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用B超断层扫描装置通过直肠观察马、卵泡发育和黄体形成过程,发现排卵前7d到排卵前1d,马的最大卵泡发育与时间在致呈线性增长。在发情期、马、驴有多个卵泡发育?而且卵泡发育与气温变化有关。部分马、驴排卵后,观察到了血体与黄体的图像。  相似文献   

本研究旨在揭示德州母驴发情季节的卵巢卵泡波变化特点以了解其卵泡的募集、选择、优势化、闭锁或者排卵,为驴人工授精和超数排卵提供可靠依据.本研究在德州驴发情季节(5~8月份)用直肠超声探查法每日检测5头德州母驴的10个排卵间隔的卵泡发育动态.同时每日采血,用放免法(RIA)检测E2、FSH、LH和IGF-1浓度.研究结果发现:(1)驴的排卵间隔平均为(23.22±0.28)d,每个周期中存在2个卵泡波,其中有4个展示主-主卵泡波,有6个展示次-主卵泡波.(2)第1波和第2波开始出现募集的时间分别在排卵后的第1和第(10.2±1.4)天,募集的卵泡数分别为(5.2±1.2)和(4.0±0.3)个,选择的卵泡数分别是(2.3±0.5)和(2.5±0.4)个.第1和第2卵泡波开始优势化的时间分别在排卵后的第(5.8±0.6)和第(18.1±1.4)天.波峰平均出现时间分别为第(7.67±0.24)和第(23.22±0.28)天.波峰时优势卵泡平均最大直径分别为(26.44±2.37)和(40.7±2.45)mm.第1和第2波最大优势卵泡每日平均生长率分别为(2.01±0.5)和(3.15±0.6)mm·d-1.(3)黄体(CL)最大直径平均为(37.61±1.58)mm,CL平均持续时间为(17.30±1.62)d.(4)E2浓度从排卵前3d至排卵后2d的发情期内均很高,平均维持在(46.47±9.53)Pg·mL-1,在排卵前2d达到峰值(62.84±4.89)Pg·mL-1.(5)由于E2的负反馈作用,FSH浓度到优势卵泡最后阶段(即第7天闭锁或第23或24天排卵时)大幅度下降.(6)LH在排卵前几天迅速升高,在排卵后第2天达到峰值(4.69±0.43)mIU·mL-1.(7)IGF-1的升降状况与E2基本相同,在排卵前1d达到峰值(47.9±3.91)ng·mL-1.通过上述卵泡和激素动态学变化,本研究得出下述结论:驴的卵巢卵泡发育是以卵泡波形式进行的,每个发情周期中最常出现的是2个卵泡波;排卵发生于发情结束前2 d;E2和IGF-1调节驴的发情活动;FSH调节小卵泡的募集;LH增高与排卵有关.  相似文献   

驴发情期卵泡变化初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用实时B型超声显像法,初步观察了4头母驴3个发情期卵泡的发育过程,以确定其排卵和输精时间。结果表明:驴卵泡直径大约每天增加1.5~3 mm,优势卵泡平均每天增长2.1 mm,发情周期在20~24 d之间,发情一般持续5~7 d,约在发情停止前1 d排卵。体格较大的驴发情期间卵泡数比体格较小的驴卵泡数多。  相似文献   

<正>母畜周期性发情的实质是卵泡与黄体的交替发育。奶牛定时排卵、输精技术是根据卵泡发育波理论,在发情周期的初期(第7天),第一批卵泡已发育至排卵前大小时注射GnRH(LRH),既能促进这些卵泡排卵并形成黄体,又可以促进新一波卵泡的发育。  相似文献   

奶牛定时排卵、输精技术试验初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>母畜周期性发情的实质是卵泡与黄体的交替发育。奶牛定时排卵、输精技术是根据卵泡发育波理论,在发情周期的初期(第7天),第一批卵泡已发育至排卵前大小时注射GnRH(LRH),既能促进这些卵泡排卵并形成黄体,又可以促进新一波卵泡的发育。  相似文献   

