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西藏色季拉山区野生果类资源及其利用前景   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
罗大庆  郑维列 《果树科学》1998,15(3):283-288
色季拉山区野生果类资源丰富,初步调查有70种,其中蔷薇科的种类占60%;在蔷薇科中花楸属,悬钩子属,蔷薇属和李属又占70%以上,鲜食价值高的种类不多,仅占36%,其余大多数为酿酒兼食用的种类,该地区野果资源水平分布均匀,垂直分布多信可在中低海拔地带,海拔3800m以上的种类仅占17%,夏秋采收的种类占92%,利用价值较高的种类有光核桃,沙棘,核桃,粉枝莓,峨眉蔷薇,桃儿七等。  相似文献   

色季拉山区野生果类资源丰富,初步调查有70种。其中蔷薇科的种类占60%;在蔷薇科中花楸属、悬钩子属、蔷薇属和李属又占70%以上。鲜食价值高的种类不多,仅占36%,其余大多数为酿酒兼食用的种类。该地区野果资源水平分布均匀,垂直分布多集中在中低海拔地带,海拔3800m以上的种类仅占17%。夏秋采收的种类占92%。利用价值较高的种类有光核桃、沙棘、核桃、粉枝莓、峨眉蔷薇、桃儿七等。  相似文献   

通过野外实地考察和形态分类学的方法,对新疆西昆仑山的天然林木进行了系统的调查研究,并对其区系组成及特点进行分析。结果表明:新疆西昆仑山属于干旱山区,天然林木有17科25属54种,其中该区新记录有6种。该植物区系中,林木科、属的丰富度相对较高,但种类较少,各科仅含1~3属,无含10种以上的大科;杨柳科与蔷薇科为较大科,含5属16种。单属科与含2~5种的寡种科均为11科,所占比例均达64.71%;单种属与寡种属二者共计24属含47种,占该区植物属、种总数的96.00%和87.04%;它们构成该天然林木区系科、属的主要组成部分,也说明该区域自然环境比较恶劣,多数的科与属仅有1种或者少量种分布于此。该区天然林木种类不多,但多数是该植物区系的优势种或建群种,在局部区域常形成单一或复合优势群落。区系的地理成分较为简单,共有5个分布型和4个变型,具明显的温带性质,与地中海、西亚、中亚区系有一定联系,而与东亚交流很少。  相似文献   

西安地区的野生植物十分丰富,其中分布在城市区的草本植物种类繁多,对城市的环境及生物多样性保护具有重要的价值,同时也是城市景观的组成部分。一些科属植物具有较高的观赏价值和生态改善的作用。以西安城市区的野生草本花卉为研究对象,调查其植物种类及分布特点、形态特征,并分析了它们在城市园林景观中的应用价值。  相似文献   

对西藏菊科植物的组成、分布区类型、区系特征等进行统计和分析.结果表明:西藏菊科植物种类丰富,区系地理成分比较复杂,共有91属343种,其中单种属和少种属相对占优势;区系地理共有12个分布类型,以温带分布属带为主,占世界分布总属数的43.96%.  相似文献   

新疆野生果树及其分布格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据多年的野外调查和资料分析,首次较系统研究报道了新疆野生果树的种类、分布及现状,已知种类有102种(含变种、1亚种,不包括半野生果树),隶属10科,26属.新疆野生果树的种类分布北疆明显多于南疆.新疆野生果树的分布格局与地区的地理、气候等生态环境因子密切相关,呈现北疆多于南疆,西部比较丰富,山地多于平原的特点.从统计来看,分布在塔里木盆地的野生果树种类稍多于准噶尔盆地.就东西方向分布特点而论,无论是北疆还是南疆,野生果树多样性均表现为西部比较丰富,而东部比较贫乏,其原因主要是西部降水明显多于东部的.在新疆的几大山地中,天山山区的野生果树种类最为丰富,而昆仑山--阿尔金山和帕米尔高原最少,说明在干旱地区影响野生果树分布的生态因子中最重要的是水份条件.受降水条件的影响,新疆山地与平原野生果树物种多样性的差异十分明显,如塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地中,包括若干重复出现的种在内,两大盆地仅有19种,而仅分布在天山山区的野生果树就有80种.  相似文献   

羊肚菌属(Morchella)隶属于子囊菌亚门(Ascomycotina),盘菌纲(Discomycetes),盘菌目(Pezizales),羊肚菌科(Morchellaceae)。世界上的羊肚菌属有33个种,主要分布于亚洲、欧洲、北美洲及大洋洲等地区。  相似文献   

通过多年的野外调查及文献资料查阅,现已知豫北太行山高等孢子植物有305种(含种以下分类单位),隶属61科129属.其中,具有较高美化、绿化价值的约有41科,245种.结合各种生态因子将其划分为土生类群、石生类群、木生类群和水生类群等4种生态类型,并对其绿化价值进行了初步分析.  相似文献   

