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黄土高原复杂的地形条件因改变了土壤的基本性质而成为影响土壤锰素有效性的主要原因,本文研究了黄土沟壑区不同地形条件对锰的形态分布及其有效性的影响。结果表明,研究区土壤有效锰的含量因地形条件不同差异很大,有效锰在土壤剖面呈下降趋势,在塬面土壤含量最高,沟道土壤含量最低。交换态锰在塬面、梯田土壤含量较低,在坡地和沟道土壤含量较高;塬面、梯田和坡地土壤碳酸盐结合态和有机结合态锰的含量高于沟道土壤,氧化物结合态锰的含量显著低于沟道土壤;矿物态锰以塬面土壤最低,沟道和梯田土壤较高,坡地土壤居中。土壤交换态锰是有效锰的直接来源,但因其含量低而对锰的有效性贡献很小;有机结合态锰是有效锰的潜在来源,对锰的有效性贡献最大。  相似文献   

以鄂尔多斯高原的鄂托克旗为研究区域,结合统计分析探索鄂托克旗土壤微量元素含量特征,以及土壤类型和土壤养分对土壤微量元素(铜、铁、锰、锌、硼)的影响,以期为当地肥料使用提供参考。研究结果表明:①鄂尔多斯高原农田土壤铁、锰、铜、锌、硼有效态含量中等,铁和锰含量变异相对较小,铜、锌和硼含量变异相对较大;②不同土壤类型对土壤中的微量元素含量具有显著影响;③铁、锰和硼有效态含量与pH值呈极显著负相关,有效铜含量与pH值呈极显著正相关,pH值过高会影响土壤中铁、锰、铜和硼的有效态含量。  相似文献   

通过对安徽省不同母质发育的稻田土壤的采样分析,研究了水稻土中不同形态锰含量及其与土壤性质的关系。研究结果表明:供试水稻土全锰含量低于全国平均水平,含量在191.7~805.0 mg kg-1之间,平均为375.0 mg kg-1,有效锰含量平均为25.4 mg kg-1。不同锰形态含量有较大差异,其占全锰比例顺序为残渣态铁锰氧化态有机态、可交换态碳酸盐结合态,Tessier法与BCR法锰形态分级结果有明显的相关性。各形态锰以有机态锰、可交换态锰、碳酸盐结合态锰、铁锰氧化态锰活性较高,与有效锰之间呈现显著或极显著正相关关系。土壤pH值、有机质和粘粒含量是影响土壤锰形态和含量的主要因素。  相似文献   

通过野外取样和室内分析,探讨了冻融期间中高纬地区芦苇沼泽湿地水环境的特征。结果表明,铁、锰元素的时空变化特征对湿地的水环境具有指征作用。冻结期整个湿地表层聚集大量水分,消融后土体的水分明显减少。冻结期低洼处湿地土壤表层含水率达0.8m·3m-(3过饱和状态),洼地边缘土壤最高含水率为0.5m3·m-3,微高地土壤整个土层的含水率最小。pH随着地势逐渐下降而逐渐降低(都表现弱酸性)。低洼部位土壤有机质含量最高,且随着消融过程有机质的增加幅度达55%,随着地势的增高有机质的含量以及变化幅度逐渐减小。小尺度内不同地貌的湿地土壤水文特征影响湿地铁、锰空间分布格局以及迁移转化特征。从水平空间来看,铁的水平分布表现为随着地势的抬升含量逐渐降低;从土壤垂直剖面来看,一般表现为随着剖面的加深,铁、锰的含量逐渐增加,并且淀积层含量明显高于其他层次。湿地土壤中的铁和锰在消融过程中的含量发生明显的变化。消融期间,湿地土壤表层铁的增量达80%以上,洼地边缘的表层也有一定增加,微高处土壤表层的铁、锰含量增加幅度最小。沼泽土壤的铁和锰元素含量与土壤的含水率呈正相关,与土壤的pH值呈负相关,与土壤中有机质的含量还表现出正相关的特征。通过对湿地中铁、锰元素的时空变化规律可以对湿地水环境特征以及演变特征进行指征。  相似文献   

