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作物品种在省区域试验中的表现直接关系到它的推广应用,科学有效的区域试验是安徽省种子工程的重要环节.要全面评价区域试验的水平,应同时依据两项指标,一是试验精确度,是所有试验共有的一般性指标,反映着试验实施的好坏;二是品种比较精确度,是区试中特定试验设计下试验的属性,综合反映着试验设计的合理性以及试验实施的质量.  相似文献   

浙江省鲜食玉米品种区域试验的试验精确度与精度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对2001—2005年浙江省鲜食玉米区域试验的甜玉米和糯玉米组试验进行了单年单点的试验误差变异系数(CEV)和相对最小显著差数(RLSD0.05)分析。结果表明,区域试验中87.2%的试验误差变异系数小于10%,51.1%的试验的相对最小显著差数(RLSD0.05)小于10%,说明大部分试验的试验质量较高,部分试验的试验质量有待进一步提高。同时提出了提高试验精确度的主要途径。  相似文献   

玉米区域试验精确度分析及品种的灰色综合评判   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
农作物品种区域试验的结果能否从整体水平上客观真实地反映参试品种,与试验的质量和科学合理的评价方法密切相关.分析云南省2001~2002年玉米区域试验(南部组)的试验精确度,并运用灰色综合评判法对参试品种进行评价,结果表明云南省南部组区域试验的整体水平较高,试验误差控制得较好,数据可信.C608、改良892和靖99-69三个品种灰色评判为1级,与生产实际基本相符.  相似文献   

品种区域试验的精确度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 采用随机区组设计进行品种区域试验,在多重比较时,对照品种与参试品种的差异显著性可用最小显著差数法(L. S. D.)测验。由L. S. D. 可推导出CV≤D·(n/2)#+(1/2)/t#-α。由此可推算出一定概率平准保证下的精确度要求。按重复数3、4、5、6,推算了一定平均差数百分率(D=(B-A)/x(*+-)×100%)下,5%概率平准容许的最大变异系数,列于表1。对江苏省近几年来小麦、大麦区试的历史资料进行分析,其平均CV约为6%,这样水平的CV仅适于测验D>20%的试验。而这样大小的差异,在大麦和小麦近年来的区域试验中,分别仅占17%和30%以下。结果表明,各试验点现在的CV水平过高,必须予以降低。对改进区域试验精确度的途径进行了讨论。增加重复次数也许是最有效的途径之一。  相似文献   

我国作物品种区域试验的精确研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
根据1982年以来我国部分作物品种区域试验的资料,对比研究棉花、小麦、水稻和玉米试验的试验精确度(EP)和品种比较精确度(VCP)。结果表明,棉花和玉米区试的EP及一年一点试验的VCP普遍低于小麦和水稻,其试验误差有待降低;棉花一点两年试验的VCP严重不足,平均低于25%,各种作物一年多点试验的VCP控制得较好,其平均均在10%以内或左右;但多年多点的试验的VCP在不同试验中差别较大,其差异主要表现在同一种作物的不同组别间。最后,针对区试中存在的精度问题,总结提出提高区精度的各种途径。  相似文献   

小麦品种区域试验精确度及精度分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
本文分析了全国小麦区试长江上游组1998和1999年42点次试验的试验精确度和试验精度。结果表明现遥区试试验精确度较高而试验精度不高,研究还表明CEV与RLSD。值间存在函数关系,且RLSDα与以LSDα法进行品种间多重比较时的结果是一致的。本文也对区试江总研究工作中所遇的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

江苏省水稻品种区域试验的精度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以误差变异系数(CEV)和相对最小显著差数(RLSDα)为参数,分析了江苏省水稻品种区域试验1983~1992年中粳组和1999~2003年(缺2001年)迟熟中粳组的试验精度。结果表明:①1年单点试验中,约有85%点次的中粳组和90%点次的迟熟中粳组的CEV<5%,但仅有45.7%点次的试验能鉴别出5%的产量差异,因此1年单点的试验精确度较高,而品种比较精确度则有待提高;②1年多点所有点次试验的CEV和RLSD0.05均小于5.0%,即以多点试验为基础的水稻品种区域试验的精度较高;③根据1年单点试验的精度对试点进行取舍时必须慎重。  相似文献   

