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从黄淮海平原水盐均衡谈土壤盐渍化的现状和将来   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
土壤盐渍化是黄淮海平原的热点问题,本文依据多年的攻关研究成果,从区域,流域,土体水盐均衡角度,评估了该平原的土壤盐渍化的状况,认为土壤潜在盐渍化和盐害的威胁仍然存在,综述了土壤潜在盐渍化的研究进展,指出要加强水,盐、肥相关机理研究,在盐渍土区培育建立“谈化肥沃层”以肥调节土壤水盐。  相似文献   

中国盐渍土研究:历程、现状与展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
盐渍土研究是以盐渍土和盐渍生境作为主要研究对象,以盐渍土和盐渍化的发生与演变过程、环境要素和人类活动对盐渍化的影响与作用机制、盐渍土的治理、改良和利用的理论与技术为主体的研究领域。我国盐渍土面积巨大、种类繁多,盐渍化问题突出,对农业生产和生态环境造成不同程度的影响。我国科学家提出的盐渍土“水盐调控”“水盐平衡”,“淡化肥沃层”和“障碍消减”等理论与技术方法,为发展农业生产、提高土地产能、保障粮食安全、拓展耕地资源等发挥了积极作用。近期我国在土壤盐渍化演变过程的监测与多源数据融合、土壤水盐运移过程模拟与尺度转换、盐渍农田养分循环与减损增效、盐渍障碍的生态消减、盐渍障碍微生物修复、盐渍农田灌排优化管理与边际水安全利用等方面取得了积极的进展和成果。建议今后深入开展盐渍土精准控盐的高效和安全用水、土壤盐渍障碍的绿色消减与健康保育、盐渍农田养分库容扩增与增碳减排、土壤盐渍化与区域生态的耦合响应和协同适应等方面的理论与技术研究。应面向农业、资源、生态、环境等领域和行业,致力于拓展理论和新技术的研究,为国家农业升级、粮食安全、耕地保护、生态安全、高质量发展发挥重要作用。本文回顾了我国盐渍土研究工作的...  相似文献   

徐力刚  杨劲松  张奇 《土壤学报》2005,42(6):923-929
种植作物条件下水盐在土壤中的转化和运移构成了一个非常复杂的物理-化学-生物系统。研究种植作物条件下土壤水盐运移的动态规律和运行特征,建立水盐运移的数学模型对于指导盐渍土的灌溉管理及劣质水利用、土壤盐渍化与持续农业和生态环境之间的相互作用及土壤盐渍化预测等方面具有重要的意义。本研究首先提出了自主开发的土壤水盐运移的数学模型SWSTM(Soil Water and Salt Transport Mod-el),然后对冬小麦种植条件下土壤水盐的运动规律和特征进行了数值模拟,最后对不同地下水位和不同气象条件下的土壤水盐运移规律进行了数值预测,以期从土壤水盐运动的规律出发,提出一种应用数值模拟方法来预报土壤水盐动态的途径,同时为种植作物条件下田间大面积土壤水盐动态预测预报提供参考。  相似文献   

入渗与蒸发条件下土壤水盐运移的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
土壤水盐运移规律的研究是目前土壤物理学、农田 灌溉学研究的一个重要方面,也是防治盐碱化、改良盐渍土的核心问题。为此,根据各国学者对土壤溶质、水盐运移的研究成果,评述了土壤水盐运移基本理论和入渗、蒸发条件下的土壤水盐动态规律,为进一步的研究提供指导。  相似文献   

为明晰土壤盐渍化多维空间分布特征、水盐耦合关系,以环渤海平原的山东部分为研究区,通过野外实测和室内分析获取数据,基于经典统计方法对土壤水盐特征进行描述性统计分析;利用GIS软件分析土壤含盐量、含水量的二维空间分布,GMS软件可视化分析土壤盐渍化三维空间分异特征;构建土壤水盐耦合协调模型,定量分析不同因素对水盐耦合协调度的影响程度。结果表明:(1)研究区土壤含盐量中位数为2.08 g/kg,以中度盐渍土为主,土壤含盐量整体呈自上而下逐渐增大趋势,表层土壤含水量均值为15.38%,全区域较缺水;(2)二维空间上,土壤含水量<20%的面积为17 519.48 km2,共占86.64%;表层(0—20 cm)土壤含盐量以轻度盐渍土为主,面积为10 051.87 km2,占总面积49.71%。土壤含水量、土壤含盐量均呈自南向北增加趋势;三维空间上,土体盐渍化分布类型以均质型、底聚型为主,局部存在表聚、两端集聚类型,土体盐渍化分布特征复杂;(3)东营区以北区域水盐耦合度多>0.66,以南区域(除平度、莱州市外)耦合度多为0.40~0.66,形...  相似文献   

