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法国猪场采用EFS系统 法国一座可容纳250头妊娠母猪的新猪场目前正式投产使用.该猪场规模为400头基础母猪.新建妊娠猪舍采用稻草垫料群养的生产方式.该猪舍采用自然通风,在漏缝地板上装备有5个Nedap Velos自动喂料器.这些喂料器与中央隔离单元相结合,对舍内面积进行了明确分区.这样不仅能够降低应激水平,而且还能鼓励母猪在有限的、专门的区域排粪.该猪舍配备自动发情检测系统,持续观察母猪对公猪的反应.母猪行为发生变化的时候会进行分析,适当的时候会发出发情指示.  相似文献   

利用光合菌以不同比例分别与小球藻、卵囊藻、莱茵衣藻和斜生栅藻进行混合建立菌藻共生系统,以此系统来处理猪场废水,分别测定处理后废水的COD、TN、NH4+-N、TP等指标,并与对应单一微藻处理效果进行比较.结果显示,菌藻共生系统对猪场废水的净化效果优于单一微藻,其中斜生栅藻菌藻比1:35组在去除猪场废水COD、TN方面效...  相似文献   

根据美国伊阿华州养猪业记录系统的数据,是猪场管理的好坏,而非猪场规模的大小,造成了猪场盈利与否的差别,而且这一差别是非常显著的.  相似文献   

孟庆利 《中国猪业》2022,17(4):96-98
猪场数字智能化管理是猪场管理发展的方向,数字智能化管理可以详细记录生猪养殖关键环节的生产经营数据,形成了生猪养殖过程可追溯、猪场生物安全有保障、生猪安全生产有保证的管理模式。在此基础上,数字智能化管理还可以助力猪场的管理水平提升和生产成本的降低。鉴于此,本文介绍了猪场智能巡检系统、猪只盘点估重系统、猪场智能洗消系统及猪场智能生产管理系统等在猪场的应用情况,为猪场数字智能化管理系统应用提供参考。  相似文献   

生猪饲养是畜牧业生产中的重要组成部分,同时,也是保证正常食品供应的重要方面.随着现代化饲养方式的快速发展,集约化饲养方式越来越受到青睐,各种类型的猪场数量大量增加.在这样的情况下,加强猪场的日常管理,尤其是加强猪场的疾病预防日益成为当前生猪饲养当中需要高度重视的问题.本文就当前猪场疾病预防的现状进行了总结分析,并提出了加强猪场疾病预防的方法.  相似文献   

自家苗,实际上主要应用于猪场自然发病的防治中.将其病例中的病原体及组织进行提取稀释,消灭其中的活性,加入佐剂制作而成.在我国,自家苗在大部分猪场中得到了广泛的应用,也取得了相应的效果.本文针对有关学者的言论,针对猪场疫病防治中自家苗的效果和风险进行分析探讨.希望能为提高我国各地区猪场疫病防治能力提供参考性建议.  相似文献   

规模化猪场猪瘟的预防与控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
控制和净化猪瘟是养猪业健康发展的关键.为了有效控制规模化猪场猪瘟的发生,对规模化猪场猪瘟的流行特点、发病规律、防控措施进行了探讨,旨在为规模化猪场猪瘟预防与控制提供一些参考依据,以避免经济损失,提高猪场的经济效益.  相似文献   

笔者参加了为期一年的美国内布拉斯加州仔猪繁育专场研修,努力学习美国先进猪场管理经验。现将其整理成文,供行业内同事朋友参考,请批评指正。大型猪场通过自动控制系统进行饲料投喂和猪舍室温控制。美国人力成本较贵,该场很早就采用自动控制系统,通过多年的设备更新和完善,整套系统运转良好。一、喂料系统为保持高效和精确的饲料投喂,一般大型猪场都通过自动喂料系统进行饲料的投喂。笔者所在的仔猪繁  相似文献   

张金辉 《猪业科学》2008,25(2):47-48
养猪行情很好的时候有的猪场也赔本,为什么会出现这样的现象呢?这是因为一个猪场能否赢利很大一部分原因取决于老板的管理.例如某猪场有基础母猪500头,在养猪行情非常好的2007年却亏损了13万元.笔者就这个猪场的情况为例进行分析,提出个人的一些见解,希望对大家管理好自己的猪场有所借鉴.  相似文献   

