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2010年广州亚运会马术比赛在广州从化顺利进行。为了建立广州从化无马疫病区,保证此次亚运会赛马项目的顺利举行,我们于2009—2010年在广州从化赛马场周边地区调查了可能携带马疫的鸟类和兽类种类。共调查得到鸟类60种,358个个体;蝙蝠14种,365个个体;野猪16头。采集动物的咽拭子、肛拭子及血液组织样本进行病毒检测,检测了它们可能携带对赛马健康有威胁的日本脑炎、伊氏锥虫、水泡性口炎、尼帕病毒病、西尼罗河热和亨德拉病毒病6种马属动物疫病携带情况,检测结果均为阴性,说明在广州从化没有发现野生动物携带马属动物相关疫病的病原体存在。这一工作为广州从化建立无马疫区提供了技术参考。  相似文献   

为确保广州亚运马术比赛顺利进行,保障参赛马匹的生物安全,顺利返回其来源地,建设一个符合国际要求的无规定马属动物疫病区势在必行。通过制定一系列的法规及技术标准,对相关马属动物疫病实行区域化管理,严格落实《广州亚运无规定马属动物疫病区建设方案》的相关建设内容,广州亚运无规定马属动物疫病区顺利通过国家农业部、欧盟、OIE等的考察评估,最终顺利建成。本文对其成功建设经验及无规定动物疫病区建设过程中应注意的问题进行了分析和探讨,以期为其它地区开展无规定动物疫病区建设提供参考。  相似文献   

从化公路动物防疫监督检查站具有维持无疫区无疫状态和保障广州亚运马术比赛顺利举办的双重属性,完善的管理能有效防控重大动物疫病的跨区域传播,切断其传播途径以达到某一时期内的区域净化。  相似文献   

为了推进广州亚运无规定马属动物疫病区(下称“广州亚运无疫区”)获国际认可,确保2010年第16届亚运会马术比赛成功举办,应中国农业部的邀请,欧盟于2010年1月18日至2月1日派出食品兽医办公室3名专家来华,考察了广州亚运无疫区建设和亚运会马术比赛有关动物卫生工作情况。  相似文献   

为消除赛马临时性国际移动障碍,保障进(出)口国动物卫生状态和赛马健康状态,OIE、FEI和IFHA共同制定了高健康高性能马(HHP)概念。基于《OIE陆生动物卫生法典》生物安全等措施实施HHP风险降低策略,运维一个功能分区,将HHP马和其他马属动物隔离开来,以防止发生疫病国际性传播。在HHP标准条件下,OIE对25种重要马病传播风险进行了定性评估:17种疫病发生传播风险极低,但非洲马瘟、马流感、马传染性贫血、马梨形虫病、马鼻疽和委内瑞拉马脑炎等6种疫病仍有不同程度的传播风险,需要实施特定卫生要求,如实验室检测、治疗、免疫接种等。HHP概念为赛马临时国际移动提供了普遍适用的可行性方案,给发展中国家参与国际赛马运动提供了机遇。我国应加强马属动物疫病监测和疫情报告管理,持续推进马病无疫区(EDFZ)建设和我国HHP马匹认可工作。  相似文献   

农业部副部长高鸿宾赴广州考察无规定马属动物疫病区建设2010年7月1日,农业部副部长高鸿宾赴广州从化市考察无规定马属动物疫病区建设情况。高鸿宾副部长强调,亚运会马术比赛是我国内地举办的第一个国际性马术运动赛事,  相似文献   

在甘肃省进行了跨境动物疫病调研工作,并对主要跨境动物疫病的传播路径及潜在风险进行了分析.发现甘肃省面临的潜在境内跨省输入风险主要动物疫病有非洲猪瘟、口蹄疫、布鲁氏菌病等,潜在传入扩散途径为活畜禽和动物产品调运、野生动物活动、候鸟迁徙,存在不同的传播风险程度.针对动物疫病传入高风险路径及关键风险点开展相关防控工作可保障养...  相似文献   

猪场重要虫媒及其传播病原研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,非洲猪瘟、牛结节性皮肤病等外来可由虫媒传播的疫病肆虐中国,而一些已在国外流行的虫媒传播病原如非洲马瘟等传入中国的风险也越来越高,严重危害中国畜牧养殖业的发展和公共卫生安全。特别是2018年8月以来非洲猪瘟在中国的流行给养猪业带来重要警示信息,即防止猪场媒介生物进入并阻断其携带病原的传播将成为猪场生物安全的重点。蚊、蝇、蠓及蜱等是猪场和发病猪群传播疫病的重要虫媒因素,虫媒种类及从虫媒中分离到的病毒、细菌、寄生虫等病原种类繁杂,虫媒生物特性的差异对病原的传播方式和传播能力也不尽相同。鉴于此,作者详细归纳了猪场存在的主要虫媒种类及其传播的重要猪病病原,包括猪乙型脑炎病毒、猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒、非洲猪瘟病毒、盖塔病毒、猪肠道冠状病毒、大肠杆菌、猪链球菌等,并探讨其危害性和传播风险,以降低猪场虫媒传播疾病所带来的经济损失。  相似文献   

