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本项研究根据分子遗传育种理论和技术,利用生产性能优良和遗传距离较大的美系獭兔(单倍型A1、Z7)和德系獭兔(单倍型A1、G1)进行两品系杂交,采用继代选育,培育出了适应性强、生产性能好、遗传性能稳定的白色獭兔R新品系.该品系主要生产性能窝产活仔数7.10±0.85只,3周龄窝重2 061.40±210.82 g,6周龄窝重4 493.48±502.70 g,8周龄体重1 268.52±143.12 g,13周龄体重2 016.92±224.18 g,22周龄体重3 040.44±263.34 g,体尺(体长、胸围)43.39±2.24 cm、26.57±1.29 cm,22周龄成活率84.7%.被毛密度22 935±2 737根/cm2,被毛细度16.78±0.94 μm,被毛长度17.46±1.09 mm.  相似文献   

四川白獭兔是体型外貌一致、繁殖性能强、毛皮品质好、早期生长快,遗传性能稳定的白色獭兔新品系。1外貌特征四川白獭兔,全身被毛白色,丰厚,色泽光亮,无旋毛,不倒向。眼睛呈粉红色。体格匀称、结实,肌肉丰满,臀部发达。头型中等,公兔头型较母兔大。双耳直立。腹毛与被毛结合部较一致,脚掌毛厚。成年体重3500~4500g,体长和胸围分别为44.5cm和30cm左右,被毛密度23000根/cm2,细度16.8μm,毛丛长度为16~18mm。属中型兔。2生产性能2.1生长发育8周龄体重1268.92±98.09g,13周…  相似文献   

试验为探究海狸色獭兔与皱襞型獭兔不同交配组合生产性能比较,随机选取6~7月龄健康皱襞型獭兔和海狸色獭兔各40只(30只母兔和10只公兔),进行不同交配组合试验,分别为海狸纯繁组(海狸色獭兔(♂)×海狸色獭兔(♀))、皱襞纯繁组(白色皱襞型獭兔(♂)×白色皱襞型獭兔(♀))、正交组(海狸色獭兔(♂)×白色皱襞型獭兔(♀))和反交组(白色皱襞型獭兔(♂)×海狸色獭兔(♀)),测定母兔繁殖性能和后代生长性能、屠宰性能及被毛品质。结果显示:正交组初生窝重320.71 g、产仔数6.71只、泌乳力1 727.43 g、仔兔断奶成活率83.91%、仔兔断奶窝重5 304.14 g、幼兔料重比4.06、屠宰率62.43%、皮张面积1 160.20 cm2、被毛密度15 951.70根/cm2、被毛细度16.32 μm、粗毛率6.83%;反交组初生窝重315.14 g、产仔数6.52只、泌乳力1 710.00 g、仔兔断奶成活率80.19%、仔兔断奶窝重4 814.82 g、幼兔料重比4.30、屠宰率62.93%、皮张面积1 172.20 cm2、被毛密度16 092.01根/cm2、被毛细度16.43 μm、粗毛率6.78%,经比对两组间差异均不显著(P>0.05);而海狸色纯繁组的初生窝重、产仔数、泌乳力、仔兔断奶成活率、仔兔断奶窝重、皮张面积、被毛密度、被毛细度均较皱襞型纯繁组低、而幼兔料重比、屠宰率及粗毛率均较皱襞型纯繁组高,经比对两个纯繁组间除料重比、屠宰率、被毛细度和粗毛率差异不显著外(P>0.05),其他各指标差异均显著(P<0.05)。综上所述,正交组合亲代的繁殖性能及F1代的生长性能和屠宰性能均略好于反交组合;而反交组合F1代的被毛品质略好于正交组合。  相似文献   

本研究对从法国古尔蒙育种公司引入的朗德鹅A、B、C三个品系的生长发育、体重、体尺进行了测定。结果表明:12周龄的平均体重,公鹅组中A系5374.6g、B系5342.12g、C系5328.98g,分别是出壳重的59.59倍、57.50倍、58.91倍;平均日增重为A61.00g、B63.60g、C60.55g;生长速度最快,三品系都出现在5~8周龄,日增量分别为A系86.39g、B系82.86g、C系81.46g。母鹅组,平均体重A系5281.88g、B系5328.10g、C系5300.13g,分别是出壳重的57.90倍、58.47倍、54.60倍,平均日增重A系60.15g、B系60.72g、C系60.38g,生长速度最快在5~8周龄,日增重A系88.60g,B系87.00g,C系86.31g。每千克增重所需饲料量,1~8周龄A系2.13kg、B系2.29kg、C系2.30kg;1~12周龄A系3.96kg、B系4.01kg、C系4.12kg,主要是9~12周龄生长速度缓慢。这些资料,为进一步开展朗德鹅的纯繁制种和杂交制种,提供了极为有用的素材资料。  相似文献   