本文从规模化猪场疫病防控难的原因以及规模化猪场疫病防控的对策两个方面对规模化猪场疫病防控问题进行了有益探索,仅供参考.  相似文献   

平衡与非平衡生态学下的放牧系统管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究回顾了干旱和半干旱放牧系统管理的平衡与非平衡生态学原理,指出了放牧系统管理的生态学基础由平衡生态学向非平衡生态学转变的趋势.对干旱和半干旱放牧系统植被动态非平衡特征进行总结,强调事件-驱动过程在植被动态中的作用,并指出这些非平衡特征对放牧系统管理的涵义.最后,讨论了平衡与非平衡生态学原理对放牧系统管理的适用性,并且以内蒙古锡林河流域草原灌丛化为例,说明了该地半干旱放牧系统管理中引进非平衡生态学观念的必要性.  相似文献   

美国、澳大利亚家禽食品安全管理体系的发展及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家禽食品安全对家禽业发展至关重要,因此研究和借鉴发达国家家禽食品安全的管理、控制体系对我国制定家禽食品安全法规、规范企业行业生产具有重要意义。目前,相关研究主要集中在食品安全方面,但从家禽角度研究发达国家与中国食品安全对比的报道不多。中国家禽食品安全管理从养殖、屠宰加工、储藏运输、零售批发等方面均与国际发达国家有较大差距,未来中国家禽食品安全管理体系的发展应该从这4个方面入手制定相应法律法规,加强监控管理,完善产业体系。  相似文献   

我国高校危机管理状况不容乐观,高校危机事件时有发生。目前高校危机管理存在的问题主要表现为:危机意识淡薄、缺乏专门常设的危机管理机构、缺乏制度化和系统化的应对机制,即高校普遍缺乏应对危机的制度性平台和应急管理规则。因此,建构危机管理体系是当前高校亟待解决的一个重要问题。高校危机管理体系的建构包括组织机构的设置、危机决策机制的建立、危机沟通机制的建立和危机控制机制的建立等四个方面。其中组织机构是基础,决策机制是关键,沟通机制是桥梁,控制机制是核心,四者自成一体又相互联结,共同构成一个完整的高校危机管理体系。  相似文献   

吴丹  王凯  李稳  蔡更元 《猪业科学》2020,37(8):92-96
畜禽粪便科学管理在目前国内的集约化养殖中是不可或缺的环节。畜禽粪便管理体系涵盖多方面,文章主要从粪便的危害、粪便的产量、粪便的用处、如何合理利用粪便管理系统以及对粪便处理的不同策略这5个方面出发,对猪场粪便高效处理提出建议,希望能对养殖企业今后加强畜禽粪便管理提供参考。  相似文献   

试论青藏高原草业系统生态危机主要成因及对策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
草业系统是青藏高原生态系统大惊讶时空异质景观,是该区域的生命支持系统,气候生态因子主导性、大尺度时空相悖性和灰色属性是青藏高原草业系统的显著特征。草业系统通过自身适应机制,调控来自地境及其它系统的胁迫,从而实现脆弱的动态平衡。生态危机症状发生在青藏高原草业系统的3个界面:牧草--地景界面、草地--动物界面、草畜--经营管理界面。疏探经营管理是青藏高原草业系统生态危机的发动机和催化剂,可以用经营者--投入等多方面无序,构建新的经营管理系统是遏制生态危机、恢复生态平衡的根本出路。  相似文献   

张秀珍  马英杰 《中国饲料》2021,1(9):106-109
在互联网和通信产业的推动下,数字经济时代已经到来。对于饲料企业而言,数字经济能够降低其经营成本并带来规模效应。饲料企业的管理会计活动可以协助管理层做出科学的战略决策,并整合企业内部资源,提升品牌影响力和市场竞争力。针对现阶段饲料企业管理会计活动中存在的理念落后、创新不足、人力资源总体素质偏低等问题,本文分析了数字经济对饲料企业经营管理的影响,并从战略管理方式、薪酬管理体系与员工业务评价方法及信息平台和信息系统构建等多个视角,研究了实现饲料企业管理会计创新的举措。 [关键词] 数字经济|饲料企业|管理会计|战略管理  相似文献   