2008年奥运会现代五项于8月21—22日在北京奥体中心体育场举行,其中的马术比赛是北京赛事的唯一一项人与动物协作完成的竞技项目,也是北京市动物卫生监督所唯一直接参与的奥运会项目。参赛马匹来源于北京、上海、广州三个省市的不同马场,为了防止疫病流入、传播、发生,确保参赛马匹健康安全,北京市动物卫生监督所高度重视、反复调研、采取多项措施,圆满完成了参赛马匹的检疫检验工作,保障奥运会现代五项马术比赛顺利举办。  相似文献   

科学、有效地开展动物疫病监测对动物疫病预防、控制、净化和消灭具有重要的作用,广州亚运无疫区在进行区域化管理的基础上开展动物疫病监测。根据监测结果,在风险分析基础上对监测阳性动物进行处理。广州亚运无疫区建设过程中采用的监测方案顺利通过了OIE、欧盟等的评估,对广州亚运无疫区的顺利建成起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

Physiological changes in the concentrations of biotin in the serum and milk and in the physical properties of the claw horn were examined in Holstein cows. A lower concentration of biotin in the serum and a higher concentration of biotin in milk were found during early and late lactation and during the dry period, and a significant (p<0.05) inverse correlation was found between serum and milk biotin concentrations. A high moisture content and a low level of hardness of the claw horn were found during mid-lactation. Our results indicate that change in the serum biotin concentration probably results from the loss of biotin in the milk of cows during each stage of lactation and also confirm that the moisture content and hardness of the claw horn undergo physiological changes.  相似文献   

Blood and urine samples of 180 dairy cows from 12 herds were examined. Sodium and potassium concentrations were determined in erythrocytes, whole blood, plasma, urine, and glucose concentration in blood: the interrelations were compared. Sodium and potassium concentrations in erythrocytes were 85.15 +/- 11.45 mmol/l, and 25.93 +/- 7.81 mmol/l, respectively. A statistically significant relation was found between sodium and potassium concentrations in erythrocytes (r = 0.3467+++) and the content of electrolyte in blood cells and in whole blood (Na: r = 0.5336+++; K: r = 0.3561+++). No statistically significant relation of intraerythrocyte concentration of both electrolytes was confirmed with respect to the other characteristics (sodium and potassium concentrations in plasma and urine, and glucose concentration in blood). In the conditions of routine laboratory diagnostics in clinically healthy cows, determinations of intraerythrocyte sodium and potassium do not broaden possibilities of evaluating the metabolic state of these electrolytes and cannot be used as the characteristics of energy insufficiency. The cannot replace the analyses performed in serum and urine.  相似文献   

The expression of activin and inhibin has been demonstrated in the hypothalamus, but their physiological roles in the brain remain to be elucidated. In the present study, involvement of activin and inhibin in the regulation of food and water intake was examined. Male rats were deprived of food or water for 12 and 60 hr, and mRNA levels of activin/inhibin alpha, betaA and betaB subunits in the hypothalamus were estimated by RT-PCR. Gene expression of alpha subunit transiently decreased at 12 hr of food deprivation, while it did not change during water deprivation. Food and water deprivation for 60 hr increased mRNA levels of betaA and betaB subunits, respectively. These results indicated that gene expression of each subunit was independently regulated. Injection of activin A (0.5 and 4.0 microg) into the third ventricle decreased food intake. Water intake was suppressed by 4.0 microg, but not 0.5 microg, of activin A. Intracerebroventricular injection of inhibin A (0.5 and 4.0 microg) decreased water intake in a dose dependent manner without affecting food intake, suggesting that inhibin could act independently of activin. Taken together, it is suggested that activin and inhibin take part in the central regulation of nutrient and fluid balance, though further study is needed to determine precise molecular species involved.  相似文献   

Echinococcus granulosus (E. granulosus) infection was studied in 151 dogs in two regions of Morocco: 68 dogs in the northwest (Loukkos) and 83 dogs in the southwest (Tiznit). The mean prevalence rates of echinococcosis in dogs were 58.82% (46.23-70.63%) in Loukkos and 55.42% (44.10-66.34%) in Tiznit and the mean abundances of E. granulosus per dog were 75 (59-93) and 547 (504-595), respectively. The mean abundance of E. granulosus in dogs was fitted to a negative binomial distribution by the maximum likelihood techniques to define parameters. E. granulosus was aggregated in dogs in the two regions. The prevalence of infection and the abundance of E. granulosus in dogs were fitted to mathematical models in order to determine if the parasite population is partly regulated by definitive host immunity. The best fit was obtained with the models assuming the presence of immunity. The mean time of exposure to infection was similar in the two regions and ranged from 8 months to about 2 years. The infection pressures (number of E. granulosus) obtained per dog each year were 65 (8-294) in Loukkos and 476 (316-886) in Tiznit. The proportion of dogs susceptible to infection was still high along the life of the dogs in Loukkos, while it was not different from zero in old dogs of Tiznit.  相似文献   