本试验应用经穴皮肤具有相对低电阻特性,并与相应脏腑机能密切相关这一原理而研制的XXH-ⅡA型经穴诊断治疗仪,通过相关经穴低阻敏感点,对发情母畜性周期(即卵泡发育过程)及其生理机能状态进行了监测。结果表明:59例发情马、驴,随着卵泡不断发育、成熟至排卵前的不同阶段,肾角穴阻抗失衡百分率呈现规律性的递增,而雁翅穴却呈规律性的递减。这种变化趋势恰与生殖内分泌激素雌二醇、孕酮含量变化相一致,印肾角穴与雌二醇,雁翅穴与孕酮含量变化相吻合。通过对卵泡发育正常、卵泡发育迟缓、卵泡囊肿等马、驴相关经穴敏感点脉冲电刺激,所得结果更进一步证实了经穴与生殖内分泌激素之间的内在关系,这将为经穴与生殖生理、繁殖育种等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

通过B超监测11头青年母牛的卵巢动态变化。显示在自然发情状态下,排卵当天卵巢直径的平均值为18.24mm,排卵前一天平均值为21.94mm,排卵后一天平均值为21.63mm。卵泡发育以卵泡波的形式出现,本实验观察到3—4个卵泡波,以3个卵泡波为主,占81.82%,4个卵泡波的占18.18%;青年母牛左侧卵巢优势卵泡的平均直径为11.71±0.71mm,成熟卵泡的平均直径为14.76±0.94mm;右侧卵巢优势卵泡的平均直径为13.02±1.97mm,成熟卵泡的平均直径为14.34±1.30mm.  相似文献   

孕马血清促性腺激素(血促性素)PMSG具有促卵泡素(FSH)和促黄体素(LH)的功能,主要是FSH功能,能促卵泡发育、成熟。人绒毛膜促性腺激素(绒促性素)hCG具有促黄体素(LH)和促卵泡素(FSH)的功能,主要是LH功能,能促卵泡成熟、排卵。二者协调可以使处于卵巢静止的青年母猪卵泡发育、成熟、排卵。  相似文献   

本研究旨在掌握驴的发情周期及其卵泡发生与排卵的规律,以便准确把握驴人工授精时间,提高受胎率。实验选取无生理疾病的50头母驴,通过B超检查,准确掌握驴发情、卵泡发生与排卵状况,并进行鲜精人工授精实验。结果表明:驴发情周期平均为23.3 d,其中非发情时间为14.4 d,发情时间为7.9 d;发情周期内,排卵时卵泡的平均直径为43.4 mm;排单卵的比例为78%,其中左侧卵巢排卵的比例为66.67%,右侧卵巢排卵比例为33.33%,排双卵比例为16%,其中左侧卵巢排卵的比例为87.5%,右侧卵巢排卵比例为12.5%,没有出现两侧卵巢同时排卵的情况,卵泡退化或未排卵比例为6%;通过准确掌握输精时间,情期受孕率达到85%,极显显著高于目前水平64.6%(P0.01)。本研究采用外观鉴定结合B超法,提高了驴发情、排卵的鉴定准确性,提高了人工授精成功率,为驴胚胎移植、卵细胞体外发育等研究奠定了一定基础。  相似文献   

马属动物属季节性单胎动物,从母马或母驴出现发情表现到排卵,持续3~13 d不等,该生理特征极大地影响其繁殖效率。hCG作为LH类似物不会受性激素反馈调节机制的制约,广泛应用于马属动物卵泡发育和排卵。从性激素在哺乳动物卵泡发育过程中的作用、马属动物主卵泡波与LH诱导的优势卵泡排卵、外源性激素对马属动物卵泡发育的影响、hCG的结构与功能、hCG在延长母马黄体期的应用和hCG在马属动物超数排卵中的应用6个方面内容阐述hCG促进马属动物排卵的研究进展。  相似文献   

Although the ovulatory effects of prostaglandins are well documented in several domestic species including horses, there has been little attention paid to the use of this ovulatory effect for clinical purposes. Mares often grow large follicles during the luteal phase that may or may not ovulate before progesterone levels decline. Clinical observations of administering prostaglandins in diestrous mares with large follicles suggest that there may be a negative correlation between follicular diameter and interval from treatment to ovulation. The objectives of this study were twofold: to investigate the cloprostenol dose rate effect on interval to ovulation and to confirm the negative correlation between follicular diameter and interval to ovulation. The hypothesis tested was that high doses of cloprostenol given in diestrus to mares with larger follicles would induce ovulation more rapidly than in mares given lower doses or with smaller follicles. To test the hypothesis, a total of 1,234 estrous cycles were induced with different doses of cloprostenol (ranging from 8.75 to 625 μg). All mares had at least one follicle of 28 mm or larger. Dominant follicles were followed by transrectal ultrasound examinations every other day until ovulation was detected. There was a significant effect of dose (P < .000) and follicular diameter (P < .000) on the interval from treatment to ovulation. The shortest mean interval (2.4 days) was observed after administration of 625 μg in mares with follicles 36 mm or larger, whereas the longest (4.9 days) occurred after 8.75 μg in follicles of 28 to 31 mm.  相似文献   

