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区域农田土壤质地剖面的随机模拟模型   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
冲积土壤剖面的质地层次分层是该类土壤的重要特性,对农田水分转化和溶质运移具有重要影响。本文论据已取得的研究结果,采用Markov链理论提出了区域冲积土壤质地层次的随机模拟模型-MC模型和MC-LN模型,采用蒙特卡罗方法模拟了研究区的土壤质地剖面,并与实测结果进行了对比。  相似文献   

一维马尔可夫链模拟黑河中游流域土壤质地垂向变异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黑河中游地区土壤剖面砂、黏层次相间排列的特点及部分区域剖面中出现的不透水层对土壤中的水分运动和溶质迁移具有重要影响。该研究调查了黑河中游100km2区域内土壤剖面的质地分层情况,运用一维嵌入马尔可夫链模型模拟该地区的土壤质地剖面。研究表明,研究区土壤剖面共出现砂土、壤质砂土、砂质壤土、壤土、黏质壤土、粉黏壤土和粉黏土7种质地类型,层次厚度呈对数正态分布。粉黏土未在表层土壤出现,而砂土在表层出现的概率明显高于其余质地类型,剖面某一质地层之下多出现细粒含量比其高的下一质地类型。剖面上相邻两质地层之间的转移具有明显的马尔可夫链特征(简称马氏性),且马氏链是平稳的。一维嵌入马尔可夫链模型能够较好地描述研究区土壤质地层次的垂向变化,剖面主要的质地层次组合为:砂—壤、壤—砂、壤—黏、黏—壤。对土壤质地剖面的定量模拟,可以为开展该区域土壤水循环、转化和溶质迁移等相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

土壤质地层次的空间分布(或土体构型)的复杂变异性是冲积土壤的典型特点之一,定量描述土体构型对于土地利用和溶质运移研究来说极其重要。本研究根据华北冲积平原上一块面积约15km2区域内的139个土壤剖面观测数据,运用转移概率地统计学方法分析了区域内土壤质地层次空间分布的变异特性。结果表明,土壤质地层次的空间分布不是纯随机的,而是具有一定的空间毗邻转移趋势。将本文得到的土壤质地层次空间分布的三维马尔可夫链模型用于指示条件模拟后,最终模拟结果反映了不同质地层次间的交叉协相关关系,所得结果为进一步模拟水分溶质在区域土壤中的运动提供了有力的支持。  相似文献   

封丘县是典型的黄河中下游冲积平原区,不同层次土壤质地类型、厚度及其在剖面中的组合,是影响土壤水肥贮存与供给能力的重要因素。本研究通过39个土壤剖面和113个土钻样点的野外调查获取第一手资料。根据层次质地类型与其在剖面中出现位置两个基本特征定义特征质地层,在研究区最终确立了9种特征质地层。以特征质地层在已观测土壤剖面和土钻样本中出现缺失特征以及厚度参数为基础数据,应用模糊c-均值算法模型,研究区观测土壤被自动划分为9种特征质地层组合类别,亦称为土壤剖面质地构型。结合普通克里格空间预测方法,实现了9种土壤剖面质地构型在空间上分布的单一类别隶属度图和去模糊化图。剖面不同质地层次在垂直方向的组合特征以及不同土壤剖面质地构型在水平方向上的分布规律,为区域耕地质量评价、生产潜力评估以及改良、利用实践提供了更加客观、丰富的基础信息。  相似文献   

华北平原土壤剖面质地构型对小麦产量的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
檀满枝  李开丽  史学正  赵炳梓  陈杰 《土壤》2014,46(5):913-919
华北平原是一个河流冲积而成的平原,土壤剖面层次质地分异明显,土壤剖面在垂直方向上的质地层次不同排列影响作物产量,目前在这方面的研究甚少。本文基于河南省封丘县152个土壤剖面层次的颗粒组成和121个田块的连续两年小麦测产结果,应用模糊c-均值算法模型和地统计学模型,研究了土壤剖面质地构型与小麦产量间的定量关系。结果表明:研究区主要分布了8种土壤剖面质地构型,它们对应的小麦生产力水平差异较大。8种类型中,砂–砂–砂型小麦生产力水平最低,对应的分布区是小麦的主要低产区,土壤剖面全砂性质地是导致小麦低产的一个关键因素,原因是砂性土壤不利于保水保肥,而且砂性土壤本身所含土壤养分很低。壤–黏–壤、壤–黏–黏构型是肥力条件较好的土壤,传统上称这种土壤为"蒙金地",小麦单产较高且稳定,是建设高产田的基础。砂–壤–壤、壤–壤–壤、壤–壤–黏构型是肥力条件最好的土壤,其小麦生产力水平最高。将小麦单产进行分级后研究发现,土壤剖面质地构型对7 050 kg/hm2的中低小麦产量会产生影响,但对7 050 kg/hm2的小麦高产影响不大。  相似文献   

