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水酶法提取大豆油脂的中试研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了提高水酶法油脂提取率,该文进行水酶法提取大豆油脂的中试和循环酶解试验,验证小试和扩大试验的酶解和破乳参数对中试油脂提取率的影响,并研究循环酶解过程中循环次数及酶添加量对油脂提取率影响和中试工艺中大豆油脂的品质。以大豆为原料,由水酶法提取大豆油的中试得出:脱皮大豆比未脱皮大豆有助于提高油脂提取率和破乳率(P0.05,油脂提取率:脱皮61.85%,未脱皮56.91%;破乳率:脱皮92.01%,未脱皮90.42%)。通过主成分分析可知:大豆油脂的质量分数、离心后游离油和乳状液的质量分数、蛋白质的质量分数和乳状液中水分都是影响油脂提取率的关键因素。采用中试工艺1(1次提取,2次离心,1次破乳)进行循环酶解,随着循环试验次数增加,油脂提取率逐渐增大,在第4次时达到最大值66.46%±0.28%。通过检测大豆油脂的特征值可知:水酶法提取的大豆油脂的酸值、过氧化值、磷含量显著低于溶剂浸提法(P0.05),说明水酶法提取的大豆油品质高于溶剂浸提法,并且除水分和挥发物质量分数外,其他指标均符合国家三级大豆油标准。研究结果为产业化推广提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

为优化水酶法提取山核桃油脂工艺,以山核桃为原料,采用水酶法提取油脂,在单因素试验基础上,采用响应面法研究木瓜蛋白酶用量、酶解时间、pH值、酶解温度和料液比对山核桃油提取率的影响;采用气相色谱-质谱联用技术分析提取油脂的脂肪酸组成,并对比了压榨法、溶剂法和水酶法3种方式对油脂理化性质的影响。结果表明,水酶法提取山核桃油脂工艺的最佳条件为:木瓜蛋白酶量0.17%,酶解时间150 min,pH值6.34,酶解温度54.43℃、料液比1∶5,在此条件下山核桃中油脂提取率为81.32%。采用气相色谱-质谱联用技术对提取油脂的脂肪酸组成进行分析,共测出12种脂肪酸,棕榈酸、油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸是4种主要脂肪酸,其中饱和脂肪酸(SFA)占7.61%,单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)占69.10%,多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)占23.29%。对比3种提油方式发现,水酶法是一种较为理想的油脂提取方法。本研究结果为水酶法提取山核桃油脂生产提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

粗酶水解全脂豆粉提取油脂和蛋白   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
水酶法提取大豆油和蛋白是一项可替代溶剂浸提制油工艺的绿色环保技术,但是商品酶的价格较高且酶活易受外界环境影响,使水酶法制油技术的应用受到限制。该试验在优化过的培养基中接种枯草芽孢杆菌发酵培养42 h,所得发酵液经测定含有碱性和中性两种蛋白酶,所得粗酶经透析浓缩后,在碱性蛋白酶活为(2?000±200) U/mL,中性蛋白酶活为(1?500±200) U/mL时,在酶液中接入挤压膨化豆粉水解。通过对酶解条件的优化,试验证实在温度55℃,料液比1∶8 g/mL,起始pH值为10的条件下水解6 h,总油提取率有最大值,达到了94.2%,总蛋白提取率为90.1%,跟商品Alcalase碱性蛋白酶提取相比,总油提取率增加了1.9%,总蛋白提取率降低了2%。通过对粗酶和商品Alcalase酶水解豆粉过程产生的乳状液破乳后油的品质分析,发现二者所得油的性能指标没有明显区别,品质均优于浸提法制油,粗酶提取的水解蛋白比用Alcalase碱性蛋白酶水解的分子量更小,范围分布更广。  相似文献   

本研究在优化的培养基接种枯草芽孢杆菌发酵培养42h,通过测定此发酵液中含有碱性和中性两种蛋白酶,其酶液通过透析浓缩后,接入膨化豆粉提取油脂和蛋白,通过对酶解条件的优化,实验证实当温度55℃,料液比1:7,起始pH10的条件下水解6h,总油提取率有最大值,达到了93.5%,总蛋白提取率为88.7%,跟纯酶提取相比, 总油提取率高出1个百分点, 总蛋白提取率低了2个百分点,其水解蛋白分子量更小,范围分布更广。  相似文献   