20世纪末以来,膜下滴灌技术在我国西北干旱区得到了大规模的推广和应用,极大推动了绿洲农业的发展。然而,滴灌带入盐分无法排出导致的农田土壤积盐问题,使得干旱区绿洲农业的可持续发展面临巨大挑战。如何在水资源短缺的情况下防治农田次生盐渍化和利用西北干旱区广泛分布的盐碱地资源,是我国干旱区农业可持续发展中迫切需要解决的问题。本文结合西北干旱区膜下滴灌农田水盐运移的特点,主要从盐生植物耐盐机制及其生长发育对盐分的响应、盐生植物排盐与盐碱土改良的互馈效应以及种植盐生植物对土壤水盐动态的影响等方面对生物排盐的研究进展进行了比较系统的梳理,同时指出了目前西北干旱区在农田生物排盐研究方面存在的不足,并对今后需要开展的研究工作进行了展望,以期为旱区农业制定合理高效的综合排盐制度提供决策依据,对于实现农田盐分平衡、缓解土壤次生盐渍化危机和土壤可持续利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

以民勤绿洲膜果麻黄为研究对象,对其生境土壤的盐渍化类型、盐渍化程度及其盐分离子的空间分布规律进行了研究。结果表明,膜果麻黄生境土壤盐渍化程度总体以轻度盐渍化及轻度盐渍化以下为主。在垂直方向上土壤盐渍化程度随土层的加深而加重,土壤盐分含量呈明显的底聚分布特征;在水平方向上,膜果麻黄有一定的聚盐效果。在距膜果麻黄树干30 cm处,剖面0~60 cm土层土壤在轻度盐渍化以下,60~100 cm土层土壤轻度盐渍化;在距膜果麻黄树干60 cm处,剖面0~40 cm土层土壤在轻度盐渍化以下,40~100 cm土层土壤轻度盐渍化;在距膜果麻黄树干90 cm处,剖面0~80cm土层土壤在轻度盐渍化以下,80~100 cm土层土壤轻度盐渍化。而在距膜果麻黄树干30 cm处,0~10 cm土层为亚氯盐渍土,10~40 cm土层为亚硫酸盐渍土,40~80 cm土层为亚氯盐渍土,80~100 cm土层为氯盐渍土;在距膜果麻黄树干60 cm和90 cm处,0~60 cm土层为亚氯盐渍土,60~100 cm土层为氯盐渍土。同时各土层土壤阳离子以Na+为主,占到了对应土层阳离子摩尔质量的47.54%~82.57%;各土层土壤阴离子以Cl-为主,占到了对应土层阴离子摩尔质量的58.65%~84.84%,土壤盐分主要是氯化钠。  相似文献   

通过野外定位观测和室内分析,探讨了苏打盐渍土微域特征(32m长的横截面)及其水分和地下水之间的转化规律。结果表明:土壤特征以及微地貌格局是制约土壤表层水分迁移的主要因素,并由此形成了大汽降水-土壤水-地下水转化的特殊模式。盐化草甸土分布在相对低洼的部位,苏打碱土分布在微坡地和高平地。苏打碱土质地为粉砂质亚粘土-粘土-粉砂-砂砾垂直结构,盐化草甸土以粉砂和砂砾结构为主。地表径流为水分迁移的关键环节,盐化草甸土成为地表水和地下水转化的通道。承接微坡地和高平地的径流,盐化草甸土在雨季含水率较多(甚至大到饱和)且迅速补给地下水,使地下水位逐渐上升。坡地土壤(苏打盐渍土)整个土层的含水率变化不显著。运用Vensim对盐渍土系统的土壤水-地下水的转化过程进行了模拟,结果与观测数据基本一致。在现代盐渍化过程研究中,以坡面系统为研究单元并考虑坡面径流,才能认识到盐渍化地区土壤水-地下水之间转化的实质。  相似文献   

