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七带石斑鱼人工繁育技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
七带石斑鱼(Epinephelus septemfasciatus)具有经济价值高、生长速度快和低温耐受性强等特点,是东北亚温带海域理想的网箱养殖品种之一,已成为中、日、韩三国海水鱼类繁育研究的热点。由于存在雄鱼性成熟年龄高、人工驯养条件下难以实现自然产卵和初孵仔鱼弱小等难题,其稳定和高效的种苗规模化繁育技术尚未完全建立起来。本文综述了七带石斑鱼人工繁育技术研究现状,重点总结日本近20年在亲鱼繁殖、仔稚鱼培育和苗种中间培育等方面取得的研究进展,并就其发展前景进行分析,旨为中国七带石斑鱼苗种规模化繁育技术研发提供参考。  相似文献   

林浩然 《福建水产》2012,34(1):1-10
石斑鱼是驰名世界的名贵海产鱼类,是中国南方沿海广东、海南、福建、广西等海水养殖业的主要对象,经济价值巨大。中国石斑鱼类养殖兴起于20世纪80、90年代;进入21世纪,中山大学的研究团队围绕石斑鱼苗种繁育和养殖产业化的理论和技术进行了一系列研究,对其生殖调控、生长发育、营养需求、病害防治、种质分析、养殖技术和养殖模式等方面进行集成创新,建立苗种繁育和成鱼养殖各个环节的技术规范和管理措施,实现了石斑鱼苗种规模化繁育和自养自足,从而带动石斑鱼养殖产业发展到相当的规模。石斑鱼类养殖产业化持续健康发展的总体思路是:以建设资源高效利用、改善生态环境、产品优质安全的现代渔业基本内涵为目标,改革和提升传统养殖技术和养殖模式,转变产业发展方式,不断优化和提升产业链上的各项技术,包括:(1)优化苗种人工繁育技术,提高苗种成活率和苗种质量;(2)培育抗逆、抗病、优质、高产的优良品种;(3)配制高效、优质的人工配合饲料;(4)建立病害检测和防控新技术和研制主要疾病的特异性疫苗;(5)建立高效、低碳、节能的养殖技术,因地制宜地采用先进的养殖模式;(6)加强石斑鱼类的生物学基础研究以及生物科学和工程技术的交叉融合、协同发展,为石斑鱼养殖产业的技术创新和集约化与工程化奠定基础。  相似文献   

正淡水石斑鱼是从中美洲引进养殖的鱼类,近年来在福建、广东、广西和海南等地已经逐渐推广养殖。通常,采用土塘作为繁殖和培育池来进行淡水石斑鱼苗种繁育工作。淡水石斑鱼成鱼在繁殖过程中有打窝的习性,对塘底有破坏作用。另外,繁育出的苗种在土塘进行培育,由于规格大小不一,互相残杀,不便管理。同时,淡水石斑鱼苗的饵料选择和水质管理也影响苗种的成  相似文献   

三疣梭子蟹土池育苗技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
三疣梭子蟹生长快,肉质鲜美,风味独特,营养丰富,价格较高并适合进行人工养殖,现已成为我国北方海水养殖的主要优良品种,其主产区苗种来源完全依靠人工繁育。在其育苗主产区,工厂化人工繁育三疣梭子蟹技术已接近成熟,苗种既二期幼蟹(C2)产量平均达0.3~0.5kg/m^3,但从近几年的养殖效果来看,出现了与河蟹养殖过程中相似的问题,即工厂化人工繁育的蟹苗人池后死亡率高,  相似文献   

三疣梭子蟹是我国北方海水养殖的主要优良品种之一,其主产区苗种来源完全依靠人工繁育。但从2007年前期养殖效果来看,三疣梭子蟹养殖出现了与河蟹养殖过程中相似的问题,即工厂化人工繁育的蟹苗入池后死亡率高,有的甚至全部死亡。据笔者调查,除现在天然海水水质较差等因素外,三疣梭子蟹适应外界自然环境的能力差也是其死亡率高的主要原因。  相似文献   

通过多年来的点带石斑鱼人工繁殖与池塘生态苗种培育生产实践,总结了点带石斑鱼人工繁殖与苗种培育技术;亲鱼的强化培育和受精卵的选优,以及各种生物活饵料大量培养及育苗生态环境的调控等技术;讨论了点带石斑鱼生态高效繁育技术过程中存在的问题和解决措施。  相似文献   

通过多年来的点带石斑鱼人工繁殖与池塘生态苗种培育生产实践,总结了点带石斑鱼人工繁殖与苗种培育技术;亲鱼的强化培育和受精卵的选优,以及各种生物活饵料大量培养及育苗生态环境的调控等技术;讨论了点带石斑鱼生态高效繁育技术过程中存在的问题和解决措施。  相似文献   