Changes in appearance of preovulatory follicles were observed with real-time ultrasonography prior to and during ovulation in mares. Preovulatory follicles of 15 mares were scanned at < 1 hr intervals for 12 hr or more frequently if displaying signs of impending ovulation. If ovulation was not imminent at the end of 12 hr (n = 2), mares were removed from the trial. Mean follicular diameter decreased 13% from 30 minutes prior to ovulation until the beginning of ovulation. Fifteen to 77 minutes (mean = 41 min) prior to ovulation, a break in or a protrusion of the follicular wall toward the ovulation fossa was visualized in all follicles and was a consistent indicator of impending ovulation. A rapid decrease in size of follicles (ovulation) occurred within a period of 5 to 90 seconds (mean = 42 sec). Little or no fluid remained in the antrum following ovulation. An increase in echogenicity (whiteness) of the follicular wall and echogenic “spots” within the follicle were frequently visualized (13/13, 100% and 7/13, 54% respectively) prior to ovulation; however, prediction of time of ovulation could not be based solely on these individual changes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize ir-IGF-I pattern and its relation to other hormones during the oestrous cycle in mares. Nine non-pregnant non-lactating pluriparous thoroughbred mares were used. The studied mares were examined ultrasonically and bled daily to follow the ovarian changes and the hormonal milieu for a complete Interovulatory interval (IOI). Two (minor and major) follicular waves were characterized per IOI in thoroughbred mares. The largest follicle of the first follicular wave (DF1) was firstly detected at D - 1.75 ± 0.47 with a growth rate of 2.78 ± 0.14mm/day and maximum diameter of 22.45 ± 0.75mm on day 6.65 ± 0.82. The largest follicle of the second follicular wave (DF2) had a growth rate of 2.15 ± 0.29 mm/day, reached a maximum diameter of 42.70 ± 2.63 mm on D 19.25 ± 0.43. Ir-IGF-I increased significantly prior to ovulation and had a similar pattern to oestrogen (r = 0.84, p < 0.05), suggesting that the ovarian follicles are the main source of circulating ir-IGF-I during the oestrous cycle of mares and that ir-IGF-I may be a crucial factor in follicular differentiation and maturation. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that ir-IGF-I is secreted during the oestrous phase of the cycle concomitant with the development of the future ovulatory dominant follicle, and it may act in synergy with other hormones for the selection and differentiation of the dominant follicle.  相似文献   

It is important to get mares pregnant as early as possible after vernal transition and thus, identification signs of impending 1st ovulation of the year are warranted. To identify clinical indicators of an approaching first ovulation of the year, mares were teased with a stallion for oestrous detection starting January 3 and subjected to ultrasonographic examination. Day of first appearance of uterus oedema, follicular wall invagination, intrafollicular echogenicity, double contour of the follicle wall, increase in granulosa thickness, follicular wall hyperechogenicity and appearance of pear‐shaped follicles was registered, as well as follicle diameter and number. Seventy per cent of the mares had anovulatory oestrous periods of 4.6 ± 3.6 days, with an interoestroual interval of 12.5 ± 12.2 days. Number of anovulatory oestruses per mare was 2.4 ± 2.3. Uterine oedema occurred in 77% of the mares, 32.4 ± 25.6 days before ovulation. Invagination of the follicular wall appeared in 44.4% of the animals, 24.5 ± 18.4 days before ovulation. Intrafollicular echogenicity was seen in all mares and double contour of the follicle was seen in 77% of the animals. Both last two characteristics appeared 1–72 days before ovulation. Increased thickness of the granulosa occurred in 66% of the mares, 1–19 days before ovulation. Pear‐shaped follicles and follicular wall hyperechogenicity were detected 3 or less days before the first ovulation, in 44.4% and 55.5% of mares, respectively. Mean number of follicles >15 mm decreased at least 16 days before ovulation. We concluded that no isolated characteristic was a reliable indicator. However, increase in granulosa thickness, formation of a pear‐shaped follicle and follicular wall hyperechogenicity, associated with the reduction of the number of follicles >15 mm in diameter to <3, resulted in the first ovulation of the year in 44–67% of the transitional mares, 1–19 days after the characteristics appeared.  相似文献   