针对我国无自主培育獭兔品种的现状,选择四川省草原科学研究院培育的獭兔新品系-四川白獭兔作为育种材料,采用群体继代选育法,培育獭兔新品种——川白獭兔,运用RRBPS獭兔育种与生产管理信息系统软件进行遗传评估。结果表明,通过川白獭兔连续5个世代的繁殖性能选育,其窝产仔数达到7.48只,产活仔数7.30只,初生重393.84g,21日龄窝重2 238.74g,断奶仔兔数6.83只,断奶个体重736.08g,断奶窝重5 023.53g,断奶成活率93.63%,繁殖性能均有提高,且群体遗传性能趋于稳定。  相似文献   

粗毛型长毛兔配套系培育研究(一)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用现代动物遗传育种原理和方法,充分利用国内外现有的优良品种资源,杂交合成理想型组建育种基础群,利用多品系(种)合成杂交方法以实现优良基因重组,通过非完全闭锁部分世代重叠世代选育方法快速纯合理想型,以建立遗传性能稳定、生产性能优良的高产粗毛型长毛兔配套系。经配合力测定建立两个配套系:父系,成年平均体重5344.26g,年均产毛1648.74g,粗毛率19.82%;母系,成年平均体重5027.31g,年均产毛1587.74g,粗毛率21.79%,窝产仔8.72只;两系杂交商品代,成年平均体重5574.26g,年均产毛1734.32g,粗毛率22.64%,料毛比42.5:1。  相似文献   

獭兔学名为力克斯兔 ,最早育成于法国。八十年代以来我国相继引进德美系獭兔 40 0 0多只 ,由于大多数生产部门基础设施不健全 ,重引种轻培育 ,重繁殖轻选育 ,致使商品獭兔皮合格率不高 ,效益波动较大 ,獭兔产品产销脱节十分普遍。为此 ,我们对獭兔选育进行了探讨 ,以寻求提高獭兔产品质量的有效途径。1 选育目的獭兔选育的总体目标 :第一 ,毛色要求符合品种特征 ;第二 ,毛被品质要符合“短、密、细、严、美、牢”要求 ;第三 ,生长发育快 ,体重较大。1 .1 繁殖性能母兔窝产活仔数 6只以上 ,要求连续 3窝平均在 6只以上 ,初生个体重 5 0克 ,…  相似文献   

如皋黄鸡产蛋性能与遗传参数分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究以如皋黄鸡第4世代的15个家系351只母鸡为实验素材,测定开产日龄、开产体重、开产蛋重和40周龄产蛋数,统计各周龄群体产蛋率,估算开产性状和40周龄产蛋数的遗传参数。结果表明:如皋黄鸡开产日龄为(153.9±13.13)d,开产体重为(1 366.5±135.51)g,开产蛋重为(32.8±3.17)g,40周龄产蛋数为(101.0±8.94)个;高峰产蛋率为82.1%,70%以上产蛋率维持16周;开产日龄、开产体重、开产蛋重和40周龄产蛋数均为中等遗传力0.177~0.320;开产日龄、开产体重和开产蛋重间两两呈遗传正相关0.736~0.971,40周龄产蛋数与开产日龄、开产体重、开产蛋重间均呈遗传负相关-0.832~-0.639;性状间的表型相关性质和遗传相关一致,且均达到极显著的程度。  相似文献   

