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褪黑素在果实发育和采后保鲜中的作用综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
褪黑素(melatonin)是一种植物生长调节因子和生物刺激因子,具有调控植物生长发育和提高植物逆境耐受性等作用。近年来,褪黑素在调控果实发育和采后果实保鲜中的作用是研究热点。本文中总结了褪黑素在果实中的含量及分布;重点阐述了褪黑素调控果实生长发育、促进采后果实成熟和延缓果实衰老等方面的生理作用及机制,分析了当前研究存在的不足,并对未来研究方向提出了建议,以期为褪黑素应用到调控果实发育和果实保鲜提供参考。  相似文献   

水杨酸是植物体内普遍存在的内源信号分子之一,已被确认为是一种植物激素,具有重要的生理功能。研究表明,水杨酸对桃树芽内相关物质及休眠的调控、诱导开花、提高弱光逆境果实库强、增强花期抗寒及果实抗冷性、缓解涝害胁迫,提升高温逆境耐受性、抑制植株及果实病害、维持果实贮藏品质、延缓果实衰老等方面具有明显的作用。本文就其在桃树抗逆生理中的研究进行了综述,以期为进一步研究、应用水杨酸提供参考。由于文字较多,分4期连载。  相似文献   

植物果实发育调控的分子机理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
的理论指导。  相似文献   

多胺代谢与植物抗逆性研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多胺是广泛存在于植物体内具有调控作用的一类生理活性物质,其代谢变化与高等植物的生长、发育和抗逆性关系密切。本文从逆境胁迫下多胺代谢情况、外源多胺及其抑制剂对植物抗逆性的影响、突变体与转基因在研究多胺与抗逆性上的应用三个方面对多胺与逆境之间的关系进行介绍,并对逆境下多胺如何影响其他生理活动(作为渗透调节物质,信号分子,调节离子通道)进行了系统性地阐述,最后对其研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

果实的生长发育过程实质是指从开花到果实衰老的全过程,在这一过程中,均受内源激素的调控。植物激素(Planthormones)即植物内源激素是植物体内天然存在的一系列调控植物生命活动的有机化合物。在植物生长发育的不同阶段由不同的激素起特定作用,并且各种激素之间起着协同连锁性的作用。  相似文献   

李翠  侯柄竹 《果树学报》2023,(5):988-999
脱落酸(abscisic acid,ABA)作为一种重要的植物激素,不仅涉及许多植物发育过程和逆境胁迫,而且在果实成熟,尤其是非呼吸跃变型果实成熟中发挥关键作用。随着植物中ABA合成、代谢和作用机制的解析及其受体识别和核心信号转导模型的建立,极大地推动了ABA在果实成熟和品质形成中的研究。一般来讲,褪绿和着色是果实成熟过程中普遍存在的现象,这一过程涉及了ABA早期信号和多种激素的协同作用并组成了复杂的网络调控机制。总之,ABA是调控果实成熟的核心机制,其中存在着乙烯依赖(呼吸跃变型)和不依赖(非呼吸跃变型)类型。综述了ABA在植物体内的合成、代谢及作用的分子机制,构建了ABA调控果实成熟的分子网络模型,为果实的品质改善和保鲜奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

真空渗钙对香蕉果实钙含量及硬度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钙在植物体内具有多种生理功能,可以促进细胞壁发育,减少体内营养物质外渗,提高植物抗病性等。近年来钙与果实成熟衰老的研究日益受到重视,果实硬度的变化是影响和决定果实贮藏寿命的一个重要参数。外源钙处理可以提高果实硬度,延缓果实的后熟软化速率,这在许多水果上都有报道。但钙对成熟衰老的作用也有相反的报道。香蕉是呼吸跃变型果实,采后果实软化是导致香蕉果实腐烂和降低贮藏寿命的原因之一。  相似文献   

