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滇池宝象河流域土壤磷素变异特征及影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
杨振兴  张乃明  王磊  张刚 《土壤》2011,43(1):39-43
磷(P)是水体富营养化的一个重要的限制因子,本文以滇池宝象河流域土壤为研究对象,对流域内不同土地利用类型土壤P素时空变异特征以及其影响因素进行研究。结果发现流域内P素有明显累积。P素含量会受到土壤流失的影响,不同土地利用类型不同形态P素累积与流失情况也不同,同时,Olsen-P与pH、OM有很好的正相关性。研究结果可以为防止不同土地利用类型土壤P素流失提供依据,为滇池宝象河流域精确农业的研究和实施提供了一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

最佳管理措施(BMP)的开发是磷(P)污染及相关富营养化问题的研究成果之一。水体富营养化问题也影响了供水系统,如水库。淋溶到水体中的 P 元素来自施肥后的农地。为了解决 P 污染及相关富营养化问题, 研究人员开始在该流域实施 BMP,以减少 P 流失给人类及动植物带来的影响。通过收集文献中各种 BMP 的可溶性 P(PP)、颗粒 P(DP)和全 P(TP)的质量浓度、调查地点、土壤、坡度、氮、径流、泥沙、研究方法和农业生产情况,将这些资料输入到数据库中。经统计分析,建立一种利用土壤和坡度可评价 BMP 有效性的模型。该模型提供了一种简单评价 BMP 有效性的方法,其既可以独立应用,又可以和地理信息系统(GIS)模型联合使用,应用范围更加广泛。  相似文献   

农田氮、磷的流失与水体富营养化   总被引:112,自引:8,他引:112  
司友斌  王慎强  陈怀满 《土壤》2000,32(4):188-193
农田氮、磷的流失,不仅造成化肥的利用率降低,农业生产成本上升,还对水环境造成污染,引起水体富营养化。本讨论了农田氮磷流失对水体富营养化的贡献、农田氮磷流失途径及影响因素。提出了减少农田氮磷流失、控制水体富营养化的措施。  相似文献   

蔡龙炎 《土壤》2010,42(4):584-588
收集整理了32篇已公开发表的学术论文的N、P流失数据63组,对我国农业N、P流失比进行了分析。结果表明,自20世纪90年代以来,我国农业N、P流失比存在显著下降趋势(p0.05,n=63)。我国农业N素流失和P素流失在化学计量上的变化趋势可能与我国目前频发的水体富营养化存在密切联系。通过线性回归分析,我们发现农业N、P流失比与其影响因子存在良好的线性关系,回归方程为Y=-12.507+0.063X1+0.143X2-1.257X3+4.796X4-11.060X5(X1:降水量;X2:总N输入量;X3:总P输入量;X4:坡度;X5:TN/TP;Y:N/P),但该定量模型仍存在一定缺陷。农业N、P流失比定量模型的研究,对加强水体环境保护具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

滇池流域土壤磷累积特征与释放风险研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张乃明  李成学  李阳红 《土壤》2007,39(4):665-667
通过对滇池流域土壤进行采样测定与模拟试验,研究了流域表层土壤有效P、全P的累积特征和释放风险.研究结果表明,滇池流域表层土壤P素累积明显,其中全P含量范围在0.5~7.0 g/kg,平均值为2.15 g/kg,有效P含量范围在26.7~598.3 mg/kg,平均值为151.04 mg/kg,全P和有效P均高于全国土壤平均值.土壤P累积与P肥施用量密切相关,模拟试验表明土壤P释放风险临界值为57 mg/kg,按此标准,滇池流域有69%的土壤已对滇池水体构成不同程度的环境风险,其中51%的土壤P释放的环境风险较高、流失严重,并己成为滇池水体富营养化的主要污染来源之一.  相似文献   

广州城郊菜地土壤磷素特征及流失风险分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过化学分析和土壤淋洗试验对广州城郊菜地土壤磷素特征和流失风险进行了研究和分析。结果表明,广州城郊菜地土壤全磷含量极高;与自然土壤相比较,菜园土壤无机磷比例增大,有机磷比例降低;无机磷中的Al-P、Fe-P比例增加,O-P比例降低,Ca-P比例基本一致;土壤Olsen P、Bray-1 P、Mehlich-1 P、0.01mol/L CaCl2和H2O提取的磷含量相当高;土壤淋洗液中溶解态磷和总磷持续保持很高的浓度,土壤磷供应强度大。菜园土壤中磷进入水体引起水体磷浓度增加,导致水体富营养化风险大;土壤磷的测定值可作为土壤磷流失风险和对水环境影响程度的评估依据。菜地作为农业非点源污染的优先控制区,应通过严格控制磷肥的投入和合理施肥等控制磷的流失。  相似文献   

