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土壤中植物有效锰的形态分级   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用4种方法测定土壤有效态锰含量,并加以比较和评价,从而确定出最优的土壤有效锰测定方法。研究结果表明,采用一种顺序浸提的方法能比较准确地反映土壤的供锰状况,锰组分及其相应浸提剂为:易溶态锰(0.05ml/LCa(NO3)2)提取、弱吸附态锰(pH8.5,CaDTPA-B4O7)、碳酸盐束缚态锰(石灰性土壤,用1.6mol/LHNO3快速浸提)或专性吸附态锰(非石灰性土壤,用1.6mol/LHNO3快速浸提)或专性吸附态锰(非石灰性土壤,pH4.4,0.05mol/LCa(NO3)2+0.05mol/LCu(NO3)2提取)和氧化锰(pH2.0,0.1mol/LNH2OH.HCl)。由盆栽试验辣椒吸收的锰与土壤锰相关分析结果显示,易溶态锰是植物最易吸收的锰,其回归方程为:Y=-14.409+21.658X,r=0.  相似文献   

阳阴离子交换膜测定原状土壤K、Zn、Fe的对比研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
范业宽  方建坤 《土壤》1998,30(5):274-276
用0.1mol/L HCl和0.1mol/L EDTA-Na2分别饱和处理阳离子交换膜和阴离子交换膜,对比研究春测定原状土壤剖面微区中K.Zn和Fe的释放速率。结果表明,阳离子交换膜提取的K和Fe分别能反映土壤速效K和水溶态与交换态Fe的释放速率,阴离子交换膜能同时测定土壤有效Zn和Fe的释放速率。  相似文献   

土壤中有效态重金属Cd Hg提取方法研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
通过采用不同土液比、浸提时间、浸提剂等,研究了不同条件下对提取土壤中Cd、Hg含量的影响,及各种条件下提取量与小麦吸收相关关系。结果表明,在褐土上土液比1:12.5,浸提时间60min,1mol/L NH4OAc浸提剂提取量表示土壤有效态Cd量较为合适;土液比1:10,浸提时间30min,0.1mol/L CaCl2浸提取量表示土壤有较态Hg量较为合适。  相似文献   

HGMS技术与NaOH溶液浓缩土壤铁锰氧化物的效果比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭文峰  刘凡  丁孺牛  贺纪正 《土壤》1998,30(5):267-271
以我国中南地区几种土壤和土壤锰结核为材料,比较了高梯度磁分选仪与5mol.l^-1NaOH溶液对土壤铁锰氧化物的浓缩效果。结果表明:(1)以1:1型高岭石为主的土样,经5mol.L^-1NaOH溶液处理后,其氧化铁浓缩倍数高于HGMS处理后的样品,以2:1型层状酸盐矿物为主的土壤浓缩倍数则相反。(2)HGMS处理浓缩土样锰结核中的锰氧化物,其浓缩倍数比5mol.L^-1NaOH溶液处理的低;但前者  相似文献   

被土壤吸附的六价铬的最佳提取剂的选取   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过研究土壤中磷酸盐与Cr(Ⅵ)的竞争吸附作用,查明0.1mol/LKH2PO4-K2HPO4溶液是提取被土壤吸附的Cr(Ⅵ)的最佳提取剂。  相似文献   

徐建民  袁可能 《土壤学报》1995,32(2):151-158
本文系统剖析了熊毅-傅积平改进区分的土壤结合态腐殖质的形成特点,胡,富组成及其结合特征。结果表明:(1)用0.1mol/LNaOH及0.1mol/LNaOH+0.1mol/LNa4P2O7混合液连续浸提的松结态(H1)和稳结态(H2)腐殖质所占的比例随土壤pH升高分别呈减少和增加趋势。统计分析显示H1与游离态铁,铝呈极显著的正相关,与交换性钙呈极显著负相关,H2则与交换性钙呈极显著正相关,而与游离  相似文献   