Horse owners want to have their mares bred as early as possible in the breeding season after February 1. Numerous medical treatments, such as progesterone, dopamine antagonists, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone have been administered to anestrous or transitional mares in an attempt to induce follicular development. Some of these treatments are ineffective or impractical, so there is a need in the horse industry to develop alternative techniques to stimulate follicular development and ovulation early in the breeding season. Twenty transitional mares were assigned to one of two treatment groups. Mares in group 1 (n = 10) served as untreated controls, and mares in group 2 (n = 10) were administered 12.5 mg of purified equine follicle-stimulating hormone (eFSH) (Bioniche Animal Health USA, Inc., Athens, Ga) intramuscularly twice daily for a maximum of 15 consecutive days. Mares were considered to be in transition when the diameter of the largest follicle was ≥25 mm. Once one or more follicles >35 mm were detected, eFSH treatment was discontinued and human chorionic gonadotropin was administered intravenously. The percentage of mares ovulating during the 15-day observation period was compared by means of chi-square analysis. The interval to ovulation and the number of ovulations per mare were compared between the two groups by Student t test. In 8 of 10 mares treated with eFSH follicles developed and ovulation occurred during the 15-day observation period, compared with 0 of 10 control mares. Interval from onset of treatment to ovulation was 7.6 ± 2.4 days for these eight mares. The eight mares were treated for an average of 5.2 ± 1.3 days with eFSH. Thus, the eFSH treatment was effective in advancing the first ovulation of the year in transitional mares.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The reproductive findings from a group of nonpregnant mares were studied. Oestrous cycle length averaged 20.6 days (range 13–34) excluding anoestrous periods, or 25 days (31–141) if included. Average oestrus length was 5.7 days (range 1–24) but from February to May it averaged 7.6 days (range 2–24) and from May to November 4.8 days (range 1–10). Seventy-eight per cent of the mares ovulated within 48 hours prior to the end of oestrus, 10% were out of oestrus before ovulation occurred, while 76% of the ovulations occurred between 4 p.m. and 8 a.m. Follicles averaged 45 mm in size the day of ovulation and multiple ovulations occurred 25.5% of the time. Oestrus without associated ovulation was very uncommon in this group of mares, whereas ovulation without oestrus occurred in 6 of the 11 mares, including one mare who ovulated 32 of 34 times without oestrus. The CL were palpable for an average period of 8.9 days (range 1–18). On occasions, a hematoma formed within the ovulation site, reached a size of 10–12 cm in length and persisted beyond the next ovulation without affecting cycle length. Dioestrus averaged 15.4 days (range 6–25) excluding anoestrus, or 19.5 days (range 6–121) if anoestrus was included. Dioestrous ovulations unaccompanied by signs of oestrus and with the cervix pale, tight, dry and sticky occurred in 10 of the 11 mares. The CL formed following dioestrous ovuations were normal, but did not affect cycle length. A syndrome of spontaneous prolongation of the corpus luteum for 2 to 3 months was observed in 6 of the 11 mares. Oestrus was not manifested during this time, but considerable follicular activity and, in some instances, ovulation was observed. Hysterectomised mares and some mares with pyometra had prolonged CL and follicular activity with a few ovulating similar to mares with spontaneously-prolonged CL. Other mares with pyometra had normal cyclic ovarian activity. Evidence suggests that the endometrium had been destroyed by the infection in the anoestrus mares with pyometra and, thus, was incapable of forming and/or releasing luteolytic factors. Experimental intrauterine inoculation of Streptococcus zooepidemicus during dioestrus reduced oestrous cycle length in 5 of 7 inoculations, whereas inoculations during oestrus failed to alter cycle length.  相似文献   