基于磷指数模型的海河流域农田磷流失环境风险评价   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
农田面源磷流失是导致水体富营养化的主要原因,识别农田磷流失的关键源区、影响因子是农田面源污染防治的重要环节。该研究以海河流域为研究区,采用磷指数模型,选取土壤有效磷含量、磷肥施用量作为源因子,以土壤侵蚀模数、年径流深、农田和水体间归一化距离指数作为迁移因子,结合GIS技术评估海河流域农田磷流失风险,并利用结构方程模型研究农田磷流失风险指数与各影响因子间关系。结果表明:1)海河流域农田土壤有效磷、磷肥施用量、土壤侵蚀模数、年径流深及归一化距离指数处于中-低、中-高、极低、中-高和高级别风险等级的区域面积占比最高,分别占农田总面积的66.5%、61.1%、99.0%、54.2%和64.8%;2)影响农田磷流失的关键因子为迁移因子,其中关键的迁移因子为年径流深及归一化距离指数;3)源因子与迁移因子间呈极显著负相关(P0.01),土壤性质(包括土壤质地及有机碳含量等)与源因子呈极显著负相关(P0.01),与迁移因子呈极显著正相关(P0.01);4)海河流域农田磷流失关键源区位于黄河北岸的山东省和河北省东南部的平原农耕区、海河流域西北部的山区地带。该研究结果对流域尺度上农田磷流失研究的方法创新有所裨益,可为海河流域农田面源污染防治提供科学参考。  相似文献   

不同施肥处理稻田系统磷素输移特征研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
磷是水体富营养化限制性元素,近年来由于磷肥的过量施用,农田迁移的磷素已成为水体磷素的主要来源。本研究通过野外测坑定位试验,研究有机肥处理(OT)、混施肥处理(MT)和化肥处理(CT)3种施肥处理下,稻田中磷素的迁移流失特征及这3种处理对水稻产量和磷素利用率的影响,以探求稻田系统的最佳施磷方式。结果表明,CT、MT和OT 3种施肥方式的磷径流流失负荷分别为0.56 kg(P)·hm-2、1.13 kg(P)·hm-2和4.20 kg(P)·hm-2,渗漏流失负荷分别为0.42 kg(P)·hm-2、0.44 kg(P)·hm-2和0.45 kg(P)·hm-2;磷的径流流失占流失总量的56.86%~90.38%,是水稻田磷素流失的主要途径。磷的径流流失主要受施肥和降雨的影响,50%左右磷的流失发生在第1次径流过程;磷素渗漏流失特征不受施磷处理的影响,80%以上的流失发生在施肥后的前30 d。在磷素流失形态上,坑面水、渗漏水和径流水中磷素的主要形态均为可溶性磷;在土壤方面,MT处理和OT处理能保证土壤磷营养,CT处理的土壤有效磷和有机质含量则显著下降。3种施肥处理的水稻产量显著高于空白对照,且MT最高,为6 728.84 kg·hm-2;磷肥利用率CT和MT处理显著高于OT,CT和MT间差异不显著。综合比较,混施肥处理在磷素流失、土壤养分利用和水稻产量等方面更符合我国生态农业发展的要求。  相似文献   

红壤丘陵岗地区坡地地表径流氮磷流失特征研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
吕玉娟  彭新华  高磊  张中彬 《土壤》2015,47(2):297-304
农业非点源污染是水质恶化的主要贡献者,研究坡地农田生态系统N、P流失特征及其影响因素对提高土壤生产力和水环境质量具有重要意义。本研究基于2011年3月至2013年12月花生地(158场)和橘园地(152场)降雨–产流事件中N、P流失的监测数据,探讨南方红壤坡地农田生态系统N、P流失特征及其与降水特征、径流量的关系。结果表明:花生地N、P流失量明显大于橘园地,N流失浓度则是花生地小于橘园地。N、P流失量的季节变化和年际变化均与地表径流量的变化规律一致,养分流失量与地表径流量呈显著正相关关系(P0.01),流失高峰出现在每年的雨季4—6月。两种土地利用方式,P素流失显著低于N素流失,NO3–-N是可溶性养分流失的主要形态。降雨强度(I60)和径流量是影响养分流失的两个主要因素,均与养分流失量呈显著的幂函数关系(P0.01)。红壤坡地果园比坡耕花生地的水土和养分保持效果好,但在降雨产流高峰期仍需加强肥料施用管理和相关阻控措施的实施。  相似文献   