挤压膨化预处理工艺优化提高大豆蛋白粉品质   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
该文对大豆挤压膨化预处理工艺进行研究,制得优质膨化大豆蛋白粉。以大豆为原料,研究利用挤压膨化机对经破碎及调质的大豆进行处理,替代部分预处理工序,再经榨油机榨出部分油脂制得膨化大豆蛋白粉的方法。试验通过单因素和响应面优化试验研究挤压膨化大豆含水率、膨化温度、螺杆转速和模孔孔径对大豆脲酶活性的影响,结果表明:当调质含水率为9.0%、膨化温度160℃、螺杆转速270 r/min及模孔孔径18 mm时膨化后大豆脲酶活性为0.021 U/g,同时经透射电镜显示膨化后大豆中的脂肪外露明显,经榨油机压榨再经粉碎制得膨化大豆蛋白粉,豆粉中脂肪质量分数7.1%,氮溶解指数(nitrogen solubility index,NSI)80.5%,实现了通过挤压膨化替代软化、轧坯、蒸炒工艺,简化了生产工序。  相似文献   

大豆蛋白限制性酶解模式与产品胶凝性的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了改善大豆蛋白的胶凝性,对大豆浓缩蛋白、大豆分离蛋白进行限制性酶解处理,并考察相应产品的蛋白酶酶解模式与胶凝性变化的相关性。该研究以蛋白质的水解度为指标,通过中性蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶的酶解作用,水解大豆浓缩蛋白、大豆分离蛋白至蛋白质水解度(DH)为1%、2%,考察酶性质、蛋白质的DH对产品胶凝性影响,并利用SDS-凝胶电泳进行确认。结果表明:大豆浓缩蛋白经中性蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶的酶解后,产品胶凝性均显著下降;大豆分离蛋白经中性蛋白酶的酶解后,产品胶凝性在DH为1%时增加,但在DH为2%时下降;大豆分离蛋白经胰蛋白酶酶解后,胶凝性显著改善。SDS-凝胶电泳确认,蛋白质的酶水解模式和水解度不同是导致产品胶凝性产生不同变化的原因。  相似文献   

碱酶两步法制备大米蛋白的研究   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
该文采用碱法和酶法两步加工碎米,制备得到纯度较高的大米蛋白。通过研究米粉粒度、pH值、温度、水料比和时间对提取率的影响,确定碱法制备大米蛋白的较佳工艺条件为:米粉粒度80目,pH 11.0,温度50℃,水料比8,时间120 min。采用α-淀粉酶对大米蛋白进行纯化,酶解条件为:加酶量60 U/g,pH 6.0,温度50℃,时间30 min。在上述工艺条件下制备大米蛋白,提取率为73.22%,纯度为88.75%。  相似文献   

不同挤压参数对大豆粕蛋白质结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
该文系统研究了油脂提取前挤压膨化预处理工艺对大豆粕蛋白质表面疏水性、游离巯基含量的影响,分析了物料水分、膨化温度、δ段长度、模孔长度、螺杆转速等不同挤压参数与蛋白质结构变化的关系,建立了挤压参数与粕蛋白质游离巯基含量关系的量化模型。结果表明:低物料水分、低膨化温度、短模孔可以减少挤压膨化预处理工艺过程中蛋白质结构的破坏程度。相反,高物料水分、高温挤压膨化时,会加剧蛋白质分子内部疏水基的暴露和蛋白质的交联。在此基础上改进的挤压膨化预处理工艺更有利于蛋白质结构的改善。  相似文献   