Two pony mares were immunized against recombinant porcine inhibin alpha subunit three times with 39 day intervals. Clinical findings and endocrinological changes before immunization were taken as the control. The first significant rise in the anti-inhibin titre (P<0.05) in the circulation was found 27 days after the first injection. Maximum binding activity was reached by the 12th day after the second booster dose. The number of small, medium and large sized follicles had increased significantly compared to before immunization (11.75 +/- 4.30, 2.75 +/- 0.69 and 2.51 +/- 0.63 vs 6.50 +/- 1.43, 1.83 +/- 0.44 and 1.33 +/- 0.38, respectively), but the ovulation rate remained unchanged after immunization. The average plasma concentration of FSH and estradiol-17beta during the estrous cycle increased significantly (P<0.05) after immunization. These results suggest that immunization against inhibin is a useful tool to increase the number of ovarian follicles during the estrous cycle of pony mares. Moreover, the present study supported the concept that inhibin plays a major role in the control of follicular growth through its inhibitory effect on FSH secretion synergistically with steroid hormones.  相似文献   

One of the most profound theriogenology applications of transrectal diagnostic ultrasonography in mares involves the imaging of ovarian follicles and corpora lutea. The resolving capabilities (frequency) and quality of the scanner directly affect the minimal size of a structure that can be imaged and the quality of the image. High-frequency scanners (5 or 7.5 MHz) of good quality can image a 2-mm follicle and the corpus luteum throughout its functional life. A low-frequency scanner (3 or 3.5 MHz) can image a 6-mm follicle and the corpus luteum for several days after ovulation. Equine follicles are excellent subjects for transrectal imaging because they are large, filled with fluid, and readily accessible. Event the small follicles (less than 10 mm) can be diagnostically important in evaluating whether ovarian infertility has occurred and whether the follicles are responding to treatment for follicular stimulation. The large, preovulatory follicles are of special interest. Averaged over a group of 79 periods, the following significant changes were found in the preovulatory follicle: increasing diameter, shape change from spherical to pear-shaped or conical, and increasing thickness of the follicular wall. No significant changes were found in the echogenicity (gray-scale value) of the wall or fluid. In retrospect, the diameter of the follicle seemed as useful for predicting impending ovulation as any of the other ultrasound criteria. The occurrence of ovulation is readily detected by the disappearance of a large follicle that was present at a recent previous examination. In addition, the ovulation site on the day of ovulation is detectable. In one study, the site was correctly identified in 24 of 24 mares. A small amount of residual follicular fluid can sometimes (7 of 10 in one study) be detected at the site of ovulation. The residual fluid usually disappears over a period of 0.5 to 20 hours. Subsequently, the developing corpus luteum may form a central nonechogenic area with peripheral luteinization or may remain uniformly luteinized. The central areas are of apparently vascular origin (blood or a component of blood) and become clotted and organized. In one study, approximately 50 per cent of the glands developed central areas exceeding 10 per cent of the size of the gland. The central areas began to develop on Day 0 or 1 and continued to enlarge until Day 2 or 3. The relative proportion of the gland containing a central clot decreases after Day 3, but the central area usually remains visible throughout diestrus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The characteristics of the major follicular waves (primary and secondary) throughout estrous cycle were studied in 7 healthy Caspian mares (age, 4-15 years; weight, 198.6 ± 0.9 kg) during the breeding season. Ovarian follicular dynamics were monitored by using an ultrasound scanner equipped with a 5-MHz, B-mode, linear-array, rectal transducer throughout 2 complete estrous cycles. The diameters of antral follicles (5 mm) were measured, averaging the narrowest and widest dimensions. To detect follicular wave emergence, the diameter profile of the 3 largest follicles per ovary of each mare was determined without considering day-to-day identity of follicles but with maintenance of distinction between left and right ovaries. The primary waves originated on day 6.4 ± 0.81 (ovulation = day 0) when the mean diameter of ovarian follicles was 9.6 ± 1.05 mm. Divergence between the dominant preovulatory follicle and subordinate follicles occurred on day 13.4 ± 0.81, when the dominant follicle was 18.1 ± 2.67 mm in diameter. The intervals from emergence to divergence and from divergence to ovulation were 7 ± 0.68 and 8.7 ± 0.68 days, respectively. Secondary major follicular waves were not observed during this study. In conclusion, only 1 major follicular wave was detected in a Caspian mare, confirming the data previously described in other equine breeds. It is also indicated that the occurrence of 1 major follicular wave per cycle is a more common phenomena in equine species.  相似文献   

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