长期施肥条件下土壤磷素的研究进展   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
宋春  韩晓增 《土壤》2009,41(1):21-26
施用磷(P)肥是提高农作物生产的重要措施.P肥施入土壤后易与土壤组分反应生成难溶的、对植物有效性低的化合物,因此P是土壤肥力管理中的一个重要方面.本文综述了国内外长期施肥条件下农田土壤P素的利用与积累状况、土壤P素形态转化及生物有效性的研究概况、长期施肥对土壤P素吸附与解吸的影响以及土壤P素流失的研究现状,并提出了目前在长期施肥条件下土壤P素的研究中存在的一些问题以及今后研究的热点.  相似文献   

Severe soil and water loss has lead to widespread land degradation in China's loess plateau. During the past decades, a great deal of effort was made on vegetation restoration to reduce soil and water loss in the loess plateau. However, due to water shortage the efficiency of vegetation restoration was not as satisfactory as expected. As part of a vegetation restoration project, we conducted research aiming to understand the relationship between vegetation pattern and soil water dynamics. The goal was to find vegetation types appropriate for the loess plateau with scarce water resources. In 1986, fifteen plots of land were planted with five vegetation types: pine woodland, shrubland, sloping cropland, alfalfa and semi-natural grassland. Soil water content, runoff, soil erosion were measured for each plot. Environmental variables, such as rainfall, evaporation and temperature, were recorded simultaneously by an automated meteorological station. The relationship between land cover pattern and soil water dynamic was evaluated by using statistical models. We found that: (1) soil water loss occurred during the growing season, and it reached the maximum in the second half of July; (2) soil water was not fully replenished from rainfall during the rainy season; (3) pine woodland induced the largest water loss to surface runoff, followed by sloping cropland, alfalfa, semi-natural grassland and shrubland; the poor capability of pine woodland for water conservation may be attributed to soil compaction and poor ground coverage under the tree; (4) in most cases, soil water of the five vegetation types was low except for shrubland and semi-natural grassland where it was moderate-high during a few periods. These conditions inhibit sustainable vegetation growth in the semi-arid loess hilly area of the loess plateau, China.  相似文献   

Soil erosion causes sequential eco-environmental problems in the Loess Plateau of China. Therefore, vegetation restoration measures were adopted in this area by converting steep cropland into alternative land uses in order to remedy the erosion problem and alleviate land degradation. As part of the effort to understand the potential of this management practice in sequestering nutrients, the present study assessed the impact of vegetation restoration on the distribution of phosphorus (P) and aboveground biomass on a sloping land in this area. The study compared four land uses, Korshinsk Peashrub (KOP), alfalfa (ALF), natural fallow (NAF), and millet (MIL). KOP, ALF and NAF were adopted as vegetation restoration patterns, while MIL was an example of crop land. For the sampling time the average aboveground P pools of KOP, ALF, and MIL were 1.118, 0.406, and 0.091 g m− 2, respectively. The magnitudes of the aboveground biomass and tissue P concentration of the three land uses followed the same order. Both vertical and horizontal distributions of soil Olsen P of KOP were relatively uniform. Soil Olsen P of ALF accumulated significantly at the down-slope position within the surface 60 cm soil profile. The down-slope accumulation of soil Olsen P was significant at the depth of 80 to 100 cm and 0 to 20 cm for NAF and MIL, respectively. The soil Olsen P concentrations in deeper soil layers of KOP and ALF were clearly lower than that of NAF, while MIL had apparent higher concentrations of soil Olsen P in the 0 to 20 cm layer of soil. Generally, the vegetation restoration did not present a significant effect on total soil P level, with the average values of 0.722, 0.751, 0.747, and 0.729 kg m− 2 for KOP, ALF, NAF, and MIL, respectively. However, an apparent accumulation of total soil P at the down-slope position was observed for NAF and MIL treatments. For ALF and KOP, the soil Olsen P and the soil moisture content were correlated positively to the aboveground P pool. For MIL, however, the higher aboveground P corresponded to a higher soil Olsen P but to a lower soil moisture content. Results from the four years of data suggest that ALF is the fastest absorber of soil P, while KOP is the best vegetation to sequester soil P of the soil–plant systems in this study.  相似文献   