内蒙古腰坝绿洲的土壤盐渍化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]研究内蒙古阿拉善左旗腰坝绿洲土壤盐渍化特征及土壤盐分离子分布规律,为研究区农业生产发展及生态环境保护计策提出合理依据。[方法]通过在野外考察、GPS定点、样品采集和处理并借助Excel和SPSS软件,运用统计学方法研究了该区土壤盐离子含量、总碱度与土壤离子含量之间的关系、土壤含盐量以及盐离子间的相关性。[结果]灌区土壤pH值平均值为8.13,为碱性土,土壤盐分含量较高,其中0—10cm土壤盐离子含量最高,平均值达到4.49%。阳离子主要是Ca2+和K++Na+,阴离子主要是SO2-4Cl-HCO-3,CO2-3含量微小。0—10cm土层和10—60cm土层中SO2-4与Ca2+均有极显著正相关,相关性均大于0.95,因子分析中SO2-4与Ca2+,Cl-和K++Na+发生"聚类"现象。[结论]灌区盐渍化土主要为硫酸盐渍土,其次为氯化盐渍土,该盐渍土危害植被生长。  相似文献   

控制暗管排水下土壤剖面水盐分布与变化特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
控制暗管排水可改变土壤水盐运移从而影响灌区盐渍化程度和土壤水分状况。为探讨土壤水盐分布与变化及其受控制排水与间距的影响,以河套灌区义长试验站暗管排水试区为对象,选取玉米生长期内典型灌溉周期开展研究。分析了控制排水及其间距变化下土壤水盐剖面静态分布与动态变化及灌水前后土壤水盐变异特性。结果表明:与自由排水比,控制排水提高了土壤剖面8.27%的相对含水率,增大了灌水期的含水率增幅,减少了间歇期的含水率降幅;控制排水还提高了土壤剖面盐分的分布均匀性,灌后的水平与垂向变异系数分别降低了45.88%和32.55%;同时,控制排水降低了土壤剖面36.73%的盐分含量,增大了灌水期29.17%的剖面脱盐区域,减少了间歇期14.29%的剖面积盐区域。控制排水基础上减少间距降低了灌水期的含水率增幅并增加了间歇期的含水率降幅,提高了灌前土壤盐分的水平分布均匀性却降低了灌后土壤盐分的水平分布均匀性。控制排水较高的盐分分布均匀性和脱盐效率及保墒效应有助于控制土壤次生盐渍化和提高农业用水效率。  相似文献   

Salt affected soils limit crop yields around the world. Knowledge of how nutrient availability is affected in plants growing on salt affected soils is important in adopting appropriate management practices to satisfy plants’ nutritional requirements and improve yields to meet food demands of increasing world populations. In the salt affected environment plants required to absorb essential nutrients from a dilute source in the presence of highly concentrated nonessential nutrients. Nutrient uptake and use efficiency in salt affected soils is low due to salt stress and negative interactions with cations and anions present in high concentrations. Hence, a higher amount of nutrients is necessary in salt affected soils compared to normal soils. Biological nitrogen fixation is also adversely affected in legumes grown on salt affected soils. Salts also reduce activity of many enzymes which supply energy for nutrient uptake. The important soils and plant management practices which can improve nutrient uptake and use efficiency in salt affected soils are use of soil amendments to reduce effect of salts, application of farmyard manures to create favorable plant growth environments, leaching salts from soil profile and planting salt tolerant crop species or genotypes within species. Addition of fertilizers, especially potassium may also help in reducing salinity effects and improving nutrient use efficiency.  相似文献   

干旱区农田不同类型土壤盐碱化发生规律   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为明晰西北干旱区平原农田典型土壤发生盐碱化的规律,2014年在新疆代表性平原农场采集砾砂、粉土/粉砂、粉土/粉细砂、粉土和亚黏土5类主要土壤进行试验,分析其岩性组成、毛细管作用及土壤表层积盐之间的内在关系,寻求3者相互影响机理。结果表明:土壤中粗颗粒含量越大,早期毛细管现象越明显,土壤表面积盐越多。细颗粒含量越多,早期毛细管作不明显,地表积盐量较少但持续时间较长,最终积盐量大于粗颗粒土壤。5类土壤在盐碱化发生早期(12 d左右)毛细现象最为突出,尤其1~4 d内地表的积盐大,速度最快。粗颗粒的砂性土发生盐碱化时,表面容易形成3~4 mm厚盐痂,阻止了地表盐碱化的发展。当土壤中粉粒和黏粒较多时,地表积盐主要以晶体形式出现。土壤的颗粒级配较好、压实度较大时,土壤表面的积盐量就较少。研究成果可为西北地区不同类型的土壤盐碱化治理方法、治理时段的选取等提供参考。  相似文献   