田间低矿化水灌溉的土壤盐碱化过程的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了田间低矿化水灌溉的土壤盐碱化生态过程,结 果表明:无论在水平方向还是垂直方向上,随着灌溉水矿化度的增加,带入土体中的NaHCO3增多,从而引起土壤pH,全盐,HCO3-,ESP及SAR逐渐升高.因灌溉水是以NaHCO3 为其主要成分,除Na+、HCO3-增多外,其余Ca2+、Mg2+、Cl-、SO4 2-总量变化不大.小麦采用畦灌的灌水量比玉米的埯灌大得多,带入的盐碱物质相应 增多,造成盐碱化的速度快于玉米田.在田间条件下,盐化和碱化的安全灌溉水矿化度分别 为2.5g/L和1.5g/L.  相似文献   

胡家恕  邵爱萍 《农业环境保护》1994,13(5):194-198,240
以砷化物为污染源,研究砷对大豆种子萌发及生理活性物质的影响。结果表明:砷化镓(GaAS)和砷酸钠(Na3AsO3三个砷和Na2HAsO4五价砷)对大豆种子萌发的影响,在五价砷(GaAs和Na2HAsO4)1-5mg/L,三价砷0.1-1mgm/L对大豆萌发育促进作用,随着浓度提高,发芽率有所下降,五价砷50mg/L和三价砷10mg/L显著受抑制;五价砷500mg/L和三价砷100mg/L种子萌发全  相似文献   

本文比较了原子吸收分光光度法测定植株中钙、镁的三种样品前处理方法:干灰化法、1mol/L HCl振荡提取法(振荡法)和1mol/L HCl静止浸泡提取法(浸泡法)。结果表明,振荡法和浸泡法对钙的测定结果平均分别为干灰化法的101%和92.0%,对镁的测定结果平均分别为103%和97.6%。振荡法和浸泡法与干灰化法之间不存在显著性差异(α=0.05),它们之间有极显著的正相关性(相关系数在0.99以  相似文献   

出芽短梗霉菌株紫外诱变及其发酵条件优化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本研究应用紫外(UV)随机诱变获得了两株多糖产量高,色素低的出芽短梗霉突变株ZY047和ZY073,其产量分别为15.15和14.22mg/mL。发酵状况大大改善,产生大量的膨大细胞和厚垣孢子,通过短梗霉的培养基适宜碳氮化和发酵条件,获得优化的培养基方案为:蔗糖5%,KH2PO40.5%,NaCl0.1%,MgSO4.7H2O0.02%,(NH4)2SO40.03%,酵母浸出粉0.09%,优化的发  相似文献   

Addition of organic amendments can alleviate the level of aluminum (Al) phytotoxicity in acid soils by affecting the nature and quantity of Al species. This study evaluated the transformation of Al in an acidic sandy Alaquod soil amended with composts (10 and 50 g kg?1 soil of yard waste, yard + municipal waste, GreenEdge®, and synthetic humic acid) based on soil Al fractionation by single and sequential extractions. Though the organic compost amendments increased total Al in soil, they alleviated Al potential toxicity in acidic soil by increasing soil pH and converting exchangeable Al to organically bound and other noncrystalline fractions, stressing the benefits of amending composts to improve acid soil fertility. The single‐extraction method appears to be more reliable for exchangeable Al than sequential extraction because of the use of nonbuffered pH extract solution.  相似文献   


Different forms of soil aluminum (Al) are involved in the retention of anions and cations, phytotoxicity of Al in acid soils, CEC reduction and soil physical properties such as aggregate stability and water infiltration. Therefore it is desirable to quantify the different forms of Al in soil especially acidic soils. A rationale was developed from a literature survey to identify the following fractions of Al: (a) exchangeable quantified by 1M KC1 extraction; (b) organic bound quantified by 0.1M CuCl2 + 0.5M KCl extraction; (c) sorhed Al extractable with 1M NE4OAc at pH 4.0; (d) amorphous Al oxide and hydroxide and amorphous aluminosilicates (if present) extractable with 0.2M ammonium oxalate at pH 3.0; and (e) interlayered Al extractable with 0. 33M sodium citrate at pH 7.3. Pools (a), (b), and (c) are extracted sequentially. Amorphous Al oxide and hydroxide (pool d) is calculated from ammonium oxalate extractable Al minus (a + b + c). Interlayered Al is calculated from sodium citrate extractable Al minus ammonium oxalate extractable Al. The latter two extractions are done on separate subsamples of soils. From preliminary studies and data for 13 soil samples it is suggested that this fractionation of soil Al is more meaningful than that obtained by the KCl ‐> K4P2O7 ‐> ammonium oxalate > citrate‐bicarbonate‐dithionite extraction sequence.  相似文献   

