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高产抗锈病花生新品种桂花21选育   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
花生是广西的主要油料作物,年播种面积达200khm^2左右,由于地处亚热带,常年高温多雨,花生生长后期锈病严重,致使产量减收10%左右,为了解决这一问题,我们选育出抗锈病花生新品种桂花21。桂花21(原编号967春-6)具有高熟、高产、高抗锈病、抗倒伏等优良性状,1997-1999年参加广西花生品种区域试验,3年18个点次平均单产荚果3282kg/hm^2,比对照种汕同27增产29%,2000年增加广西花生新品种试验示范,平均单产荚果4750kg/hm^2,比对照桂花17增产26%,适合广西水田旱地种植。  相似文献   

为探究不同花生品种硒富集能力的差异,2017年在贺州市仁义镇对桂花26号(GH26)、桂花1026号(GH1026)、桂花黑1号(GH-B1)、贺油12号(HY12)、贺油14号(HY14)和贺油15号(HY15)共6个花生品种的籽粒硒含量、硒累积量、产量等指标进行了比较分析。结果表明,在富硒土壤自然栽培条件下,GH26、GH1026、GH-B1和HY15籽粒硒含量均达到广西DB45T1061-2014《富硒农产品硒含量分类要求》中富硒农产品硒含量规定最低标准(0.05 mg/kg),增施硒肥后,供试品种籽粒硒含量均超过0.05 mg/kg,并且GH系列花生产量均高于富硒土壤自然栽培。其中,又以GH26花生籽粒硒含量、外源硒利用率最高,分别为0.449 mg/kg和5.30%,花生产量与花生籽粒产量分别为4250、2968 kg/hm~2。  相似文献   

鲜食花生一年两作研究简报   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
选用早熟花生品种—特早2号,进行鲜食花生一年两作试验,第一茬花生用地膜 拱棚膜覆盖,3月下旬播种,7月上旬收获。第二茬花生地膜覆盖,7月中旬播种,10月中下旬收获。鲜食花生产量分别为6158.55~7000.05kg/hm2和3067.35~3250.05kg/hm2。纯收入为19344.3~12150.15元/hm2和6942.9~9025.2元/hm2。  相似文献   

云花生4号系以盐津花生为母本、桂花17为父本,通过品种间有性杂交、单株选择育成的花生新品种。在2008年品系鉴定试验及2009~2010年连续两年品系比较试验中,均比对照增产11%以上;2012年云南全省5个试点联合多点试验中干荚果产量、花生仁产量和产油量分别为3 719.4、2 636.9和1 297.0 kg/hm2,均列参试品种第三位,适宜在云南全省花生产区种植。  相似文献   

桂花23是利用"7705-10"作母本,"84-2117"作父本进行有性杂交经多年选育而成.1995~202年分别参加品比、省区域试验、试种示范,平均荚果产量3294.75kg/hm2,比对照种增产10%以上.该品种高产稳产、中抗锈病和叶斑病,生育期春植121d,2000年12月通过广西农作物品种审定委员会审定.  相似文献   

不同花生品种(系)农艺性状对氮、磷、钾肥的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探明不同花生品种(系)在贵州种植条件下的需肥规律,进一步提高贵州花生单产水平,本试验以黔花2084、湘花2008、黔花生四号3个品种(系)为参试材料,研究N、P、K肥不同施用量对花生生长发育的影响。结果表明,N肥对花生主茎高和侧枝长促进作用明显,且施用量在300kg/hm2时效果最佳;P肥对花生营养生长和生殖生长均具有促进作用,且施用量在450kg/hm2时最佳;K肥施用量在112.5kg/hm2时对花生增产作用最大。从N、P、K施肥水平对花生增产幅度来看,N肥对花生产量的贡献最大,其次为P肥,K肥对产量的贡献最小,而不同品种(系)在N、P、K肥量的需求方面存在一定差异。  相似文献   

花育41号是采用花生不亲和野生种育成的第二个花生属区组间杂交新品种。在吉林省2010年和2011年花生新品种区域试验中,平均产量3432.9kg/hm2,比对照品种白沙1016增产24.5%。2012年3月通过吉林省品种登记(吉登花生2012005)。  相似文献   