以美系(A系)和德系(G系)獭兔为基础育种群体,进行正、反交及其子代杂交。其中选择美系(A系)和德系(G系)獭兔公兔各20只,母兔各200只左右;进行正、反杂交试验,并以其杂种后代美德獭兔(AG系)和德美獭兔(GA系)继续进行杂交试验;并以公兔组建家系,对所有杂交组合的繁殖性能和后代体重生长性能进行系统测定,优化杂交组合,选择优良家系。美系与德系獭兔正反杂交组合的繁殖性能均大于德系獭兔亲本(P<0.01),在亲本中,美系獭兔繁殖性能显著优于德系獭兔(P<0.01);在所有杂交组合中,以德美獭兔♂×美德獭兔♀组合的平均产仔数(8.18只)、初生窝重(436.41 g)、断乳活仔数(7.6只)为最高,杂交优势率亦最高。美系獭兔♂×德系獭兔♀杂交组合家系间的产仔数、断乳活仔数、断乳成活率等繁殖性状总体上差异不显著(P>0.05),部分家系间初生窝重有显著差异。德系獭兔♂×美系獭兔♀杂交组合家系间仅少数家系间初生窝重有显著差异(P<0.05);德美獭兔♂×美德獭兔♀家系间的产仔数、初生窝重、断乳活仔数、断乳成活率等繁殖性状均无显著差异(P>0.05)。以德美獭兔(GA)♂×美德獭兔(AG)♀为最佳杂交组合。  相似文献   

采用杂交育种方法,通过德系安哥拉兔、新西兰白兔两品种间杂交以及20余年的继代选育后,成功培育了我国第2个国家级长毛兔新品种——皖系长毛兔。该品种兔体型中等,11月龄体重、体长及胸围分别为4258.26 g、51.85 cm和33.47 cm,且前期生长速度较快,5月龄体重相当于成年体重的77.10%;产毛量、粗毛率均较高,5~8月龄91 d养毛期一次剪毛量公、母兔分别为278.74 g和288.03 g,估测年产毛量分别为1 114.96 g和1 152.12 g,11月龄刀剪毛粗毛率公、母兔分别为16.2%和17.8%;毛品质优良,11月龄刀剪毛毛纤维的长度、细度、强度及伸度,粗毛分别为9.55 cm、47.04μm、24.33cN和47.33%,细毛分别为7.36 cm、15.64μm、4.73cN和45.37%;繁殖性能适中,头胎产仔7.21只,产活仔6.82只,3周龄窝重2 243.71g,2月龄体重1573.81g。皖系长毛兔遗传性能稳定。运用父系半同胞组内相关估测法,对其主要数量性状进行了遗传力分析,11月龄产毛量、粗毛率和体重的遗传力分别为0.3296、0.2124和0.4293;窝产仔数、泌乳力及断奶窝仔数的遗传力分别为0.156 4、0.134 3和0.144 7。  相似文献   

饲料中加硒提高獭兔繁殖性能的应用试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年,在獭兔日粮中添加0.18 mg/kg硒,与2007、2008年未添加硒的獭兔进行繁殖性能比较,试验结果受胎率提高了5.95%,平均窝产仔数提高了1.5只,初生平均窝重提高了32.86g,初生平均个体重提高了7.68 g,平均泌乳力提高了174.46 g,断奶窝重提高了258.11 g,断奶个体重提高了41.0 g,断奶成活率提高了10.55%。表明了在獭兔的日粮中添加0.18 mg/kg的硒,对繁殖性能的提高极显著(P〈0.01)。  相似文献   

1. Male broilers (n = 1521) from 247 families were reared from 4 to 6 weeks of age at 22° or 32°C. 2. Genetic correlations between measurements recorded at 22°C and 32°C were 0.73 ± 0.12 for weight gain between 4 and 6 weeks and 0.74 ± 0.08 for food conversion ratio (FCR). Genes controlling weight gain at both temperatures differed to some extent. 3. Heritability of weight gain from 4 to 6 weeks was much lower at 32°C than at 22°C (0.13 ± 0.03 vs 0.24 ± 0.04): selection for increased body weight will thus be much less efficient at 32°C than at 22°C. 4. Conversely, heritabilities of the FCR were very similar at the 2 temperatures (0.28 ± 0.04 at 22°C and 0.27 ± 0.04 at 32°C). Selecting for FCR would thus be efficient at 32°C too. 5. These results justify, at least under our experimental conditions, selecting broiler lines for improved growth performance at 22°C. However, it could be more efficient if broilers are to be reared in hot climates to select for improved FCR rather than for increased body weight.  相似文献   

葎草饲喂獭兔效果研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
葎草Humulus scandens分别饲喂生长獭兔、妊娠母兔以探讨其饲用效果.结果显示:葎草干粉代替全部普通青干草饲喂生长獭兔,日增重增加15.05%,料重比降低11.37%,对母兔的产仔数、产活仔数、泌乳力、断奶成活率等指标均没有影响.鲜嫩葎草补加部分精料饲喂生长獭兔,1.5-3.5月龄平均日增重20.52 g,最高日增重可达25.6 g;饲喂繁殖母兔,平均产活仔数6.72只,平均出生个体重54.2 g,平均断奶成活率95.2%,平均断奶个体重375 g .  相似文献   