石斑鱼人工繁育技术研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
石斑鱼是我国南方海水养殖的主要种类之一,由于天然种苗不足,人工育苗技术日显关键和重要。文章根据国内外石斑鱼人工繁育技术的研究现状,对石斑鱼的繁殖生物学、人工繁殖、早期发育、人工育苗技术及种苗生产所面临的问题等方面进行了综述和展望。  相似文献   

利用福建宁德市南方海区冬季水温高、适合刺参生长的自然条件,秋后引进北方大规格苗种,采用海区筏式吊笼养殖模式,在选择养殖场所、饵料种类及投喂量、苗种及运输方法、确定合理养殖密度、适宜温度、养殖周期、病害防治与日常养殖管理措施等方面进行了研究,首次提出了在人工投喂以海带为主的饵料基础上,“定期添加鱼糜、糠虾粉、麦麸、面粉混合物补充营养”的人工投喂饵料方法,周期缩短到100~110d,获得良好成效。  相似文献   

全国首届"石斑鱼类繁育与养殖产业化论坛"分量足,三院士齐亮相。我国从20世纪80年代开始进行青石斑鱼和赤点石斑鱼的人工繁殖试验,但到目前为止,成活率一般很难突破10%,未能实现苗种的规模化生产,成鱼人工养殖成活率也只有40%。12月19—21日,首届"石斑鱼类繁育与养殖产业化论坛”在中山大学召开,  相似文献   

石斑鱼(Epinephelidae)是名贵的海产鱼类,主要栖息于热带亚热带近岸岩滩和珊瑚礁水域,是岩礁生态系生物群落的重要类群。本文对国内外石斑鱼类生物学、生态学、渔业资源及人工繁育养殖的研究成果进行梳理,综合报道石斑鱼类的形态比较特征,栖息、摄食和繁殖习性,系统演化与分类,种类地理分布,人工繁育等研究进展以及养殖发展概况;报道全球石斑鱼自然资源明显衰退的现状评估以及对石斑鱼资源保护的共识和相关的渔业管理措施。此外,根据作者多年开展的鱼类遗传生物学研究,指出强化我国海域野生石斑鱼资源保护工作,深入开展杂交石斑鱼的基础生物学研究,加强石斑鱼杂交选育行业管理,是我国石斑鱼渔业产业可持续发展的必要保障。  相似文献   

Interspecies hybridization is widely used in aquaculture as a beneficial strategy. Diploid and triploid hybrids have been detected from the interspecies hybridization of Epinephelus coioides ♀ × Epinephelus lanceolatus ♂. This is the first report of triploidization through hybridization in grouper. Confirmation has been obtained through flow cytometry, karyotyping and erythrocyte nuclei measurement. The chromosome numbers of E. coioides, E. lanceolatus, diploid hybrid grouper are 48 and triploid hybrid grouper are 72. Measurements of erythrocyte nuclei indicate that triploid fish have a larger nuclear surface than the diploid groupers, and the average ratio of triploid to diploid surface area is 1.59. During the first 1.5 years, triploid hybrid groupers grow faster than diploid hybrid groupers or either parent species. The average growth rate of triploid hybrids is 1.61 times greater than that of diploid hybrids at 6 months of age and 1.43 times greater at 18 months of age. The triploid hybrid groupers are inferior in gonadal development, with no primary‐growth‐stage oocytes appearing in the gonads at 18 months of age. Morphological studies indicate that triploid hybrid groupers have distinctive differences in snout length, eye diameter, body trunk shape, and tail shape development compared with diploid hybrid groupers. Triploid hybrid groupers have an advantage in growth ability, and artificial breeding of triploid groupers might be of great potential use in the grouper aquaculture industry.  相似文献   

石斑鱼的营养需求及其饲料的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要综述了石斑鱼的营养需求及其饲料的研制。主要内容包括:(1)石斑鱼对饲料中蛋白质、脂类、碳水化合物、维生素等的营养需求。(2)石斑鱼饲料的研制概况。(3)针对石斑鱼营养学研究以及目前我国石斑鱼养殖还是以小杂鱼为主,配合饲料使用率很低的现状,对今后开展石斑鱼营养与饲料研究提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

Marine fish larvae are fragile against physical stress. However, few studies have been conducted to evaluate the flow field in a rearing tank, which is assumed to provide a high degree of physical stress to marine fish larvae. The flow field in a rearing tank (volume of 1 m3) is generated by aerators, which are commonly used to provide oxygen.

This paper is a report on the estimation of stationary flow in the rearing tank of marine fish larvae. The larvae are seven band grouper larvae of Epinephelus septemfasciatus, which have a very low survival rate immediately after the hatching of eggs. The experiments of rearing of seven band grouper larvae were carried out using rearing tanks with four aeration rates (1000, 200, 50 ml/min, and no aeration). The effects of aeration on the survival and floating death of seven band grouper larvae were examined. The experiments confirmed that the mass mortality of seven band grouper larvae depends on the flow rate in the rearing tank. Aeration at 200 ml/min resulted in the highest survival and growth rates of grouper larvae.

