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野花草皮(Wildflower turf)是国外野花草地快速建植的新兴技术,但在我国还尚未见报道。简要介绍野花草皮的定义、起源及发展情况,分析国外野花草皮产品的基本结构及建植方法,并结合国内现有的相关研究进行了综述,以期为我国野花草地建植技术的升级提供参考。  相似文献   

通过调查及研究野花组合在军运村周边绿地中的应用,总结野花组合在绿地中的应用比例、平面形式、配种模式、播种量、建植养护等方面的技术要点,为野花组合的推广与应用提供一些借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

王莹莹 《花卉》2020,(8):93-94
野花组合是一种非常具有自然气息的景观,应用在城市绿化当中可以提高整体美感。基于此,本文主要分析野花组合在城市绿化中应用的价值,并分析具体的应用对策,从植物种类选择、科学搭配、调整组合比例、进行科学播种管理等几个方面,探讨提高野花组合应用效果的对策。  相似文献   

薛洋 《花卉》2022,(20)
本文是在前期资料收集、项目规划及具体调查的基础上针对上海某高尔夫球场野花景观进行营建,目的是通过对该地的实际应用总结出野花组合的应用优势及要点,通过近1年时间的总结归纳,最终得出项目实施主要问题是植物种植时人为和自然因素的影响,本文形成了野花组合景观规划的理论基础,旨在为促进野花组合规划设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

野花组合作为一种流行的景观种植材料,自引入我国以后,便以其极佳的观赏效果、较低的种植养护成本而迅速获得了国人的认可,目前在全国范围内的野花组合种植热情十分高,因此野花组合的种子销量也在逐年升高。  相似文献   

野花组合作为新兴的景观花卉材料,凭借其种植难度较低,具体操作简单、省时、省力、效果好等优点,在园林景观中得到广泛的应用。本文具体介绍了野花组合的概念、类型、特点及其应用,并从实际园林景观工程应用入手,结合沈阳市浑南新区莫子山花海景观项目探讨如何利用野花组合来营造大面积花海景观。  相似文献   

野花景观在道路系统中应用越来越广泛,可应用于交通量大的道路两侧和隔离带,或应用于城市街道、景区或居住区道路的路缘。文章主要针对各种道路系统中野花景观的运用进行论述。  相似文献   

介绍了缀花草毯是一种自然优美、具有亲和力的花卉应用形式。通过介绍缀花草毯的概念,探讨了缀花草毯野花品种的选择、野花的组合及施工方案、养护管理等。  相似文献   

正经济实用的野花宿根组合随着我国园林绿化事业的发展,城市绿化越来越重视多层次景观搭配,野花组合正好迎合了低成本、见效快、效果好的理念,而野花宿根组合更是受到园林工程公司的青睐。野花宿根组合是由较高比例的多年生品种为主体,加入一定比例的一年生品种组合而成的组合类型。不仅在种植当年可见到出色效果,如管理得当,3年~5年内均可以维持很好的景观效果。宿根组合平均株高约60cm,由25个品种组成,其中宿根品种15个,一年生品种10个。播种后50天即可进入初花期,第一年即可表现出色彩斑斓、花量大、壮观  相似文献   

无论是具有明确边界、围以整齐花坛的规则式草坪还是点缀着球根植物、布满芬芳的香草或草丛中野花盛开的自然式草地,草坪一直是大多数花园的重要组成部分。尽管我们总是不经意地播种和种植,草坪仍旧成为大多数花园中面积最大的一部分。这可能是因为它是覆盖大面积地面的最廉价方式,也是最基本的地面覆盖物的缘故。  相似文献   

草花混播发展历程研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从草花混播的起源、初步发展和近代应用研究阐述了草花混播的历史演变;分析了现阶段国内外草花混播的现状和问题,并对草花混播的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   



Cultural ecosystem services, many of which depend on biodiversity, are recognized as important but seldom quantified biophysically across landscapes. Furthermore, many ecosystem service models are static, and the supply of cultural ecosystem services may be misrepresented if seasonal shifts in biotic communities are ignored.


We modeled landscape dynamics of wildflower blooms in a temperate montane landscape to determine (1) how floral resources (wildflower species richness, abundance, timing, and presence of charismatic species) changed over the growing season, (2) how projected wildflower viewing hotspots varied over space and time, and (3) how spatial shifts in floral resources affected potential public access to wildflower viewing.


Data were collected at 63 sites across a rural-to-urban gradient in the Southern Appalachian Mountains (USA). Generalized linear models were used to identify factors affecting floral resources at two temporal scales. Floral resources were projected across the landscape and hotspots of wildflower viewing were quantified using overlay analysis.