EPIC模型中土壤氮磷运转和作物营养的数学模拟   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
土壤侵蚀和生产力影响估算模型EPIC是国际上较有影响的水土资源管理和作物生产力评价动力学模型。本文简要介绍了EPIC模型中描述土壤氮磷养分运转与作物氮磷营养的基本原理及其主要数学方程。在作物和土壤微生物等生物因素,热量、降水等气候因素,施肥、灌溉和土壤耕作等管理因素的影响下,农田土壤氮素和磷素不断发生空间运移和形态转化。EPIC模型能够逐日定量描述土壤中氮磷养分的矿化与固定、硝化与反硝化、淋洗与挥发、流失与吸收、矿质磷循环、豆科作物固氮等运移、转化及作物吸收过程的变化速率和数量,揭示出土壤剖面氮磷运移、转化和作物营养的动态变化规律,可供农田土壤管理和作物营养定量评价研究中借鉴。  相似文献   

石砾参数对土壤水流和溶质运移影响研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
土壤水流和溶质运移一直是土壤学研究的热点,溶质运移理论主要应用于地下水污染、污染物运移、土壤重金属污染研究等方面。溶质主要通过优先流和基质流进行运移,影响溶质运移因素很多,主要包括土壤结构、质地、水力传导率、体积质量、初始含水量、根系、石砾等。石砾作为土壤质地中的一个分级单位,与溶质运移关系较为复杂。本文综合介绍了石砾基本内涵以及石砾对土壤水流和溶质运移影响研究进展;系统阐述了石砾内部参数(石砾覆盖度、含量、粒径、空间异质性等)和外部参数(根石结构、干湿冻融、耕作等),指出目前研究主要量化土壤表面及土壤表层石砾参数对水文效应、土壤侵蚀、入渗以及径流的影响,然而石砾参数对溶质运移影响研究不够系统,石砾参数与溶质运移关系研究尚处于初步阶段,对土壤深层石砾研究缺乏;归纳了石砾参数研究技术手段及模型;探讨了目前石砾参数对土壤水流和溶质运移影响研究存在的问题以及今后研究趋势。  相似文献   

土体构型是土壤剖面中不同质地层次的排列、组合状况,其对土壤水分、溶质运移过程和作物生长等均具有显著影响,具有重要的农学和环境意义。本文对该领域的研究动态和最新进展作了综述,重点探讨了土体构型对土壤水分和氮素储存、运动过程的影响机理及其农学效应,并对今后有关土体构型的研究和改良技术的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

冲积平原区土壤碳密度估算及其空间分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
冲积平原区通常具有复杂的剖面质地层次排列,为了准确估算冲积平原区土壤碳密度的空间分布特征,该文在华北冲积平原区的河北曲周县选取了121个土壤剖面,测定了各土层有机碳含量,构建了基于负指数函数的土壤有机碳垂向分布模型,结合地统计学方法绘制了该县土壤碳密度的空间分布图。结果表明,土壤有机碳含量随深度增加呈逐渐递减的趋势,各土层有机碳含量均属于中等变异程度。0~20和20~40 cm土壤有机碳空间连续性较好,它们的空间相关距离分别为14和3 km,而下层(40 cm)土壤有机碳均表现为纯块金效应结构。土壤有机碳垂向分布模型可以很好地描述剖面土壤有机碳含量的变化特征,且预测与实测的土壤有机碳含量的均方根误差仅为0.70 kg/m3,决定系数达到了0.95。曲周县土壤有机碳密度的空间分布总体表现为西北高东南低的趋势。其空间分布主要受土壤类型和质地的影响,其中潮土和盐化潮土的碳密度明显高于褐土化潮土,质地较细的土壤(轻壤、中壤和粘土)碳密度明显高于质地较粗的土壤(砂土和砂壤)。该研究为冲积平原区土壤碳密度的估算提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