为摸清江西花生产业发展规律,探索新的发展方向和途径,本研究调研比较了江西省和周围邻近省份及 山东、河南等花生高产省份在花生总产、种植面积和单产方面的变化规律,及各省历年花生审定品种情况和品种产 量增长规律。结果表明江西花生产业发展相对滞后,主要原因为:1.江西土壤类型为红壤,有机质及营养元素含量 较低,不利于花生生长;2.品种更新速度慢、品种老化严重且花生品质改良没有得到重视,优质新品种相对较少;3. 良种缺乏与之配套的高产栽培技术。江西省花生芝麻产业技术体系的成立大力推动了江西花生产业的发展,2019 区域实验结果表明江西花生品种具有较大的高产潜力。平均荚果产量和籽仁产量最高的均为粤油271,荚果产量 达到6305.95 kg/hm2 ,籽仁产量为4632.57 kg/hm2 ,在试验品种中居第一位;粤油1712荚果产量为6022.25 kg/hm2, 籽仁产量为3824 kg/hm2,综合表现好,在试验品种中居第二位;湘花522荚果产量5451.6 kg/hm2,籽仁产量4003.8 kg/hm2,在试验品种中居第三位。这表明随着科技投入的进一步加大,产量潜力优良品种的培育及释放将推动江西 花生产业进入跨越式的发展阶段。  相似文献   

冬小麦夏直播花生两熟制栽培钾肥用量与分配研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用二次饱和D-最优设计,建立了冬小麦夏直播花生两熟制条件下全年钾肥用量及其分配比例与小麦、花生产量及全年效益数学模型。分析表明,本试验条件下(土壤肥力中等偏上),小麦产量最高可达7631.9kg/hm2,当茬需施K2O169kg/hm2;产量>6000kg/hm2小麦当茬K2O适宜用量为138~219kg/hm2。花生对钾分配比例的反应,与全年施钾量有很大关系,当全年钾肥不足时,花生产量随前茬小麦分配比例的增加而下降;当全年钾肥充足,花生少施或不施,均可获得高产,因此,后茬花生施肥必须考虑前作小麦的施肥量。全年效益最高可达20921.2元/hm2,此时需施K2O247.5kg/hm2,前茬小麦占71.4%;全年效益>18000元/hm2K2O适宜用量为204.0~331.5kg/hm2,前茬小麦占66.3%~84.0%。  相似文献   

花育25号是山东省花生研究所选育的直立、疏枝、普通型大花生新品种,具有丰产稳产、单株生产力高、耐密植、耐旱、抗倒、抗叶斑病、休眠期长、不易落果等突出特点.2009~2010年参与高产创建,连续两年高产攻关田突破9000 kg/hm2,大面积高产示范片突破6000 kg/hm2.该品种适宜在当地及高产花生田中推广种植,栽...  相似文献   

Summary The effects of the leaves of five plant species, one from each of the generaAmbrosia, Anemone, Eupatorium, Eucalyptus andLantana, on potato tuber moth were investigated under indigenous storage conditions at the Central Potato Research Station, Shillong (1800 m above sea level). Their action was compared with that of a biological insecticide (spores ofBacillus thuringiensis), a chemical insecticide (carbaryl), and an untreated control. The data collected after six months storage on tuber damage, sprout damage and the rotting indicated that the leaves ofLantana aculeata provided most protection to the tubers, reducing damage from over 70% in the check to below 5%, and sprout damage from over 45% to below 3%. Next best wasEucalyptus globulus followed byB. thuringiensis. They may be used on tubers stored for table use or for seed as they had no adverse effect on germination or on the yield of a subsequent crop.  相似文献   


The efficiency of N fertilizers is usually poor; often less than 50% of the applied N is taken up by the crop. This review focuses on various N fertilizers with respect to the significance of different N loss pathways, namely (i) ammonia volatilization, (ii) dinitrogen and nitrogen oxide emissions, and (iii) nitrate leaching. Further, the significance of biological N immobilization, ammonium fixation and, finally, the impact of nitrate vs. ammonium uptake on crop yield are also discussed. The reviewed literature shows that N fertilizers may differ markedly in their susceptibility to losses. There is, however, considerable scope to improve N efficiency of each N source by proper N management practices.  相似文献   

Summary The in vitro antimicrobial activity of extracts from accessions ofSolanum commersonii Dun. collected in the south of Uruguay was investigated against five microorganisms including the pathogenRalstonia solanacearum. A total of 30 extracts corresponding to organic and aqueous extracts were studied. Interestingly, most of the positive results for growth inhibition were againstR. solanacearum. The extracts were also analyzed for the presence of glycoalkaloids and lectins. Six of the ten aqueous extracts showed lectin presence and a wide variation in the type and amounts of glycoalkaloids, was found. Results indicate that there is no clear relationship between the antimicrobial activity against the five microorganisms screened and the presence or amounts of lectins and glycoalkaloids, traditionally regarded as possible antimicrobial metabolites in theSolanum genus, which indicates the presence of as yet unidentified antimicrobial compounds.  相似文献   

