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消毒剂在灾区防治疫情工作中应用广泛,但也对农业生态环境与人体健康带来危害。本文主要针对杀菌类和杀虫类2类消毒剂,介绍了其主要成分过氧化物和含氯化合物及农药对环境和人体的主要危害以及防治手段,通过对比选择合适的消毒剂,推荐使用效果较好、毒性较小的氯氰菊酯与氟氯氰菊酯作为杀虫类消毒剂,以减轻对农业生态环境和人体健康的危害。  相似文献   

环境中邻苯二甲酸酯类(PAEs)污染物研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)是一种环境激素类化合物,在生物体内有极强的富集作用,对环境安全和人体健康的威胁极大,目前已引起了人们的广泛关注.本文从PAEs有机污染物在环境中的分布特征、分析与检测方法、生物富集与迁移以及生物与非生物降解等方面综述了国内外最新研究进展,认为环境中的PAEs大部分来源于人工合成途径,可被土壤、沉积物及一些悬浮泥沙中的有机物质所吸附.PAEs进入土壤或大气环境后,通过作物吸收作用会在作物体内有一定残留,环境中的PAEs可通过生物与非生物两种方式进行降解,生物降解被认为是PAEs降解的主要形式.文章指出了已有研究中存在的不足之处并对未来的研究进行展望,认为今后应着重从PAEs的环境行为、PAEs健康风险评价、PAEs污染的治理与削减技术以及PAEs替代产品开发等方面开展相关研究.  相似文献   

噻虫嗪在农田土壤中环境行为的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘娟  张乃明 《土壤》2020,52(5):883-890
噻虫嗪是当前全球销售量最大的新烟碱类农药之一,随着噻虫嗪的广泛使用,噻虫嗪在土壤环境中的迁移转化和归宿问题成为研究热点。本文总结了噻虫嗪对陆生生物(蜜蜂、蚕、蚯蚓、鹌鹑)、水生生物(藻类、大型溞、斑马鱼等)以及土壤微生物的影响,系统综述了噻虫嗪在农田土壤中的残留、降解、吸附解析以及迁移与淋溶等环境行为及主要影响因素,并指出了噻虫嗪在农田土壤中环境行为相关研究存在的不足以及未来研究应该关注的重点和方向,以期为噻虫嗪的科学安全使用以及保障农田土壤生态环境健康提供科学依据。  相似文献   

铜、铅、锌均与硫元素有较强的亲和力,从而使它们具有相似的地球化学性质,并在环境自然体中紧密共生.人们已经认识了铜和锌是人体必需的微量元素,而铅是有害的元素,它们的环境与生物地球化学行为,直接影响到人体的健康.因此,表生环境中的铜、铅、锌始终是研究的热点.  相似文献   

通过现场采样,采集到上海、广东以及江苏10家畜禽场周边199份环境样本,并利用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱对采集到的土壤样品和水样中的环丙氨嗪和三聚氰胺残留量进行分析。分析结果表明,畜禽场周围环境中存在一定程度的三聚氰胺污染,环丙氨嗪的污染情况则相对较轻;随着土层的加深,土层中三聚氰胺残留呈下降趋势。经调查,三聚氰胺和环丙氨嗪在环境中的分布与环丙氨嗪在畜禽场的使用形式和周期密切相关;污染情况还存在地域差别,江苏省和上海市畜禽场周围的三聚氰胺污染情况较广东省严重。  相似文献   

吡虫啉作为新烟碱类农药是目前我国使用量最大的杀虫剂之一,不合理的施用使其残留在果蔬等食物和环境中,并导致其在人体中富集,危害人体健康.然而目前吡虫啉在人体内的代谢产物和代谢路径仍不明确,导致质量安全监管和毒性评价仍然只是针对吡虫啉本身,因此亟需开展吡虫啉的生物体内代谢研究,以明确吡虫啉的代谢产物和代谢途径.本文通过人肝...  相似文献   

阅览关于抗生素在生态环境中迁移转化降解等行为的文献,文献内容有研究性和综述性。分析了解近些年对抗生素行为研究的重视情况、使用现状、研究种类,对人体、土壤、水体还有植物体的污染情况、研究进展、研究方法、抗生素的降解处理方法等内容,并列举代表性研究对内容进行阐述。总结了滥用抗生素对人体和生态环境的危害,并对未来抗生素在生态环境的行为影响研究进行展望,以期为后续抗生素在生态环境中的研究提供  相似文献   