植物果实发育调控的分子机理研究进展蒋励等(中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院,北京100193)-《中国蔬菜》2013(6) 果实的发育与成熟是一个复杂的过程,果实大小、形状、颜色、品质、风味等都随着果实发育和成熟而变化,并受一系列果实发育相关基因的影响和调控.研究植物果实发育调控的分子机理对于今后提高果实品质具有重要的意义.因此,本文主要综述了拟南芥和番茄中果实发育与成熟相关基因的发掘与相互作用,以及果实发育调控的分子机理研究进展,为今后的果实发育研究和育种工作的开展提供一定的理论指导.  相似文献   

果树钙素营养研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
钙已不再被认为是单纯的矿质元素,而是作为一种调节物质被重视.钙不仅调节控制果树的生长发育,而且在果实品质的形成和保持中具有重要作用.概述了近20年来果树的钙素营养研究进展,主要内容包括果树树体对钙的吸收、运输、分配及其机理,果实对钙的吸收、运输、分配及其机理,钙及其钙化合物在果实发育、成熟和衰老中的消长动态,钙在果实品质形成与保持中的作用及其机理,果树钙素营养的失调症状、原因及其调控,并提出了今后应着重研究的问题.  相似文献   

DNA甲基化是一种常见的表观遗传修饰,对植物果实的成熟具有重要的作用,本文中综述了果实成熟过程中DNA甲基化水平的变化及其调控机制。基于已有研究发现,大部分果实在成熟过程存在总体DNA甲基化水平降低的情况,也有部分果实的总体DNA甲基化水平随果实成熟呈现升高趋势。此外,在果实成熟过程中特定基因尤其是与成熟相关的基因在去甲基化酶作用下发生去甲基化进而影响果实成熟。引起果实成熟过程中DNA甲基化水平变化的机制总体而言是受到甲基化酶、去甲基化酶以及植物特有的RdDM途径的综合调控。本文为深入解析果实发育与成熟的分子机制提供理论参考,并对以后的研究提出可行的建议。  相似文献   

落叶果树果实日灼病研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
日灼病是在水果上广泛发生的、由强光照射及果面高温诱发的生理失调症。我国的落叶果树多生长在夏季高温、干旱地区,果实日灼病问题相当突出,尤其是苹果、葡萄、石榴等树种发生严重。根据有关文献较系统地介绍了果实日灼病的症状类型、主要成因以及重要的影响因素、不同树种和品种果实日灼病的发生特点,探讨了导致日灼病的生理学及分子学机理,同时还综述了一些能有效降低日灼病的生产技术措施。  相似文献   

【目的】为研究水分胁迫对荔枝果实的生长发育、糖代谢及产量的影响,【方法】以15 a生‘桂味’荔枝(Litchichinensis Sonn‘Guiwei’)为试材,设以灌溉和水分胁迫2个不同的土壤水分处理。【结果】结果表明,水分胁迫下荔枝果实的大小、单果质量降低,果实发育受到抑制。水分胁迫的荔枝坐果率显著降低,同时导致最终产量的下降。对水分胁迫条件下糖积累的研究发现,‘桂味’荔枝前期以积累还原糖为主,果实发育后期主要积累蔗糖;胁迫处理的荔枝果实糖含量前期低于灌溉的,后期总糖、蔗糖及还原糖含量都高于灌溉处理的。在荔枝果实发育后期,分解蔗糖的酸性转化酶(AI)、蔗糖合成酶(SS)及合成蔗糖的蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)的活性都为水分胁迫的高于灌溉处理的,这将有助于增加胁迫的果实库强及糖的积累。【结论】因此为使果实正常生长及提高产量和品质,生产上果实发育前中期应保持足量均衡的水分供应,后期不需要过多水分。  相似文献   