【目的】为了解湖南地区某水库冬季锰浓度异常及研究区土壤和沉积物中锰污染特性及其释放影响因素,分析锰异常的成因,并评价研究区土壤和沉积物中锰的污染水平和潜在生态风险。【方法】采用小试试验、现场监测、历史数据调查与实地勘查调研等方法,测定了研究区土壤、沉积物锰含量,分析了土壤、沉积物中锰释放与影响因素之间的关系并探索其解吸动力学特征;调查水库水质季节性变化规律,分析气象数据变化规律及周边环境现状,综合研判本次湖南地区某水库冬季锰异常事件的成因;采用地累积指数、潜在生态风险系数评价研究区土壤、沉积物锰污染水平和潜在生态风险。【结果】研究区各处土壤、沉积物中锰含量均超过相应背景值;研究区土壤、沉积物中锰的释放与pH、溶解氧、水温、电导率、扰动等理化性质的变化密切相关;研究区土壤、沉积物除个别实验组外,锰的解吸过程均符合准一级动力学模型,解吸时间、空间环境、锰含量及存在形态等差异均会对解吸过程产生不同影响;各个点位锰震荡条件下解吸平衡量在0.026 mg g-1~0.195 mg g-1之间且均高于相应静置状态;研究区各处土壤、沉积物污染程度处于无污染...  相似文献   

复垦土地土壤有效微量元素分布特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了分析矿区不同复垦条件下,复垦土地土壤中有效微量元素的的分布特征,采用实地试验与实验室分析相结合的方法,研究不同复垦时间和复垦措施条件下土壤铜(Cu)、铁(Fe)、锰(Mn)、锌(Zn)4种微量元素有效态含量的时空变化规律。结果表明,在复垦土地恢复过程中,不同的微量元素含量变化表现出了不同的特征;恢复时间的延长有利于土壤有效微量元素的恢复和增加;当土壤恢复时间超过8a以后,有效微量元素含量接近或超过自然状态下土壤中的含量。不同治理措施对土壤有效微量元素含量及其分布也有较大影响,覆土+灌草种植等合理的人为治理活动能够提高土壤中有效态微量元素的含量。  相似文献   

淹水还原条件下红壤中葡萄糖及腐殖酸对铁锰形态的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过设置不同的葡萄糖/腐殖酸配比模拟还原性土壤体系,考察长期(约74 d)淹水培养过程中铁锰元素在土壤溶液/矿物相中的分布形态演变。结果表明:在淹水培养初期,葡萄糖的添加可以促进铁锰离子的还原溶出,同时土壤中可交换态和酸可提取态铁、以及可交换态锰的含量也会随之增加;而腐殖酸的添加则会促进土壤中可氧化态铁/锰含量的升高。随着培养时间的增加,铁锰离子浓度及各个土壤提取形态的铁锰含量大多呈现降低趋势,铁锰元素逐渐转化成提取性更低的矿物形态。因此,淹水环境中铁锰还原溶出-分布形态演变受到土壤中有机物质种类和含量的显著影响,呈现出不同的金属移动性和生物有效性。  相似文献   