As in other species, the reproductive tract in pigs increases in size with age and body weight, and the development of the reproductive tract depends on a balance between development of the pituitary–ovarian axis and the influence of metabolic hormones. Two experiments were conducted in prepubertal Duroc gilts, 150–180 days of age, to determine whether litter size is related to vaginal–cervix catheter penetration length during insemination. In experiment 1, oestrus was induced in 452 gilts with a combined dose of 400 IU Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotrophine (PMSG) + 200 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The gilts were classified into three catheter penetration length groups: Ih, ≤ 21 cm; IIh, > 21 and < 28 cm; IIIh, > 28 cm. The litter size was lowest in group Ih (7.35 ± 0.15) compared with groups IIh (7.81 ± 0.12; p < 0.05) and IIIh (10.0 ± 0.36; p < 0.001). In experiment 2, first oestrus was induced in 162 gilts by boar exposure. The gilts were classified into three catheter penetration length groups at insemination during their second oestrus: In, ≤ 24 cm; IIn, > 24 and < 26 cm; IIIn, > 26 cm. As in experiment 1, the litter size was lowest in the group with the shortest catheter penetration length (8.32 ± 0.19). The litter size was not different among gilts of groups IIn and IIIn (8.84 ± 0.35 and 9.56 ± 0.46, respectively), but litter size was lower (p < 0.05) in group In than in group IIn. Based on the combined data from both experiments, the correlation between the catheter penetration length and total number of piglets born was expressed as: y=5.346 ± 0.104x; r=0.361 (p < 0.05). Fertility rate was not different among the groups of gilts induced into oestrus by hormone treatment or inseminated in the second oestrus; however, the total fertility rate of boar‐exposed gilts was higher (p < 0.0001) than PMSG/hCG treated animals. Thus, it is possible to conclude that litter size at first farrowing is associated with vaginal–cervix catheter penetration length during insemination of the gilt.  相似文献   

To evaluate the potential of the native Muscovy ducks in Congo, a trial was conducted with closed housing, commercial feeding and veterinary care. The characterization included reproductive performance, daily weight gain, live body weight, feed conversion ratio, body live weight productivity, and meat productivity. The experimental genetic stock was bred under natural mating and natural incubation. The number of eggs recorded per female and per clutch was 14.6 ± 3 eggs with 2 clutches per year. The average (±SD) hatchability was 75% ± 3% and the average egg weight was 72 ± 8 g. The sexual dimorphism for body weight appeared after 3 weeks (p < 0.05). The maximum daily weight gain in males reached 55 ± 8 g/day and occurred at 5 weeks, whereas in females it occurred at 4 weeks and reached 35 ± 5 g/day. The carcass yield was 70% ± 5% and 51 ± 8% in males and females, respectively. The meat productivity was 26.7 and 11.5 kg/m2 per year in males and females, respectively. From these findings, it can be concluded that the incubation by mother duck is preferred in the small farming duck and that males should be raised for meat and females for egg production. Further studies including local poultry-related issues are needed to optimize the performance of the native Muscovy duck in Congo Brazzaville.  相似文献   

在藏猪中心产区建立藏猪选育基础群,对其外貌特征、繁殖性能和生长发育进行个体测定.采用综合育种值对基础群藏猪按照高繁殖力和快生长高瘦肉率2个方向进行选种.经过3个世代的选育,2个品系藏猪外貌体型更典型;高繁殖力品系总产仔数、产活仔数、初生窝重、断奶仔数和断奶窝重分别达到了7.65头、7.16头、5.42 kg、6.46头和31.05 kg;快生长高瘦肉率品系初生重、断奶重、25 kg日龄、屠宰率、腿臀率、瘦肉率和眼肌面积分别达到了0.78kg、7.87 kg、260.5 d、61.65%、31.44%、63.49%和9.13 cm2,背膘厚减小至8.19 mm,肉质性状变化不大,保持了藏猪良好的特性.  相似文献   

