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斥水土壤中水热运动模型的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
作者运用所建立的斥水土壤中水热运动的数值模型,模拟分析了以下因素对沟中时苗床不分散失与温度的影响:(1)不同的沟垄尺寸;(2)湿润剂;(3)镇压;(4)沟垄的走向。以此为当地的耕种工程设计提供了依据。一般认为土壤斥性严重影响产量,但采用沟种后,表层的斥水土壤形成的不透不的垄能促进雨水渗入沟中,又能阻止水分的蒸发,降低沟中的温度,有利于种子发育出苗,从而使不利因素变化成有利条件。  相似文献   

成垄压实耕作条件下土壤水分分布的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
佘冬立  邵明安 《水土保持学报》2007,21(5):110-113,141
利用野外模拟降雨试验,研究了不同垄沟(自然垄沟、盖膜垄沟、成垄压实)耕作条件下土壤水分分布特征和再分布规律。结果表明:垄沟耕作改变了农田微地形,利用垄上降雨顺垄流人沟中,从而拦蓄部分径流,相对增加了沟中土壤蓄水,有利于水分向下运移。相对于自然垄沟,膜垄的集雨效果明显,沟中土壤平均含水量显著高于垄中,20~100cm土层范围内平均土壤含水量分别为12.7%和9.1%;成垄压实土壤水分在剖面分布状况与盖膜垄沟的水分分布相似,水分向沟内集中,沟中土壤水分含量显著高于同一土层深度处垄中土壤含水量,且与盖膜垄沟处理下沟中土壤水分含量无显著差异,在集水和聚水方面表现出和膜垄的相似性。因此,在以集雨农业为主的半干旱地区,成垄压实可以替代盖膜垄沟,有效地富集和储存雨水资源于沟中,供作物吸收利用。  相似文献   

本文指出,冀北高原气候干燥、多风少雨、土壤粗骨、松散贫瘠是土壤干旱的基础因素,而人为不合理的耕垦、利用,激发、加剧了土壤的干化过程。采用沟垄种植,垄部覆膜,沟部松耕,立茬越冬的少耕抗旱耕作法可有效拦截降水,阻隔水分蒸发,改善土壤营养条件,促进作物根系发育,作物产量提高18.54-23.51%,2米土体水分利用率由4.05公斤/毫米*公顷提高到4.65公斤/毫米*公顷。  相似文献   

砾石覆盖厚度对斥水土壤入渗特性的影响及模型优选   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于室内一维垂直入渗土柱试验,研究砾石覆盖厚度(0,3,6,9,12 cm)对斥水土壤积水入渗及水分再分布的影响,并利用不同入渗模型进行拟合。结果表明:砾石覆盖显著增加斥水土壤湿润锋运移距离(p<0.05);同一时段内,各处理累积入渗量皆高于对照组(p<0.05),斥水性红壤累积入渗量与砾石覆盖厚度呈正相关关系;斥水性红壤初渗率与稳渗率随砾石覆盖厚度变化均可用指数函数来描述,决定系数分别为0.91和0.87,砾石覆盖使得斥水性潮土初渗率与稳渗率增大,其中稳渗率与砾石覆盖厚度呈二次函数关系,决定系数为0.78,覆盖6 cm时稳渗率达到最大;砾石覆盖明显提高斥水土壤剖面平均含水率,斥水性红壤和潮土最大分别增长180.8%和57.6%;隔绝蒸发条件下,再分布过程斥水土壤湿润体含水率表现为停渗时刻>再分布1天>再分布3天>再分布7天;Horton模型对砾石覆盖斥水土壤入渗过程的拟合效果最好,是分析和预测砾石覆盖斥水土壤水分入渗特征的适宜模型。  相似文献   