The distribution of iron and copper in the liver and spleen of veal calves was determined in a group of calves fattened with a commercial milk replacer supplemented with 5 ppm iron and in a control group fed the unsupplemented milk replacer. No marked variations were detected in the distribution of iron and copper. A liver biopsy is therefore likely to be a representative sample of the whole liver with respect to iron and copper concentration.  相似文献   

The distribution of 5'-nucleotidase (5'-NT) activity in the tissues of the sheep differs from that of gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT). Nevertheless, both enzymes are released into the plasma of sheep which have been infected with Fasciola hepatica or in which the bile duct has been ligated. In a sheep dosed with sporidesmin, a fungal toxin which damages the biliary tract, there was an increase in GGT activity in the plasma and urine but no change in 5'-NT activity. Neither enzyme was released into the plasma or urine of sheep dosed with carbon tetrachloride. In sheep with renal tubular necrosis and hepatocellular necrosis caused by dosage with hexachlorobutadiene, both enzymes were released into the plasma, and GGT, but not 5'-NT activity was found in urine. In sheep with tubular necrosis of the kidney caused by the administration of mercuric chloride, GGT activity, but not 5'-NT, increased in the plasma and urine.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare microcrack density and length in the proximal and distal metaphyses of the humerus and radius in dogs. SAMPLE POPULATION: Left humerus and radius from each of 10 dogs of medium to large size. PROCEDURE: Metaphyseal specimens were bulk stained in 1% basic fuchsin in graded alcohols and embedded in methylmethacrylate. For quantification of fatigue-induced microscopic damage, transverse sections were prepared from proximal and distal metaphyseal regions, and length and density of microcracks were determined, using light microscopy. RESULTS: Bone region, age, and body weight were not significantly associated with microcrack density or length. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The hypothesis that fatigue-induced injury (increased microcrack density and length) caused by cyclic loading associated with daily activity is greater in bone regions prone to development of osteosarcoma was not supported by data from this study.  相似文献   

Partial maxillectomies were performed in 17 dogs and three cats to accomplish wide excision of oral tumors. The extent of the maxillectomy was dependent on tumor type, location, size, and invasiveness as determined by clinical and radiographic examination and incisional biopsy. The tumor and involved portions of adjacent facial bones, most commonly the maxillary and incisive bones, were removed. The resulting oronasal defect was closed by suturing a labial mucosal flap based on the lip margin to the hard palate mucoperiosteum. The major postoperative complication was partial suture line dehiscence, which occurred in three dogs. All four dogs with benign tumors were free of disease 7 to 34 months postoperatively (median 21.5 months). Of the 13 dogs treated for malignant neoplasia, seven were tumor-free at follow-up times ranging from 3 to 31 months (median 12 months). Five dogs with malignant tumors developed local recurrence 1 week to 10 months postoperatively (median 4.5 months). One cat with a benign tumor and two with malignant tumors were tumor-free at follow-up times of 7, 24, and 27 months. Partial maxillectomy can be effective in treating both benign and malignant oral tumors in dogs and cats.  相似文献   

Absract— Comparatively few intraocular and retrobulbar tumors have been documented in the veterinary literature of the world. Their occurrence, while common, is not as rare as supposed. This series consists of nine intraocular and seven retrobulbar tumors encountered within a nine year period. Criteria as an aid to recognition, and surgical procedures applicable to the individual case, is offered.
Zusammenfassung— Verhältnismässig wenige Fälle von intraokulären und retrobulbären Tumoren wurden im tierärztlichen Schrifttum der Welt dokumentiert. Ihr Auftreten ist nicht so selten, wie angenommen wird. Diese Serie besteht aus neun introkulären und sieben retrobulbären Geschwülsten, die der Verfasser innerhalb von neun Jahren diagnostizierte. Diagnose und Chirurgie der einzelnen Fälle werden besprochen.
Résumé— Les publications vétérinaires de l'univers semblent n'avoir jamias fait grand cas des tumeurs intra-oculaires et rétro-bulbaires chez le chien. On constate régulirèment leur apparition; elles ne sont donc pas aussi rares qu'on le suppose. Le présent article traite de neuf tumeurs intraoculaires et de sept tumeurs rétro-bulbaires rencontrées durant neuf années de pratique. L'auteur explique la marche à suivre pour établir le diagnostic et suggère les moyens chirurgicaux auxquels il faut avoir recours dans chaque cas.  相似文献   

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