20世纪80年代起,嘉兴市生猪养殖业迅猛发展,目前已严重超出环境承载能力,给生态环境尤其是水资源带来严重污染。针对水资源暴露出的严重问题,浙江省提出"五水共治"的战略举措。在"五水共治"的政策背景下,分析嘉兴市生猪养殖业的特点,利用博弈论的研究模型探究在养殖污染防治与养殖业转型升级过程中各博弈方的利益得失与策略选择,并由此提出了政府推动生猪养殖业转型发展的相关对策建议。  相似文献   

通过对砷及其形态的化学-生物特征、海产品中砷形态的毒性及其机制、存储和处理过程中砷形态浓度和稳定性变化等研究的综合分析,研究了海产品中砷形态毒理代谢规律及砷毒性与其生物转化行为的相关性,发现海产品中砷形态形成机制的研究对于控制海产品中的砷污染、确保海产品的质量安全和人体健康都有非常重要的作用,而砷的生物转化途径仍需要进行更深入的研究分析。  相似文献   

我国是世界生猪养殖第一大国,四环素类抗生素在生猪养殖中普遍使用,其中大量以原体或代谢物形式排出体外,对生态环境和人体健康产生极大风险.通过梳理国内相关研究结果,综述了猪粪中四环素类抗生素残留水平及其对土壤和作物的污染风险,分析了好氧堆肥技术对猪粪中四环素类抗生素的消减效率及其影响因素,提出了未来需要重点研究的方向.结果...  相似文献   

In this study, biochars from rice straw(Oryza sativa L.) were prepared at 200–600?C by oxygen-limited pyrolysis to investigate the changes in properties of rice straw biochars produced at different temperatures, and to examine the adsorption capacities of the biochars for a heavy metal, copper(Ⅱ)(Cu(Ⅱ)), and an organic insecticide of cyromazine, as well as to further reveal the adsorption mechanisms.The results obtained with batch experiments showed that the amount of Cu(Ⅱ) adsorbed varied with the pyrolysis temperatures of rice straw biochar. The biochar produced at 400?C had the largest adsorption capacity for Cu(Ⅱ)(0.37 mol kg-1) among the biochars,with the non-electrostatic adsorption as the main adsorption mechanism. The highest adsorption capacity for cyromazine(156.42 g kg-1) was found in the rice straw biochar produced at 600?C, and cyromazine adsorption was exclusively predominated by surface adsorption. An obvious competitive adsorption was found between 5 mmol L-1Cu(II) and 2 g L-1cyromazine when they were in the binary solute system. Biochar may be used to remediate heavy metal- and organic insecticide-contaminated water, while the pyrolysis temperature of feedstocks for producing biochar should be considered for the restoration of multi-contamination.  相似文献   

Different alginate-based systems of isoproturon, imidacloprid, and cyromazine have been investigated in order to obtain controlled release (CR) properties. The basic formulation [sodium alginate (1.50%), pesticide (0.30%), and water] was modified using different amounts of bentonite and activated carbon. The higher values of encapsulation efficiency corresponded to those formulations prepared with higher percentages of activated carbon, showing higher encapsulation efficiency values for isoproturon and imidacloprid than for cyromazine, which has a higher water solubility. The kinetic experiments of imidacloprid/isoproturon release in water have shown us that the release rate is higher in imidacloprid systems than in those prepared with isoproturon. Moreover, it can be deduced that the use of bentonite and/or activated carbon sorbents reduces the release rate of the isoproturon and imidacloprid in comparison with the technical product and with alginate formulation without modifying agents. The highest decrease in release rate corresponds to the formulations prepared with the highest percentage of activated carbon. The water uptake, permeability, and time taken for 50% of the active ingredient to be released into water, T50, were calculated to compare the formulations. On the basis of a parameter of an empirical equation used to fit the pesticide release data, the release of isoproturon and imidacloprid from the various formulations into water is controlled by a diffusion mechanism. The sorption capacity of the sorbents and the permeability of the formulations were the most important factors modulating pesticide release. Finally, a linear correlation of the T50 values and the content of activated carbon in formulations were obtained.  相似文献   