金龟子属鞘翅目金龟子科,其幼虫是蛴螬。目前已知种类达17000种,许多种类是果园的主要害虫,有的昼伏夜出,有的夜伏昼出,有的就地危害,有的迁移危害。  相似文献   

西藏野生食用菌资源研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
野生食用菌生于自然界,比栽培种具有更丰富的矿质营养,并且不受药物的污染,是一类有着广阔开发前途的自然资源。西部开发的一项重要内容就是野生自然资源的开发。为此,我们对西藏的野生食用菌资源进行了研究,结果表明,西藏共有野生食用菌94种,归属于12个科、40个属。本文报道了部分野生食用菌所属的科,以及在西藏的生态地理分布情况。 木耳 Aur中科院昆明植物所,Auricularia auricula(L.ex Hook.)Un-derw,分布八宿县、波密县和亚东县海拔3200~3300m云杉林下。 薄木耳 …  相似文献   

采用文献查阅、标本采集和实地调查的方法,研究了甘南州藏药用植物种质资源及分布情况。结果表明:甘南州藏药植物种质资源种类有88科299属625种,主要分布在西部、中东部、中北部、东南部高山峡谷4个地区。且大多数药用植物种类具有很高的保健价值和经济价值。  相似文献   

Much of what is known about avian species-habitat relations has been derived from studies of birds at local scales. It is entirely unclear whether the relations observed at these scales translate to the larger landscape in a predictable linear fashion. We derived habitat models and mapped predicted abundances for three forest bird species of eastern North America using bird counts, environmental variables, and hierarchical models applied at three spatial scales. Our purpose was to understand habitat associations at multiple spatial scales and create predictive abundance maps for purposes of conservation planning at a landscape scale given the constraint that the variables used in this exercise were derived from local-level studies. Our models indicated a substantial influence of landscape context for all species, many of which were counter to reported associations at finer spatial extents. We found land cover composition provided the greatest contribution to the relative explained variance in counts for all three species; spatial structure was second in importance. No single spatial scale dominated any model, indicating that these species are responding to factors at multiple spatial scales. For purposes of conservation planning, areas of predicted high abundance should be investigated to evaluate the conservation potential of the landscape in their general vicinity. In addition, the models and spatial patterns of abundance among species suggest locations where conservation actions may benefit more than one species.  相似文献   

耿玉英 《中国园艺文摘》2010,26(11):36-38,F0002,F0003,F0004
《中国植物志》记录西藏自然分布的杜鹃花种类有180多种,其中有许多种为当地特有。尤其是西藏东南部是中国杜鹃花分布最丰富的地区之一,与云南、四川共同形成世界杜鹃花分布中心。文章是对林芝地区部分杜鹃花资源的考察记录,同时也对部分种类的分类问题提出讨论。  相似文献   

核桃属种质资源的EST-SSR标记研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
 用18对EST-SSR引物对核桃属(Juglans L.)中的6个黑核桃组(Sect. Rhysocayon)样品、14个核桃楸组(Sect. Cardiocaryon)样品、28个核桃组(Sect. Juglans)样品和山核桃属(Carya Nutt)中的4个长山核桃(C. illinoinensis Koch.)样品进行了PCR扩增。在18个EST-SSR位点上共获得110个等位基因,每个位点扩增等位基因3 ~ 10个,平均6.1个;各位点的观察杂合度为0.057 ~ 0.574,平均为0.323;各位点PIC值在0.3723 ~ 0.8795之间,平均为0.6890。18对EST-SSR引物在长山核桃、黑核桃组、核桃楸组、铁核桃和核桃样品中,EST-SSR位点平均有效扩增率分别为87.5%、96.3%、98.8%、100%和99.8%,说明核桃EST-SSR在种、属间具有良好的通用性。聚类分析表明:在属间和核桃属内组间的聚类清晰,结果与传统分类一致。在核桃种内,参试样品可分为新疆、华北和西藏3个地理生态型,来自陕西的核桃样品与来自北京、山东、河南的样品混聚在一起,表明陕西核桃与华北核桃应属于同一地理生态型。在铁核桃种内,‘金沙江铁核桃1’、‘金沙江铁核桃2’与‘永平铁核桃1’聚为铁核桃种。‘三台’和‘丽江铁核桃1’铁核桃样品,还有‘丽江核桃1’与西藏核桃聚在一起,说明‘丽江核桃1’应属于西藏核桃地理生态型,并且部分铁核桃与西藏核桃的亲缘关系较近。这可能是由于铁核桃与核桃混生,自然杂交使一些铁核桃后代含有了核桃基因。  相似文献   

西藏色季拉山铁线莲种质资源及其生境类型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
色季拉山有铁线莲13种,其中7种仅分布于东坡,1种仅分布于西坡。其生境类型可分类亚热带森林型,暖温带森林型、温型森林型和林缘广布型,以暖温型森林型和温带森林型的种类居多。观赏型可分为常绿型,薄膜型和厚萼型,以厚萼型居多。俞氏铁线莲处于濒危状态。  相似文献   