分析2011-2013年大理州大麦新品种(系)区域试验精确度。结果表明,不论是1年1点、1年多点、2年1点还是2年多点试验,其误差变异系数均小于10%,说明本轮区域试验误差控制得较好,区域试验整体水平能达到一定要求,数据准确可信。品种比较精确度分析中,1年多点和2年多点试验层次上的品种比较精确度最好,均可鉴别出超过对照品种6.91%以上的差异;1年1点试验层次上的品种比较精确度次之,有25%的试点可鉴别出超过对照品种10%的差异,66.7%的试点能鉴别出15%的差异;2年1点试验层次上的品种比较精确度最差,仅有16.7%的试点能鉴别出15%的差异。本轮区试,鹤庆试点的品种比较精确度最好,云龙试点次之,大理和弥渡试点也能达到一定的水平,祥云试点精确度不好,巍山试点的精确度最差,应总结各个试点区试经验加以改进。  相似文献   

保山市啤饲大麦区域试验质量评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
区域试验的准确性和可靠性对能否正确选出优良品种供生产、示范尤为重要。通过对2007年至2008年保山市啤饲大麦区试中数据进行质量分析,从试验精确度(EP)和品种比较精确度(VCP)对本轮区试的质量进行评价,结果表明,在田间试验中只有严格按照试验规程最大限度地降低试验误差,才能得出准确可靠的试验数据,从而保证试验质量。  相似文献   

利用非线性规划进行作物品种区域试验方案的优化   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以试验费用最小为目的构建目标函数、根据区域试验的精度要求构建约束方程,提出确定作物品种区域试验最佳年份数、试点数和重复数的非线性规划模型,阐述了实际应用中确定模型中和项参数以及规划求解的具体方法,并以黄河流域棉花品种区域试验为例作了分析。同时改进提出反映区域试验精度的综合性指标(DRD),对相关问题作了讨论。  相似文献   

According to the basic concepts of precision and the principles of analysis of variance (ANOVA), precision types for experiments and variety comparison in regional crop trials (RCT) were studied and developed; expected variety comparison precision (EVCP) and realized variety comparison precision (RVCP) and the corresponding statistical indexes of them were proposed. It was explained that experimental precision (EP) and variety comparison precision (VCP) are two kinds of precision of RCT; EP includes error precision and variety mean precision, which can be measured respectively by the coefficient of variation of single observation‘s error (CVe) and the coefficient of variation of variety mean‘s error (CVY); VCP includes EVCP and RVCP, which can be measured respectively by the detectable least relative difference (DLRD) and the relative least significant distance (RLSD); EP is an important factor of VCP but not identical to it; RVCP is the realization of EVCP. Besides error, experimental design and GE interaction and ANOVA model affect VCP. Several application examples for these precision indexes were presented, and the precision of regional cotton trials in the Yellow River Valley and the Changjiang Valley were investigated through the historical data of RCTs from 1980 to 1999.  相似文献   

2000—2015年国家黄淮和北部冬麦区域试验品种品质分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
【目的】分析各区试组小麦品种品质差异和年度品质变化,探讨各区试组品质育种存在的问题和发展趋势。【方法】对2000—2015年北部冬麦区和黄淮冬麦区985个参试品种的容重、蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、沉淀指数和面团流变学特性进行测定,分析各区试组强筋品种、中强筋品种和中筋品种比例及8个主要品质性状变化。【结果】各区试组参试品种以中筋品种为主,平均占品种量78%;强筋品种和中强筋品种比例较小,各占11%。区试组之间各品种类型比例存在差异,从参试品种看,黄淮冬麦区北片水地组(13%)、黄淮冬麦区南片冬水组(11%)和黄淮冬麦区南片春水组(16%)的强筋品种比例高于北部冬麦区组(6%)和黄淮冬麦区旱地组(7%);黄淮冬麦区南片冬水组(20%)的中强筋品种比例最大,北部冬麦区组(5%)比例最小。从审定品种看,黄淮冬麦区南片冬水组强筋品种(4%)和中强筋品种(10%)比例最大,其次为黄淮冬麦区南片春水组(3%、6%);黄淮冬麦区南片冬水组(17%)和黄淮冬麦区南片春水组(19%)中筋品种比例高于其他区试组。受区试组品种结构影响,各区试组小麦质量总体表现为中筋品质,蛋白质含量和湿面筋含量平均值较高,而沉淀指数、稳定时间、拉伸面积和最大拉伸阻力平均值一般。区试组之间参试品种品质差异较大,黄淮冬麦区北片水地组、黄淮冬麦区南片冬水组和春水组容重平均值高于北部冬麦区组和黄淮冬麦区旱地组,而蛋白质含量和湿面筋含量与之相反;北部冬麦区组强筋品种和中强筋品种稳定时间平均值高于其他区试组;黄淮冬麦区春水组各类型品种拉伸面积和最大拉伸阻力平均值均高于其他区试组。各区试组品质性状年度变化趋势大致相同:容重、稳定时间、拉伸面积和最大拉伸阻力呈上升趋势,吸水量呈下降趋势,蛋白质含量和湿面筋含量呈持平趋势,沉淀指数呈先升后降趋势。【结论】中国小麦品质育种进展缓慢,区试组之间发展不平衡,影响相应生产区小麦品种结构和质量。国家小麦区试应加强对不同品质类型优质小麦的重视,改善小麦品质结构,提高小麦品种质量。  相似文献   