微咸水灌溉对斥水土壤水盐运移的影响   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
土壤斥水性影响着作物的产量,为了研究微咸水灌溉对斥水土壤水盐运移的影响,进行了室内土柱微咸水入渗试验。对比了不同矿化度和斥水程度对两种土质水盐运移的影响,探讨了微咸水入渗后土壤斥水性的变化特征。结果表明,不斥水土壤的入渗能力随矿化度的增加而增加。亲水和斥水土壤的入渗率均可采用Kostiakov公式简单模拟。斥水土壤入渗能力在矿化度为1?g/L时达到最大,超过1?g/L后则随矿化度的增大而减小。微咸水入渗的累积入渗量与湿润锋推进距离呈良好的线性关系,斥水性土壤中的相同剖面水盐的含量比不斥水的减小。微咸水入渗后土壤产生了一定的斥水性。该研究表明微咸水灌溉对盐渍化土壤的水盐分布和斥水性均有一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

典型黑土垄作区耕地沟蚀对土壤养分的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨子  刘晓光  宁静  董芳辰  于杰  张鹏  王赛 《土壤》2017,49(2):379-385
近年来东北黑土区沟蚀吞食耕地现象加剧,养分流失、耕地质量下降等问题凸显。以宾县的糖坊镇和三宝乡为研究区,综合"3S"技术和统计学的模型方法,对研究区沟蚀对土壤中有机质、全氮、全磷和速效钾含量的影响及不同垄向耕作下沟蚀对各养分的影响及差异展开研究。其中横垄种植指作物垄的方向和地块坡向方向成垂直的种植方式,顺垄种植是作物垄的方向和地块坡向方向平行的种植方式。结果表明:沟蚀对土壤养分含量影响较大,有机质和全氮含量较无侵蚀区分别减少33.43%和46.67%,速效钾与全磷含量则变化不明显,在沟蚀区进行秸秆覆盖能够有效减少土壤养分的流失。沟蚀在造成养分含量下降的同时,也影响了土壤的理化结构,降低了土壤中有机质和全氮含量之间的相关性。横垄沟蚀、顺垄沟蚀及无沟蚀对照组土壤有机质和全氮含量大小均表现为无沟蚀区顺垄沟蚀橫垄沟蚀。无侵蚀区土壤养分含量最高,沟蚀区顺垄耕作较横垄耕作更具保肥意义。  相似文献   

沟垄覆膜不同沟垄比对枸杞产量和水分利用效率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以青海省德令哈枸杞产区不同沟垄措施下的枸杞地为研究对象,以无覆盖平作枸杞地为对照(CK),在分析该地区降雨特征的基础上,研究了沟垄覆膜措施下不同沟垄比(30∶32cm,24∶32cm,18∶32cm,12∶32cm)对枸杞土壤含水率、产量及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:(1)在年降水量不足300mm的试验区,沟垄覆膜不同沟垄比种植相比于无覆盖平作种植土壤含水率、产量及水分利用效率显著升高,增产节水效果最优的GLBc(沟垄比18∶32cm)处理相比CK产量提高60.14%,耗水量降低7.47%,水分利用效率提高72.46%。(2)沟垄覆膜不同沟垄比条件下,随着沟宽的不断减小,土壤含水率、产量及水分利用效率均呈现先增大后减小的趋势,在沟垄比18∶32cm时达到最大。沟宽18cm时枸杞的水分利用效率相比30,24,12cm的水分利用效率分别提高40.0%,8.5%,9.2%。(3)对沟宽和枸杞产量的回归分析表明,当沟垄比为17∶32cm时,枸杞的产量达到最大值1503kg/hm^2。因此,在青海主要枸杞产区,沟垄覆膜种植相比传统种植能显著提高枸杞的产量和水分利用效率,同时结合当地沟垄比现状,将沟宽减小为17 cm,即沟垄比为17∶32cm时枸杞产量最高,蒸散量最小,水分利用效率最高。该研究结果对提高枸杞水分利用效率和产量具有指导意义,为旱区农业水资源高效利用提供科学参考。  相似文献   