为提高大豆油的提取率以及油的品质,该研究将游离纤维素酶固定在磁性高分子载体Fe3O4/SiOx-g-P(GMA)上,利用数值模拟确定磁流化床中水酶法提油的最佳参数,并将最佳参数应用在磁流化床中,通过单因素试验探究磁性固定化纤维素酶在磁流化床中水酶法提油的最佳工艺条件。结果表明:扫描电镜、粒径分析和红外光谱显示磁性固定化纤维素酶已固定在磁性高分子载体Fe3O4/SiOx-g-P(GMA)上,且具有较好的磁响应能力,与游离酶相比,磁性固定化纤维素酶提高了酶的耐热性和耐酸碱性。数值模拟得出磁场强度为0.034 T,流速为0.004 1 m/s时,磁酶在磁流化床中可与大豆料液充分接触,有利于提高大豆油提取率。磁流化床中水酶法提油较优工艺为:酶添加量为1.2 mg/g,pH值为5,温度为55 ℃,反应时间120 min,此时大豆油提取率较优为90.3%。磁性固定化纤维素酶在磁流化床中可以连续使用12 h。该研究提高了大豆油提取率,与间歇反应相比,磁流化床大豆油提取率增加了6.1%。研究结果为后续磁流化床水酶法提油提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

南瓜籽油的水酶法提取工艺及产品的理化性质   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
为提高南瓜籽油的出油率和出油品质,采用水酶法建立南瓜籽油提取工艺,通过单因素试验和正交试验优化提取工艺条件,并对南瓜籽油的理化性质和主要营养组分进行了分析。研究结果表明,水酶法提取南瓜籽油的较佳工艺条件为:复合酶配比1∶6∶6(酸性蛋白酶∶纤维素酶∶果胶酶)、复合加酶量1.2%、酶解pH值为4.0、酶解温度48℃、酶解时间3 h,南瓜籽出油率为38.34%。对比超临界CO2提取法出油率32.90%和超声波溶剂法出油率44.60%,使用水酶法出油率较高,所提取的南瓜籽油色泽明亮,澄清透明,富含不饱和脂肪酸、植物甾醇和维生素E等营养成分,其理化性质优于其他2种方法提取的油脂,各项指标均达到了国家食用油标准,是具有特殊功能的营养保健油源。  相似文献   

用于浸油的大豆挤压膨化研究   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:12  
研究了大豆挤压膨化系统诸参数(模孔孔径、挤压温度、物料含水率、螺杆转速)对大豆粗脂肪、豆粕残油率、蛋白质含量、及其氮可溶解指数、脲酶活性的影响规律和挤压膨化系统最佳参数。结果表明,只要系统参数选择合适,可使膨化后大豆粗脂肪基本不减少,粕残油小于1%,使原设备浸出能力增加150%。且膨化前后大豆粗蛋白含量基本不变,氨基酸没有损失,膨化后氮可溶解指数和脲酶活性均略有下降。同时省去目前大豆膨化浸油和传统浸油过程的破碎、软化、轧胚、蒸炒等工序。需增加粉碎、膨化工序。  相似文献   

Lunasin and Bowman-Birk protease inhibitor (BBI) are two soybean peptides to which health-promoting properties have been attributed. Concentrations of these peptides were determined in skim fractions produced by enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction processing (EAEP) of extruded full-fat soybean flakes (an alternative to extracting oil from soybeans with hexane) and compared with similar extracts from hexane-defatted soybean meal. Oil and protein were extracted by using countercurrent two-stage EAEP of soybeans at 1:6 solids-to-liquid ratio, 50 °C, pH 9.0, and 120 rpm for 1 h. Protein-rich skim fractions were produced from extruded full-fat soybean flakes using different enzyme strategies in EAEP: 0.5% protease (wt/g extruded flakes) used in both extraction stages; 0.5% protease used only in the second extraction stage; no enzyme used in either extraction stage. Countercurrent two-stage protein extraction of air-desolventized, hexane-defatted soybean flakes was used as a control. Protein extraction yields increased from 66% to 89-96% when using countercurrent two-stage EAEP with extruded full-fat flakes compared to 85% when using countercurrent two-stage protein extraction of air-desolventized, hexane-defatted soybean flakes. Extruding full-fat soybean flakes reduced BBI activity. Enzymatic hydrolysis reduced BBI contents of EAEP skims. Lunasin, however, was more resistant to both enzymatic hydrolysis and heat denaturation. Although using enzymes in both EAEP extraction stages yielded the highest protein and oil extractions, reducing enzyme use to only the second stage preserved much of the BBI and Lunasin.  相似文献   