 利用棉花远缘杂交技术,用海岛棉(G.barbadense)、野生瑟伯氏棉(G.thurberi)、陆地棉(G.hirsutum)进行杂交,对杂交铃喷(滴)GA3(50ppm)、NAA(40ppm)、杂种胚离体培养,试管内染色体加倍,对获得的种间杂种进行回交较育,南繁北育,异地鉴定选育而成棉花新品种“石远321”。1993~1994年国家黄河流域棉花品种区域试验,亩产子棉、皮棉、霜前皮棉均居八个参试品种第一位,其中霜前皮棉产量885 kg/hm2,比对照增产19.7%,是1982~2000年19年间国家黄河流域棉花品种区域试验中霜前皮棉增产幅度最大的一个品种。  相似文献   

李爱国  赵丽芬  赵国忠 《安徽农业科学》2006,34(9):1812-1813,1815
用海岛棉(G.barbadense)、野生瑟伯氏棉(G.thurberi)、陆地棉(G.hirsutum)进行杂交,通过对杂交铃喷(滴)GA3(50 mg/kg)、NAA(40mg/kg)、杂种胚离体培养,试管内染色体加倍,克服了杂交后代的不亲和性及杂种不育性,杂种后代各种性状长期疯狂分离性,对获得的种间杂种进行回交转育,南繁北育,异地鉴定,经20个世代选育成棉花新品种“石远321”。它是3个棉种远缘杂交育成的第1个三元(HBT)杂交新品种,在国内、国际文献中未见有育成同类品种的报道。1993~1994年国家黄河流域棉花品种区域试验中,“石远321”霜前皮棉885 kg/hm2,比对照“中棉所12号”增产19.7%,是1982~2000年19年间家黄河流域棉花品种区域试验中霜前皮棉增产幅度最大的一个品种。该品种2001年获国家科技进步二等奖。  相似文献   

[Objective] This study was to analyze the high yielding, stability, adaptabil-ity and main characteristics of check cultivars in national cotton regional trials in the Yangtze River Val ey in 2000-2013, with the aim to provide theoretical basis for the reasonable selection of check cultivars for cotton regional trials. [Method] GGE biplot analysis method was used to carry out the intensive analysis and comprehensive comparisons on the performances and differences of the 9 major characters of check cultivars, namely, lint cotton yield , stability, and other main traits including bol weight, bol number, lint percentage, fiber length, fiber strength, micronaire val-ue, plant height and seed index. [Result] Ezamian 10 was suitable in the majority of cotton planting regions in the Yangtze River Val ey, with the best high yielding abili-ty and perfect yield stability. The yielding ability of Xiangzamian 8 ranked the sec-ond, but its stability was the poorest. Xiangzamian 8 was of the specific adaptive cultivar with relatively good performance in high yielding but the poorest stability. The suitable planting areas of Xiangzamian 8 were limited to the cotton planting re-gion around Dongting Lake in Hunan province, Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province, the Coastal region in Jiangsu Province and Wuhan district in Hubei Province. Xi-angzamian 2 performanced poorer in both yielding and stability, while Simian 3 ranked first in stability but the last in yielding ability. The dominant character of Xi-angzamian 8 and Xiangzamian 2 were high cotton plants and big bol s. Simian 3 performanced super in lint percentage and fiber length. Ezamian 10 was strong in cotton bol formation ability, lint cotton yielding, fiber strength and seed size, as wel as high micronaire value. [Conclusion] The outstanding performance of Ezamian 10 in high and stable yield in the Yangtze River Val ey in recent years has effectively promoted the high yielding ability of candidate varieties in cotton regional trials in the area.  相似文献   