为筛选适合西藏种植的辣椒品种,对引进的O8H3、O4H7、O5H16、O6H15等4个参试品种进行品比试验,并以当地主栽品种华美1号为对照(CK)。试验结果表明,O4H7、O6H15与华美1号(CK)熟性接近,为早熟品种,具有提前上市的优势,而O8H3、O5H16相比CK成熟较晚,但后期表现坐果集中,具有较好的丰产性;除O4H7品种微辣外,其余品种都为西藏消费者所喜爱的辣味品种;从抗逆性、抗病性、辣味等方面综合评比.引进的4个品种均适合在西藏地区推广种植。  相似文献   

In eastern North America, large forest patches have been the primary target of biodiversity conservation. This conservation strategy ignores land units that combine to form the complex emergent rural landscapes typical of this region. In addition, many studies have focussed on one wildlife group at a single spatial scale. In this paper, studies of avian and anuran populations at regional and landscape scales have been integrated to assess the ecological value of agricultural mosaics in southern Ontario on the basis of the maintenance of faunal biodiversity. Field surveys of avian and anuran populations were conducted between 2001 and 2004 at the watershed and sub-watershed levels. The ecological values of land units were based on a combination of several components including species richness, species of conservation concern (rarity), abundance, and landscape parameters (patch size and connectivity). It was determined that habitats such as thicket swamps, coniferous plantations and cultural savannas can play an important role in the overall biodiversity and ecological value of the agricultural landscape. Thicket swamps at the edge of agricultural fields or roads provided excellent breeding habitat for anurans. Coniferous plantations and cultural savannas attracted many birds of conservation concern. In many cases, the land units that provided high ecological value for birds did not score well for frogs. Higher scores for avian and anuran populations were recorded along the Niagara Escarpment and other protected areas as expected. However, some private land areas scored high, some spatially connected to the protected areas and therefore providing an opportunity for private land owners to enter into a management arrangement with the local agencies.  相似文献   

为了明确西藏地区果园昆虫种类组成及多样性,对该地区果园昆虫种类、数量进行了系统调查,分析探讨了西藏地区低、中、高3个不同海拔区域果园昆虫群落的组成、群落丰富度、多样性、均匀度和优势度等特征。结果表明,在不同海拔的昆虫种类组成具有明显差异。调查共采集到昆虫标本877个,隶属13目47科71种,其中,低海拔地区共51种,占比71.83%;中海拔地区17种,占比23.94%;高海拔地区11种,占比15.49%。低海拔地区物种丰富度最高,为7.7344,高海拔地区最低,为2.1762;昆虫群落物种多样性、群落均匀度、群落相似性也随海拔的升高而降低,而优势集中度则随海拔升高而增大。在果园生态系统中,不同海拔生产者(果树种类)垂直分布的不同,消费者(果树昆虫,包括害虫及天敌)的组成及多样性亦不同;西藏东南部地区果园昆虫在低海拔生境中群落较为丰富,多样性指数、均匀度最高;高海拔地区群落优势度最高。  相似文献   

Agricultural land abandonment, widespread in the Mediterranean, is leading to a recovery of scrubland and forests which are replacing open habitats and increasing wildfire events. Using published data, we modelled the global and regional impact of abandonment and wildfires on 554 species of terrestrial vertebrates occurring in Mediterranean Europe. For all groups except amphibians, open habitats or farmland sustained higher species richness. Open habitats showed regional differences in their conservation value, western areas being particularly important for birds and amphibians and eastern areas for reptiles. Scrublands hosted fewer species than open habitats, farmland and forest, but sustained several endemic birds and mammals. The greater species richness of forests was mostly due to species widespread in Europe. Wildfires promote scrubland expansion in detriment of forest; because more species are associated to eastern forests, fire is predicted to affect more seriously this region. Scrubland conservation value was found to be highest in the west, where fire might have a positive impact. Fire regime, however, plays a crucial role. Although large fires have a negative impact, small-scale fires may favour biodiversity in abandoned areas. Due to the intrinsic difficulty in managing abandoned land to preserve the original Mediterranean vertebrate diversity, the best option to achieve this goal is the development of policies designed to make farmers and traditional farmland survive.  相似文献   

Land use history has altered natural disturbance dynamics, causing widespread modifications of the earth’s forests. The aim of this study is to reconstruct a regional, spatially-explicit, fire and logging history for a large southern boreal forest landscape (6,050 km2) of eastern Canada. We then examined the long-term influence of land use history, fires, and physiographical gradients on the area’s disturbances regimes, present-day age structure and tree species composition. Spatially-explicit fire (1820–2005) and logging (1900–2005) histories were reconstructed from forestry maps, terrestrial forest inventories and historical records (local newspapers, travel notes, regional historical reviews). Logistic regression was used to model the occurrence of major boreal tree species at the regional scale, in relation to their disturbance history and physiographical variables. The interplay of elevation and fire history was found to explain a large part of the present-day distribution of the four species studied. We conclude that human-induced fires following the colonization activities of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have increased fire frequency and the dominance of fire-adapted species at lower elevations. At higher elevations, the low historical fire frequency has fostered the dominance of fire-sensitive species. Twentieth-century forestry practices and escaped settlement fires have generated a forest landscape dominated by younger forest habitats than in presettlement times. The expected increase of wildfire activity in North America’s eastern boreal forest, in conjunction with continued forest management, could have significant consequences on the resilience of boreal forests.  相似文献   

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