Native chicken breeding station of Mazandaran was established in 1988 with two main objectives: genetic improvement through selection programs and dissemination of indigenous Mazandarani birds. (Co)variance components and genetic parameters for economically important traits were estimated using (bi) univariate animal models with ASREML procedure in Mazandarani native chicken. The data were from 18 generations of selection (1988?C2009). Heritability estimates for body weight at different ages [at hatch (bw1), 8 (bw8), 12 (bw12) weeks of ages and sex maturation (wsm)] ranged from 0.24?±?0.00 to 0.47?±?0.01. Heritability for reproductive traits including age at sex maturation (asm); egg number (en); weight of first egg (ew1); average egg weight at 28 (ew28), 30 (ew30), and 32 (ew32) weeks of age; their averages (av); average egg weight for the first 12?weeks of production (ew12); egg mass (em); and egg intensity (eint) varied from 0.16?±?0.01 to 0.43?±?0.01. Generally, the magnitudes of heritability for the investigated traits were moderate. However, egg production traits showed smaller heritability compared with growth traits. Genetic correlations among egg weight at different ages were mostly higher than 0.8. On the one hand, body weight at different ages showed positive and relatively moderate genetic correlations with egg weight traits (ew1, ew28, ew30, ew32, ew12, and av) and varied from 0.30?±?0.03 to 0.59?±?0.02. On the other hand, low negative genetic correlations were obtained between body weight traits (bw1, bw8, bw12, and wsm) and egg number (en). Also, there is low negative genetic correlation (?24?±?0.04 to ?29?±?0.05) between egg number and egg weight. Therefore, during simultaneous selection process for both growth and egg production traits, probable reduction in egg production due to low reduction in egg number may be compensated by increases in egg weight.  相似文献   

Variance components of sperm production traits (volume in ml, V; concentration in ×106 sperm/ml, CN; sperm production in ×106 sperm, PROD) were estimated in a paternal line of rabbit selected for 25 generations based on daily weight gain (DG, g/day) between 28 and 63 days of age. Features of the marginal posterior distributions for ratios of genetic variance, variance owing to non‐additive plus environmental permanent male effects and variance owing to common litter of birth effects with respect to phenotypic variance are reported. The correlations between sperm production traits and the selection criteria were also estimated. Three sets of two‐trait analyses were performed, involving 12908 records of DG, 2329 ejaculates corresponding to 412 bucks and 14700 animals in pedigree file. The heritabilities (h2) of the semen traits were 0.13 ± 0.05, 0.08 ± 0.04 and 0.07 ± 0.03 for V, CN and PROD, respectively. The permanent environmental effects were lower than the corresponding values of h2 and varied between 0.06 and 0.11. A favourable and moderate genetic correlation was observed between V and DG (0.36 ± 0.34; p > 0: 0.83), together with a non‐favourable and moderate correlation between permanent environmental effects owing to common litter of birth for both traits (?0.35 ± 0.35; p < 0: 0.85). On the other hand, the correlation between male permanent environmental effects for semen traits and DG was moderate and non‐favourable (?0.51 ± 0.29 with p < 0: 0.95 for DG‐CN, and ?0.31 ± 0.37 with p < 0: 0.79 for DG‐PROD).  相似文献   

大豆胰蛋白酶抑制因子对獭兔胰腺组织学结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
选择(42±4)日龄、平均体重为(711.4±108.8)g的健康美系獭兔断奶幼兔30只,公母比例为1∶1,根据性别、体重,将30只兔随机分为3组,每组10只,公母各半,单笼饲养。3个组日粮为等能等蛋白质设计,日粮中分别含有25%生大豆、25%化学钝化大豆、25%豆粕。胰蛋白酶抑制因子含量(实测值)分别为6.55、1.99和0.81 mg/g。试验6周后,从每一个组中随机选出3只公兔进行屠宰((91±4)日龄、平均体重为1544.2 g±114.8 g),宰前空腹4~6 h,取胰腺样品在10%中性甲醛液中固定,常规石蜡切片,HE染色,用于光学显微镜组织学观察。电子显微镜观察样品用2.5%戊二醛固定,常规树脂包埋,超薄切片,铀—铅染色。光学显微镜对胰腺组织结构观察结果表明,25%生大豆组幼兔胰腺间纤维性结缔组织增生,叶间水肿,局部腺组织消失,细胞水肿,边界模糊。电子显微镜对胰腺细胞观察结果表明,生大豆组幼兔的胰腺细胞核不规则,线粒体水肿,嵴消失,局部膜破裂,内质网减少,分泌颗粒极少或消失。25%生大豆组獭兔胰腺组织结构发生异常变化,而豆粕组和化学钝化大豆组正常。  相似文献   

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