Using a three-line system of Shaan 2A cytoplasmic male sterility, a hybrid variety rapeseed, Zhongyouza 11, was developed by the combination of traditional methods and a molecular marker-assisted breeding technique. This hybrid variety had high grain yield, high oil content, wide adaptability, and good quality. The oil content of Zhongyouza 11 is steadily above 43% in the three ecological regions along the Yangtze River valley, which is the largest winter oilseed production area in China. The highest oil content of Zhongyouza 11 reached 46.68% in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River valley in 2003-2004, which was the highest among all lines involved in the national regional rapeseed variety trials. In the regional yield trials in Hubei Province, the average yield of Zhongyouza 11 reached 2 853 kg ha-1 (2002-2004), yielding more than the control variety Zhongshuang 6 by 11.34%. In the national trials, the yield of Zhongyouza 11 reached 2 405.7, 2 697.3, and 2 770.2 kg ha-1 in the upper, middle, and lower reaches of the Yangtze River valley, yielding more than the control varieties by 11.52, 12.9, and 14.92%, respectively, in 2003-2005. Both the high oil content and high grain yield contributed to the high oil yield of Zhongyouza 11. The oil yield of Zhongyouza 11 in the national trials reached 1083.3, 1210.2, and 1224.8 kg ha-1, yielding more than the controls by 29.42, 27.65, and 20.98%, respectively, in the upper, middle, and lower reaches of the Yangtze River valley. The highest oil yield reached 1369.65 kg ha-1 in the middle reach of the Yangtze River valley(2003-2004), with an increase of 46.21% compared to the control. The experimental sites distributed widely along the Yangtze River valley, cover most of the Chinese winter rapeseed production areas. Among the 89 experimental location/years, the yield of Zhongyouza 11 surpassed the controls at 77 location/years in the trials, indicating its wide adaptability.Zhongyouza 11 was the only one that passed the national regional trials in all three regions along the Yangtze River valley simultaneously in 2005. It is also the first rapeseed variety that contained seed oil exceeding 46% and passed the national regional trials. This study shows that heterosis prediction by the means of estimation of genetic distance between parental lines using single sequence repeat (SSR) and sequence related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers is an efficient way for the reduction of tedious field trials and the acceleration of breeding procedure.  相似文献   

针对目前农作物区域试验汇总中"品种综述"内容编写效率低、易出错的现状,利用Word软件的邮件合并功能构建了农作物区试汇总"品种综述"批量生成系统。以长江流域国家油菜区域试验数据为例介绍了该方法的构建过程,为提高区域试验汇总效率、降低出错率提供了简便可行的方法。  相似文献   

抗虫杂交棉新品种邯杂306的高产稳产性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用2002年和2003年河北省春播棉区域试验数据,利用高稳系数法和通用分析法,对杂交棉品种邯杂306的高产稳产性进行了分析。2种方法的分析结果均表明:邯杂306属于超高产、稳产型棉花杂交种。该品种适宜于黄河流域棉区种植,产量高,稳产性好,适应性广,具有广阔的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

长江中下游地区水稻产量差及分布特征研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
结合我国水稻生产实际,构建了水稻产量差定量化研究模型,并对长江中下游地区水稻产量差进行了定量化研究。结果表明:长江中下游地区早稻、中稻、晚稻的潜在产量、高产试验产量、品种区试产量和大田平均产量之间存在显著的产量差,其中大田平均产量与品种区试产量间的产量差(GV)分别为2 024、1 455和1 835kg/hm2;与高产试验产量间的产量差(GE)分别为3 864、5 196和4 601kg/hm2;与潜在产量间的产量差(GM)为9 990、15 135和13 246kg/hm2,区内水稻产量提升空间较大。早稻、中稻、晚稻不同层次产量差在各省份间的分布差异很大;同一省内,同一层次产量差在不同季节类型水稻间的表现也不同。但从整个区域来看,GV:早稻>晚稻>中稻,GE和GM均为:中稻>晚稻>早稻。因此,发展双季稻,恢复双季稻的面积是短期内提升该区水稻总产的有效途径。  相似文献   

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