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特大暴雨下油松林根系对土壤元素迁移的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根际是元素由土壤进入植物体的主要界面,降水对根际土壤元素的迁移有显著影响。本文用原状土柱淋滤实验装置及大型挖掘剖面壁法,定量分析了特大暴雨下不同深度土层油松林根系影响土壤元素的稳定输出通量的剖面特征,旨在探索黄土区林木根系对土壤养分生物有效性的提高途径。研究结果表明,特大降雨条件下,油松林地的元素随土层深度增加呈明显的递减规律,在农地土壤剖面中变异不明显。油松林地元素稳定输出通量的平均值显著大于无根系土壤。油松林030.cm土壤剖面中的元素输出通量占总剖面元素输出通量的96.32%;油松林根系对常量元素K、Na、Mg、Ca、有益元素Si、微量营养元素Mn有明显稳定强化作用的土层深度范围为030cm,对有益元素Al和微量元素Cu、Fe有明显稳定强化作用的土层深度范围为045.cm。  相似文献   

植物根系强化黄土土层化学风化速率的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄土的风化主要为植物群落根系的物理作用及其所引起的生物化学作用。利用原状土柱淋滤实验装置及大型挖掘剖面壁法,在陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区进行野外实验研究,定量分析了林、草和农地土壤化学风化的剖面特征及动力学过程。研究结果表明,黄土土层的化学风化具有明显的垂直剖面分异特征,即风化速率随土层深度增加而递减。土壤化学风化的动力学过程可划分为急剧减小和稳定状态两个阶段。不同植被类型土壤风化速率及主导风化矿物组合类型的剖面差异主要受制于直径≤1mm的须根在剖面中的缠绕分布特征。植物根系对土壤风化作用的强化效应为油松林群落>白草群落;油松林群落和白草群落根系显著提高矿物风化速率的稳定土层深度范围分别为0~45cm和0~30cm,有效根密度分别在17根/100cm2和60根/100cm2以上。  相似文献   

三峡库区消落带几种草地根系分布及土壤养分变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确三峡水库消落带典型草本植物根系分布及土壤养分的变化,在三峡腹地忠县石宝镇消落带选取牛鞭草(Hemarthria altissima)、扁穗牛鞭草(Hemarthria compressa)、双穗雀稗(Paspalum paspaeoides)和自然恢复草地,利用WinRhizo Pro.2009c根系分析系统和常规统计方法对比研究了4种典型草地植物根系在土壤剖面分布及其对土壤剖面养分的影响。结果表明:四种草地的根系大部分都分布在0—5cm土层中,根长密度(Root length density,RLD)、根面积比(Root area ratio,RAR)均沿土壤深度程幂函数递减分布。植被及其根系的存在对土壤养分的剖面分布有重要影响。裸地的土壤有机碳(Soil organic carbon,SOC)和总N含量要显著低于草地,扁穗牛鞭草和自然恢复杂草地的全量养分大都要高于其他草地。四种草地类型的RLD,RAR与SOC、总N含量均有显著(p0.05)或极显著(p0.01)相关。可见本研究涉及几种植物的根系对土壤养分分布有重要影响。研究结果可以为三峡水库消落带植被恢复和水土保持提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

本研究以宁夏固原天然草地、农地、撂荒地和不同年限的柠条林地为研究对象,分析了不同植被类型下土壤养分和土壤微生物生物量碳、氮、磷的变化。研究结果表明:土壤养分除速效磷和全氮外,其他指标均为农地最低,撂荒地次之,并且随植被恢复年限的增加而增加;不同植被类型条件下,土壤微生物生物量有显著差异,微生物量碳含量表现为撂荒地农地天然草地3年柠条林地13年柠条林地23年柠条林地,微生物量氮以天然草地最低,农地、撂荒地和不同年限柠条林地较大,不同植被类型土壤微生物量磷差异显著,在5~20cm土层和20~40cm土壤中表现尤为突出。土壤微生物量碳、氮、磷与植被类型和植被恢复年限关系密切。柠条林对土壤微生物生物量有明显促进作用,并且随着植被恢复年限的增加改良效果越显著。  相似文献   