为进一步探明青海主要枸杞产区不同耕作措施下灰棕漠土的理化特性,科学评价干旱区土壤综合肥力并提高枸杞产区的生态及经济效益。以青海主要枸杞产区不同耕作措施下的枸杞地土壤为研究对象,平作露地种植为对照,研究了沟垄种植和覆膜处理对灰棕漠土的土壤颗粒组成及土壤养分的影响,采用改进的Nemerow综合指数法分析了土壤肥力。结果表明:(1)研究区土壤含沙量较高,砂粒含量为61.44%~85.59%。改善作用最好的红枸杞沟垄覆膜处理相比于对照处理土壤砂粒含量减少了39.31%。(2)研究区土壤呈现出pH值偏高,钾素正常,有机质、氮素、磷素缺乏的现状。从垂直方向来看,土壤各养分指标随土层深度的增加而降低;不同耕作措施之间表现为,除速效磷和pH值外,其余养分指标红枸杞沟垄覆膜处理均高于其他处理,沟垄覆膜的改善作用较为明显。土壤养分指标变异系数为4.27%~50.81%,其中pH值的变异系数最小,速效氮最大,且速效养分的变异系数均大于对应的全量养分的变异系数。(3)土壤肥力综合评价值排序为:沟垄覆膜措施平作覆膜措施沟垄露地措施平作露地处理。在试验区独特的气候条件下,覆膜措施相比于露地种植的提升效果优于沟垄措施相比于平地种植的提升效果。其中沟垄覆膜处理相比于对照处理土壤综合肥力指数提高了43.33%。因此,在青海主要枸杞产区,沟垄覆膜种植相较于其他耕作措施,不仅具有减弱侵蚀的作用,而且更有利于土壤保土保肥,应予以推广。  相似文献   

覆盖材料和沟垄比对燕麦产量和水分利用效率的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
为改善半干旱地区土壤水分状况和提高降雨资源利用率,在中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所定西干旱气象与生态环境试验基地布置田间试验,采用完全随机设计,以无覆盖平作为对照,研究不同覆盖材料垄作(普通地膜、生物可降解地膜和无覆盖土垄)及垄作不同沟垄比(60 cm∶30 cm、60 cm∶45 cm和60 cm∶60 cm)对燕麦土壤贮水量、干草产量、籽粒产量、水分利用效率和经济效益等的影响。结果表明,就同一覆盖处理的平均值而言,土壤贮水量的排列次序为普通地膜≈生物可降解地膜土垄平作,在同一覆盖处理下,土壤贮水量随沟垄比减小而增加。土垄燕麦的干草产量、籽粒产量和水分利用效率比平作分别降低12%、18%和27%;生物可降解膜垄燕麦的干草产量、籽粒产量和水分利用效率比平作分别提高5%、4%和14%;普通膜垄燕麦的干草产量、籽粒产量和水分利用效率比平作分别提高7%、9%和23%。就大多数情况而言,燕麦干草产量、籽粒产量和水分利用效率随沟垄比减小而减小。对垄宽和实际籽粒产量的回归分析表明,当沟垄比为60 cm∶38 cm时,普通膜垄的燕麦实际籽粒产量达到最大值2 213 kg·hm-2;当沟垄比为60 cm∶34 cm时,生物可降解膜垄的燕麦实际籽粒产量达到最大值2 114 kg·hm-2。平作、土垄、生物可降解膜垄和普通膜垄燕麦经济效益分别为5 194元·hm-2、4 557元·hm-2、4 889元·hm-2和5 637元·hm-2。从燕麦籽粒产量、水分利用效率和环保等方面考虑,在我国半干旱黄土高原区沟垄集雨种植燕麦,覆盖材料应采用生物可降解膜,沟宽∶垄宽为60 cm∶34 cm。  相似文献   

等高垄作垄沟的水土流失特点研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了紫色土地区等高垄作法耕作中垄和沟的侵蚀特点,结果表明,等高垄作法在无覆盖时,相对于平板耕作法有保水作用,而无防蚀效果;  相似文献   