Larvae-rearing experiments provided evidence that the flow rates of the rearing tanks are very important design aspects of rearing tanks. The estimation of flow in a rearing tank for an aerating rate of 200 ml/min was carried out by numerical calculation. The computation was simplified by a two-dimensional flow based on experimental results. The calculated flow in the rearing tank was compared with the experimental one. The calculation of the stationary flow in the rearing tank showed good qualitative and quantitative agreement with the experimental results. The numerical estimation of the flow in a rearing tank of marine fish larvae was confirmed to be effective and satisfactory for the design of a tank that would provide optimum performance.  相似文献   

Historic and current information on the grouper fishery from Hong Kong and adjacent waters reveals significant changes in species composition and fish sizes over the past 50 years in this important Asian centre for seafood consumption. Once dominant, large groupers are now rare and small species and sizes prevail in the present‐day fishery. Juveniles comprise over 80% of marketed fish by number among the most commonly retailed groupers, and reproductive‐sized fish are absent among larger species. Current fishery practices and the lack of management in Hong Kong and adjacent waters pose a significant threat to large species with limited geographic distribution such as Epinephelus akaara and Epinephelus bruneus, both now listed as threatened by the IUCN. The heavy reliance on juveniles, not only for groupers, but for an increasing diversity of desired fishes within Asia, potentially reduces stock spawning potential. The ‘shrinking baseline’ in terms of a progressive reduction in fish sizes being marketed in the region can seriously undermine fishery sustainability and recoverability of depleted fish stocks. Fishing pressure on groupers and other valuable food fishes within the Asia‐Pacific is intensifying, the declining long‐term trend of grouper landings in Hong Kong and the increasing focus on juveniles for immediate sale or for mariculture ‘grow‐out’ signal a worrying direction for regional fisheries. Moreover, the common appearance of small groupers for sale will influence public perception regarding what are ‘normal‐sized’ fish. Management attention is needed if these fisheries are to remain viable.  相似文献   

黄建辉 《福建水产》2013,(5):375-380
为了保护和利用双线紫蛤资源,利用莆田市南日岛的野生双线紫蛤资源,开展双线紫蛤规模化繁育技术研究.报道了2012年在莆田市平海僧帽牡蛎原种场开展双线紫蛤规模化繁育技术的研究结果,探索双线紫蛤的繁殖习性、幼虫和稚贝培育、幼虫对附着底质、饵料需求及水质要求等方面的关键技术,总结了双线紫蛤规模化繁育技术及工艺流程.  相似文献   

A major constraint in successful larviculture of groupers has been the small gape of the larvae and hence the requirement for small prey at first feeding. In this study, we examined how maintaining a phosphate concentration of 100 μg P L?1 and an inorganic nitrogen (N) level of 700 μg N L?1 via weekly fertilization with inorganic fertilizers affected phytoplankton, zooplankton and giant grouper larval survival in relation to a control group that was provided with rotifers immediately after larvae hatched. Unicellular algae, zooplankton within the size ranges of 10–50 μm and 50–100 μm and survival of giant grouper larvae were all significantly higher in the fertilized treatment compared with the control. Stomach analysis revealed that ciliates and flagellates were actively consumed by larval fish in the fertilized group, whereas few rotifers were consumed in the control. We conclude that the inorganic fertilization method provides high densities of suitable‐sized prey for larval groupers at the onset of exogenous feeding before they are able to consume larger, commercially available rotifers and copepods.  相似文献   

2008年~2009年,对波纹巴非蛤人工繁殖、胚胎发育、幼体开口饵料、幼虫变态附着和稚贝培育技术等进行研究,人工育苗获得成功。结果表明,在自然水温29.6℃~23℃,盐度28~34,pH值7.8~8.4,溶解氧4~7mg/L的生境下,受精卵约17h发育成"D"形幼虫,第6~7d,幼虫个体大小180μm×165μm(壳长×壳高),开始变态附着。经约80d人工培育,共获得壳长3.4mm~15mm的波纹巴非蛤稚贝21.6万粒。  相似文献   

蔡葆青 《福建水产》2012,34(1):16-20
本实验通过水体与育苗池消毒、合理投喂、科学防病以及育苗池水质理化因子(DO、pH、NH 4+-N、NO 2--N、COD)和病原生物(弧菌、WSSV等)的实时监测,对凡纳滨对虾高健康育苗模式做了一定的探索。实验结果显示,整个育苗期间育苗池水溶解氧保持在4.2~5.8mg/L(平均5.01±0.63mg/L),pH保持在8.04~8.38(平均8.13±0.11);NH 4+-N控制在0.15~1.21mg/L(平均0.51±0.40mg/L),NO 2--N控制在0.15~1.21mg/L(平均0.05±0.02mg/L),COD控制在1.56~7.02mg/L(平均4.75±2.18mg/L)。异养细菌数200~91000cfu/mL,弧菌0~6980cfu/mL。投放无节幼体4600×104尾,收获虾苗1280×104尾,成活率达27.8%,且虾苗体质健康,活力旺盛,无携带病毒。  相似文献   

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