明确我国主要麦区土壤有效铁锰铜锌含量分布和影响因素,对了解麦田土壤微量元素供应能力、指导小麦丰产与优质生产至关重要。于2016—2021年连续6年,在我国17个小麦主产省/市采集1 314份耕层土壤样品,参考中国土壤有效微量元素分级标准,评价了我国麦田土壤有效铁锰铜锌丰缺状况,并采用随机森林方法定量分析了主要土壤化学性质对铁锰铜锌有效性的贡献。结果表明,我国主要麦区土壤有效铁含量介于1.8~612 mg?kg-1,平均为49.1 mg?kg-1,8.9%的样本未达到缺铁临界值4.5 mg?kg-1,且主要集中在北方、西北麦区的山西、陕西、甘肃等地,西南和长江中下游麦区有效铁较高。土壤有效锰介于0.1~176 mg?kg-1,平均为22.1 mg?kg-1,低于缺锰临界值5 mg?kg-1的样本占6.9%,缺锰土壤分布在西北、北方麦区的山西、陕西、甘肃、内蒙古等地,西南、长江中下游麦区土壤有效锰含量较高。土壤有效铜介于0.1~10.8 mg?kg-1,平均为1.9 mg?kg-1,仅1.8%样本未达到缺铜临界值0.5 mg?kg-1。土壤有效锌介于0.1~26.0 mg?kg-1,平均为1.4 mg?kg-1,14.3%的样本低于缺锌临界值0.5 mg?kg-1,主要分布在西北和北方麦区的山西、陕西、甘肃、内蒙古等省份,云南、贵州等西南麦区的有效锌较高。土壤基本化学性质中,pH对有效铁、有效锰含量影响最大,有效铁是铜有效性的重要因素,影响有效锌的主要因素是有效磷和有效铜。我国麦田土壤有效铁锰铜锌含量存在较大的区域变异,铁、锰、锌不足主要发生在北方石灰性土壤,南方麦田供应充足,几乎所有麦田土壤有效铜可满足作物铜需求。  相似文献   

论述了临沂市土壤中硼、锌、锰、铜、铁等5种主要微量元素的状况与其它因素的关系。有效硼含量0.09~3.67 mg/kg,平均0.35 mg/kg;有效锰22~572 mg/kg,平均244 mg/kg;有效锌0.15~4.02 mg/kg,平均0.53 mg/kg;有效铜0.09~5.78 mg/kg,,平均1.03 mg/kg;有效铁3.2~162 mg/kg,平均21.5 mg/kg;有效锰2.0~131.4 mg/kg,平均23.4 mg/kg。不同土壤类型的以上5种微量元素有明显差异,其特征是砂姜黑土缺锌,棕壤、水稻土富含铁、铜、锰、锌;成土母质是影响土壤微量元素的重要因素之一,发育在基性岩上的土壤一般含量较高,而由红土母质发育的土壤则含量较低。土壤有机质含量与土壤微量元素有明显正相关关系,其中速效锌、速效硼和速效铜与有机质的关系尤为显著。  相似文献   

配方施肥对冬小麦生物学效应的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
应用二次回归通用旋转组合设计方法,通过田间试验研究了山西石灰性褐土上配方施肥对冬小麦生物学效应的影响。结果表明,锰与氮,磷配合施用后可提高土壤中有效锰含量,促进作物对养分的吸收,并可显著增加冬小麦粒产量,改善子粒品质。  相似文献   

The status and the distribution of iron and manganese oxides were studied in six soil profiles from Thrace region (Greece), classified as Rhodoxeralfs and Haploxeralfs. The acid ammonium oxalate and the dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate methods were used to extract the free iron and manganese oxides from the soils. In both great groups the Fed and Mnd values are higher than Feo and Mno values, respectively, indicating that a considerable fraction is present in crystalline form. Both Feo/Fed and Fed-Feo values suggest that, in the study area, Haploxeralfs are less developed soils than Rhodoxeralfs. The manganese oxides present in crystalline forms (Mnd-Mno) were more in Rhodoxeralfs than in Haploxeralfs, suggesting that the crystallinity of manganese oxides increases, with the degree of soil development. Significant correlations were found of Redness Rating to Fed-Feo and to Feo/Fed ratio, positive and negative respectively, leading to the conclusion that soil red colouration increases with the degree of soil development.  相似文献   

Two variable charge soils were submerged after the addition of 30g/kg of organic matter to examine the differences in behavior between iron and manganese with respect to reduction and the distribution of different froms of the reduced elements.The reduction of manganese proceeded almost synchronously with the fall in redox potential,while the reduction of iron showed a remarkable lag behind the Eh change.Once formed,the distribution of water-soluble,exchangeable and precipitatied forms of ferrous iron was controlled by pH,CEC of the soil and total concentration of the element.For manganous ions,the proportions of water-soluble and exchangeable forms in total Mn^2 were larger than those for ferrous ions.The reduction of the two elements led to a mobilization of them,and such effect persisted even after drying of the soil,i.e.,the content of amorphous Fe became higher than that of the original soil.  相似文献   

Hydroquinone method manganese (soluble in pH 7.0, 1 N-ammonium acetate solution containing 0.2 percent hydroquinone) and microbially active manganese (soluble in pH 7.0, 1 M-magnesium sulfate solution after flooding soils with or without Chinese milk vetch for 12 or 20 days respectively at 30°C) of 22 paddy soils were determined. The amounts of manganese reduced with sodium oxalate under acid conditions (oxalate method manganese (a) and (b), the former was determined under more rigorous conditions than the latter) were also determined and compared with hydroquinone method manganese and microbially active manganese.