A five-step sequential extraction procedure was developed for the partitioning of soil aluminum (Al) into five fractions: exchangeable, weakly organic bound, strongly organic bound, inorganic non-crystalline and crystalline. The results obtained by the sequential extraction method for Al were compared with those estimated from single extractions using identical operating conditions applied in each individual sequential fraction. The Al content in the extracts was measured by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The results indicated that the first four steps [potassium chloride (KCl), copper chloride (CuCl2), sodium pyrophosphate (Na4P2O7), acid ammonium oxalate ((NH4)2C2O4)] in the sequential procedure could be as effective as single extraction methods at estimating exchangeable Al, weakly organic bound Al, strongly organic bound Al, and non-crystalline Al. However, the crystalline Al content by sequential procedure was not in agreement with single extraction procedures. Further, the sequential extractions resulted in more consistent estimates of the aluminum/silicon (Al/Si) molar ratio and allophane and crystalline Al contents than single extractions method. Results of X-ray diffraction on the soil samples confirm the presence of appreciable amounts of at least three types of crystalline minerals, including gibbsite, vermiculite or halloysite. Our result implies that the sequential method can be more reliable in estimating the various Al forms in Andisols.  相似文献   

茶园土壤pH变化对土壤中铝特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张艳萍  宗良纲  史艳芙 《土壤》2019,51(4):746-751
土壤中铝的毒性强弱取决于铝的形态。为了解茶园土壤中铝的特性,以江苏省7个长期定位观测茶园为研究对象,采用化学连续提取法测定不同条件下土样中不同形态的铝含量,研究茶园土壤pH升高或降低过程中铝的形态转化及其影响因素。结果表明,茶园土壤在酸化过程中活性铝溶出明显增强,不同形态的铝含量有明显差异,依次为腐殖酸铝(Alh)铝的水合化物和氢氧化物(Aloh)交换态铝(Alex)有机态铝(Alo)水溶态铝(Alw)无机吸附态铝(Alino);土壤pH、有机质和酸容量是影响铝形态的重要因素;茶园土壤酸化过程中铝的水合化物和氢氧化物、无机吸附态铝以及水溶态铝会转化为交换态铝。土壤pH升高,交换态铝转化成羟基铝;有机结合态铝会影响其他铝形态的转化,腐殖酸铝在土壤pH升高时转化为铝的水合化物和氢氧化物。  相似文献   


Land use may modify certain soil properties while soil physicochemical characteristics can influence metal partitioning in soils. Therefore, the total content and various forms of aluminum (Al) in solid phase of schist-developed topsoils (0–20 cm) in NW Spain under different land uses (i.e., forest, pasture, and cultivation) were evaluated to identify the Al-bearing phases. Aluminum fractionation was performed, using a six-step sequential extraction procedure with ammonium acetate, hydroxylamine hydrochloride, ammonium oxalate in darkness, hydrogen peroxide, ammonium oxalate under ultraviolet radiation, and acid digestion. Mean concentrations of total Al were similar in the soils under three land uses. Mean percentage of the various Al forms in all soils were in the following order: residual fraction > amorphous compounds > crystalline compounds > water-soluble/exchangeable/specifically adsorbed > bound to oxidizable organic matter > manganese oxides. The forest soils contained considerably higher contribution of amorphous compounds (16.3%) to total Al concentration compared with the soils under other two uses (mean about 9%). Maximum mean concentration of exchangeable Al was also observed in forest soils (mean 8.8% of total Al vs. about 4% in pasture soils and cultivated soils); this is attributed to lower pH and higher organic matter content of the forest soils. Thus, this study revealed the impact of land use on the Al-bearing phases and, hence, in its bioavailability to plants.  相似文献   