Marine organisms represent an excellent source of innovative compounds that have the potential for the development of new drugs. The pharmacokinetics of marine drugs has attracted increasing interest in recent decades due to its effective and potential contribution to the selection of rational dosage recommendations and the optimal use of the therapeutic arsenal. In general, pharmacokinetics studies how drugs change after administration via the processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME). This review provides a summary of the pharmacokinetics studies of marine-derived active compounds, with a particular focus on their ADME. The pharmacokinetics of compounds derived from algae, crustaceans, sea cucumber, fungus, sea urchins, sponges, mollusks, tunicate, and bryozoan is discussed, and the pharmacokinetics data in human experiments are analyzed. In-depth characterization using pharmacokinetics is useful for obtaining information for understanding the molecular basis of pharmacological activity, for correct doses and treatment schemes selection, and for more effective drug application. Thus, an increase in pharmacokinetic research on marine-derived compounds is expected in the near future.  相似文献   

Novel food and non-food uses for sorghum and millets   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
Sorghum and millets have considerable potential in foods and beverages. As they are gluten-free they are suitable for coeliacs. Sorghum is also a potentially important source of nutraceuticals such antioxidant phenolics and cholesterol-lowering waxes. Cakes, cookies, pasta, a parboiled rice-like product and snack foods have been successfully produced from sorghum and, in some cases, millets. Wheat-free sorghum or millet bread remains the main challenge. Additives such as native and pre-gelatinised starches, hydrocolloids, fat, egg and rye pentosans improve bread quality. However, specific volumes are lower than those for wheat bread or gluten-free breads based on pure starches, and in many cases, breads tend to stale faster. Lager and stout beers with sorghum are brewed commercially. Sorghum's high-starch gelatinisation temperature and low beta-amylase activity remain problems with regard to complete substitution of barley malt with sorghum malt . The role of the sorghum endosperm matrix protein and cell wall components in limiting extract is a research focus. Brewing with millets is still at an experimental stage. Sorghum could be important for bioethanol and other bio-industrial products. Bioethanol research has focused on improving the economics of the process through cultivar selection, method development for low-quality grain and pre-processing to recover valuable by-products. Potential by-products such as the kafirin prolamin proteins and the pericarp wax have potential as bioplastic films and coatings for foods, primarily due to their hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

Résumé Fusarium culmorum et, dans une moindre mesure,F. avenaceum, F. sambucinum, Colletotrichum coccodes etCylindrocarpon sp. ont été isolés de tubercules entreposés en atmosphère contr?lée (AC) et atteints de pourriture grave. Des expériences d'inoculation de tubercules avec 10 espèces ou variétés fongiques et conservation en AC à 8 et 10°C ont montré que: 1) les champignons non pathogènes en atmosphère normale (ex.:Cylindrocarpon sp.) le devenaient en AC, 2) ceux qui étaient faiblement pathogènes en atmosphère normale étaient nettement plus virulents en AC (ex.:F. culmorum), 3) les espèces ou variétés virulentes en conditions d'air normales (Fusarium sulphureum etPhoma exigua var.foveata) ne provoquaient pas de pourriture plus grave en AC et leur activité pouvait même être légérement freinée.
Summary The extensive rotting of tubers which occurred during storage trials in controlled atmospheres has led to a mycological and pathological study of the rots. The most frequently isolated species wasFusarium culmorum althoughF. avenaceum, F. Sambucinum, Coletotrichum coccodes and aCylindrocarpon sp. were also present. Tubers of cvs Bintje and Ulla were inoculated with 19 isolates of 10 fungal species or varieties associated with rotting of stored tubers (Table 1). The tubers were incubated at 8 or 10°C in normal or controlled (2% O2:1% CO2, 2% O2:6% CO2, 2% O2:12% CO2, 6% O2:6% CO2) atmospheres and the extent of rotting was determined a month later (Tables 2 and 3 and Fig. 2). Species which were weakly virulent in a normal atmosphere (variousFusarium spp. andPhoma exigua var.exigua) were clearly more aggressive in the controlled atmosphere and this was especially evident in the case ofF. culmorum. Species ot pathogenic in a normal atmosphere under experimental conditions (Colletotrichum coccodes, Cylindrocarpon sp.,Phoma eupyrena) caused rotting in the controlled atmosphere. The two species which were virulent in a normal atmosphere (F. sulphureum andP. exigua var.foveata) were also virulent in the controlled atmosphere and in some cases the extent of rotting was even less. As a general rule, rotting caused by weakly virulent fungi was greater in both cultivars in the controlled than in a normal atmosphere.