Their levels of many soil samples representing soil groups were also determined to examine the dlfferences In amounts of active manganese among soil groups. The results obtained are as follows.

The relationship between microbially and chemically active manganese. 1) The amounts of microbially active manganese in soils were 48 to 68 mg Mn per 100 g oven-dried soil and these were increased by the addition of Chinese milk vetch. 2) The amounts of hydroquinone method manganese were less than microbially active manganese, and the amounts of oxalate method manganese (b) were larger than microbially active manganese. The amounts of oxalate method manganese (a) were the largest of all the types of manganese. 3) There were high correlations between the amounts of various types of active manganese described in 2). The levels of microbially and chemically active manganese. 1) The amounts of microbially active manganese lay between the amounts of chemically active manganese determined by the hydroqulnone method and by the oxalate method (b) In all soil samples representing soil groups. High correlations were found between these types of active manganese. 2) The hydroquinone method was considered to be unsuitable for quantitatively determining the amounts of chemicallY active manganese in soils of high organic matter content. 3) In both cases of microbially active manganese and chemically active manganese, tha widest range and the largest amount determined were both observed in strongly gley soila. The averages of theae types of active manganese were high in strongly gley soils, pea, and muck soils, and black soils. The differences among soil groups were smalle1 than the differences among soil samples, and little tendency was observed in the differences among soil groups.

From these findings described above it is suggested that the oxalate methoo (b) is more appropriate than the hydroqulnone method for determining chemically active manganese as an index of microbially active manganese.  相似文献   

农金花  梁增芳  石永莲  倪九派 《土壤》2016,48(4):769-776
本研究通过野外调查,结合经典统计学和地统计学方法,分析了重庆市酉阳植烟区土壤表层pH、有效Fe、有效 Mn 和交换性 Ca 的空间异质性及相关性特征,以为岩溶区植烟土壤改良和平衡施肥以及特色优质烟叶开发提供理论依据。结果表明:酉阳植烟区土壤总体呈酸性,有效Fe、有效Mn和交换性Ca含量丰富;pH、有效Fe、有效Mn和交换性Ca变异系数为12.10%~47.86%,属于中等变异性,在土壤中比较稳定,块金效应在5.690%~7.338%,具有很强的空间相关性;pH和交换性Ca的空间分布为西高东低,有效Fe空间分布为东高西低,中部往西南方向含量最丰富,有效Mn的空间分布大致为中间低、四周高的趋势;pH与有效Fe、有效Mn存在显著的负相关性,pH与交换性Ca存在显著的正相关性。总之,研究区营养元素空间变异性中等,空间相关性强。  相似文献   

Soil micronutrients were studied on loess soil with an 18-year long-term experiment. The results indicated that total soil iron and copper contents were similar under all treatments, but total soil manganese and zinc contents were significantly greater at the surface soil in the fertilized plots than in the controls, and total manganese contents were significantly greater in the whole soil profile under manure plus inorganic fertilizers than under controls. Generally, application of inorganic fertilizers had no effects on available soil micronutrient contents. The straw plus inorganic fertilizers significantly increased available manganese content at surface soil and available iron in subsurface soils. However, manure plus inorganic fertilizers significantly augmented soil-available iron contents throughout the profile, and raised available manganese, copper, and zinc contents, respectively, at surface soil relative to controls. The results suggest that long-term input of organic amendments alter the properties of soil and increase its plant-available micronutrient contents.  相似文献   

