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广西灯光罩网渔船是开发南海外海的主要力量之一。文章采用广西渔船船位监控系统记录的2013年2月~5月广西灯光罩网渔船在南海外海的生产数据,计算各渔区捕捞努力量占同期外海总捕捞努力量的比例作为渔区生产集中程度的指标,据此将渔区按渔船生产集中程度归类为作业高密集区、密集区、低密集区和生产外围区等4类。结果表明,高密集区和密集区的捕捞努力量占总量的2/3以上,构成渔船在南海外海的主要渔场。主要渔场范围包括27个渔区,多分布于南沙海区北部海域,太平岛周围海域是生产集中程度最高的区域。同时分析了灯光罩网主要渔场分布变动情况,讨论当前南海外海渔业开发的态势和存在问题,提出了南海外海渔业生产管理和发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   

南海南部拖网渔场开发现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海南部拖网渔场是我国拖网渔船在南海南部海域的最主要作业渔场,该渔场的开发为保证中越北部湾渔业合作协定顺利实施、拓展南海外海渔业生存空间、开发南海渔业资源及维护国家在南海的主权和海洋权益做出了巨大贡献。本文分析南海南部拖网渔场开发现状、存在问题、开发价值和潜力,探讨进一步推进渔场开发,加强我方对该渔场的有效管控的方法和途径。  相似文献   

2010年6—7月和2012年6—8月,利用随机抽样调查方法对黄渤海区的拖网渔业进行了实地调查和现场测量。依据调查资料及有关拖网捕捞分类统计资料,对黄渤海区的拖网渔业进行了研究。结果表明:截止至2012年6月底,三省一市共有拖网渔船12 358艘,其中单拖渔船6 926艘,双拖渔船5 432艘。渔船功率44.1 kW以下的渔船占36.86%,44.1~109.5 kW占30.34%,110.3~219.8 kW占19.41%,220.5~441kW占12.59%,441 kW以上占0.80%。2003—2011年期间,除2007年外,拖网渔船总量呈下降趋势,渔船总功率呈上升趋势。拖网渔业捕捞产量1999年最高,达271.11万t,此后逐年下降,2011年为201.92万t。拖网是黄渤海区的主要作业方式,当前该海区拖网捕捞强度较大,渔船装备落后。因此,应对三省一市拖网渔业的捕捞强度加以控制,在鼓励拖网渔船改造升级的同时,适当压减拖网渔船的总数量,逐步发展外海拖网渔业。  相似文献   

以全球定位系统(GPS)、地理信息系统(GIS)和遥感(RS)等3S技术集成平台,并结合船舶监控系统(VMS)、北斗卫星短报文信道、ARM高性能处理器、NR嵌入式操作系统等前沿技术,建立"南海渔业信息动态采集与实时自动分析系统"。该系统是一个分布式系统,包括船载捕捞信息实时采集装备、南海渔业数据集成中心、南海渔业捕捞地理信息系统及外海渔场预报系统等4个完全独立分布的子系统。本系统自主研发了具备北斗通信功能的船载捕捞实时采集装备,并创新性地利用北斗卫星短报文信道实现了海上渔船与地面数据中心的实时信息交互,此外利用VPN信道实现了数据中心与数据处理分析应用系统之间安全可靠的数据共享,从而最终建立了海上渔船与岸上数据分析系统之间的无缝连接虚拟网络。基于这一网络,海上渔船将渔业捕捞数据实时发送至南海渔业捕捞GIS系统,进行实时分析与显示海洋捕捞(分)渔区/渔船/鱼类产量的数据分析专题图;外海渔场预报系统依据多年的捕捞、渔业生物学及渔场环境数据收集与分析将南海外海鸢乌贼渔场信息发送给海上渔船,推进海上渔业捕捞的高效生产。  相似文献   

<正> 四十年来,我国的海洋捕捞渔业在科学技术的推动下,从几十艘小马力的机轮拖网渔船和主要依靠风帆渔船作业的群众渔业,发展到有数千艘200马力以上的国营机轮渔业和包括拖、围、流、钓各种生产的群众机帆渔业;主要作业渔场从近海拓展到外海及对马、五岛一  相似文献   