Little is known on the hydrological behavior of the volcanic ash soils, which are characterized by extremely high porosities and hydraulic conductivities. In this study the occurrence and hydrological effects of water repellency were investigated at a plot scale for different types of land use and volcanic soils in Mexican volcanic highlands from Michoacan, Mexico: [1] fir, pine and oak mixed forest soils developed from lavas, [2] soils developed from volcanic ashes and pyroclastic sediments under sparse fir, pine and oak forest and shrubland, [3] pine and oak forested soils developed from lavas and pyroclastic sediments, and [4] bare soils on recent ash sediments in plain surfaces. Soil water repellency was assessed using the water drop penetration time test and rainfall simulations were performed on circular plots (50 cm in diameter) during 30 min and at an intensity of 90 mm h− 1 in order to study the hydrological response of each area. The return period for storms with a similar intensity in the area is 10 years. The shape and depth of the wetting front after simulated rainfall was also analyzed. Soil water repellency showed a high variability among the different studied zones. Organic matter content, soil texture and acidity were the most important factors for developing hydrophobicity. A wide range of soil water repellency classes (hydrophilic to severely water-repellent soils) has been found in soils under dense fir, pine and oak mixed forests or shrubland, while inexistent or slight water repellency has been observed in soils under sparse forest or at bare ash-covered areas. At a plot scale, marked differences in the hydrological behavior of the studied land use and soil zones were observed after the rainfall simulations. Soil water repellency contributes to fast ponding and runoff generation during the first stages of rainstorms. Runoff was enhanced in water-repellent forested soils (average runoff coefficients between 15.7 and 19.9%), in contrast to hydrophilic or slightly water-repellent soils, where runoff rates were lower (between 1.0 and 11.7%). Shallow and irregular wetting fronts were observed at water-repellent zones, reducing the soil water storage capacity. The implications of soil water repellency in soil hydrology and erosion risk in the area shed light on the soil hydrology of the studied ecosystems, and can contribute to develop better management policies.  相似文献   

Wheel traffic and tillage effects on runoff and crop yield   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Traffic and tillage effects on runoff, soil water and crop production under rainfall were investigated over a period of 6 years on a heavy clay vertosols (vertisols) in Queensland, Australia. A split plot design was used to isolate traffic effects, while the cropping program and treatments were broadly representative of extensive grain production practice in the northern grain region of Australia. Treatments subject to zero tillage and stubble mulch tillage each comprised pairs of 90 m2 plots, from which runoff was recorded. A 3 m wide controlled traffic system allowed one of each pair to be maintained as a non-wheeled plot, while the complete surface area of the other received a single annual wheeling treatment from a working 100 kW tractor.

Mean annual runoff from controlled traffic plots was 81 mm (36.3%) smaller than that from wheeled plots, while runoff from zero tillage was reduced by 31 mm (15.7%). Traffic and tillage effects appeared to be cumulative, so the mean annual runoff from controlled traffic and zero tillage plots, representing best practice, was 112 mm (47.2%) less than that from wheeled stubble mulch plots, representing conventional cropping practice. Rainfall infiltration into controlled traffic zero tillage soil was thus 12.0% greater than into wheeled stubble mulched soil. Rainfall/runoff hydrographs show that wheeling produced a large and consistent increase in runoff, whereas tillage produced a smaller increase. Treatment effects were greater on dry soil, but were still present in large and intense rainfall events on wet soil.

Plant available water capacity (PAWC) in the 0–500 mm zone increased by 10 mm (11.5%) and mean grain yields increased by 337 kg/ha (9.4%) in controlled traffic plots, compared with wheeled plots. Mean grain yield of zero tillage was 2–8% greater than that of stubble mulch plots for all crops except for winter wheat in 1994 and 1998. Increased infiltration and plant available water were probably responsible for increased mean grain yields of 497 kg/ha (14.5%) in controlled traffic zero tillage, compared with wheeled stubble mulch treatments. Dissipation of tractive and tillage energy in the soil is the apparent mechanism of deleterious effects on the soils ability to support productive cropping in this environment. Controlled traffic and conservation tillage farming systems appear to be a practicable solution.  相似文献   