为评价宁南山区草地植被不同恢复方式对土壤入渗性能的影响,以不同植被群落的饱和导水率为研究对象,采用逐步回归研究退耕农地、禁牧荒地、封育草地导水率的变化及影响因子,并探讨了其作用机制。结果表明:3种植被恢复方式均有利于0-40 cm土壤饱和导水性能提高;各土层土壤饱和导水率均随植被恢复而不断提高,0-5 cm土层改善作用最为明显;农地退耕序列和荒地禁牧序列5-40 cm土层、封育草地序列0-40 cm土层土壤饱和导水率随土层深度下降而降低;影响土壤饱和导水率的因子为土壤有机质因子和土壤结构因子;3种植被恢复方式土壤有机质质量分数与Ks均呈显著的线性相关关系,在该区域有机质质量分数越高,Ks增加越快;土壤有机质积累是土壤饱和导水率提高的根本动力。因此,草地封育更利于提高使该地区土壤导水性能提高,促进生态恢复。  相似文献   

六道沟小流域地形序列土壤碳剖面分布特征及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了更好地理解黄土高原植被恢复与生态重建过程对土壤碳循环过程的影响,研究选取位于黄土高原六道沟小流域的典型土壤地形序列(东北坡NE序列,西坡W序列),分析了不同坡向间及同一坡向内随植被类型变化土壤有机碳和无机碳的剖面分布特征及其影响因素。结果表明:六道沟小流域地形序列土壤有机碳含量在0—50cm土层内随土层深度增加而显著降低,50cm土层以下基本趋于稳定,且剖面上层(0—50cm)有机碳含量显著高于剖面下层(50—200cm,p0.05),但在同一深度土层(0—50,50—200,0—200cm)不同坡向林地和草地土壤有机碳平均含量均没有显著差异(p0.05)。与有机碳相比,无机碳含量相对较高并且主要在剖面下部(50cm以下)不同深度土层富集。NE序列林地和草地剖面无机碳平均含量接近(p0.05),而W序列林地剖面无机碳平均含量显著高于草地(p0.05);不同坡向草地剖面无机碳平均含量无显著差异(p0.05),但不同坡向林地剖面无机碳平均含量表现为W序列显著高于NE序列(p0.05)。0—50cm土层有机碳含量与pH、容重和土壤含水量均呈极显著负相关关系,而与土壤总孔隙度呈极显著正相关关系;50—150cm土层无机碳含量与pH和土壤总孔隙度均呈极显著负相关关系,而与容重、黏粒含量和土壤含水量均呈极显著正相关关系。NE序列和W序列2 m土体总碳密度相当,分别为15.2~47.4kg/m~2和18.3~51.3kg/m~2,其中无机碳密度占78%~94%,1—2m土层总碳密度占2m土体总碳密度的35%~74%。若只考虑土壤有机碳库或只考虑浅层1m土壤碳库,六道沟小流域2m土体总碳储量平均将被低估88%和51%。  相似文献   

对钱塘江源头地区6种不同林分类型及2个对照类型(茶园、农田)不同土层深度土壤抗剪强度及土壤理化性质和土壤根系特性进行了测定。相关分析结果表明:土壤有机质含量与土壤抗剪强度、土壤粘聚力和内摩擦角呈显著的正相关关系;土壤容重与土壤粘聚力呈显著的正相关关系;粉粒/粘粒与土壤抗剪强度、土壤粘聚力呈显著的负相关关系。抗剪强度与植物根系各指标之间是显著的正相关关系,其中与根体积和根表面积相关性达到极显著水平,与根长和根质量相关性达到显著水平。通过对研究区8种植被类型抗剪强度和影响因子聚类分析得出:毛竹林和灌木林土壤抗剪性能最强;马尾松林、针阔混交林、麻栎林和杉木林次之;茶园和农田土壤抗剪性能较弱。建立了不同等级土壤抗剪强度与影响因子的回归模型,精度达80%~85%。  相似文献   

黄土区大型排土场植被根系的抗蚀抗冲性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
选取黄土区大型排土场不同复垦年限的植被为研究对象,分析了陡坡地(36~°42°)3种典型乔灌草植被根系的剖面分布特征及不同复垦年限(1~14年)不同复垦模式植被根系对土壤抗蚀抗冲性的影响。结果表明,与原地貌土壤剖面根系分布不同的是,排土场乔灌草的根系分布(Φ≤1 mm)从10 cm土层开始,随着土层深度的增加,呈现出幂函数减少的趋势;干土层出现的深度依次为刺槐林地>草地>柠条林地;不同复垦年限不同复垦模式(1~14年)55个样点的统计分析表明,土壤的抗蚀性指标和抗冲性指标都与根系密度在极显著水平上呈直线关系。  相似文献   