We investigated the extractability of manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe) oxides from typical Japanese soils (Entisols, Inceptisols, and Andisols) by 0.5?mol?L?1 hydroxylamine hydrochloride (NH2OH-HCl) extraction (pH 1.5; 16?h shaking at 25°C; soil:solution ratio 1:40), referred as to HHmBCR, which is Step 2 (used for the reducible fraction) of the modified BCR (Community Bureau of Reference) sequential extraction procedure. The HHmBCR procedure extracted almost all Mn oxides from the non-Andisol samples, but failed to extract a part of the Mn oxides from some Andisol samples. The procedure extracted most short-range ordered Fe oxides from non-Andisol samples, but it extracted only 7.5% and 13% of the short-range ordered Fe oxides from allophanic and non-allophanic Andisol samples, respectively. This remarkably low extractability of Fe oxides suggests that the HHmBCR method is not suitable for extracting oxide-occluded heavy metals from Andisols. Since the extraction rate of short-range ordered Fe oxides from various soils with the extractant was negatively correlated with the amounts of oxalate- and pyrophosphate-extractable Al even when the variability of the extraction pH was reduced by increasing the soil:solution ratio from 1:40 to 1:500, the extractability of Fe oxides would be negatively affected by the presence of active Al, including allophane/imogolite, amorphous Al, and Al-humus complexes. Because these Al constituents are abundant in Andisols, they would be at least partially responsible for the lower extractability of Fe oxides by HHmBCR from Andisols.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to determine the critical soil pH, exchangeable aluminum (Al), and Al saturation of the soils derived from different parent materials for maize.

Materials and methods

An Alfisol derived from loess deposit and three Ultisols derived from Quaternary red earth, granite, and Tertiary red sandstone were used for pot experiment in greenhouse. Ca(OH)2 and Al2(SO4)3 were used to adjust soil pH to target values. The critical soil pH was obtained by two intersected linear lines of maize height, chlorophyll content, and yield of shoot and root dry matter changing with soil pH.

Results and discussion

In low soil pH, Al toxicity significantly decreased plant height, chlorophyll content, and shoot and root dry matter yields of maize crops. The critical values of soil pH, exchangeable Al, and Al saturation varied with soil types. Critical soil pH was 4.46, 4.73, 4.77, and 5.07 for the Alfisol derived from loess deposit and the Ultisol derived from Quaternary red earth, granite, and Tertiary red sandstone, respectively. Critical soil exchangeable Al was 2.74, 1.99, 1.93, and 1.04 cmolckg?1 for the corresponding soils, respectively. Critical Al saturation was 5.63, 12.51, 14.84, and 15.16% for the corresponding soils.


Greater soil cation exchange capacity and exchangeable base cations led to lower critical soil pH and higher critical soil exchangeable Al and Al saturation for maize.


贵州铅锌冶炼区农田土壤镉铅有效性评价与预测模型研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张厦  宋静  高慧  张强  刘赣 《土壤》2017,49(2):328-336
农田土壤重金属的不同活性库分布和土壤-溶液分配模型能够提供重金属的生物有效性和浸出能力等信息,因而在风险评价和修复实践中非常重要。本研究采集毕节铅锌冶炼区30个历史污染农田土壤,同时在贵州省范围内采集5种类型背景土壤制成不同浓度Pb/Cd单一污染土壤;经3个月老化,分别测定由0.43 mol/L HNO_3、0.1 mol/L HCl和0.005 mol/L DTPA提取态表征的重金属反应活性库以及由0.01 mol/L CaCl_2提取态表征的直接有效库;分析铅锌冶炼区农田土壤Cd、Pb不同有效库的分布特征,建立土壤-溶液分配模型,并讨论土壤理化性质的影响。结果表明:历史污染土壤中Cd和Pb的直接有效库占全量比例分别比人工污染土壤低4倍和223倍,然而历史污染土壤Cd和Pb的反应活性库(0.43 mol/L HNO_3提取态)占全量比例要高于相应人工污染土壤中的比例。拓展Freundlich形式吸附方程能够准确描述各提取态表征的Cd和Pb活性库与土壤全量Cd和Pb的关系,尤其0.43 mol/L HNO_3提取方法能够克服土壤理化性质对土壤Cd和Pb提取的影响而与总量建立极显著的相关关系。pH依附性Freundlich吸附方程准确描述了Cd和Pb的总反应活性库分别与土壤溶液Cd和Pb的关系,对于Pb而言,还要考虑土壤有机质和有效磷的影响。本研究可为矿区农田土壤重金属污染评价、修复以及农田有效态标准的推导提供参考。  相似文献   