油菜素内酯的生理效应及其在果树上的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
油菜素内酯是一种新型的植物激素,生理活性强,对植物生长发育有着多方面的重要影响,其主要的生理效应是促进细胞伸长和分裂,促进植物光合作用、抑制蒸腾作用,提高植物的抗逆性能.近年来,油菜素内酯在果树生产上的应用研究已取得了一定的成果,目前果树上的应用主要集中于提高座果率、改善品质、调控营养生长及提高抗逆性等方面.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of developmental stages to high temperature was investigated in chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var. Shishito). Plants were subjected to heat stress (38/30 °C day/night) immediately after anthesis for 5 or 10 days, or from 10 to 30 days after anthesis (DAA), from 30 DAA until harvest of the seeds, or immediately after anthesis until harvest of the seeds. Control plants were grown at 30/22 °C (day/night). Exposure to high temperature (heat stress) during different periods of development after anthesis adversely affected fruit growth, seed yield, and seed quality in chili pepper. Heat stress for the whole period after anthesis, and from 30 DAA until harvest reduced the growth period of chili fruits by 15 and 10 days, respectively. Heat stress from 10 to 30 DAA reduced fruit width and fruit weight. The early stage of seed development from anthesis until 10 DAA was sensitive to high temperature, which affected fruit length, fruit weight and seed set. Applying high temperatures to plants for 10 DAA increased the proportion of abnormal seeds per fruit. High temperatures from 10 DAA until 30 DAA inhibited carbohydrate accumulation and adversely affected seed germinability and vigor. These results suggest that the stage of development at which chili peppers are exposed to high temperatures is an important factor in fruit and seed growth and in seed quality.  相似文献   

Fruit development was investigated in the field in over-winter off-season (bloomed in late November) and on-season (bloomed in mid April) longans (Dimocarpus longan Lour. cv. Chuliang) in 2004–2005 and 2007–2008 crops, and in potted trees grown in phytotrons set at cold (15/10 °C, day/night, simulating winter) or warm temperatures (28/23 °C, day/night) in 2008. Development of fruit in both on-season and off-season longans could be divided into two stages based on the pattern of fresh weight increase. Stage I was characterized by the slow fruit growth, and Stage II by rapid fruit growth with aril expansion. Off-season longan had a longer period of fruit development than on-season longan, chiefly due to a longer Stage I. The development of off-season fruit, especially in Stage I, was exposed to low and abruptly fluctuating temperatures. In contrast, the temperatures during on-season fruit growth were warmer and less fluctuating. Off-season fruit were smaller with a significantly higher fruit drop. Intensive fruit drop did not occur during cold period until temperature had risen. Fruit cracking in off-season longan was severe (27.6%) in 2004–2005 with a dry and cold winter, but negligible in 2007–2008 with a wet and cold winter. In phytotron experiment, trees exposed to the cold temperature regime during early fruit development produced significantly smaller fruit compared to those exposed to the warm temperature regime (6.2 g vs 7.3 g), while there was no significant difference in fruit drop rate and cracking incidence. The results suggested temperatures lower than 15 °C were stressful for the growth of young fruit and reduced the growth potential and thus fruit size. Severe fruit drop in over-winter off-season longan might be associated with stressful cold plus abrupt temperature fluctuations, while severe fruit cracking in over-winter off-season longan might be related to cold and dry weather in the winter.  相似文献   

金光杏梅果实生长发育期间几种矿质元素含量的变化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以金光杏梅为材料,研究了果实生长发育期间Ca、Fe、Zn、Mn、Cu元素的含量变化。结果表明:5种矿质元素的总量均随果实的生长逐渐增加,而含量与果实和果核的生长发育有关,Fe、Mn、Cu的含量以幼果期为最高。整个生长发育期间,杏梅单果中5种矿质元素的增长速率均在果实发育中后期提高较快,坐果后66-87d,Ca、Fe、Zn、Mn、Cu的累计增长速率分别为68.43%、74.76%、73.87%、80.01%、74.11%。  相似文献   

低氧胁迫下黄瓜幼苗根系多胺代谢的变化   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
 利用外源Spd、PAO 抑制剂研究了黄瓜幼苗根系在低氧水培时的生长状况以及内源PAs、H2O2 含量和PAO活性的动态变化。结果表明, 外源PAs对低氧胁迫下黄瓜幼苗根系的生长有促进作用;低氧处理后3种PAs含量都明显上升, 外源Spd和PAO抑制剂增加了根系中的PAs含量, 降低了根系中H2O2 含量, 减缓了低氧伤害; PAs为低氧胁迫的应激产物, PAO为适应酶类, 其活性随PAs含量的变化而发生变化。  相似文献   