Zusammenfassung Eine starke F?ulnis von in Kontrotrollierter Atmosph?re gelagerten Kartoffelknollen veranlasste eine mykologische und pathologische Untersuchung. Der am h?ufigsten isolierte Pilz warFusarium culmorum. F. avenaceum, F. sambucinum, Colletotrichum coccodes undCylindrocarpon sp. wurden ebenfalls bestimmt. Neunzehn St?mme von 10 Pilzsorten oder-Arten welche bei Lagerf?ulnis vorkommen (Tab. 1) wurden auf Knollen der Sorten Bintje und Ulla inokuliert. Die Lagerung wurde bei 8 oder 10°C under Normalbedingungen oder kontrollierter Atmosph?re durchgeführt (2% O2:1% CO2, 2% O2:6% CO2, 2% O2:12% CO2, 6% O2:6% CO2). Der F?ulnisgrad (Abb. 1) wurde nach einem Monat bonitiert. Die Ergebnisse sind in den Tabellen 2 und 3 dargestellt und in der Abb. 2 illustriert. Unter in Normalbedingungen nur schwach virulente Arten (verschiedeneFusarien undPhoma exigua var. exigua) waren deutlich aktiver in kontrollierter Atmosph?re. Dies was besonders der Fall fürF. culmorum. Pilze, die im Versuch unter Normalbedingungen nicht pathogen waren (Colletotrichum coccodes, Cylindrocarpon sp., Phoma eupyrena), haben unter kontrollierter Atmosph?re Sch?den verursacht. Hingegen werden die beiden unter Normalbedingungen sehr pathogenen Arten (F. sulphureum undP., exigua var.foveata), durch kontrollierte Atmosph?re wenig beeinflusst. Es wurde sogar in einigen F?llen eine gewisse Verringerung des F?ulnisbefalls beobachtet. Ganz allgemein haben die getesteten kontrollierten Bedingungen die Entwicklung der Pilzf?ulnis an beiden Kartoffelsorten gef?rdert, speziell durch Pilzarten, welche unter Normal-bedingungen wenig Sch?den verursachen.

Summary Clones derived from thirty-one different accessions (nineteen of Argentine origin) belonging to eightSolanum species were screened for resistance to infection by potato virus X strain cp (PVX cp) by mechanical inoculation of plantlets that had been micropropagated in vitro. Estimates of PVX multiplication obtained by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and slot blot nucleic acid hybridization allowed the identification of resistant clones derived from five accessions belonging toS. commersonii S. oplocense, S. sparsipilum andS. tuberosum andigena. Resistant genotypes supported PVX concentrations 5 to 15 times smaller than did the susceptible control cultivar Spunta. Graft inoculation test confirmed the presence of extreme resistance similar to that conferred by the ‘immunity’ gene X1 (also called RXact).  相似文献   

The peer-reviewed marine pharmacology literature from 2009 to 2011 is presented in this review, following the format used in the 1998–2008 reviews of this series. The pharmacology of structurally-characterized compounds isolated from marine animals, algae, fungi and bacteria is discussed in a comprehensive manner. Antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, antituberculosis, and antiviral pharmacological activities were reported for 102 marine natural products. Additionally, 60 marine compounds were observed to affect the immune and nervous system as well as possess antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory effects. Finally, 68 marine metabolites were shown to interact with a variety of receptors and molecular targets, and thus will probably contribute to multiple pharmacological classes upon further mechanism of action studies. Marine pharmacology during 2009–2011 remained a global enterprise, with researchers from 35 countries, and the United States, contributing to the preclinical pharmacology of 262 marine compounds which are part of the preclinical pharmaceutical pipeline. Continued pharmacological research with marine natural products will contribute to enhance the marine pharmaceutical clinical pipeline, which in 2013 consisted of 17 marine natural products, analogs or derivatives targeting a limited number of disease categories.  相似文献   

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