2种土地利用方式下的优先流特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以重庆四面山的农地和草地为研究对象,利用染色示踪法观察优先流的发生区域,采用Photoshop CS4、Image pro Plus 6.0等软件进行图像处理,通过对优先流形态特征参数的计算,分析2种土地利用方式下的优先流特征。研究结果表明:草地的优先流运动深度可达50cm,各剖面染色面积表现出明显的异质性,农地染色深度则集中于0-20cm土层,各剖面染色面积分布均匀,除7-8cm土层以外,其余各处草地染色路径数量均比农地的多,说明草地更易于优先流的发生,优先流较活跃,优先路径的发育程度较高,但优先流稳定性比农地低。草地的根系生物量与染色面积和染色路径数量呈正相关关系,相关系数达0.95以上,农地的相关系数则只有0.87,说明草地优先流的发生发展受植物根系的极大影响,农地则受耕作措施和植物根系的共同作用。  相似文献   

丹江口库区不同植被类型地表根系对土壤渗透性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究地表根系结构特征及其对土壤渗透性的影响,通过对丹江口库区针阔混交林、灌木林、针叶林和阔叶林35块样地进行地表土壤(0 ~10和10~20 cm土层)和根系采集和室内实验,分析4种植被类型根系结构特征、土壤渗透特性及其相互作用关系,并建立回归方程.结果表明:4种植被类型土壤0 ~10土层的土壤初渗率和稳渗率均高于10~20 cm土层;土壤0~10和10~20 cm土层土壤初渗率和稳渗率在不同植被类型间均表现相同趋势,即阔叶林>针阔混交林>灌木林>针叶林;不同植被类型土壤初渗率、稳渗率等指标均与根长密度和根表面积密度存在显著的线性相关性(P<0.05);根系直径在0.5 ~5 mm范围内的根系结构特征参数与土壤入渗特征指标之间存在显著的线性相关性(P<0.05);在Kostiakov入渗模型中,直径介于0.5 ~5 mm不同径级的根长密度和根表面积密度与b值正相关,与a值负相关.丹江口库区阔叶林和针阔混交林土壤渗透性能优于灌木林和针叶林,4种不同的植被类型土壤入渗特征值均随根系结构参数值增大而增大,且直径在0.5 ~5 mm径级范围内的根系对土壤渗透能力的增强作用最明显.  相似文献   

三峡水库消落带几种草本植物根系的垂直分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]明确三峡水库消落带典型草本植物根系分布特征,为三峡消落带的植被恢复提供依据。[方法]在三峡腹地石宝镇消落带选取牛鞭草(Hemarthria altissima)、扁穗牛鞭草(Hemarthria compressa)、双穗雀稗(Paspalum paspaeoides)三种人工恢复草本和自然恢复草本,利用WinRhizo Pro.2009c根系分析系统研究其根系的土壤剖面分布特征。[结果]4种草本类型的的根系主要分布在0—10cm土层,根长密度、根直径(除自然杂草外)、根表面积密度、根体积密度和根尖密度均随土壤深度的增加而呈指数函数减小;除根径外,在整个土层剖面中(0—25cm),3种人工草本的根系指标都要显著高于自然恢复杂草。[结论]4种草本根系发达,对消落带水淹胁迫的适应性强。  相似文献   

王彦丽 《水土保持研究》2013,20(6):19-23,43
根系是影响水土流失和土壤有机碳(SOC)变化的重要因素。在水土流失区,研究不同植被恢复措施下,根系生物量和土壤有机碳的分布特征对了解区域土壤碳循环具有重要意义。在水土流失严重的黄土丘陵沟壑区的燕沟小流域,选择地形条件类似的梁峁坡,采集了10种不同植被治理恢复措施下的剖面(0—100 cm)根系和土壤样品,研究了根系生物量和SOC在剖面的分布特征。结果显示:不同治理措施下的SOC呈现出灌木 > 乔木 > 灌草 > 草本的趋势,而根系生物量呈现出乔木 > 灌木 > 灌草 > 草本的趋势;SOC和细根生物量都随土层深度的增加呈对数递减趋势,但同一土层SOC和细根生物量的分布不一致,且根系比SOC的分布浅。  相似文献   