The effects of hand-pollination and spraying with N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N′-phenylurea (CPPU) on fruit set and fruit growth of ‘Matsumoto-Wase-Fuyu’, which is a member of the pollination-constant, non-astringent group of persimmons (PCNA) were investigated. Staminate flowers of pollinizers in the orchard were eliminated before anthesis. Hand-pollination was carried out at full bloom (FB). Without prior hand-pollination, CPPU at 5 or 10 mg 1−1 was sprayed 11 days after FB. Hand-pollination and spraying with CPPU increased fruit set before thinning of fruits by hand. The number of fruits after thinning did not differ among treatments. The yield of marketable fruits after hand-pollination was similar to that after treatment at 5 mg 1−1, but was higher than that for untreated trees. Formation of a sunken fruit apex, which was observed in about 30% of fruits from untreated trees, was suppressed by application of CPPU. CPPU also delayed coloration of fruit. There were no differences among treatments in firmness or soluble solids concentrations of marketable fruits.  相似文献   

杨梅果实发育与糖的积累及其关系研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
以东魁、荸荠种、水梅为试材,研究了杨梅果实发育与糖积累及其关系。根据杨梅果实大小的增加将果实发育大致分为3个阶段,呈双“S型”曲线动态变化:第1阶段(约盛花32d前)果实纵、横径增长最快;第2阶段(32-63d)果核发育硬化,果重增加明显;第3阶段(63d至成熟)果实进入快速增长高峰,果重迅速增加,光合产物在果实中迅速积累。杨梅果实中积累的糖主要是蔗糖,果糖和葡萄糖仅占总糖的1/4,蔗糖含量在发育初期和中期都较低,盛花52d后开始快速积累直至果实成熟,东魁高于水梅、荸荠种;葡萄糖和果糖变化大致保持同步,第1阶段较高,第2阶段降到最低,第3阶段迅速积累达到最高,与蔗糖积累基本保持一致,成熟时东魁与水梅较荸荠种高且相近。杨梅果实中酸性转化酶(Ivr)与中性转化酶(Nvr)活性变化趋势相同,幼果早期最高,中期降低后维持较低活性直至成熟。品种间pH值变幅相似,果实发育第1阶段最高,第2阶段降到最低,转色后上升。相关分析表明:果实发育动态与蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖的积累存在着极显著的相关关系,其中果实横径的增加与果实糖积累组分中蔗糖的变化2者间相关性最大(r=0.93255**)。  相似文献   

This study was conducted at the Seongju Fruit Vegetable Experiment Station for 2 years, 2002–2003 to investigate the effect of pollination methods on development and sugar content of oriental melon fruits. Oriental melon fruit was pollinated by honeybees (Apis indica) and bumblebees (Bombus ignitus) and fruit setting growth regulators was used as a control treatment. Fruits pollinated by honeybees and bumblebees has lesser length and width of fruit compared to the control. Pollinated by bumblebees increased hardness and soluble solids of fruits by 27% and 4–5% and that of honeybees increased hardness and soluble solids of fruits by 12% and 5–10% compared to the control, respectively. Fermented fruit ratio (%) of oriental melon fruit pollinated by honeybees, bumblebees, and growth regulator was 6.7%, 9.1%, and 28.1%, respectively. Glucose, fructose and sucrose contents of fruits by HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) were very low throughout the ripening stage, but abruptly increased at harvesting stage. In fructose content of fruits, pollination of bumblebees and honeybees was higher by 9% and by 13% than those of control, respectively. The amount of total sugar content in fully ripen fruits of oriental melon was not different between the treatments (P > 0.05). Total sugar content (%) of fruits pollinated by bumblebees was slowly decreased until 15 days after storage compared to that of other treatment. For the low fermented fruit ratio (%) and slowly reduced total sugar content at storage of fruits, the pollination of bees was more useful than fruit setting growth regulators in early cultivation of oriental melon under plastic houses. The economic analysis according to the pollination method will be needed in the near future.  相似文献   

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