针对江西红壤地区不同利用方式引起的土壤质量和肥力的相应变化,研究了不同肥力水平、不同利用方式下红壤旱地水稳性团聚体含量及其养分分布规律。研究表明,荒地土壤中>5 mm水稳性团聚体含量显著高于其他利用方式,花生地和果园土壤则以0.25~0.053 mm的水稳性团聚体为主。各肥力水平下,菜地土壤中除>5 mm水稳性团聚体外,各粒级团聚体中有机碳、全氮和全磷含量均显著高于花生地、果园和荒地土壤。说明菜地土壤长期大量施肥,导致土壤碳、氮、磷养分含量均相对丰富。不同利用方式旱地红壤中,有机碳、全氮主要分布在>5 mm、5~2 mm和2~1 mm的较大粒径水稳性团聚体中。说明随着团聚体粒径增大,其有机碳含量增加,土壤全氮的消长趋势和有机碳一致。土壤全磷较均匀地分布在水稳性团聚体中,如高肥力菜地和荒地土壤各粒级团聚体中全磷含量间均无显著性差异。各利用方式旱地红壤中2~1 mm和1~0.5 mm的水稳性团聚体含量与土壤有机碳、全氮和全磷含量间均达到了极显著正相关。  相似文献   

Determining soil nutrient distribution is critical to identify sites which are at risk of N and P loading. Equally important are determining factors that influence such distribution (e.g. land use, land management, topography, etc.). In this research, soil nutrient distribution and its influencing factors were studied in a small-scaled watershed in the purple soil region of Sichuan Province, China. The watershed is 1.3 km2 with a complex land management system including agriculture and forestry. Surface soil samples (0–20 cm) from 48 sites within the watershed were collected in the spring of 1999 and analysed for chemical properties. When spatial distribution patterns of soil organic matter and soil nutrients were considered, several patterns were evident. Soil organic matter and total nitrogen coincided with high soil nutrients in the center of the watershed. Total phosphorus was linked to low soil nutrient contents on hilltops, while total potassium was characterized by low variability and high soil nutrient content throughout the watershed. Water-soluble nutrients in soils were highly variable throughout the watershed. Results of this study indicate that land use, topography and other variables play important roles in controlling the spatial distribution of most soil nutrients. However, the relative roles of these indices were nutrient specific. The relationship was therefore complex. Land use, silt, and sand content contributed to a high level of heterogeneity for soil organic matter and total nitrogen with the former being the dominant factor. Land use, particle size distribution (silt and sand) and topographic factors (slope and elevation) contributed to the variability of total phosphorus. However, particle size distribution and topographic factors were the dominant factors affecting total phosphorus. Elevation influenced the concentration of total potassium and land use controlled the concentration of dissolved phosphorous. No significant relationship was found between the studied characteristics and nitrate nitrogen.  相似文献   

巢湖低丘山区典型植被覆盖类型土壤磷形态分异特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常龙飞  王晓龙  聂小飞  李恒鹏  胡锋 《土壤》2013,45(4):633-640
以巢湖低丘山区为研究对象,分析了该地区5种典型植被覆盖类型表层土壤磷素含量与形态特征及其影响因素.结果表明:次生马尾松林有机碳、总氮、速效氮、总磷与速效磷均高于其他样地,尾矿裸地养分含量为最低,但酸度最大.5种样地0~5、5~10与10~20 cm 3个土层弱吸附态磷(Ex-P)和钙结合态磷(Ca-P)含量均较低,灌木林与次生马尾松林土壤活性态磷[铝结合态磷(Al-P)与铁结合态磷(Fe-P)]含量显著高于其他样地,而惰性态磷[闭蓄态磷(O-P)、钙结合态磷(Ca-P)与残余磷(Res-P)]则以地上群落结构较稳定的草地和次生马尾松林最高,其中5~10 cm土层残余磷(Res-P)含量则以人工恢复林最高.3个土层尾矿裸地各形态磷含量均显示较低水平,但其Fe-P、Al-P含量在总磷中所占比例高于其他样地,所以流失危害大.土层间Ex-P、Al-P、O-P、Ca-P与TP含量均随土层的加深而降低,但Fe-P与Res-P含量在土层间规律不明显.相关分析表明土壤Res-P与其他形态磷间具有显著的正相关关系,“活化磷”,即Ex-P、Fe-P、Al-P三者间也存在显著正相关关系.土壤养分与磷的各种形态显示了良好的正相关关系,但速效磷与O-P、Res-P呈显著负相关关系.  相似文献   