The formation of adventitious roots in humus accumulations in tree canopies is widely acknowledged from tropical and temperate rainforests, while the occurrence of those canopy roots in temperate tree species under mesic climates has been largely disregarded for ca. 100 years. Moreover, almost nothing is yet known of the ecological growth conditions or the structure or morphology of such canopy root systems. This study reports on the occurrence of tree fine roots in crown humus pockets of old European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees. The aim was to compare these canopy roots with the fine roots in the terrestrial organic layer soil in terms of fine root biomass density, root morphological traits, ectomycorrhizal colonisation and chemical composition of the root tissue, and to relate these root traits to the chemical properties of the respective soils. Fine root biomass density in crown humus pockets was ca. 7 times higher than in the terrestrial organic layer, even though soil chemical properties of both rooting media were similar. Fine roots in the canopy differed from terrestrial fine roots by lower specific root tip abundance, specific root length, and specific root surface area, all of which points to a longer lifespan of the fine roots in the canopy. Moreover, canopy roots revealed a lower percentage of root tips colonised by ectomycorrhizal fungi than terrestrial roots (87% vs. 93%). Chemical composition of the root tissue in canopy and terrestrial soils was similar for most elements, but canopy roots showed lower P, Fe, and Al concentrations and a higher N/P ratio than terrestrial roots. Root P concentrations of both canopy and terrestrial fine roots were closely related to soil P concentration, but not to soil C/P or N/P ratios. On the other hand, tissue N of canopy roots, but not of terrestrial roots, revealed a clear dependence on soil N and C/N values, suggesting a more limited N availability in the canopy soil compared to the terrestrial organic layer. However, the overall small differences in soil chemical properties between canopy and terrestrial organic layer soil cannot explain the markedly higher volumetric root density in the crown humus and the differences in ecomorphological traits between canopy and terrestrial soil. Instead, it is speculated that these differences are more likely a result of temporarily high water availability in crown humus pockets due to high water flow along the surface of branches to the central crown parts of the beech trees.  相似文献   

This report summarizes research aimed at describing the processes and quantifying the factors affecting transfer of P and K from soil into plants. Soil properties related to availability and plant properties reflecting nutrient acquisition were determined. Their interactions in the rhizosphere and their importance for nutrient supply of plants were studied by a combination of measurements and calculations using a simulation model. Phosphorus and potassium uptake by roots decreased P and K concentration at the root surface and caused characteristic depletion profiles in the adjacent soil. The shape of the profiles depended on the effective diffusion coefficient, the concentration of the nutrient in soil, morphological properties of the roots and on influx into roots. The degree of depletion at the root surface indicated the proportion of the nutrient potentially available in the soil. The shape of the depletion profiles reflected the amount of the nutrient taken up by a root section. The parameters found to describe nutrient acquisition are (i) influx per unit root length, (ii) root length per unit shoot weight (root/shoot ratio), and (iii) the period of time a root section absorbs nutrients. Plant species differed considerably in these properties. In order to integrate the processes involved and to evaluate the importance of individual factors, the Claassen-Barber model was used. Depletion profiles and nutrient uptake calculated with this model were in good agreement with measured values in a number of cases. However, at low P supply, plants absorbed substantially more P than the model predicted. This indicates that influx in this case is supported by mechanisms not properly taken into account yet. Influx per unit root length depends on morphological properties of and nutrient mobilization by roots. Root hairs increase root surface area per unit root length. In addition, because of their small diameter and geometric arrangement in soil, root hairs are specially apt to gain from diffusion when concentration gradients are small. This applies even more to VA-mycorrhizae. Their hyphae are longer and thinner than root hairs and can thus deplete larger volumes of soil per unit root length. Root-induced changes of soil pH increased the size of P depletion profiles, indicating that roots can mobilize soil P by this mechanism. Both acid and alkaline phosphatase enzyme activities were found to be markedly increased at the soil-root interface suggesting that soil organic P may contribute to the P supply of plants.  相似文献   

滴灌密植枣林细根及土壤水分分布特征   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
为明确黄土丘陵区滴灌密植枣林(Ziziphus jujube Mill.)细根(直径<2 mm)及土壤水分的空间分布特征,以无滴灌稀植枣林为对照,利用根钻法(洛阳铲)分别获得12 a生密植枣林地0~5.4 m和12 a生稀植枣林地0~10.4 m土层的细根干重密度,及0~10.4 m的土壤水分。结果表明:枣林细根干重密度随土层深度的增加而减少,50%以上的细根集中分布在0~0.8 m的土层中,该土层为根系密集层。密植枣林的细根干重密度较稀植枣林高,而细根最大分布深度却相反,密植枣林细根最大分布深度为5 m,稀植枣林为10 m。密植枣林土壤水分低值区的土层达3.0 m,稀植枣林延伸到4.6 m。该研究表明滴灌密植对枣林根系分布及土壤水分有显著影响,滴灌可减短枣林细根最大分布深度,滴灌条件下密植枣林整体根系较浅,有利于减轻深层土壤水分消耗。  相似文献   

