 500 mL of distillate. Gas chromatography was used to identify and quantify the volatile compounds in each fraction, and the methanol and ethanol contents. Based on these results, the heart fraction was defined. ANOVA tests were performed on the heart fractions to determine quantitative differences between some volatile compounds depending on the equipment used and the presence or absence of the wine lees. From this series of ANOVA tests, it can be concluded that the concentrations of the compounds that are considered to have a negative effect on the quality of the distillates (methanol, ethyl acetate, furfural) decrease or do not change when they are distilled in the presence of lees and in the copper alembic. In addition, the concentrations of the positive compounds (ethyl decanoate and ethyl-2-trans-4-cis-decadienoate) increase in the presence of lees for all of the equipment tested. So, it can be assumed that the distillation of pear wine with its lees in copper alembic leads to a better quality product.  相似文献   

针对车用生物燃气工程能耗高、余热利用率低的问题,该文以国内4个典型工程为基础,构建了产气规模为1万m3/d的示例工程,并对其进行余热分析.分析结果显示,此类工程用能量大,占总产能的30.01%~36.44%;余热利用率低,只有部分贫液余热得以回收;系统余热主要由脱碳塔顶气余热、脱碳贫液余热、压缩机余热、沼液余热和锅炉尾气余热5部分组成,其多为低品位余热、量大稳定.余热计算表明,在最冷月和最热月系统余热潜力分别为5.87×104、4.79×104MJ/d,最大节能潜力分别为74.81%和73.92%,节能潜力降序排列为沼液余热>贫液余热>塔顶气余热>压缩机余热>锅炉余热.余热可利用性分析认为工程余热可利用性较高,回收价值较大.  相似文献   

沼液处理方式及资源化研究进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
该文综述了国内外厌氧发酵概况,以及沼液性质和国内外处理工艺的发展情况,并针对沼液成分的分析,从资源化利用的角度,对沼液回用的现实意义和限制条件进行讨论,综合分析了沼液在微藻养殖应用的优势和前景,论述了沼液作为肥料的农业应用价值和可行性。沼液的处理处置和资源化利用不仅仅是对水资源的保护,也可推进资源型和节约型社会建设,实现变废为宝,化害为利,缓解工业发展对生态环境带来的负面影响。结合沼液处理处置和资源化利用方式的特点,形成最合理、也最符合可持续发展的处理利用模式至关重要。  相似文献   

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