Although a great deal of information exists about the effect of land use on soil enzyme activities, much of this is contradictory and brings into question the suitability of soil enzyme activities as indicators of how land use affects soil quality. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of land use on different soil biochemical properties, especially hydrolytic enzyme activities, with the aim of providing knowledge about the problems related to the use of enzymes as indicators of soil quality. The data presented derive from various studies in which a large number of soils under different types of forest or agricultural management were analysed by the same methods. All of the soil samples were characterized in terms of their main physical and chemical properties, the activity of several hydrolases, microbial biomass C and soil basal respiration. The results indicate that soil use causes a large reduction in organic matter content and that the effect on enzyme activity varies depending on the type of land use or management and the type of enzyme. Furthermore, the enzyme activities per carbon unit (specific activities) in soils affected by land use are almost always higher than in maximum quality soils (climax soils under oak vegetation or oak soils), and land use also generates greater increases in the specific activity as the C content decreases. The mechanism responsible for these increases probably involves loss of the most labile organic matter. Enzyme enrichment is not always produced to the same degree, as it varies as a function of the enzyme and the type of land use under consideration. It is concluded that the complexity of the behaviour of the soil enzymes raises doubts about the use of enzyme activities as indicators of soil degradation brought about by land use.  相似文献   

To feed its 1.3 billion population with a per capita cultivated land far below the world average, China is already facing a great challenge of land scarcity. Accelerated urbanization along with explosive economic growth has further worsened the shortage of agricultural land over the last two decades. Increasing concern over land is expressed in terms of soil availability for grain production and soil quality degradation. Based on official statistics and data derived from satellite imagery, dynamics of China's cultivated land over the past two decades is outlined and the causes and destinations of cultivated land loss are analyzed in this paper. Particularly, urbanization-related land-use changes and their spatial variation across the country are demonstrated. Furthermore, impacts of urbanization and associated waste disposals, consequent shifts of soil utilization on areal soil quality are expatiated. It is initially concluded that China's cultivated land is shrinking at a rather shocking rate. Although conversion to urban and industrial uses took up a comparatively small share of total cultivated land loss, urbanization should still be considered as a great threat to future agricultural production for several reasons. Urbanization is increasing the risk of soil pollution through waste disposal and acid deposition derived from urban air pollution. Facing rapid urbanization, China is making positive policy responses to the challenge of decreasing availability of cultivated land and offering unremitting efforts towards the goal of national food security.  相似文献   

Soil fertility degeneration and land productivity loss caused by soil erosion are severe problems in hilly land of southern China. A long term field experiment was conducted during 1984 to 1993 to determine soil productivity in a typical degraded hilly area of purple soil (orthic Entisol) in Yanting, Sichuan, China. Results showed that a conservation tillage system with ridge-furrow cropping and seasonal no-tillage increased topsoil depth by 118 mm over the conventional tillage. Soil structure and soil physical, chemical and biological characteristics were also improved when conservation tillage was adopted. In conclusion, this system is suitable conserving soil and water resources and therefore for restoring dry land crop production in degraded hilly land of southern China  相似文献   

掌握不同生态系统类型土壤侵蚀和土壤保持量的年内动态变化,对于区域水土保持重点及时序安排具有积极的指导作用。本研究在GIS支持下,运用通用土壤流失方程(USLE)对河北省黄骅市不同生态系统年内土壤侵蚀与保持量进行计算,并利用市场价值法、机会成本法对各生态系统类型年内各月的土壤保持价值进行测算,研究黄骅市土壤保持价值年内动态特征。研究表明,黄骅市全年各月土壤保持价值分配不均,年内动态特征与土壤保持量的季节动态变化规律一致,8月达到最大峰值,1—3月、10月、12月价值均为零,5—8月呈增加趋势,5—9月土壤保持价值占全年土壤保持价值的82.47%。从各生态系统类型来看,草地8月的单位面积土壤保持价值最大,为128.87元·hm?2;水域9月的单位价值最小,为11.23元·hm?2。从土壤保持价值构成来看,年内各土壤保持功能单位面积贡献价值大小排序为:减少土壤养肥流失价值减少淤泥淤积价值减少废弃土地价值。研究区各生态系统类型的土壤保持价值具有明显随季节变化的规律,在雨季受暴雨等短期大量降水的影响,土壤潜在的侵蚀量增大,而生态系统的土壤保持功能和价值在此过程得以发挥作用。  相似文献   

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