Floral resources were affected by topoedaphic conditions, climate, and surrounding building density and changed seasonally. Seasonal models revealed locational shifts in ecosystem service hotspots, which changed the proportion of hotspots accessible to the public and identified wildflower-viewing opportunities unnoticed by static models.


Relationships between landscape gradients, biodiversity, and ecosystem service supply varied seasonally, and our models identified cultural ecosystem service hotspots otherwise obscured by simple proxies. Landscape models of biodiversity-based cultural ecosystem services should include seasonal dynamics of biotic communities to avoid under- or over-emphasizing the importance of particular locations in ecosystem service assessments.

We experimentally examined edge effects and movement patterns of the butterfly Parnassius smintheus in two habitat types, its preferred meadow habitat, and intervening forest matrix habitat. We followed the movement of 46 butterflies released at either 5 or 20m from a forest edge in either forest or meadow habitat. In contrast to theoretical predictions, we found that butterflies flew less frequently, shorter distances, and at lower rates in matrix habitat than they did in meadow habitat. Distance from the edge had little effect on these aspects of movement. Flight was strongly influenced by light levels with butterflies flying more readily at higher light levels. Light levels were higher in meadows than in forest explaining much of the difference in movement patterns. Turning angles showed that butterflies flying in meadow habitat avoided forest edges and that this effect extended nearly 25 m into meadows. Analysis of net displacement from the forest edge reinforced this result and showed that there may be attraction to the meadow for butterflies flying within forest.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate as to whether nutrient contamination of groundwater under agricultural fields may cause nutrient-enrichment and subsequent eutrophication in discharge areas. Often, there is only circumstantial evidence to support this supposition (proximity of agricultural fields, direction of water flow, highly productive vegetation). Research on solute transport along a flow path is necessary to evaluate the risk for eutrophication. In this paper we present results of such a study. Two transects were established in a discharge meadow, a few meters downstream from fertilized cornfields. Highly productive vegetation in parts of the meadow suggested nutrient-enrichment caused by inflow of contaminated groundwater. This supposition was supported by an analysis of groundwater flow paths, residence times and chloride as tracer for pollution. However, the fate of nutrients along the flow path indicated otherwise. While we found high concentrations of DIN (dissolved inorganic nitrogen), P and K under the cornfields, DIN and P concentrations drop below detection limit when groundwater enters the meadow. Only K progressed into the meadow but did not enter the root zone. We conclude that (1) polluted groundwater from the cornfields did not cause the nutrient-enrichment, as indicated by the highly productive vegetation. Restoration projects in discharge areas should not focus upon measures in upstream areas if only circumstantial evidence is available. Solute transport should be considered as well. (2) Because K clearly showed to be the most mobile nutrient, its importance for nutrient-enrichment in discharge wetlands merits more attention in future research.  相似文献   

We compare the accuracy of predicting the occurrence of 11 bird species in montane meadows of the Greater Yellowstone National Park ecosystem, in the states of Montana and Wyoming, USA. We used remotely sensed, landscape, and habitat data. The meadow type, as determined from the remotely sensed data, was highly correlated with abundances of six of the 11 bird species. Landscape variables significant in predicting occurrence were selected using a stepwise multiple regression for each bird species. These variables were then used in a multiple regression with the variable meadow type. As expected, the abundances of the generalist species (American Robin, Dark-eyed Junco, White-crowned Sparrow, Brewer's Blackbird, and Chipping Sparrow) were not strongly correlated with landscape variables or meadow type. Conversely, abundances of the Common Snipe, Common Yellowthroat, Lincoln's Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, and Yellow Warbler were highly correlated with meadow type and landscape variables such as percent cover of willow (Salix spp.), graminoid, woody vegetation, sagebrush (Artemisia spp.), and graminoid and shrub biomass. The results from our study indicate that remotely sensed data are applicable for estimating potential habitats for bird species in the different types of montane meadows. However, to improve predictions about species in specific sites or areas, we recommend the use of additional landscape metrics and habitat data collected in the field.  相似文献   

Historical records provide information to land managers and landscape ecologists attempting to understand current trajectories in altered landscapes. In this study, we synthesized a heterogeneous array of historical sources to reconstruct historical land cover in California’s Santa Clara Valley (a.k.a. “Silicon Valley”). To increase and assess accuracy, we used the triangulation of overlapping, independent data sources and the application of certainty level standards. The region has been subject to extensive urbanization, so we also evaluated the applicability of historical landscape reconstructions to the altered landscape. We found evidence for five major land cover types prior to significant Euro–American modification. Valley freshwater marsh, wet meadow, alkali meadow, willow grove, and valley oak savanna have all experienced extreme decline (85–100%) since Euro–American settlement. However, comparison of historical land cover patterns to contemporary land use suggested several new strategies for environmental recovery, despite the limitations of surrounding urbanization. We also observed a temporal shift in riparian habitat along the mainstem of Coyote Creek, from a relatively open mixture of riparian scrub, sycamore woodland, and unvegetated gravel bars to dense riparian forest, likely resulting from stream flow regulation. By identifying former land cover patterns we provide a basis for evaluating local landscape change and setting restoration targets, including the identification of residual features and under-recognized land cover types. These findings suggest that reliable historical landscape reconstructions can be developed in the absence of standardized historical data sources and can be of value even in highly modified regions.  相似文献   