植物根系吸收土壤水分的数学模型   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24  
本文根据植物根系吸水的物理过程,提出了一个能反映根系吸水机理的宏观数学模型,模拟结果与试验之间进行比较的情况非常令人满意,因而本模型具有较高的预报能力。在描述SPAC中水分运输的过程中,定量描述了相关的水势分量,同时还探究了这一过程中能量转换和消耗的特征。根系吸水速率与有效根密度的关系甚为密切。有效根密度的物理基础是单位土体中毛根的长度。因此,可采取优化的技术措施来加强根系发育,尤其是增加毛根的长度和数量,从而可提高植物的水分利用效率和创造高额的生物产量和经济产量。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区退耕草地土壤分离能力季节变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王长燕  郁耀闯 《土壤学报》2016,53(4):1047-1055
采用变坡试验水槽的方法,研究了黄土高原丘陵区退耕3年草地(赖草)和退耕17年草地(紫花苜蓿)在生长季土壤分离过程的季节变化及其影响因素。结果表明:赖草和紫花苜蓿地的土壤分离能力在整个生长季均呈现显著下降的季节变化趋势(p0.05)。赖草地的平均土壤分离能力最大(0.076±0.036 kg m-2 s-1),其次是紫花苜蓿地(0.057±0.055 kg m-2 s-1);两种草地土壤分离能力的季节变化主要受到土壤硬化、水稳性团聚体和草地根系生长的影响,随土壤粘结力、容重、水稳性团聚体和草地根系密度的增加,两种退耕草地的土壤分离能力均呈指数形式下降;两种草地土壤分离能力的季节变化可以用水流剪切力、土壤容重和草地根系密度很好的模拟。为黄土高原地区退耕还林(草)水土保持措施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Chiselling has been used to alleviate soil compaction but cover crops with deep, vigorous roots can improve root growth and activity of the cash crop for a longer time. The determination of root activity in addition to root mass or length may improve the understanding of plant response to compaction. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate root growth and activity as affected by the alleviation of soil compaction using mechanical and biological methods. The experiment was conducted in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, from 2009 to 2011, on a clay, Typic Rhodudalf soil. Crop rotations including pear millet (Pennisetum glaucum), soybean (Glycine max), grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), maize (Zea mays), ruzi grass (Brachiaria ruziziensis) and castor bean (Ricinus communis) in plots, either chiselled or not. Root growth was assessed by core sampling and root activity was determined indirectly using rubidium injected at several depths as a marker. Root activity was instrumental in interpreting the effects of tillage and crop rotations on soil amelioration. Compared with the initial compacted condition, chiselling increased root growth and activity just for the first 18 months of the experiment, but crop rotations, mainly including ruzi grass and castor bean, increased root growth and activity in the soil profile from the second year on. Generally, root mass was poorly correlated with root activity, except in the case of ruzi grass. Introduction of ruzi grass plus castor bean into the cropping system improves not only root growth and activity in the soil profile but also soybean yield.  相似文献   

Below-ground transfer of nitrogen (N) fixed by legume trees to associated non-N2-fixing crops has received little attention in agroforestry, although the importance of below-ground interactions is shown in other ecosystems. We used 15N natural abundance to estimate N transfer from the legume tree Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp. to C4 grass Dichanthium aristatum (Poir.) C.E. Hubb. in a silvopastoral system, where N was recycled exclusively by below-ground processes and N2 fixation by G. sepium was the sole N input to the system. Finding a suitable reference plant, a grass without contact with tree roots or litter, was problematic because tree roots invaded adjacent grass monocrop plots and soil isotopic signature in soil below distant grass monocrops differed significantly from the agroforestry plots. Thus, we used grass cultivated under greenhouse conditions in pots filled with agroforestry soil as the reference. A model of soil 15N fractionation during N mineralization was developed for testing the reliability of that estimate. Experimental and theoretical results indicated that 9 months after greenhouse transplanting, the percentage of fixed N in the grass decreased from 35% to <1%, due to N export in cut grass and dilution of fixed N with N taken up from the soil. The effect of soil 15N fractionation on the estimate of the reference value was negligible. This indicates that potted grass is a suitable reference N transfer studies using 15N natural abundance. About one third of N in field-grown grass was of atmospheric origin in agroforestry plots and in adjacent D. aristatum grassland invaded by G. sepium roots. The concentration of fixed N was correlated with fine root density of G. sepium but not with soil isotopic signature. This suggests a direct N transfer from trees to grass, e.g. via root exudates or common mycorrhizal networks.  相似文献   

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