The fate of cyromazine applied via the nutrient solution (20, 40, and 60 mg of active ingredient per plant) in a closed-cycle soilless cultivation of bean with zero discharge of effluents was traced in both the recycled drainage solution and the plant tissues for 99 days. The insecticide was applied once, 15 days after planting (16 days prior to the first harvest). In addition to cyromazine, the residues of melamine, its metabolite, in the drainage solution and plant tissues were also regularly determined during the 99 days. The two higher application doses induced toxicity symptoms on the leaves of the bean plant. The maximum cyromazine levels were measured 8 days after application in the drainage solution (17-46 mg l(-1)), 16 days in the roots (1.1-2.4 mg kg(-1) fresh weight [f. wt.]) and the vegetative shoot (4.5-9.5 mg kg(-1) f. wt.), and 24 days after application in the pods (2.6-4.1 mg kg(-1) f. wt.). However, the cyromazine residues in pods were clearly below the maximum acceptable levels for bean. The half-life of cyromazine in the drainage solution ranged from 16 to 19 days for the three doses. The melamine residues in the drainage solution and in the roots reached a concentration peak 16 days after cyromazine application, whereas in the vegetative shoot and the pods they were constantly increasing over the 99 days after application. Nevertheless, the melamine residues were constantly much lower than those of cyromazine, although on the last sampling day (99) they tended toward convergence. Cyromazine proved to be highly persistent, as indicated by the remarkably high residues measured in both the drainage solution and the plant tissues, even 99 days after application. Nevertheless, the application of cyromazine via the nutrient solution to beans grown in closed-cycle hydroponic systems at doses not exceeding 20 mg per plant seems to be safe with respect to both phytotoxicity and residue levels in the edible pods.  相似文献   

高效液相色谱法同时测定土壤中环丙氨嗪和三聚氰胺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验研究建立了同时测定土壤中环丙氨嗪和三聚氰胺残留量的高效液相色谱法.红壤、潮土等5种土壤样品经氨水/甲醇 (5/95,v/v)超声提取3次,浓缩处理后上机检测.环丙氨嗪和三聚氰胺的标准曲线在0.1 ~ 15.0 μg/ml浓度范围内线性关系良好,绝对系数(R2)分别为1.0000和0.9998;在0.5 ~ 5 mg/kg添加范围内,环丙氨嗪和三聚氰胺在土壤中的平均回收率分别为87.2% ~ 101.1% 和 75.3% ~ 101.6%,变异系数分别为3.3% ~ 8.1%、1.6% ~ 9.9%,最低检测限分别为0.05 mg/kg、0.07 mg/kg.与国际上气相/液相色谱-质谱连用法相比,操作简单,经济方便易于普及.  相似文献   

茶叶是"绿水青山"的内生性产业,如何处理茶叶种植所产生的废弃物是保护秦巴山区"绿水青山"需解决的重要问题之一。基于意识-情景-行为模型,运用层次回归和分组回归分析了环境意识、情境因素对茶农废弃物亲环境处理行为的影响机理,研究发现:第一,环境态度、情感与责任对包装物回收影响显著,环境态度与情感存在交互效应。第二,环境态度、情感、责任与知识对修剪枝叶还田影响显著,环境责任与知识存在交互效应。第三,实施成本对环境情感-包装物回收、环境知识-修剪枝叶还田有调节效应,社会规范对环境态度、责任-包装物回收有调节效应,描述性社会规范对环境情感-修剪枝叶还田有调节效应。为此,应通过"情理合一"、政府倡导并建立回收点推动农户包装物回收行为,通过强化环境责任、增加环境知识、营造氛围促使农户实施修剪枝叶还田,以推进秦巴山区茶叶种植废弃物处理的绿色转型  相似文献   