Highly calcareous soils are abundant in Iran. The calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE) of these soils reach up to 650 g kg?1. Although phosphorus (P) fertilizer is being widely used in these soils, little information, if any, is available about P status in such soils. The objectives of this study were to 1) determine inorganic P forms in 18 surface soils of southern Iran, 2) study P readsorption during different stages of fractionation schemes, 3) assess the ability of NaOH to extract aluminum (Al)‐P, and 4) evaluate the relationships between P availability indices and inorganic P forms. Eighteen soil samples with a wide range of physicochemical properties were selected for this study. Inorganic P forms was determined by sequential extraction with NaHCO3, NH4OAc, NH4F, NaOH, citrate dithionite (CD), and H2SO4, which are referred to as Ca2‐P, Ca8‐P, Al‐P, Fe‐P, occluded P (O‐P), and Ca10‐P. Phosphorus readsorption in different stages was determined by 1 M MgCl2. Furthermore, a fractionation scheme without an NH4F step was used to evaluate the ability of NaOH to extract Al‐P. NaHCO3 (Olsen‐P) and MgCl2‐extractable P (Exch‐P) were regarded as P-availability indices. The abundance of different P forms was in the order Ca2‐P<Fe‐P<Al‐P<O‐P<Ca8‐P<Ca10‐P. Ca2‐P was highly correlated with Olsen‐P and Exch‐P. Ca2‐P, Olsen‐P, and Exch‐P showed a relationship with CCE, citrate–bicarbonate–dithionite extractable Fe (Fed), and Al (Ald). Phosphorus readsorption appeared to be important only in the Ca8‐P step, and the content of readsorbed P was related to Ca8‐P, CCE, and clay content of the soils. In the present study, Al‐P and Fe‐P accounted for 10 and 5% of the sum of the inorganic P fractions, respectively, and Fe‐P showed a strong relationship with Feo, whereas Al‐P showed a significant relationship with oxalate‐extractable Al (Alo) and Ald. It was found that one extraction with NaOH is not a good indicator for Fe‐ and Al‐P, and the ability of NaOH to extract Al‐P was reduced with increase in Al‐P content.  相似文献   

单宁酸对不同pH茶园土壤中活性铝形态分布的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采集云南省普洱市和江西省南昌县两地典型的茶园土壤,通过添加HCl和Ca(OH)2调节土壤pH,研究不同pH(3.0、3.5、4.0、4.5)茶园土壤添加0.4 mmol·kg 1、2.0 mmol·kg 1、4.0 mmol·kg 1、8.0 mmol·kg 1、12.0 mmol·kg 1单宁酸后,活性铝形态交换态铝(Al3+)、单聚体羟基铝[Al(OH)2+、Al(OH)+2]、酸溶无机铝[Al(OH)03]和腐殖酸铝[Al-HA]的分布特征。结果表明:单宁酸添加量为0~0.4 mmol·kg 1和0~2.0 mmol·kg 1时,江西南昌和云南普洱茶园土壤中交换态铝随土壤pH的增加呈明显下降趋势,而羟基态铝、酸溶无机铝和腐殖酸铝呈逐渐上升趋势;当单宁酸浓度增至2.0 mmol·kg 1以上时,随土壤pH的增加,单宁酸对活性铝释放的抑制作用增强,各形态活性铝含量都较低,且不同pH处理土壤间的差异不显著。0~20 cm土层土壤与20~40 cm土层土壤变化规律大致相似,总体上看,下层土壤活性铝总量高于上层。云南普洱茶园土壤活性铝总量明显高于江西南昌的茶园土壤。相关分析表明,0~20 cm土层土壤中,pH与羟基态铝、腐殖酸铝、土壤酸碱缓冲容量(pHBC)呈正相关(r=0.796,P0.01;r=0.960,P0.01;r=0.852,P0.01);pHBC与交换态铝、羟基态铝呈负相关(r=0.904,P0.01;r=0.645,P0.05),而与腐殖酸铝呈正相关(r=0.795,P0.01)。同时,单宁酸加入浓度为0~0.4 mmol·kg 1时,土壤pH明显上升,之后随着单宁酸加入浓度的增加土壤pH持续下降,土壤pH(YpH)与单宁浓度(CDN)在此阶段基本符合方程:YpH=0.04CDN+3.82(R2=0.95,P0.01)的线性变化趋势,在单宁酸浓度达到8.0~12.0 mmol·kg 1时,土壤pH基本不再变化。  相似文献   

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