Soil salinity is a global issue and one of the major causes of land degradation. The large scale monitoring of salt‐affected areas is therefore very important to shed light on necessary rehabilitation measures and to avoid further land degradation. We address the productivity limitation of salt‐affected soils across the European continent by the usage of soil maps and high temporal resolution time series of satellite images derived from the SPOT vegetation sensor. Using the yearly dynamism of the vegetation signal derived from the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index, we decomposed the spectral curve into its base fraction and seasonal dynamism fractions next to an index approximating gross primary productivity. We observe gross primary productivity, base fraction and seasonal dynamism productivity differences of saline, sodic and not salt‐affected soils under croplands and grasslands in four major climatic zones of the European continent. Analysis of variance models and post hoc tests of mean productivity values indicate significant productivity differences between the observed salt‐affected and salt free areas, between management levels of soils as well as between the saline and sodic character of the land. The analysis gives insight into the limiting effect of climate in relation to the productivity of salt‐affected soils. The proposed indicators are applicable on the global level, are objective and readily repeatable with yearly updates, thus, might contribute to the global operational monitoring and assessment of degraded lands. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ten soil profiles from the agricultural areas in Saudi Arabia were investigated for their mineralogical properties and some general characteristics. It was found that the soils of the eastern region were Torrifluvents and Gypsiorthids, coarse in texture with high salt, gypsum and carbonate contents. Soils of the central region were found to be Torriorthents, Torrifluvents and Torripsamments, medium to coarse in texture with smaller amounts of gypsum and salt than soils in the east. Soils of the western region were Haplargids with minor amounts of carbonate and salt. Carbonate, quartz and gypsum were found to be the main constituents of the sand and silt fractions in soils of the eastern region, while quartz, carbonate and feldspars dominated the sand and silt in the central region. The sand and silt fractions of soils in the west contained mainly quartz, feldspars, hornblende and mica. Palygorskite dominated the clay fractions of soils in the east, while kaolinite was found to be dominant in the central region, and kaolinite, smectite and mica in the west. The mineral composition of the soils was affected by the rocks from which they were derived. Igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Arabian Shield affected the soils in the west, while sedimentary rocks had great influence on soils of the central and eastern regions.  相似文献   

Recent trends and future demographic projections suggest that the need to produce more food and fibre will necessitate effective utilization of salt‐affected land and saline water resources. Currently at least 20 per cent of the world's irrigated land is salt affected and/or irrigated with waters containing elevated levels of salts. Several major irrigation schemes have suffered from the problems of salinity and sodicity, reducing their agricultural productivity and sustainability. Productivity enhancement of salt‐affected land and saline water resources through crop‐based management has the potential to transform them from environmental burdens into economic opportunities. Research efforts have led to the identification of a number of field crops, forage grasses and shrubs, aromatic and medicinal species, bio‐fuel crops, and fruit tree and agroforestry systems, which are profitable and suit a variety of salt‐affected environments. Several of these species have agricultural significance in terms of their local utilization on the farm. Therefore, crop diversification systems based on salt‐tolerant plant species are likely to be the key to future agricultural and economic growth in regions where salt‐affected soils exist, saline drainage waters are generated, and/or saline aquifers are pumped for irrigation. However, such systems will need to consider three issues: improving the productivity per unit of salt‐affected land and saline water resources, protecting the environment and involving farmers in the most suitable and sustainable crop diversifying systems to mitigate any perceived risks. This review covers different aspects of salt‐affected land and saline water resources, synthesizes research knowledge on salinity/sodicity tolerances in different plant species, and highlights promising examples of crop diversification and management to improve and maximize benefits from these resources. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We hypothesised that digital mapping of various forms of salt‐affected soils using high resolution satellite imagery, supported by field studies, would be an efficient method to classify and map salinity, sodicity or both at paddock level, particularly in areas where salt‐affected patches are small and the effort to map these by field‐based soil survey methods alone would be inordinately time consuming. To test this hypothesis, QuickBird satellite data (pan‐sharpened four band multispectral imagery) was used to map various forms of surface‐expressed salinity in an agricultural area of South Australia. Ground‐truthing was performed by collecting 160 soil samples over the study area of 159 km2. Unsupervised classification of the imagery covering the study area allowed differentiation of severity levels of salt‐affected soils, but these levels did not match those based on measured electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of the soil samples, primarily because the expression of salinity was strongly influenced by paddock‐level variations in crop type, growth and prior land management. Segmentation of the whole image into 450 paddocks and unsupervised classification using a paddock‐by‐paddock approach resulted in a more accurate discrimination of salinity and sodicity levels that was correlated with EC and SAR. Image‐based classes discriminating severity levels of salt‐affected soils were significantly related with EC but not with SAR. Of the spectral bands, bands 2 (green, 520–600 nm) and 4 (near‐infrared, 760–900 nm) explained the majority of the variation (99 per cent) in the spectral values. Thus, paddock‐by‐paddock classification of QuickBird imagery has the potential to accurately delineate salinity at farm level, which will allow more informed decisions about sustainable agricultural management of soils. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