王伟鹏  李晓鹏  刘建立 《土壤》2012,44(1):10-16
土壤水力学性质的空间变异对于区域土壤水分溶质循环模拟研究至关重要。基于Markov链的条件模拟是一种能融合多源信息技术的地统计学模拟方法,与传统插值法和基于变异函数的条件模拟相比有诸多优势。目前,该方法在土壤水力学性质空间变异性领域的研究并未全面展开。实现区域土壤水力学模型参数的随机模拟,对于实现区域土壤水分运动和溶质运移的随机模拟,分析土壤水力学性质空间变异性对土壤水分运动和溶质运移模拟结果的影响,特别是参数采样点变化对土壤水分运动和溶质运移结果影响的不确定性等研究都有重要意义。本文旨在综述基于Markov链的地统计学模拟在土壤学相关领域的研究进展,以期为区域模拟中面临的参数获取难题提供帮助,为区域农业生产管理,水分高效利用,农田生态环境保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Soil texture is directly associated with other soil physical and chemical properties and can affect crop yield, erodibility and water and pollutant movement. Thus, maps of soil textural class are valuable for agricultural management. Conventional spatial statistical methods do not capture the complex large-scale spatial patterns of multi-class variables. Markov chain geostatistics (MCG) was recently proposed as a new approach for the conditional simulation of categorical variables. In this study, we apply an MCG algorithm to simulate the spatial distribution of textural classes of alluvial soils at five different depths in a 15-km2 area on the North China Plain. Soil texture was divided into five classes – sand, sandy loam, light loam, medium loam and clay. Optimal prediction maps, simulated maps and occurrence probability maps for each depth were generated from sample data. Simulated results delineated the distribution of the five soil textural classes at the five depths and quantified related spatial uncertainties caused by limited sample size (total of 139 points). These results are not only useful for understanding the spatial distribution of soil texture in alluvial soils, but also provide valuable quantitative information for precision agriculture, soil management and studies on environmental processes affected by surface and subsurface soil textures.  相似文献   

王荣萍  李淑仪  蓝佩玲  廖新荣 《土壤》2007,39(6):928-931
通过田间试验,比较研究了在细砂土和粉壤土两种质地的土壤上,cu、Mo、Si营养对苦瓜产量和品质的影响.结果表明,与对照相比,在细砂土上施Cu能显著提高苦瓜产量,而施Mo、Si未表现出明显的增产作用;在粉壤土上施Si极显著提高了苦瓜产量,而施Cu、Mo未表现出明显的增产效果.在细砂土上施Cu、Mo极显著降低了苦瓜硝酸盐含量,而施Si未降低硝酸盐含量;在粉壤土上施Cu、Mo、Si均使苦瓜硝酸盐含量显著或极显著降低.在两种质地的土壤上施Cu、Mo、Si对Vc含量没有明显的影响;在细砂土上施Cu、Mo、Si极显著提高了可溶性糖含量,在粉壤土上施Cu、Mo亦极显著提高了可溶性糖含量.本试验结果表明在不同的土壤质地上Cu、Mo、Si营养对苦瓜的增产效应和品质改善效应不同.  相似文献   

Variability of soil properties can have major influence on the results of solute transport models when applied to field conducted experiments. The objective of this study was to determine spatial variability of transport and degradation parameters for a bromide tracer and atrazine herbicide in a 0.1 ha field of alluvial soils under no-till management. The soil investigated was a Sarpy (mixed, mesic Typic Udipsamment) with surface texture varying from sand to loam. The field was classified into three areas (Area I, sand; Area II, sandy loam; and Area III, loam) according to surface texture. Atrazine and bromide were applied at rates of 1.8 kg ha− 1 and 115 kg ha− 1, respectively. Soil cores were extracted at selected dates, segmented into 75 mm increments, and analyzed for each chemical separately. Soil physical and chemical properties were determined as a function of soil depth from additional soil cores removed when the transport study was completed. The value of the average pore water velocity, v, estimated using bromide concentrations was 6.0 mm day− 1 which was about 29% lower than the value computed from meteorological information, 8.5 mm day− 1. The average bromide dispersion coefficient (D), 508 mm2 day− 1, was 80 times higher than that for atrazine, 6.13 mm2 day− 1. The bromide v and D parameters were found to be spatially autocorrelated with ranges between 20 and 23 m and 12 and 24 m, respectively. Atrazine retardation and degradation parameters were found to have spatial structure for only one sampling date each with a range between 18 and 24 m. Soil textural parameters were found to have spatial structure for the first three depths (0–45 cm) of the five depths monitored (0–75 cm). This study found spatial autocorrelation within about 20 m for bromide transport parameters and a few atrazine transport parameters for an alluvial site.  相似文献   