豆浆富含植物蛋白,但由于植物蛋白相较动物蛋白不易被人体吸收。利用产蛋白酶菌株发酵豆浆,可将植物蛋白降解成多肽和氨基酸,提高其消化吸收率。传统农家酱是以大豆为主要原料的传统发酵食品,含有大量能够水解大豆蛋白的优良菌株。该研究从传统农家酱中分离到8株产蛋白酶的芽孢杆菌并用于豆浆处理,处理后豆浆的可溶性肽含量显著提高,其中菌株BJ-20处理效果最显著;氨基态氮含量和水解度也有显著变化,其中BJ-6处理后的豆浆最佳,氨基态氮含量提高了10.87%,水解度为23.49%。同时,处理后豆浆的组织状态得到了明显改善。本研究丰富了豆类发酵菌种库,提高了大豆蛋白利用率,丰富了大豆产品种类,为大豆保健产品开发提供参考及理论支持。  相似文献   

Galactooligosaccharides (GO) are responsible for intestinal disturbances following ingestion of legume-derived products. Enzymatic reduction of GO level in these products is highly desirable to improve their acceptance. For this purpose, plant and microbial semipurified alpha-galactosidases were used for GO hydrolysis in soybean flour and soy molasses. alpha-Galactosidases from soybean germinating seeds, Aspergillus terreus, and Penicillium griseoroseum presented maximal activities at pH 4.0-5.0 and 45-65 degrees C. The KM,app values determined for raffinose by the soybean, A. terreus, and P. griseoroseum alpha-galactosidases were 3.44, 19.39, and 20.67 mM, respectively. The enzymes were completely inhibited by Ag+ and Hg2+, whereas only soybean enzyme was inhibited by galactose. A. terreus alpha-galactosidase was more thermostable than the enzymes from the other two sources. This enzyme maintained about 100% of its original activity after 3 h at 60 C. The microbial alpha-galactosidases were more efficient for reducing GO in soybean flour and soy molasses than soybean enzyme.  相似文献   

Enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction of oleosomes from soybeans (Glycine max)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oleosomes, with their unique structural proteins, the oleosins, are known to be useful in cosmetics and other emulsion applications. A procedure to fractionate intact oleosomes to produce soybean oil without the use of organic solvents was investigated. Process parameters, enzyme treatment, filtration, cell lysis, and centrifugation, were studied. Successive extractions of the residue, eliminating the filtration step, pressurization, or ultrasonication of soybean flour prior to enzyme treatment and enzyme treatment on the residue, were the key steps. A mixture of Multifect Pectinase FE, Cellulase A, and Multifect CX 13L in equal proportion gave 36.42-63.23% of the total soybean oil from oleosomes, respectively, for 45 and 180 s of blending time, compared to the conventional method with lower yields (34.24 and 28.65%, respectively, for 45 and 180 s of blending time). Three successive extractions of the residue increased the oil yield to a maximum of 84.65% of the total soybean oil recovered in intact oleosomes. The percentage of lipid in the supernatant fraction decreased to a minimum value of 0.33% with the use of the enzymes at a 3% dosage. The results are considered to be useful for developing large-scale and efficient extraction of oleosomes from soybean.  相似文献   

超声波辅助提取经膨化大豆粕中低聚糖工艺   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
该文在考察超声波功率、超声波辅助提取时间等单因素对大豆低聚糖得率影响的基础上,选取超声波辅助提取时间、液料比和乙醇浓度进行三因素三水平的响应曲面试验,以确定超声波辅助提取经挤压膨化大豆粕中低聚糖的最佳条件和数学模型.并以超声波辅助提取未挤压膨化大豆、挤压膨化未超声波辅助提取和未挤压膨化未超声波辅助提取的大豆中低聚糖得率作为对照,以确定挤压膨化技术和超声波辅助提取技术对大豆低聚糖提取的影响.超声波辅助提取大豆低聚糖的最佳条件为乙醇浓度为31.3%,超声波辅助提取时间为34min,液料比为20.4mL/g,得率为11.95%,与未挤压膨化未超声波辅助提取对照试验相比提高了50.31%.挤压膨化技术处理和超声波技术有利于大豆低聚糖的提取.  相似文献   