台湾海峡拖网渔业技术经济的初步评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台湾海峡是东海南部拖网渔船的主要作业渔场之一。六十年代以前,福建省拖网渔业产量在全省海洋捕捞产量中所占比重甚小。但自七十年代起,拖网渔业广泛采用导航助渔仪器,使拖网渔业得到迅速发展。1980年福建省拖网渔业产量为39,844吨,仅占全省海洋捕捞总产量的11.6%。而1989年拖网渔业产量已增加到168,456吨,是1980年的4倍多,占福建全省海洋捕捞总产量的21.7%;  相似文献   

带鱼是南海最重要的渔业捕捞对象之一。本文应用上岸渔获调查法,统计分析了2010年秋季至2013年夏季带鱼渔获量变化和季节差异,比较了拖网、刺网和钓业三种作业方式中带鱼产量所占比例的季节差异。结果表明:各季节带鱼上岸渔获量按渔获量大小排序依次为秋季>冬季>春季>夏季。三种作业方式中,拖网是捕捞南海带鱼最主要的作业方式,拖网渔业的季节变化主导了上岸带鱼渔获量的季节变动。拖网捕捞强度高、渔获选择性差导致带鱼资源出现被捕捞过度迹象。本文建议采用功率合并方法将中小吨位拖网渔船功率指标用于新建大吨位灯光罩网渔船,以优化海区捕捞作业结构,提高中上层鱼类资源的开发力度。同时,建议制定严格的渔船管理制度,结合油价补贴政策开展南海渔船渔捞日志收集工作,进一步完善南海渔业资源的监控管理体系,为带鱼资源的养护、评估与可持续开发提供科学参考依据。  相似文献   

一、前言南海鱼类资源特点是:分布广、品种多、繁殖力强、生长周期短、交替补充能力强;沿岸渔场已充分利用,外海渔场潜力很大.150~200米水深鱼类分布密度为4.1吨/公里~2,总储量为86.4万吨.目前捕捞只有3万吨左右,估计捕捞可达30万吨,不会造成捕捞过度.因此广东海洋捕捞渔业的方向是:巩固发展深海渔业,积极利用外海资源.深海拖网渔船是今后海洋捕捞渔业发展的重点.而在深海拖网渔船中,木质拖网渔船又占绝大部分,因此  相似文献   

陈文河  骆抗抗 《水产科学》2008,27(6):293-296
利用北部湾渔船调查数据,运用R型因子分析方法对广西北海拖网渔船的11个基本指标进行了因子分析。通过简化观测系统,减少变量个数,揭示拖网渔船的捕捞能力与渔船基本因子之间的联系。将影响拖网捕捞能力的众多因素归并为渔船作业能力、综合捕捞技术、渔船老化程度、出航率4个公共因子。分析结果显示,这些因子对拖网作业渔船捕捞作业能力总影响力达84.7%,它们在拖网捕捞作业过程中所发挥的作用由大到小依次为:渔船作业能力(36.740%)、综合捕捞技术(24.388%)、渔船老化程度(15.772%)、出航率(8.014%)。评价出每艘渔船在4个公共因子上的优缺点,并探索渔获量与因子综合得分的关系,为渔业管理部门细化拖网渔船的管理提供参考。  相似文献   

基于北斗船位数据的拖网捕捞追溯方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水产品安全关系到国计民生,北斗船位数据辅助拖网捕捞追溯,将为水产安全管理增添新的手段。根据航速与航向差的阈值确定拖网渔船捕捞状态,计算累计捕捞时间,作为某区域一段时间的捕捞强度。通过船位追溯渔船、渔场、渔港,掌握水产品的来源与累计捕捞时间,再结合渔场、渔区等信息,实现水产品的追溯。文章研究了作业渔场位置、累计捕捞时间、捕捞努力量等信息的提取方法,实现了渔港的渔船追溯并获得渔港水产品的来源地,可准确到单个捕捞渔场。  相似文献   