设施土壤盐分的累积、迁移及离子组成变化特征   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
通过对我国不同地区设施栽培现状的野外调查和取样分析,研究了设施栽培条件下土壤盐分的累积、迁移及离子组成变化特点。结果表明:1)设施栽培条件下,土壤含盐量的变化幅度大,且均明显高于露地土壤,各研究区域内已有40%8~9%的土壤含盐量超过了作物正常生长的临界浓度。2)设施栽培的可持续利用周期较短,连续种植到4年左右的设施土壤,其耕层盐分的累积量可达到作物的生长障碍临界点,之后因设施使用率的下降以及采取的措施而有所降低,但仍高于露地土壤。设施连续使用会导致土壤环境质量的不断恶化。3)设施土壤剖面(0100.cm)盐分含量均高于相邻露地,盐分含量随土层深度增加而降低,其中耕层(020.cm)的盐分含量显著高于其下各层;盐分离子在土壤剖面的运移同时存在着明显的向底层迁移和向表层聚集两种方式,但以表聚为主;此外,盐分离子的大量累积和向底层迁移,特别是NO3-的淋溶已严重影响到部分地区的地下水水质。4)设施栽培后,土壤中的NO3-、SO42-、Cl-、Ca2+、Mg2+、K+、Na+均有不同程度的累积,阴离子以NO3-和SO42-为主,阳离子以Ca2+为主。盐分的大量累积以及某些离子的相对富集在一定程度上引起了作物养分的供需失衡、土壤酸化、棚室内CO2供应不足等生产问题。  相似文献   

In this study, a controlled experiment was designed to determine the potential impacts that salt types impose on soil reflectance spectra. Base soil from a typical inland river basin in China and 99% pure salts of three representive salt types as well as their combinations in different proportions were used to create composite soil samples. Seven levels of salt concentration were assigned for each saline soil treatment. The results revealed that salt concentration did not affect pattern parameters significantly (P > 0.5), where varying the salt concentrations only led to changes in the confined range that corresponded to salt types. Statistical parameter Rmean was sensitive to salt types but was limited to single-type salts. Therefore, salt types largely determined the overall shapes of soil reflectance spectra rather than salt concentrations. It is therefore necessary to identify salt type before retrival of salt concentration in saline soils by use of remote sensing data.  相似文献   

Salinisation of land resources is a major impediment to their optimal utilisation in many arid and semi‐arid regions of the world including Iran. Estimates suggest that about 34 million ha, including 4·1 million ha of the irrigated land, are salt‐affected in Iran as the consequence of naturally occurring phenomena and anthropogenic activities. The annual economic losses due to salinisation in the country are more than US$ 1 billion. With variable levels of success, different approaches—salt leaching and drainage interventions, crop‐based management, chemical amendments and fertilisers and integrated application of these approaches—have been used to enhance the productivity of salt‐affected soils in the Country. From sustainable management perspective, it is revealed from the past research that integrated salinity management and mitigation approaches have the potential to successfully address the complex problems of salt‐induced land degradation in Iran. As the growing need to produce more food and fibre for the expanding Iranian population necessitates the increased use of salt‐affected land resources in the foreseeable future, there is an urgent need to develop and implement a pertinent National Strategic Plan. In addition to establishing networks for monitoring spatial and temporal changes in soil salinity and water quality, this plan should integrate the management of salt‐affected environments into the overall management of land and water resources in the country. It should also address different management aspects of salt‐affected land resources in a holistic manner by considering the biophysical and environmental conditions of the target areas as well as livelihoods of the affected communities. The involvement of the communities will facilitate in developing a greater understanding about the potential uses and markets of the agricultural products produced from salt‐affected areas. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

采用通径分析方法研究了黄河下游三角洲盐渍区表层土壤(0~10cm)积盐的影响因子及其强度的主次关系,结果表明:表土积盐过程受到盐源分布、盐分离子化学特征、土壤理化性质、地下水状况以及区域性气候条件的综合影响;旱季条件下研究区土壤盐渍化程度较高且盐分表聚性明显;土壤盐源分布对表土层积盐的影响强度最大,其次是盐分离子组成化学特征,表土层理化属性和地下水状况主要通过其它因素对表土层积盐产生间接影响;反映盐源分布的亚表土层(10~20cm)盐分和反映土壤盐分离子化学组成特征的钠吸附比SAR、氯硫比Cl-/SO42-是表土层积盐的主要控制因素。该研究结果为黄河三角洲地区盐渍土地的科学管理与改良利用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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