Dracunculiasis (Guinea worm disease) is a parasitic disease which is endemic in 18 African and two Asian countries. It has a marked potential for eradication by a combination of water supply management, health education and controlled medical intervention. While data on the disease are, in many cases, both in short supply and unreliable, increasingly the tools of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) are becoming important components of the eradication effort. In particular, remotely sensed data from LANDSAT have allowed the identification and location of remote and small settlements in dracunculiasis-endemic areas. When coupled with additional information available in remotely sensed data from LANDSAT, and when used in conjunction with a GIS containing digitized maps and field data collected from hand-held global positioning system receivers, the eradication effort has developed an epidemiological tool of potential power. While at first this system is finding uses in managing existing data in a unified inventory, the system shows potential for use as an effective management decision-making tool as the control effort moves from disease reduction to disease eradication. This paper will use a single province within one country, the Zou Province of Benin, to demonstrate the varied data sources involved in the system, the software and hardware components of the system, and to discuss the specific problems involved in using the system in the field. Of particular consideration, and of potential use to other similar programs, is a consideration of the management and implementation of the system. The paper concludes that a combination of remote sensing and GIS technologies offers the epidemiologist a new and important means by which to effectively implement solutions to public health management problems.  相似文献   

We examine how the system of grazing management of cattle in savanna rangelands affects the herd response to drought. We have used long-term time series data to evaluate the effects of management on drought-induced cattle mortality using traditional livestock management practices. There was no control of stocking densities, as compared to a government ranch where stocking densities would be adjusted in accordance with available pasture. We tested the responses under two scenarios. Scenario 1: Response of cattle herds to inter-annual rainfall variability (IRV) under a regulated grazing management system; this provides more reliable predictions of cattle population and performance in terms of herd mortality and calving rates than does the communal land use system. Scenario 2: Regardless of the management system, similar trends in cattle populations will be observed in response to IRV. The results of the study showed that fluctuations in cattle numbers, herd mortality and calving rates were highly correlated with IRV, with stronger linear impacts in accordance with scenario 2. In both management systems, cattle herd sizes and calving rates declined during periods of drought, followed by slow recovery. Cattle populations in Borana rangelands in southern Ethiopia did not recover for a period of two decades. We conclude that a management system based on control of stocking densities did not improve herd survival, as compared with traditional drought management strategies. This contradicts common expectations. Increased drought frequencies aggravated cattle mortality and lowered calving rates. The implication of the findings is that regardless of adjusted stocking density, livestock populations in the arid savanna ecosystems of southern Ethiopia remain at risk from climate change.  相似文献   

From 1992 to 1995, 0.15% (n=3916) of the bovids (cattle and buffalo) in Sri Lanka were sampled, using a multi-stage sampling procedure. Serum antibodies for Brucella abortus were detected using the indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The age, the agroecological zone and the management system practiced in the farms of the sampled bovids were studied as risk factors for seropositivity.The overall seroprevalence of brucellosis in cattle was 4.7% (n=3076) and 4.2% in buffaloes (n=840). Bovids that were over 3 years of age, from the dry zone (annual rainfall 20-35 in.), and reared under an extensive management system had higher odds of being seropositive. Bovids from the dry zone were at approximately six times higher odds of being seropositive even after controlling for the possible effects of age and management system. Approximately 75% of the seropositive males were from the dry zone. Most bovids (84%) from the dry zone in this study were reared under an extensive management system (free grazing) which allows unrestricted contact between animals. These factors may have contributed to the spread of brucellosis in bovids in the dry zone.This infection might be an important cause of abortion in bovids in Sri Lanka. However, there is also evidence of other causes for abortion, repeat breeding and retained placenta.  相似文献   

改革创新开拓蚕业现代化新局面   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
“十五”期间蚕业将面临从计划经济走向经济的重大改革。蚕茧流通体制改革、企业制度改革、事业单位改革都会给蚕业生产带来巨大冲击。蚕业必须深改革,加快体制创新和技术创新,从调整结构,形成专业化分工的区域区布局,探索桑地流转机制,扩大生产规模,加强生产基础,加快实用技术创新,实行产业化经营等方面入手,开拓蚕业现代化的新局面。  相似文献   

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