  【目的】  水稻土团聚体的形成和稳定与铁锰氧化物含量密切相关。研究紫云英还田对水稻土团聚体组成以及各粒径团聚体中铁锰形态的影响,以揭示紫云英还田与氮肥减施下土壤团聚体的稳定性机制。  【方法】  田间试验于2015年在湖北荆州进行,供试土壤为长江冲积物发育的水稻土。设置不施氮肥(CK)、紫云英种植还田(MV)、60%氮肥(N60%)、100%氮肥(N100%)、紫云英种植还田+60%氮肥(MV+N60%)、紫云英种植还田+100%氮肥(MV+N100%) 6个处理。于2019年,采样分析土壤水稳性团聚体百分含量,各粒径团聚体中不同形态的铁锰含量。  【结果】  施肥有效提高了土壤大团聚体(>0.25 mm)含量,以MV+N60%处理的效果最为明显,比CK处理大团聚体含量增加了49.8%,微团聚体含量减少了71.0%,有效提高了土壤团聚体稳定性。土壤大团聚体中各形态铁锰含量显著高于微团聚体。在>5 mm团聚体中,除游离锰外其余形态的铁锰含量与平均重量直径(MWD)或几何平均直径(GMD)显著相关(r=0.474~0.704),游离铁和非晶质铁与MWD和GMD均呈极显著正相关。  【结论】  游离铁和非晶质铁是团聚体稳定性的关键因素。紫云英还田与氮肥减施有利于游离铁和非晶质铁在大团聚体中的富集,促进大团聚体的形成,进而改变土壤团聚体粒径分布,提高土壤团聚体的稳定性。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the leaching of potassium, magnesium, manganese and iron in tilled and orchard silty loam soil. The experimental treatments were: conventionally tilled field (CT) with main tillage operations including pre-plough (10 cm)+harrowing followed by mouldboard ploughing to 20 cm depth, and a 35-year-old apple orchard (OR) with a permanent sward. Leaching of the cations was determined in soil columns of undisturbed structure, 21.5 cm diameter and 20 cm height, from a depth of 0–20 cm. All the columns were subjected to spray irrigation at a level of 1110 ml (30 mm), and leachate in 50-ml increments was collected. Concentration of the cations in the leachate was determined using a spectrophotometer ICP-AS. Pore size distribution data showed that the volume of pores >20 µm under CT was greater at a depth of 0–10 cm and lower in the 10–20 cm soil layer under OR, and the reverse was true with respect to pores <6 µm. At each 50-ml leachate, concentration of all the cations was greater under CT than OR. In most leachates the differences were more pronounced for potassium and magnesium than iron and manganese. Percolation of the leachate was considerably faster in orchard than tilled soil.  相似文献   

Manganese (Mn) deficiency may be induced by adding large quantities of iron (Fe), provided that soil manganese is marginally deficient. Results of a greenhouse study showed that iron soil application did not influence shoot dry matter yield of dry bean due to the fact that the iron:manganese ratio in aerial parts of dry bean was higher than 0.4. A foliar spray of 2% iron sulfate significantly reduced it probably due to the high level of shoot iron and iron:manganese ratio greater than 4. Iron application decreased concentration/uptake of shoot manganese due to the iron-manganese antagonistic relationships. Mangenese soil application is not an effective method in correction of manganese deficiency induced by iron fertilizers. Iron did not affect root manganese uptake, indicating that manganese absorption was not affected by iron application. Both manganese/iron soil tests are recommended in calcareous soils with manganese soil test in marginal range.  相似文献   

通过对我国典型寒温带兴安落叶松林区的原始林、间伐林、原始湿地三种生态系统冻土中锰元素含量以及影响锰元素含量因素的研究,得出以下结论:①三种生态系统冻土中锰元素含量范围为0.33-6.83gkg-1;②对冻土中锰元素含量的影响程度由大到小的因素为土壤层次、生态系统、坡向和坡位;③锰元素含量表层最高,向下含量逐渐减少;④三种生态系统锰元素含量由高到低的顺序为原始林、间伐林、原始湿地,坡中、坡下锰含量高于坡上,阴坡锰含量高于阳坡。  相似文献   

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