Wild flowering plants and their wild insect visitors are of great importance for pollination. Montane meadows are biodiversity hotspots for flowering plants and pollinators, but they are contracting due to tree invasion.


This study quantified flowering plants and their flower-visitor species in montane meadows in the western Cascade Range of Oregon. Species diversity in small, isolated meadows was expected to be lower and nested relative to large meadows. Alternatively, landform features may influence richness and spatial turnover.


Flowering plants and their visitors were sampled in summers of 2011–2017 in twelve montane meadows with varying soil moisture. All flowering plants and all flower-visitors were recorded during five to seven 15 min watches in ten 3?×?3 m plots in each meadow and year.


A total of 178 flowering plant species, 688 flower-visitor species and 137,916 interactions were identified. Richness of flower-visitors was related to meadow patch size, but neither plant nor flower-visitor richness was related to isolation measured as meadow area within 1000 m. Species in small meadows were not nested subsets of those in large meadows. Species replacement accounted for more than 78% of dissimilarity between meadows and was positively related to differences in soil moisture.


Although larger meadows contained more species, landform features have influenced meadow configuration, persistence, and soil moisture, contributing to high plant and insect species diversity. Hence, conservation and restoration of a variety of meadow types may promote landscape diversity of wild plants and pollinators.


This study examined the effects of habitat fragmentation on meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) population dynamics in experimental landscape patches. The study was conducted from May–November 1993 at the Miami University Ecology Research Center. Eight 0.1-ha small mammal enclosures were used. Four enclosures contained a 160 m2 nonfragmented patch and four enclosures contained four 40 m2 fragmented patches. Thus, each treatment was replicated 4 times in a systematic research design. The patches in both treatments contained high-quality habitat surrounded by low-quality matrix. Six pairs of adult meadow voles were released in each enclosure on 27 May 1993. Populations were monitored by live-trapping and radio-telemetry methods. Significantly greater densities of female voles were found during October in the fragmented treatment compared to the nonfragmented treatment. Also, significantly more females than males were found in the fragmented treatment compared to the nonfragmented treatment for the total study period. Significantly more subadult and juvenile males were found in the matrix versus the patch of the nonfragmented treatment compared to the fragmented treatment. Males in the fragmented treatment had significantly greater mean home range size than males or females in the nonfragmented treatment. There appears to exist a relationship between patch fragmentation and the social structure of meadow vole populations; this relationship appears to function as a population regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   



Habitat loss is a major threat to biodiversity. It can create temporal lags in decline of species in relation to destruction of habitat coverage. Plant species specialized in semi-natural grasslands, especially meadows, often express such extinction debt.


We studied habitat loss and fragmentation of meadows and examined whether the changes in meadow coverage had caused an extinction debt on vascular plants. We also studied whether historical or present landscape patterns or contemporary environmental factors were more important determinants of species occurrence.


We surveyed the plant species assemblages of 12 grazed and 12 mown meadows in Central Finland and detected the meadow coverages from their surroundings on two spatial scales and on three time steps. We modelled the effects of functional connectivity, habitat amount, and isolation on species richness and community composition.


We observed drastic and dynamic meadow loss in landscapes surrounding our study sites during the last 150 years. However, we did not find explicit evidence for an extinction debt in meadow plants. The observed species richness correlated with contemporary factors, whereas both contemporary factors and habitat availability during the 1960s affected community composition.


Effective conservation management of meadow biodiversity builds on accurate understanding of the relative importance of past and present factors on species assemblages. Both mown and grazed meadows with high species richness need to be managed in the future. The management effort should preferably be targeted to sites located near to each other.

The effect of constant and alternating temperatures, rinsing, stratification and application of a fertilizer solution on germination of 4 weed species was studied.The seeds of Matricaria chamomilla L. (mayweed) and Poa annua L. (annual meadow grass) achieved almost 100% germination under any condition. For Solanum nigrum L. (black nightshade) an alternating temperature was necessary for germination. The germination percentage of this species was also improved by a cold pretreatment. For Thlaspi arvense L. (stinkweed) a high germination percentage was obtained only when stratification, alternating temperature and a fertilizer solution were applied.  相似文献   

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