Historically, to compensate for declining catches, fishers have usually shifted from species characterized by high catch rate onto less easily caught species or have moved into new fishing grounds. Such shifts are poorly documented for areas with a long history of exploitation (i.e. North Sea) as they occurred long time before the start of the regular assessments of the marine resources. The Swedish longline fisheries in the Kattegat‐Skagerrak and North Sea have a long history that spans over several centuries. These fisheries have historically targeted large demersal predator fish as ling (Molva molva), cod (Gadus morhua), Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) and skates (mainly Dipturus spp.). In this study, data from the Swedish longline fisheries from 1859 to 1960 have been collated. The data show that the geographical expansion of the fishery was extensive. At the turn of the 20th century, offshore longlining became concentrated north and west of the Shetlands and Hebrides, and after the WWII, the fishery expanded to Iceland and Rockall. In the offshore fishery, CPUE for the main target species, ling, remained stable, whereas for the other species, with the exception of tusk (Brosme brosme), CPUE showed a dramatic decline over time. In contrast, in the coastal longlining fishery, severe declines were revealed for all major target species except cod. We argue that the constant search for new fishing grounds in the Northeast Atlantic reflects a dwindling resource, where the fishermen kept the catch rates of ling high by travelling to more and more distant fishing grounds.  相似文献   

A new methodology based in the use of fishers’ knowledge and cost‐effective tools to obtain information about marine recreational fisheries (MRF) is presented. The squid and cuttlefish fishery of the Ría of Vigo (NW Spain) was selected because it is managed in a data‐poor environment. In‐depth interviews (57) were conducted with fishers, collecting ecological and socio‐economic information. A cartography of fishing grounds based on their knowledge was obtained, while the intensity of effort and catches was mapped by the monitoring of two vessels with low‐cost GPS data loggers. The 102 shore anglers and 248 recreational boats catch 8 t/year of European squid Loligo vulgaris and 11 t/year of common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis (11% of total catches on these species in the area). Shore anglers fish from 11 ports, while boat fishers use 14 fishing grounds (covering 30 km2). Most of the catches (86%) are landed by boats, and their CPUE is higher in the outer part of the Ría of Vigo. The use of fishers’ knowledge and cost‐effective monitoring is encouraged to obtain information for the management of MRF. Given the economic contribution of MRF (260,000 €/year in direct expenses), this activity should be considered in the regulations.  相似文献   

The Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, Latreille, is the main source of income for the communities in the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve Mexico. The fishery has recently been certified as sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council provided that further stock assessment is carried out. A total of 379 lobsters were tagged in an unfished area offshore from the Bahía del Espíritu Santo fishing grounds to assess whether lobsters remained within these areas and were thus fully protected. The lobsters recaptured in the shallow area (5.3%) were sufficient to develop a multistate mark recapture model, which takes into account fishing and natural mortality, tag reporting rate and tag loss. This estimated that between 15 and 20% of all adult lobsters dwelling in the unfished area moved into the fishery and were subjected to exploitation. This study suggests that the offshore unfished area provides protection to the majority of the stock in this area while adding to and maintaining fishing yields within the inshore commercial fishery.  相似文献   

日本西海区水产研究所为应对当前渔业新形势,实施新的组织体制,建造了第三代先进的渔业调查船一阳光丸,以加强对日本近海及东、黄海国际渔场的资源调查,并希望加强与中、韩两国的渔业合作,期待日、中、韩三国在东海实施共同的渔业资源管理。  相似文献   

齐建军 《海洋渔业》2002,24(3):113-116
根据随船调查材料,对大西洋南部金枪鱼延绳钓渔业从捕捞技术,渔场环境因素,渔获物情况、初加工、销售等方面做出了总结。本文着重分析了各个作业渔场的渔获情况,判断出八个中心渔场的位置,并就大眼金枪鱼在这几个中心渔场的生物学特征做了统计分析,从而为用地理信息技术预报渔场提供了实施依据。  相似文献   