Stability of isoflavones during extrusion processing of corn/soy mixture   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The influence of extrusion processing in the presence of corn on the quantity and quality of genistein, daidzein, and their respective beta-glucoside, acetyl glucoside, and malonyl glucoside derivatives was evaluated. Products of 100% soy (textured) and a blend of 20% soy protein concentrate (SPC) and 80% corn meal (direct-expanded) were extruded, with evaluations before and after extrusion. In addition, a 3 x (3 x 3) split-plot factorial experiment investigated the influence of barrel temperature (110, 130, 150 degrees C), moisture content (22, 24, 26%), and relative residence time (1, 0.8, 0.6) on extruder response and isoflavone profile. The extrusion barrel temperature had the most influence on isoflavone profile, especially decarboxylation of the malonyl beta-glucoside, followed by the moisture content. The amount of extractable isoflavones decreased after extrusion for both the SPC and SPC/corn meal blend when extracted with 80% aqueous methanol but remained approximately the same when first hydrated with water before extraction. However, initially hydrating with water produced enzymatic glycolysis in the unextruded samples, increasing the aglycons dramatically.  相似文献   

提高大豆蛋白冻融后乳化性改性工艺优化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了制备出经冷冻-融化后仍能保持较高乳化性的大豆蛋白,试验以葡聚糖为糖基化供体,采用湿法糖基化技术改性大豆蛋白。根据单因素试验的结果,建立了Box-Behnken模型对加工工艺进行优化,所得的模型拟合度高,切实可行,可用于实际分析和预测。利用响应面分析法探讨了蛋白浓度、蛋白与糖质量比、反应时间3因素对改性产物冻融前后乳化活性和乳化稳定性的影响,优化的工艺条件为:大豆分离蛋白(soybean protein isolate,SPI)质量浓度40 mg/mL,SPI与葡聚糖的质量比为1∶3,反应时间4 h。在此条件下得到的改性产物冻融稳定性显著(P0.05)高于未改性蛋白,冻融前后的乳化活性(emulsifying activity index,EAI)分别是空白对照样的1.687和1.780倍,乳化稳定性(emulsion stability index,ESI)分别是空白对照样的1.367和1.274倍。傅里叶红外光谱证明葡聚糖通过共价键接到大豆蛋白分子中,研究结果为制备冷冻食品加工专用大豆蛋白的产业化生产提供参考。  相似文献   

Protein hydrolysates (5, 10, and 15% degrees of hydrolysis) were made from minced salmon muscle treated with one of four alkaline proteases (Alcalase 2.4L, Flavourzyme 1000L, Corolase PN-L, and Corolase 7089) or endogenous digestive proteases. Reaction conditions were controlled at pH 7.5, 40 degrees C, and 7.5% protein content, and enzymes were added on the basis of standardized activity units (Azocoll units). Proteases were heat inactivated, insoluble and unhydrolyzed material was centrifuged out, and soluble protein fractions were recovered and lyophilized. Substrate specificities for the proteases was clearly different. Protein content for the hydrolysates ranged from 71.7 to 88.4%, and lipid content was very low. Nitrogen recovery ranged from 40.6 to 79.9%. The nitrogen solubility index was comparable to that of egg albumin and ranged from 92.4 to 99.7%. Solubility was high over a wide range of pH. The water-holding capacity of fish protein hydrolysates added at 1.5% in a model food system of frozen minced salmon patties was tested. Drip loss was on average lower for the fish protein hydrolysates than for egg albumin and soy protein concentrate, especially for Alcalase hydrolysates. Emulsification capacity for fish protein hydrolysates ranged quite a bit (75-299 mL of oil emulsified per 200 mg of protein), and some were better than soy protein concentrate (180 mL of oil emulsified per 200 mg of protein), but egg albumin had the highest emulsifying capacity (417 mL of oil emulsified per 200 mg of protein). Emulsification stability for fish protein hydrolysates (50-70%) was similar to or lower than those of egg albumin (73%) or soy protein concentrate (68%). Fat absorption was greater for 5 and 10% degrees of hydrolysis fish protein hydrolysates (3.22-5.90 mL of oil/g of protein) than for 15% hydrolysates, and all had greater fat absorption than egg albumin (2. 36 mL of oil/g of protein) or soy protein concentrate (2.90 mL of oil/g of protein).  相似文献   

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