A method is reported for the determination of cyromazine and melamine residues in soil. Soil samples are extracted twice via mechanical shaking, each time with 70% acetonitrile/30% 0.050 M ammomium carbonate for 30 min. An aliquot portion of the pooled extracts is subjected to strong cation exchange (SCX) purification on AG 50W-X4 resin. Final analysis is accomplished using liquid chromatography-ultraviolet (LC-UV) detection at a wavelength of 214 nm. Confirmatory analyses can be performed using gas chromatography-mass selective detection (GC-MSD) in the selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode. The limit of detection (LOD) is 2.5 ng injected and the limit of quantification (LOQ) is 10 ppb when using LC-UV for the analysis of N-cyclopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4, 6-triamine (cyromazine) and 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine (melamine). The LOD is 0.050 ng injected and the LOQ is 10 ppb when using GC-MSD for confirmatory analyses. The mean procedural recoveries were 97 and 95% and the standard deviations were 16 and 11% for cyromazine and melamine, respectively (n = 24), when using LC-UV. The mean procedural recoveries were 107 and 92% and the standard deviations were 9.9 and 16% for cyromazine and melamine, respectively (n = 29), when using GC-MSD. The method validation study was conducted under U.S. EPA FIFRA Good Laboratory Practice Guidelines 40 CFR 160. The method also passed an Independent Laboratory Validation (ILV) as per U.S. EPA FIFRA Subdivision N.  相似文献   



The management of natural resources over large spatial scales is inherently complex due to numerous biophysical and socioeconomic factors and the uncertainty associated with environmental systems and human behavior. Numerous approaches have been put forward to facilitate the decision-making process, including adaptive management (AM) which was developed in the 1960s and 1970s as an alternative to more rigid management frameworks. In recent years, it has been utilized for the management of water and river basin resources, particularly in North America. Its use for sediment resources is less well developed. This paper presents a review of the AM approach, including its characteristics, steps, and barriers to implementation. It also gives some recent examples where the AM approach has been used for sediment quantity and quality issues. Finally, it considers the potential of the AM approach for sediment resource management given Water Framework Directive and other legislative requirements.  相似文献   

农业生态环境与人类生存质量息息相关,而随着工农业的发展,进入环境中的污染物种类和数量明显增加,环境污染已不再是单一污染的理想状态。在农业生态系统中,重金属和农药复合污染较为突出,尽管总体研究还较薄弱,但也逐步成为近年来农业环境科学研究的热点。本文就重金属和农药复合污染在土壤-植物系统中环境行为、交互作用及机制等方面的研究进展和动态进行综合分析,并对一些研究热点和需要强化的方向进行展望。  相似文献   

奶牛热应激指数的研究现状及问题分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
热应激严重影响奶牛的生产力、繁殖力和福利。为降低奶牛热应激的风险,国内外学者一直在寻求预测和评估热应激的方法,在诸多方法中综合多个环境因子的热应激指数模型目前最为常用。为避免在指数选择上的盲目性,该文系统地梳理了温湿指数、基于温湿指数的修正指数和其他指数,对比分析了不同评价指数在奶牛热应激时表征指标的差异,其中涉及指数阈值、环境因子及传热性质、奶牛生理反应与指数间的关系。目前奶牛热应激指数存在的问题有指数包含的环境参数不能反映奶牛与环境的换热机理,以及环境条件不同导致评价结果差异较大等。随着数字化技术的应用,多参数获取技术得到了根本性改变,有必要提出更加精细的指数评价模型以满足提高家畜生产力、实现福利化养殖的需要。作者对未来奶牛热应激指数发展方向上的建议是:1)应涉及更多的环境参数,并且环境参数应体现出一定的换热机理;2)构建特定气候类型指数的同时,还应适当考虑指数在其他环境下的适应性;3)指数要有适用信息和阈值,指数的阈值要能够进行动态调整以扩大其适用范围;4)指数的构建应综合考虑动物因素和环境因素,可考虑与动物热平衡原理相结合。  相似文献   

土壤中抗生素的环境行为及分布特征研究进展   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
赵方凯  杨磊  乔敏  李守娟  孙龙 《土壤》2017,49(3):428-436
抗生素被广泛应用于治疗和控制人类及其他动物的细菌感染性疾病,并且可以作为饲料添加剂或生长促进剂用于禽畜养殖。大量抗生素通过有机肥施用、污水灌溉等途径持续进入土壤,导致土壤环境中抗生素种类不断增加、含量逐年增高。抗生素污染会对土壤中微生物、动物、植物等产生直接或间接的影响,诱导耐药菌株及抗性基因的产生,并且抗生素还可以被植物吸收,通过食物链影响人类健康。本文系统介绍了近20年来土壤中抗生素的相关研究,并着重就土壤中抗生素的来源归趋、环境行为以及时空分布情况进行了总结。研究认为土壤中抗生素的环境行为受抗生素种类和土壤性质的强烈影响,并且土壤中抗生素的时空分布与其环境行为和人类活动密切相关。  相似文献   

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