Bromide transport at two tile- drained field sites Within comparative studies on solute movement in tile drained agricultural fields in Schleswig-Holstein a bromide field test was conducted at two field sites. The soil of site ‘Bokhorst’ shows both spatial and profile heterogeneity with significant clay and silt contents (loam) whereas site ‘Hohn’ had a homogeneous particle size distribution within the profile with sand being the dominating particle fraction (sand) but with neglible spatial variability. Rainfall amount, drain discharge and bromide concentrations in drain outflow were monitored over a 6 months period. A rapid response of drain discharge on rain events was observed for the loamy site but not for the sand. The simple water balance yielded + 8.7 mm of drain discharge for site Bokhorst (loam) and ?43 mm for the sandy site Hohn (sand). Largest bromide concentrations were detected shortly after chemical application at the loamy site. The bromide loss curve was characterized by simultaneous in- and decrease of flow rate and bromide concentrations. This solute behaviour was named ‘event-dependent’. Bromide occurred in drain outflow at the sandy site not before 30 mm discharge and maximum concentrations were observed at the end of the monitoring period. Mass balance calculations revealed that 70.5% (loam) and 33% (sand) of the applied solute mass were transported from the fields via the tile drains. A two dimensional, advection dispersion equation based simulation model was applied to predict solute behaviour at site Bokhorst. Computed bromide concentrations were not in line with the observed preferential breakthrough curve. Consequences of preferential transport conditions in tile-drained field soils on surface water quality are briefly discussed, especially concerning the displacement of plantprotective agents and methodical difficulties.  相似文献   

Soil salinization of the Baer Mounds in the Volga River delta   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Baer Mounds are elongated hills arranged in parallel rows stretched from the east to the west in the Astrakhan steppe. The distance between the mounds varies from 200 to 1500 m (300 m on the average). The width of the mounds is about 250 m and their length is from 450 m to 4.5–5 km long (sometimes, up to 15–20 km). The height of the mounds varies from 7 to 10 m and increases in the southward direction. The mounds are composed of clayey sand; loamy sand; light loam; and, sometimes, loam. Their top (1–3 m) parts consist of clayey sand and loamy sand with thin interlayers of loam, clay, and argillite pebbles. The upper horizons of the brown semidesert soils are not saline. Soluble salts are leached off from them into deeper horizons. On the slopes, the deep soil horizons are saline, and salts are transported from the deep soil layers into the upper layers. This can be explained by the regular flooding of the foots of the mounds with floodwater and the capillary rise of water. Alternation of salinization and desalinization processes is responsible for the nonuniform distribution of salts in the soil profiles and along the soil catena.  相似文献   

The soils of Rajasthan vary from desert sand to heavy clay with all intermediate stages like sandy loam, loam and clay loam. The last two textural groups are more prevalant on the eastern, northeastern and southeastern part of the Aravallies which run almost in the middle of the State from southeast to northeast. The latter groups of soils have more potential from the point of agricultural development in the State. These soils are widely termed as alluvial soils which is a general term to indicate the nontaxonomic group of soils that have parent material of alluvial origin, Riecken 17, Kelloog 8 has referred to the soils developed from the alluvium as classified under variety of world soil groups. In our country many of the alluvial soils have not yet been studied from the soil genesis point of view as a measure to classify the soils under taxonomic groups. Ray Chawdhary and Mukerji 15, concluded that the alluvial soil groups of our country are ill defined and the classification of these soils need more study. Basu 3 was able to distinguish the genetic characteristics of the soils of Deccan. Agrawal and Mukherji 1) established that distinct genetic soil types have come into expression under Gangetic alluvium. Agarwal 2 has concluded about the three types of soils in the toposequence with precipitated calcium throughout, zone of calcium accumulation in the bottom of the profile and soils free of calcium, and suggests that the soils of Gangetic plain be called as derived from alluvium. A process of reclassifying the alluvial soil series into taxonomic groups is a common trend in the United States since the last two decades.  相似文献   

Summary Studies were performed to assess the influence of percolating water and an advancing wetting front on the transport of Bradyrhizobium japonicum in sand and silt loam soils, and to assess the influence of clay content on water-facilitated dispersal of these bacteria in a sand amended with various amounts of kaolin. The data obtained showed that movement of B. japonicum in soil was dependent upon water movement and that both percolating water and an advancing wetting front readily transported bacteria in coarse-textured soils. Percolation with the equivalent of 10 cm of rainfall dispersed B. japonicum throughout 40-cm columns containing sand and silt loam soils. Percolation with 5 cm of water was sufficient to disperse B. japonicum throughout 20-cm columns of these soils but did not transport these bacteria below the surface 4 cm of a sand amended with 12% kaolin. Our finding that cells of B. japonicum are readily transported by an advancing wetting front indicates that non-saturated flow of soil water contributes to dispersal of inoculum in soils.  相似文献   

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