坡耕地保护性耕作措施的水土保持效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为探索不同保护性耕作技术在黑龙江省西部半干旱区坡耕地的水土保持效应,于2007、2008年在甘南县东兴村坡耕地径流小区进行不同耕作措施的降雨径流、土壤储水量和土壤流失量试验研究。结果表明:土壤储水量的动态变化趋势与天然降雨趋势一致;与常规耕作措施相比,所研究的3种耕作措施均可不同程度地增加土壤储水量、减少地表径流和土壤流失量,其中,垄向区田措施减少径流效果最好,覆膜+垄向区田技术集成措施增加土壤储水和减少土壤流失效果最好,免耕秸秆覆盖措施在以上3方面的效果均为最差;垄向区田和覆膜+垄向区田措施具有增加土壤储水深度的作用。研究结果可为黑龙江省西部半干旱区坡耕地水土保持措施的合理选择提供参考。  相似文献   

Soil water availability is most essential in the Sahelian agriculture but is hampered by several factors. Surface crusts or crust-like surfaces, which are characteristic of most Sahelian soils, have been shown to decrease water infiltrability and increase runoff. Their type and structure are influenced by soil texture, vegetation cover, erosion and deposition effects of wind and water. A soil and terrain survey in semi-arid SW-Niger was carried out to explain the patterns of soil surface crusts and the deterioration of the land. The soil surface crusts were shown to depend also on specific terrain factors including land use type and intensity, and terrain type and position. Chemical and physical soil factors such as organic carbon, soil colour and texture occurring with specific crusts indicate soil degradation, especially in sloping terrain, which increases runoff and soil erosion. For sandy soils, surface tillage is required to break up the crusts. Higher surface organic matter is recommended to enhance water infiltration in soils.  相似文献   

Energy requirements for soil tillage are closely linked to soil properties, such as clay, water and soil organic carbon (SOC) contents. Long‐term application of inorganic fertilizer and organic amendments affects SOC content but little is known about seasonal differences in tillage draught requirements of soils subject to contrasting nutrient management regimes. We assessed autumn and spring tillage draught following harvest of early‐sown and timely sown winter wheat grown on a sandy loam in the Askov Long‐Term Experiment on Animal Manure and Mineral Fertilizers. Draught force was related to soil texture, soil water and SOC content, shear strength and bulk density, nutrient management, and yield of the preceding winter wheat. Contents of clay and SOC ranged from 8.9 to 10.6% and from 0.98 to 1.36%, respectively. In the autumn and spring, SOC normalized by clay content explained 38 and 5% of the variation in specific draught, respectively. Specific draught did not differ significantly among individual fertilization treatments. SOC was closely correlated with clay and water contents and bulk density, and with yield of the preceding wheat. Draught force was significantly smaller in the spring than in the autumn. In the autumn when soils were drier (?700 hPa), tillage draught was correlated with several soil characteristics, whereas water content was the dominating parameter in the spring when soils were wetter (?100 hPa). The range of SOC contents observed in this study aligns with that observed in Danish sandy loams under intensive cultivation, and within this range, SOC per se had little effect on draught requirements.  相似文献   

Tillage action associated with liquid slurry application systems/management practices can modify soil infiltration properties. The degree or nature of such modification will depend largely on the type of tillage implement used, and the soil conditions at time of tillage activity. The specific objective of this study is to evaluate differences in soil infiltration properties, as measured using pressure infiltrometers and Guelph permeameters, resulting from the immediate tine action of two commonly used slurry application tillage implements (Kongskilde Vibro-Flex (S-tine) and the AerWay SSD (rolling aerator-type tine)) over a variety of silt–clay loam soil water content conditions. The results indicated that there were consistent negative correlations between field saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil water content for all tine-disturbed and undisturbed soil treatments. For Kongskilde, field-saturated hydraulic conductivity was, on average, lower in tine-influenced furrow bottoms, relative to those measured in undisturbed conditions at similar depths for most water content conditions. Generally, the Kongskilde tine-action reduced macropore-based infiltration in the bottom of the furrow for most soil conditions, albeit, this effect was most pronounced at the higher soil water contents. For AerWay, the tine-disturbed soils had generally higher field saturated hydraulic conductivities than undisturbed soil treatments over the observed water content range. This effect was manifested to a greater degree at higher, relative to lower observed water contents.  相似文献   