杨晓明  朱国平 《水产学报》2018,42(3):356-365
南极磷虾作为南极生态系统中的关键物种,磷虾渔场时空演变规律对于磷虾海洋生态功能影响及其资源管理十分重要。本研究利用我国磷虾渔业生产数据,按照月份组合,针对南极半岛北部磷虾渔业,采用点模式方法,利用3个空间因子:经度、纬度和离岸距离,获得各月磷虾资源分布最佳点模式模型和模型的方差分析结果,并以最佳点模式模型推知可能潜在的渔场分布。结果显示,(1)12月磷虾渔场离岸距离最大(为45 km),随后,渔场逐渐向南设得兰群岛岸线逼近,至3月时渔场离岸最近,3月之后,磷虾渔场逐渐远离海岸线,4月和5月渔场离岸距离大约在13 km左右。(2)点模式模型的方差分析结果发现,12月,1月,3月和4月最优点模式模型对模型的方差解释率分别为59%、60%、57%和68%,空间因子能够较好拟合磷虾渔场分布,而2月和5月,空间点模型对总体方差的解释率分别为38%和32%。(3)夏季12—1月,磷虾渔场分布在乔治王岛北部;2月,在利文斯顿岛周围形成第2个渔场,以及布兰斯菲尔德海峡中部形成第3个渔场;3—5月渔场基本分布在布兰斯菲尔德海峡沿南极半岛岸线平行方向分布。研究表明,南极半岛北部磷虾渔场的离岸距离远近与该海域海冰边界消融和生长的规律相吻合;基于空间因子点模式模型在大部分月份均能较好地拟合磷虾渔场的时空演变规律,再配合单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)数据,可以作为探测磷虾群热区的潜在手段。  相似文献   

The relationships between fishing ground locations of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) and the two Oyashio fronts, the offshore front between 146oE and 155oE and the coastal Oyashio intrusion, before the saury fishing season, were examined using data from 1971 to 1991. Interannual geographical shifts of both the offshore Oyashio front and saury fishing grounds had a dominant interdecadal fluctuation. In years when the offshore front shifted north (south), the fishing grounds were formed relatively nearshore (offshore). When the offshore front shifted north, the fishing grounds were formed further nearshore in years the coastal Oyashio intrusion extended south. When the offshore front shifted south, on the other hand, the southward extension of the coastal intrusion did not necessarily cause formation of coastal fishing grounds. These results showed that locations of the fishing grounds depend not only on local and instantaneous oceanographic environments around the fishing grounds, but also on oceanographic conditions over an extensive range of the Oyashio area. This might indicate that the ecology of the saury's northward migration, through mixed water regions between the Kuroshio and Oyashio fronts in spring and summer, has a close relation to the shift of the offshore Oyashio front over a time range of months. A practical forecasting method for locations of saury fishing grounds is proposed based on the oceanography before the fishing season.  相似文献   

Seagrass meadows support fisheries through provision of nursery areas and trophic subsidies to adjacent habitats. As shallow coastal habitats, they also provide key fishing grounds; however, the nature and extent of such exploitation are poorly understood. These productive meadows are being degraded globally at rapid rates. For degradation to cease, there needs to be better appreciation for the value of these habitats in supporting global fisheries. Here, we provide the first global scale study demonstrating the extent, importance and nature of fisheries exploitation of seagrass meadows. Due to a paucity of available data, the study used a global expert survey to demonstrate the widespread significance of seagrass‐based fishing activity. Our study finds that seagrass‐based fisheries are globally important and present virtually wherever seagrass exists, supporting subsistence, commercial and recreational activity. A wide range of fishing methods and gear is used reflecting the spatial distribution patterns of seagrass meadows, and their depth ranges from intertidal (accessible by foot) to relatively deep water (where commercial trawls can operate). Seagrass meadows are multispecies fishing grounds targeted by fishers for any fish or invertebrate species that can be eaten, sold or used as bait. In the coastal communities of developing countries, the importance of the nearshore seagrass fishery for livelihoods and well‐being is irrefutable. In developed countries, the seagrass fishery is often recreational and/or more target species specific. Regardless of location, this study is the first to highlight collectively the indiscriminate nature and global scale of seagrass fisheries and the diversity of exploitative methods employed to extract seagrass‐associated resources. Evidence presented emphasizes the need for targeted management to support continued viability of seagrass meadows as a global ecosystem service provider.  相似文献   

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