Prediction of the soil structures produced by tillage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data are presented for the amount of clods >50 mm produced when five different soils were tilled at a range of different, naturally occurring water contents. The optimum water content for soil tillage is defined as that at which the amount of clods produced is minimum. The amount clods produced at this optimum water content is shown to be linearly and negatively correlated with the value of Dexter's index S of soil physical quality. This results in a rational model for soil tillage that enables predictions to be made for all different soils and conditions. Pedo-transfer functions can be used to estimate the input parameters for the model for cases, for which measured values are not available. It is concluded that for soils with good physical condition (i.e. S > 0.035), no clods >50 mm are produced during tillage.  相似文献   

Most of the erosion research in the Palouse region of eastern Washington State, USA has focused on quantifying the rates and patterns of water erosion for purposes of conservation planing. Tillage translocation, however, has largely been overlooked as a significant geomorphic process on Palouse hillslopes. Tillage translocation and tillage deposition together have resulted in severe soil degradation in many steep croplands of the Palouse region. Few controlled experiments have heretofore been conducted to model these important geomorphic processes on Palouse hillslopes. The overarching purpose of this investigation, therefore, was to model tillage translocation and deposition due to moldboard plowing in the Palouse region. Soil movement by moldboard plowing was measured using 480-steel flat washers. Washers were buried in silt loam soils on convex–convex shoulder, linear-convex backslope, and linear-concave footslope landform components, and then displaced from their original burial locations by a moldboard plow pulled by a wheel tractor traveling parallel to the contour at ca. 1.0 m s−1. Displaced washers were located using a metal detector, and the distance and azimuth of the resultant displacement of each washer from its original burial location was measured using compass and tape. Resultant displacement distances were then resolved into their component vectors of displacement parallel and perpendicular to the contour. A linear regression equation was developed expressing mean soil displacement distance as a function of slope gradient. Tillage translocation and deposition were modeled as diffusion-type geomorphic processes, and their rates were described in terms of the diffusion constant (k). A multivariate statistical model was developed expressing mean soil displacement distance as a function of gravimetric moisture content, soil bulk density, slope gradient, and direction of furrow slice displacement. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed a weak correlation between soil displacement and both bulk density and moisture content. Soil displacement was, however, significantly correlated with direction of furrow slice displacement. Tillage translocation rates were expressed in terms of the diffusion constant (k) and ranged from 105 to 113 kg m−1 per tillage operation. Tillage deposition rates ranged from 54 to 148 kg m−1 per tillage operation. With respect to tillage deposition, the diffusion constant calculated from volumetric measurements of tillage deposits equals ca. 150 kg/m. The rates of tillage translocation and deposition are not completely in balance; however, these rates do suggest that soil tillage is a significant geomorphic process on Palouse hillslopes and could account for the some of the variations in soil physical properties and crop yield potential at the hillslope and farm-field scale in the Palouse region.  相似文献   

Soil erosion from agricultural lands is a serious problem on the Chinese Loess Plateau. In total, 28 field rainfall simulations were carried on loamy soils under different management practices, namely conventional tillage (CT), no till with mulch (NTM), reduced tillage (RT), subsoiling with mulch (SSM), subsoiling without mulch (SS), and two crops per year (TC), to investigate (i) the effects of different soil management practices on runoff sediment and (ii) the temporal change of runoff discharge rate and sediment concentration under different initial soil moisture conditions (i.e. initially dry soil surface, and wet surface) and rainfall intensity (85 and 170 mm h− 1) in the Chinese Loess Plateau. NTM was the best alternative in terms of soil erosion control. SSM reduced soil loss by more than 85% in 2002 compared to CT, and its effects on runoff reduction became more pronounced after 4 years consecutive implementation. SS also reduced considerably the runoff and soil loss, but not as pronounced as SSM. TC resulted in a significant runoff reduction (more than 92%) compared to CT in the initial ‘dry’ soil, but this effect was strongly reduced in the initial ‘wet’ soil. Temporal change of runoff discharge rate and sediment concentration showed a large variation between the different treatments. In conclusion, NTM is the most favorable tillage practices in terms of soil and water conservation in the Chinese Loess Plateau. SSM can be regarded as a promising measure to improve soil and water conservation considering its beneficial effect on winter wheat yield.  相似文献   

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